How to glue gossamer glass wallpaper for painting. Fiberglass: features and scope

Nowadays, the industry produces a very wide range of various materials for construction and finishing works, which greatly facilitate the task of the craftsmen, and the result is much better. These materials also include the painting fiberglass cobweb, which got its name due to its external similarity with a real cobweb.

This type of fiberglass appeared on the construction market not so long ago, but is already in great demand among craftsmen who have already used it in their work at least once. The use of such material allows you to perform high-quality finishing, quickly get rid of problems that have already arisen with the surfaces of walls and ceilings, and also prevent the emergence of new ones.

What is painting fiberglass

How fiberglass is made

Many homeowners at all stages of work prefer to choose exclusively environmentally friendly materials for finishing their houses and apartments, which do not emit toxic substances at all during their operation and at the same time are not subject to rapid aging or wear. It is to this group of building materials that any kind of fiberglass can be safely attributed. Due to the absolute harmlessness, his canvases can be used in all rooms without exception, including nurseries, bedrooms and kitchens.

The fiberglass from which the canvas is formed is made from a glass melt that goes through the extrusion process, that is, it is forced through special spinning dies with holes of different diameters. The result is fibers of various thicknesses.

Fiberglass "gossamer" is made from very thin fibers. They are so small in thickness that they become visible to the naked eye only after they are combined into canvases.

Unlike fiberglass, from which it is made, the "spider web" is a non-woven material and does not have a clear, correct pattern, since its threads are arranged randomly. The manufacturing process of fiberglass is somewhat similar to the production of paper. The finest glass fibers enter the conveyor, where they are distributed on the surface of the belt, and then they go through a high-pressure pressing process with a certain temperature regime. A thin, even sheet with a smooth surface comes out from under the press. It is immediately wound into large reels, and from them it is distributed into small rolls, packed and sent to a warehouse or store.

The density of the finished compressed fiberglass "gossamer" can vary in the range from 25 to 50 g/m².

Advantages and disadvantages of fiberglass "spider line"

This auxiliary finishing material has its advantages and disadvantages, and it must be admitted that there are much more of the former. It is worth talking about them first of all.

So, dignity:

  • Fiberglass sheets do not accumulate static electricity.
  • The material is waterproof, completely unaffected by a humid environment.
  • Resistant to mechanical stress.
  • Completely inert to any chemical reagents used in the field of construction and decoration
  • The canvas is air and vapor permeable, so mold does not appear on the surface and under the fiberglass canvases.
  • Fiberglass is absolutely not subject to corrosion.
  • The material is hypoallergenic - harmless to people suffering from hypersensitivity to allergens or respiratory diseases.
  • Fiberglass is completely non-flammable, has a certain fire resistance, and is resistant to sudden changes in temperature.
  • Due to its structure, it perfectly reinforces and levels surfaces.
  • Quietly withstands several staining cycles.
  • Differs in durability as it is not subject to neither chemical, nor biological decomposition.
  • Does not attract or absorb dirt, odors and dust.
  • What is very important - the price of fiberglass "spider web" belongs to the category of public.

Fiberglass also has a few limitations, which you also need to know about when purchasing it for finishing work. These include the following points:

  • When cutting fiberglass cloths, small particles of fibers can damage the skin of the hands, therefore it is recommended to carry out this process with rubber gloves.
  • In addition, when cutting the material, it is desirable to protect the respiratory organs and eyes.
  • Work with fiberglass is best done in clothes made of dense fabric that will cover all open areas of the body. In this case, you can avoid glass splinters, which cause unpleasant itching and inflammation of the skin.

Prices for fiberglass


Varieties of fiberglass "spider web"

This non-woven building material is divided into three types according to its density, which can be 50, 40 and 25 g / m².

  • The thinnest canvas, one square meter of which weighs 25 grams, is most often used for gluing on the surface of ceilings before painting them. Therefore, this type of canvas is usually called that - the ceiling "spider line". However, this type of fiberglass, due to its low density, will not be able to hide strong surface irregularities. Therefore, it is used only for relatively flat ceilings.

  • A canvas with an average density, weighing one square meter of 40 grams, can be called universal. It is widely used for reinforcing and leveling both ceilings, and the material is selected for pasting on surfaces that are planned to be painted in the future. Due to the high strength of this type of fiberglass, it is excellent for the lower part of walls that are particularly susceptible to mechanical damage. Glued canvases will reliably protect these areas from chips and scratches. This material is also used to strengthen dilapidated ceiling plaster - it will perfectly bind and level the surface of the ceiling. This type of fiberglass is also suitable for protecting plaster on walls and ceilings in rooms with increased vibration load.
  • The most durable type of "cobweb" is a material with a density of 50 g / m². It perfectly closes rather deep irregularities and cracks of relatively large sizes. A layer of this fiberglass, glued to the wall, is able to withstand high mechanical stress, so it becomes the best option for reinforcing walls in workshops, garages or production shops. The cost of this material is higher than that of the first two types. And besides, when purchasing this version of the canvas, it must be borne in mind that the consumption of glue for mounting it on the surface increases significantly. In truth, there is no particular need to use this type of canvas for the walls of residential premises. For them, material with a lower density is well suited.

Features of working with fiberglass and the necessary auxiliary materials

In order for the finishing of the walls and ceiling to have a perfect appearance, the surface for it must be prepared. Previously, this process was always carried out using putty and plaster. However, in order to do this difficult job in a worthy manner, it is necessary to have certain skills that most homeowners do not possess. Therefore, it was necessary to call a master plasterer, who performed this rather laborious work for a lot of money.

Now, small flaws in the walls are quite capable of being eliminated by the homeowner himself, pasting over the surfaces with gossamer fiberglass, since this process does not require any specific knowledge and skills.

This unique material quickly and easily prepares walls and ceilings for finishing. Moreover, it should probably be clarified that you can stick canvases on almost any surface - it can be brick, concrete, chipboard, drywall, metal or wood.

Glass wall prices

glass wall paper

Adhesive for fiberglass

For high-quality gluing of this finishing and preparatory material on the walls, you will need to purchase the “correct” glue and high-quality primer solution, since the strength of the canvases on the surfaces will depend on them. In addition, it is necessary to observe the time indicated on the packages of adhesive and primer, as well as the period between gluing the fiberglass and applying the finish.

It should immediately be clarified that it is not recommended to fix the canvases on the plaster solution, since it will not be able to saturate the structure of the material well enough, so the canvas will not be firmly fixed on the surface. Liquid putty is also not suitable as an adhesive, due to the fact that it will impregnate the fiberglass unevenly, and in those places where the material is not sufficiently saturated, the “spider web” may begin to bubble. To avoid these negative aspects, for gluing fiberglass, you need to use glue specially designed for it, which is sold in finished or dry form.

Each type of fiberglass has its own type of adhesive, so you need to follow the recommendations and use the composition that is designed for a particular material. However, on sale you can also find universal glue, which is suitable for all types of fiberglass-"cobwebs", but it must be diluted in certain proportions, since the canvas must be fully saturated with it.

  • Glue "Oscar" is intended for gluing glass wall papers, which have a sufficiently high density, so it is often used for gluing "gossamer" fiberglass with a density of 40 g / m².

  • Glue "Wellton", sold in dry form, is universal, so that it is suitable for a specific type of fiberglass, it is diluted in certain proportions indicated on the package.
  • Glue "Kleo" is also universal, and is used not only for gluing all types of glass sheets, but also for non-woven wallpaper. It is produced in finished and dry form.

In addition to these compositions, in the hardware store you can find others designed specifically for fiberglass. All adhesives of this type are environmentally friendly materials and are made according to a certain formula, and their components interact well with fiberglass. In addition, they include antiseptic substances that counteract the formation of colonies of fungus and mold.

Adhesive compositions designed for fiberglass and fiberglass do not leave marks or stains on the surface. Therefore, if the canvas is already glued to the surface, but it can be seen from its impregnation that the applied adhesive solution is not enough, it is quite acceptable to walk on the surface of the material with a wide brush with glue in order to achieve complete impregnation uniformity.

All technical characteristics of the adhesive can be found on the packaging, including its consumption per square meter. However, it must be remembered that the consumption of the adhesive solution will also depend on the material of the surface on which the fiberglass will be glued, as well as the quality of its pre-treatment with a primer. The better the surface is prepared, the less glue is required. To be guided by the time in work, it must be said that the period of final drying and setting of adhesives of this type, as a rule, is 48 hours.

The process of gluing painting fiberglass-"cobwebs"

To stick fiberglass on walls or ceilings, you do not need any special professional skills. It is only necessary to know the stages of work and clearly follow the presented technological instructions. Thanks to the decision made to strengthen and level the walls on your own, you can save a decent amount, since repair work is not cheap at all.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation to be performed
The first step is to remove the old decorative coating from the walls, if it is wallpaper or plaster that has begun to spontaneously separate from the wall.
The cleaned wall should be carefully examined.
If wide and deep cracks are found, they must be repaired, as they will contribute to the delamination of the material from the wall. To do this, the crack is expanded, impregnated with a deep penetration primer and dried, and then filled with a sealant or cement-adhesive mortar.
The surface of the filled cracks must be leveled as much as possible.
If protrusions of a rather large size are found on the wall or ceiling, then they must be knocked down with a hammer or cut off with a grinder with a circle over the stone.
The next step is to clean the surfaces of dust and dirt - this process can be done with a brush or a vacuum cleaner can be used for it.
There should be no large particles of cement or other solid matter left on the surface, like crumbs of plaster or putty.
Next, the surfaces must be primed with a deep penetration solution.
Such solutions, applied in two or sometimes three layers, penetrate the wall or ceiling to a considerable depth, closing the pores in the material structure and contributing to additional waterproofing.
In addition, the primer creates a film on the surface, which will create high adhesion for the materials applied to it, in this case, the adhesive solution.
This type of primer is also able to bind and strengthen weak layers of plaster. The primer should be absorbed into the structure of the surfaces and dry well.
If serious irregularities are found on the wall, then after the primer has dried, you should try to level them with ready-made putty, which is applied with a wide spatula.
However, this process is carried out only as a last resort - usually only fiberglass is enough for high-quality alignment.
If the putty was nevertheless applied, then after it dries, the surface must be covered with another layer of primer.
When the walls are dry from the primer, you can start gluing the fiberglass sheets.
Glue is applied to the section of the wall on which the material is planned to be glued.
If the entire wall is pasted over with a “cobweb”, then its installation starts from the corner of the room.
A canvas is applied to the area of ​​​​the wall surface smeared with glue, and it can be of any size, since the fiberglass fits well, and the overlaps, due to the thinness of the material, become almost invisible (however, you can get rid of overlaps altogether - more on that below).
The canvas is pressed in the upper part, and then smoothed out according to the “herringbone” principle with a special plastic wallpaper spatula. That is, first, with a spatula, they are carried out with a slight pressure in the center of the sheet, and then, starting from the top, from the middle, they begin to drive the excess glue down and to the sides, as if “drawing” the branches of the Christmas tree.
The adhesive composition is absorbed into the fiberglass quickly enough, so there will not be much excess, and it will not take long to drive them out from under the canvas.
The material will immediately show how well it is impregnated with the adhesive composition, but in order to prevent even the slightest possibility of its delamination, it is recommended to walk on top of it with a roller, also moistened with glue.
If you need to level the ceiling, it is best to carry out this process with an assistant.
If you have to do this work alone, then it will be more convenient to stick the fiberglass in small pieces.
To do this, a layer of glue is also applied to the surface, and then, starting from the wall, a sheet of leveling material is glued.
After sticking the first sheet of material, the adjacent section of the wall is smeared. The next sheet is applied to it, and it can be glued end-to-end or overlapped by about 40 mm.
If the second option is wiped off, then immediately after gluing the second canvas, 20 mm is measured from its edge, which finds on the first sheet.
Then, a metal ruler or a flat wooden rail is applied vertically to the points found, parallel to the edge of the canvas, and a sharp knife is drawn along it, cutting through both sheets.
After that, the cut off parts of the paintings are removed, and the edges are pressed against the wall with a spatula.
Thus, a perfectly even joint of two sheets is obtained, which must be pressed with a roller dipped in glue.
If the canvas turned out to be longer than necessary in length, then it is best to cut it off immediately.
To make the cut even, the fiberglass is strongly pressed against the wall with a wide spatula, and then drawn, as if along a ruler, along it with a sharp knife. If necessary, the edges of the canvas are additionally glued.
You can proceed to further work on finishing the walls only after the glue has completely dried - this time is indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

When gluing paintings on walls or ceilings, as well as during their drying, there should be no drafts in the room. It is also impossible to turn on electric heaters, trying to speed up the drying of the glue, as this can lead to delamination of the material from the wall.

Prices for fiberglass "Spider line"

fiberglass gossamer

When reinforcing walls or ceilings with fiberglass, it is necessary to make preliminary surface preparation, which is necessary for this material. Since such a sheathed surface has sheet joints that are somewhat recessed relative to the general level, they must be brought to the same plane using putty. Before applying it, the joints are recommended to be primed and glued with a mesh or special paper tape. The primer will increase the adhesion of materials, and the putty will be well fixed on the surface, and the reinforcement will prevent the appearance of cracks in case of possible wall movement (shrinkage, vibration impact, seismic factor, etc.)

Basic rules for preparing drywall walls for further finishing

The preparation for finishing does not end with the installation of drywall sheets on the walls - there is another rather complicated and time-consuming stage ahead. - read in a special publication of our portal.

After the putty has dried in the drywall joints, the entire surface of the wall is covered with a primer, which must also dry, forming a film on the surface.

After that, you can begin the process of reinforcing drywall with a "spider line". Its gluing occurs in the same way as on a concrete or plastered wall.

Decorative wall covering with fiberglass

Fiberglass is painted or coated with other materials only after it has completely dried. Walls covered with masking fiberglass can be painted without additional coating, or after applying a leveling layer of putty on them.

If the paint is applied directly to the "cobweb", the structural pattern of the canvases will be visible through its layer. In addition, you need to know that a lot of paint will be required, since even the material impregnated with glue absorbs the paint composition well.

If it is planned to obtain absolutely smooth walls, which are necessary, for example, for sticking thin paper wallpapers, then a leveling layer of putty is applied to the fiberglass.

For work, finishing putty is used, which is closed with water and kneaded in strict accordance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer, and applied to the surface with a wide spatula, starting from the corners of the room. If in order to stick fiberglass does not need special skills, then to perfect smoothness it requires some skill and experience.

For some novice masters, this process is obtained immediately, while others cannot cope with this work. To test your abilities, it is recommended to prepare a small amount of putty mixture and try to apply it to a small, not very noticeable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall. If everything works out, then it will be possible to save on the implementation of this stage of work by doing it yourself.

Putty should be applied in a thin layer of 1.5 ÷ 2 mm, trying not to leave recesses and stripes on the surface from the edges and corners of the spatula.

After applying the putty, it is necessary to wait for it to dry, after which the surfaces are treated with sandpaper to perfect smoothness. This work can be done manually using a construction grater, or you can use a grinder (for example, eccentric or vibrating) for leveling, on which abrasive paper is fixed.

If putty is applied in two or three layers, then each of them should dry well before applying the next.

The advantage of painting non-putty fiberglass is that the unevenness of the paint applied to it will be less noticeable, since the structure of the material is able to hide them due to its relief. However, due to the fact that fiberglass absorbs paint well, it will have to be applied in at least two layers, the second of which is applied 12 hours after the first.

It is more difficult to apply paint evenly on a perfectly smooth surface, since all color differences will be noticeable on it. Therefore, in order for the color to be uniform, it is sometimes necessary to apply the coloring composition in two or even three layers.

For painting fiberglass or putty surfaces of residential premises, it is recommended to use water-based paint, applying it with a roller with a fur nozzle, and carefully and accurately tinting hard-to-reach areas of the wall and ceiling with a soft brush.

Some masters, in order to bypass the stage of puttying the fiberglass, after gluing it and drying it, apply several layers of thickly mixed glue to the reinforced surface, each of which is also dried. The adhesive layer, filling the structural pattern of the surface, makes it smoother, but not perfectly even. The adhesive layer also significantly reduces the consumption of the coloring composition.

How to choose fiberglass?

To purchase high-quality material that will meet all the above characteristics, you need to choose products from well-known manufacturers.

In the Russian market of building materials, products from manufacturers from Holland - Spektrum, Finland - Wellton, and Sweden - Oscar and Samtex have gained popularity. From domestic manufacturers, the technology of manufacturing fiberglass, in full compliance with international standards, was well mastered by the X Glass company. It should be noted that almost all companies producing fiberglass, in addition to them, produce fiberglass wallpaper, as well as adhesive compositions for them - these products come under the general brand of the company. It is advisable to use canvas and glue of the same brand - they are fully adapted to each other.

In conclusion, I would like to recall that the painting fiberglass-"cobweb" is primarily intended for reinforcing the walls and ceilings of the premises and protecting them from the expansion of small cracks that have appeared, as well as from the appearance of new ones. The second function that this material is designed to perform is the alignment of surfaces. However, many homeowners also prefer to preserve the fiberglass structure without covering it with putty, and using it as a decorative material. Thus, the "web" acquired a third function.

One cannot but agree that this multifunctional material helps to solve many problems and save money allocated for interior decoration. Therefore, for many owners, it can be a real salvation during any repair - both cosmetic and major.

And at the end of the publication, traditionally - a video on the topic. This time, a professional finisher will share his experience in gluing fiberglass "spider line".

Video: How to stick fiberglass "spider web" correctly

Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to color. Sometimes this is a rather difficult task, which requires a certain level of skill of the master. However, even the skill of the workers is not always able to save the finished surface from the formation of various. The fact is that the new structure begins to shrink, it does not dry very evenly.

Quite noticeable gaps can appear on the surface, which can spoil the appearance. special material, painting fiberglass, greatly facilitates painting work. It simplifies the preparation of any planes for subsequent painting, in addition, it prevents the appearance of small and flaws.

The result of painting work from this significantly worsens, since the appearance of the surfaces inevitably deteriorates. It is to prevent their formation that a special painting interlining. With the help of this material, the finishing surface itself is strengthened, that is, reinforced.

What is this miracle fabric? It is a non-woven, rather thin material. It is made up of many glass fibers that differ in their thickness. Their chaotic connection with each other just ensures the impossibility of the formation of noticeable cracks.

Microscopic defects are, of course, possible, but they are not noticeable.

This ability determines the scope of use of fiberglass: a noticeable improvement in various types of final finishing of ceilings and walls.

Fiberglass painting gossamer

Its technology is as follows:

All procedures are quite simple, but the main thing in their implementation is thoroughness and accuracy. Then you will get the desired result.

When performing all work, certain conditions must be met:

  • the room should be completely free of drafts;
  • temperature indicators should be at least 15 degrees;
  • the humidity in the room should also be within the normal range;
  • and it is better to keep the doors closed until completely dry;
  • From bright sunlight it is desirable to curtain the windows.

Painting fiberglass: features and benefits

The material is made from organic resins and mineral fiberglass, and is considered environmentally friendly. Its continuous web has impressive tensile strength.

The fibers that make it up are not intertwined, as in similar ones, but are glued together in a rather chaotic manner. The material has a fairly affordable cost, and received a common name fiberglass.

People call him simply " gossamer”, which he somewhat resembles with his soft structure. By type, the material is divided into various classes, differing in density and thickness.

These indicators affect its cost: the more they are, the higher it is. Lighter and thinner articles are recommended for the ceiling. More dense species are able to withstand significant loads without damage.

The material has the following performance characteristics:

Among our compatriots, special success is enjoyed by painting fiberglass wellton and oscar (oscar).

Fiberglass appeared on the Moscow market not so long ago. It is produced by both foreign firms and domestic manufacturers. This type of finishing coating is called "gossamer" because of its appearance. The gossamer fiberglass looks like a non-woven material in which translucent fiberglass threads of different thicknesses are intertwined and glued together with organic resin randomly and intricately. It is very thin in appearance and can be easily torn by careless handling until it is pasted on. But when the gossamer is glued to a wall or ceiling, it is a strong reinforcing material. The front side differs from the wrong side with a relief surface. It is more rough and hairy.

material for sale in rolls 1 m wide, 20 or 50 m. The cobweb is made by pressing under high pressure, uneven distances are created between the fibers. And thanks to this interlacing, fiberglass is able to mask microcracks, if they already exist, or prevent the appearance of new ones. It's hard to imagine what fiberglass looks like, you can see how it looks in the video.

Walls crack when dry and shrink. And if there is such a risk, a painting grid is used for plastering. It holds the surface together and prevents the crack from breaking through the wall. A similar function is performed by fiberglass gossamer.

Material Application

  • to strengthen walls and ceilings, if it is necessary to prevent the appearance of microcracks that the paint mesh cannot cope with;
  • masks already existing microcracks;
  • for leveling the surface of walls and ceilings.

Technical characteristics and advantages of the material

There are 3 types of fiberglass depending on its density - 25, 40.50, 65 g / m 2. These numbers mean the weight of the cobweb per 1 sq. m.

The most durable type of fiberglass cobwebs - 50 g / m 2. It is almost never used for the repair and construction of residential premises. The cost of its installation is high due to the price of the web itself and the larger amount of glue that is required for a material of this density. The most successful application of this type of fiberglass is in production shops, workshops, non-residential premises that are subject to constant vibration.

At the same time, the advantages of the material are also that fiberglass is resistant to temperature extremes, it "breathes", does not rot, does not react with chemicals, its use is justified in damp rooms. The gossamer is wear-resistant, does not electrify, does not attract dust, is hypoallergenic, and is available to different segments of the population due to the relatively low price. Since fiberglass is absolutely non-toxic, it can be used to cover walls and ceilings in children's rooms, bedrooms, and kitchens. It does not burn or melt. The ability to strengthen walls and keep them from cracking makes it possible not to repair a room pasted over with fiberglass for a long time, which means saving the budget.

You can buy the desired type of fiberglass gossamer in specialized stores of building materials. Online stores in Moscow offer a variety of types of different manufacturers of gossamer fiberglass. The price depends on the company, brand and density, and can vary greatly.

If you plan to stick fiberglass on a wall or ceiling, you must select the desired adhesive. It is best to purchase ready-made in buckets and only the one that is intended for glass. You can also use dry glue for glass, adding PVA 1: 6 to it. The optimal thickness of the adhesive layer should be at least 1 mm. If the material has darkened from moisture, then there is enough glue. There are no standards and rules for cutting the length and width of the gossamer strips. Ease of use is the main criterion. You can cut the desired length and width with which it is most convenient to work.

Start gluing from the corner of the ceiling or walls. Glue is applied only to the wall. The canvases are overlapped so that, by making a cut along the seam, you can get the extra strips and perfectly butt the edges. You can study this process well and in detail on the video on the Internet. It is very similar to wallpapering: you also need to level the wall, there should also be no drafts, you also need to smooth the fiberglass, expelling air from under the material.

Fiberglass gossamer needs finishing putty. And already on the putty it will be necessary to treat the surface with an abrasive mesh. Since the surface of the fiberglass is an uneven weave of threads with gaps of different sizes between them, the paint will lie unevenly. And you will need to paint over several times for a better look of the surface. Therefore, it is not recommended to neglect the stages of putty and mesh processing. After the entire surface is primed before painting.

For primer use liquid diluted glue to make high-quality impregnation of the cobweb. Whether we glue wallpaper on the wall or paint, the sequence of wall surface treatment is the same. All the steps of working with fiberglass in sufficient quantities are on the Internet on video.

The name "fiberglass" refers to what the material consists of. The composition of the web is the smallest glass threads, and between them there are voids, pores. Is it easy to color them right away? You have to putty, and primer, and clean up so that the wall or ceiling has a quality look.

Sometimes the cobweb after the sticker is not primed or puttied, and immediately paint. The surface does not look smooth, rough. Paints must be applied at least 4 layers so that the wall has a well-painted appearance. If useful recommendations are followed, paint consumption is reduced.

It is best to paint with water-based paint at least 2 times. The second layer of such paint lays down evenly, if you give the first layer time to dry well. It is possible to repaint the surface pasted over with fiberglass up to 20 times.

Maybe, the only minus of fiberglass gossamer- this is the use of overalls when working with it. Fiberglass material requires means of protecting the skin, eyes and respiratory organs from the smallest particles of fiberglass.

It is impossible to glue fiberglass on a cement floor screed, as well as fill it with bitumen.

Fiberglass is used to improve the characteristics of a decorative coating, often replacing them with a set of preliminary works in the form of putty and priming surfaces. This contributes to a significant reduction in the complexity of preparing the base for applying the finish.

General characteristics and properties

Painting fiberglass - gossamer or fiberglass - is a lightweight non-woven material of soft texture for rough finishing of wall and ceiling panels. The product is made on the basis of fiberglass using the pressing method. Unlike glass wall paper, the technology of which involves the interlacing of threads, in the canvas fibers of various thicknesses are arranged in a chaotic manner. The front side of fiberglass is smooth, and the wrong side is fleecy. The material is produced in the form of rolls of meter width, 20-50 m long.

Fiberglass gossamer has excellent reinforcing properties. Due to its low density, it looks like a translucent fragile canvas, but after gluing to the base, the canvas acquires the same reinforcing effect. Using this material, it is easy to eliminate small cracks on the surface of walls and ceilings, mask joints, strengthen the base plane before applying the final coating. As experienced builders-finishers note, the use of this resource with a reinforcing effect allows you to create a perfectly flat base. In addition, painting fiberglass helps to improve adhesion, as a result, the finish will lie flawlessly, it will not deform under the influence of loads of a different nature.

Fiberglass gossamer stands out for its versatility of use, it is attached to any type of base. Reinforcing fiberglass cloths are used for painting, for decorative plaster, for wallpaper.

Types of fiberglass

When deciding how to choose and glue fiberglass, you should study the technical capabilities of the product. Depending on the characteristics of the density of the base, several types of webs are distinguished.

With a density of 25 g/m²

The material of this category is used for rough finishing of relatively flat surfaces. The product is popular as a ceiling fiberglass for painting: there is no load on the surface due to the low weight of the canvas, and the low density of the product provides for an economical consumption of the dye.

With a density of 40 g/m²

Multi-purpose fiberglass, relevant in the following works:

  • preparation of ceilings with dilapidated plaster;
  • rough finish of walls and ceilings damaged by cracks;
  • preparation of surfaces with high vibration load.

Fiberglass with a density of 40 g/m²

The performance characteristics of products in this category include the use of a variety of finishes: these are various types of plaster, paint, glass fiber or non-woven fabrics.

With a density of 50 g/m²

The material is highly durable, it is used in the arrangement of walls that are affected by deep cracks. Fiberglass of this category is used, among other things, in industrial premises, technical sites, where surfaces are subjected to intense loads.

The cost of the web varies depending on the density of the model: the higher this figure, the more expensive the product. Also, the consumption of glue increases, which must be taken into account when drawing up an estimate.

Pros and cons

Painting fiberglass is designed to optimize the quality of the finished surfaces, and when using this material, the risk of deformation of the finish coating is significantly reduced. Among the advantages of the web, the following are noted:

  • high environmental performance - the product consists of natural bases;
  • hypoallergenicity - it is allowed to use even when arranging interiors with increased requirements for the safety of the environment, including children's institutions;
  • excellent adhesive ability - provides a snug fit to different types of substrates;
  • high reinforcing properties - the use of fiberglass contributes to a significant increase in the processed plane;
  • vapor permeability - fiberglass for painting is able to provide the effect of "breathing" surfaces;
  • fire safety - the product is not combustible;
  • wide scope - fiberglass is relevant for roofing and waterproofing works;
  • high operational capabilities - the material is effective on surfaces subject to vibration loads of an increased type;
  • moisture resistance - gossamer fiberglass is suitable for use in the interiors of bathtubs, kitchens and other rooms with high humidity;
  • undemanding to the ambient temperature - the permissible range of application is from +60°C to -40°C;
  • versatility - suitable for finishing different types of bases, used for wallpaper or decorative plaster, fiberglass is also actively used for painting.

Fiberglass has high environmental friendliness

Material based on glass fibers is not affected by microorganisms, and there is no static effect. Installation of the canvas is not difficult, due to the high elasticity and low weight of the product.

The main disadvantage of the cobweb is the possibility of the formation of the smallest particles of fiberglass when cutting the web. They can cause burns when they get on exposed skin. To prevent trouble, you should work in protective clothing, use a respirator, goggles and gloves.

The high cost of production is also considered a definite disadvantage, moreover, the high cost is leveled by the high performance characteristics of the material.

Criterias of choice

When choosing painting fiberglass, take into account the features of the surface to be treated. For finishing ceilings, a relatively light version of a low-density canvas is recommended, which is held qualitatively on a horizontal plane. If it is necessary to strengthen walls that are affected by many cracks of varying complexity, a high-density material is preferred.

When choosing fiberglass, consider the cost

Another important criterion for choosing fiberglass is the cost of production. When arranging apartments and private houses, a universal web with a density of 40 g / m² is most often used. The material is significantly stronger than the lightweight 25g/m² models, while being half the price of the heavy-duty 50g/m² versions.

Features of use: how to glue fiberglass

The work is carried out at a temperature of 15-25°C, while it is necessary to ensure the absence of drafts and exposure to direct sunlight, the humidity level in the room is not more than 60%. When deciding how to glue fiberglass, you should prepare:

  • the right amount of fiberglass of the appropriate type;
  • specially developed glue for fiberglass;
  • tools - spatula, brush, roller, clerical knife;
  • protective clothing and accessories.

On the wall, the painting fiberglass is glued with a canvas from the ceiling to the floor. For convenience, it is allowed to cut it into 2 parts and fix one above the other. If the ceiling is pasted over, it is recommended to use a canvas no more than 1.5 meters long.

Experts note the following features of gluing fiberglass:

  1. Glue for fiberglass is applied a little more than the width of the web, as the material quickly absorbs the composition.
  2. To remove air bubbles between the glued cobweb sheet and the base, you should iron the canvas with a clean rag, after a while - hold it with a spatula.
  3. After securely fixing the sheet on the wall, an abundant layer of glue is applied to the front surface of the cobweb.
  4. The canvases are overlapped, after they are completely dry, all protruding elements are cut off with a sharp knife to get a flat plane.

Each subsequent layer is performed only after the previous one has completely dried (a pause of 10-12 hours is maintained).

Do I need fiberglass and where is it better to apply

Most often, fiberglass is used on drywall, replacing them with finishing putty. The material contributes to the effective prevention of the formation of flaws, masks joints, irregularities and other surface defects. In addition, gossamer fiberglass is widely used in reinforcing bases before applying finishing when arranging wall, ceiling or floor panels. Often, fiberglass wallpaper is used instead of embossed wallpaper, which is popular in interiors of various styles.

Thinking about whether fiberglass is needed, it is worth knowing that the potential of the paint cobweb is also in demand when performing various construction, installation and finishing works:

  • as a basis for bituminous mastic in the design of the roofing system;
  • to strengthen and protect polymer sheets during waterproofing work;
  • when arranging drainage systems;
  • to protect pipelines.

It is noteworthy that fiberglass of various densities is suitable for application to all types of substrates, including concrete, drywall, and even a layer of paint that has been scratched for better adhesion.

Material safety

To eliminate the risk of burns when installing fiberglass coating, it is important to use protective equipment in the form of a respirator, goggles and gloves. You should also take care of the presence of closed clothing and appropriate shoes. In the room where gluing or painting of painting fiberglass is carried out, it is necessary to provide access to fresh air, but drafts and sharp fluctuations in temperature are excluded.

The use of gossamer fiberglass allows you to make the interior finish both more durable and even. And different types of fiberglass, each of which has its own characteristics, make it easy to choose the right option for any conditions - from the ceiling of an apartment to the walls of an industrial building.

Using gossamer fiberglass, you can increase the strength of the surface of ceilings and walls, reducing the likelihood of cracks without the use of expensive technologies and saving time. These features make the "cobweb" one of the most popular finishing materials. Although for different conditions it is desirable to use both your own type of fiberglass and an adhesive suitable for it.

What is a "web"

Painting fiberglass is an environmentally friendly and lightweight material created on the basis of fiberglass and organic resin. It is a non-woven fabric, very tear-resistant and does not have a clear pattern. The surface of the canvas consists of fibers, which, unlike glass fiber, do not intertwine, being located in a chaotic manner. And the material got its name due to its soft and pleasant to the touch texture.

Depending on the thickness of the "cobweb" is divided into classes. On the market you can find options with a density of 25 to 65 g/sq. m. The higher this figure, the stronger the surface finished with fiberglass will be. However, for ceilings, on the contrary, it is recommended to choose a lighter option that holds better on a horizontal surface.

Types and options

Three main types are used in construction - with a density of 25, 40 and 50 g / m 2. The first option, 1 m 2 of which weighs only 25 grams, is optimal for painting ceilings, since less weight increases the convenience of gluing. Because of this, the material is often referred to as "ceiling gossamer". In addition, fiberglass with a low density absorbs less paint. However, it can be used only in the absence of large surface irregularities and cracks.

"Gossamer" with a density of 40 g / m 2 is considered universal, since it is almost twice as strong as light material and cheaper than thicker options. This option is chosen for the subsequent painting of surfaces, the likelihood of damage to which is higher than that of the ceiling. It is allowed to use fiberglass for ceilings finished with dilapidated plaster, and in rooms with high vibration load.

One of the most durable types of "spider line" - a material with a density of 50 g / m 2 - allows you to close cracks of a significant size. Withstanding a large mechanical load, it may be the only option for finishing a production workshop, workshop or garage, in which the likelihood of damage to building envelopes is much higher. The cost of its installation increases - both due to the price of the "cobweb", and due to the fact that the high density also increases the consumption of glue for the fiberglass cobweb. Due to significant costs, this option is practically not used in residential buildings and apartments.

Advantages of fiberglass

To buy quality material, it is advisable to choose products from well-known brands - such as the Finnish company Wellton, the Dutch brand Spektrum and the Swedish manufacturers Samtex and Oscar. It is worth paying attention to domestic production - for example, to X Glass gossamer fiberglass, produced in various regions of Russia. Depending on the brand and density, their price can differ markedly - from $100 to $250 and more for a 50 m 2 roll.

Materials such as Oscar gossamer fiberglass, which are durable and affordable, have proven themselves well. You can cut or tear it only on purpose, using sharp objects. For fiberglass of this brand, a minimum of paint is required - even if painting work is carried out without putty. And you can paint it, unlike the products of lesser-known brands, more than once.

It is in demand during repair and construction work and painting fiberglass gossamer Wellton, the advantages of which include:

  • increased fire safety due to the incombustibility of the material;
  • resistance to high temperatures, humidity and aggressive environments;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • long service life;
  • high density.

Regardless of the brand of "cobweb", among its advantages there are such characteristics:

  • environmental friendliness, which is expressed in the ability of walls finished with fiberglass to "breathe", passing water vapor and maintaining an optimal level of humidity;
  • lack of static on the surface;
  • easy cleaning - even painted fiberglass is easier to clean compared to other finishing materials.

A minor disadvantage of using a "cobweb" is the danger of being injured by small particles of material when cutting it. For this reason, it is best to work with fiberglass by wearing personal protective equipment - hand gloves, respirators, goggles, rubberized and thick clothing.

Material Application

The most popular application for painting fiberglass is for walls already plastered and finished with drywall. In this case, the material quite effectively replaces the finishing putty, preventing the appearance of new flaws and cracks, and hiding the old ones. At the same time, the use of gossamer fiberglass allows you to additionally reinforce the base - a wall or ceiling - if it is impossible to use drywall (for example, because of the fear of reducing the height of an already small room due to drywall sheets and profiles holding them). You can also buy fiberglass instead of embossed wallpaper - it will take less time and money to install the "spider line".

In the absence of serious requirements for the quality of the surface, the “spider line” does not even need to be puttied. Enough, using a special glue for fiberglass, and paint. Although it spends 2-3 times more paint.

Thanks to the use of painting fiberglass, walls and ceilings are protected from cracking as a result of:

  • shrinkage of the building;
  • thermal expansion of enclosing structures;
  • constant exposure to vibrations from nearby equipment, construction equipment or the railway.

Fiberglass, which is glued only with a special adhesive for cobwebs, can also be used as an intermediate layer for polymer and vulcanized roofing materials. To ensure adhesion, the coating is protected by a canvas on one side. You can also find fiberglass in the composition of waterproofing materials, wall and floor panels, and even pipelines, for which the "web" serves as additional protection.

Features of the web sticker

There are several nuances that allow you to both properly glue fiberglass and do it with a minimum consumption of materials. First of all, before performing work, you should definitely make sure that certain conditions are met - the temperature is within 15-25 ° C and the humidity is not higher than 60%. During the bonding process, the fiberglass must not be exposed to drafts or direct sunlight. Approximately the same requirements are indicated in the instructions for Bostik fiberglass adhesive, which is one of the best options when doing work.

The process of sticking the "cobwebs" begins with the preparation of the surface, which must be cleaned of dust and completely puttied, except for the smallest cracks. At the same stage, it is selected which adhesive for fiberglass will be used. First of all, you should abandon the usual solutions and mixtures with which wallpaper is glued - starch-based substances do not hold such a canvas well. A more suitable option may be to use Bostik glue for fiberglass, which contains PVA with a strength several times higher than that of a starch base.

It is not recommended to choose plaster as a base - due to its high density, it will not be able to be saturated with glue and will not hold the canvas firmly enough. Liquid putty is also not suitable, and after trying to stick a “cobweb” on it, bubbles may appear in places that are not sufficiently saturated with adhesive. All this can only be avoided by using fiberglass adhesive - ready-made or in the form of a mixture.

It is advisable to use your own adhesives for each type of "cobweb":

  • Oscar fiberglass adhesive will be the best option for sticking material of the same brand with a density of 40 g / sq. m;
  • for Wellton fiberglass, a similar adhesive is best;
  • at the same time, Cleo glue for fiberglass, also used for non-woven wallpaper, is compatible with any brand of canvas.

It is possible to achieve the optimal consumption of the mixture, counting that 10 grams is enough for 1 sq. m fiberglass. And one 300-gram pack is enough for a 25-meter roll. The preparation time of the solution, if it is not purchased ready-made, but dry, does not exceed 10-15 minutes. And setting occurs within 12-48 hours, depending on the brand of glue and fiberglass - you can specify the specific value on the package with the mixture.

The technique for gluing fiberglass consists of several stages:

  1. Deep impregnation wall or ceiling treatments.
  2. Application of pre-prepared glue. Using this method, how to glue fiberglass on a ceiling or walls, it is important not to miss a single unimpregnated area. At the same time, no excess adhesive should be left, which is removed with a spatula.
  3. Bonding the first sheet, starting from the corner, and smoothing the edges of the material to improve the reinforcing qualities.
  4. Applying the next portion of glue to the already glued part (the canvases are glued with an overlap).
  5. Laying the next piece of fiberglass.
  6. Cutting the canvases with a clerical knife clearly at the junction and removing the cut off parts.
  7. Repeat the same steps until the end of the surface.

Regardless of whether the walls or ceilings will be wallpapered or painted, after the fiberglass has completely dried, they are treated with a finishing putty. And the already puttied surface is cleaned with an abrasive mesh (N150 or N120). It is not recommended to skip this stage, since gluing fiberglass for painting without additional alignment will only work with a large overspending of paint.

After completion of work, the remains of Oscar glue for fiberglass or other mixture, as well as the "spider web" remaining after the work, should be disposed of along with the rest of the construction waste.