Why does iron rust? Metal corrosion: why the body rusts and how to deal with it How much iron rusts in the ground.

Municipal educational institution Secondary school in the village of Novopavlovka

Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky district, Transbaikal region

Research work on the topic:

Why is the water rusty?

The work was completed by a student of class 2-A

Ioninsky Dmitry,

Novopavlovka village


Theoretical part

What is rust

The role of metals in human life

Practical part

EXPERIMENT 1. “In which water do metals rust the fastest?”

EXPERIMENT 2. “In what environment do metals rust fastest?”

EXPERIENCE 3. “How various metals resist corrosion”




I noticed that if the water from the well is not pumped out for some time, it becomes yellowish in color. I wondered why the water turns yellow? I learned from my dad that it was rust.

Goal of the work: find out why rust forms on iron, in what solutions rust forms and find out methods of protection against rust.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

· Find out what rust is and why it occurs (theoretically).

· Through experience, obtain rust on iron nails in various environments at home.

· Analyze and compare the results of observations of this experiment and draw conclusions.

Object of study: iron nail in test tubes with various solutions.

Research methods:

· study of literature;

· observations;

· analysis of the obtained data;

· generalization.

I'm pushing hypothesis: iron is destroyed, that is, rusts, in any solution.

To conduct this research, teacher Lyudmila Sergeevna and I studied specialized literature (the authors are listed in the list of references). With the participation of my family, I conducted experiments, observed, analyzed and drew conclusions.


Theoretical part

What is rust

Initially, I read in Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary what is rust?

RUST, - s, f.

1. A red-brown coating on iron, formed as a result of oxidation and leading to the destruction of the metal, as well as a mark on something. from such a raid. Some kind of r appeared in my soul.(translated: something corrosive, tormenting).

2. Brown film on swamp water.

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Rust occurs when the atmosphere interacts with iron. The process of its formation is called rusting or corrosion. Corrosion is the spontaneous destruction of metals as a result of interaction with the environment. The rusting process of iron begins only when there is moisture in the air. When a drop of water hits the surface of an iron product, after some time you can notice a change in its color. The drop becomes cloudy and gradually turns brown. This indicates the appearance of iron corrosion products at the point of contact of water with the surface.

The role of metals in human life

Metals are used everywhere in everyday life. We live in a world of metals. At home, on the street, on the bus - metal objects surround us everywhere. We simply cannot imagine our lives without them.

Iron– chemical element, silvery-white metal. In its pure form it is practically not used due to its low strength. As a rule, iron-based alloys are used - steel and cast iron.

Steel This is the most important type of iron alloy. It is distinguished from pure iron by its carbon content, which is less than 2%, but it is this insignificant addition that gives the alloy a hardness that iron does not have. The technical and economic level of development of the state greatly depends on how much steel is produced in the country per capita.

Aluminum used in aircraft construction because it is very strong and lightweight. Unlike iron, aluminum is not afraid of moisture and does not rust, so products made from it do not require protective coatings.

Zinc serves as an additive to copper, but is often used in its pure form. Zinc has good casting qualities, so parts for various machines are cast from it. We usually notice this bluish-white metal with a distinctive mottled pattern on new downspouts and metal buckets. All these products are made from so-called roofing iron - soft sheet steel coated with a thin layer of zinc. It protects the base metal from rust. Such iron is called galvanized.

Copper it is very ductile and it conducts electric current better than other metals (with the exception of precious silver). These qualities allow it to be used in electrical wires. Here it is considered the number one metal.

Silver. Ancient foundries, blacksmiths and jewelers valued this metal for its softness and flexibility in processing. From the times of Ancient Greece until the beginning of this century, most of the mined silver was used for minting coins, and the rest for the manufacture of jewelry, cutlery and dishes. Today, silver is also valued for the fact that it conducts electric current better than any metal. Therefore, it is widely used in electrical engineering. A lot of silver goes into the production of batteries, but even more goes into the production of photo and film materials. Metal has one more advantage: it kills pathogenic microbes. Therefore, medicines are prepared on its basis, which are used to wash purulent wounds; to heal small wounds, bactericidal paper impregnated with silver compounds is applied to the body. Silver is also used in mirror factories.

Iron-based alloys suffer the most from corrosion. “Rust eats iron” is an old saying, but accurate. About 10% of the mined metal is lost irretrievably. Corrosion is followed by erosion - the destruction of metal products. After which the metal is no longer suitable. And yet, 2/3 of the metals are returned to production after remelting in open-hearth furnaces. This is why it is important to collect scrap metal.

I decided to conduct experiments with iron nails, placing them in various environments.

Practical part

EXPERIENCE 1. “In which water do metals rust the fastest?”

Purpose of experience: find out in which water iron rusts fastest

I took water from 4 sources (from a well, from a river, distilled, snow) and put identical iron nails in it. The water jars were in the same conditions. After 2 days the water turned yellow, after a week rust appeared on the nails, after a month the layer of rust had grown significantly. Rust formed on all nails, regardless of the source of water they were in.

Well water

Water from the river

Distilled water

Put the nails in the water

The water has turned yellow

The water has turned yellow

The water has turned yellow

The water has turned yellow

There is rust on the nail

There is rust on the nail

There is rust on the nail

There is rust on the nail

The layer of rust is growing

The layer of rust is growing

The layer of rust is growing

The layer of rust is growing

Conclusion: Rust forms on iron in any water.

EXPERIENCE 2. “In what environment do metals rust fastest?”

Target experience: find out in what environment iron rusts fastest

I decided to find out in what environment iron rusts fastest. To do this, I took 4 cans of water from a well. I added salt to the first, sugar to the second, soda to the third, and vinegar to the fourth. An iron nail was dropped into each jar.

In 2 days:

· a small yellow precipitate appeared in the water with salt, but the solution itself remained transparent;

· the solution with sugar turned yellow;

· the solution with vinegar is transparent and there are bubbles on the walls of the jar.

A month later:

· in the water with salt a layer of rust and salt crystals appeared on the nail;

· the solution with sugar has brightened, there is no rust;

· there were no changes in the water with soda;

· The vinegar solution is dark brown, there are nail particles at the bottom of the jar.

Water with sugar

Water with salt

Water with soda

Water with vinegar

Put the nails in different solutions

The solution turned yellow

Small yellow precipitate, clear solution

No changes

The solution is transparent, there are bubbles on the walls of the jar

The solution has brightened, there is no rust

A layer of rust and salt crystals appeared on the nail

No changes

The solution is dark brown, there are nail particles at the bottom of the jar

Conclusion: rust does not form in an alkaline environment; In an acidic environment, iron is destroyed.

EXPERIENCE 3 . "How different metals resist corrosion"

Purpose of experience: find out if rust forms on other metals

I wanted to find out if rust forms on other metals. I took 4 different metals (copper, aluminum, zinc, iron) and put them in water. Separately, I placed a painted iron nail in the water. After only 2 days, the water with iron became rusty, and rust did not form on the remaining metals even after a month. Water with a painted nail will not rust.

Conclusion: Rust only forms when water interacts with iron.


In the course of my research, I tried to find out why rust forms on iron, in what solutions rust forms, and to find out methods of protection against rust. Based on the example of the study, it is clear that water is a favorable environment for the occurrence of rust, regardless of what source it comes from. An alkaline environment is favorable for protecting iron from rust. In an acidic environment, iron breaks down more quickly. Iron can be preserved if it is not allowed to come into contact with water; this requires dyeing.


2. Great encyclopedia “Whychek”. - M.: “ROSMAN”, 2006

3. I explore the world. AST", 1999

Do you think that rust is a problem for owners of 15-year-old Zhiguli cars? Alas, cars under warranty also become covered with red spots, even if the body is galvanized. Let's figure out how to properly care for metal and whether it is possible to protect it from corrosion once and for all.

What is a body? The structure is made of thin sheet metal, with different alloys and with many welded joints. And we must not forget that the body is used as a “minus” for the on-board network, that is, it constantly conducts current. Yes, it simply must rust! Let's try to figure out what is happening to the car body and how to deal with it.

What is rust?

Corrosion of iron or steel is the process of metal oxidation with oxygen in the presence of water. The output is hydrated iron oxide - a loose powder that we all call rust.

Destruction of a car body is considered a classic example of electrochemical corrosion. But water and air are only part of the problem. In addition to ordinary chemical processes, galvanic pairs that arise between electrochemically inhomogeneous pairs of surfaces play an important role in it.

I can already see a bored expression appearing on the faces of humanities readers. Don’t be alarmed by the term “galvanic couple” - we are not going to present complex formulas at a chemistry lecture. This very pair in a particular case is just a connection of two metals.

Metals, they are almost like people. They don't like it when someone else clings to them. Imagine yourself on a bus. A rumpled man pressed against you, who yesterday celebrated some kind of High-Rise Fitter's Day with friends. In chemistry this is called an unacceptable galvanic couple. Aluminum and copper, nickel and silver, magnesium and steel... These are “sworn enemies”, which in a close electrical connection will very quickly “devour” each other.

In fact, no metal can withstand close contact with a stranger for long. Think for yourself: even if a curvy blonde (or a slender brown-haired woman, depending on your taste) is pressed up to you, it will be pleasant at first... But you won’t stand like that all your life. Especially in the rain. What does the rain have to do with it? Now everything will become clear.

There are many places in a car where galvanic couples are formed. Not unacceptable, but “ordinary”. Welding points, body panels made of different metals, different fasteners and assemblies, even different points on the same plate with different mechanical surface treatments. There is always a potential difference between them all, which means that in the presence of an electrolyte there will be corrosion.

Wait, what is an electrolyte? An inquisitive motorist will remember that this is some kind of caustic liquid that is poured into batteries. And he will be only partly right. An electrolyte is generally any substance that conducts current. A weak acid solution is poured into the battery, but it is not necessary to pour acid on the car to speed up corrosion. Ordinary water performs the functions of an electrolyte perfectly. In its pure (distilled) form it is not an electrolyte, but pure water is not found in nature...

Thus, in each formed galvanic couple, under the influence of water, the destruction of the metal begins on the anode side - the positively charged side. How to overcome this process? We cannot prevent metals from corroding from each other, but we can exclude the electrolyte from this system. Without it, “permissible” galvanic couples can exist for a long time. Longer than the car lasts.

How do manufacturers fight rust?

The simplest method of protection is to cover the metal surface with a film through which the electrolyte will not penetrate. And if the metal is also good, with a low content of impurities that promote corrosion (for example, sulfur), then the result will be quite decent.

But don't take the words literally. The film is not necessarily polyethylene. The most common type of protective film is paint and primer. It can also be created from metal phosphates by treating the surface with a phosphating solution. The phosphorus-containing acids in its composition will oxidize the top layer of metal, creating a very strong and thin film.

By covering the phosphate film with layers of primer and paint, you can protect the car body for many years; it was according to this “recipe” that bodies were prepared for decades, and, as you can see, quite successfully - many cars produced in the fifties and sixties were able to survive to this day.

But not all, because over time the paint is prone to cracking. At first the outer layers fail, then the cracks reach the metal and phosphate film. And in case of accidents and subsequent repairs, coatings are often applied without maintaining the absolute cleanliness of the surface, leaving small points of corrosion on it, which always contain a little moisture. And under the film of paint a new source of destruction begins to appear.

You can improve the quality of the coating, use more and more flexible paints, the layer of which may be a little more reliable. Can be covered with plastic film. But there is better technology. Coating steel with a thin layer of metal that has a more resistant oxide film has been used for a long time. The so-called tinplate - sheet steel coated with a thin layer of tin - is familiar to everyone who has seen a tin can at least once in their life.

Tin has not been used to coat car bodies for a long time, although there are stories about tinned bodies. This is an echo of the technology for straightening defects during stamping with hot solders, when part of the surface was manually covered with a thick layer of tin, and sometimes the most complex and important parts of the car body actually turned out to be well protected.

Modern coatings to prevent corrosion are applied at the factory before body panels are stamped, and zinc or aluminum are used as “saviors”. Both of these metals, in addition to having a strong oxide film, have another valuable quality - lower electronegativity. In the already mentioned galvanic couple, which is formed after the destruction of the outer paint film, they, and not the steel, will play the role of an anode, and as long as a little aluminum or zinc remains on the panel, they will be destroyed. This property can be used in another way by simply adding a little powder of such metals to the primer with which the metal is coated, which will give the body panel an additional chance for a long life.

In some industries, when the task is to protect metal, other technologies are used. Serious metal structures can be equipped with special protector plates made of aluminum and zinc, which can be changed over time, and even with electrochemical protection systems. Using a voltage source, such a system transfers the anode to some parts of the structure that are not load-bearing. These things don't happen on cars.

A multi-layer sandwich consisting of a layer of phosphates on the surface of steel or zinc, a layer of zinc or aluminum, anti-corrosion primer with zinc and several layers of paint and varnish, even in a very aggressive external environment such as ordinary city air with moisture, dirt and salt, allows you to keep body panels intact ten or two years.

In places where the paint layer is easily damaged (for example, on the bottom), thick layers of sealants and mastics are used, which additionally protect the paint surface. We used to call this “anticorrosive”. Additionally, compounds based on paraffin and oils are pumped into the internal cavities; their task is to displace moisture from surfaces, thereby further improving protection.

None of the methods alone provides 100% protection, but together they allow manufacturers to provide an eight- to ten-year guarantee against through-corrosion of the body. However, we must remember that corrosion is like death. Its arrival can be slowed down or postponed, but cannot be completely excluded. In general, what do we say to rust? Correct: “Not today.” Or, to paraphrase a modern classic, “not this year.”

  • Keep the car body clean. Dirt absorbs moisture, which is thus stored on the surface and performs its destructive function for a long time, slowly penetrating through microcracks to the iron.
  • Repair paint damage in a timely manner, even if the body is galvanized. After all, the fact that “bare” metal does not rust is a consequence of the constant “consumption” of protective metals, and there are by no means kilograms of them on the surface.
  • Use the services of qualified body services, because proper restoration of the surface requires very careful and clean work, with a full understanding of the processes taking place. And suggestions to simply paint over everything with a thicker layer of paint will definitely lead you to the body shop again, and with much more serious damage to the metal.
  • a href=”http://polldaddy.com/poll/8389175/”Have you had to deal with rust on the body?/a

    The phrase “metal corrosion” contains much more than the name of a popular rock band. Corrosion irreversibly destroys metal, turning it into dust: of all the iron produced in the world, 10% will be completely destroyed in the same year. The situation with Russian metal looks something like this: all the metal smelted in a year in every sixth blast furnace in our country becomes rusty dust before the end of the year.

    The expression “costs a pretty penny” in relation to metal corrosion is more than true - the annual damage caused by corrosion is at least 4% of the annual income of any developed country, and in Russia the amount of damage is ten figures. So what causes corrosion processes in metals and how to deal with them?

    What is metal corrosion

    Destruction of metals as a result of electrochemical (dissolution in a moisture-containing air or aqueous medium - electrolyte) or chemical (formation of metal compounds with highly aggressive chemical agents) interaction with the external environment. The corrosion process in metals can develop only in some areas of the surface (local corrosion), cover the entire surface (uniform corrosion), or destroy the metal along grain boundaries (intercrystalline corrosion).

    Metal under the influence of oxygen and water becomes a loose light brown powder, better known as rust (Fe 2 O 3 ·H 2 O).

    Chemical corrosion

    This process occurs in environments that are not conductors of electric current (dry gases, organic liquids - petroleum products, alcohols, etc.), and the intensity of corrosion increases with increasing temperature - as a result, an oxide film is formed on the surface of metals.

    Absolutely all metals, both ferrous and non-ferrous, are susceptible to chemical corrosion. Active non-ferrous metals (for example, aluminum) under the influence of corrosion are covered with an oxide film, which prevents deep oxidation and protects the metal. And such a low-active metal as copper, under the influence of air moisture, acquires a greenish coating - patina. Moreover, the oxide film does not protect the metal from corrosion in all cases - only if the crystal-chemical structure of the resulting film is consistent with the structure of the metal, otherwise the film will not help in any way.

    Alloys are subject to another type of corrosion: some elements of the alloys are not oxidized, but are reduced (for example, in a combination of high temperature and pressure in steels, carbides are reduced by hydrogen), and the alloys completely lose the necessary characteristics.

    Electrochemical corrosion

    The process of electrochemical corrosion does not necessarily require immersing the metal in an electrolyte - a thin electrolytic film on its surface is sufficient (often electrolytic solutions permeate the environment surrounding the metal (concrete, soil, etc.)). The most common cause of electrochemical corrosion is the widespread use of household and industrial salts (sodium and potassium chlorides) to remove ice and snow on roads in winter - cars and underground communications are especially affected (according to statistics, annual losses in the USA from the use of salts in winter are 2.5 billion dollars).

    The following happens: metals (alloys) lose some of their atoms (they pass into the electrolytic solution in the form of ions), electrons replacing the lost atoms charge the metal with a negative charge, while the electrolyte has a positive charge. A galvanic couple is formed: the metal is destroyed, gradually all its particles become part of the solution. Electrochemical corrosion can be caused by stray currents that occur when part of the current leaks from an electrical circuit into aqueous solutions or into the soil and from there into a metal structure. In those places where stray currents exit metal structures back into water or soil, metal destruction occurs. Stray currents occur especially often in places where ground electric transport moves (for example, trams and electric railway locomotives). In just one year, stray currents with a force of 1A are capable of dissolving 9.1 kg of iron, 10.7 kg of zinc, and 33.4 kg of lead.

    Other causes of metal corrosion

    The development of corrosion processes is facilitated by radiation and waste products of microorganisms and bacteria. Corrosion caused by marine microorganisms causes damage to the bottoms of seagoing vessels, and corrosion processes caused by bacteria even have their own name - biocorrosion.

    The combination of the effects of mechanical stress and the external environment greatly accelerates the corrosion of metals - their thermal stability decreases, surface oxide films are damaged, and in those places where inhomogeneities and cracks appear, electrochemical corrosion is activated.

    Measures to protect metals from corrosion

    An inevitable consequence of technological progress is the pollution of our environment - a process that accelerates the corrosion of metals, as the external environment shows them more and more aggression. There are no ways to completely eliminate the corrosive destruction of metals; all that can be done is to slow down this process as much as possible.

    To minimize the destruction of metals, you can do the following: reduce the aggression of the environment surrounding the metal product; increase metal resistance to corrosion; eliminate interaction between the metal and substances from the external environment that exhibit aggression.

    Over thousands of years, mankind has tried many methods of protecting metal products from chemical corrosion, some of them are still used today: coating with fat or oil, other metals that corrode to a lesser extent (the most ancient method, which is more than 2 thousand years old, is tinning (coating tin)).

    Anti-corrosion protection with non-metallic coatings

    Non-metallic coatings - paints (alkyd, oil and enamels), varnishes (synthetic, bitumen and tar) and polymers form a protective film on the surface of metals, excluding (while intact) contact with the external environment and moisture.

    The advantage of using paints and varnishes is that these protective coatings can be applied directly at the installation and construction site. The methods for applying paints and varnishes are simple and amenable to mechanization; damaged coatings can be restored “on the spot” - during operation; these materials have a relatively low cost and their consumption per unit area is small. However, their effectiveness depends on compliance with several conditions: compliance with the climatic conditions in which the metal structure will be operated; the need to use exclusively high-quality paints and varnishes; strict adherence to the technology of application to metal surfaces. It is best to apply paints and varnishes in several layers - their quantity will provide better protection against weathering on the metal surface.

    Polymers - epoxy resins and polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene - can act as protective coatings against corrosion. In construction work, reinforced concrete embedded parts are coated with coatings made from a mixture of cement and perchlorovinyl, cement and polystyrene.

    Protection of iron from corrosion by coatings of other metals

    There are two types of metal inhibitor coatings - protective (zinc, aluminum and cadmium coatings) and corrosion-resistant (silver, copper, nickel, chromium and lead coatings). Inhibitors are applied chemically: the first group of metals has greater electronegativity with respect to iron, the second has greater electropositivity. The most widespread in our everyday life are metal coatings of iron with tin (tinplate, cans are made from it) and zinc (galvanized iron - roofing), obtained by pulling sheet iron through a melt of one of these metals.

    Cast iron and steel fittings, as well as water pipes, are often galvanized - this operation significantly increases their resistance to corrosion, but only in cold water (when hot water is supplied, galvanized pipes wear out faster than non-galvanized ones). Despite the effectiveness of galvanizing, it does not provide ideal protection - the zinc coating often contains cracks, the elimination of which requires preliminary nickel plating of metal surfaces (nickel plating). Zinc coatings do not allow paint and varnish materials to be applied to them - there is no stable coating.

    The best solution for anti-corrosion protection is aluminum coating. This metal has a lower specific gravity, which means it consumes less, aluminized surfaces can be painted and the paint layer will be stable. In addition, aluminum coating is more resistant to aggressive environments than galvanized coating. Aluminizing is not very common due to the difficulty of applying this coating to a metal sheet - aluminum in the molten state is highly aggressive towards other metals (for this reason, molten aluminum cannot be kept in a steel bath). Perhaps this problem will be completely solved in the very near future - an original method of performing aluminization has been found by Russian scientists. The essence of the development is not to immerse the steel sheet in molten aluminum, but to raise liquid aluminum to the steel sheet.

    Increasing corrosion resistance by adding alloying additives to steel alloys

    The introduction of chromium, titanium, manganese, nickel and copper into the steel alloy makes it possible to obtain alloy steel with high anti-corrosion properties. The steel alloy is given special resistance by its large proportion of chromium, due to which a high-density oxide film is formed on the surface of structures. The introduction of copper into the composition of low-alloy and carbon steels (from 0.2% to 0.5%) makes it possible to increase their corrosion resistance by 1.5-2 times. Alloying additives are introduced into the steel composition in compliance with Tamman's rule: high corrosion resistance is achieved when there is one atom of alloying metal for every eight iron atoms.

    Measures to counteract electrochemical corrosion

    To reduce it, it is necessary to reduce the corrosive activity of the environment by introducing non-metallic inhibitors and reducing the number of components that can start an electrochemical reaction. This method will reduce the acidity of soils and aqueous solutions in contact with metals. To reduce corrosion of iron (its alloys), as well as brass, copper, lead and zinc, it is necessary to remove carbon dioxide and oxygen from aqueous solutions. The electrical power industry removes chlorides from water that can affect localized corrosion. By liming the soil you can reduce its acidity.

    Stray current protection

    It is possible to reduce electrical corrosion of underground communications and buried metal structures by following several rules:

    • the section of the structure serving as a source of stray current must be connected with a metal conductor to the tram rail;
    • heating network routes should be located at the maximum distance from the rail roads along which electric vehicles travel, minimizing the number of their intersections;
    • the use of electrically insulating pipe supports to increase the transition resistance between the soil and pipelines;
    • at inputs to objects (potential sources of stray currents), it is necessary to install insulating flanges;
    • install conductive longitudinal jumpers on flange fittings and gland expansion joints to increase longitudinal electrical conductivity on the protected section of pipelines;
    • In order to equalize the potentials of pipelines located in parallel, it is necessary to install transverse electrical jumpers in adjacent areas.

    Protection of metal objects equipped with insulation, as well as small steel structures, is carried out using a protector that functions as an anode. The material for the protector is one of the active metals (zinc, magnesium, aluminum and their alloys) - it takes on most of the electrochemical corrosion, breaking down and preserving the main structure. One magnesium anode, for example, protects 8 km of pipeline.

    Rustam Abdyuzhanov, specially for rmnt.ru

    A dangerous enemy is rust! No matter how strong the metal, rust will still overcome it. Listen to a story about this. In ancient times, one unlucky king ordered a lot of various weapons to be hidden in reserve in the damp basements of the fortress: steel swords, guns, cannons, cannonballs. Only he didn’t order the gunpowder to be put there so it wouldn’t get damp. But with iron, they say, nothing will happen. Fortunately, there was no war for a long time, and the weapons lay in the basement for many years.

    The king got ready for war and ordered the young recruits to be armed. They opened the heavy doors, took out the battle swords from the basement - they looked, and they were all rusty. We started cleaning - the swords became thinner than kitchen knives. Where are these good for? They took out guns - they were also rusty. If you shoot one of these, it will explode in your hands. It's time for the guns. With kernels. They began to remove the rust from them. They cleaned it so much that the kernels the size of watermelons became smaller than potatoes. How to load such guns? The guns are too big for them now. I had to cancel the trip! Dampness and moisture let us down.

    And this story happened recently. The tractor was walking on the ice and landed in a snow-covered wormwood. The tractor driver was saved, but the tractor sank. Only a year later they managed to lift the heavy car. It took me a long time to clean the rust off, but I still couldn’t start the engine until many of its parts that had rusted in the water were replaced with new ones.

    Where else does iron rust?

    If only it would rust in water! But metal rusts even in the hot desert. All around, no matter how hard you search, you won’t find a drop of water. But there are always tiny, completely unnoticeable particles of moisture in the air. And this little bit is enough for the metal to gradually begin to rust. And in a damp climate, it, of course, breaks down much faster.

    How much iron does rust destroy? The answer is ready. In ten years, rust eats up as much metal as all the metallurgical plants in the world produce in a year. It turns out that rust eats millions of tons of metal! People have long declared war on it! How are you ? That's right, put on rubber boots and raincoats, or better yet, hide under the roof. They do the same with metal. Cars and machine tools are hidden under sheds and under the roofs of workshops.

    Rust and protection of metal from corrosion

    They lay a gas pipeline, an oil pipeline, a water supply system - they put a waterproof raincoat on the pipes - they wrap them in tarred cloth or paper.

    What about cars? They are painted with elegant, bright colors not only for beauty. Although the layer of paint is thin, it protects well from dampness, and therefore from rust. This is why bridges, carriages, ships, and roofs are painted...

    But not only paint can protect metal; iron can be coated with a thin layer of another, more resistant metal - zinc. And the roof immediately becomes more durable. Tin cans are also iron - tin. Here a thin layer of molten tin is applied to the iron.

    There are many other ways to protect metal from rust, and scientists are looking for new, more reliable ones.


    A unique iron Kutub column in India that does not rust for more than a thousand years!!!
    In India, on the territory of the Qutub Minar complex in Delhi, there is one of the most mysterious objects in the world - the famous Iron Column. It is called the Kutub Column, or the Maharsuli Column. It would be worth classifying it as one of what is now commonly called “wonders of the world,” since modern science cannot explain the very fact of its existence except by a miracle. In the form in which it is, it simply cannot exist!
    There is a Sanskrit poem on this pillar, which says that this pillar was erected during the reign of King Chandragupta II of the Gupta dynasty, who reigned between 381 and 414 AD. ad. Although this does not confirm that the column was made during this particular period, it is possible that the column itself was made much earlier, and the inscription was applied later. At the moment, the Qutub Column is perhaps one of the most mysterious monuments of Indian culture.
    Initially, the Iron Column was crowned with the image of the mythical bird Garuda, dedicated to the god Vishnu and located elsewhere in India. Later, the Muslim conquerors, not really understanding what they were dealing with, moved it to the courtyard of the Quwwat ul-Islam mosque. Most likely, it was then that the Garuda bird disappeared from the column and it is unknown where it went.




    If you leave an iron object in a damp and humid place for several days, it will
    will become covered with rust, as if it had been painted with reddish paint.
    What is rust? Why does it form on iron and steel objects? Rust is
    iron oxide. It is formed as a result of the “combustion” of iron when combined with oxygen,
    dissolved in water.
    This means that in the absence of moisture and water in the air, there is no dissolved in water at all.
    oxygen and rust are not formed.
    If a drop of rain falls on a shiny iron surface, it remains transparent
    for a short period of time. Iron and oxygen in water begin to
    interact and form an oxide, that is, rust, inside the drop. The water becomes
    reddish, and the rust floats in the water in the form of small particles. When the drop evaporates, what remains is
    rust, forming a reddish layer on the surface of iron.
    If rust has already appeared, it will grow in dry air. This happens because
    a porous rust stain absorbs moisture in the air - it attracts and
    holds her. This is why it is easier to prevent rust than to stop it once it appears.
    The problem of rust prevention is very important, since iron and steel products must be stored for a long time. Sometimes they are covered with a layer of paint or plastic. What would you do to
    keep warships from rusting when not in use? This problem is solved with
    using moisture absorbers. Such mechanisms replace humid air in the compartments with dry air.
    Rust cannot appear in such conditions! (Encyclopedia).

    It is known that every natural phenomenon, including rusting and not rusting, as a consequence, is based on a cause.

    The root cause of vibrations and natural phenomena, as a single point of view on the Universe, was discovered (including) in the following experiment: light falling on solid crystals is reflected with dispersion. When decreasing

    temperature of crystals, dissipation decreases to a certain limit and, contrary to classical ideas, persists with further cooling. In this regard, scientists came to the conclusion that in nature
    there are indestructible oscillations of particles (primary motion) with a certain “zero” amplitude A and energy equal to Planck’s constant: h = 6.626 10-34, J/T,
    (See Zero-point oscillations, quantum mechanics from Wikipedia—the free encyclopedia).
    The actions of indestructible “zero” attracting and repulsive vectors of volumetrically oscillating bodies in a single time,
    represent a natural root cause (diffusion, Brownian motion). And the consequence, secondary, is the results of all of them
    interactions that have a (Tao-divine-genetic-thermodynamic) self-organizing construction-destructive course: (extended in time) - from the birth of “something”, growing up, aging and decay on all universal scales.

    The half-life of a quantum mechanical system (particle, nucleus, atom...) is the time T during which the system decays with probability;. If an ensemble of independent particles is considered, then during one half-life T the number of surviving particles will decrease on average by 2 times. For example, half-life:

    Potassium – 39.1 (19) is T=1.28 106 years;
    uranium – 238 (92) T=4.5 109 years;
    thorium – 232 (90) T=1.41 1010 years. (Encyclopedia).

    Planet Earth is believed to have formed from an asteroid belt. Asteroids, consisting of elements of the periodic table and their combinations, in the form of platforms, shields of various names and sizes, which once formed a belt rotating between Venus and Mars (while maintaining momentum), formed, like a fan, into a double planet - the Earth and the Moon. Similarly, all the planets of the solar system were formed from their asteroid belts. The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is not the disintegrated planet Phaeton, but the future one. During the transition of the asteroid belt into geo-selenium objects - its various names - platforms, plates, shields, etc., gathering in a heap, were broken and crushed, but voids remained between them. The action of gravity and time displaced the voids. And when the period of decay began, the temperature of the Earth began to rise. Ice asteroids (and they could have been in the center as well) turned into water. Gravity, as the basis of tectonics, forced denser bodies to descend towards the center of the Earth, displacing less dense objects and water, changing the terrain, creating differences in height. Unsalted water (sources) in the form of atmospheric

    sediments, rivers, seas and oceans eroded asteroids (including salts) protruding to the surface, from which sedimentary deposits of minerals were formed, for example: iron, manganese, coal... and
    salinity of water in the oceans. Whereas non-eroded asteroids began to represent primary deposits of minerals, including oil and gas. (See www.oskar-laar.at.ua pp. 22-23).
    Now it remains to compare the ages of the stainless meteorite iron of the Kutub Column with iron of terrestrial origin.

    Let (conditionally) the unit of time for each period Tt (birth-Tt, growing up-Tt, aging-Tt, decay-Tt) be the half-life

    Thorium – 232 (90) Tt = 1.41 1010 years.

    Then the terrestrial iron will have an age of four units 4Тт=Тт+Тт+Тт+Тт, and Kutub iron will have an age of only one unit Tt. The answer lies on the surface:

    Kutub meteorite iron is young, has immunity, and therefore does not rust.

    And earthly iron is old (decaying, has changed properties), has already lost its immunity, and therefore rusts.

    As it should be, the root cause is one - age, but the consequences are different.
    In the same vein: metal fatigue, the device could not withstand the load, a crack appeared, and so on.

    Perhaps the scientists-tasters will take into account the “experience” and age-related loads for iron.


    “Planet Earth was supposedly formed from the asteroid belt” - “supposedly!” that's the whole basis of this work...
    Anything can be explained (by the ears)... especially if there is a name in science... just whether it will be true in the last (or first...) meaning.
    I remember Kapitsa could not explain why the tea leaves (when stirred) gather in the center of the glass... or rather, he explained... complex flows (it fell in my eyes).
    There are such scientists - Darwins (with a small D and with complete contempt)... they know how to guess (laughing)... the main thing is not to become like that... it’s better to say: “We don’t know that yet.”

    And finally tell me:
    - What is fire?
    Then you can go into the wilds.