Calla yellow in a pot care. We grow callas at home

Calla is a herbaceous perennial plant that belongs to the aroid family. There are other names: calla and aronnik. This plant is native to the African continent. In such a climate, calla lilies can grow up to two and a half meters in height. The plant has rather large, heart-shaped, arrow-shaped leaves. Calla blooms with small flowers, neatly wrapped in a large "veil", which creates something like a funnel. This makes the flower attractive to many gardeners.

Homemade calla lilies in a pot, which everyone can care for, usually do not smell. But those plants that grow in the garden exude a pleasant and delicate aroma in warm weather, reminiscent of pineapple combined with vanilla. So, callas in pots: how to care?

Is it easy to grow callas?

Many people think that growing these plants at home is very difficult, as they require careful care. However, this is not at all the case. According to experts, potted callas, whose photos prove their beauty, are unpretentious, and no special tricks are needed to grow them. The main thing is to create optimal conditions, which will be as close as possible to natural for this plant. In fact, growing callas is not so difficult. To make the plant feel comfortable, you just need to follow a few rules.


So, calla in a pot, home care for which does not require much effort, is very demanding on light. In addition, it is a heat-loving plant. These two facts should be taken into account when choosing a place. This is one of the basic rules for success. Callas grow well in places where there is diffused sunlight or partial shade. There is one more feature. Callas in the evening need a small portion of direct sunlight. For the formation of flower stalks, these plants need daylight hours lasting more than 12 hours. This is one of important conditions. After flowering should be at least 8 hours and not more than 10.

Watering and humidity

Calla is This should not be forgotten. This is especially important when growing Ethiopian calla lilies. After all, this plant grows almost in a swamp, where there is a very high humidity not only in the air, but also in the soil.

Calla flowers in pots can have bedspreads of different tones. This makes them popular among flower growers. Plants with colored bedspreads are not so demanding on moisture. However, do not forget about regular watering. The amount of water depends on the period. For example, during flowering, watering should be more abundant, and during dormancy - moderate. Overdrying the soil in a pot is not recommended.

The room should have high humidity. Of course, this is very difficult to achieve. To make the plant feel comfortable, you can spray it more often.

Room temperature

Growing calla lilies in a pot is an easy process. Of course, if you follow certain rules. Do not forget that callas usually grow in southern latitudes, where temperatures are constantly high. These plants are very difficult to tolerate when this figure drops to 8 ° C. Therefore, keeping callas on the balcony is only in warm weather. In winter, the plant should be transferred to a room where heating appliances. The most favorable temperature for calla growth is from 20 to 25 ° C.

The pot must be chosen correctly

Not the last role in cultivation is played by the capacity in which callas will grow. For the Ethiopian, it is best to use a pot or a container of a sufficiently large size. If the container is small in volume, then the calla simply will not bloom. Even with the application of fertilizers, the plant will develop only the green part and new leaves will appear. But the calla will not bloom in a pot. Home care for this plant consists not only in timely watering, but also in the correct selection of temperature conditions, planting containers and soil. It is worth noting that he prefers to grow up in splendid isolation.

For one plant, it is worth choosing a pot with a diameter of more than 20 centimeters. As for the material from which the container is made, it is better to give preference to porous ones. This will allow the plant to breathe, and excess moisture will leave faster.

You don't have to be an inventor to grow red callas in a pot. In terms of free space, these plants are not particularly capricious. For them, a capacity of three liters is quite suitable.

Soil composition

How is calla grown in a pot? Home care for this plant must be carried out throughout the year. Do not plant callas in normal soil. They grow best in a mixture that consists of sand, rotted manure, peat and garden soil. It is worth noting that the acidity of the soil should not exceed 6.


Planting callas in a pot is another crucial moment. Do not transplant a weak plant or damaged sprouts. In order for the calla to quickly get used to its new place, you should not use ordinary earth, but soil, which is as close as possible to natural in composition.

Before transplanting a plant, it is necessary to wash the roots. This must be done with extreme caution. Otherwise, you can infect the flower with a new disease or introduce bacteria into the wounds. As a result, in a new place, calla lilies will suffer from a new ailment.

After that, a little soil should be poured into the pot and the plant should be placed. This transfer is not over yet. The roots should be carefully sprinkled with soil, and then watered. Calla is a plant that requires a lot of water. Therefore, transplanted sprouts should be watered abundantly. Of course, you should not be too zealous in this regard.


Let's figure out how to plant a calla in a pot and grow it from a bulb. First of all, the use of such material is the simplest method of growing such plants. Callas are very easy to propagate by roots and bulbs. The main thing is to create optimal conditions for their growth.

For those who don't know, this is where the growth of a new plant begins. It's not really a root. But in its calla, it is very reminiscent of it. To be more precise, it is a thick and rather large process of the main root, from which young shoots subsequently appear.

As soon as the calla bulb accumulates a sufficient amount of moisture and useful components, it begins to produce new sprouts. The bulb will supply the plant with all the necessary substances.

Planting a calla in a pot is a simple process. So that the bulb does not start to deteriorate in the pot, it is recommended to make holes for drainage. After that, a hole is made in the container with a depth of at least 10 centimeters. You can plant a bulb in the resulting hole. You need to place it so that the sprouted tips look up and are placed strictly horizontally. After that, the roots can be sprinkled with earth and watered with calla.

How to feed?

So, how to properly grow calla in a pot? Home care for this plant consists not only in timely watering, but also in high-quality feeding.

If the climate in your country is mild and the temperature never drops below zero, then you have the opportunity to have blooming callas in your garden throughout the year. Of course, this requires a lot of effort and time. It is necessary to feed the plant once a year. However, this is not enough for the calla to bloom. all year round. To achieve the desired, it is worth fertilizing more often. You should do this regularly, about twice a month. Fertilizer can be added to the compost in the ground, or you can mix the liquid solution with water intended for irrigation. Care for callas in pots is within the power of even a beginner. By resorting to various tricks, you can grow charming flowers that will delight not only the eyes, but also the soul.

However, when applying fertilizer, you should be careful. After all, the plant can be overfed. In this case, the calla may die. Signs of excessive fertilizer application are burnt leaf edges. This indicates that the plant has received a lot of nitrogen.

In addition, there is another rule, without which the cultivation of calla lilies in a pot is not possible. So, the less the plant receives solar heat and light, the more fertilizer needs to be applied to the soil. This has a positive effect on the flowering of callas. Therefore, it is very important to correctly place the pot with the plant and calculate the required amount of fertilizer.


Calla is an elegant and very beautiful flower. Caring for this plant is not that difficult. The main thing is to follow all the rules and carefully care for callas. This is the only way to achieve abundant flowering, which will delight any gardener. It is worth noting that callas can be grown not only in pots, but also in the garden. These plants will perfectly decorate the site and the house. Plus, they look amazing in bouquets.

Calla is an exquisite and incredibly beautiful flower. Most often it can be seen in the house of a refined and romantic nature. This flower is a representative of the aroid family, which came to us from distant South Africa.

The main feature of calla lilies is its unpretentious attitude to the place of its growth. She feels equally good in the wild and at home.

Flowers of death

Very often you can hear that callas are the flowers of death. The sources of this opinion are unknown. According to one version of its origin, callas are very often brought to funerals in some countries. Therefore, they began to be called the flowers of death.

But in real life they have nothing to do with death. In many states, these flowers are a symbol of love. They are often used in the preparation wedding bouquets in European countries.

Calla varieties

IN modern world there are more than a hundred varieties of callas, which differ from each other in the color of the buds and their shape. All these flowers were divided by professional florists into two types: terrestrial and wetland.

The care that callas require at home (photos of the plant are posted in this article) is not particularly difficult.

It should be planted in a wide container of a small size. In order for it to grow well, it is necessary to build drainage in a pot, provide the plant with regular watering and timely fertilization.

Reproduction features

Reproduction of calla lilies at home can be carried out in three ways:

  • tuberous;
  • processes;
  • seeds.

The first method of how to grow callas at home and propagate them involves separating minor tubers from the mother root. This planting material can be seen in almost every flower shop. Daughter nodules are small in size (5-15 millimeters), so they should be grown before planting. To do this, they must be buried in nutrient soil.

To carry out reproduction with the help of processes, it is required to separate them from the main stem and root them in nutrient soil. And only after that they are transplanted into a pot filled with fertile and drained soil.

Reproduction by seeds

The most troublesome is the propagation of calla lilies from seeds at home. It's connected with low level their germination. Therefore, sprouts very rarely appear even among experienced professionals.

Before propagating callas at home by planting seeds in the soil, they must be kept for about six hours in a growth stimulator solution. After that, they are placed on a damp cloth in a warm place for about seven days. After this period, the seeds should sprout. Only after that they can be planted in the ground.

Open ground is not the best option in order to grow calla flowers at home, since they most often die in it. To prevent rotting of planting material, watering should be reduced to a minimum. Moisturizing calla seeds is best done through a small hole at the bottom of the pot.

Temperature and humidity

Growing callas at home, you need to pay attention to some of the characteristic features of this process. This flower is a light-loving plant, so it is necessary to provide a place for its growth with good lighting both in summer and in the winter season. Moreover, in spring time it is necessary to gradually accustom the plant to the fact that the duration of daylight hours is increasing.

These flowers are heat lovers. Therefore, they develop very poorly in cold conditions. The temperature in the room where they grow should be between 18-23 degrees Celsius. Airing the room should be carried out very carefully, excluding the formation of drafts.

The air in the room should be humid. To do this, you can plant plants in pots with pallets, which will ultimately serve as water reservoirs. Evaporating, moisture will saturate the air, while increasing the humidity in the room.

The first transplant should be done only after the seedlings have strengthened. For this, a tall and wide pot is suitable. Sand drainage is placed at its bottom and filled with nutrient soil. After that, it is necessary to make holes in the soil into which sprouts with roots fit.

During this operation, it is desirable to treat the seedling roots with a biogrowth stimulator. But this must be done very carefully in order to avoid harming the immature flower sprouts. After transplantation, the plant is carefully watered with distilled water.

If the calla was purchased in a store, it should be immediately transplanted into a larger pot at home. The most optimal for this flower is slightly acidic soil. You can make it yourself using hardwood, peat, and a small amount of sand. Mature plants are best transplanted late autumn, In November.

Watering and spraying

Calla has fairly wide leaves that require regular care. From them it is necessary to carefully remove dust with a damp soft piece of cloth. In addition, they need to be sprayed regularly.

An important condition for good growth and development of calla lilies at home is watering. It has already been mentioned above that these flowers love moisture. Therefore, they must be watered regularly and often. If the soil dries out in their pot, a variety of diseases can develop, which often lead to the death of the plant. Particular attention should be paid to watering during the hot summer months.

It is especially important to maintain soil moisture in the container at the right level during the growing season of the plant. After the flowers ripen, watering can be reduced. They should be carried out only after it dries. upper layer soil.

Top dressing and fertilizer

Many people are interested in how to make calla flowers bloom at home. When growing these flowers, one should not forget about periodic top dressing. In order for these plants to delight you with their flowering all year round, it is necessary to significantly increase the amount of top dressing. But the excess will not bring him any benefit. For example, nitrogen in large quantities can provoke the appearance of blackening at the edges of the leaves.

The most optimal time for feeding calla lilies at home is January - March. In order to ensure full flowering, fertilizer should be carried out once every 5-7 days.

For these plants, those types of fertilizers that stimulate growth and flowering are suitable. These include superphosphate and potassium nitrate. In the assortment of flower shops there are a large number of special dressings containing the optimal amount of trace elements and nutrients.

Also, at least once a year, callas should be fed with organic fertilizers.

Indoor plant diseases

The main causative agents of domestic calla diseases are fungi and bacteria. However, you will never encounter them if you know how to care for calla lilies at home. Most the best way disease control - prevention.

It is necessary to carefully control the condition of the soil in the pot, excluding its drying out or waterlogging. You also need to protect the flower from direct sunlight and drafts.

The key to a successful fight against emerging ailments is the knowledge of their features and symptoms. Among the most common diseases of this indoor flower relate:

  • anthracnose, accompanied by the appearance of spots on the leaves Brown color. Over time, they crack and dry out;
  • gray rot, which is formed on all parts of the plant due to proper care, high humidity of air or soil;
  • bacterial rot, which is very difficult to treat and quite often requires the immediate destruction of the infected flower to prevent spread to other plants;
  • root rot, which contributes to the gradual withering of the plant and appears as a result of abundant watering and waterlogging of the soil;
  • lack of flowering as a result of frequent rearrangements or transplants of calla lilies, poor lighting, or not enough fertilizers and so on.

How to care for callas at home is not a very difficult process. But we must not forget that the varieties of these plants require different care. For example, white callas at home require more moisture. But at the same time, they do not stop growing during dormancy or lack of flowering.

Callas "mix" at home are unpretentious to the humidity of the air and soil. But at the same time for them good development good lighting is required. In addition, during the dormant period, such a flower sheds its foliage. Therefore, you should not panic - the plant is just sleeping. And with the onset of summer, its leaves will grow back.

Calla is one of the most elegant plants from the Aroid family, flowering in room conditions.

Its "folk" names: calla, aronnik. It comes from the marshy forests of South Africa.

In nature, there are 8 types of callas, which are divided into 2 groups: tuberous and rhizome.

In addition to the type of root system, they differ in the size and color of the bedspread (varieties of tuberous callas have different colors, and rhizomatous ones bloom mainly with white flowers).

Of these, suitable for growing at home:

Ethiopian calla (Zantedeschia)- most large view, cultivated in indoor floriculture. The large leaves are heart-shaped. It blooms with funnel-shaped white flowers. Unlike colored callas, during the dormant period it retains leaves and remains green. The most popular varieties are: Green Goddess, Zhemchug, Nikolay, Childsiana; Albomaculata.

Calla Eliot reaches a height of up to 50cm. It has large variegated leaves, a yellow flower cover. Known varieties: Black-eyed beauty, Yellow corner, Vermeer, Black Beauty, Captain Chelse.

Calla Remani- compact tuberous species (up to 70 cm high). On its basis, varieties with red, pink, purple, black shades of the bedspread are bred. Popular varieties: Chameleon, Evening, Indian summer. Anneke, Black Forest, Bolero.

Callas in pots, home care, which are not as difficult as it seems at first glance, still need a special approach. In order for them not only to grow, but also to bloom in room conditions, the grower is required to create the optimal combination of conditions that are most similar to natural ones.

Calla: home care - reproduction, transplant


At home, callas are propagated mainly vegetatively. In zantedeschia, the rhizome is divided into parts. Each of them must have at least one kidney. The sections are dried and dusted with charcoal powder or disinfected with brilliant green. The division of rhizomes must be carried out at least once every 4 years. Otherwise, lateral small shoots are formed around the mother bush, which will not bloom. After that, the delenki are planted in a separate pot.

In colored callas, the daughter nodules are separated from the parent.

An overgrown calla tuber is ready for division

Propagation by seeds is the most difficult way. This is due to the low percentage of their germination. If you managed to get ripe seeds, then before planting they must be soaked in a growth stimulator (Kornevin, Epin, Heteroauxin, Etamon, Zircon), and then left for germination in a warm place on a damp sponge or gauze. After the seeds have hatched, they can be planted in the ground. However, another difficulty arises here: planting material often rots. To reduce losses to a minimum, it is better to moisten the sprouts not from above, but through the wick. Plantings are grown at a temperature of + 22ºС. Seedlings dive 2 months after sowing.


Calla lilies are transplanted annually in the spring after the end of the dormant period. At the same time, you can divide the rhizomes or tubers. Pots use wide, not too deep. Drainage up to 5 cm thick is required at the bottom. Callas are planted in pots no deeper than 5-10 cm.

In colored callas, the selected tubers should be elastic, lively, with a smooth yellowish skin. Before planting, it is recommended to keep them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or treat them with a fungicide.

Delenki of white callas are planted at a depth equal to their 3-fold diameter of their rhizomes.

At first, you should not water the planting heavily - there is a high probability of decay (it is better to spray from a spray bottle). After the appearance of sprouts (about 14 days after transplantation), active watering and top dressing begin.

Callas in pots: home care - soil, lighting, temperature and humidity, conditions for flowering

The soil

For tuberous varieties of calla lilies, the suitable composition of the soil would be: leafy, soddy soil, humus, coarse sand in a ratio of 1:2:1:0.5. For rhizomatous varieties, you can use a universal soil for flowering plants or replace it with such a mixture: equal parts of humus, leafy soil, coarse sand, 2 parts of sod land, ¼ of clay. In both cases, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate is added to 3 liters of the total volume of the substrate.

Lighting and location

Callas need bright diffused light. Daylight hours should be 10-12 hours. In autumn-winter, it is necessary to provide additional lighting with an intensity of at least 700-800 Lux. The lack of light leads to a loss of decorativeness of the plant: the petioles of the leaves are stretched, there is no flowering, in tuberous callas, the color of the bracts is blanching.

In summer the best location for the zantedeschia there will be west and east windows. In winter, on the contrary, to get additional sunlight, it is better to rearrange it to the south side.

Temperature and humidity

For different types of callas, the temperature and humidity in the room has some differences.

Rhizome plants during the period of active vegetation feel good at + 17-21ºС. After flowering during the dormant period, they are kept at + 10-13ºС for at least 2 months.

"White" callas need high humidity (70-80%). To do this, their leaves are sprayed with soft water, the pots are placed on pallets with wet moss, expanded clay. It is even better to use special humidifiers.

The optimum temperature for the development of "colored" callas will be + 20-24ºС. During the "rest" of plants, it is increased to + 25-28ºС so that the tubers ripen and flower buds form. For tuberous callas, moderate air humidity (50-60%) is sufficient. Every day they wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.

Conditions for flowering: why does not calla bloom?

It often happens that a calla bought in a store does not bloom at home. One of the reasons for this behavior is that the “vegetation-rest” regime is violated. Plants that have gone on sale are “pumped up” with phytohormones to maintain a presentable appearance. To send the aronnik into "hibernation", you need to reduce watering and put the pot in a cool room.

Wrong irrigation mode also "slows down" the beginning of flowering. Calla as a tropical plant likes to actively "quench its thirst" during the growing season. This is especially true for the Ethiopian calla. It is important to remember that watering cold water these "green Africans" are impossible - there is a high probability of rotting of the roots. It is better to use soft warm (+ 20-25 ° C) settled water for this.

Inappropriate pot size is another likely reason for the lack of flowering in calla lilies. This Tropican is growing quite fast. When it becomes crowded in a pot, she stops growing and is in no hurry to please with her elegant flowers. After a dormant period in the overgrown "family", it is necessary to separate the "children" that weaken the mother plant and transplant them into separate pots. At the same time, the soil is changed to fresh.

Incorrect feeding regime negatively affects the calla's ability to bloom. With an excess of nitrogen, the plant "fattens" - it develops deciduous mass to the detriment of flowering. Therefore, it is necessary to make phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, "responsible" for flowering.

With insufficient planting depth of a tuber or rhizome, an active growth of lateral shoots occurs in the soil. If they are not separated and replanted, then there will be no flowering.

Calla: home care - feeding and watering


In watering, callas also have different requirements. So, "colored" callas are watered sparingly: stagnation of moisture in the soil can be fatal for them (rots form on the tubers). Excess water is drained from the tray. The next watering is carried out when the top layer of soil dries 2-3 cm deep.

"White" callas love abundant watering, especially during the period of active growth. The soil in the pot should always be moist.

After flowering, in all species of this plant, watering is reduced to 1 time per week, and after 1-2 months of this regime, tuberous specimens stop watering altogether.

top dressing

With the release of the calla from the dormant period, it is fed every 2 weeks, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. When conducting foliar dressings plants are sprayed so that the liquid does not get on the bracts (ugly spots form on them and the flower loses its decorative effect).

Calla lilies in pots: home care - why do they die?

Callas in pots at home most often die with improper care, as a result of which weakened plants are affected by pests and diseases.

The most malicious "lovers" of calla are spider mite, whitefly and aphids. For their destruction, acaricides (Aktelik, Sunmayt, Vertimek) and insecticides (Fitoverm, Biotlin, Aktara, Akarin) are used.

With improper irrigation and temperature regime callas are often affected by various bacterial and fungal infections. root rot can be recognized by such signs: mass wilting of leaves and peduncles, necrotization of the root system. Its occurrence is facilitated by increased humidity and air temperature, an excess of nitrogen in the soil. To help the plant in this case, it is necessary to temporarily stop watering it, partially replace the wet soil with dry soil, treat the plant with a fungicide solution (Fundazol, Previkur, Rovral).

Gray rot , caused by the pathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea, spreads through contaminated soil, water, and wind. Its characteristic feature is a gray coating on the plant.

When defeated bacterial rot flower stalks, roots, leaf bases darken, over time the plant dies. Sick callas should be destroyed.

If rounded shapes appear on the leaves brown spots, gradually merging, this means the plant is sick with anthracnose. The damaged parts of the calla are removed, the plant itself is treated with fungicidal preparations.

Why do calla lilies turn yellow at home?

Calla leaves turn yellow when kept at home for 2 reasons: preparation for a dormant period and care errors.

After the plant has faded, it begins to prepare for a “well-deserved rest”: in “colored” callas, all the leaves turn yellow and die off, while the “white” zantedescias retain green foliage.

Improper care of callas affects the appearance of the plant. As a tropical plant, it needs high air humidity, which is difficult to maintain at the proper level in living quarters (especially in heating season). Therefore, callas should often be sprayed with settled water, rearranged away from heating appliances.

Waterlogging or overdrying of the substrate also leads to a change in the color of the leaves and their wilting.

Although feces require a long daylight hours (10-12 hours), too bright lighting depresses her. Therefore, if the plant is on the south window, it must be shaded or rearranged to another place.

Burn on calla leaf

Long-term cultivation of calla lilies in one pot without transplanting and replacing the soil leads to its depletion and, as a result, to yellowing of the leaves. Nutrient deficiency also causes increased fragility of leaf petioles. With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves lose their glossiness, their ends droop, and with a grip of potassium, they rise up.

Elegant, beautiful and majestic calla flower is perfect for decorating wedding bouquets, as there is a belief that these flowers bring happiness and joy to the family. Besides, home flower calla lilies are perfectly used to decorate rooms in the house as part of various flower arrangements. They become a symbol of grandeur and beauty in bedrooms, living rooms and in combination with different accessories and colors convey true charm with their luxurious simplicity.

Characteristic features of the flower:

Due to the unique shape of the flower, the calla houseplant, considered one of the most interesting and wonderful flowers, having a wide variety of shades: purple, pink, yellow, green orange, etc. They are also given other names, for example, mini callas, aronnica, simply tubular or pork. South Africa is the birthplace of calla. It is grown mainly from the rhizome or from the bulb.

Features of the appearance of calla flowers

Regardless of the specific choice, callas look quite characteristic. Flowers arranged on petioles of sufficient length. In turn, the basal leaves are connected to a dense thick rhizome. The inflorescences themselves are on a leafless stem, have cobs and bedspreads. The cover sheet, also known as the coverlet, is a larger colored funnel-shaped leaf that wraps around the so-called yellow "candle" covered with small flowers. The size of the plate of a bright green leaf is approximately 6-14 cm long and 5-11 cm wide. Arrowheads also have white or silver inclusions.

Homemade calla flower. Care

The meaning of calla feng shui

Before planting a homemade calla flower in our apartment, we set ourselves interest Ask: What does it mean anyway? These flowers represent our femininity, youth and charm of our soul. Many believe that the callas growing in the house protect from negativity, bring only peace and happiness. They are like cupid, they attract two lonely halves and connect their hearts forever. Home feng shui calla flower smooths out disagreements in the family.

In addition, it also affects human health. Firstly, few people know that this is an excellent antidote for snake bites. Secondly, flowers perfectly increase not only immunity, but also charge with vivacity and at the same time calmness.

Calla care at home

Multi-colored calla flowers with stunningly beautiful leaves always harmonize wonderfully in the garden. A big plus of the plant is that its undersized varieties are successfully grown in open ground, as well as in special containers. This is a classic greenhouse culture, so cutting inflorescences can be done even in winter. Most lovers of snow-white callas plant them as a houseplant. Plasticity is its main advantage. Features of the content of these flowers, the time of their planting and the dormant period - these are the main criteria by which they determine in which month they can bloom.

We care for callas with warmth and care

Wild callas grow in areas where the climate is mild and warm. In our local latitude, the period of their flowering falls on the summer - July-August. At first, when flower stalks are formed in a plant, it needs a fairly long lighting(not less than 12 hours). Further, calla already needs less light, but here it is also necessary to observe the time frame (no less than 8 hours, but no more than 10 hours).

When caring for a calla flower at home, owners need to know that an exotic plant needs a pronounced state rest. It is best to provide it in the winter season, while watering and feeding should not be much and often, as we say in other seasons. These procedures are done so that the leaves remain green, saturated and provided with plenty of water.

In other months of the year, the homemade calla flower requires an appropriate organic and mineral top dressing. The desire to achieve stronger flower stalks and properly developed inflorescences will help knowledge of the individual details of cultivation. stick simple rules caring for a calla flower at home: when feeding callas, first apply organic fertilizer and only then only mineral. Flowers consume organic matter primarily in a rotten form.

Features of growing potted calla

Growing potted calla is easy and simple

Calla finicky flower. He loves only shady and semi-shady habitats. Capacity for cultivation, it is best to pick up in the form of a spacious pot with a height of more than 60 cm and a width within a radius of 15-20 cm. Make the base from simple garden soil, where you add a small amount of clay, sand, rotted manure, vermiculite and peat. Add minerals to this mass and mix gently. It must be remembered that during the growth of flowers require a further supply of organic mineral fertilizers.

In order for the shoots of a growing flower not to shrink, they dig a hole along the edge of a large pot and fertilize any organic matter that is in the house. It can be fruit peel, tea leaves, seed shells, etc. Then, everything is sprinkled with a substrate and watered with water of medium room temperature or dissolved mineral fertilizer. You can easily do without a transplant. Then from time to time replace the topsoil with a more nutritious fertilizer.

Due to the fact that the calla houseplant loves moisture, it should always be kept in humid conditions and avoid drying out. To speed up the processing of organics into humus, use earthworms. They enrich the soil with oxygen by loosening.

When the first flower stalks appear, it will be appropriate to make nitrogen-potassium fertilizer, for example, urea. During the dissolution period, it is advisable to add calcium in the form of egg shells. This is necessary so that when cutting calla lilies, it stays fresh longer.

Protection during the period of illness of a home calla flower is carried out in the same way as for other plants in pots. Sometimes it is damaged due to powdery mildew.

callas multiply thanks to tubers. Before planting in a container, the prepared substrate is spilled with boiling water, allowed to cool and a tablespoon of the complex is added. mineral fertilizer which are acidic.

Types and photo selection of home calla flowers

Callas are a charming creation of mother nature, which today have many different varieties. A thematic selection of photographs will allow you to fully admire the sublime and aristocratic views of this popular exotic plant:

Of the most floriferous ornamental plants callas should be isolated elliott. The size of the Elliott bedspread reaches about 15 cm. The outer part is colored green-yellow, the inner part is yellow. White blotches are present on heart-shaped leaves. The Danish species needs constant watering and prefers more light.

The most common variety is this. It has fleshy rather dense leaves, up to 45 cm long. The flowering stem itself can grow up to 1 meter. The white inflorescence expanded from above has a funnel shape and yellowish cobs.

An interesting species, distinguished by its small size, is. It is small because it grows only up to 50 cm. Pretty flowers are painted in red or bright pink colors. It is rightfully considered the original species, from which a wide variety of variegated shades can be successfully derived, for example, lilac, dark purple, etc.

It should be noted tender and fragrant. The luxurious purple hue and the smell of the sea breeze make it special. Depending on the growing environment, this type of calla grows from 60 to 120 cm. Amethyst is considered worthy royal flower, as the boudoirs of court ladies and queens adorned her flowers.

To find mutual language with sophisticated calla flowers, it's really not difficult. A little more care and proper care is enough, then both in the garden and at home they will sparklingly delight you for many years. With all our hearts we wish to find friendship with them, let each of you live these little flower fairies.

Zantedeschia aephiopica(Ethiopian calla, calla, zantedeschia) grows as a herbaceous perennial that completely or partially dries up for the winter, about 80 cm high with a powerful fleshy rhizome. Juicy green smooth leaves are located on vertical petioles. The inflorescence consists of a white leaflet and a yellow cob. On sale there are also types of indoor calla flowers with a yellow or pink wrapper leaf. Family: Agaseae (Aroid). Homeland: Tropical Africa, South Africa. It should be noted that such an unusual name - zantedeschia - was given to the plant thanks to the famous botanist Kurt Sprengel: the German scientist decided to christen the perennial in honor of his Italian colleague and comrade Giovanni Zantedeschi.

What does an overseas calla flower look like

It should also be noted that now the flower is very popular with many gardeners precisely because it can be easily grown both at home and on the street. In addition, precisely because of how amazing the calla flower looks - this is a combination of spectacular big leaves, bright inflorescences on long petioles and a funnel-shaped bract - most connoisseurs choose this plant as a decoration for their home. By the way, the foliage of this representative of the flora visually resembles real arrowheads with beautiful silvery splashes! Zantedeschia has truly won the love of people around the world: in Europe, it is associated with the embodiment of devotion and tenderness, and brides prefer to use it to make charming wedding bouquets. Despite this, when growing an indoor overseas calla flower, every gardener must remember that this plant is capable of releasing poison. That is why, when choosing a place for your “pet”, you must try to place it where children or animals cannot reach it.

Interesting, but a similar property is very much appreciated in the homeland of the flower: poisoned juice is skillfully used as an antidote for snake bites.

When to dig up callas and how to store them in winter (with video)

According to experts, knowing what conditions are necessary for the normal growth and development of callas, caring for and caring for indoor callas can be a real pleasure. Based on this, pay attention to the following points:
  • Location: bright sunny or partial shade, put outside in summer.
  • Temperature: warm in summer, cool in winter (about 10 ° C).
  • Substrate: flower soil.
  • Watering: after flowering from the end of May, keep completely dry for 2 months, then shake out the lump, plant again and slowly increase the watering rate. Water abundantly in winter and spring.

Regardless of the fact that the process of caring for and growing a calla flower will take place at home, experienced craftsmen remind you that it is necessary to follow the rules of agricultural technology that are intended for garden specimens. In addition, connoisseurs and connoisseurs of this perennial share tips with beginners:

  • It should be remembered that immediately after planting, this plant does not sprout, since it takes time for the formation of its root system. Therefore, there is no need to worry: you just have to wait a little - about 30-40 days.
  • Moreover, even indoor unpretentious plant callas should be carefully subjected to the planting procedure: we are talking about how to sprinkle a little soil on its roots, so that it does not rot in the future.

Please note that thanks to this instance, you can predict a change in the weather: if it has drops of water on the leaves, then it will rain.
No matter how hard the gardener tries, the overseas perennial blooms no longer than a month.
Be responsible and do not forget to periodically remove the top layer of earth from the flower container: instead, it is necessary, in turn, to add a nutrient substrate. Watch a video about when to dig up callas and how to store them later: the fact is that this plant has very delicate tubers that can be easily damaged.

Furthermore, this process must be carried out according to the rules, since zantedeschia can get sick. And the last: it is very important that the flower pot is porous. This is necessary, first of all, so that excess moisture does not accumulate. Moreover, do not plant other specimens with the calla - it does not tolerate neighbors.

How to grow callas at home: lighting and temperature

Although it was said that the conditions for caring for houseplant reminiscent of those used for garden flowers, you need to know how to properly grow callas at home. To begin with, it should be noted that zantedeschia does not like dark rooms: in this regard, care must be taken to ensure that it is placed in a well-lit corner. Moreover, this rule applies to both winter and summer.
Remember that in December - February, the plant may suffer from a lack of sunlight: make sure that this moment is compensated by artificial light sources.
Not only lighting plays a role in the normal development of calla: it is important that the temperature in the room does not fall below 15 ºC. But to care for indoor calla flower at home, to stimulate good growth, temperatures of 22-23 ºC are required. Take note of the fact that this copy should be protected from drafts, therefore, when ventilating the room, do not leave it in open areas.

Care of callas at home in pots with a pallet

The creation of a favorable humid climate for the flower is also considered an important moment by the masters of gardening. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to plant callas in pots with a pallet at home so that they are cared for in accordance with their characteristics. In this case, the pan will serve as a water reservoir, from which the liquid will gradually evaporate and saturate the perennial.

Among other things, you need to take care of the watering of the calla itself. Its broad leaves should be wiped regularly and thoroughly with a slightly moistened soft cloth. By the way, we must not forget about spraying the plant - once every few days.
The key to proper growth and successful development will be abundant watering. He plays one of the key roles in caring for indoor calla flower at home: since the calla loves high humidity, the earth in the pot should not be allowed to dry out. It is this oversight that can cause not only diseases, but also the death of zantedeschia.
Soil moisture should be monitored especially closely during the summer months and during the growing season. However, after the flower has ripened, it is imperative to reduce the amount of moisture and control only that the top layer of earth in the pot does not dry out.

Planting, transplanting and further care for calla lilies at home

As you can already see, knowing exactly how to properly care for a homemade calla flower, you can avoid certain problems (for example, decay and the development of diseases). However, you should pay attention to the following points:
  • Top dressing: should be carried out from September until flowering (every week).
  • Transfer: it should be held in July/August.
So, many novice gardeners have no idea how the calla transplant procedure is carried out. To remedy this situation, experts say: firstly, a process is first carried out to strengthen the seedlings. In this case, the transplant further care for calla they look like this: a tall, if possible, wide pot is taken, sand and nutrient soil mixture are poured onto the bottom of which. Then, notches are carefully made in the soil, intended for the sprout and its roots.
Take note that before transferring seedlings, it is best to treat its roots with biostimulants. Try to do this as carefully as possible so as not to harm the sprouts. Already, you need to pour it a little with distilled water, diluted with peat-containing fertilizers.
This is important for calla lilies at home: this technique will help the perennial get used to it sooner.

Please note that in the event that the calla was purchased in a store, it is necessary to transplant it into another - spacious - pot. It is best to use slightly acidic soils as soil. By the way, they are quite simple to prepare on their own: you just need to mix peat, sand and hardwood.

How to plant and transplant a calla bulb at home into another pot

Masters of gardening say that it is important not only to know how to properly plant an indoor calla flower in a pot, but also how to feed it. Only regular fertilization will ensure year-round flowering of zantedeschia. However, you also need to be careful in this matter: if this specimen receives too many nitrogenous substances, it can get sick - its leaves will turn black. The most useful and effective experts consider those fertilizers that will stimulate growth and lush bloom perennial - namely superphosphates and those containing potassium.
In addition, you can try to find the means by which the process of how to successfully transplant calla lilies at home into another pot can be successfully implemented for a flower: you need to use store-bought dressings that include the optimal amount of useful elements (indicated on the package). In addition, experienced craftsmen prefer to periodically resort to organic fertilizers.
In principle, such a procedure as calla pruning is not carried out: most often, the person who cares for the plant simply removes the dried leaves in time. It is recommended to engage in this process during the period when the perennial is at rest - that is, from mid-June to mid-September.

How to prepare callas for winter: how to dig up a rhizome and how to save it

Pay attention to the photo of a healthy home calla flower: to grow it like this, you need to know the advice of experts on what to do with calla before the onset of winter cold.
First of all, it should be remembered that this overseas specimen cannot be left in the ground. That is why you need to understand how to carefully dig up calla for the winter and how to save it. First, after making sure that the foliage of the zantedeschia has faded, it is necessary to remove it, then carefully rinse the tubers and soak them for half an hour in potassium permanganate.
Only after that, you can send the plant for storage in a dark, always dry place, having previously packed it in a paper bag. It should be noted that the temperature in the selected room should not be lower than 7 ºC. There is another reliable way of how you can safely store callas at home in winter: for this, you need to dry the rhizomes of the flower slightly, completely get rid of the leaves, and then, having treated it with a solution of potassium permanganate, place it in any suitable place. In this case, you just need to remember to periodically check the perennial so that it does not dry out or rot.
Another point to be noted is: if the gardener grows calla in a pot, then he may not take it out of there, but it is still recommended to take it out to a cool room. Thus, having learned how to properly prepare callas for winter, you can not worry that they will definitely bloom after a dormant period.

Options for propagating callas

Experts say that propagation of zantedeschia is best done by dividing the rhizomes after a dormant period in mid-July. However, at home, you can try other methods of breeding this plant. The first one is called tuberous, since it implies a careful separation of small nodules from the central root. By the way, this necessary material sold literally in every flower stall. But you should pay attention to the fact that the purchased tuber must be grown before planting: the fact is that its size is not suitable for planting. How exactly to propagate callas in this way, experienced gardeners specify: planting material should be grown in ordinary nutrient soil, after which - in April - it is necessary to plant the calla.

Be careful: at this point, the temperature in the room should not be below 20 ºC.

There is another breeding option: in this case, several shoots must be separated from the central stem and rooted in a nutrient soil mixture. Only after the seedlings have roots, it will be possible to transfer it to other pots with pre-fertilized and drained soil. The most time-consuming process is the propagation of a calla flower by seeds: this is explained by the fact that this overseas specimen is characterized by low germination, as a result of which sprouts of zantedeschia do not always break through even among gardening professionals.

Despite this, it is necessary to take into account a few tips that can facilitate the breeding process. Firstly, before placing the seeds in the ground, it is imperative to keep them in a growth-stimulating solution - about 6 hours. After that, you need to pull them out and spread them out on an ordinary, slightly moistened cloth in a warm and dry place. Seeds should be stored in this form for 7 days.

How to further grow calla lilies from seeds, experts specify: after a week, shoots will appear that simply need to be planted in a spacious pot. Please note that those who are going to place the future calla in open soil are at great risk: quite often such flowers get sick and die.
As soon as the zantedeschia has found its place, the process of watering it should be controlled: the amount of water should not be large so that the seeds do not rot. But in order for the perennial to receive the necessary moisture, you need to carefully feed it through a small hole in the bottom of the pot - that is, using a pan with water under it.

How to care for domestic calla: prevention of flower diseases

It must be said right away that fungal diseases are the cause of all the misfortunes of calla lilies. However, insects periodically bother this flower - spider mites along with aphids. Most often, bacteria and all kinds of pests are attacked by those specimens that suffer from improper care of the gardener or an absolute disdain on his part. We are now talking about the fact that instead of treating the diseases that threaten the flower, it is better to deal with their prevention.
  • Watch the soil in the pot: do not allow it to dry out or vice versa - it was too flooded with water.
  • Do not leave the plant in places that are exposed to direct sunlight.
  • It is necessary to beware of drafts, which are often the cause of numerous troubles.
Among the most common diseases of indoor calla flowers, experts distinguish the following - anthracnose, bacterial, gray and root rot. First of all, you need to remember that the signal that the calla has been affected by anthracnose will be brown spots covering the foliage of the perennial. But that's not all: these lesions will then begin to crack, and the plant itself will dry out. To prevent such a disastrous outcome, you must, firstly, remove all infected areas, and then treat the home flower with preparations containing fungicide - for example, Vitaros.
If the gardener is faced with bacterial rot, then he should completely stop thinking about how to plant this calla bulb later: plant propagation using infected parts is impossible, because if this disease is detected, the source must be immediately destroyed.

However, modern gardeners have learned to deal with gray rot.: as soon as they notice a grayish coating on certain areas - leaves, stems, inflorescences - they use products such as, for example, "Rovral" (fungicide-containing). In addition, experienced craftsmen say that the cause of the damage may be either excessive humidity in the room, or in the soil itself. That is why you should not forget to ventilate the room and carefully monitor the watering process.

Many varieties of indoor calla flower - Pearl, Chameleon and others - become victims of root rot. It is because of her that they begin to slowly fade, and when an already dead flower is removed, it becomes clear that the roots themselves were affected, which were completely covered with a fungal coating. To prevent such an incident, you need to monitor how abundantly watering is done. It is waterlogged soil that causes this disease. You can save the plant if the source of the lesion was identified on time: it is necessary to quickly replace the soil with dry, reduce the frequency and volume of watering, and do not forget to use fungicidal treatment.

How to make overseas feces bloom at home

Quite often, people wonder how to make an overseas calla plant bloom at home. However, they do not think about what was the reason that their room "pet" is not covered with lush color. But this can be influenced by quite a variety of factors:
  • Frequent movements from pot to pot and the very movement of the container around the apartment have a very negative effect on the calla.
  • Not conducive to flowering and lack of sufficient fertilizer and lack of sunlight.
  • The lack of control over the growing tubers also leads to a weakening of the zantedeschia.
It should be said that fixing the situation is quite simple: the Ethiopian species of calla and its white varieties - the Green Goddess, Nicolai - need abundant watering, so this factor will not affect their flowering in any way. But colored zantedeschias should receive much less moisture, but more sunlight in order to feel comfortable and delight the owners with bright inflorescences.
By the way, you also need to know about these perennials that they tend to shed their leaves. That is, there is no need to think that the flower died - it just prepared itself for a dormant period in this way.

Types and varieties of domestic callas: photos, names and descriptions of indoor plants

In nature, there are only 8 types of callas, and gardeners are only interested in 3 names:




It is these specimens that are suitable for breeding at home and numerous experiments of breeders. In addition, when you are going to grow such unusual flower, you need to know that its varieties can be divided into those that have a light cream color, and those that delight the eye with iridescent colors.

For example, the species that was dubbed Ethiopian is quite tall plant- can be more than 1 m - and it is not characterized by root system, and the presence of a bulb. It is this perennial that is distinguished by its love for a humid climate, and its foliage strikes with its emerald color even when the flower is at rest.
Take a close look at the photos of various varieties of Ethiopian calla lilies: the pictures show the most popular of them - nicolai, green goddess , Pearl And Schone Zweibruckerin.

First of all, Pearl is small in size- its height does not exceed 50 cm, and it often becomes a resident of many apartments, since this plant is convenient to grow in pots.

green goddess endowed with incredible beauty and great growth - up to 90 cm.

Variety Nicolai , in turn, has arrow-shaped rich malachite leaves and reaches a height of up to 150 cm.

And one more Ethiopian species of calla, homemade Schone Zweibruckerin - can be 1 m in height, has beautiful heart-shaped leaves.

Interestingly, all of the listed specimens do not shed their foliage for a dormant period.

As for this type of indoor calla flower, like Remann, then it is, first of all, a low perennial - does not exceed 70 cm - with an unusual pinkish-burgundy bedspread and narrow emerald leaves.

Unlike the Ethiopian calla, this one does not have a root system, but an underground one, often in the form of a tuber. In addition, this variety sheds leaves in the fall.
Among the most common varieties gardeners distinguish the following:

Evening- a specimen with characteristic black-purple inflorescences

Chameleon- a small plant that is quite often grown in pots, but also occasionally bred in the garden, with beautiful golden peach petals,