Do-it-yourself heating device made of polypropylene pipes. Heating in a private house from polypropylene pipes

For any residential building, it is very important to think over the heating system, not only the comfort of life, but also the durability of the building depends on it. Modern heating poly propylene pipes is very popular with home craftsmen and professional companies.

Design features

Polypropylene is a type of plastic treated with polymeric substances. This material is known for its durability, lightness and ease of installation. Separately, it should be noted the pleasant cost of such a heating system - it is at least two times cheaper than heating from cast-iron or metal pipes.

Photo: heating with polypropylene pipes

Advantages of polypropylene pipes:

  1. Affordable price;
  2. Excellent thermal conductivity readings;
  3. Durability. The material is not subject to corrosion, perfectly tolerates sudden changes in temperature, very flexible and lightweight. In addition, polypropylene withstands high pressures heating systems.

But this material also has its drawbacks. Firstly, polypropylene undergoes expansion during exposure to heat, i.e. it has a fairly high thermal effect coefficient. Secondly, polypropylene pipes without a metal layer cannot be used for heating; only reinforced materials are used for these purposes.

Main characteristics

Before you buy these communication devices, you need to calculate what indicators the pipeline should have. The heating system made of polypropylene pipes has the following characteristics:

  1. High pressure (from 10 atm);
  2. tightness;
  3. Flexibility.

Marking polypropylene pipes will help you make right choice in order to organize heating, it indicates the diameters, coefficients and type of reinforced fiber. Attention should immediately be paid to the number following PN - this is the designation of the maximum pressure in the pipes at a temperature of twenty degrees. Pipes PN 25, PN 20, PN 16 are very popular.

At the same time, to provide heating for a small one-story building, you can buy pipes PN 10. According to GOST, polypropylene pipes have their own unique designation for hot and cold water supply. If there is a red strip on your communication, then it is for heating, if it is blue, then, respectively, for the outlet cold water. Sometimes "warm" pipes have the designation PPR. Such pipelines can operate in the range from 10 to 90 degrees.

Photo: pipes for heating

In addition, manufacturers are required to indicate the section size, brand, batch number and company name in the marking. General characteristics polypropylene pipes (may vary depending on the brand), which equip heating:

  1. Maximum allowable temperature up to 150 degrees;
  2. Density 0.8-0.9 grams per cubic cm;
  3. Tensile strength up to 25 Newtons per mm, and tensile strength up to 35;
  4. Thermal expansion coefficient - 0.15 mm;
  5. Thermal conductivity: about 0.24 watts / mS (DIN 52612 if you buy DIN pipes);
  6. The service life of polypropylene pipes for heating is up to 50 years.

Related video:


In order to choose the right pipes made of polypropylene, it is necessary to consult with the master what kind of thermofiber they should be reinforced with. This indicator directly affects the thermal conductivity and durability of communication.

The choice is quite large, but it is important to understand: if you choose the wrong material, the pipe will burst. Types of inserts for reinforcement:

  1. Fiberglass;
  2. Aluminum sheet, perforated sheet, continuous metal coating on the inside.

Water supply cold water uses mainly fiberglass. At the same time, a layer of material is present only in the middle of the polypropylene pipe. Aluminum is used to strengthen heating pipes. It can be seen in the middle of the pipe, outside and inside.

At the same time, many craftsmen advise buying pipes with aluminum for heating. They are more durable, stiffer and will provide a better seal than fiberglass reinforcement. Home craftsmen most often recommend using communications with aluminum reinforcement. They are easier to connect to the riser, besides they are considered the most durable.

Table: how to choose a pipe from polypropylene


Due to the fact that this material is very light and affordable, you can organize the heating of a private house, cottage or apartment from polypropylene pipes with your own hands. Before you start, you need to make a project. It is necessary to indicate the dimensions and places of connections, connection features and installation method on it. With its help, the calculation of the required materials is facilitated. You can draw it yourself or by using a special program such as AutoCAD or SolitWorks.

Pipe routing can be carried out according to two principles: with one pipe and with two. The first option is when only one pipe is used to supply and return water from the boiler. Second - classic way organization of heating. Naturally, it is easier to connect the system with this pipe yourself, but in this case you will not be able to evenly heat the housing.

Heating device for installation only plastic pipes or when they are combined with metal, it practically does not differ. You only need to combine different materials choose the correct diameter. To do this, consult the store with the master.

Installation of polypropylene pipes in the heating system is carried out using a special welding machine for plastic, but in addition to it, you will also need connecting fittings.

How is heating soldered with polypropylene pipes:

Assortment modern internet and simple shops plumbing equipment allows you to choose everything for a heating system made of polypropylene pipes. In addition to fittings, special turn signals, Americans and other connections are often used. The technology of their installation is similar.

If it is necessary to connect polypropylene pipes to a metal heating system, then you need to use flanges, they have a different installation scheme. They are threaded on one side - for tapping into steel pipes, and on the second - a smooth shutter, for installation on plastic.

To do central heating from polypropylene pipes, you need to buy all the components, the price of which depends on the manufacturer and the type of reinforcement, below is a small rating:

Naturally, the dimensions directly affect the cost of polypropylene pipes for heating. For example, Calde with a diameter of 75 mm costs about 800 rubles / meter. This equipment is sold in company stores.

Each owner of a private household inevitably faces the problem of heating it. And if in a small country house it is quite possible to get by with a modest and unpretentious potbelly stove, then for large buildings in which people plan to live all year round, a more thorough approach will be required.

An excellent option would be the construction of a full-fledged heating system with a boiler polypropylene pipeline and radiators. Despite the apparent complexity, it is quite possible to implement such a project on your own, without involving familiar craftsmen and specialized organizations.

Before proceeding with the installation of a pipeline made of polypropylene, you should decide on the source of heating. This will affect general scheme heating systems and selection additional elements.


It is considered a very economical and environmentally friendly type of fuel.. However, it is appropriate to talk about efficiency only if the house is already gasified or at least located near main gas pipeline. Otherwise, connecting to a remote network will cost the owner a round sum.

The best option for installing a gas-fired heating system is a modern wall-mounted gas boiler equipped with a set of necessary devices and protective mechanisms that ensure maximum automation of system control processes.

Another plus of this solution is the ability to abandon the chimney so familiar to private households. Modern gas boilers completed closed camera combustion, supplying oxygen and removing exhaust air from which is carried out by means of a thin tube.


Another environmentally friendly way to heat a room, although more expensive than gas. To ensure the operation of the heating system, you will need a special boiler equipped with safety equipment, a coolant circulation pump (depending on the chosen scheme) and an expansion tank.

Solid fuel systems

differ more high temperature coolant at the outlet of the boiler, which imposes increased requirements for the organization of the security system.

Heating system diagrams

It is very important to choose the right wiring diagram. If the house has a small area, it is quite possible to get by with a single-pipe scheme with natural circulation. For premises larger area better fit two-pipe system:

  • One-pipe scheme. The simplest and cheap option. The farther the battery is installed from the boiler, the colder the coolant will reach it. An obvious plus of such a solution is the saving of time and materials during construction, an equally obvious minus is the uneven distribution of temperature and, as a result, an unequal level of heating of the premises.
  • Collector scheme. It will require the installation of additional elements to improve the energy efficiency of the system due to more uniform distribution heat.
  • Two pipe system. It differs from previous solutions in the presence of supply and return pipelines. The circuits work in parallel and allow the coolant to be delivered to each radiator with the same temperature value. Another advantage is that in emergency situations, a problematic riser or radiator can be easily isolated without stopping the operation of the entire system.

(PP), gradually replaced traditional metal ones not only in water supply systems, but also in heating. Not the last role in the growing popularity is played by ease of installation - it is quite easy to install polypropylene pipes with your own hands, even in the absence of special skills and knowledge.

Positive qualities of PP pipes

Such pipes have the following advantages:

Attention! In most cases, the maximum allowable temperature of the working fluid is 90ᵒС (this includes products of the “twentieth” and “twenty-first” brands). When supplying cold water, where the temperature often does not exceed 20ᵒС, pipes from the “eleventh” to the “sixteenth” brand are used.

Important installation details

PP pipes are connected using threaded/non-threaded fittings. In turn, threaded products can be:

  • one-piece;
  • detachable.

It is worth noting that the installation is primarily affected by operating conditions.

After reviewing all the necessary information, you can get to work.

Stage one. Drafting a project

Installation work should begin with the drafting of the future highway. An important criterion this is ergonomic, so that the number of turns and connecting elements should be kept to a minimum.

When arranging the heating system, a well-designed project is especially important, in which the location of such elements as:

  • couplings;
  • adapters;
  • fasteners;
  • corners;
  • heating equipment.

The line is connected to the radiators in a one- or two-pipe way, from the side or from the bottom.

Attention! Not less than important point when designing, there is also a possible thermal expansion of polypropylene - this should also be taken into account.


Here, the highway is connected to a centralized system in order to supply the necessary plumbing fixtures - a toilet bowl, sinks, a boiler, etc. There are two ways to perform wiring.

Method number 1. Open variant. Horizontal pipes are installed slightly above the floor level, and vertical pipes are installed exclusively at the corners. All this makes the pipeline less noticeable.

Method number 2. Closed variant. It is extremely difficult to perform, since it involves preliminary carrying out the most accurate calculations. Pipes (necessarily solid) are immured into the walls, and each joint should have free access.

In addition, plumbing can be:

  • sequential type (the most budgetary and easiest option to implement);
  • collector type (a collector is used when supplying water);
  • with through sockets (little popular).

Stage two. Welding of polypropylene pipes

This procedure will require electric jigsaw(cutting polypropylene) and special welding equipment.

Attention! Before starting work, sleeves (nozzles) of the desired diameter are put on. Then, using the thermostat, the appropriate temperature is set (about 260-265ᵒС), after which the device warms up (you can learn about the warm-up time from the manufacturer's instructions).

Step one. While the apparatus is warming up, necessary measurements, pipes are marked and cut.

Step two. The ends of the products that are planned to be interconnected are carefully cleaned and degreased.

Step three. Using a pencil, the depth of entry of each product into the sleeve is marked. It is characteristic that at the same time there should be at least a millimeter gap, so the pipes do not rest against the coupling of the fitting.

Step four. A PP pipe with a fitting is put on the sleeve in accordance with the marks made, and the heating of all elements must occur simultaneously.

Attention! In the case of a bad nozzle (or vice versa - too loose) of one of the elements, it is immediately rejected.

The duration of heating depends not only on the diameter of the products, but also on the depth of welding (this can be found in the table below).

Step five. After a certain period of time, the products are removed and connected, with little effort, sitting on top of each other. It is forbidden to rotate the elements along the axial line.

Step six. Within a few seconds after the connection, the primary adjustment is performed, then the elements are finally fixed.

Attention! The assembly sequence is determined in advance.

If there are no gaps left at the junction, then it (the connection) can be considered of high quality.

Video - Welding PP pipes

Welding Machine Manufacturing

In view of the fact that a more or less good one costs over a thousand rubles, it is cheaper to rent it or make it yourself. If the latter was chosen, then for work you should prepare:

The sequence of actions should be as follows.

Step one. In order to improve heat transfer, the sole of the iron is treated with thermal paste, then a Teflon sleeve is fixed. The location of the latter is determined in advance - the wide part up or down.

Step two. A sharp “nose” is cut off for more convenient operation near the walls.

Step three. The heating of the iron is carried out until the device switches off a second time.

Step four. It is good if the iron is equipped with a temperature sensor - this will allow you to accurately determine the heating temperature. But there is an easier way - through lead. This metal melts at 230ᵒС and higher, which approximately coincides with the temperature required for welding.

Further technology is identical to that described above.

Stage three. Pipeline installation

When laying the highway you will need:

  • pipes;
  • tees;
  • Ball Valves;
  • plugs;
  • adapters;
  • bends;
  • couplings;
  • detachable connecting elements;
  • threaded fittings;
  • plastic clamps.

First of all, the installation of the main elements of the system (plumbing, radiators, boilers, etc.) is carried out, after which, in accordance with the drafted project, the future highway is marked. The elements of the pipeline are interconnected by means of couplings.

Attention! Hard-to-reach parts of the system are assembled separately.

If we are talking for heating or hot water, thermal expansion is taken into account. To compensate for the latter, it is desirable to use mobile connections. When installing a closed pipeline, the walls are first ditched (in appropriate places, a groove is made two pipe diameters wide).

The pipeline may only be filled with liquid after one hour has elapsed from the end of installation. Hydraulic test can be carried out only in a day.

Sewer system from PP pipes

As noted earlier, polypropylene pipes are actively used today in the arrangement. The installation procedure in this case has its own nuances.

Internal sewerage

There are a number of rules that must be observed when installing sewerage in the house.

  1. The pipeline is laid at an angle in the direction sewer riser(about 3 cm on running meter).
  2. If the room is not heated, then the pipes are additionally insulated with mineral wool.
  3. Do not make sharp turns at an angle of 90ᵒ, so-called half-bends are used instead.
  4. Fan-type ventilation is a mandatory component of the sewer system, which will prevent penetration bad smell in a dwelling.
  5. The toilet is connected only after the sink, otherwise the water seal will break.

Outdoor sewerage

Step one. The diameter of the pipes is determined, depending mainly on the number of people living in the house.

Step two. From the sewer riser, a trench is dug to the septic tank or cesspool. At the same time, a slope is observed, depending on the soil freezing line, or the pipeline is insulated with mineral wool.

Step three. The bottom is covered with a "pillow" of sand. Its thickness should be at least 20 cm.

Step four. A pipeline is being laid. It is important to avoid possible sagging, otherwise the connections will soon collapse.

Attention! The seams do not need to be sealed, since the PP pipes for external use already have rubber seals.

Horizontal drilling of a trench for the pipeline is carried out using special equipment with pressure-action jack-pumps. Drilling takes place using a steel cone-shaped tip. Similar technology is used in the construction of:

  • auto and railway roads;
  • pipelines to basements;
  • highways to working wells.

Do-it-yourself installation of a PP pipeline will help save a lot, but only if it is done correctly.

Polypropylene is the most demanded material on the market. This is not due to its special quality, but still with a pleasant cost. But in the end, you have to pay for everything available. Therefore, in this article, you will learn 9 disadvantages of home heating with polypropylene pipes.

If you are going to do heating with polypropylene pipes, then immediately lay down their use only in concealed installation. All pipes you will need to hide in the walls and screed, and preferably in isolation.

The main problem with polypropylene is its linear expansion. It is approximately 2.5 mm per linear meter. If you have mounted even pipes, then during operation they will “float” somewhere. Even if they are often fastened. If these pipes are located outside, then you are unlikely to appreciate such a picture.

Pipe Welding Problems

PPR pipes are connected to each other by welding (in another way, by soldering). On the one hand, it is quite simple and convenient way connections, but at the same time it requires a serious and responsible approach. Many installers treat this procedure in bad faith, welding everything at random. As a result, you can get this picture:

Such situations also happen with experienced installers. And the saddest thing is that it is impossible to know if the joint turned out to be normal or not until you cut the pipe in half.

We had a case when we invited a third-party team to install a boiler room from PPR pipes. The guys twisted the welding iron to the maximum temperature, although each pipe has its own temperature limits. They have been warned about this many times. But they did it anyway. In appearance, all the connections were made perfectly, but in the end, after the start-up of the boiler house, some of it leaked. I had to redo

A large number of joints

Another disadvantage in organizing heating with polypropylene pipes is a large number of joints. Average house can sometimes have 200-300 joints and most of them are hidden in the screed and walls. And each joint is a human factor that can play a cruel joke. Any joint can leak at any time. It's good if he's outside. But as practice shows, quite often the joint begins to flow inside.

And taking into account the constant linear expansion of the pipe, the joint can also lose its tightness. It is true to note that such situations do not always occur.

Material life

Whoever says anything, but polypropylene pipes have a short service life. The manufacturer announces the service life of the pipe at 50 years. Practice shows that after 15 years, the aging of the pipe is already beginning to be felt. It may crack, the joint may leak, etc.

But the plus of polypropylene is that it is quickly repaired.

Polypropylene pipes with fiberglass

PPR pipes are divided into pipes for cold and hot water supply (here and heating). Before PPR pipes for heating reinforced with special aluminum foil. This led to higher prices finished product. Over time, fiberglass pipes appeared, which replaced similar pipes with aluminum.

Few people know, but when heating a house with polypropylene pipes with fiberglass, you are at risk. Fiberglass tends to break down. Sometimes it is enough just to throw the pipe on the floor to damage the reinforcing layer.

It is also impossible to work with such a pipe at low temperatures, since the fiberglass becomes brittle and undergoes a quick break. And it performs not only the function of reinforcement, but also an oxygen barrier.

Just as we know, such pipes are stored in ordinary warehouses and no one there monitors the microclimate set for storing pipes.

Therefore, everything is simple here. Fiberglass is good, but you have to be careful with it.

Pipes with aluminum foil

The aluminum foil acts as a pipe expansion compensator and as a diffusion barrier. Aluminum foil is located both closer to the pipe surface and in the middle. It all depends on the specific brand of pipes.

In order to solder such a pipe, it must first be cleaned. If the foil is located in the center, then after stripping it, the pipe will become very thin and the connection may be of poor quality during soldering. Therefore, if you are still going to do home heating with a polypropylene pipe with aluminum foil, then take the pipe where the foil is located closer to the surface.

Danger of pouring into the screed

It is rather dangerous to pour a bare polypropylene pipe into a screed due to its linear expansion. If, when heated, the pipe will have nowhere to “walk”, then there is a possibility that something can happen to it. Therefore, ideally, this pipe is best poured in insulation. Now it is better to isolate all heating pipes.

Shaped products

The main disadvantage of shaped products when heating with polypropylene pipes is their thickness. They go thicker than the pipe itself. This creates certain inconveniences when installing insulation, as well as when using a pipe in a screed. Sometimes the height is so limited that the enlarged shaped product has nowhere to hide.

Polypropylene with metal

Many polypropylene fittings come with a threaded metal insert. It is not easy to get an ideally strong connection of metal with plastic. Therefore, there are cases when such compounds leak just in places between the ppr and the metal.


What is important to understand if you are going to do heating with polypropylene pipes. Actually this good material for their money. But don't expect anything special from him. There is a high probability of periodic leaks and breakdowns, which are quite easily eliminated at the same time (if the pipe is located outside).

The peculiarity of this material is that far from always the problem manifests itself immediately. You can mount, pressurize the system and make sure that it is tight and nothing is leaking anywhere. And during operation, a leak suddenly forms. It's not exactly a pleasant moment.

It is up to you to decide whether to install heating with this pipe or not. Many mount and do not worry. We decided to prepare you a little.

The correct use of modern components in construction helps to improve the economic and performance characteristics different engineering systems. Durable from can be done quickly and inexpensively. How to choose the best products and perform installation work without errors, described in this article.

Read in the article

What are the advantages of propylene pipes and what disadvantages should be remembered

The exact price data is given in the corresponding section of the article. But it should be noted right away that polypropylene pipes are cheaper compared to the use of similar copper pipes. You also need to consider the following significant advantages:

  • Light weight polymer products simplifies loading and unloading and installation operations. Installed system will not become too much load on the power frame of the building.
  • Polypropylene is a chemically neutral compound. It does not pollute water and environment, is not destroyed by corrosion.
  • Standard products made of this material retain their integrity at a liquid temperature of +80°C or more. This is quite enough for the full functioning of individual heat supply systems.
  • Scale particles do not linger on smooth inner walls. Their attachment also blocks the change in size with a decrease / increase in the temperature of the coolant.
  • Such products are not damaged by mechanical impurities, electrochemical forms of corrosion.
  • They are able to perform their functions for decades without clogging the working channels.
  • Thick walls and special structure provide excellent insulating properties. Even at high pressure, made of polypropylene does not create a lot of noise. There is no condensation outside.
  • The polymer pipe will retain its integrity after repeated cycles of freezing and thawing. This property is especially useful when equipping stand-alone properties, as it prevents accidents.

The development of a preliminary design is carried out taking into account general principles systems for a particular object. The use of installation of a single-pipe heating system with polypropylene pipes will save materials and labor resources. However, such solutions are rarely used these days. In a private house, it is more convenient to install several independent circuits to meet different needs.

The two-pipe method provides equal pressure in, which increases the accuracy of their work when equipped with the appropriate ones. In can be set, since it implies an operating mode with a relatively low temperature of the coolant.

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From correct selection batteries completely depends on the continuous operation of the entire system and its efficiency. the analysis of individual models and characteristics of the equipment in this article will prompt.

A similar comprehensive assessment can be applied when considering a fluid transport system. Gravity water moves too slowly, you have to maintain an optimal slope in long horizontal sections. In forced pressure, they increase, which will have to be taken into account when choosing pipes.

In the technical and economic part of a professional project, estimated costs are given, work operations are described. At this stage, you can make the necessary changes to the drawings and parts lists. After the final approval, a package of working design documentation is produced.

Its preparation can be entrusted to professionals, or everything can be done necessary actions on one's own. In any case, you need to create a sketch and a list of components. But detailed description of these procedures is not included in the scope of one thematic article. Therefore, we will focus directly on the installation of heating from polypropylene pipes.

For determining right methods fastening, the following significant features should be noted. The table shows data on a linear change in the length of a pipeline section (10 m) with an increase in temperature by 45-55°C:

Material Elongation in mm
Cast iron5,1-5,3
Stainless steel5,4-5,6
Typical steel grade for zinc coated heating pipes5,7-6
brass alloy9,3-9,6
Polypropylene with aluminum reinforcement14-16
Polypropylene with fiberglass reinforcement30,5-32
Cross-linked polyethylene95-100

This information means the need to take into account changes in the linear dimensions of products during operation. When placing a pipeline with an outer diameter of up to 20-25 mm inside a thick concrete screed(distance to surfaces more than 3 cm) no additional measures are necessary. Otherwise, use damping pads made of suitable materials, create special channels. When passing through the walls, embedded pipe sections are used to create a hole of sufficient diameter.

Proper wiring of polypropylene pipes on open areas performed using the following compensation schemes:

Important! For accurate calculations of these nodes, data on the linear expansion of polypropylene pipes are used, taking into account the actual operating temperature range.

Practical guide to soldering, installation work

A photo Proper installation of PP pipes. Description technological process with comments.

It is necessary to purchase the necessary parts, prepare a flat work surface, special tools.

The standard kit has welding machine with a wide heating plate. Built-in allows you to maintain optimal temperature regime with high precision.

A heavy cross with long legs will securely fix the equipment on the table.

It is necessary to check the compliance of the removable dies with the dimensions of the parts to be joined.

A well-equipped standard set includes building level, tape measure, special cutter. If these products are not available, you will have to purchase them separately.

Before performing installation operations, cut off the excess parts of the pipes according to the previously applied markings.

Make sure the surfaces to be welded are clean.

The device is installed on a cross-shaped stand.
The regulator is set to the position corresponding to the instructions in the operating instructions and the recommendations of the pipe manufacturer. In this case: +260 °C.

fitting) taking into account different configurations of rams. Products do not rotate during heating. The operation time depends on the diameter of the part to be joined.

Next - the parts are removed from the dies, neatly connected. Alignment should not be violated, rotation should be excluded. The created connection is monolithic. It does not need to be serviced during its entire service life.

When installing heating lines from polypropylene pipes with their own hands, the methods discussed above are used. IN durable concrete none additional measures do not apply. In open areas and when passing through walls, thermal expansion is taken into account, compensators are used, and a sufficient distance is left to the nearest parts of the structures.

Here the master talks about the installation of polypropylene pipes with his own hands on the video:

Here, the use of such tools for cleaning foil before welding propylene pipes is discussed in detail in the video:

How to make a reliable connection of a heating radiator to polypropylene pipes without errors

This photo shows how to connect a heating radiator to a polypropylene pipe using typical brass taps.