Yellow flower bed of continuous flowering. How to create a continuous flowering flower bed

To create a flowerbed of continuous flowering, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of various plants and accurately calculate their planting.

When planning to make a flower bed of continuous flowering, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors:

  • plant flowering time,
  • plant compatibility,
  • layout rules.

Plants should be selected so that they bloom one after another and create a feeling of constant flowering. At the same time, it is equally important that already faded plants do not spoil the look of the flower bed with withered leaves and inflorescences.

It is necessary to plant a flower bed so that bald spots do not form after some plants fade. Therefore, ideally, it is necessary to select such plants that, after flowering, look decorative, like a green mass.

To learn how to make trellises for grapes and others climbing plants yourself, press .

As for compatibility, all plants for a flower bed must be selected so that their care is the same. That is, plants are selected with similar requirements for:

  • illumination;
  • soil composition;
  • soil moisture.

If plants have similar drought tolerance, light tolerance, and soil composition preferences, they will develop in the same way. Otherwise, some plants in the flower bed will begin to grow unnecessarily, while others will wither.

Plants must be compatible in height, otherwise some will block others. You can choose plants different heights, the main thing is to correctly place them on the flower bed. When choosing plants, one must imagine in advance how they will be combined with each other in terms of the color of the inflorescences and their size.

To make the overall composition of the flower bed look aesthetically pleasing, flowers are planted in groups. So they create different color patches, combined with each other. Alone, the flowers do not look so colorful.

A flower bed can be made with a heart personal plot or place at the entrance


When forming a flower bed, you must adhere to the following rules so that it looks aesthetically pleasing and has the qualities of continuous flowering:

  1. Between plants, it is necessary to maintain a distance when planting seedlings so that they have room to grow.
  2. Tall plants must be placed either in the center of the composition, or in the background if the flower bed is located along the house or fence.
  3. There should be a lot of plant species in the flower bed, only then can you create continuity of flowering. 3-4 colors will not be enough. 7-8 species will be optimal.
  4. Plants close to each other in terms of flowering are placed in a flower bed next to each other so as not to break the composition. The flower garden is divided into seasonal groups, which are placed mixed. As a result, every few weeks the flower bed looks different. Such a flower bed of continuous flowering cannot be regular with a strict geometric layout.

Depending on the design, plants either contrasting in color with each other or complementing each other are placed on the flower bed.

Where to begin

The first thing to do is to draw a plan of the flower garden. The plan shows the placement of groups of plants. At the same time, it should be noted at what time certain groups bloom - this will allow you to understand how the flower bed will look like by months and seasons.

We draw up a plan to determine how the flower bed will look in each period of time

The placement of plants is planned taking into account how the flower bed itself will be located - whether it will be located in the center of the site or it is supposed to be one-sided.

Plants of different heights are placed on the diagram so that they do not obscure each other. And here bulbous plants, on the contrary, it is necessary to place them so that after flowering their thinned foliage is covered by growing other plants.

Paths must be provided on the diagram. They are necessary to access the center of the flower bed and make it easier to care for the plants. After the flower bed is broken, the paths are sprinkled with colored mulch or small colored pebbles, which gives the flower garden an additional decorative effect.

Plant selection

For flower beds, you can use annuals and perennials. Perennials are sometimes preferable, because then you don’t have to plan a new flower garden every year.

Groups blooming in spring

Such groups of plants can be formed from bulbous and tuberous perennials. Bulbous crops include daffodils, blueberries, crocuses, pushkinias. They do not need to be dug out of the ground for the fall, which allows you to make a stationary flower garden.

Tuberous and rhizome spring flowers include pansies, marigold, anemones, hellebore, daisies, corydalis. Daisies and pansies bloom for a long time, which allows you to create long-lasting blooming group. These plants bloom after the bulbs.

Read about how to make a flower bed out of tires with your own hands.

Groups blooming in summer

Following these plants, phloxes bloom. Of these, you can make a group that will bloom from June to September-October. The plants of the summer group include astilbes, a group of which blooms until September, delphinium, lilies, bluebells, carnations, rutbeckia, eryngium, zinnias, Snapdragon, summer asters, petunias, marigolds (calendula), nasturtiums.

These plants bloom from June to the end of August. Some varieties of delphinium and lupins re-bloom at the end of summer, making up the next autumn group.

From tall plants attention should be paid to mallow (stock-rose), decorative sunflower, gladioli.

Groups blooming in autumn

Plants that bloom in August-September-October include late asters, marigolds, chrysanthemums, colchicum.

The decorativeness of the flower bed in the fall will be given by non-flowering plants, but having decorative foliage or original appearance. These are all kinds of cereals, ornamental cabbage.

Properly selected plants will help create harmony in the flower bed

What plants should not be planted in a flower bed

You can not plant in a flower bed those flowers that need to be dug up after flowering or for the winter. Of spring flowers, these include tulips, of autumn - dahlias and some types of gladioli.

Dahlias should be discarded in any case, since they have to be dug up when the flower bed is still pleasing to the eye with flowering.

Flowerbed schemes

A flowerbed of continuous flowering perennials may have different schemes- it all depends on the personal taste of the grower. Here are a few exemplary schemes as a basis.

Bright glade

The first wave of flowering: crocuses, violet, forest duckweed, narcissus.

The second wave of flowering: phloxes, poppies, bluebell, Turkish cloves, delphinium, lilies, chamomile.

The third wave of flowering: mallow, marigolds, calendula, gladiolus.

Each owner of a personal plot thinks about how to decorate his territory. The simplest but effective method solution to this problem is the creation of a flower bed of continuous flowering from perennials. It can become the pearl of the site and its main decoration. So, what should be a perennial flower bed for beginners?

Rules for creating a flower garden and proper selection of plants

Before you start choosing plants for a flower bed, decide where it will be located. It all depends on the size of the site and how it is built up. For example, if a house is built in the background, and there is a large free area in front of it, you can opt for a round, oval or figured flower bed located in the center of the courtyard or framing the driveway.

You can create this flower bed from a combination of imperial hazel grouse, tulips and hyacinths. And in order for your creation to please with decorativeness not only in spring, complement the composition with hosts, various types window sill, decorative yarrow, etc.

For small areas, a flower garden located near the house will be a real salvation. When choosing this option, tall plants can be planted in the background: lupins, delphiniums, clematis or other vines. The center of the composition can be made up of hostas that retain their decorative effect until the very frost. And the foreground will be filled with ground cover plants: subulate phloxes etc.

The rules for selecting plants are simple: you are required to select types of flowers that have the same requirements for soil composition, degree of illumination, frequency and abundance of watering.

Classification of perennials according to the degree of complexity of care

To avoid difficulties in caring for selected plants, be guided by your experience as an amateur gardener. In order for a flowerbed of perennials for beginners to please the eye with bright colors, the plants must receive proper care. According to the level of exactingness, the plants used for it can be divided into the following groups:

  • unpretentious to the degree of illumination, soil and watering. This group includes aconite, different types geraniums and stonecrop, brunners, geleniums, perennial poppies, gentians and doronicums, chistets, mallows, etc. They do not require constant attention, annual planting and other troubles;
  • moderately labor intensive. For colors belonging to this group, the main thing is right choice soil and other planting conditions. In addition, to prevent thickening and loss of decorativeness, certain varieties of perennials should be planted at least 1 time in 3 years. Choose what you like: daylilies, aquilegia catchments, arabis and garden cornflowers, bluebells, Turkish and royal carnations, gaillardia, irises, delphiniums, phlox, echinacea, sage, etc .;
  • labor intensive. If you need an unpretentious flower bed of perennials of continuous flowering, it is better to master these crops gradually. For all their decorativeness, they require daily scrupulous care. They must be protected from direct sunlight, frost, pests and diseases. The plants of this group include bulbous and tuberous: lilies, dahlias, gladioli, hyacinths, etc. Roses, begonias, evening primroses and other flower bed decorations are also distinguished by their exactingness in terms of growth and care.

Creating vibrant color accents

To make the flower bed pleasing to the eye, and not give the impression of flower chaos, you should carefully select the shades of the plants you need. To do this, at the stage of drawing up a landing scheme, you must use colored pencils, coloring schematic representation flower garden and evaluating the compatibility of shades. After that, you can take into account the following generalized scheme of shades of the main decorative and deciduous perennials:

  • various shades of yellow: geleniums, rudbeckias, hemerocallis, solidago, etc .;
  • white: white-edged varieties of hostas and variegated garden spurges, achillea, etc.;
  • red: small-flowered, heathers, New Belgian or New England asters;
  • purple: lanceolate hostas, variegated varieties of this group of plants, part of aconites;
  • blue: irises, astilbes, cornflowers, horned aconites.

Of course, this is not full list perennial plants suitable for creating beds of constant flowering. You can supplement it at your discretion, focusing on the classification of plants according to the degree of their unpretentiousness. And then your flowerbed of perennials for beginners will not be inferior in its beauty to the compositions created by the world's leading landscape designers!

Drawing up a scheme of a flower bed

Having decided on the selection of plants, draw a diagram of your future flower garden. So it will be easier for you to decide on its size, shape, location relative to the main structure, etc.

So that in the future you can quickly and easily transfer the created project to the site, divide it into separate squares. Do the same procedure for the entire area, choosing the appropriate scale. So it will be easier for you to determine the exact location of the various plants. You can mark these zones with lime powder or pegs connected to each other with twine.

Multi-tiered planting - a guarantee of spectacular flower garden

The multi-level flowerbed allows others to enjoy its beauty from any angle. And the plants themselves receive maximum amount sunlight.

If you want an oval or round perennial bed, place tall plants like mallows or delphiniums in the center. Surround them with hostas, asters, or other medium height flowers. And low ground cover plants complete the picture. For rectangular flower beds or plantings bordering various buildings, tall plants are placed in the background. Some of them can be placed on the sides - as original accents.

Keep in mind that your flowers will gradually expand. Leave a living space for them by temporarily filling in the gaps with bright annuals: marigolds, zinnias, nasturtiums, etc.

Flowerbeds of continuous flowering for different seasons

  1. Spring. To make such a seasonal flower bed, you can use daffodils, early tulips, hyacinths, primroses, blueberries, forget-me-nots and pansies. In general, you will need any early flowers that are pleasing to the eye with an organic combination of shades.
  2. Summer. At this time of the year, you can use petunias and calendula, zinnias and Godetia, alyssum, roses, sunny rudbeckia and multi-colored gladioli, as well as hydrangeas, lilies, daylilies, etc. Plants that have a long flowering period deserve special attention from flower growers. These include unpretentious garden geranium, ornamental yarrow, as well as catnip, soulwort and many other plants.
  3. Autumn. The end of the season can please you with bright colors. The main thing is to pre-select the flowers that bloom with the onset of autumn. These can be dwarf and tall chrysanthemums, stonecrops, dahlias and cannes, rudbeckias, geleniums and many original ornamental grasses.
  4. Winter. In this harsh season, your flower garden can be decorated with ornamental cabbage.

Looks even more elegant amazing flower- hellebore, able to maintain its beauty even under snow cover.

Schemes of simple flower beds of continuous flowering for beginners

If you are looking for a simple but effective perennial flower bed, the schemes prepared by experts will allow you to completely transform your site.

The easiest flower garden

Pink-purple blotches in the composition you created will allow you to add panicled phlox (1) and pink astilbe (2). The first plant should be planted in mid-March or early September, in well-drained soil. The second is planted in the spring to maintain long flowering it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil and fertilize.

Purple notes in your flower garden are provided by a daylily planted in early spring in a loam enriched with organic matter and a drainage layer.

Lavender Silver Heuchera (4) will give your flower bed a touch of originality. To maintain the decorativeness of this plant, it is worth planting it in light soil. Special attention pay attention to the quality of drainage.

Completing the Picture of the Perfect Continuous Flowering Bed for Beginner Gardeners - Different lush bloom purple geranium magnificent (5).

Ideal flower garden for a brightly lit area

The catchment area (1) is the first to bloom in this flower bed, which will please you with original bluebells already in the middle of spring. Following him, the sun will substitute their fragrant petals hybrid tea roses(6). The fiery notes of the flowerbed are provided by daylilies (4) and gaillardia (5). They will delight you from May to August.

In June, the sunflower blooms (8), and in July - the scarlet lavatera (2) up to 1.5 m high. The background plant, Miscanthus Chinese (3), competes with its beauty. And undersized thyme (7) and sage (9) play the role of a curb.

The age of many plants is short. But, having correctly planned your flower garden, you can admire it from early spring until the first frost. This is possible even if your experience as a gardener is very modest: ready-made schemes and expert advice will help you cope with a responsible task. Good luck with your landscape design!

The appearance of the flower garden largely depends on the selected plants. As a rule, the basis of the entire composition consists of various shrubs and perennials. They should be chosen, paying attention to the size of the flower bed, location on the territory, type of soil. If you are going to decorate a large flower garden, be sure to opt for shrubs.

  • In the spring, bulbous types of flowers planted before the winter season begin to wake up. Among them, the most famous are daffodils. You can also combine corylopsis, crocus and forsythia bushes with each other.
  • Closer to summer, perennials bloom. If you want to make your flower garden brighter, choose forget-me-nots and pansies. main role it is best to divert to long-flowering varieties or plant species, repeatedly blooming in autumn: navel, catnip, yarrow, fragrant geranium, soul mate.
  • In autumn, we will be pleased with coreopsis, warm asters, rudbeckia, geleniums, which are distinguished by incredibly rich colors. You can also frame the composition with ornamental grasses, including miscanthus and switchgrass.

A competent combination of these plants will allow you to enjoy a flowering and lush flower bed all season long.

Flower bed of continuous flowering - planting scheme

Before you start creating a flower garden, draw a future sketch on paper with notes on the location of the plants and an indication of their flowering period. At the same time, the patterns of continuous flowering flower beds can be different, the most important thing is to plant flowers and plants evenly. For example, if you want to get a flower garden in white and yellow colors, you need to use varieties such as chamomile, coreopsis, chrysanthemums, lilies. It is important to choose plants of only the appropriate color.

For the foreground of the flower garden, you can choose coreopsis or lily of the valley. Plants of this species either alternate or are planted in small groups. After that, chrysanthemums are lower in height, then daisies with an average “growth” need to be planted. The highest flowers of our composition - lilies, must be placed in the very last row. Thus, lilies of the valley will bloom the very first, daisies will delight from May to June, coreopsis blooms until August, lilies bloom from mid-summer to October, and the chrysanthemum season ends.

Examples of continuous flowering flower beds can be different, even a novice gardener can handle their creation. The most important thing is to choose the right plants according to the time of their development and shade, so that the principle of harmony is observed.

It is also important to consider the location of the flower bed. Any gardener knows that plants "follow" the sun's rays. If the flower garden opens to us from dark side, then part of the day the plants will be turned away from us. It is best to plant more on such a flower garden: marigolds, liatris, lupins, zinnias, delphiniums. When planting seedlings and bulbs, leave enough space between them. And do not worry that the flower bed will be somewhat empty until the summer, but in the future you will not have to constantly weed it, making room for a normal neighborhood between flowers.

When planning a structure, familiarize yourself with the height of the plants and observe the distance between flowers of the same variety. If the sown seeds have sprouted often enough, carefully dig them out and transfer them to another bed. True, here you need to monitor how some varieties tolerate planting, so as not to harm them. Already in the summer or early autumn, start thinking about how your flower garden will look next year: pick up plants, find a place on the site. This will allow you to get a bright flower bed at the beginning of spring.

If you have a country house or plot, then you probably thought about how to create a flower bed from perennials with your own hands. A flowerbed of continuous flowering will delight you from early spring to the last days of the outgoing autumn, and evergreen shrubs can retain their beauty even in winter. You will learn about what schemes there are and examples of designing a flower garden for beginners in order to organize continuous flowering of plants with your own hands in the article.

In order for you to enjoy the beauty and aromas of planted plants throughout the season, from early spring to late autumn, it is necessary to properly organize the flower garden scheme and select suitable flowers. The main secret for beginners in creating a bed of continuous flowering perennials is to know exactly the flowering period of each crop. Thus, planting several varieties, the flowering period of which will gradually replace each other, will provide you with a fragrant and incredibly beautiful floral carpet the whole season. The second rule for planting such a flower bed is the features of care and requirements different plants. Therefore, when planting a flower garden with perennials, choose varieties with similar requirements for agricultural technology. In order to be able to navigate as accurately as possible, draw up a diagram of planting perennials in a flower bed, first on a piece of paper. Consider the following planting examples when organizing:

Schemes for creating a flower bed of continuous flowering with your own hands from perennials can be different, depending on how you would like to see it:

  • flower garden spring tenderness;
  • flower garden summer colors;
  • flower garden autumn nobility.

Below you will find examples of perennials that you can use to create each of the three DIY compositions:

  1. We plant geraniums and stonecrops near the edges of the flower bed. The geranium blooms first and blooms in June-July, then the sedum takes over, which will delight the eye until mid-autumn.
  2. Then a row of irises different varieties. Flowering period from May to June.
  3. The next row is peonies and roses. These fragrant plants bloom in early May and continue until the end of July.
  4. Tall plants are planted near the fence or support - mordovnik and millet, which bloom in August.

Selection of green shrubs

Green shrubs are a universal element of any flower bed, as they almost always organically complement the flower arrangement of plants of one year or perennials planted with their own hands. Unlike small trees, ornamental shrubs grow much faster, and their viability is much higher. For example, the branches of a green shrub that have caught a night frost can be cut off, while its attractiveness will still be preserved. If we compare them with herbaceous plants, then green shrubs do not need to be planted every season and dug up for the winter.

So that even in winter there are bright colors on the site, when planning a scheme for planting plantings in a flower bed with your own hands, consider the following: ornamental shrubs can delight with lush greenery almost to frost; decorative fruit shrubs, for example, cotoneaster or dwarf mountain ash, are bright colors in the winter garden.

Green shrubs are classified into three groups:

  • decorative flowering;
  • decorative leaves;
  • decorative fruits.

The perennial flower garden is well decorated with ornamental shrubs, which are divided into: deciduous and evergreen. When choosing a type of shrub, consider the following features:

When planting shrubs in flower arrangement, consider its maximum size. Dwarf and miniature green shrubs and shrubs, creeping forms are traditional elements in flowering areas. In addition to a beautiful background, such plants are able to block the spread of weeds in the area. A sunny area will be perfectly decorated with compositions with bright or multi-color leaves:

  • Japanese spirea with fiery red and orange leaves;
  • dwarf barberry;
  • golden cloud of thuja;
  • a variegated species of honeysuckle;
  • green thyme.

To complete the flower arrangement, plant tall bushes of meadowsweet, bush magnolia, hawthorn or forsythia in the last row. If the flower garden is located in partial shade, then preference should be given to the following types of shrubs: hydrangea, rhododendrons, heather. Plants with dark leaves are best planted in the shade:

  • coniferous plants (juniper, caparis or yew berry);
  • red and black elderberry;
  • mock orange;
  • snowberry,
  • boxwood.

Video "Instructions for creating a flower garden"

Video instruction that will help you create a flower garden.

Selection of perennial flowers

Depending on the "mood" blooming flower bed(spring, summer or autumn) various flower crops. The choice of pets should be approached very carefully, taking into account the following parameters:

  • illumination of plants;
  • drought tolerance;
  • soil requirements;
  • necessary care.

To create a picturesque effect, there is no need to plant a lot of perennials, it will be enough to choose 5-7 specimens with different flowering periods. The spring-type flower garden is associated with the very first flowers and the most delicate colors. Therefore, miniature daisies and primroses, multi-colored pansies and sunny daffodils, magnificent yellow purple crocuses and, of course, a rainbow of early-flowering tulips will become welcome pets in such a flower bed. It is these plants that bloom at the beginning of the season and will delight with their beauty within a month. They are replaced with the advent of the last month of spring, peonies bloom and late varieties daffodils with tulips, as well as lupins and aquilegia. By the end of May bloom imperial hazel grouse and hyacinths.

With the advent of summer, a flowerbed of continuous flowering with perennials blooms with new, even brighter colors, for example: marigolds, hibiscus, zinnias, roses, hydrangea, delphinium. Of course, in a flowerbed of continuous flowering, there must be a variety of varieties of daylilies and beautiful lilies, echinacea and clasper. If perennials are properly and timely cared for, they will delight you with their color and unsurpassed aroma all summer long.

With the advent of autumn, bright colors are replaced by calm nobility. autumn plants. During this period, phloxes and chrysanthemums, cannes and lobelias bloom, carnations, begonias and delphiniums bloom again. To do this, remove faded inflorescences. To create a DIY fall carpet with vibrant colors, plant a few coreopsis, gelenium, or aster plants. Outlandish balls of decorative onions, yarrow and golden spheres of craspedia are ready to delight you almost until the frost.

Features and Benefits

When creating a flower garden of continuous flowering has its own characteristics. The fact is that in order for the flower garden to turn out to be thick and bright, it is important to choose a well-lit place. Then clearly distribute the areas with the name of the plants that you will plant. This is necessary for the flowering to be constant. Before planting, the soil should also be well fertilized and baking powder (expanded clay, brick chips or river sand) applied. It is very important not to allow the soil to dry out and to remove weeds in a timely manner. Benefits of a perennial flower bed:

  1. If we talk about the advantages of such a flower bed, then the most important thing is durability.
  2. Further it should be noted ease of care and the ability to create beautiful picture with your own hands, which will delight you all year round.
  3. You will have to spend money on perennials only once, but the seeds of annual crops will have to be bought every year.

Every person who has a dacha or own house, I would like to have a unique flowerbed of continuous flowering on the territory of the site. This means that from spring to autumn they would please the eye with their bright inflorescences various plants. To create such a flower garden, you need to know the timing of flowering of certain representatives of the world of flora. To facilitate the work, you need to draw up a scheme according to which they will gradually be carried out landing work. Additionally, plants should be arranged in the form of a table: in one column the name of the flower, in the second - the time of planting, in the third - the flowering period.

Better to spend in autumn preparatory work, digging up the site and planting bulbs.

It is not necessary to plant shrubs on the flower garden, such as barberry or Japanese quince, even in the background. Big root system will not allow other flowers to develop, and quince, with its shoots, can completely destroy the embodiment of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba flower bed of continuous flowering.

Master class on creating a flower garden of continuous flowering

spring flowering flower bed

In the fall, you need to choose a place for a flower garden and plant bulbous ones, it is they who will give a flower start to spring flowering. We plant low-growing flowers in the foreground, and from a height of 20 centimeters in the center or at a distance. Bulbous groups are planted, for example, 5-9 tulips in one place, a group of daffodils in another, crocuses in the third, mouse hyacinth or muscari in the fourth, primrose looks great next to blue muscarias, which blooms with raspberry flowers.

Nice spring Flower- hyacinth, which looks, both in a single arrangement, and in a group of its fellows.

An example of creating a flower bed of continuous flowering. The picture shows a flower bed, each flower is numbered, and the names of the flowers are painted below. Use this diagram to create beautiful flowerbed that will bloom all year round

So, as now, a large selection of bulbous varieties in the store is worth looking at the color combination chart for yourself. If the flower garden is large, then you can purchase varieties of tulips and daffodils different term flowering, for example, regular reds bloom first. After a gentle solo, the lily-colored perform. Bright rich colors add yellow and dwarf tulips, which will look great next to muscaria and primrose.

Polyanthus rose - perfect solution for your flower bed. Whatever the season is in the yard, this flower will always show off in your flower garden

In the background of the flower garden we place a catchment area or aquilegia. In addition to the varietal plant, there are wild ones that are shorter, but no less expressive.

Summer flower bed

Since the bulbous plants were planted in groups, there should be islands of free land between them, where we plant a stock rose and a delphinium. These tall flowers have a place in the center of the composition or in the background. The dark pink corollas of the stock-rose will be located next to the cultivated aquilegia, in which the inflorescences of purple and Pink colour. Next to the blue "candles" of the delphinium, plant Bonar verbena with its purple flowers. On the border of the composition we will plant a lobelia, or an ampelous multi-colored inflorescence, or "Emperor Willy" purely of blue color.

Plant a petunia with blue-colored lobelia flowers that bloom all summer long. It will create a contrast and relentless flowering is guaranteed until frost. The accent of your composition can be given by a pot, for example, with the same petunia, but ampelous. Lilies bloom well in pots, which can be removed after flowering, as well as pansies.

In summer, our flower bed will reach its maximum beauty, all the flowers will bloom and decorate your site.

Plant roses in the center, and lilies at a distance. When the lilies bloom in July, the rose will cover them with its stems, giving coolness to the lower part of the plant. In the background, plant rudbeckia, which will open its sunny inflorescences from July. Next to it, plant groups of gladioli in the spring. The flower will release its arrows from July to September, which must be cut when flowering reaches its climax, so that the bulb increases and gains strength before digging for the winter.

At the right edge of the flower bed, plant a peony a little further away, and let a lily flower grow on the other side. If the flower bed is large enough, then you can plant three flowers, if it is small, then one at a time. Godetia, which is beautiful with its most delicate inflorescences, may not please with its beauty if it rains. Therefore, this representative flower world it is better to leave for planting on the balcony.

Autumn flower bed

Juicy colors in autumn - the care of multi-colored chrysanthemums and asters. It is desirable to place them in the background, and in front it is better to land a Japanese anemone and a simple black cohosh. Rudbeckia continues to bloom, and autumn colchicum will surprise with its flowers, the flowers of which resemble crocus, but they surpass it in size.

Are you afraid of the approach of autumn? Do you think that your flower bed will become ugly and you will have to get rid of it? Well, following our advice and scheme, your flower bed will delight you even in autumn.

The autumn sol, located in the background of the flower bed, will play amaranth with its raspberry leaves and cochia, which will change color from green to burgundy during autumn.

When arranging a flowerbed of continuous flowering, it will be difficult for a beginner to create a perfect flower bed, however, there are a number of secrets that will help ensure the charm of any flower garden.

  1. Place a large boulder or a trio of stones in the center of the flower bed to add a touch of originality to any flower garden.
  2. Use portable structures types of pots and planters. If any island of earth is exposed, then putting a pot there, for example, with a petunia, correct the situation. Such accent inserts can be figures of birds or animals. However, it is important to show a sense of proportion. One figurine will be enough.
  3. In the background or side, but without blocking the sun, you can plant clematis or parthenocissus that will cling to decorative grille.
  4. Cut off faded flowers, thereby extending the flowering time, and the flower bed looks neat.
  5. Weed regularly. Sometimes weeds give a sloppy look to any of the most beautiful compositions, and a well-groomed flower bed, on the contrary, catches the eye.
  6. Apply fertilizer in a timely manner, they are needed both in spring and in summer and autumn.

Creating a flower bed of continuous flowering is not a matter of one day, it is painstaking work through trial and error. But in any case, you need to rely mostly on long-flowering annuals, which you can buy as seedlings in the store, or plant them yourself in the spring.

Plant familiar flowers that will decorate the flower bed. Experiments are best done elsewhere to be sure of the unfading beauty of creation.