For gardeners: hibiscus shelter for the winter. Care and reproduction of garden hibiscus

Having a wonderful smell, garden hibiscus flowers not only delight the eye in the garden or on the windowsill in the apartment - they are also used to brew healthy and fragrant tea. This particular drink is known to many under the name "hibiscus tea". In addition, garden hibiscus is unassuming to care for and highly decorative.

Garden hibiscus: photo and description

Love flower or flower beautiful women- this is also the name of the tree-like hibiscus popular in Hawaii. On holidays, local girls adorn their hair with dazzlingly beautiful and bright flowers of this plant. The wide range of colors of the plant perfectly emphasizes the beauty of the hair.

Growing a plant in a garden is not a big hassle, and its splendor evokes a sense of serenity and tranquility, transferring to the unique world of pristine nature.

A beautifully flowering plant that can be grown both in an apartment and in a summer cottage. Garden hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae group. In the natural environment, there are about 250 different varieties this plant - they differ in shape and size, as well as the color of the flower and its size.

According to the shape of the hibiscus, there are:

  • Semi-shrubs;
  • Shrubs;
  • Herbaceous varieties;
  • Decorative trees.

Flowers in many varieties garden hibiscus brightly colored, large, graceful... Some varieties differ significantly from each other. Different colors and shapes, the size of the flower and the plant itself.

The frost-resistant garden and herbaceous varieties are very popular, since they are not very picky about care. The many varieties of garden tree hibiscus with funnel-shaped double and simple flowers are quite exotic and attractive. The color variety of plants is very large: you can see flowers from yellow, white to deep red, bright lilac, crimson, purple and purple... There are also two-tone varieties.

Its location in the garden will also depend on the selected variety of hibiscus. Low-growing plants look great in mixed borders. Herbaceous hibiscus looks harmoniously with ground cover roses and decorative deciduous plants. But the tree-like hibiscus can be beaten well by planting several plants with different flowers in solitary standard planting.

  • Hibiscus can tolerate frost down to -20C.
  • Flowering is quite long - from late June to early October.

Garden hibiscus: care and reproduction

Growing this plant won't be a hassle. For normal flowering and growth, it is advisable to choose a sunny place where there is no wind. When planting hibiscus, you need to use humus-rich, loose and fertile soil. Watering must be frequent and regular.... The main thing is not to flood the plant, but it is important that the ground around the flower is constantly moist. If the plant is properly cared for, then the life span of a hibiscus can be more than 15 years.

Young bushes need to be replanted several times. As a rule, the transplant is done in the spring. Already 2 months after rooting, the plant can be transplanted into a larger pot. For planting, a mixture of earth from sheet, sod soil, sand and humus is used in a ratio of 3: 4: 1: 1. Every year, after transplanting, soil must be added to the pot.

Important proper care after planting young bushes, especially in winter. The plant should overwinter in a shelter, as it can not stand the frost... If the planting of bushes is scheduled for autumn, then before the arrival of the winter season, you need to mulch the land near the flower.

Fertilizers for hibiscus must contain an increased amount of phosphorus. Before winter, it is advisable to feed the bush with potash fertilizer. This will make it easier for the plant to winter.

Syrian hibiscus: photo and description

The Syrian hibiscus is characterized by unusually lush flowers.

Lavender chiffon

A relatively new English variety with semi-double and double flowers. The color is blue-pink with a deep red center.

A small tree or deciduous shrub of medium size up to 3 meters and a crown in a circumference of 1.7 m. It grows well in a sunny area, but also tolerates light shading.

It has various applications: it is possible a tapeworm against the background of a lawn, you can plant a plant in the background in flower beds or to decorate fences, it all depends on where the sun's rays fall more.

Duke de Brabant

A small tree or deciduous shrub with an average height of about 2-3 m and a crown circumference of 1.7 meters. The inflorescences are large and quite attractive, violet-red with burgundy-red or dark red blotches in the center, terry, 10-12 cm in size. Grows well in a sunny area, but can tolerate light shading.

Garden hibiscus tree: photo and description

The tree-like garden hibiscus is a deciduous shrub that blooms for 6 months, but one flower only lasts a day. The wilted petals are immediately replaced by new inflorescences. Hibiscus blooms at the end of June, and renews its flowers until October.

V temperate climates plant height no more than 2.5 m, although in the natural environment, tree varieties reach a size of up to 6 m. Big leaves ovoid or oval have a deep green color. The inflorescences are single, rather large, reaching up to 28-31 cm in circumference.

Disembarkation takes place in the spring. Take care that the tree you are growing in the garden is protected from drafts. During the care and cultivation of hibiscus, do not forget that the plant is thermophilic and demanding on lighting. If you plant it in a shaded area, then it will both grow slowly and bloom weakly.

If your backyard territory is located in an area with a cool climate, then plant non-double species - they are the most hardy. For a plant to bloom profusely, it needs a small pruning every two years.... Supplement the hibiscus with lavender bushes to protect the hibiscus from aphids.

Hibiscus needs fertile land with normal water permeability. Strong watering is not required for this flower - it is necessary to moisten the ground only after drying out. Abundant flowering will be provided, if you do not forget about the constant phosphorus baits. Potassium supplements are also needed - with the help of them, the wintering of the flower will be easier.

Suitable for growing in pots. The plant must choose the ideal, in the literal sense of the word, place - otherwise, when turning or moving flowering bush there is a great risk of breaking weak peduncles. Choose a warm and sunny area, protected from drafts. In a pot, the bush must be trimmed periodically - this can help maintain its decorative shape.

Herbaceous hibiscus: photo and description

A distinctive feature is a long flowering time, and its peduncles are 2-3 times larger in size, in contrast to tree varieties. Another advantage of the herbaceous variety is its high frost resistance.

The bush has many erect shoots that sprout every year. The flowers of this plant are painted in cherry-raspberry color.... It is advisable to plant a flower in the central part of the garden or in the background, because of its rather big size- about 3 meters.

When caring for this hibiscus, it must be borne in mind that the roots of the bush look like potatoes, their damage leads to the death of the plant. Therefore, in winter, after the dying off of the bush, it is advisable to place a plate at the place where the hibiscus grows, which indicates its location and protects the bush from digging.

The bright and large flowers of herbaceous hibiscus are in perfect harmony with different plants, therefore, be sure to plant it in your garden.

As a rule, herbaceous species are grown in large group plantings or in the formation of borders. These plants can be used to decorate the coastal area of ​​the home pond. But cultivation must be carried out in sunny places, protected from drafts.

The plant has no special requirements for soil... It develops better on loams and does not tolerate calcareous soil. An important role in caring for hibiscus is played by drainage at the planting site and periodic loosening, since waterlogging and waterlogging of the soil can cause the death of the bush.

In the spring, you need to build greenhouses from film, since the flower loves warmth and moisture. Under these conditions, the plant will develop much faster. With the arrival of summer, greenhouses are removed. The herbaceous cultivar loves constant watering, especially in the early stages of cultivation. At the end of flowering, watering should be slightly reduced.

Garden hibiscus: photo

Pruning garden hibiscus

Periodic pruning of the hibiscus is necessary; pruning the shoots is beneficial for the plant. The bush forms flower buds on young shoots. In addition, pruning is required for the plant to give a decorative shape.

In the spring, the growth of hibiscus of the last year is shortened by 1/3... This significantly increases the number of new kidneys. As the plant grows thicker over time, it needs light, periodic thinning.

How to prune hibiscus?

  • After disembarkation young plant remove all damaged and weak shoots. For uniform growth of a lush plant, and in the future, he needs cardinal pruning... If you want to shape standard tree, then you need to be patient, since it takes more than one year to grow a stem.
  • Trim branched shoots to the level of several buds. The main trunk is not trimmed. In the next season, from February, again cut the lateral branched shoots to one bud, and the main trunk - to 6-7 buds. When the bush reaches the size you need, form a crown from the strongest shoots, making it several buds shorter, cutting off the top of the trunk and removing all the lateral lower shoots.
  • When you have achieved the desired crown shape, then only cut dry and weak shoots in the future. Cut thin branches to several buds. If over time the plant becomes one-sided, then remove unwanted branches on it to the base or cut them to lateral young shoots.

Reproduction of hibiscus

During the care of hibiscus, reproduction is carried out by cuttings, dividing the bush, and also by seeds. If you decide to grow a plant from seeds, then do not forget that this process can only be done after stratification.

The material for planting is covered with a small layer of earth, slightly moistened, for example, with a sprayer, and set in the refrigerator for a month. After the propagation of hibiscus by seeds, sowing is done in the prepared substrate mixed from sand and peat. The container must be closed with polyethylene or glass and left at a temperature of 25-27 g. Conduct periodic ventilation and spraying of the container. Then, when the seeds germinate, you need to wait for the formation of several leaves. These seedlings dive into different pots. The flowering of a flower bed of hibiscus grown from seeds occurs only in the third year.

If the reproduction of hibiscus is done by cuttings, then the best time for this is spring. From new shoots, it is necessary to cut off the upper cuttings, which have several internodes. Trimming is done 5 cm below the node... After that, the top of the stem is cut off over the knot and a cut is made on the resulting cuttings. From the bottom of the cut it is necessary to remove the stem cut and the leaves. The few remaining leaves are cut in half.

To accelerate the development processes, the cuttings are treated with growth stimulants, and then they are buried in the ground to the nodes. The planting is covered with foil and kept at a temperature of 18–20 grams. After a month, the bush will take root and can be transplanted to permanent place... This plant will begin to bloom one year after planting.

The prolific and hardy hibiscus does not require much attention, but it always adorns any garden plot with beautiful flowers. All you need to do is plant additional plants to compensate for the sterile time of one plant with another. But in any case, hibiscus is a versatile plant. Beautiful flowers and its ease of care have made it one of the most popular shrubs to be grown in the garden or apartment.

Garden hibiscus in its homeland, Hawaii, is considered flower of love... Indeed, it is dazzlingly bright and attractive. His presence in the garden can create a festive mood. Despite the exotic look of garden hibiscus, it is easy to care for.

Hot pink terry variety justifies the popular name of hibiscus - the flower of love.

Varietal variety of garden hibiscus

Garden (sometimes also called Syrian) hibiscus belongs to the Malvovs. Under natural conditions, up to 200 different species of this plant are found - they differ in size and shape, as well as the size and color of the flower (the flowers of some varieties can correspond to the size of a volleyball ball).

Treelike varieties often decorate streets in southern countries.

According to the shape of the plants, the following are distinguished:

  • shrubs;
  • dwarf shrubs;
  • decorative trees;
  • herbaceous species.

Low grassy species look bright in borders and flower beds.

It is worth noting the most attractive varieties in modern garden culture:

  • Woodbridge with ruby-red single flowers, preferring free space;
  • gorgeous terry Ardens;
  • upright bush Oiseau bleu with blue-violet flowers up to 14 cm in diameter;
  • Lady stanley with flowers reminiscent of a carnation;
  • upright Totus albus with simple white flowers;
  • created to solo in a composition compact bush Hamabo blooming pink.

Ruby woodbridge flowers.

Depends on the selected type and placing a plant in a composition... So, undersized shrubs look great in mixed borders. Syrian hibiscus also looks harmoniously with ground cover roses and contrasts with decorative deciduous shrubs. But the tree variety can be perfectly beaten using several plants with different colors in standard solitary planting.

The bush Totus Albus adorns itself with plain white flowers.

How to care for a plant

Planting a garden hibiscus carried out in the spring. Make sure that the plant that you plant in the garden is reliably protected from the winds.

Oiseau Bleu flowers can be up to 14 cm in diameter.

Consider that the shrub thermophilic and demanding of light... If you place it on a shaded area, then it will grow more slowly and not bloom too abundantly. Here are some recommendations from the reviews experienced florists... Follow them and caring for your garden hibiscus will be quite simple:

  1. If your site is located in a region with a cool climate then choose non-double varieties - they are more hardy.
  2. For hibiscus to bloom profusely, every two years it will need a light pruning.
  3. Supplement your hibiscus planting with lavender bushes to help. protect the plant from aphids.
  4. Required for a plant fertile soil with good water permeability.
  5. Excessive watering the plant does not need it - the soil should be moistened only after it dries out.
  6. Lush bloom you will be assured if you do not forget about regular phosphorus feeding.
  7. Potash fertilizers will also be required - thanks to this wintering plants it will become easier.

Ardens is a terry variety.

By the way, this garden shrub suitable for cultivation and as a tub plant... This growing method is somewhat more complicated. So, the plant needs to find an ideal place in every sense - otherwise, when moving or turning flowering plant there is a great risk of breaking weak peduncles. Choose a sunny and warm location, sheltered from the winds. The hibiscus in the tub will need to be trimmed regularly (in early spring or fall) to help maintain its decorative shape.

Garden hibiscus thrives in a tub. A little imagination and ... the tricolor looks even more spectacular!

The tub hibiscus should be sprayed regularly as it is a tropical plant. Feed it a phosphate fertilizer every two weeks. You also need to water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist. For the winter, the tub should be moved to a room with a temperature of about 13ºC and sufficient light. Watering for this period is not stopped, but its frequency is reduced.

Light pink compact Hamabo.

A garden hibiscus transplant may not be necessary at all- in conditions of constant feeding and watering, in a well-lit place, the plant can live for more than 20 years. If you decide to transplant a plant, then do it in early spring... After transplanting, the hibiscus is pruned and the next year they get an excellent flowering plant.

Hibiscus pruning rules

Flower buds in garden hibiscus only form on the shoots of the current year... Therefore, regular pruning guarantees you many colors. The plant is pruned before the start of active growth - at the end of winter.

They can become a real decoration of your site. You probably do not suspect how many amazingly beautiful and unusual varieties the breeders managed to bring out.

At summer cottages and household plots phlox can often be seen. O correct cultivation see these colors.

By the way, cropping can also be used to ensure decorative shrub... In southern countries, where hibiscus is ubiquitous, balls, pyramids and even cubes, strewn with flowers, are made of it.

Ardens magenta is shaped like an ornamental tree.

The plant tolerates pruning very well. You can form a bush or a tree of the size you need - such compactness will allow hibiscus to fit into the design not only suburban area but also terraces and even balconies.

How to prepare your garden hibiscus for winter

Most non-double garden hibiscus varieties are frost-resistant... This means that in the southern regions, special preparation for winter is not required, but in the northern regions the plant hibernates only with shelter.

In ornamental gardening and landscape design used frequently . This is understandable: its magnificent huge inflorescences will leave few people indifferent.

The most common lilac, it turns out, has many varieties. With a skillful approach, you can plant a whole one on your site!

And from the Thunberg barberry, you can arrange a picturesque purple border. Here is everything about growing and breeding barberry.

Herbaceous and tree-like hibiscus prepared for wintering in the same way - they need to be cut off, watered abundantly (before the onset of frost). A few days after watering, the plants are spud, and for this they use ordinary soil with the addition of sand.

Ready for winter! Shelter option for plants.

In the second half of November, they also hold warming... To do this, the prepared plant is covered with sawdust or dry foliage - so that the height of the mound is about 15 cm.Young bushes need to be covered especially carefully, for which there are several ways:

  • the whole bush is bent to the ground and covered with a special fabric (spunbond, lutrasil), and then also with plastic wrap;
  • a solid frame is created around the bush, wrapped in several layers of covering material, and for better shelter even use spruce branches.

By the way, after winter frosts, the bush Syrian hibiscus leaves a state of dormancy for a long time - take this into account so as not to uproot a viable plant.

Reproduction methods

Garden hibiscus reproduces in several ways:

Chopped cuttings root fairly quickly in water.

  1. Cuttings. Cut cuttings are placed in water and then planted in the ground as soon as roots appear on it. You can plant a seedling first in a pot and place it in the garden for the summer, and take it to a warm place for the winter. Cuttings are carried out in the spring, before flowering begins - you can also use the parts left after pruning.
  2. Reproduction of garden hibiscus can also be carried out by seeds. They are sown from January to March. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in Epin's solution, and then placed in a soil mixture of peat and sand. The seed dish is covered with glass. It is important to keep warm - up to 27ºC, which will promote good germination of seeds. The dish should be ventilated periodically. As soon as the seedlings have a few leaves, they can be dived into separate small pots.

The seeds have sprouted, you can soon dive into the pots.

Keep in mind that if the shrub is grown from seeds, then flowers will appear on it only after 3-4 years.

What difficulties can you expect?

So, if on hibiscus buds are tied, but soon fall off, then the reason for this is insufficient watering or lack of nutrients.

If there is an excess of iron in the water for irrigation, then lower leaves the plants will fall off, and the top ones turn yellow.

Lady Stanley's flowers are reminiscent of carnation flowers.

Lush foliage combined with complete lack of leaves indicates that the plant has received excess nitrogen fertilization.

The lack of moisture is indicated sluggish drooping leaves, and too cold soil will provoke drying of the roots.

Terry variety Danica of incredible beauty.

Garden hibiscus is a great plant for single and group plantings. It does not require complex maintenance, and thanks to varietal diversity will decorate your site for years to come.


An amateur gardener talks about the herbaceous hibiscus (flower diameter - 27cm!), Its flowering and caring for it.

The plant belongs to the mallow family and is represented by a huge variety of species (about 300). Natural habitat - tropical zone of America, Africa and Asia. In nature, the genus Hibiscus occurs in the form of shrubs and trees. Some subspecies are perennial or annual grasses.

Hibiscus classification

From the point of view of cultivation, two groups are considered:

  • indoor plants - a prominent representative is the Chinese rose;
  • garden forms - the most common is the Syrian hibiscus.

Hibiscus are found in the wild in temperate climates:

  • trifoliate (northern) - herbaceous annual, the leaves of which are used in the pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of diaphoretic;
  • hemp (kenaf) - grown as an agricultural crop for the production of fiber and industrial oils.

Hybrid forms attract with large petals and a variety of colors. Flowers are used to prepare drinks with a pronounced antispasmodic effect. Hibiscus tea has amazing properties - a hot drink increases blood pressure, a cold one has antihypertensive properties.

Garden forms of hibiscus

Within the territory of the former USSR only two types of hibiscus are widespread in nature:

  • Hibiscus syriacus (Syrian) - the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus Range;
  • Hibiscus trionum (northern, ternate) - Far East of the Russian Federation, Crimea.

Overwintering species such as Syrian hibiscus or tree hibiscus are suitable for growing in a garden.

A beautiful flower is depicted on the coat of arms of Korea - this is hibiscus (mugunkhwa), which is a symbol of the state. The graceful plant is sung in the hymn - in a poetic form, Koreans thank the magic flower for giving the country of rivers and mountains its pristine beauty.

Hibiscus treelike or Syrian

Treelike hibiscus blooms for six months or more, but each flower lives only a day (hybrid species - 2-3 days). To replace withered petals, new buds immediately bloom. The plant blooms in early July, and renews its peduncles by mid-autumn.

From a botanical point of view, the Syrian rose is a deciduous shrub. In temperate climates middle lane the height of the bush does not exceed 2 m, although under natural conditions the tree-like forms reach 5 m. Large (up to 10 cm) oval or ovoid leaves have a bright green color. Flowers are arranged singly, very large, up to 27-30 cm in diameter. Double or simple inflorescences cover almost the entire range of shades, they are two- and three-colored.

Planting and growing garden forms

Tree hibiscus is propagated by any means - from sowing seeds to direct division of the bush. When getting started with the plant, purchase ready-made seedlings from a well-established nursery. So you will save yourself from the negative consequences associated with possible diseases and the presence of pest larvae.

We plant hibiscus by dividing the bush

  • choose a bright, draft-free place;
  • use well-loosened fertile soil;
  • lay drainage at the bottom of the pit with a thickness of at least 10 cm (sand, washed crushed stone, gravel);
  • straighten the roots and cover the hole with soil so that the root collar is at the level of the soil.

To prevent aphids, plant lavender bushes near the hibiscus.

The plant is hygrophilous, but it cannot be poured. Plentiful weekly watering is recommended, and in dry weather - 2-3 times a week.

Growing hibiscus from seeds

It is also possible to grow a full-fledged specimen of the tree-like form of an Asian beauty from seeds, but one should prepare for the fact that this process will take a long time. Seeds are sown in winter - in January-February:

  • prepare a bowl with peat-sandy soil mixture;
  • soak the seeds in any stimulant for a day;
  • cover the container with plastic or glass.

Seeds are covered to a depth of 0.7-1 cm.The first shoots appear in 2-3 weeks, subject to compliance temperature regime(+ 25-27 ° C), regular ventilation and humidification. As soon as the first pair of true leaves appears, transplant the seedlings into separate pots.

In May, transfer the seedlings to the ground. In warm climates, seed-derived hibiscus can begin flowering 2-3 years after planting, in temperate climates 3-4 years.

Seed propagation has its positive and negative sides... The plant grown from seeds has stable reactions to sudden fluctuations in the weather and is immune to disease. Varietal traits are at risk - a new plant most often will not have complete resemblance to its progenitor.

Hibiscus cuttings

Cutting - simple and inexpensive way reproduction. Hibiscus grown by green cuttings is fully consistent with the hybrid form of the donor.

In the spring (during the budding period) or at the end of September (when the growth of annual shoots ends), cuttings up to 15-20 cm long are cut.

4-6 buds are left from below and the sprout is placed in a mixture of peat and sand (the ratio is equal). Rooting lasts about 3 weeks, then the plant is planted in a pot.

It is better for a young seedling to overwinter the first year in a warm room, especially if it is an autumn cuttings. Hibiscus are transplanted to a permanent place in the spring. Over the summer, a new inhabitant of your garden will gain strength and be able to winter comfortably.

How garden hibiscus winters

How to insulate hibiscus for the winter:

  • prune the plant after flowering;
  • pour generously at the root;
  • after a week, spud the bush with light turf soil with the addition of sand;
  • with the onset of the first frost, completely insulate.

We insulate plantings of hibiscus before winter

Warming is carried out in several ways:

  1. Young plants are bent to the ground, sprinkled with sawdust, leaves or special covering material. Lay on top plastic wrap which is pinned to the ground with pegs or stones.
  2. The punch forms remain upright. A wooden or wire frame is installed around the tree and wrapped in a covering material. Spruce branches or straw are tied over the shelter.

In winter, rodents like to climb into such warm houses. To prevent damage to the plant, put spikes of grain soaked in poison inside the hut, or arrange mousetraps.

Galina Yurchenko, expert

Watch for temperature fluctuations during the winter - during the early spring thaws, hibiscus must be ventilated.

Reanimating hibiscus in spring

The plant comes out hard after wintering, but there is one secret that will help to quickly bring it back to life:

  • on the first warm days, remove the insulation from the hibiscus and cover the flower with a light greenhouse;
  • in the middle of the day, air the bush for 15 minutes at intervals of 1-2 hours;
  • remove the film gradually, as the shoots grow.

In two to three weeks, your Hawaiian beauty will gain strength and thank you with exuberant flowering.

Pruning and shaping hibiscus

There is a point of view according to which it is not recommended to prune hibiscus in the first years after planting. This is not true because flowers only appear on young shoots. The more often old branches are removed, the more the bush gives young growth. To enhance flowering, regular annual pruning is performed before the start of sap flow.

Decorative pruning is carried out in order to form a bush. In the photo, the hibiscus flower looks like a small multi-colored tree. The procedure for forming a braid trunk:

  • plant three varieties of plants in one pot;
  • when the seedlings take root, twist the shoots with a pigtail;
  • secure the weaving with a bandage or fabric strips in several places;
  • continue braiding to the desired height.

Syrian tree hibiscus is widely used in the design of personal plots. The shrub is planted with tapeworms or in groups, in the vicinity of bright annuals or against the background of an emerald lawn.

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It is very important to know that not all hibiscus plants need to be covered for the winter. The rule “it’s better to overlook than to overlook” does not work in this case. If you overdo it with care, you can also ruin the plant. And therefore, the owner of this wonderful plant, first of all, needs to figure out what kind of variety he got and, accordingly, understand how to care for him in winter, including. For example, hybrid (herbaceous) hibiscus are quite frost-resistant, so in a fairly mild climate (such as in the center of Eurasia) they do not need to be covered. Syrian varieties must be insulated for the winter. This is especially true of terry hibiscus. Another feature of hibiscus: along with its size, frost resistance also grows.

Hibiscus cultivation specialists recommend that hybrid plants should be simply cut in autumn to a stem height of about 10 cm, tied with earth or covered with leaves. However, it must be remembered that too much use of foliage can be the cause of rotting of the plant, since during periods of warming, an overripe layer will form there.

Of course, if temperatures up to -30 ° C and lower are predicted for the winter, absolutely all plants need shelter. And very delicate hibiscus simply need to be planted in a pot or other container for this time and brought into the room.

Basic techniques for covering hibiscus

The best time to start preparing hibiscus is mid-November. The main indicator is the air temperature - it should reach 5оС frost, but not yet fall below -10оС.

To protect plants from frost, you can cover them with covered frames. The material should be non-woven (eg agrotex, spunbond, lutrasil). However, with very low temperatures they should not be put in order to prevent damping out.

Branches are considered the most suitable for covering hibiscus. conifers, the so-called spruce branches. It is good because it keeps the snow on itself. Thus, the plants are well protected from frost, but they also do not overheat. A small hut is built from the branches. The foil is tied together and wrapped with a coarse cloth made of hard fibers.

Covering hibiscus with branches of evergreen trees, you must take care in advance that rodents do not get there. To do this, you can place devices for catching mice around the perimeter of the square where the flowers grow. Or, soak rodent food with special poison and put it under a sheltering structure.

Beautiful exotic hibiscus flowers can be found in any home and garden area in the south of Russia. it favorite plant many gardeners in the middle lane, thanks to the hybrid varieties... But how to cover the garden hibiscus for the winter to preserve it exotic plant from frost?

Even in regions with long-term cold winter gardeners manage to adapt this originally tropical plant to their conditions.

In areas with frosty winters, where the thermometer drops below -20˚C, gardeners dig up plants with a lump of earth and send them to winter in a basement or other place with more favorable conditions.

In summer cottages and garden plots of central Russia, garden hibiscus successfully winters and blooms profusely. It is represented by a herbaceous species and shrubs.

Herbaceous hibiscus are hybrid varieties. These are tall perennials with the aerial part dying off for the winter. The rhizome is powerful, in the form of potatoes.

Hybrid varieties of hibiscus easily tolerate temperate winters and do not need shelter.

In autumn, with the onset of cold weather, the plant withers, all juices go to the roots. When the stems are completely dead, pruning must be done. It should be remembered that damage to the roots will lead to the death of the plant.

Therefore, pruning should be done to a height of 15-20 cm and sprinkled with fallen leaves.

In spring, hibiscuses wake up late and, by the remains of the stems, determine their location. A layer of mulch and top dressing with complex fertilizers will ensure a successful wintering for the plants.

In areas with severe frosts and inconsistent snow cover experienced gardeners cover their hibiscus with a heap of fallen leaves or a layer of sawdust. These heaps are additionally covered with spruce branches, burlap or other material.

In the spring, after thawing the soil, this is all removed. Preparing herbaceous hibiscus for winter will not cause much trouble for the gardener.

Will be sufficient:

  • cut off dried stems;
  • fertilize;
  • provide cumulative watering;
  • cover with mulch or cover more thoroughly.

Of the shrubs, the Syrian hibiscus is the most widespread. This deciduous plant can also be grown as a standard tree.

Treelike plants of non-double varieties are unpretentious and can withstand short frosts down to - 17˚С.

Terry varieties are more finicky and require shelter for the winter.

Before the onset of the first frost, the plants are pruned.

  1. The branches of the bush should be shortened only by 1/3 part. Formative pruning is done in the spring.
  2. In order for a new growth to form, it is necessary to pinch the side branches. Flower buds will appear on it next year.
  3. All seed pods are cut.

Do not forget about cumulative irrigation and fertilization.

The lush bloom of hibiscus requires feeding mineral fertilizers... In autumn, for a comfortable wintering, it is necessary to add 10-15 g for each bush potash fertilizer and 25-30 g of superphosphate. A few days later, the bushes are spud.

At the end of November, hibiscus is insulated by making a mound around the bushes from sawdust and fallen dry leaves. A height of 15-20 cm will be enough to protect the plant from frost.

When to prepare

In different climatic zones, gardeners have their own work calendar.

Thanks to the emerging hybrid varieties, hibiscus adorn garden plots and Siberian gardeners.

It is important to prepare the plants before frost. The signal for starting preparation for winter of herbaceous hibiscus is the completely wilted stems of the aerial part of the plant.

The hibiscus tree varieties are ready to prune when the pods are dry.

How to cover hibiscus

Young plants of tree-like hibiscus varieties should winter under cover, as frost resistance increases with growth. How to keep this plant in winter?

One way will create comfortable conditions for them during cold weather.

  1. The bush is bent to the ground and covered with synthetic insulating material. Additionally, a polyethylene film is used.
  2. The plant is fenced with a frame, which is covered with an insulating material.

Treelike varieties of hibiscus do not withstand prolonged frosts below - 17˚С. They are sheltered for the winter.

Basically, gardeners use two methods on their plots:

  • shelter with spruce branches or stalks of corn and other plants;
  • enclose the bush with a frame and wrap it up with several layers of synthetic non-woven insulation.

Lapnik is laid around the bush in the form of a hut in several layers. Under the snow that has fallen, this option will be a reliable shelter from frost.

The process of covering other plants with stems is carried out in an upright position. Above and at the very bottom, the material is bundled. It turns out a structure in the form of a sheaf. So the plant is saved from frost.

The second method involves the installation of a frame made of wooden blocks. Finished building cover with several layers of non-woven insulation. With the arrival of spring, when the threat of frost has passed, the bush is freed from insulation.

Garden hibiscus plants love areas that are sunny and sheltered from the wind. They bloom profusely and create a mood for their owners and their guests. Timely preparation for winter, which will not take much time, will save your favorite plant from frost.