How to choose an adhesive for tongue-and-groove plates. Tongue plates "Knauf": technical characteristics, reviews

There is a great variety of building materials, from which you can make high-quality and durable partitions in an apartment or a private house. But often the choice of a specific material depends on the type of structure of the building. If the floor is reinforced concrete slabs between floors then do interior partitions important as light as possible.

The most optimal, from which you can make interior partitions, and they are light, but today such masonry material, like gypsum block and foam block. Various blocks are a new way to quickly and inexpensively erect partitions in an apartment or a private house, however, during work, nuances arise that must be observed without fail. First of all, we will consider how to put gypsum blocks on the mortar.

Choosing glue or solution

First of all, we will find out what solution is required for laying gypsum blocks. If money for a special acrylic adhesive on a gypsum base is not enough, since it is quite expensive, then you can use ordinary tile adhesive or cement mortar in a ratio of 1: 3 and add PVA glue to it. Thorough stirring results in a very elastic and finely dispersed mixture that can be easily spread with a spatula. Its excess is squeezed out when the unit is installed in place. The mortar is much easier to work with because its setting speed is much slower than gypsum glue, which can only be worked with for the first 60 minutes.

The question often arises: "How to put gypsum blocks on glue?" When it becomes necessary to build a partition. In fact, the glue is the best remedy for the construction of partitions from gypsum blocks. It hardens faster, which allows you to carry out in just one day complete assembly with all the necessary communications. And after an hour, the surface can be easily cleaned by any mechanical method, but this is usually not required if used tongue-and-groove plates.

Slabs or block

Before starting to describe the technology for erecting a partition, you should decide on the choice of the type of material and its advantages. A wall gypsum block is, as a rule, a perfectly straight parallelepiped from all sides made of a mixture of gypsum, cement and plasticizer. Each product acquires good geometric parameters due to the production technology without the use of high temperatures, as, for example, in the production of foamed gas silicate blocks. But at the same time, gypsum blocks have the best indicators in terms of thermal conductivity and strength. High thermal insulation properties of the material were achieved through the use of sawdust, they also strengthen the structure of the block.

Good strength indicators made it possible to produce tongue-and-groove plates, that is, blocks with a thickness of 8-10 cm and dimensions of 66.7 x 50 cm with a groove and a ridge for joining together during installation. This is the main difference between slabs and blocks.

Gypsum tongue-and-groove partitions are perfectly flat on both sides and during installation there is a low probability of curvature from the level even by a millimeter.

If we compare in terms of price parameters, then laying partitions from tongue-and-groove plates will cost a little more, because their cost is higher than blocks. But one cannot fail to notice the advantages of working with them. The comb reliably enters the groove and at the same time forms a high-quality connection of all blocks to each other without the slightest deviation in any planes.

Masonry of gypsum blocks, although it will cost less, will require more adhesive mixture. It is more difficult to expose it on planes, which is fraught with curvature and distortions. The main thing in technology is compliance with the levels, therefore, the wall from the block turns out to be even and of high quality. But one should take into account the advantage - a wall made of gypsum blocks, as a rule, is thicker and has the best characteristics strength and sound insulation. In terms of weight, of course it is heavier, so hollow gypsum blocks can be used as an alternative.

Gypsum block installation technology

There are several technologies for laying gypsum blocks. Someone prefers to use glue, while others prefer a solution. You can really use both the one and the other method, but only the fulfillment of certain conditions is required. Before considering how to put gypsum blocks on one or another tool, you should familiarize yourself with the general technology for performing a full range of works.

To make it clearer how to lay gypsum blocks, see the photo below.

Interior partitions made of tongue-and-groove slabs must be even and strong. And in order to achieve this, it is necessary to follow the installation technology.

In order for the installation of the tongue-and-groove partition to be of high quality, it is necessary to allow the blocks to get used to the temperature at which it will fit into place. To do this, it is recommended to bring all the material into the room and let it get used to it for at least 1 day. The block, due to filler in the form of sawdust and plasticizer, slightly expands with increasing temperature, taking on its final shape. Compliance with this condition will exclude the likelihood of cracks on the next day after the installation of the blocks.

The first step is to apply a markup for the installation site of the partition. Here you can use both a regular tape measure, a plumb line and a long level, and a laser device. When performing large-scale work, it is advisable and much faster to use a laser level.

Well, at home, when there is nowhere and there is no need to rush, it is quite possible to get by with the usual tools. The tongue-and-groove partition, as a rule, turns out to be perfectly flat on all sides, therefore, no plastering or plasterboard coating is required. Unless, of course, additional insulation is needed. Therefore, when marking, the masters take this into account and retreat from the original line a distance equal to the thickness of the additional finish.

Installation of tongue-and-groove partitions should be carried out only on a high-quality and conscientiously prepared surface. Therefore, with the help of a broom, brush and other tool, we carefully sweep out the installation site of the partition. Also, the installation of partitions made of tongue-and-groove plates provides for a perfectly flat surface. To obtain this, the mechanically cleaned place is treated with concrete contact (acrylic or any other concrete primer). It is recommended to do this in two layers for better adhesion of the leveling layer.

If the house has reinforced concrete floors, this does not mean that the surface is perfectly flat. In order to properly lay the gypsum blocks, deviations should not exceed 3 mm, in other cases the surface must be leveled.

If the leveling layer is very thin, then a self-leveling compound can be used. To do this, you need to install something like a formwork and fill it with a solution, using a special roller with needles, roll out the solution evenly over the entire plane.

If the tongue-and-groove plate partition will be installed on an excessively curved surface, then it can be leveled using a semi-dry screed. For this, cement of the 500 grade and sand sifted through a fine sieve are mixed in a ratio of 1: 3. Next, water is added and the solution is mixed until an evenly moist (not wet) mixture is obtained. The process should not be described further, because it is not from this topic. After leveling with a semi-dry screed and its complete drying (1-2 days), the surface must be once again treated with soil (concrete contact). Everything, the surface is ready, you can start installation.

It is necessary to make sure that the partition of the tongue-and-groove plates does not vibrate or resonate, thereby increasing the sound insulation properties of the room. For this, it is necessary to provide a damper layer at the place of contact with the floor and wall. To accomplish this, you can use a tape from cork backing 15 cm wide and 4 mm thick. It compensates for all kinds of fluctuations and the degree of expansion of the partition when the temperature changes.

The tape can be installed using the same adhesive as the boards themselves. To do this, a certain amount of it is diluted, it is better not to mix it with water anymore, because it will still become unusable even before the blocks are laid. Using a spatula, it is spread in a thin layer on the prepared surface, the tape is carefully rolled out and pressed against the base. Let the glue harden for at least 1 hour.

That's it, the damping layer is ready, you can install tongue-and-groove plates for partitions.

For better orientation relative to the level, you can use physical slats, that is, attach the guides to the wall and floor with dowels on both sides of the partition. This will minimize the likelihood of rejection during installation.

In the next step, we will consider how to properly lay gypsum blocks. For a more reliable fastening of the slabs to each other and for a better geometry of the wall, the slabs must be laid with the groove up. To do this, using a conventional hand saw, the lower comb is carefully removed. Here it is important to leave the surface perfectly flat, without protrusions, so that it fits snugly on the damper substrate.

The mortar for laying gypsum blocks or glue should be spread with a spatula directly onto the tape, and then onto the blocks. It is required a little, because when joining, the excess will still be squeezed out by the weight of the plate.

The shrinkage of each slab is carried out using a hammer with a rubber pad or through a block until the surfaces are in full contact.

The laying of tongue-and-groove plates should be carried out in a staggered manner or with an offset of each row relative to each other by at least 1/3 of its width. This will make the partition very strong and resistant to any impact.

The device of tongue-and-groove partitions necessarily includes its fastening to the wall and floor using perforated corners. It can be attached to blocks with ordinary wood screws, to the floor and walls using dowels or anchors. Fasteners should be carried out at least every 1 row or block in a row.
The video attached below will be an excellent instruction and clarification to the article.

Doorways in the partitions of their tongue-and-groove plates

Installation of a partition made of tongue-and-groove plates cannot do without door or window openings... Moreover, if the height of the partition is no more than 3 m and only 1 row of slabs will be laid above the opening up to 80 cm wide, then the jumpers can be omitted. It is enough to make a small half-frame with the width of the opening from wooden blocks and attach it to the plates with self-tapping screws. Next, the next row of blocks is laid with periodic control of the surface quality using a level.

The installation of tongue-and-groove plates is carried out according to the technology that has been used recently professional builders and home craftsmen more and more. These products have a low weight, reliable lock connection and convenient sizes... All this allows you to install them without special efforts by redeveloping the premises as required by personal preference.

Varieties and features of tongue-and-groove products

Before you begin the installation of tongue-and-groove plates, you need to figure out what types of these products are on the market today. They are silicate and gypsum, the latter are made from the material of the same name, to which a plasticizing impurity is added. For the manufacture of silicate, lump is used as well quartz sand, which are pressed and kept in an autoclave.

Which plates to choose

If you want to give the walls insulating qualities, then it is better to prefer gypsum boards they don't let sounds through. However, silicate ones are able to withstand higher mechanical loads, and also absorb less moisture. The tongue-and-groove slabs, which can be easily installed with your own hands, are environmentally friendly, so they can be used for arranging living quarters. Materials are not combustible, do not rot, do not emit into the atmosphere harmful substances and do not deform. On sale you can find corpulent and which are able to reduce the weight of the masonry by 25%. If we talk about the dimensions of gypsum boards, then they are equal to 500 x 667 x 80 mm. But silicate ones are more compact: 250 x 500 x 70 mm. Once you've dealt with everyone supporting structures, you can start laying tongue-and-groove products, but this must be done before laying finishing coating on the floor and finishing work.

Preparation of tools and materials

Installation of tongue-and-groove plates is carried out after preparing a certain set of tools and materials. These products can be installed in the center of the room, as well as against the wall that goes outside the building or into a cold room. By forming double partitions, you can hide wiring, other systems and communications.

To divide the room into separate zones, you can use partitions, the height of which starts from 80 cm.For installation, you will need:

  • building level;
  • adhesive composition;
  • anchor dowels;
  • gypsum solution;
  • putty knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • cement-sand mortar;
  • Staples;
  • felt seal;
  • primer;
  • hacksaw;
  • rubber mallet.

Site preparation

Installation of tongue-and-groove plates begins with site preparation. To do this, you should check the evenness of the walls and floor, where the products will be adjacent. If there are defects such as sagging, then they should be removed by grinding. The walls and floor should also be freed from cracks and grooves, having repaired the inaccuracies with a cement-sand mixture.

Once the substrates are dry, they should be primed. If, in the process of in-line repairs, you decide to install a partition, then the contact lines should be marked on the floor and walls. After topcoat cut along the markings so that you can see the base. On paint, wallpaper, decorative plaster it is impossible to install plates, this applies to laminate, parquet and linoleum. If surfaces have decorative coating as ceramic tiles, then it does not need to be removed, but the surface is pre-tested for strength.

The installation of the tongue-and-groove plate must be carried out correctly, for this, the cord should be pulled between the walls over the entire area, removing it from the floor surface by 30 cm. This will allow you to control the vertical position of the products. Along the line of contact, it is necessary to glue the seal, the width of which should correspond to the thickness of the board. Bitumen-impregnated felt or cork backing can be used as this material.

Work on the first row

The installation of the tongue-and-groove plate cannot be called difficult work, however, it is necessary to approach this issue with utmost care. To install the starting row of plates, it is necessary to cut the lower ridges using a hacksaw. Glue is applied to the seal, which must be on a vertical and horizontal surface. The first slab is installed on the side where it will adjoin the wall. The perforated bracket is inserted into the groove. The bracket should protrude a few centimeters above the slab. It is fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws, or what is true when you are working with a concrete base.

The slab should face the groove up, level it and press it against the bases, tapping it with a mallet. In the place where the second slab will adjoin, it is necessary to install a piece of the bracket and fix it with dowels to the floor. If it turns out that this product is installed unevenly, then the rest will repeat the angle of inclination. In this situation, it will not work to align the masonry, the lock connections will interfere. This explains the need to align the first slab in the bottom row. The composition is applied to the side grooves and ridges so that the seams between the plates are not thicker than 2 mm. Excess mixture should be removed with a spatula, checking the masonry building level... A bracket is installed in the lower part and fixed with anchor dowels to the floor. Each next product must be installed after the adhesive has set on the previous one.

Installation of the next rows

Installation of walls made of tongue-and-groove slabs involves displacement of the joints in the second and subsequent rows. To ensure this condition, the slab must be cut in half. At the end and beginning of the row, staples should be fixed on the cuts. This must be done in the place where the cuts are adjacent to the wall. The glue should be more liquid, it should be applied to the bottom and side grooves of each product. It is important at this stage to check the vertical and horizontal masonry. The next row is installed only after the glue has set in the second row.

Forming the last row

Usually not complicated. However, it is important to pay attention to the whole process Special attention... For example, the top row should not be adjacent to the ceiling. About 1.5 cm should be left between the plates and the horizontal surface. For this, brackets are installed in the upper grooves of the final row with glue and screwed to the ceiling with dowels. After the installation is complete, the gap can be filled with foam, the excess of which is cut off after hardening.

Features of installation of plates of the "Knauf" brand

Knauf tongue-and-groove slabs, the installation of which requires observing certain nuances, can be installed by a home craftsman on their own. For example, when preparing, it is important to ensure that the sub-floor where the work will be carried out is still, level and stable. If there are irregularities that exceed more than 10 mm, then it is necessary to form a leveling layer, this can be done only under the partition.

Before starting manipulations, the surface is cleaned of dirt and debris, as well as oil stains. To prepare the mixture, pour the dry composition into a clean plastic container with water. The liquid must have room temperature... The composition is mixed using a drill with a nozzle or electric mixer... The solution is left for a few minutes, and then mixed again. It is recommended to cook it in portions, one of which you can work out in the next half hour.

Such a tongue-and-groove gypsum slab, the installation of which is carried out quite often independently, can be installed in one of two ways. The first involves the use of glue that is applied to concrete base. This method allows you to get a rigid mount. The composition is applied to the floor and walls in an even layer, and the average consumption for an 80 mm slab will be approximately 2 kg per square meter... If the thickness of the partition increases to 100 mm, then the glue consumption will be 2.5 kg.

The second method involves fastening to walls, ceilings and floors through elastic cork. This method allows you to achieve a higher sound insulation, which is especially true for impact noise, for example, banging doors and knocking. Such products are stacked with a ridge or groove up. It is more practical to install from above with a groove, since it is more convenient to lay the glue than to try to spread it on the comb. If the comb is on top, then it should be removed with a coarse-toothed hacksaw. Sometimes elements are removed with a roughing plane until a flat surface is obtained.

Features of installation of tongue-and-groove plates of the Volma brand

The Volma tongue-and-groove plate, the installation of which is carried out using the same technology as described above, is a product with a total area of ​​0.33 m 2. The board is made of hydrophobic and plasticizing additives, which are complemented by lithium technology. Products are intended for the formation of partitions in rooms and buildings for different purposes with a normal and dry microclimate.

You can control the resulting plane by applying a rule or a regular rail to the wall under different angles... If necessary, the plane can be adjusted until the glue sets. It is important to make sure that the slabs are glued together at the four ends. The protruding excess of the composition must be rubbed with a spatula before sealing the seam. You should not start laying the second row until you have measured the remaining gap for which the cut is being prepared. Additional element will be the beginning of a new series. This will allow the vertical seams to run apart.

You can easily carry out the installation of tongue-and-groove plates with your own hands, the tips presented in the article will help you with this. From them you can learn that it is necessary to upset the slabs from the side and from above, it is necessary to use for this only so as not to damage the blocks. This rule should not be neglected, since otherwise it will not be possible to achieve a tight connection between the ridge and the groove.

Glue for tongue-and-groove plates "Fugen"

If you decide to purchase glue for the installation of tongue-and-groove plates, then you can pay attention to the Fugen mixture, which is offered by Knauf. About 1.5 kg should go per square meter. If the joints between drywall sheets are sealed, then the consumption will be 0.25 kg. This mixture is a dry composition, which is made on the basis of gypsum and polymer additives.

The mortar is intended for sealing joints and cracks. For preparation, the dry mixture is poured into a container with cold water... For 1.9 liters of water, you will need 2.5 kg of the composition. After uniform distribution dry mixture must be kept for 3 minutes and mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Its consistency should resemble thick sour cream.


If, when laying the partition, you plan to make a window or doorway, then you need to think about the technology for fixing the plates above it. If the opening has a width not exceeding 80 cm, then the product can be installed on a box or temporary support. This is true provided that there will be one row of blocks per opening. If the width is greater than the specified value or there are several rows, then it is necessary to form a strong jumper.

With the help of GWP, in most cases, partitions are erected inside the premises. Such a building material is characterized by a low weight, a long period of operation and ease of installation. To connect the tongue-and-groove plates, a gypsum-based adhesive is needed, and it must guarantee excellent fixation.

Top brands

There are many means for fixing tongue-and-groove plates (SGL). They all differ in composition, characteristics and quality.

The best adhesives for GWP:

  • Cel gips is a white powder, produced on the basis of friction sand, gypsum and various polymer additives, must be mixed with water during preparation. Weber. cel gips is a durable compound that is ideal for working with GWP, drywall and others soundproof materials... The application of the prepared solution is carried out with a spatula; after a short time, the surface is able to withstand significant loads.

  • IVSIL PLAST produced on the basis of a binder with the addition of polymer. It is the most suitable option for working with gypsum fiber sheets.
  • made of gypsum-sand with the addition of polymers. Using this mixture, you can achieve the highest quality installation of GWP indoors.

  • is produced on the basis of a gypsum binder, which is perfectly combined with mineral additives, which makes it possible to carry out frameless or vertical installation of plates. With the help of "Volma-montage" you can fix gypsum elements and sheets thermal insulation material... The mixture is very easy to work with as it is easy to prepare.

  • "Knauf Fugenfüller" (Fugen) is a dry gypsum-based composition. It is used for filling surfaces and sealing joints, it is possible to use it as an adhesive for tongue-and-groove blocks. Another advantage is the relatively low cost.

  • - frost-resistant agent, produced on a gypsum binder base with mineral filler, modifying and antifreeze additives. The series is intended for internal works with GWP and drywall at temperatures up to -10 ° C. It is characterized by high adhesive ability, ease of use, plasticity and resistance to moisture.

Advice! All products are liquid dilutable and very economical. Mixing proportions are different, therefore it is recommended to carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations on the packaging beforehand.

What to replace

Often special acrylic adhesive composition based on gypsum is not cheap and not everyone can buy it, especially if a large amount is needed.

What to replace. Mix ordinary tile adhesive with PVA (take half a kilogram of PVA for one bucket of mortar). After thorough mixing, a finely dispersed, elastic composition should be obtained, which can be easily applied with a spatula.

Advice! Instead of tile adhesive, ordinary cement mortar is also suitable.

When installing a GWP or a block, excess homemade mixture is squeezed out. The composition of industrial production must be used within an hour, as it sets quickly.

To the question Laying tiles on plaster wall from tongue-and-groove blocks ... specified by the author Road the best answer is If we were talking about the kitchen, it would be possible to get by with rotband plaster (the tile is normally glued to it).
But the linear expansion of materials in the kitchen and the humidity is negligible.
Here in the bathroom is another matter. And when building up a wall dissimilar materials give a crack along the joint, hollow out the grooves of the haze.
Do you want your tile to last at least 20 years?
In general, wind up plaster mesh on top of the wall, floor the mesh at the bottom of the wall, glue the waterproofing (a strip so that 10 cm on the floor and wall goes) - at least a piece of roofing material.
On the grid, plaster with a CEMENT-based compound for wet rooms (after all, the cement component and adhesion will be better in the tile adhesive) and mold the tiles to your health.
Plaster on the grid will hide the joint of the wall to be stacked and strengthen the wall itself.
This will certainly be considered a perversion !! But this is a very reliable perversion))
you're welcome.
twist the net to a minimum end-to-end.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Laying tiles on a gypsum wall using tongue-and-groove blocks ...

Answer from Eurovision[guru]
Of course it is possible.

Answer from Get drunk[guru]
That's how it was done for me.

Answer from - = chess = -[guru]
it is possible if you know how to do it - simply, you need to dilute the tile glue on a primer without water and putty on the walls after drying;

Answer from Sergei[guru]
The gypsum must first be insulated. You can do the same tile adhesive plaster the plaster wall. Only first, the notches on it need to be made for good adhesion.

Answer from Yotas Shabanov[guru]
I would line up the wall gypsum plaster, then tile

Answer from Yergey Krishtofenko[guru]
Build up the partition first. Then reinforce it with strobe mesh. This is a kind of fiberglass mesh, like a serpyanka, only sold in rolls of a meter wide and without an adhesive layer. Take with a cell of 5 * 5 mm. You shoot this mesh against the wall with a construction stapler. Like wallpaper, only with an overlap of 10 cm between the sheets. The target does not have to be too accurate. The main thing is to keep it on the wall and the staples do not stick out of the plane of the wall.
Next, coat this mesh with gypsum plaster. Dilute it a little thinner than usual and apply a thin layer on a squeegee with a wide spatula over the entire wall.
After drying, plaster with the same gypsum plaster into the required layer.
Let dry thoroughly. Next, glue the tiles.
You need to prime it before the strobe, after the stobie and after the plaster.
If something is not clear or you need extra. information - write 🙂

Answer from dancer[guru]
Who will hinder you in this)
but be sure to think about waterproofing (you can imagine what happens to drywall when it gets wet), choose high-quality glue (or rather take good cement, which is suitable for laying tiles, for example, "Master") and remember about the distance between the tiles. By the way, you can also increase the wall with the help cement mortar... Good luck!

Answer from Yokarifier[guru]
Waterproof the shower area and glue the tiles with reinforced glue. The wall can be lengthened.

Answer from Val Franco[guru]
It is possible without waterproofing, but then your shower will look like in the last photo ...

Tongue slabs are presented on the market today in a wide range. However, Knauf products are one of the most popular. This is due to many factors.

Reviews of tongue-and-groove plates

"Knauf" tongue-and-groove slabs are rectangular blocks with dimensions equal to 667x500x80 mm. To connect the elements together, a thorn-groove lock is used, which is made of plaster of paris and binding components.

The described products are used for the construction of internal partitions and wall cladding of houses. The versatility is very popular with consumers. Among the additional advantages of the described plates, buyers highlight the ability to reduce the cost and labor intensity of masonry partitions when using such products. Confirmation can be specific example: tongue-and-groove slab replaces red brick in the amount of 20 items or 14 pieces of silicate one-and-a-half bricks.

Among other things, gypsum boards provide excellent thermal insulation. Consumers emphasize that 40-cm can boast of the same thermal insulation parameters. concrete wall... It is quite common for buyers to choose these boards because they provide economic benefits. Installation can be carried out by gluing or using dry technology.

Plastering works are excluded, the front surface of the products has high quality... All you have to do is fill up the seams and grind the base. There is no need to use special equipment during installation. Consumers emphasize that it is easy to hammer nails into Knauf tongue-and-groove plates. In general, this material is easy to process: it can be planed, milled, and also sawed. Therefore, the issue with the laying of the pipeline and electrical wiring disappears. The wall after installation, according to consumers, is immediately ready for painting, wallpapering and tiling. The partition occupies a smaller area compared to a brick one.

Why choose a tongue-and-groove slab from Knauf

If you still have not decided whether the described plates are suitable for you, then you should consider their additional benefits. Among others, a high sound insulation coefficient can be distinguished, which reaches 41 dB. When constructing openings within 0.9 m, there is no need to reinforce the upper part with a jumper beam. The formed walls are capable of reflecting noise waves, in addition, they act as a dielectric.

Knauf tongue-and-groove slabs have the same acidity as human skin, and the material has no smell. It can be used for the construction of single and double partitions, the latter of which requires a 4-cm air gap... Everything will depend on the requirements for noise protection.

Plates are installed with high precision and are connected to each other as firmly as possible. Internal walls able to bear weight kitchen cabinets, shelves and plumbing devices... In this case, there is no need to strengthen the surface. Knauf tongue-and-groove slabs have additional benefits, among which should be highlighted:

  • fire resistance;
  • vapor permeability;
  • environmental friendliness.

Technical characteristics of 100 mm moisture-resistant solid slab

As an example, before purchasing, you can consider Knauf moisture resistant tongue-and-groove plates. Among others, a 10-mm product should be distinguished, which has a gray or green color. Gypsum G-5 acts as a raw material.

The compressive strength is 5 MPa. The thermal conductivity coefficient can reach 0.29 W / m ° C. With regard to the ultimate strength in bending, it is equivalent to 2.40 MPa. The fire resistance limit is 2.5 hours. The slab size is 667 x 500 x 100 mm. Sound insulation is kept at 41 dB. Such solid tongue-and-groove plates "Knauf" are made according to technical specifications 5742-007-16415648-98. The wholesale price is 250 rubles. a piece.

The mass of the slab is 38 kg. Its density is 1250 kg / m³. The volume of one block is 0.03 m³. The above-mentioned sound absorption coefficient is one of best performance among all categories of this material. Partitions erected from the described slabs are most often used in rooms with high humidity... Among these are:

  • kitchen;
  • toilet;
  • bathroom.

Key Features

The increased thickness of the product allows you to hide inside pipes, communications and wires of impressive diameter. This opportunity is relevant for bathrooms and other premises where there is a large number of water supply lines.

Using such Knauf tongue-and-groove slabs, the price of which was mentioned above, you can no longer worry about sounds from the toilet or bathroom disturbing you in the living space. And the shelf will not collapse if you install it on such a surface. Partitions can be erected up to a height of 3600 mm, without the need for an additional support frame. The manufacturer refers these plates to the premium class.

Glue for PGP "Bolars"

If you decide to install Knauf tongue-and-groove gypsum boards, you should worry about the presence of special glue. As an example, consider the composition "Bolars", which is sold in bags of 20 kg. You will have to pay 215 rubles for such a volume of material.

It is a special mixture for installing gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber sheets, gluing mineral wool boards on vertical surfaces. With this glue, you can seal the joints. He possesses plaster base and is made on the basis of highly effective additives.

Advantages of glue

The application of the glue for tongue-and-groove plates is carried out by hand... Among the advantages of this composition should be highlighted:

  • fast fixing of plates;
  • acceptable cost;
  • highly elastic structure.

Thanks to the latter property, the glue is very convenient to use. It is sold dry and is packaged in paper bags. The composition is made in Russia, therefore, it has an affordable cost for the consumer. The material has a wide area of ​​use, because it can be used to install not only tongue-and-groove plates, but also gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber sheets.

Adhesive characteristics

Adhesion is 1 MPa. The operating temperature ranges from +5 to +40 ° C. It is recommended to use the composition in bathrooms and living rooms... It is suitable for attaching insulation and plaster tiles.

Before purchasing an adhesive for tongue-and-groove plates, it is recommended to calculate the required amount of material. Using the volume of one bag, you can install 35 slabs, which is true for products with dimensions that are 66 x 78 x 5 cm. The thickness of the seam should be 2 mm. Prepare the amount of solution that you can develop in 40 minutes. The time for correcting the product on site is 15 minutes.


PGP "Knauf" can be used not only for the formation of traditional wall partitions, but also for fastening products to ceiling ceilings. These canvases quite often act as acoustic barriers and are attached using direct suspensions, combined and vernier clasps, you can use a technology that is convenient for you. If load-bearing wooden floors are used as the basis, then you should use self tapping screws Knauf. In the presence of reinforced concrete floors ceiling dowel-nails from the same manufacturer "Knauf" will be required.