A solution for plastering walls with your own hands proportions. Wall decoration with gypsum plaster: pros and cons

Ideal for both external and internal finishing work. With its help, you can quickly and easily level all unevenness on a horizontal or vertical surface. In addition, it is often used for preliminary preparation work surface before applying a decorative coating.

The advantage of using this for users is due to the inherent advantages of the gypsum mixture.

Among the most important are the following:

  • Ease of operation.
  • Plastic.
  • No shrinkage and low chance of cracking.
  • Affordable price.
  • Attractive appearance walls and ceiling to which the solution was applied.
  • The ability to give the desired shade and texture.
  • Resistance to sudden changes in temperature conditions.
  • Strength.
  • Creation of a comfortable indoor climate.
  • Drying speed.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Long service life.

Note. All these and other advantages of the mixture are directly dependent on its composition. The gypsum plaster is based on gypsum.

In addition, it contains mineral plasticizers and a variety of natural polymer additives.

How to dilute gypsum plaster

Before preparing the gypsum plaster, you need to prepare everything you need for this (see):

  • Deep capacity.
  • Pure water.
  • Construction mixer or electric drill with a special attachment designed for the preparation of mortars.
  • Rule.
  • Wide spatula.
  • Pure water.

Here are the main stages:

  • Pour into a prepared container clean water, just like that.
  • Pour a certain amount of dry mixture from the bag.
  • Mix everything thoroughly.


  • If there are many cracks or irregularities on the working surface, it is necessary to apply a thicker layer of putty, and for this the mortar must be quite thick.
  • If it is assumed, the layer of putty should be thin enough, which means that you can prepare a solution that is more liquid in consistency.
  • In addition, one should not forget about such a property of gypsum plaster as a high drying rate.
  • That is why it is necessary to prepare the solution rather quickly.

Already ready mix must be used immediately, since it cannot be stored.

Amount of material needed

In order to determine the amount of required ready solution, some factors must be taken into account:

  • The degree of unevenness of the working surface that will need to be leveled.
  • The area of ​​work to be performed.
  • The thickness of the plaster layer.

Note. As mentioned earlier, among all types of dry mixes that are used to decorate walls or ceilings, gypsum is the most economical.

You can verify this by reviewing the data given in the table below:

Type of dry mix Consumption for 1 m2 (kg)

DIY gypsum plaster

Now you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of the technology for applying mortar to walls or ceilings.

First of all, you need to prepare the surface:

  • For this, all dirt, dust, layer residues are removed old plaster(see) or whitewash.
  • A prerequisite for successful plastering is a primer.
  • For this are used different types liquid primer. If work is being done on smooth materials such as concrete, drywall or brick, applying a primer will increase the adhesion of the putty.
  • If the wall is uneven or porous, the use of a primer, in addition to increasing the degree of adhesion, helps to reduce the degree of moisture absorption from the air.

Working conditions

Before making gypsum plaster, it is necessary to think over the conditions in which the work will be carried out:

  • The air temperature indoors or outdoors should not go beyond the range of + 5 + 25 degrees Celsius.
  • After the plastering is completed, it is necessary to ensure the complete absence of drafts in the room.
  • During the drying process, do not allow direct sunlight to hit the layer or use heating devices to accelerate the drying of the putty layer.

To simplify the process of applying a layer of putty, especially for beginners, experts recommend installing special beacons on the entire surface:

  • For this, you can use aluminum slats, profiles or narrow wooden slats.
  • They must be installed in a strictly horizontal position.
  • In addition to the fact that the use of beacons will increase the adhesion of the putty to the surface, it will be much easier for novice craftsmen to distribute the solution evenly over the entire working surface.

Note. The solution is taken up with a narrow spatula and transferred to a wide one. Then, with a swinging movement of the hand, the mixture is thrown onto the surface. This must be done from the bottom up.

Now you can start the alignment step:

  • For this, such a tool is used, as a rule, the width of which reaches 2 meters.
  • The rule moves up and the beacons are used as guides.
  • If, after leveling, grooves or irregularities form on the surface, they should be filled with mortar, which is then also leveled.
  • After leveling, it is time for grouting. The essence of this stage is that the surface is given a perfectly flat look. For this, special metal graters or felt washcloths are used.

After watching the video in this article, you can clearly see how to mix gypsum plaster, as well as the process of applying it to the work surface. Do-it-yourself gypsum plaster video is a visual aid for novice craftsmen.

At the end

In the photo in this article, you can see how the surface looks after applying decorative gypsum putty to it: In conclusion, I would like to say that there is no bad mixture, the main thing is to know how to choose the right type of putty for work, prepare it correctly, follow the technology application, as well as working conditions.

For interior decoration premises are applied different kinds plasters, including gypsum plaster "Rotband". Subject to simple recommendations, it will not be difficult to prepare a building mixture based on it.

Required materials and tools

  • A drill with a mixer attachment or a construction whisk, because manually evenly dilute the mixture will not work;
  • Scale and container for measuring the exact amount of dry plaster;
  • Bucket with water;
  • Stirring container (large bucket, basin, etc.);
  • Water (in the calculation of 0.6-0.7 liters per 1 kg of plaster) and the plaster "Rotband" itself.

You should use water free of chemical and biological impurities and clean containers, because any pollution is not the best way affect performance plaster.

Cooking technology

80-90% of the water prepared for kneading is poured into the container, "Rotband" is poured, wait 1-2 minutes until it begins to absorb moisture, and then begin to stir with a mixer, gradually adding the rest of the water until the required consistency of the mixture is obtained. The finished plaster is left to infuse for a few more minutes, after which they begin to apply to the walls.

The ratio of water to dry powder is listed on the package, as well as other recommendations for preparing this plaster mix and working with her. But slightly change the proportions of the components, if for the convenience of work you need a thicker or, conversely, a more liquid solution.

Dilute as much solution as can be consumed within 20-30 minutes, because after this time, the plaster already begins to harden and becomes unsuitable for application to the surface of the walls.

Useful little things

  1. The shape of the container is not important, but round is more convenient, because in rectangular containers the mixture gets stuck in the corners.
  2. It is necessary to add "Rotband" to the water, and not vice versa, otherwise unmixed dry plaster will remain on the bottom and in the corners of the container.
  3. To make the solution dry more slowly, cool water is used for it, and vice versa.
  4. If there are lumps in the dry mixture, even small ones, then they must be crushed before adding water.
  5. In no case should you add components to a ready-to-use solution. The older part of it will begin to set, and the new one will clump, eventually building mixture will only be wasted.

Plastered walls are sanded, putty and applied fine finishing when the plaster is completely dry. The manufacturer claims that about 1 cm of thickness dries per day, but this figure may vary depending on temperature, humidity and the quality of ventilation in the room.

Plaster, as you know, is a building material intended for rough leveling of walls, when differences of 3 to 5 millimeters are allowed. The surface is brought to the ideal with a putty. Moreover, the more evenly you lay the plaster, the less you will have to work later. Naturally, an absolutely flat surface will not work here, but, as you know, you should always strive for the ideal.

Features of working with Rotband plaster

Currently in retail outlets the choice of building materials is very wide. Thanks to this, you can always choose the most the best option at a reasonable price. If we talk about plaster, then Rotband is such today. It is produced by a number of Russian enterprises with the participation of the German company Knauf Gips KG. This plaster is packaged in bags weighing 5, 10 and 30 kilograms, the latter being the most common. At the same time, the manufacturer made sure that consumers were able to work correctly with his products. On the back of the bag you can see instructions for using Rotband plaster, including how to properly dilute it, while practically nothing is said about the intricacies of the work.

Before proceeding with the direct plastering of the walls, you will need to dilute the mixture. To do this, you should prepare certain tools:

  • steelyard - with it you can find out the exact weight of the dry mixture;
  • electric drill with a special stirring attachment (mixer)
  • container for plaster;
  • measure for water;
  • basin or bucket for ready-made solution.

I would like to mention one very important point... The first thing to remember is the life of the finished solution - in the case of Rotband, it is 20 minutes. Therefore, before diluting the dry mixture, evaluate your work skills. Here you should correctly determine how much plaster you will have time to apply to the wall during this time. It is recommended for beginners to stir the Rotband in small portions, since in the absence of proper skill, too much of the frozen mixture will go to waste. For those with some experience, large portions can be kneaded.

The further algorithm of actions is very simple. The first thing to do is open the bag and pour the amount of plaster you need into the bucket. In order not to estimate the weight by eye, it is recommended to use a steelyard - by the way, do not forget that the bucket is not airy, and its mass should also be taken into account.

According to the instructions on the Rotband package, 10 kilograms of dry mix requires 6-7 liters of water. Let's take it along the bottom bar. Next, we perform simple mathematical operations, and we get: 600 grams of water are required for 1 kilogram. The subsequent calculations are also quite simple. If you put 3 kilograms of Rotband mixture into a bucket to resist the solution, then 1.8 liters of water will be required. 200 milliliters will not play a special role, so feel free to round up.

We are preparing our mixer for work, that is, we insert the attachment into the electric drill. After that, you can pour water into a bucket with the mixture. It is not recommended to hesitate further, since by delaying at this stage you yourself are stealing the time for applying plaster to the wall. The solution should be stirred until it looks like thick sour cream. You will get a homogeneous mass - with the above volume, this will take about 2 minutes. Movements should be smooth and fast at the same time. Then pause for 5 minutes and stir again. Now that's it - the solution is ready to be applied to the surface.

There are several more ways to check the readiness of the mixture. You can take out the mixer and look at the place where it was in the bucket. If it has not lingered, then the consistency is normal. In addition, the readiness of the solution can be found with a trowel. Run some plaster on either side and then flip over. If the mortar holds, then it can be used to level the walls. Naturally, too much should not be typed here.

All tools should be washed with water as soon as possible - characteristic feature Rotband is highly adherent, and the plaster adheres to literally everything. Therefore, it is necessary to act here in a mobile manner, since otherwise it will be necessary with great difficulty to clean the contaminated places. Craftsmen use a little trick - near the place where the solution is stirred, they hold another bucket of water. A mixer is placed in it immediately after it has been removed from the mixture, and without removing it from the drill.

Features of different colors of Rotband plaster

As the manufacturer warns on the packaging, the mixture can be different color- gray, white or pink, and this does not affect specifications ready-made solution. However, they behave differently during operation, and this moment should also be considered during the preparatory phase.

For example, a thick layer of white or gray plaster drips slightly after application. As a result, small waves are formed on the surface. By the plaster Pink colour there is no such feature. This is explained by the graininess. For white and gray plaster, the grain size does not exceed 0.5 millimeters. In pink, it is larger. Here the grain size can be up to 1.2 millimeters.

If you need to level the walls to a quality suitable for gluing wallpaper without additional application of putty, then it is best to take a gray or white mixture. In this case, it will be necessary to perform grouting and smoothing again in order to make the surface perfectly flat.

How it's done? Along the imaginary lines of the lighthouses above and below the wall, we fasten the self-tapping screws flush with the cord. Again we "slap" the lines from the solution. Well, as a rule, we press our beacons so that on both sides they are flush with the caps of the screws. Very comfortably. And time costs are minimized with experience. And you will add it in the process of work

Next, you will have to wait for the solution to dry out a little. The wall must absorb some moisture. Well, go ahead…. Take our rule and align the mixture to the wall. It is necessary to work carefully, do not put too much pressure on the rule. From bottom to top or vice versa, as you like. Having aligned what was originally thrown on the wall, we take more mortar and level the gaps and pits.

Basically everything. You can wipe the solution with a special grater so that everything is perfect in general.

Exterior wall plastering on lighthouses .

In this case, the plastering technology is approximately the same. You just need to know that the temperature outside should be above zero. Better to use a mixture of cement and sand. And in order to completely for centuries, it will not be superfluous to fix the grid on the wall and plaster already on it. If the brick is silicate, then this operation is required.

My personal opinion: for exterior decoration use siding walls. Cheap, cheerful and looks nice and neat.

Finally, one cannot fail to mention decorative plaster walls. There are a lot of technologies and options. It looks very nice and original. The main thing is the desire to learn and the availability of competent teaching materials. It's even better if someone shows you how to do it. I tried to apply decorative plaster myself. In the end, it turned out what happened. Read the article on decorative plaster. Watch the videos and go.

We need plastering solution to level the walls

Lesson 1. Video tutorial. General principle plastering

Lesson 2. Video tutorial. Find the largest bump on the wall.

Lesson 3. We try to knock down all the big bumps on the wall.

Lesson 4. Plumb bob and building level .

Lesson 5. We fix the plaster mesh.

Lesson 6. We put the first plaster beacon.

Lesson 7. Preparing plaster mortar.

Lesson 8. Create a wall plane for plastering.

Lesson 9. Install all the remaining plaster beacons.

Lesson 10. What to do if the plaster beacons are bent.

Lesson 11. Little secret aligning walls with beacons.

Lesson 12. Video tutorial. Checking the installation of plaster beacons.

Lesson 13. Video lesson. We plaster the walls with our own hands.

Lesson 14. Tools and materials for plastering.

Lesson 15. Working with heat and sound insulating plaster.

Lesson 16. insulating plasters.

Lesson 17. How to remove beacons after plastering walls.

Lesson 18. Why is the distance between the lighthouses small?

Lesson 19. How to plaster doorways

Any repairs are accompanied by plastering of the walls, as given view construction works not only allows you to eliminate surface defects, but also well prepares the base for decorative finishing... One of the most popular types of plaster is considered gypsum mortar... It is characterized by high quality, plasticity and strength.

In addition, such plaster is easy to use and is excellent for wall decoration in all living quarters. The surface plastered with gypsum mixture becomes even and smooth, after which it can be pasted over with wallpaper or painted.

Pros and cons

Gypsum plaster is versatile building material, which is widely used in construction and finishing works... It is made using special technologies from environmentally friendly raw materials, so it has a unique structure and is easy to apply to walls. Like any building mixture, plaster has its own advantages and disadvantages.

To her positive characteristics can be attributed:

  • Naturalness... The main component of the material is gypsum, it is a natural material and does not contain harmful substances... Therefore, such a cladding is completely safe for health.
  • Light weight... Thanks to this indicator, the processed structures acquire perfect integrity and do not require additional reinforcement.
  • No shrinkage... After finishing, the walls become even, and cracks do not appear on their surface.
  • High moisture resistance... Gypsum hardens and dries quickly. Drying time takes several hours. If water gets on the finished plaster layer, it will not affect the quality of the coating, and the finish will not crumble or crack in the future.

  • Resistant to fungus formation and mold.
  • Indoor microclimate creation... The porous structure of the material can absorb excess moisture, and at high temperatures release it back.
  • Good sound and heat insulation.
  • High fire safety.
  • Plastic... It is easy to work with this type of plaster, as the application is quick. In addition, the solution perfectly removes all the unevenness of the walls.
  • Economical consumption... Unlike other mixtures, gypsum mortar is applied in one layer up to 60 mm thick, which saves it.

As for the shortcomings, there are few of them:

  • It is impossible to carry out finishing in rooms where high humidity is constantly observed.
  • The material is characterized by a high cost.
  • The work must be done small plots... Gypsum hardens quickly, so large volumes of mortar cannot be prepared.

Material selection

Gypsum plaster is considered the main finishing material that is widely used in modern construction... Today the market is represented by a huge selection of mixtures for gypsum base, with which you can plaster the surface of the walls. Therefore, before making a purchase, you need to pay attention to the quality properties of the material. It must have a uniform structure and comply with all building codes. Good plaster perfectly levels the base, makes it smooth and does not create smudges, stains or bubbles on the surface.

It is also important choose the material, taking into account the climatic conditions in the room where the finishing is planned... Although gypsum plaster is moisture resistant, it is undesirable to expose it to constant exposure to steam and condensation.

When plastering large areas it is best to give preference to solutions that are applied in one layer, due to which the thickness of the coating will be small, and the consumption of material will decrease.

You can buy both foreign and domestic gypsum plaster. Well-proven trade marks Knauf and Volma... Their products are used for interior decoration, they ideally prepare walls for decorative design, there is no need to rub over their surface. It should be noted here that regardless of the chosen plaster, it must be used strictly in accordance with the regulations, indicated on the packaging... Otherwise, the solution will lose its properties, and the application technology will be performed incorrectly.

How to dilute the solution

Before you start leveling the walls, you should dilute the solution. To obtain gypsum plaster you will need:

  • dry powder;
  • water;
  • Master OK;
  • drill;
  • a container where you can knead the mixture.

The powder is poured into a dry container, and water must be gradually added to it. In order for the solution to be of high quality, it is recommended to follow the recipe, as a rule, 1.8 liters of water is required for 3 kg of the mixture... If there is adhesion of the plaster to the walls of the container, then this process can be prevented.

To do this, the plaster must be diluted in this way:

  • pour water;
  • pour the required portion of the powder.

It is necessary to mix the solution using electric drill, it is best to do this slowly, so the mixture will turn out to be a homogeneous consistency without lumps. Then the finished plaster is given time to settle, and it is re-mixed. It is advisable to use the prepared solution within 20 minutes, as it quickly sets and hardens.

How to apply with your own hands: the order of work

Plastering the walls is not particularly difficult, so you can do it yourself, without the help of specialists. It is necessary to start work with preliminary wetting of the surface with water.... This is usually done with a spray bottle or brush.

A thick layer of mortar is poured onto a moistened base with a trowel so that it hangs slightly above the wall surface. The mixture should be applied in moderation, otherwise the plaster may collapse under its own weight.

The technology for performing these works requires uniform distribution mortar, therefore, after preparing the walls, the installation of beacons is done. To remove excess mixture, take a rule and hold it over the lighthouses, after which it is moved in zigzag movements from right to left.

If the plaster is applied correctly, then at the end of the leveling, all voids and irregularities will be filled with mortar. To obtain a smooth base, the finish must be trowelled and polished.

Gypsum plaster is often used for decoration brickwork, can be applied to cement and concrete surface... In the event that the walls have large defects, the mixture should be thrown in several passes, waiting for the previous layer to grab.

It is recommended to use a paint net to ensure the coating is more durable.... It is placed around the entire perimeter of the working surface and fixed with a solution. Mesh improves grip finishing material with the base of the wall, as a result, the coating does not sag or crack.

At the end of the plastering, the beacons are removed, and the grooves formed under them are additionally sealed with gypsum and the alignment is repeated. If the beacons are not removed, then rust will appear on them over time, which can show through the finish layer.

Walls after facing with gypsum mortar are considered ideally prepared for subsequent wallpapering or painting. In addition, for their decoration, you can use special stencils and in this way apply original drawings or patterns. Looks beautiful, for example, imitation of Venetian plaster.

Room and surface preparation

The gypsum mixture will make the walls even and smooth if it is applied to a previously prepared substrate. Also, before finishing, it is important to purchase not only material and appropriate tools, but also to make detailed plan activities. Therefore, first of all, before using the plaster, the walls and the room are prepared.

For this, the following work is carried out:

  • All types of "wet" finishes are completed, as the plaster can only be applied on a dry surface.
  • Install electrical wiring and communications system.
  • Cover protective layer metal elements, as gypsum mortar can corrode the metal.
  • Degrease the base and clean it of colored spots or traces, if any.

  • Do the priming.
  • Protects protruding corners. These structural elements are most exposed to mechanical damage, therefore special corners must be applied to them.
  • Close up and strengthen the joints.
  • All pieces of furniture and bulky items are taken out of the rooms. If this is not possible, then they can be covered with plastic wrap.
  • In the room where the plastering of the walls is planned, all windows and doors should be closed, since due to a possible draft, the finishing technology will be violated.

Performing work with and without beacons

Many craftsmen plaster walls without the use of beacons. This method is most often suitable for those surfaces in which the defects are insignificant, and if you only need to level the base under the decorative layer. In this case, the deviation of the plane from the desired level is determined... This is done using a rule that is pressed against the wall.

First, large depressions are sealed with a mixture, then the solution is distributed throughout the entire area, leveling it. Then the surface inspection is repeated. If there are no gaps between the rule and the wall, then the work is done correctly, and you can start plastering the next section. When the base is completely hardened, it must be sanded and covered with a decorative finish.

Installation of beacons simplifies the work with plaster. Finishing is carried out similarly to the previously described method, but in this case, special guides are attached to the wall, along which the base is leveled.

It is important to ensure that the beacons are placed horizontally in relation to the plane. In addition, the distance between them must be calculated in such a way that the layer of the applied solution is minimal. This will not only speed up the work, but also save material.

Thin layer: how is it right?

When leveling the walls, the thickness of the plaster layer plays a huge role. Depending on the presence of defects on the surface, it can be different - in one area it is thinner, and in another thicker.

In addition, for each type of coating, there are certain standards for the application of the solution. When plastering brickwork, its thickness should not exceed 20 mm... This is due to the fact that the embossed structure of the walls requires the maximum thickness of the plaster. If the layer is minimized, then the coating may delaminate and crack during operation.

Concrete walls trimmed with a layer of 2 cm... Such work is often performed using reinforcement. For drywall, the minimum mortar thickness reaches 1 cm, but in this case it is recommended to strengthen the plaster with fixing nets. The ideal surface for cladding is cellular concrete, it has an even base and good adhesion. Therefore, for such walls, it is enough to distribute the mixture with a layer of 5 mm.

Also meet wooden walls that need to be prepared for decorative finishing. Most often, a plaster solution of no more than 2 cm is applied to them., this thickness is enough to level the coating and not make the structure heavy. In addition, the type of gypsum solution plays an important role in the cladding.

As a rule, for plaster, the minimum thickness is considered to be 5 mm, if the layer is made smaller, then the coating will turn out to be of poor quality and will not last long.

Important: the last stage

The completion of plastering is considered to be the grouting of the walls. It can only be carried out after the surface is completely dry. Before grouting, dilute a small portion of the solution and moisten the working area with it. To carry out the process correctly, it is advisable to divide the wall into separate zones of 1 m²... The mixture is applied to a trowel and spread in a thin layer over the base, after which they apply strong pressure and smooth everything at an angle of 45 °.

The selected square is rubbed until the solution ceases to accumulate on the board. As a result, the wall will look smooth and even. Similarly, work with other areas is carried out. Rub the base continuously.