How to paint glass wallpaper in the bathroom. How to paint glass wall paper: we follow all the rules

The modern building materials market, with its variety of materials offered, encourages more and more of our compatriots to carry out self repair their apartments, not only to seal gaps or replace floor coverings, but also for a complete design change in the appearance of the apartment. As a rule, various types of wallpaper are used for this, on all kinds of basis and in various colors. The most advanced risk gluing wallpaper based on fiberglass on the walls. And here the question arises before them - how to paint the cullet? First, let's figure out what this type of wallpaper is.
Fiberglass wallpaper
Glass wallpaper, fiberglass wallpaper, glass wallpaper and glass wallpaper are all designations for the same building material for interior wall decoration. And all the mention of glass in its name has nothing to do with the glass that is firmly rooted in our understanding. In all these names, the key is the concept of "wallpaper", and they are really made from a material based on glass. Glass wafers are made taking into account a special material based on glass
Briefly, the whole process is as follows. Fragments of ordinary glass are heated to a certain temperature, when it begins to melt and thin threads can be drawn from it. This technology is built in such a way that these threads can be used to make a special, woven fabric, in much the same way as on an ordinary loom, only the process itself is much more complicated. As a result, at the output we get a soft-to-touch, in no way resembling its cutting and breaking component, fiberglass. Glass fiber is recognized as environmentally friendly Naturally, we do not glue clean fiberglass on the walls. It must also undergo obligatory impregnation processes with special additives on a natural basis, for example, based on starch. The impregnation process gives the wallpaper required quality cleanliness in terms of ecology, which allows them to be used in residential areas, without the risk of being poisoned by some harmful emissions. The composition of the impregnations by all manufacturers of glass wallpaper is kept in the strictest confidence and, as they say, is the secret of the company.
What color is glass
All types of wallpaper based on fiberglass are produced exclusively in white, this is the law of production technology. Snow-white cullet wallpaper Snow-white cullet wallpaper Only after the wallpaper has been applied to the walls or ceiling and dried, the moment comes to give them a certain color shade or pattern. That is why they are also called wallpaper for painting. The difference between glass wall papers lies in their texture, here there is a herringbone, and a cobweb, and a lattice, and there are quite a few options.
Glass wall painting
By by and large how to paint cullet - this is not quite the right question. Fiberglass-based wallpaper is painted just like any other construction material with which we covered the walls, or like the wooden sheet from which they are made interior doors. In this case, we must know exactly what kind of paint is needed for glass wallpaper.
The best option, according to experts, for painting glass is water-dispersion paints with binders based on acrylic or styrene-butadiene. Such paints completely retain all the properties of fiberglass-based wallpapers and do not interfere with the manifestation of their internal texture. Among other things, resistance to open fire, high environmental friendliness and vapor permeability of glass wallpaper are sufficient - all these distinctive characteristics of this material do not disappear and do not even decrease their performance after applying this type of paint.
Among the other advantages offered for painting glass wall papers, dispersion paints should be highlighted: the complete absence of odor that can harm a person or be unpleasant for him; ease of application by all known ways and speed of absorption after application; drying time is optimal for painting work in the premises.
Choosing a paint
Physical properties water-dispersion paints for glass
Butadiene-styrene dispersions

They have good water resistance, but at the same time they have limited light resistance (i.e. turn yellow when exposed to UV). This fact significantly limits their application. Due to the paint with such a binder, it is better to use only in rooms with limited penetration of the sun.
Acrylic dispersions

They are considered the most versatile. Acrylic paints make up a significant part of all water-based paints, therefore, they are used much more often than others for painting glass. Acrylic paints are excellently tinted, with up to 15,000 different shades and colors.

Acrylic paints on glass wall paper perfectly retain their color and withstand intense UV irradiation. High-quality acrylic paints are quite elastic, durable and resistant to washing. Modern acrylic binders make it possible to produce water-dispersion paints for fiberglass wallpaper and fiberglass that are close to the specifics of wood.
Latex based paints

Experts recommend using latex-based water-based paint for textured / structural wallpapers. latex paints excellent for painting glass wall coverings, both in residential and public buildings. They are applied with a roller, brush or high pressure spray gun.

Experts emphasize Special attention when painting glass wallpapers for such a nuance: Use only high-quality water-dispersion paints with a small content of filler, because cheap paints use chalk as a filler, which, after the first painting, will clog the textured pattern of glass walls.
staining method
The technology for coloring glass wall paper is as follows: before applying layers of paint, it is necessary to cover the glass wall paper with a special primer based on diluted glue, which will increase the bonding effect between paint and wallpaper; it is desirable to apply the paint with a special roller or by spraying; Apply the paint in several layers and between the application of the next layer, pause at least 12 hours.

Walls and ceilings in rooms need an attractive appearance, so a person has always tried to take care of this. In the Stone Age, people diligently painted the vaults of caves, in the Middle Ages they wove tapestries, in the Baroque era they covered the walls with expensive silk. All these technologies involved the application of an ornament or plot image. The walls could not be monochromatic. Only in the Art Deco era did people begin to reconsider their attitude to the color and ornament of the walls. In 1925, at the Le Corbusier exhibition, the public saw for the first time in full white room. Then the Bauhaus artists proposed functionality as a new approach to interior design. Bright, light and plain walls became a symbol of the changed attitude to housing. However, at first, only the most expensive and refined apartments decided on this, where the walls were perfectly aligned and painted clean, rich colors. This testified to the good taste of the owner and his readiness to make some sacrifices of material and temporary inconvenience. Prepare the walls for painting, make them perfectly smooth only by the most highly qualified painters; in addition, it is somewhat longer than just wallpapering. The result, however, justifies all expectations.

When painting, it is important to know what result you want to achieve - and choose paint with this in mind. It is also necessary to take into account what influences the surface will be exposed to, how often it will be touched, how strong the touches can be, whether it will be washed. It is better to paint with latex, acrylic and acrylate matte paints. We can recommend the following paints for paintable glass wall paper, fiberglass, interlining and paintable wallpaper:

Joker (Joker): matte water-based paint

Harmony: perfectly matt water-based paint for walls and ceilings

Euro 7 (Euro 7): matte water-based paint for walls and ceilings

Oasis Hall&Office: washable matte paint for halls and offices

Dulux Bindo 7 - water-based paint for walls and ceilings

Amphibolin (Amfibolin) Kaparol: universal water-based paint

Beckers Elegant Takfarg: matte water-based ceiling paint

Beckers Elegant Vaggfarg Helmatt: matte water-dispersion wall paint

Elegant Vaggfarg Matt: Matte water-based wall paint

Teknos Biora Balance: perfectly matt interior paint

Any of these colors are on sale in our store. To buy paint for glass wallpapers, fiberglass, non-woven fabric and paintable wallpaper, just dial any of our phone numbers, write to "Feedback" or chat with the store administrator through an online consultant.

You can also purchase wallpaper for painting from us. Price can be viewed.

We wish you a pleasant shopping and successful repair! VipKraska will help you choose materials.

With the advent of glass fiber on our market, everything has become much simpler. builders, at in the construction of houses (high-rise buildings) they do not pay much attention to the evenness of walls, ceilings and the appearance of microcracks during shrinkage of the house. Here we can breathe a sigh of relief and talk directly about cullet. This type wallpaper is a product of high technology and has many advantages, due to which it is considered one of the the best materials for interior decoration. In Russia fiberglass wallpaper firstly spread in the design of offices, but today they are also popular in home interiors.

Glass fiber appeared on the Russian market recently. This is a relatively new material for wall decoration, which has been successfully used abroad for about 50 years. The basis of this success is the external diversity of the material, the attractiveness of patterns, unlimited possibilities. color design and invincible strength of glass fiber. Fiberglass provides additional rigidity to light, impact-sensitive surfaces such as drywall boards or rigid foam boards. The surface after gluing the fiberglass becomes strong and does not crumble, you can screw screws into it and drive in nails.

What are glass fiber

Glass fiber is a decorative wall covering similar in structure to fiberglass fabric. Raw material- special glass, from which fibers are pulled at a temperature of 1200 ° C, then yarn of various types and thicknesses is formed, and then the material is woven. The raw materials for the production of glass fiber are mineral environmentally friendly materials: quartz sand, soda, lime, dolomite. Textured drawings are woven for glass wallpapers - in several variants of decorating in linen and twill weaving, and for painting fiberglass (spider webs) they simply produce a canvas. Glass fiber vary in density and pattern.

The famous Wellton glass wall papers have 60 texture options, and their number is constantly growing. Glass fiber is white and intended for painting decorative paints after pasting. The quality of the surface allows them to be repainted many times. Texture options can be represented by samples: herringbone, sackcloth, gunny, diagonal, vertical, zigzag and others.

For pasting, use special adhesives for fiberglass wallpaper. Such adhesives are intended for any surfaces and have antiseptic properties.

Glass fiber is used in the most different places: in homes, offices, restaurants, supermarkets, hospitals - wherever beautiful, durable, low-maintenance surfaces are needed, as well as anti- fire safety.

Properties of glass fiber, fiberglass, non-woven fabric and paintable wallpaper

Increased strength and durability. Glass fiber does not tear, does not scratch, reinforces the wall, prevents the appearance and growth of cracks, and withstands exposure to concentrated disinfectants. They are washable, do not accumulate static electricity, do not attract dust and can be left on the wall for up to 30 years.

Do not interfere with the movement of water vapor. Fiberglass wallpaper is a material knitted like a wool sweater. The open loop structure promotes the movement of water vapor, which improves the indoor climate and allows the walls to "breathe".

Fire resistance. Glass fiber does not burn, which is an important requirement for the fire safety of premises, and when burned, unlike non-woven fabric, they do not emit toxic substances.

Variety of drawings and creativity. Various drawings allow you to choose an option that pleases the eye, and a variety of coloring methods provides an opportunity for the designer's imagination.

After gluing, a primer is applied to the surface of the glass wall paper so that the paint adheres better in the future. Once the primer is dry, any wall paint can be applied. It can be a dispersion paint with a matte and silky-mat surface (resistant to washing and abrasion) or an acrylic paint that forms a shiny, abrasion-resistant surface. Glass fiber can withstand repeated painting, which is also convenient. However, the finer the structure and the finer the pattern, the faster it will "smooth out" with several coats of paint. Thick fabrics completely retain their structure. Glass fiber can withstand almost all existing detergents. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the properties of the paint with which you cover the glass wall - not all paints can withstand even plain water.

What paint to choose for painting glass, fiberglass, interlining and wallpaper for painting?

This is written above. Now let's talk about what wallpaper is for painting.

Non-woven wallpaper

Most interesting view wallpaper for painting - non-woven wallpaper. To date, this is the most technologically advanced way of finishing imitating relief plaster. Interlining - nonwoven fabric made of cellulose, somewhat similar to fiberglass, but with a much finer structure. To the touch, it resembles the thinnest layer of synthetic winterizer. When wet, this material does not lend itself to stretching or shrinkage, which naturally distinguishes it from paper counterparts. This material is not based on glass fiber, it is made from cellulose and textile fibers with a polymer binder. A layer of foamed cellulose is applied to the canvas, which forms the desired texture. Paint interlining is a non-woven material made of cellulose and textile fibers with a polymer binder, similar to glass fiber, but with a much finer structure, and as a result, a smooth surface. Non-woven canvas is an alternative to gossamer (painting fiberglass) in those areas where durability and wear resistance are not required, for example, in inexpensive and "sparsely populated" offices. Painting interlining is an environmentally friendly material and harmless to use, it does not contain PVC, it passes steam like paper wallpaper, and besides, it is hardly flammable. This material perfectly hides defects.

It is possible to glue painting interlining on almost any surface: plaster (not crumbling), drywall, not removable old paint, plastic surfaces, old wallpaper bases, fiberglass, wood slabs and chipboard. It should only be taken into account that the surface must be dry, smooth, even, neutral in color and uniform.

Fiberglass "gossamer"

Fiberglass "gossamer" is a non-woven material, which is a mesh of fiberglass, having a density of only forty grams per square meter. But, despite such a low density, this material has enormous tensile and tensile strength, which determines the scope of its application. In principle, fiberglass has been known for quite a long time, but in the construction industry it was previously used only in certain areas, and only in recent times there was a real breakthrough of fiberglass in the construction industry. One example of this is fiberglass "Spider line" (Wellton or Oscar).

Fiberglass, like a shell, holds the surface of a wall or ceiling, preventing the formation of cracks. It can be applied to many surfaces such as drywall, chipboard, brick, concrete, hardboard, wood and even metal. It is called the cobweb because of the external similarity. It is a decorative and at the same time reinforcing material for finishing surfaces in dry construction. Painting fiberglass is an ideal covering for rooms where a combination of aesthetic and reinforcing effects, strength and ease of maintenance, and compliance with fire safety requirements is required.

What is the difference between gossamer and glass fiber?

Gossamer, or painting fiberglass, has a lower density (35 - 50 g / m2, for glass - from 100 g / m2) and structure. The purpose of the web is to cover a wall or ceiling to smooth the surface, apply a finish, reinforce small cracks, and glass fiber is a material for final finishing. The gossamer is used to achieve a "marble" effect - a perfectly smooth wall. For this purpose, the "Wellton" web is most suitable, due to the very thin fiber and weaving structure. Different types cobwebs differ in structure and density. Thus, Wellton 45 g/m2 is a densely woven gossamer, ideal for any surface, and especially for "marble" walls; Oscar 50 g/m2 is a cheaper gossamer with a pronounced texture, while the lightweight series Wellton Light 30 g/m2, OSCAR LIGHT 25 g/m2 is a thinner type of gossamer.

What are the reinforcing properties?

Due to heating and shrinkage of the walls of buildings, the thinnest and network-like cracks can occur in the plaster, which are invisible when the walls are dry. Fiberglass reinforcement eliminates this manifestation of cracks and creates a clean, even surface. The gossamer gives strength to the top coat, closes cracks for a long time, is non-flammable, has high stability, and is very easy to use.

What paint to choose for painting glass, fiberglass, interlining and wallpaper for painting? Read above.

Wallpaper of the second grade - what is the difference between them and the first grade?

Among the series of cullet for thrifty buyers are usually offered economy class cullet and second grade cullet. Rolls of the second grade have a non-standard web length. When spinning fiberglass, failures sometimes occur - just like with conventional spinning. And manufacturers, removing a piece with a marriage, get rolls not 50 m long, but 15 and more. When using the second grade, you can make a horizontal joint. The same technique can be done with the first grade, and if you inadvertently cut a piece of the wrong length, or damaged the coating already on the wall, you can cut this piece and glue a new one.

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Using glass wallpaper in your interior is quite a reasonable step, especially if you choose high-quality wallpaper for painting. In previous articles, we have already talked about the properties of glass fiber, which distinguish them from other similar ones. finishing materials. In the same article, we will tell you about how to paint glass wallpaper, because finishing layer on the wall should be out of paint.

Good paint is nice to carry out painting work

Suitable paints

We can confidently say that it is not at all difficult to paint the walls pasted over with glass wallpaper, you don’t even need to finish special courses for painters. However, it is advisable to choose suitable paint for walls so that it looks great and holds well.

I would like to say right away that the choice of ordinary water-based paint is not the best, since it is difficult to lay down on such coatings, and practical properties has not the best. Washing such walls will not work, and their surface will be rough, and in some cases branded.

Another thing is if the paint for glass wall is acrylic, latex. By and large, this is the same water-based emulsion, but it contains components of acrylic or styrene-butadiene (latex), which improve its quality. It is worth choosing a composition marked “washable”, since this is the most practical type of paintwork.

Painting glass wall with acrylic or latex paintwork material will allow you to save for a long time appearance and main technical properties wall covering. For example, fiberglass painted with acrylic paint will also remain fireproof, environmentally friendly, resistant to moisture, and also more durable. Through this latex or acrylic paint excellent visible texture of the wallpaper that you liked.

Acrylic interior wall paint

At the same time, I would like to note the advantages of paint:

  • All colors on water based acrylic and latex, odorless.
  • Paint is applied to the glass wallpaper for painting with a roller, spray gun or brush, very easy and simple.
  • The speed of absorption and drying of the acrylic composition is quite fast, several times faster than other paints.
  • During work, you should be careful to get dirty as little as possible, but there is nothing terrible in this, because water-based paints are easily washed off with water. In the case of acrylic, water is relevant until the paint has dried, and then you will have to use solvents.
  • The choice of paintwork is very large, in any hardware store you will find 3-4 worthy brands. Among foreign brands, Tikkurila is known to everyone; among Russian brands, Tex, VGT, Dali can be distinguished.
  • The cost of paint and color is low, acceptable for most people.

After the coloring composition is applied to the walls and dries properly, it will look great. Caring for it will not be difficult, since such a coating can always be washed using a sponge, rag and soapy water.

Practical and durable glass wall papers are used everywhere

It should be noted that the paint for glass wallpaper for painting is consumed largely due to the technical features of the wallpaper, in addition, the first painting is recommended to be done in two layers. Therefore, it is necessary to budget for at least 500 ml of paint per 1 square meter. Yes, this is quite a lot, but most likely this is how much paint and varnish material will be needed to apply it to the walls.

Experts say that it is possible to reduce the consumption of paint if liquid diluted glue is applied to the cullet as the first layer. This composition allows you to thoroughly impregnate the well-absorbing texture of the fiberglass, after which the paint will lay down well and be spent less.

Color options

One of the most important advantages of glass fiber is the ability to paint them in any color. You can choose from millions of colors, tones, shades. Since the paint is sold in white, you will need to tint it (make the desired color) and here you can go in two different ways:

  1. You can tint the paint yourself, using a coloring pigment, a concentrate, specially sold for this purpose. At the same time, you will not succeed in strong variation with the color, since for the accuracy of the match you will have to dilute the paint cans with a clear amount of color. For example, for a 1-liter can of paint, 1 can of color or for a 7-liter container, 4 tubes of color. The advantage of this method is that you will always know how to mix in additional paint if there is not enough.
  2. The second option for tinting paint is computer, which is produced directly in the store. When choosing this method, you are not limited in colors and you can choose any. Experts will tell you exactly how the paint will look on the wall, because after application, it often becomes a tone lighter. However, you should save the tinctures of the apparatus in order to be able to make more coloring composition in the future. desired color, but, unfortunately, this is not always possible, especially when it comes to subtle shades.

Contrasting living room interior

You should choose a color for painting walls based on your preferences, but you should definitely listen to the recommendations of designers:

  • For glass wallpapers, it is recommended to choose soft colors, discreet, calm. Such a coloring will be appropriate for all walls, it will not strain and press, and later it can be easily changed to another, repainted in 1-2 layers.
  • For people who approach the interior creatively, who need a lively, contrasting design, you can suggest making bright inserts on the walls. Against the background of a calm general tone, they will look catchy, attract attention.
  • Do not forget about your furniture, which should fit into the overall color concept of the room.

Using wallpaper stencils, you can add necessary elements into the interior, while the paint for glass wallpaper for painting is also used, but the color scheme is different. If you possess creativity, then you can draw a picture on the wall. Try not to overdo it with the dimensions of the picture, for small spaces should be limited to relevant images.

Painting walls by hand

Painting options

We figured out what kind of paint to paint glass wall papers, and now let's look at how to do it. To apply the paint as evenly as possible, it is recommended to use a spray gun, roller and brush for spot finishing. Initial staining is carried out in two layers. The second layer is applied only after the first has completely dried, which means after 12-15 hours, but it is better to wait a day.

Studying the question of how to paint cullet, we found several original ways:

  • Wall painting with borders.
  • Application of paint and varnish composition on stencils.
  • Squeegee, textured wall painting.
  • Use in painting azure.


The easiest way to paint using borders can be applied in any room. This design of the walls looks decent in the living room and in the hallway. You can choose different kinds glass and divide them with a border, or use the same texture.

The border between the glass walls is made as follows: first, a strip of the required width is cut out, the wallpaper is painted, and then the prepared border is glued. The divided sections are painted in the same color or different, as desired. In some cases, even contrasting solutions look great, but it all depends on the overall concept of your interior.

Coloring glass fiber with different textures


Using a stencil is also an easy task. Usually they use a ready-made stencil with cut out contours, but if you need to make a large drawing with simple forms, you can take ordinary masking tape and stick it on the wall in the right places.

Glass fiber is dyed before using the stencil, so the paint is applied over the main base. It should be ensured that during staining the paint does not go beyond the stencil. After drying, the stencil or masking tape is removed, and the drawing is finalized if necessary.

Squeegee painting

Squeegee painting of the walls allows you to focus on the unique fabric texture of glass. This type of painting is suitable exclusively for embossed glass. First of all, a layer of bright paint is applied, designed to become the main layer. After the base has dried, it is covered with a glazing coating, the color of which is chosen close in tone. As a glazing coating, you can use a translucent varnish. Make sure it's water based.

After drying the top layer, it should be treated with a damp sponge. Thus, you will remove the varnish from the prominent relief parts of the wallpaper, but it will remain inside the texture. High-quality squeegee painting of glass is possible when using good plastic or rubber spatula.

Applying a base coat of bright paint to glass


In some cases, to give the interior more color diversity, bright and calm tones are used at the same time, while complementing them with original decorating flakes, which can be colored or white. This is what azure looks like.

It should be applied immediately after the paint has dried on the fiberglass, for which it is convenient to use a flat brush. Brush strokes are performed in the transverse direction, with short movements. After 15-20 minutes, using a rubber spatula, the flakes of azure are smoothed out, thus achieving a uniform distribution of decorative elements over the entire surface.

We hope that now you have an idea of ​​​​how to paint glass wall paper in a variety of ways. In any case, you can always just paint over an unsuccessful coloring with an additional layer.

Choose quality paintwork for its walls, so that it lasts as long as possible, and looks as good as possible.

The world of finishing materials is constantly being improved and modernized, thanks to which designers implement a variety of ideas and ideas. Most materials are also universal, and anyone can handle the finishing process on their own. Among these can be attributed glass wallpaper for painting. It should be noted not only their attractive appearance and interesting embossed pattern, but also the ability to stain several times. Here it is very important to know how to paint the glass and what paint to choose.

General information

Fiberglass wallpapers have increased strength and decorative characteristics. It should be noted that safe components are used for the production of the material, which means that it will not harm the human body. This is a great option for those who often change the interior, as it will be possible to paint the walls several times.

Consider other significant advantages:

  • wear resistance;
  • optimal web thickness;
  • suitable for all types of finishes living rooms, including children's;
  • not prone to fire;
  • antistatic;
  • passes moisture and air;
  • the ability to carry out wet cleaning;
  • not affected by fungus and mold.

The composition of glass fiber includes reinforcing material, so the preliminary work is greatly simplified: the surface does not require puttying.

In order for the pattern to be clear with each painting of the walls, you should pay attention to varieties with deep relief. In this case, even after the fifth staining, the unique texture will be preserved.

Having chosen cullets, it is necessary to decide how to paint this material. Market paintwork materials striking in its diversity, but for the chosen material is suitable not every paint. Because we are talking about wallpaper for painting, the manufacturer produces canvases of a grayish-white color, on which a layer of paint fits perfectly.

Paint selection criteria

All experts say that the most the best option staining of glass fiber are water-dispersion compositions that fully meet all the criteria:

  • minimum drying time;
  • no pungent odor;
  • fast penetration into the structure of the material;
  • no toxic ingredients.

If we consider in detail water-dispersion paints, then they include water and a synthetic polymer. As a result of staining glass fiber, a protective film is formed on the surface.

Groups of water-dispersion paints

  1. Butadion-styrene dispersions have an important advantage - increased moisture resistance, but there is also a disadvantage - limitation in use. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the color may acquire a yellowish tint over time, so they are used in rooms located on the north side where the amount of sunlight is minimized.
  2. Polyvinyl acetate compounds are characterized by an affordable price, unlike similar paints. Paints and varnishes have low water resistance, so it is recommended to use them in completely dry areas: children's room, bedroom and living room.
  3. Acrylic compositions have the highest moisture resistance. They also tolerate exposure well. solar radiation. it best option for coloring glass. Plus, they dry out quickly.

Also pay attention to latex and acrylate formulations.

If additional passive fire protection is required, experts recommend painting the wallpaper with fire-resistant acrylic paint.


The next step in the selection process is to study the manufacturers who currently offer their products on the paint and varnish market. Among the most popular, which have received recognition from the domestic consumer, there are several brands:

  1. Tikkurila Harmony. The benefits include high quality, fast drying, economical consumption, no pungent odor, wide range color palette and affordable price. The manufacturer offers the consumer paint in matte colors, with which you can create a velvety surface.
  2. Tikkurila Euro 2. Paints are made from acrylic copolymer, which includes latex. The range is also presented in a matte palette. The manufacturer recommends painting surfaces only in dry rooms.
  3. Mattlatex Dufa. The coating material is characterized by increased durability and cost-effectiveness.

Choose a color

After it has been decided which paint to paint, you should choose the right shade. In most cases, the decisive factor will be your own opinion and taste preferences of the residents of the house. But it is still recommended to follow the general recommendations:

  • It is better not to choose bright and catchy shades, as in the near future the color will get bored and become annoying.
  • For creating bright accents it is better to make various color inserts that will look advantageous against the background of pastel shades.
  • The color of the walls should be combined and in harmony with the furniture and decor elements.
  • When using stencils, pay attention to a small pattern, which will also visually change the geometry of the room, and large elements will find a place on the walls in spacious rooms.

The use of several colors in the interior of the room will visually expand the space. This is true for small rooms.

Preparatory work

The process of coloring glass fiber is not difficult, but, as in any process, everything must be carefully prepared. For example, water-based paint was chosen for glass wallpaper. Carefully read the recommendations and instructions of the manufacturer, in which you will find important information, including consumption, drying time and other features.

After the wallpaper has been glued to the walls and the glue has dried, you can proceed to painting. For a better distribution of the paint layer, the surface should be primed with a simple roller. Priming the walls will increase the adhesive characteristics of the paint, the texture of the glass will be more pronounced.

Methods for staining glass

It is best to paint embossed canvases with an airbrush (spray gun) or a roller. Both of these tools will help uniform distribution paint material on the surface. Staining should be carried out in two layers: the second is applied 12 hours after the first is applied.

There are four ways to paint walls:

  • with the use of borders;
  • using stencils;
  • squeegee staining;
  • painting with azure.

Using borders

A common option for staining glass, with which you can very easily transform the interior of absolutely any room. When included in the trim borders:

  • use one textured wallpaper pattern on a fiberglass basis both above and below the border;
  • include in the composition various interesting texture solutions regarding the border.

Immediately after the last canvas is pasted on the walls, you can immediately proceed to sticking the border. In order for the process to be carried out correctly and accurately, markings are made on the wall, the top and bottom of the walls are painted according to technology in two layers (these can be either the same colors or contrasting ones). After complete drying, a decorative border is glued.

Using stencils

This technique involves not only the simple application of layers of paint, but also the creation of a geometric pattern on the walls. It is very important that the selected ornament blends well and harmonizes with the structure of the glass. First of all, the main painting of all surfaces is carried out, and then, with the help of masking tape, the structure of the planned pattern is transferred to the wall. The space should be painted over carefully, a foam rubber sponge is best suited for this.

After complete drying, the next day, the masking tape is carefully removed. The finished drawing can be additionally painted by hand with a brush.

When painting over the ornament, it is very important that the paint does not flow under the adhesive tape.

An effective staining technique that is simple. As the main color (first layer) use deeper and saturated shades. When the layer dries, a glazing coating related in tone is applied:

  • translucent water-based decorative varnish;
  • any other coating that has a metallic effect.

Until the applied coating is dry, damp foam sponge remove the top layer and excess. As a result, the composition should be preserved only in the textured recesses of the relief.

Staining of glass with squeegee technique is possible using a plastic or rubber spatula.

Azure painting

The first layer is applied with a roller or spray gun. After complete drying, the azure is applied with a flat brush in transverse and small strokes. After 20 minutes, they are smeared with a rubber spatula, which will evenly distribute the flakes.

To obtain a more saturated color, the process is repeated or a different color is used by several tones, which will give depth.

Modern technologies do not stand still, constantly improving and bringing us new types of finishing materials. Despite their relative novelty, glass wallpaper for painting has already become quite popular. They have an attractive appearance and interesting texture, attracting the attention of buyers.

Fiberglass sheets are made from the same materials as glass (dolomite, quartz sand and limestone). These components heat up to high temperature(+1200 degrees), and light thin threads resembling fluff are created from the hot mass.

These threads are formed into fibers, which are then woven on a loom that closely resembles a traditional loom.

The basis of cullet is ordinary glass, from which, under the influence of high temperature, fibers for wallpaper yarn are drawn.

Glass fabric wallpapers have whole line advantages:

  • they are durable;
  • created from environmentally friendly components;
  • safe for health and do not emit any harmful substances, as a result of which they can be used for decorating a nursery;
  • do not wear out;
  • able to fasten and hide well various defects, including cracks;
  • not combustible;
  • the walls breathe perfectly, thanks to which the ideal microclimate is created in the room;
  • prevent the appearance of microorganisms;
  • the surface of the wall is not electrified, dust is not attracted to it;
  • if necessary, you can not only, but also repeatedly repaint.

A wide range of these products allows you to choose glass wallpaper for painting a suitable texture and pattern. The consumer can choose embossed or smooth options. At the same time, updating the interior trimmed with such wallpaper is very simple - it only takes a roller and paint.

Glass fiber can be used in various premises. The coating is suitable for hallways, kitchens and bathrooms; it does not soak, does not crack and can last up to 30 years. In addition, fiberglass wallpaper can be washed and cleaned.

How to glue glass wallpaper

Before proceeding with gluing glass wallpaper, you need to level the walls. This material is able to hide small defects, but large chips or cracks are subject to mandatory puttying.

Thanks to glass wallpaper, you can hide minor defects and uneven walls.

To cut wallpaper, you must use a breadboard knife or sharp scissors. At the same time, do not rush. It is likely that the fiber will crumble. That is why the work is carried out in a respirator and special maximally closed clothing. Otherwise, glass dust may cause irritation.

For work, you need rollers (2 pieces). One is needed for applying glue. The second, soft - for smoothing the wallpaper. As for the glue itself, here it is necessary to choose those options that are used for heavy canvases.

Sticking of glass fiber is carried out strictly end-to-end. Glue is applied only to the wall. Once the web is attached, smooth it out with a plastic spatula or roller. Make sure that the pattern matches on the stripes.

If necessary, stick glass wallpaper for painting on the ceiling, you need to take a convenient stepladder or a table. As in the case of gluing walls, work surface(in this case, the ceiling) should be leveled, puttied, primed and covered with a thin layer of glue (it is better to do this with a roller). It is good if the wallpaper will be glued by two people. Then one takes over all the main work, and the second one feeds the strips of wallpaper and holds them.

Fiberglass wallpaper can be glued even on painted oil paint walls. True, you will have to prepare the surface by lightly sanding it and applying several layers. special composition, which improves adhesion (a kind of primer). It is important to allow each coat to dry thoroughly before applying the next.

To thoroughly understand how to glue glass wallpaper for painting, the video will help:

How and how to paint fiberglass wallpaper

After gluing the glass wallpaper, you can proceed to their coloring. Suitable for this material. different paint. An excellent option is acrylic or latex compositions, but water-based ones can also be used.

The choice of paint depends on the desired result. You should immediately find out whether the walls will be washed, how often you will touch them, and much more.

Acrylic paint for glass wall paper allows you to create shiny surface. For a silky surface, dispersion paint is suitable.

The choice of paint for glass wall paper should be based on operational features, i.e. depend on the functions that the finishing material will perform

For various wallpapers required different amount coloring compound. Usually 500 grams of paint is needed per square meter. However, if dense cullet for painting was used for finishing, the consumption will increase.

The quality of the paint affects the resistance of the coating to water. It is necessary to apply latex or water-based paints in several layers.

To reduce consumption, diluted adhesive can be applied as a first layer. This will allow the canvas to be impregnated, as a result of which the paint will lay down more evenly, and its consumption will be significantly reduced.

Subtleties of painting

It should be noted immediately that the painting of glass fiber should be carried out only after the surface has completely dried. That is, after gluing, you must wait at least a day.

After the glue dries, you can proceed to painting. To do this, paint is applied to the surface using a fur roller, and the joints are painted with a brush and patterns are created.

For drawing drawings, you can use purchased or made by hand stencils. Some craftsmen use sprayers for screen painting.

The paint is applied in a couple of layers. Moreover, each subsequent one is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. The number of layers depends on the paint used. However, you should not overdo it here.

If you don't like the chosen color scheme or just get bored, you can easily update it by repainting the fiberglass wallpaper in the desired color. You can do this up to 10-12 times.

The use of glass wallpaper in the interior is a great option for creating a cozy, stylish and incredibly spectacular space. In this case, you do not need to worry about your health and safety.