Garden hibiscus: care and reproduction. Hibiscus garden, care and reproduction - a welcome guest from the tropics Hibiscus garden care and reproduction pruning

There are over 200 varieties of hibiscus. They all come from the tropics, but under conditions middle lane only a few plant species take root. Syrian hibiscus is one of them. To garden flower pleased the owner, it's not enough just to choose appropriate place on the site, plant and water it. The Syrian rose is demanding to care for. The gardener will need knowledge of the rules for transplanting, pruning, feeding the plant, as well as pest control.

Description of the flower

The tree hibiscus from the Malvaceae family belongs to garden varieties... It is a deciduous shrub that grows in its natural environment up to 6 m in height. In the gardens of Russia, the plant is much smaller, it barely reaches 1.5 m. The Syrian rose can be found in China, in the western part of Asia, in Korea. The tropical shrub is grown in open ground in an area where there are no severe winters - in the southern part of Russia and Ukraine, in the Crimea.

The shrub has a thick tree-like trunk, branched in a sympodial type. The leaf plates of the plant are palmate, up to 10 cm long, their color is green. Flowers are usually bell-shaped, 10-12 cm in diameter and can be colored in different colors- yellow, lilac, pink, raspberry. They are of two types:

  • terry;
  • simple.

Breeders have bred two-color varieties. Flowers in this case have a contrasting middle. Bushes with double flowers look especially luxurious. In addition to the Syrian rose, herbaceous varieties of garden hibiscus take root in the climatic conditions of the middle zone.

Popular varieties of the Syrian rose

Distinctive feature garden species hibiscus is that each individual flower demonstrates its beauty in one day. Continuous flowering over several months, from spring to autumn, possibly due to the many peduncles that are located in the leaf axils.

Popular are hybrid varieties Syrian rose, obtained by crossing holly, bright red and marsh hibiscus:

  1. 1. "Youth". The plant is a weakly branched low bush with stems and shoots of light green and yellowish shades. Leaf plates are either tripartite or five-part. Flowers up to 10 cm in diameter, tulip-shaped color pink with white center and calyx.
  2. 2. "Late". Well-branched lush shrub 1 m high. The leaves are oval-arrow-shaped. Flowers with a diameter of 6-8 cm are located on thick peduncles. They are colored hot pink.
  3. 3. "Pale pink". A tall, highly branched shrub up to 170 cm high. Three-incised leaf plates with jagged edges. The color of the leaves is yellow-green. The flowers are large - 12 cm in diameter, made in the shape of a tulip. The cups and cores are white, and the petals are pale pink.
  4. 4. "Pink and porcelain". This shrub grows up to 1.30 m in height. Its pale green stems are highly branched. The leaves are located on petioles, their middle part is protruding, and the edges have deep cuts. The flowers are made in the shape of a bell, the diameter reaches 12 cm. Their color is interesting - pale pink with a barely noticeable yellowish tinge.

Sapling planting rules

The life span of hibiscus in the garden is 20 years. The plant will delight the gardener on one condition - if he is comfortable. In order for the Syrian rose to develop well, it is necessary:

  • choose the right time and place for landing;
  • use a suitable soil;
  • take care of the bush;
  • protect it from pests.

When to land and how to choose a seat?

Hibiscus plants are planted in the garden in spring. You cannot rush to planting - you need to wait until the soil warms up and the night frosts pass. Otherwise, the seedling may die. Autumn is not the right time for planting works, since the bush will not have time to take root before the onset of cold weather.

The Syrian rose loves warmth. A place located in the sun or in an openwork partial shade is suitable for her. It is good if it is protected from strong gusts of wind. The plant has a negative attitude towards excess moisture, so it is better to find a place on a site that is not in a lowland, but on a hill.

If the soil in the garden is viscous and heavy, you will have to replace it, since tree hibiscus prefers porous light soil.

How to land - instructions

The root system of a Syrian rose seedling is quite large, it is important that the roots are freely located in the hole. Its size should be twice as large as the rhizome of the bush. A drainage layer is laid on the bottom - broken brick will do. Pour crumbs on top:

  • sand - 10 cm;
  • compost - 15 cm;
  • the last layer is also sandy, its thickness is 10-15 cm.

The soil extracted from the pit, in its pure form, is not suitable for planting and growing tree hibiscus. It is necessary to add additives to it, imparting friability. It is recommended to use 4 parts of peat and 1 part of sand for 2 parts of soil.

The root of the seedling is placed in a prepared hole so that its neck is just below ground level... Next, the roots are covered with soil and spud. Immediately after planting, the plant is watered with water, filling it trunk circle... To keep moisture in the soil longer, it is worth mulching the soil near the seedling.

Plant care

Syrian rose care is not burdensome. The gardener must monitor the level of moisture in the soil, feed the crop in a timely manner, loosen the ground near the bush and remove weeds. All these procedures are standard and do not require specific knowledge. It is important to remember that wilted flowers must be picked off. They not only spoil the appearance of the plant, but also take away some of the energy that the hibiscus will need to form new buds.

The Syrian rose needs feeding. During active growth, in summer, nitrogenous and phosphate fertilizers... They are brought in once every 2 weeks. From the end of September, when the shrub blooms completely and prepares for the resting phase, potash and phosphorus fertilizing.


Watering the hibiscus should be regular and moderate. When intense heat sets in, and natural precipitation long time no, you need to moisten the soil every day. In other cases, watering is done as needed, when the surface layer of the soil becomes dry.

Attention! Waterlogging is dangerous for the Syrian rose - the root can rot, then the bush will die.


Pruning hibiscus is necessary for two reasons. With its help, they give the desired shape to the plant and remove damaged and old branches. Gardeners perform this procedure in early spring, immediately after the snow melts, and in the fall, when the leaves have fallen.

In a newly planted Syrian rose, all the shoots are shortened, leaving 2-3 buds each, but the trunk itself is not touched. Formative pruning is performed annually. It is recommended to cut all branches to the level of 1-2 buds. The top of the bush is also shortened, leaving 6-7 internodes. The lower tier is removed almost without residue to avoid heavy thickening.

If the goal of the gardener is sanitary pruning of the plant, then you will have to completely cut off the shoots directed into the bush, as well as old, broken and diseased branches. All last year's shoots should be shortened by one third. Regular pruning encourages young growth and abundant flowering in the current year.


Sometimes it becomes necessary to transplant the garden hibiscus to a new location. This is done in the spring, after the pruning procedure. It is impossible to postpone this business for a long time; during flowering, the shrub is not transplanted.

The procedure itself is the same as planting a seedling. First, they dig a hole, given that its size should be 2 times larger than the root. Then prepare the drainage, the soil mixture. The plant is added dropwise and watered, and the trunk circle is mulched.

No top dressing is applied after transplantation, you need to pause for 2-3 weeks to give the hibiscus the opportunity to take root and get stronger. Only then can nitrogen and phosphorus-containing fertilizers be introduced.

Autumn care

Hybrid varieties of the Syrian rose are adapted to wintering in the open field, even in the middle lane. They can withstand temperatures down to -20 degrees while under cover. When flowering is complete, and the aboveground part of the shrub dies off, gardeners cut it almost to the root, leaving a small shoot above the soil surface. The plant is spud and a layer of sawdust or dry foliage mulch is laid.

Preparation for wintering

There are 2 options for how to deal with hibiscus at the end of November. Some gardeners, fearing the death of the plant in winter, dig it up, put it in a suitable container and leave it in this form in the cellar. When spring comes, they plant the bush on the site again.

The second way of wintering garden hibiscus is under a reliable shelter. To build it, you first need to build a frame of wood around the bush. Then any material is pulled over it:

  • lutrasil;
  • spunbond;
  • agrofiber.

Important! Synthetic covering materials do not allow air to pass through well, therefore, when the snow begins to melt, they must be removed, otherwise the plant will rot.

There is another way to protect hibiscus from the cold - to cover it with spruce branches. First, the bush is wound with a bowstring, a bag is put on it, after which spruce branches are piled on top in several layers. In winter, rodents are dangerous for the Syrian rose. They can easily get inside the shelter and gnaw on the bark and shoots. Traps have to be set to protect the culture.

Possible problems

Growing and caring for hibiscus involves keeping the plant healthy and protecting it from pests. Culture can get sick for several reasons:


The Syrian rose rarely suffers from pests. Dry and hot weather is most dangerous for her. In such conditions, spider mites, as well as aphids and thrips, are active. These insects feed on the sap of the leaves, which leads to severe depletion and sometimes death of the culture.

To combat these pests, insecticides and acaricides are used - Fitoverm, Aktellik. Processing is carried out 3 times with an interval of 10-14 days. Gardeners who have already encountered such a problem are advised to alternate products with different compositions. This recommendation relates to the ability of the pest to develop resistance to chemicals.


Treelike hibiscus suffers from chlorosis... This disease is associated with a lack of iron in the soil. Noticing that the lower layer of leaves is crumbling, and new ones acquire yellow tint, it is necessary to act immediately, until the bush dies. Iron chelate will help to save the culture. This substance is added to water, which is then poured over the trunk circle.

Another problem that arises when growing a Syrian rose is the lack of flowering and slower growth of the shoots. This happens if the gardener neglects the procedure. mineral feeding... Lack of boron and phosphorus in plant cells can lead to death.

Falling and yellowing of hibiscus leaves is not necessarily associated with pest infestation or disease. This often happens after transplantation if the root is accidentally damaged. This is dangerous, as it can rot, especially with heavy watering. The drug Kornevin, a biostimulant, will help to correct the situation. It is diluted with water, according to the instructions, and watering is carried out.

How to propagate tree hibiscus?

Sometimes it becomes necessary to grow a new hibiscus bush, having an old one, that is, to propagate it. This can be done in different ways:

  • by cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush;
  • by vaccination;
  • seeds.

The most commonly used methods are grafting and dividing the bush. The second option is applicable during plant transplantation. Any gardener can handle it - after digging up the culture, the root is carefully divided into 2-3 parts. Each of them is planted in a prepared place, adhering to the planting rules.

Seed reproduction

It is possible to sow seeds of tree hibiscus at home starting in January. In this case, the seedlings will have enough time to get stronger and be ready for transplanting into open ground. You will need a shallow container with bottom perforations and a light potting mix. Better to take peat and sand in equal proportions.

First, the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is enough to hold them there for 30 minutes. After that planting material placed in Epin for a day. Now you need to make small depressions in the soil and put seeds there. It is not recommended to lay a dense layer of soil on them; you need to slightly crush the seeds. The surface of the substrate is irrigated from a spray bottle.

The container is covered with a film, having made several holes in it for air access. The container itself is installed in a warm place. It is important to monitor the level of soil moisture in the greenhouse, regularly remove the film for ventilation. After waiting for tender shoots to appear, the greenhouse is removed.

The sprouts are picked after the appearance of three leaves. At the initial stage, seedlings will need small containers - plastic cups. Young hibiscus care includes:

  • moderate watering;
  • loosening the soil;
  • protection from drafts and direct sunlight
  • feeding with mineral complexes (2 weeks after the pick).

Attention! Plants can be transferred to open ground not earlier than mid-May, when warm weather sets in.

Propagation by cuttings

The easiest way to get some young Syrian rose bushes is propagation by cuttings. This is done only in the summer, when the culture is actively developing. Several cuttings with a couple of internodes are cut from the bush. The slice is immersed in Epin's solution for 30 minutes. Then the cuttings are planted in peat, moistened, and a greenhouse is built. For a successful rooting, it is advisable to place the pots in a warm and humid place.

After 30 days, you can transplant seedlings in larger containers by filling them with a soil mixture of components taken in equal amounts:

  • peat;
  • sand;
  • turf;
  • leafy land.

The substrate is watered after transplantation. Soon the seedlings will begin to grow rapidly, then all the shoots should be pinched. They plan to land on the site when the plant is strong enough and acquires correct shape... Under favorable conditions, a Syrian rose grown from a cuttings will delight you with flowering already in the first year of life.

Garden care for tree hibiscus is within the power of even a novice plant breeder. The unpretentious native of the tropics requires only careful handling, regular and moderate watering, fertilizing and pruning.

In the spring, at the height of the summer cottage season, at a time when the sale of rose seedlings and garden plants, it is not uncommon for us to see unremarkable-looking seedlings, which, according to the sellers, are called "hibiscus". Many of the flower growers know Hibiscus as indoor plant- A Chinese rose and this confuses them, because it is sold like a garden flower, like hydrangeas, roses and other garden flower crops... One should not be surprised at all - the garden hibiscus, which bears the name "Syrian Hibiscus", is really being sold.

Today, there are about 200 species of various hibiscus in nature, all of them grow in a tropical climate and, unfortunately, they absolutely cannot survive in ours. He can feel pretty good in a temperate climate, of course, provided that for the winter he will be insulated and covered in the same way as they usually do with garden roses... If in the climate where it is planted winters are quite warm, there is an almost 100% guarantee that the flower will take root and will delight every summer with its unusually beautiful flowering.

Garden hibiscus requires a lot of maintenance. The main condition for planting it in the soil is good lighting. The flower does not like shade, only with a sufficient amount of ultraviolet light will the flower delight you with lush flowering in the garden. Syrian hibiscus perfectly coexists with any varieties of roses. It grows no more than 1.5 meters in height and has a fairly compact shape. Hibiscus is considered an ideal plant for a rose garden or rock garden.

Also, hibiscus looks very good as a single plant when decorating the landscape of the site. If you live in a warm climate, plant lavender bushes around it. It is very beautiful, and the lavender scent will also protect the Syrian hibiscus from insects. This plant exists of 2 types: terry and non-terry varieties. When purchasing a plant, it is worth remembering that terry varieties tolerate winter better and are more frost-resistant.

The Syrian hibiscus does not need any special soil. It takes root well on the same one on which you traditionally plant roses. It must be permeable and nutritious enough.

The flower is usually watered sparingly, as it does not need intensive watering and may even disappear because of this. But you also need to monitor the rate of drying out of the soil, because in summer in hot climates, the flower may need daily watering. During the period of active growth and flowering (June-September), this garden culture needs periodic feeding with garden fertilizers, which have a high phosphorus content. Typically, Syrian hibiscus is poured every two weeks. And so that winter does not become stress for the plant, it is fed with potassium fertilizer in the fall.

If this is your first time starting this plant, it is better to purchase ready-made strong seedlings with a sustainably developed root system. Especially if you want to grow Syrian hibiscus in cold climates. The plant will take root over the summer, get stronger, you prepare it for winter, and it will survive it safely. Despite the fact that the plant is mainly propagated by seedlings by cuttings, there is another option for growing this garden crop - from seeds. They are planted in the soil in the spring, when there are no night frosts and the earth has warmed up enough.

If you decide to grow a flower from a cutting, do it better in the summer. To do this, the cutting is placed in a container filled with water (it is better to close it from direct sunlight, since the root system will break through in the water). And when you see that the roots have appeared, you can safely transplant it into a pot of soil, which you can take in your garden or buy prepared soil in special store... With the arrival of cold weather, a pot with a seedling is brought into the house, and in the spring it is already quite ready to be planted in open ground.

To achieve abundant flowering, it is necessary not only to properly grow and feed the plant, but also to cut it off. Hibiscus forms buds on young shoots, therefore, the more of them, the more abundant the flowering will be. In order for the plant to give fresh shoots, it is cut 3-4 times a year. The flower tolerates pruning well and responds positively to it. Usually pruned at the end of winter, before the flower begins a period of active growth. Also, the plant is cut not only for the purpose of creating lush bloom, but also to form a decorative form for the bush.

In the southern regions, where conditions are most suitable for hibiscus and it is found everywhere, you can see various blooming compositions in the form of a cube, a ball, a pyramid, etc. Due to the compactness of a flower, everyone has the opportunity to plant it on their balcony, terrace or winter garden... And not only in the flower garden.

A distinctive feature of hibiscus is that the life span of its flowers is very short, but despite this, a new one is quickly revealed in the place of the previous one. This is not to be feared. Worse, when the flowers begin to dry out profusely, in this case, the flower most likely lacks watering and is in dry ground.

If you really want to have this flower, but live in a harsh climate, you can plant it, but on winter period will have to be dug up and placed in the basement or in the house until spring. At good care Syrian hibiscus can continue to bloom in your home during the winter. Hibiscus is a perennial plant and can do without transplanting for up to 20 years.

Garden flower - hibiscus will decorate any garden, bringing joy and aesthetic pleasure to it thanks to its beautiful flowering. It has about 200 varieties, and appeared from Southeast Asia.

Features of hibiscus

Hibiscus is common in warm areas and has large, bright flowers. If the climate is cool, the plant is unlikely to grow, but if you really want to, then you can plant it in a pot and leave it to winter indoors. There is a cold-resistant variety - Syrian hibiscus ().

Planted hibiscus in the garden will delight with flowering for a long time - from mid-June to early September. The peculiarity of the plant is that the flowers remain on the branches for only one day, then they fall off. But due to the fact that by the next day new ones appear, flowering is continuous.

It grows long enough to be pleased with flowers with a diameter of 12 cm, you need patience and knowledge to care and grow the plant.

Growing and caring

You can buy seedlings in any garden market, the price depends on the quality and variety. Also, the plant can be grown from seeds.

Whichever method you choose, it is important to know how to properly plant and care for the garden herbaceous hibiscus, as well as its other varieties.

  • Location... Growing and caring garden hibiscus starts with choosing a location. The plant is very fond of light and looks great in a company with roses, since most varieties have a height of about half a meter. In a single form, hibiscus looks no worse, and if the climate permits, then surround the plant with lavender, as it drives away pests.

  • The soil . For hibiscus to grow in comfort, it needs loose, fertile, permeable, humus-rich soil.
  • Watering and feeding... The plant does not like abundant watering, it is enough to moisten the soil as it dries up. If the climate is warm enough, then watering can be carried out daily, especially in the summer.

An important role is played by top dressing, it is better to apply fertilizer at least once every couple of weeks, while it is important that the composition contains phosphorus, and for an easy transfer of winter, it is necessary to apply fertilizers with potassium.

  • Pruning. Hibiscus forms its flower buds on young shoots, therefore, the more there are, the thicker the bloom will be. Growth of young shoots is possible only after pruning. Some argue that it must be carried out every 3-4 years, but the plant tolerates such a procedure quite easily, while it receives a lot of benefits.

It is optimal to carry out this procedure once a year at the end of winter. Along with the growth of new shoots, you will also shape the bush with your own hands to give it a more attractive appearance. It can be in the form of a pyramid, ball, cube, etc.

Thanks to this, hibiscus can grow not only on open areas but also on a terrace or balcony.

  • Winter care for garden hibiscus is special... So, if the plant is very young, then it must be protected, since it may simply not tolerate frost. Be sure to spud the plant and cover it with a cloth, if the winter is going to be harsh, make several layers of fabric.

Advice! In the event that you made a decision to disembark at autumn period, then in winter, be sure to mulch and tie it with spruce branches.

Reproduction and transplantation

In general, plant propagation is carried out in several ways:

  • sowing seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

The easiest way is to choose propagation by cuttings. Care and propagation of garden hibiscus by cuttings is quite simple - the cut cut must be placed in water. After the root grows, the plant must be planted in a pot with 1/3 soil diluted with peat, taken from the garden where you plan to plant hibiscus in the future.

You can land directly into open ground. Here, hibiscus grows best if you choose a strong seedling that has a developed root system, this nuance is especially important if the disembarkation will be carried out in cool climatic conditions.

Advice! In order for the cuttings to give a good root, cut them in the summer, while treating them with a growth stimulant.

After the plant takes root in the pot, it must be "transplanted into the garden." It is best to do this in early spring so that the hibiscus does not bloom. Be sure to prune before the procedure, do not be afraid to cut off the branches - cutting by half will only benefit.

After the plant is moved, be sure to follow the lighting, and also take care of watering, if the instructions are followed, then in a year the plant will delight you with its unique flowering.

You can propagate garden hibiscus seeds. Sowing is carried out from January to March. It is important that the soil is filled with peat and sand.

Care and propagation of garden hibiscus seeds are easy, after the seeds are sown in a container, they must be covered with glass and adhered to temperature regime at 25 degrees.

Periodically, the container with seeds must be opened, saturating the soil with air, and also sprayed. After you notice the first leaves that have emerged, dive the plant into the pots. If you grow hibiscus from seed, the plant will delight you with its flowering in three to four years.

Hibiscus diseases

Only by outward appearance a plant can be determined if it is healthy. In the event that you notice that the buds have not opened, then know that hibiscus is not enough nutrients or watering, so be sure to fertilize and moisturize well.

By what names were given to hibiscus in different countries, you can judge the attitude of people to the flower:

  • "Princess Earrings" in Brazil;
  • "Sudanese rose" in Egypt and Sudan (and also " Chinese rose"And" Syrian Rose ");
  • "Flower beautiful women» in Hawaii (where he is - a national treasure);
  • "Marsh mallow"- not very euphonious, but in the humid forests of America, hibiscus grows in thickets - it is clear why it is called that.


it evergreen belongs to the malvaceous family... There are many types of hibiscus. According to various estimates - from 150 to 230.

Among them there are decorative trees, shrubs, dwarf shrubs and herbaceous hibiscus... Originally from China.

It is found wherever it is warm - in Africa, Asian countries and America.

The flowers are very large. Three petals in the podlashechka. Golden stamens, fused into a tube, protrude beyond the flower.

The flowering period is from early summer to early autumn.

Sadovykh, in different parts the world are called different types... In Russia, the Syrian treelike and herbaceous hybrid hibiscus is conventionally considered garden.

V Krasnodar Territory it is possible to grow in the ground mutable hibiscus.

Where and with whom to plant

When choosing a place for planting Hibiscus, take it very seriously, because with good care, a flower can live in one place for many decades!

There are many options on how to beat Hibiscus in a flower garden! Get creative, and here are some ideas:

As a hedge, hibiscus is indeed ideal. In height, it can be from 1.5 to 3 meters. Produces dense, dense greens. In addition, it is great for cutting and shaping it.

No matter how you decide to plant a hibiscus, the main thing that a flower needs is a lot of light and little wind!


There are three ways to grow hibiscus:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • layering.

We'll cover the first two as they are simpler and more commonly used.

Cutting method

You need to prepare a stalk in the summer. The top of the youngest growth works best.

Method 1. The stalk is placed in water, and when it overwinters, it is transplanted into the ground.

Method 2. Cuttings are treated with a growth stimulant and placed in a mixture of peat and sand.

In about a month, when the roots are there, it is planted in a pot. Planting mix - humus, leafy earth and sand. In the spring - in the ground.


Sowing time is from January to March. The seeds are soaked for 12 hours. After that, plant in a pot of peat and sand.

Cover with glass, but open regularly for ventilation and spray warm water.

The temperature in the room should be above 26 o C. When planting a hibiscus with seeds, it needs 3-4 years to "mature" and begin to bloom.

Do not try to grow terry hibiscus varieties from seeds. For them, cuttings are still better.


Hibiscus prefers fertile soil, loose (the same as for roses). Land only when the soil has warmed up well, and the frost is already behind.


  1. We dig a hole twice as large as the root ball.
  2. We add compost.
  3. Carefully place the seedling in the hole so that the root ball does not fall through and does not rise above ground level.
  4. We fill up the voids in the hole with earth and compost. We compact the earth.
  5. Form a watering circle.
  6. Sprinkle generously with warm water. If the earth has settled, add more.

If you live in an area with a cool climate, choose only strong seedlings with well-developed roots for planting! Then they will have time to get stronger before wintering.

Hibiscus care


Watering is required regular, not too abundant. But in the heat, when the temperature approaches tropical, make sure that the ground under the bush does not dry out.

It is worth increasing watering during flowering. But, don't fill it.

Top dressing

The first, with nitrogen, is done in the spring. In the summer, if you want to achieve lush flowering, add phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.

In small portions approximately every three weeks.


Don't be afraid to prune your hibiscus. It will only benefit him - and it will be more magnificent, and decorative form can give.

The procedure is done in late winter, or early spring. Before the shoots start growing.

The hibiscus, which was formed in the form of a standard tree, looks very interesting. It's simple - from the very beginning of development, they remove side shoots until the flower grows to the desired height.

Hibiscus wintering

In the fall, feed with potash fertilizers. If you live in warm areas, it is enough to mulch the soil and cover it with snow in winter. Just in case, the bush can be tied with spruce branches.

But, if temperatures in winter fall below 30-34 degrees - this is fatal for hibiscus!

In this case, the thermophilic creature is taken to the house for wintering. You can place the plant in the basement, or you can lodge in a large pot at home.

What is hibiscus sick

Chlorosis. Opal lower leaves- this means that the water for irrigation is oversaturated with chlorine and calcium.

Spider mite. It affects the flower in dry hot weather. Spray the hibiscus with warm water in the evenings to prevent this from happening.

If the flower is already infected, apply Aktara and Fitoverm.

Aphid. Aphid control methods, as well as on other plants. For example, tobacco or ash.
If the conditions of detention are violated:

  • did not open, or all the buds wilted at the same time - there is little moisture and nutrition;
  • there are no flowers, and the foliage is lush - overdid it with nitrogen, or there is little light, or it was too hot in winter;
  • there are dirty pink spots on the leaves - there is little light, but there is a lot of nutrition.

Useful, not just beautiful

Hibiscus has found a use in medicine, cosmetology, it is eaten and made into drinks.

Famous tea "Hibiscus" made from Sudanese rose. On sale you can find: "Malvovy tea", "Hibiscus tea", "Sudanese rose".

Hibiscus contains pectin, flavonoids, phytosterols, anthocyanins and hibisic acid.

If you own your own hibiscus, you can make your own health drink.

Take 2 tablespoons of chopped hibiscus flowers and pour boiling water (400 ml). Let it brew and strain.

This red infusion:

  • choleretic;
  • diuretic;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • light laxative;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • regulates blood pressure (hot - increases, cold - decreases);
  • good for the liver;
  • antipyretic.

Moreover, crushed flowers are used externally for treatment:

  • boils;
  • warts.

Contraindicated hibiscus treatment: pregnant women and young children.

Hibiscus flowers are used to make black hair dye and purple hair dye for industrial purposes.

In general, hibiscus is unpretentious. Apply all these simple guidelines and he will answer you with rich colors of flowers and lush greenery. Plant hibiscus in your home and enjoy the exotic that is always there!

Garden hibiscus comes from the Malvov family. A hibiscus plant in the garden can look like a shrub, a compact tree, it's up to you how it should fit into your site.

Hibiscus is native to Asia and South China. In nature, there are more than 300 varieties of this plant. Under natural conditions, its height can reach about three meters.

General information

In Hawaii, the hibiscus garden flower is popular. When various kinds of holidays and festivities take place on the islands, girls decorate their beautiful curly hair with them.

But in turn, in European countries, hibiscus is considered the flower of death. In houses where hibiscus garden grows, according to its external changes, they judged about future changes. If the plant begins to shed its leaves and withers away, it means that someone in the family will get sick.

If the buds appeared on the plant ahead of time, this portends an early death, one of the family members. Many stories have been invented that are associated with the appearance of a garden hibiscus flower on the plots, they say that if you start it in an apartment, then scandals between husband and wife will begin.

But in the East, hibiscus is considered not a flower of death, but an energetic that fills everything around with life.

Types and varieties of hibiscus

His homeland is the south of Transcaucasia. The second name is garden hibiscus. Seemingly pretty compact bush arnik, height about 3 meters. Inflorescences are similar to saucers, flowering begins in the second half of summer to early autumn. Inflorescences are common, sometimes terry. The color is pink, white, red.

A frost-resistant plant, hibiscus can withstand up to - 25 degrees. But constant warm weather is necessary for good abundant flowering. Hibiscus prefers a sunny place, grows well in neutral soil.

Terry hibiscus or volatile China is considered its homeland. Deciduous shrub, reaching a height of about three meters. The trunk of the plant has a straight pointed end.

Inflorescences are light, sometimes turning into pink shades, double or sometimes ordinary flowers are found. The diameter of the inflorescence is about 10 cm. Pruning is necessary only if there are dry branches.

A plant with straight shoots, reaching a height of up to 3 meters. The leaves are large, similar to the foliage of a sunflower. The shade of the inflorescences is raspberry, pink, white. The plant is thermophilic, prefers sunny areas. Flowering begins in August and lasts until early September.

Hibiscus is unpretentious, frost-resistant and takes root well in all soils. This species must be cut under the base every fall. And in the new period, flowering will be only on new shoots.

, perennial, grown both in the garden and in indoor conditions... It even competes with roses with its bright bloom. The inflorescences are large, the shade of pink turning into a rich red, and inside at the base it is covered with black blotches. Olive leaves, smooth. Withstands frosty weather down to -30 degrees.

Hibiscus planting and care in the open field

Hibiscus garden cultivation does not bring much trouble, but having done everything right, a successful result awaits you.

Watering for hibiscus needs regular, moderate watering as the soil dries out. In hot weather frequent watering, but do not allow moisture to stagnate.

For planting garden hibiscus in the open field, it is necessary to prepare loose soil, saturated with humus fertilizers and without moisture stagnation. A garden hibiscus flower requires constant loosening of the soil and removal of weeds around it.

During the period of active development from the first months of summer to autumn, hibiscus needs regular fertilization with a high content of nitrogen and phosphorus. It should be fed several times a month, and closer to winter, you should add and potash fertilizers... Hibiscus inflorescences bloom for only one day.

You can also familiarize yourself with the indoor hibiscus plant and what kind of care it needs to provide at home by clicking on the link.

Hibiscus garden care and seed propagation

Hibiscus cultivation from seeds begins from the end of January to the first month of spring. Before sowing, the seeds are placed in a saturated solution of manganese for 30 minutes, and then in a small amount of a growth stimulant and left for 24 hours.

After all the procedures done, the seeds must be sown in a container with peat and sand in equal proportions. Cover with foil and glass and maintain the temperature at about 26 degrees. Do not forget to open and ventilate the containers and water from the spray into the soil.

When the first three leaves begin to appear in the seedlings, they need to be planted in separate containers. It is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not stretch, for this they need sufficient lighting. Seedlings are transplanted to the site in May. There is also a method of reproduction in garden hibiscus by sowing itself.

Propagation of hibiscus by cuttings

For propagation by cuttings, cuttings with three nodes are cut, lower part treated with a growth stimulant. Then they are transplanted into peat soil with a temperature of about 26 degrees, preferably in a greenhouse.

After the cuttings take root, they are planted and pinched, to create a form in separate containers with prepared soil, peat, sod land, leaf and sand, everything is taken in equal parts.

And as soon as a compact bush grows, you can plant it on the site. With proper care, flowering will begin in the first year. You can also root the cuttings in water.

Pruning garden hibiscus in spring

Hibiscus pruning is done mainly for the purpose of thinning and removing dry shoots from the shrub and giving the shrub the shape you want. To form a tree young plant it is cut to the base of the three buds, leaving only a well-stemmed body.

Next times pruning hibiscus garden spring necessary for extreme shoots up to two buds, and the central trunk up to six buds. When the tree reaches the height you need, then you need to cut off excess branches and tops of the tree.

It is necessary to remove and thin out the shrub in early spring before saping begins. The better you prune old branches, the more and more abundant the flowering will be for the season.

Pruning Syrian hibiscus implies different lengths of shoots, then your plant will look interesting enough and have a beautiful shape.

Hibiscus diseases and pests

  • If your plant does not receive moisture for a long time during a drought, then it may be susceptible to pests such as aphids and spider mite... To destroy them, it is better to treat the plant with insecticides.
  • Among the diseases that affect hibiscus, the most common is chlorosis, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and crumble, and new ones also grow yellowish. The reason for this is the lack of soil nitrogen fertilizers and iron. For this, it is watered with a liquid complex fertilizer with the addition of the necessary substances.
  • If your plant refuses to bloom and has slowed down its growth, then there is a lack of phosphorus and boron in the soil, and if the shoots have slowed down in growth, there is a lack of nitrogen fertilizers, you should treat the plant with fertilizer with the addition of nitrogen, and then flowering will definitely appear.

By following all the prescriptions correctly, your plant will develop and please your garden plot their active growth and abundant flowering.