Soldering polypropylene pipes: rules for the work and analysis of possible errors. How to connect polypropylene pipes to each other and to metal pipes Connection of propylene pipes without welding

Polypropylene pipes are used in the installation of plumbing, irrigation systems and heating. The popularity of the material and various areas of use are due to its characteristics: strength, durability, ease of connection. An important argument in favor of poly propylene pipes became their price, which is significantly lower than that of metal-plastic or metal counterparts.

Service life of plastic pipeline cold water is 50 years, such an impressive figure makes it necessary to replace obsolete lines with just this type of highways. Joint tightness - the most important factor for any pipeline, therefore, the viability of the system depends on the quality of installation. In this article we will talk about how to connect polypropylene pipes with metal, polyethylene, steel, and also consider various options welding.

Materials and tools

If you decide to save on installation services and do it yourself, then you need to buy or rent a special soldering iron with nozzles. In addition to it, you will need:

  • tape measure and marker for marking;
  • scissors for cutting plastic pipes;
  • pipe cleaning.

There are several types of polypropylene pipes, which differ in the area of ​​\u200b\u200buse:

  1. PN 10, 16 - used for laying cold water pipes;
  2. PN 20 - universal pipes with thick walls, they are able to withstand hot water temperatures up to 80ºC, therefore suitable for heating installation;
  3. PN 25 is a composite pipe with a metal or nylon layer, which is peeled off during soldering. It is used for heating systems, the final heating temperature is 95 ° C.

A distinctive characteristic of the connection of polypropylene pipes is the absence of joints directly between the pipes. If their diameter is less than 50 mm, all parts can be connected with fittings for various purposes:

  • couplings - connect sections of the same diameter;
  • crosses - used to create branches;
  • plugs - seal the end of the pipe;
  • adapters - serve to connect pipes of different diameters;
  • nipple fittings - connect with flexible hoses.

How to operate the welding machine

The principle of connecting the pipeline is to heat the elements and quickly connect them. Household pipe welding machines have a power of up to 1 kW. It is enough to quickly and efficiently heat up the material, but for industrial purposes, more powerful and expensive devices are used. Included with the soldering iron are nozzles corresponding to the diameter of various pipes. The pipe is heated from the outside, and the fitting from the inside.

The work of the soldering iron begins with the inclusion in the network and setting the desired heating temperature, depending on the diameter of the plastic pipes being welded. The average value is 250–270°C. Such heat requires caution, touching a hot part will cause a burn, for safety reasons it is worth wearing gloves.

soldering process

To cut the pipes, a hacksaw or sharp scissors are used that do not deform the plastic. The incision is made at a right angle. If burrs appear on the end, they are carefully cleaned. After cutting, the depth of soldering is marked. You need to measure the section of the pipe that will enter the tee or coupling, and draw a line with a marker. The value of this section depends on the diameter of the pipes, the larger it is, the greater the immersion in the connecting element.

If you have to work with reinforced pipes, the algorithm of actions changes. Must be cleaned before soldering upper layer pipes consisting of aluminum foil, basalt or nylon fiber. A special tool is designed to remove the desired layer size.

Careful removal of the foil is very important, a small amount of material on the pipe will spoil the tightness of the soldering.

A soldering iron with nozzles selected according to the diameter of the pipes is installed on a flat and solid surface. From both sides, a pipe and a fitting are simultaneously put on the heated nozzle, deepening to the intended line. The heating time of the plastic depends on the size of the pipes: for 20 mm, 6 seconds is enough, and for 32 mm, 8 seconds are required. After maintaining the set period of time, the elements are removed and firmly fixed into each other, while it is impossible to make rotary movements. For a strong adhesion of the joint, it will take from 4 to 10 seconds, during which time the polypropylene will harden and form an integral connection.

Failure to comply with the recommended heating time leads to the formation of leaks - with insufficient heating or sealing of the internal space - with excessive overheating. The resulting flow should not be immediately removed, the molten plastic is more deformed. It is necessary to wait until it cools and cut off the excess.

Without experience, in order to understand how to solder pipes correctly, you can make several training connections. It is convenient to work with short connections by placing the welding machine on the table, in this position you can perform all possible job, and joining a partially laid highway is more difficult. The nozzle of the soldering iron is put on a fixed polypropylene pipe, and a tee is inserted into the second part, while the device is kept on weight. When executing the trunk, you need to monitor the order of the connections being made. Try to avoid docking in hard-to-reach places where it will be difficult to use a soldering iron.

It is important to keep the material clean and dry, because dirt and moisture reduce the quality of the pipe connection. Even a small amount of moisture deforms the material when heated. Chemical composition pipes from different manufacturers may not match, this will lead to leaky docking. It is necessary to buy all the material - pipes and fittings - from one manufacturer.

The temperature in the room where polypropylene is being installed must not fall below +5°C.

Crimp connection method

Docking of the pipeline by soldering is reliable and durable, it is impossible to disassemble it, and sometimes this is what is required for repair. In addition, it is not always possible to purchase or borrow a welding machine; in such cases, they use the method of connecting polypropylene pipes without soldering. For this, fittings with threads and a clamping ring are used. They are called collet or crimp, such a connection is able to withstand a pressure of sixteen atmospheres.

For a mechanical connection, it is necessary to purchase several additional parts: elbows designed for joining various diameters, a tee, solder and combined couplings, having an external and internal thread, plugs, adapters with external thread, elbows and tees with a union nut, ball valves, various fittings with a factory thread.

To ensure tightness, the joints and seals are liberally lubricated with silicone.

To work, you will need a crimp wrench, which can be bought at the same time as the fittings. cutting off desired part pipe, firmly insert it into the fitting, wrap the thread of the element with a thread for sealing and tighten the ferrule and nut, fully tightening is done with a wrench. This connection method takes much more time than welding, but it is convenient for them to connect polypropylene pipes to radiators.

Docking of a steel pipe with polypropylene

When installing heating or plumbing, there are areas where metal and plastic joining is required. The connection of a polypropylene pipe and a metal one occurs when using special adapters. This fitting has a smooth plastic hole on one side and a threaded metal insert on the other. The polypropylene pipe is connected by welding, and the metal pipe is screwed with a key. The resulting joint does not have welded strength, but will serve for a long time.

After complete installation system, it is necessary to conduct a test run of water to check the tightness of all connection points of pipes and other elements. If threaded connections are leaking, they must be tightened.

Self-installation of plumbing or heating from polypropylene pipes is quite a feasible task. For its implementation, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for using the welding machine for plastic and the installation technology. To better understand all the nuances of the process, you should watch a video in which experienced installers share their experience.

To connect such pipes, you need to use special fittings. Such a connection is necessary in cases where water was introduced into the house with HDPE pipes, and further water distribution inside the house is carried out with polypropylene pipes. So, there are 2 types of connections:

  1. In the first case, attach a threaded coupling to the HDPE pipe, where on one side there will be a clamp connection, and on a polypropylene, respectively, similar coupling. That's just on one side there will be a solder joint, and on the other - a threaded one. In both cases, FUM tape or tow is used for threading to seal the joint and avoid leaks.
  2. Otherwise, a flange connection is used. A rubber seal is installed between the flanges. The flanges are bolted together.

Properly made connection of polypropylene pipes guarantees durable and very reliable communications that do not rust and have a number of other advantages.

We are interested in tubular products, which are characterized by low weight, simplicity machining and installation, as well as relatively low cost, are connected by detachable and one-piece methods. The latter is understood as welding performed according to one of two technologies: end-to-end or by socket (socket) technique.

Butt welding is ideal for polypropylene products with a cross section of more than 6.3 cm. In this case, the thickness of their walls must be at least 4 mm. The procedure is carried out by a stationary welding unit, which provides a very precise installation with different geometric parameters. Before starting the operation, their ends are trimmed in order to obtain completely parallel surfaces. The butt welding machine has a special disk - it acts as a heating device.

Butt welding of polypropylene products

Also, when carrying out such a procedure, in most cases it is required to use centering elements. They give the connected polypropylene products the necessary coaxiality. Socket welding recommended for pipes with a cross section of less than 6.3 cm. This type of connection requires the use of couplings and fittings. Without them, the procedure is not performed. Fittings, which have special sockets, form various docking nodes (including threaded ones). A coupling is installed between two pipes to be welded.

For socket welding of pipes with a cross section of up to 4 cm, it is allowed to use a manual unit. It is equipped with nozzles (elements for heating), which are made in the form of a mandrel (it is necessary for melting the inside of the socket) and a sleeve (fusing the outer part).

Heating elements are usually coated with Teflon. This non-stick composition perfectly protects the nozzles from failure during operation. Clean the hot tips after each individual welding operation.For this, scrapers made of wood or coarse rags (for example, canvas) are used. After the nozzles have completely cooled down, it is impossible to remove the layer of molten polypropylene from them. You will simply spoil the expensive Teflon layer.

Let's see how it is necessary to connect the tubular products in question using a welding machine. The scheme of work (it is approximately the same for butt welding and for the procedure using couplings) is as follows:

  1. Mount the nozzles of the required size on the welding device and place the device on a flat surface.
  2. Set the temperature required for welding polypropylene products on the welder (it is 260 ° C) and wait about a quarter of an hour (during this time, the nozzles heat up to a predetermined level).
  3. With a pipe cutter or scissors, cut the polypropylene product at a right angle, clean the pipes from dirt and dust, and remove grease stains from them (with soapy water or ordinary alcohol).
  4. Put a mark on the pipe (it shows the depth of the socket, in addition, you need to add another 2 mm to this value).
  5. Insert the pipe into a smooth sleeve (focusing on the mark made earlier), and pull the socket onto the mandrel.
  6. Wait until the structure warms up (the heating time is indicated in the instructions for the welding machine), remove the heated elements from the welder and connect them (it is very important to ensure the alignment of the coupling and the tubular product).
  7. Waiting for the structure to cool. During this period, it is forbidden to deform (bend, turn) the pipes.

Welding machine for connecting tubular products

Operation completed. You have received a reliable and durable welded joint. If there is a need to arrange wiring from the main pipeline, special welded saddles must be used. Mount them like this:

  1. For 30 seconds, heat the surface (external) of the main pipe and the saddle for welding with the welding unit (operations are performed simultaneously).
  2. Press (without turning) the saddle against the pipe, withstand the load for about half a minute.
  3. Leave the connection for 10 minutes.

Then drill through the wall of the polypropylene pipe and the bottom of the saddle with a twist drill to bring the required branch. It is advisable to use a special washer at this stage (it is called an adjusting washer) in order to accurately maintain the drilling depth.

The above methods of joining polypropylene products require the use of welding machines and heating plates. Not every House master has similar devices. And it makes no sense to buy a welder and nozzles for him for the sake of installing one pipeline.

In such situations, detachable pipe connections can be made without welding. The operation is performed according to two methods: compression type fittings or cold welding composition. The second technology is suitable exclusively for which it is served cold water. Cold welding is applied to the products to be joined, they are strongly pressed against each other for 5–10 seconds. You can give the connection additional tightness by coating the joint with a silicone sealant or by wrapping it with Teflon tape.

Detachable pipe connection without welding

If you decide to create a polypropylene pipeline by connecting its elements with fittings, you will need a crimp wrench. It is easy to purchase at any hardware store. But most often such a key is included in the fitting kit. You don't even have to buy it separately. To carry out work according to this method, you will need the following details:

  • crosses, tees;
  • Ball Valves;
  • couplings;
  • adapters;
  • saddles for branches;
  • plugs;
  • squares with nuts (captive).

It is easy to work with fittings - install the required element and crimp it with a key. But at the same time, be prepared for the fact that pipe connection work will take you a very long time. It is necessary to carefully compress each structural element, check the quality of the resulting connection, and additionally seal it. It is for this reason that polypropylene product systems are usually assembled by welding.

True, in some cases it is impossible to do without fittings. For example, if you need to connect metal and polypropylene products. In such situations, special fittings are required - transitional. On one side they have a thread for entry steel pipe, on the other hand, a soldering sleeve (a propylene product is placed in it).

You can also assemble a metal and polypropylene pipe using: a fitting with a special nut cap type; couplings and Americans (in this case, it is also used union nut). Choose the connection method that suits you!

Methods for connecting plastic pipes
Polypropylene products
Docking of pipes made of metal-plastic
Compression fittings for water pipes
Connection of polyethylene pipes
How to connect PVC pipes

To independently install a water supply system from plastic pipes, you do not need a lot of knowledge and experience, since this process is not difficult. However, in order to improve the quality of the work performed, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technology and some of the nuances of connecting this type of pipe elements. It is also important to learn a few lessons about how to connect different types plastic pipe and the highlights of this process.

Methods for connecting plastic pipes

First, it is worth noting that plastic pipes include products from the following materials:

  • Polypropylene.
  • Metal-plastic.
  • Polyethylene.
  • Polyvinyl chloride.

Each material has certain properties, therefore, the connection of products is carried out different ways, including soldering polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron (read also: "How to connect polypropylene pipes - an overview of proven docking methods"). For greater awareness, it is worth learning how to connect water pipes from these materials.

Polypropylene products

Polypropylene pipe is the most popular material for plumbing. This is due to the presence of some advantages: acceptable price, high strength and long service life. Therefore, the study of methods for connecting all types of plastic pipes should begin with this type.

Polypropylene pipes are connected by welding with the obligatory use of couplings, angles, tees and other fittings. When connecting polypropylene pipes for plumbing, you need to purchase pipes and fittings from the same manufacturer. Otherwise, even strict adherence to welding technology cannot guarantee complete tightness and quality.

To connect polypropylene water pipes with your own hands, you need to have the following tools at hand:

  • Special soldering iron.

    This is simply the name of a welding device with a set of special nozzles that allow you to connect pipes of various sections. At the same time, the nozzle is selected individually for each pipe in accordance with its cross section.

  • Cleanup. This tool cuts off the reinforcing layer at the ends of the pipes. Stripping is used only for multilayer reinforced tubular products.
  • Pipe cutter. By name, you can determine that the device helps to cut polypropylene pipes.
  • A tape measure, pencil or marker may also be needed in the process of joining polypropylene tubular products.

Installation of a water supply system from polypropylene pipes is carried out as follows:

  1. Turn on and warm up the welding machine. The device must go through three phases: heating to a certain temperature, switching off, reheating. The mode of operation can be tracked by the light indicator (read also: "Types of PVC pipe welding, advantages and disadvantages of methods").
  2. During the heating of the soldering iron, the reinforcing layer is stripped in the place where the fitting will be welded.
  3. Dust and dirt are cleaned from the surface of the connected elements and wet places are wiped well. Please note that failure to follow these steps may result in a loose connection.
  4. The end of one pipe and the connecting element are inserted into the heating nozzle and kept for a certain period of time. The heating time must be strictly controlled, since long holding leads to deformation of the elements, and if the heating is insufficient, the strength of the connection of plastic water pipes is reduced. Therefore, each welding machine is accompanied by a special table, which indicates the heating time for parts with a certain diameter.
  5. The heated elements are pulled out of the nozzles and quickly connected. The strength of the connection also depends on the speed of action at this stage, so the process must be carried out quickly, but carefully. The pipe is inserted into the fitting until it stops, but it must not be deformed. The connected parts should be held until the plastic has completely cooled.
  6. In a similar way, all elements of the water supply are connected. To avoid damage to the material, you need to perform actions on unnecessary pipe cuts. The process of welding polypropylene pipes is quite complicated, but after a few trial steps, you can start working on your own.

Docking of pipes made of metal-plastic

Compound metal-plastic pipes You can also make handmade products using one of three methods:

  1. Connection using compression fittings involves the following steps: the end of the pipe is put on the collet, secured with a compression ring and squeezed with a clamping nut.
  2. The connection with crimp type fittings involves compressing the ring at the end of the fitting with a special press.
  3. Docking with push fittings is a new connection method that does not require any tools.

    This method may be the answer to the question of how to connect plastic pipes without soldering.

Regardless of the chosen method of connecting metal-plastic pipes, tools are still worth preparing. In particular, you will need a pipe cutter, which can be replaced with a conventional mounting knife, and a calibrator, which can be any cylindrical object of a certain diameter.

The most popular is the connection of metal-plastic pipes using compression fittings, which involves the following steps:

  • First, the pipes are cut with a knife or pipe cutter, ensuring a right angle of the cut line.
  • Before connecting the pipes, the cut ends are processed, that is, the diameter is calibrated and chamfered, using a calibrator in both cases.
  • A nut is removed from the fitting and put on the end of the pipe, followed by a compression ring.
  • Now the collet is inserted into the end of the pipe, after checking for the presence of rubber o-rings.
  • Push the clamping ring onto the collet and tighten the nut on the fitting. In this case, do not allow strong tightening of the nut, as this leads to damage rubber seals(read also: “What and how to connect pvc pipesbest ways connections").

In a similar way, connect all the elements of the water supply system. Such an installation is characterized by one advantage: minimum set tools for work, which is at hand for any owner. In addition, this is the only option that allows you to get a detachable connection, which is necessary in some situations.

Compression fittings for water pipes

The connection with compression fittings is carried out in the same order, only the compression ring and nut are replaced with a compression ring. To squeeze it, a manual or electric press is used.

Push fittings make it possible to get a connection of metal-plastic pipes much faster than previous methods. To perform the work, it is enough to insert the prepared end of the pipe into the connecting part, and all actions are performed without much effort.

When water is supplied to the assembled system, the wedge of the fitting is pushed out and clamped, which prevents water leakage. This method does not require special tools or keys, and the installation itself is several times faster. See also: "How to install plastic pipes - basic installation rules."

Push fittings can be used to connect pipes made of metal-plastic and cross-linked polyethylene.

The connection by any of the listed methods is tight and reliable, so you need to choose depending on the available tools and financial capabilities.

Connection of polyethylene pipes

Polyethylene pipes can be connected using one of the following options:

  • With compression fittings.
  • Welding by electrofusion.

Compound compression fittings performed by analogy with metal-plastic pipes, but in a certain sequence:

  • The pipe is cut and chamfered.
  • A clamp nut is put on the pipe.
  • It is followed by a collet.
  • Next, in turn, put on the thrust and sealing ring.
  • The pipe is inserted into the fitting body, all parts are shifted to the edge and the nut is tightened.

This method is most often used when assembling domestic irrigation systems in country houses or in a summer cottage.

The connection of metal-plastic pipes in household water pipes is carried out by welding with an electrofusion coupling. Therefore, to perform the work, it is necessary to have a special welding device and an electric coupling having a diameter in accordance with the cross section of the elements to be connected.

The welding procedure involves the following steps:

  • Preparation of the surface of the connected elements. To do this, remove the top layer of tubular products with a special scraper and degrease the cleaned area.
  • The ends of the elements to be connected are inserted into the electric coupling, while the joint should be located exactly in its middle.
  • The electrical coupling is connected to welding machine and the spirals inside it begin to heat up. As a result, polyethylene begins to melt and welding of the edges of the pipe elements occurs.

The device for this type of welding has a very high price, therefore, if it is not intended to be used further, it is better to rent the device for a few days than to spend a large amount for its one-time use.

How to connect PVC pipes

Polyvinyl chloride tubular products are connected using a special adhesive composition. However, it is very difficult to call it glue, since when the surfaces to be joined are treated with this substance, the plastic melts, and the edges are welded, not glued. In other words, pipes are soldered without a soldering iron.

The process of connecting pipes of their polyvinyl chloride is as follows:

  • First, the edges of the pipes to be joined are cleaned of dust and dirt and dried well.
  • Then the chamfer is removed from the ends. This action must be performed without fail so that the adhesive does not scrape off when connecting the elements.
  • then one end of the pipe is inserted into the fitting to measure its depth. Make an appropriate mark on the pipe with a pencil or marker.
  • The end of the pipe is treated with an adhesive to the mark using a brush. In this case, we should not forget that you can not leave glue on the surface for more than 25 seconds.
  • The elements are connected and rotated slightly to evenly distribute the composition over the entire surface. The glue should dry naturally without any external influences. The drying time of the adhesive composition can be affected by air temperature and other factors.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that in most cases, the connection of plastic pipes can be done by hand, without special devices at hand and without special knowledge and skills. The main condition is strict adherence to technology. It is also important to listen to the advice of professionals. This will help to complete the installation of water supply without unnecessary material costs.

A significant increase in the replacement of obsolete water supply networks has led to the emergence of a leading material such as polypropylene pipes. Therefore, today we will talk about how to do this work, what are the advantages of communications from such material.

Advantages of polypropylene pipes and their scope

First of all, you need to know why polypropylene pipes could so quickly become the most popular material for laying water supply and heating systems.

Advantages of polypropylene pipes:

  • Polypropylene pipes are highly resistant to corrosion processes. In addition, deposits do not occur on the inner walls of the pipes. mineral salts, due to this, during the entire period of operation, the section of the line does not change.

  • Guaranteed service life of pipes is 50 years (subject to operating conditions, temperature and pressure).
  • Polypropylene pipes can be operated at liquid pressure up to 25 atmospheres, working temperature is 95, and the maximum allowable (for a short time) reaches 110 degrees.
  • This material is sufficiently resistant to various chemicals.
  • An important, and in some cases the main role is played by the relatively low price and ease of installation of lines made of polypropylene pipes.

The scope of such pipes is quite wide, they are used for laying the following highways:

A prerequisite that allows the use of polypropylene in these areas is the exact observance of the soldering (welding) technology, and for this you need to know how to properly solder plastic pipes, what tool is used for this.

Soldering tool for polypropylene pipes

First of all, you should decide on the choice of tool that is used for soldering polypropylene pipes. To perform work at the household level, it is quite enough to purchase an inexpensive minimum set of equipment, which includes:

Welding machine (soldering iron). The main task of this tool is to heat the surfaces of the elements to be joined to a temperature of 260 degrees.. It is under such conditions that the process of diffusion welding is possible, as a result of which a permanent connection is obtained, which in its properties is not inferior to the material of the main pipe.

Before choosing a soldering iron for plastic pipes, it is necessary to determine the main scope of its application. For domestic use models with a power of 900-1200 W are quite enough, for professional purposes it is worth purchasing more powerful equipment, the cost of which is much more expensive.

When choosing, pay attention to the following design features tool:

It is these design features of the soldering iron that will determine the convenience of working with it and its durability.

Nozzles for soldering pipes. Inexpensive tool kits usually include 3-4 nozzles for working with pipes of various diameters. If necessary, these nozzles are purchased separately. The main feature of such elements is the quality non-stick coating. Usually Teflon is used for these purposes, a higher-quality layer of this material is used on professional tools, which practically prevents sticking of polypropylene during the soldering process.

For cutting polypropylene pipes, special scissors for plastic are used. They are characterized by a reinforced design that allows you to cut even reinforced pipes. There is such a tool in any minimum set for soldering polypropylene pipes.

To work with reinforced pipes, you also need a device that allows you to chamfer the workpiece along with a layer of aluminum foil. Soldering reinforced pipes without removing this layer is not possible. Of course, you can remove the reinforcement with a simple knife, but with such a device the operation is faster and better. Unfortunately, most tool kits do not have such a device, so you need to take care of purchasing it separately.

Rules for soldering polypropylene pipes

Before soldering plastic pipes made of polypropylene, a number of preparatory operations must be performed:

In general, the procedure for soldering polypropylene pipes is not complicated. The main thing is to observe the dimensions and withstand the heat treatment time. Then the resulting joint will last long enough.

Pipelines made of polypropylene, with their high-quality assembly, can last up to half a century without repair. The popularity of plastic communications in construction individual houses explained, among other things, by the fact that the installation polypropylene pipelines available for independent execution.

The choice of method for connecting plastic pipes depends on the availability special tool, the nature of the materials being joined, the purpose of communications.

All methods of installing polypropylene pipes can be divided into two large categories. One involves welding materials by heating an organic polymer to a melting temperature. The second includes all "cold" methods of connection, with the exception of cold welding.

  1. Welded joints are called one-piece. Diffusion processes are involved here. Homogeneous polymers are mixed at the molecular level, forming a monolith. This docking is the most durable, but requires a special tool or glue (with cold welding). The second disadvantage is the impossibility of temporary dismantling of communications without destroying part of the structure.
  2. Detachable (threaded) connections are made using special fittings. They are used when joining thin-walled pipes of small diameter, when making structures from different materials, joining polypropylene with polyethylene, with metal elements.

Diffusion welding

There are butt welding (pipe to pipe) and with the use of additional fittings (coupling). These are technologies based on the melting of polypropylene, which differ in the nuances of the work.

Diffusion sleeve welding is carried out on polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 16 to 40 mm.

Here the fitting serves to supply additional amount polypropylene to make the connection secure.

For thicker-walled materials, butt welding is carried out, connecting the pipe parts directly, without the use of additional parts. Manufacturers polypropylene materials offer fittings entirely from polymer materials, combined, with the transition to a thread for metal elements.

The fitting configuration is selected based on the characteristics of the pipeline. Manufacturers offer the following types of connecting elements:

  • corners, tees, couplings;
  • fittings for connecting elements of one diameter, with a transition to another diameter;
  • fully polymer or polymer-metal combinations;
  • with internal, external thread.

When creating modern engineering networks craftsmen are forced to decide how to connect plastic pipes for plumbing. Connection technologies may vary and depend on the specific type of system and other operating conditions.

Plastic in the construction of communications has practically replaced iron and steel. Polymer pipes do not require expensive equipment or specific qualifications of the master to connect.

The connection of plastic water pipes with your own hands can be carried out by different technologies. Their choice depends on the purpose of the system, the type of polymer used and the dimensions of the pipe. The main connection types are:

In general, it is possible to connect plastic pipes both without welding and with it, that is, installation can be carried out in a “hot” (welding) or “cold” way.

The most rational when installing a water supply system is. What are its advantages and features - read in a separate article.

How to organize water supply in a private house from a well is described.

Connection without welding for various types of plastic pipes

The connection of plastic pipes without soldering can be carried out different ways. The choice of a specific technology depends on the type of polymeric water supply system:

1. Polyethylene pipes HDPE connect with . No specific installation equipment is required, muscular effort, or, in extreme cases, a crimp key, is quite enough. Such a do-it-yourself installation of plastic pipes will be simple, but it will take some time, since each joint will need to be carefully crimped. In addition, this method is still less reliable than soldering.

Features of connecting plastic and metal pipes

The connection of plastic pipes with metal pipes is necessary in cases where an old sewer or plumbing system is being repaired, where steel or cast iron elements are present.

If plastic and cast iron pipes are joined in sewer system, then the installation of the joint is very simple, with the help of special adapters, which are available in various sizes. But the methods that are traditionally used for joining cast-iron pipes are not suitable in the case of plastic. In particular, due to chasing, the plastic pipe is deformed, and there will be no question of the reliability of the connection. The interface between polymer and cast iron pipe it is also impractical to seal with cement - after all, plastic and cast iron expand differently due to heating - it will be enough just to fill the pipes several times hot water so that the connection loses its tightness and becomes unusable.

How to connect plastic pipes for water supply with metal? Greater reliability will be required here, since the pressure in the plumbing system is higher. In particular, if a water supply system is created from pipes up to 4 cm in diameter, then the joint is created using an appropriate fitting. It will have a thread on the metal side, and a standard coupling on the plastic side.

Important: Do not forget to carefully seal the connection on the side of the metal pipe - this is suitable traditional materials and technologies, for example, linseed fibers impregnated with linseed oil.

If we are talking about the installation of a pipeline with a diameter exceeding 40 mm, it is advisable to use a flange connection to connect metal and plastic parts. This greatly simplifies the installation process, especially since it will not be difficult to select the appropriate adapters.

And when pipelines are assembled from different materials, where the medium will be under high pressure, then it is worth using a metal hose. To attach such a part to a plastic part, you will need an appropriate fitting, and it is attached to the metal with a threaded connection.

In this way, you can create the most reliable joint and switch from old metal structures to more practical and durable plastic ones. These methods are applicable to both heating and plumbing systems.

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic pipes: video

In this section, on the video, you can see how plastic pipes are connected without soldering into the socket.