Which polypropylene is better for heating? Polypropylene pipes for heating: types, selection criteria, marking Which PPR pipes to choose for heating

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Which polypropylene pipes are better: 6 little things that can determine the fate of the future pipeline

Everyone has probably heard about the victorious march of polypropylene in the field of plumbing. But which polypropylene pipes are best used in a given situation? For example, when I first came to a specialized store for this particular product, I was puzzled by the rather extensive number of offers. So I propose to deal with the most essential criteria, which, due to inexperience, can be considered insignificant trifles.

Some general characteristics

Why is it worth switching from the same metal to polypropylene at all? Why are plastic pipes better than cast iron or metal? Before delving into their varieties, you need to have an idea of ​​their advantages:

  • Complete absence of corrosive processes... Under the condition of constant contact with water, a quite significant quality;
  • Absolutely smooth walls, thanks to which the pressure retains its intensity for as long as possible. In addition, there is no effect of the formation of build-ups, which makes metal analogs unusable;

  • Almost complete no noise emitting the transported liquid;
  • Relatively low price... This is one of the most important advantages due to which most owners choose plastic pipes;
  • Simple instruction installation work. With the help of a pipe soldering iron, reliable connections are easily and quickly created, since the melting point of the material in question is only 260 degrees Celsius above zero;

  • No risk of ruptures as a result of freezing of the transported liquid, which is very important for external highways during winter periods;
  • A huge number of all kinds of connecting fittings that allow you to lay construction pipelines of any complexity;
  • Durability... The term of use of polypropylene exceeds 50 years.

The positive aspects of this material are obvious, but they can differ dramatically depending on the brand and type of pipes, so it is worth having an idea about these nuances.

What you should pay attention to

If you just come and order plastic pipes for yourself, then in the end you may encounter many problems during their operation or simply overpay where it is not required. To avoid such undesirable outcomes, you will be helped by understanding the meaning of some of the "little things" that you can find even during a visual inspection of the product:

Little thing # 1: the number of layers

In this context, we are talking about single-layer and multi-layer products. And here everything is simple:

  • Single layer polypropylene pipes are cheaper and are used to create most types of piping systems, but are not suitable for operation at high temperatures, since they begin to deform when heated to 70-90 degrees Celsius;
  • Multilayer due to the reinforcement, the samples are able to withstand much higher temperatures, although they are, accordingly, more expensive.

For the purpose of installing an apartment heating system, I recommend purchasing reinforced products. The fact is that in winter the temperature generated in boiler rooms can significantly exceed the threshold permissible for single-layer pipes.

Trifle number 2: marking on single-layer pipes, which determines their more accurate composition

On all plastic pipes that have one layer, you can find certain designations by which you can judge their more detailed composition and recommended field of application:

Marking Name Peculiarities Areas of use
RRN Homopolymer
  • High hardness;
  • Lack of resistance to low temperatures
  • Ventilation systems;
  • Industrial pipelines
RRV Block copolymer
  • Flexibility;
  • Frost resistance
  • Cold water supply systems;
  • Underfloor heating systems;
  • Manufacturing of impact resistant fittings and pipes
PPR Statistical copolymer
  • High strength;
  • Ability to withstand a short-term temperature jump up to +110 degrees Celsius;
  • Form recovery after defrosting;
  • High resistance to acids and alkalis;
  • Excellent sound insulation
  • Cold and hot water supply systems;
  • Underfloor heating systems;
  • Heating systems in private houses;
  • Compressed air systems

I recommend purchasing single-layer pipes with PPR marking for home use, since they have the best performance characteristics, and their cost is not much higher than their less practical counterparts.

Trifle # 3: Reinforcement Method

If you plan to use polypropylene products when installing a heating system in an apartment, then, as I noted above, you will need multi-layer reinforced samples.

They have greater rigidity and good resistance to high temperatures, for which, however, one has to come to terms with the increase in their cost, and in some cases also with additional difficulties when performing installation work, associated precisely with the need to eliminate reinforcement at the soldering point.

But even in this case, I was expected to choose from the two most common options:

  1. Pipe with foil-coated intermediate layer... If the foil is located close to the outer side of the product, then it is removed with the help of a shaver, but if it is closer to the inner side of the product, then the cut edge is butted to avoid metal contact with the transported liquid. In any case, additional work during welding is provided. In turn, such pipes are divided into the following types, depending on the structure of the reinforcing layer:
    • Perforated layer... This means that the foil has holes, and in the process of filling the blank with polypropylene, it seeps through them, creating a reliable connection without the use of glue;

    • Solid layer... In this case, there are three separate layers glued together;

  1. Glass fiber reinforced pipe... In this case, the reinforcement is performed by adding fiberglass filler to the polypropylene. This approach has clear advantages:
    • No need to clean the pipe edge before it;
    • Increasing the stiffness factor of the product;
    • Reduction of the thermal expansion rate by 75%;
    • Monolithic structure... There is no division into layers in this case.

Trifle number 4: marking that determines the pressure and temperature withstand by the pipe

Before choosing polypropylene pipes for laying a specific pipeline, you need to carefully read the designations starting with the letters PN. This "little thing" will tell you what conditions a particular product can withstand.

The classification of polypropylene pipes on this basis looks like this:

  • PN 10... Suitable for transportation cold water, the temperature of which does not exceed +20 degrees Celsius. Allowable pressure - up to 1 MPa;

  • PN 16... It is already possible to use products here, both in cold and hot water supply, so they are able to withstand heating up to +60 degrees Celsius and pressure up to 1.6 MPa;

  • PN 20... There is no problem with transportation of hot liquid, the temperature of which even reaches +95 degrees Celsius. The working pressure is 2 MPa;

  • PN 25... These are already reinforced samples used in heating systems... Withstand temperature jumps exceeding +95 degrees Celsius, and working pressure up to 2 MPa.

With an increase in the number after the letters PN, not only the operational properties increase, but also the cost of the products, therefore, in order not to overpay, choose those pipes that exactly correspond to your plans. That is, for example, for a cold water supply system, there is absolutely no need to buy relatively expensive reinforced samples.

Little thing # 5: color

Here the opinions of experts differ. Some of them believe that the color of the pipes does not affect their technical characteristics in any way. But others reasonably note that such markings put into products by manufacturers should be taken into account. I am a reinsurer, so I take the side of the latter in this matter.

And this is what the color according to the manufacturer's version can tell:

  1. White:
    • Ability to withstand a pressure of 25 bar;
    • Cheapness;
    • Complete absence of corrosive processes;

  1. Gray:
    • Heat resistance;
    • Long operational period;
    • Ecological cleanliness;
    • Excellent tightness;

  1. Black:
    • UV resistance;
    • High resistance to aggressive acids and alkalis;
    • Resistant to drying effect;
    • Increased strength parameters;

  1. Green... Cheap samples with a low threshold of working pressure, used, as a rule, for the implementation of a garden watering system.

As you can see, colored items can also tell some information, which, however, has a rather general appearance.

Trifle number 6: manufacturer

You can answer, they say, this is not a car or even household appliances, so that you can also follow the brand here. But only if you deal with the products of a well-known company, you can be sure that all the designations described above will correspond to reality.

With some of the same product of dubious origin, you may not pay attention to the marking at all, since it is most likely applied only to increase the cost.

Country Company name

The repair of heating pipelines must be approached responsibly. The durability and correct functioning of the system depends on the quality of materials and the strength of their installation. The market leaders in this area today are polypropylene materials, which are not inferior in strength to metal ones.

Polypropylene pipes began to be used for heating systems relatively recently. Prior to that, their place was taken by solid steel pipes. Such structures were connected by welding, were durable, but difficult to install and expensive to manufacture.

Polypropylene pipes have undergone a number of important metamorphoses in their short history. By itself, polypropylene does not have the heat resistance that the companies developing it were supposed to receive. That is why the first heat transfer systems with such pipes quickly fell into disrepair, and they began to be skeptical about the material itself.

At the moment, polypropylene pipes have been significantly improved. There are various models that are used for supplying cold and hot water, heating and drainage. When carrying out repairs, it is important to choose pipes that are designed for specific purposes, otherwise the structure will not be serviceable.

It is important! At the moment, there are many companies that produce and sell pipes for heating systems. It is advisable to buy pipes along with all components from official suppliers in specialized stores, since there are many low-quality fakes.

Varieties of PPR pipes

Polypropylene pipes are used in various fields, but not all are suitable for heating. In pursuit of cheap material, you might buy the wrong kind of pipes that can withstand hot water under pressure. It is important to be able to distinguish one type of pipe from another.

The classification of polypropylene pipes is as follows:

  • PP-N. This is the first generation of polypropylene pipes. This model has all the properties of the base material. PP-N are hermetically sealed and resistant to high pressure, in addition, they do not enter into chemical reactions. However, the melting of such a pipe can begin already at a temperature of 50 ͒С. Such pipes are used in the cold water supply system, ventilation and for industrial purposes;
  • PP-B. During the production of this type, the formula of the material was slightly changed. The pipes turned out to be stronger and more durable, but the temperature fluctuations still could not withstand. Such pipes have the advantages of the previous generation and, in addition, better tolerate hot temperatures. However, they are unsuitable for a heating system and even hot water supply. Such pipes are often used in the construction of sewers;
  • PP-R. In the production of these pipes, ethylene is used in addition to polypropylene. This allows them to withstand high temperature loads. In addition, such pipes are usually reinforced, which allows them to withstand temperatures above 100 ° C. Reinforced pipes PP-R are the most suitable option for a heating system.

A variety of materials are used for laying communication systems necessary for heating air in residential and office premises. It is worth carefully considering one of the most popular options - polypropylene pipes for heating.

They are somewhat inferior to steel and metal-plastic products, but in a number of indicators they surpass their characteristics. In this article, we will take a closer look at the existing varieties of polypropylene pipes, the features of their marking, the advantages and disadvantages of using.

We will also pay attention to the installation of a polypropylene pipeline and focus on the secrets of welding pipes from this material. In addition, consider the best manufacturers supplying quality products to the market at an affordable price.

Polypropylene (PP) is a polymer belonging to the group of thermoplastics, that is, substances whose properties change depending on the ambient temperature.

At 140 ° C, products made of this type of plastic soften, and at 170 ° C, they melt. The maximum temperature for their use is 120 ° C.

However, for safety reasons, manufacturers usually indicate the permissible temperature of 90-95 ° C, since the combination of an elevated temperature (115-120 ° C) with a high pressure of 6-7 kgf / m2 can be dangerous

When using PP products, it is important to take into account that this type of plastic has a pronounced thermal expansion. At high temperatures, polymer parts can expand significantly, for example, the length of a three-meter pipe increases by 3 cm.

Advantages of polypropylene pipes

Products made of this type of polymer have many advantages:

  • have an integral structure without a longitudinal seam;
  • plastic parts do not corrode;
  • are lightweight for easy transportation and storage;
  • can be used even at high pressure;
  • easy to install, which allows you to assemble structures yourself, without the involvement of professionals;
  • polypropylene products can be operated for a long time (50 or more years);
  • the cost of such elements is lower than their counterparts (steel, metal-plastic);
  • have low thermal conductivity, due to which heat loss is minimized;
  • do not freeze at subzero temperatures;
  • they practically do not create hydraulic resistance, which allows the water flow to move without noise and vibration;
  • polypropylene products are considered environmentally friendly, they do not emit harmful substances, and water does not acquire foreign odors;
  • such elements are hygienic: polymers do not contribute to the development of unicellular plants and microbes;
  • products made of polypropylene have an aesthetic appearance; they do not require painting or other finishing.

However, to take advantage of all these benefits, it is necessary to correctly or.

GOST for plastic pipes

Although there is no separate standard for polypropylene pipes, their quality and characteristics are noted in a single GOST R52134-2003... It lists the standards for installation elements (pipes and fittings) made of thermoplastic materials that are used for heating communications and hot water supply.

These standards apply to products made from the following types of polymers:

  • polybutene ( PB, PB);
  • polyethylene ( PE,PE);
  • chlorinated ( PVC-C, CPVC) and unplasticized ( PVC-U,PVC-U) polyvinyl chloride ( Pvc);
  • cross-linked polyethylene ( PE-X,PE-S);
  • polypropylene, polymers of the same group (block copolymer, homopolymer, random polymer).

The document also regulates the dimensional characteristics of pipes, the conditions of use and all kinds of technical qualities, such as safety factor, maximum temperature / pressure indicators (they determine the category to which this or that product belongs).

GOST R 52134-2003, in the development of which international standards and requirements for thermoplastic pipes were taken into account, can be used to assess the quality of polymer elements.

The standards are also useful for calculating the wall thickness of products: knowing the required operating conditions and the service life of the pipe, you can find out which parts are suitable in a particular case

It should be noted that GOST R 52134-2003 in no way contradicts GOST 18599(PE product standard) and GOST 51613(standards for PVC), but supplements them.

PP pipes are used for various construction works:

  • when arranging centralized heating;
  • organization of boiler installations;
  • cold / hot water supply gaskets;
  • the device of risers;
  • installation of "warm floor".

In addition, such elements can be used in agriculture for the construction of drainage systems and soil water disposal, as well as in industry for the transportation of chemicals, including aggressive media.

Varieties of propylene pipes

Since products from this type of plastic are produced in a wide range, there are several types of classifications.

Various colors

The assortment of polypropylene pipes includes products of different colors. The most common mounting elements are white, green, gray and black.

As a rule, the shade of the products is chosen arbitrarily and depends on the design of pipes and manufacturers (some enterprises traditionally produce pipes of the same color, for example, green).

When choosing polypropylene pipes, you should pay attention to the color of the products. This criterion is especially important if you plan to install an open system in living rooms or service areas (bathroom, kitchen)

The only exception is plastic products in a radical black shade. Typically, this color is an indication of the maximum level of UV protection.

Various types of constructions

According to the internal structure, all polypropylene pipes can be distinguished into two basic categories:

  • single-layer, consisting of one plastic layer;
  • multilayer (reinforced) of several shells, which consist not only of plastic, but also of materials reinforcing the structure, creating a strong frame.

Reinforced structures are preferable to single-layer ones, since in this case the value of the thermal elongation of the pipe is significantly reduced.

Varieties of multilayer pipes

There are several options for multilayer pipes. The most commonly used reinforcement materials are aluminum and fiberglass.

And also follow a few simple rules:

  • All work must be carried out at positive temperatures (> 5 °).
  • Protect polypropylene elements from contact with open flames.
  • Threading is prohibited on PP parts.
  • Before starting work, you must carefully inspect the product to avoid contamination and damage.

Since polypropylene has linear expansion, when installing parts, it is necessary to provide for the use of expansion joints, which are made of the same material as the pipes. Such elements are installed in places hidden from the eyes, which are better to pick up in advance.

Particular attention should be paid to the connection of pipes with a tee. Since there are no metals in plastic structures, there is no need to fear the loss of hard salts, due to which the fasteners become almost monolithic

If, when laying a large-scale communications section, the installation of the compensator is difficult due to lack of space, it is advisable to provide a 5-10 mm gap in the scheme, provided for linear expansion.

It should be noted that the expansion coefficient is less for pipes reinforced with aluminum than for their counterparts with fiberglass, but the latter never break.

Welding heating pipes

To weld the elements, you must use a special soldering iron, the regulator of which is set at 270 ° C.

Features of the choice of soldering temperature

When soldering, it is important to take into account the ambient temperature: if the process takes place outdoors or in a cold room, the nozzle will cool down quickly.

Step-by-step instructions for welding pipes

To solder two pipe sections made of polypropylene, it is necessary to perform a number of operations.

To cut polypropylene pipes, you can use special scissors, as well as a hacksaw or an electric jigsaw (in the latter case, it is important to remove the chips)

First of all, you need to measure the bottom of the pipe, and then cut it off with a special tool -. If a part reinforced with aluminum is used for installation, it is necessary to first get rid of the upper and middle layers. Burrs are also removed from the cleaned and cut end of the element.

Use a marker on the pipe to mark the depth of the planned insertion of the fitting. To prevent narrowing of the passage, it is necessary to provide a small (1 mm) interval between the protrusion and the end of the fitting in the intervals. A marker is used to mark the joint on the surface of the pipe and the fastener.

The elements are simultaneously pushed onto two nozzles of the welding machine and heated up within 5 seconds (the period can be increased when using large parts). After they are sufficiently heated, the workpieces must be removed from the nozzles and connected according to the applied marks, pushing them towards each other and evenly pressing down (but not screwing them, since this may break the layer).

It is important to control the fasteners from all sides to avoid misalignment in the radial / axial directions. The coupling should smoothly reach the flange, as a result of which an annular bulge, the so-called flanging, will appear on the pipe.

The seam cools down within 10-30 seconds, during which it is necessary to check the uniformity of the flanging, and, if necessary, make a small correction of the connection.

After that, you can proceed to another stage of work, a plan for which it is better to develop in advance.

The use of PP pipes unsuitable for the heating system or the wrong choice of diameter can lead to fatal consequences - rupture of products

When carrying out welding work with plastic pipes, it is important not to overheat the workpieces, which is easy to determine by the darkening of the material. At excessively high temperatures, polypropylene can melt and clog the pipe, blocking the inside.

To avoid mistakes in soldering and disastrous consequences as a result, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Polypropylene pipe manufacturers

Polypropylene mounting elements are produced by various domestic and foreign companies.

The products of German companies are especially famous: Akwatherm, Rehau, Banninger, Wefatherm, which is distinguished by the highest quality and excellent design. There is only one drawback - the price is too high.

Czech brands are no less popular FV-Plast, Ecoplastic... Users on the forums are distinguished by the special elasticity of such products, which makes it easier to process (for example, cut) pipes of these brands, and in some cases even allows you to adjust the size of the cut section by stretching it a couple of centimeters.

Turkish manufacturers are also widely represented on the Russian market. Vesbo, TEBO, Jakko, Firat, Pilsa, Kalde.

The cost of Turkish pipes is much lower than that of analogs made by European manufacturers, while the quality is quite high

Among the many Chinese products, it is worth paying attention to mounting elements. Dizayn, Blue ocean... They are distinguished by excellent performance and budget price.

The products of Russian companies should not be ignored either. Products of firms "Polytek", Heisskraft, RVC, PRO AQUA, Santrade pleases with both quality and price.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The presented video will tell and show you how to navigate in a wide range of plastic products intended for heating communications.

When choosing products made of polypropylene, you need to get acquainted with their characteristics in order to determine exactly how much a pipe of a particular type suits your purpose.

As a rule, the product descriptions contain the technical characteristics of the products, and also indicate their intended purpose, which allows you to make an unmistakable choice.

Or maybe you have theoretical knowledge on the topic of the article and want to supplement the material presented by us? Leave your comments, add recommendations - they will be useful for beginners.

The range of polymer piping systems is now presented in many options, you can choose elements and designs for every taste from a domestic or foreign manufacturer. A significant part of the piping systems offered on the market is made of polypropylene. In this article, we will help you figure out how to choose polypropylene pipes.

How to choose polypropylene pipes

Which polypropylene pipes to choose? Let's first figure out why they are so good:

    Corrosion resistant. Due to this property, polypropylene pipes retain their quality over a long period of operation.

    The service life of polypropylene products is three to four times longer than their metal counterparts.

    Highly resistant to biochemical aggressive influences, chemically inert, have excellent passability.

    They are reliable, and this is well demonstrated by the operation of polypropylene pipes in the cold season. Such pipelines are not subject to rupture.

    They create little noise and vibration, which makes polypropylene pipes ideal for heating systems (extraneous sounds are practically inaudible when using them).

    The head practically does not change (low coefficient of hydraulic resistance).

    Polypropylene pipes allow you to keep the heat of hot water in pipes for 10–20 percent longer than metal counterparts.

    Polypropylene pipes are easy and inexpensive to install, the connections are reliable.

    The range of fittings is large enough, so you can make the wiring of systems of any configuration and complexity.

    Polypropylene pipes are harmless to human health.

By design, polypropylene pipes can be:



Single layer polypropylene pipes are characterized by a lower cost, they can be chosen to create almost all types of piping systems, but they are not suitable for operation at high temperatures, since they are deformed at a temperature of 70–90 ° С.

For high temperature applications, select multilayer propylene pipes, as their heat resistance increases due to the reinforcement. They cost, respectively, more.

For an apartment, it is better to choose reinforced polypropylene pipes. This is explained as follows: in winter, the temperature of the coolant supplied to the heating system may be higher than the permissible value for single-layer pipes.

On single-layer products there are designations on the basis of which you can find out about the composition, and they will also help you figure out which polypropylene pipes should be chosen for the water supply system:




Areas of use


High hardness.

Lack of resistance to low temperatures

Ventilation systems.

Industrial pipelines

Block copolymer


Frost resistance

Cold water supply systems.

Underfloor heating systems.

Manufacturing of impact resistant fittings and pipes

Statistical copolymer

High strength.

Ability to withstand a short-term temperature jump up to +110 ° C.

Form recovery after defrosting.

High resistance to acids and alkalis.

Excellent sound insulation

Cold and hot water supply systems.

Underfloor heating system.

Heating systems in private houses.

Compressed air systems

Important! Which polypropylene pipes to choose for heating? We recommend single-layer PPR-labeled. They have proven themselves well in work, and the price is almost the same as that of analogues.

As mentioned above, it is better to choose polypropylene multilayer reinforced pipes for an apartment.

Such pipes have higher stiffness and heat resistance. They are somewhat more expensive, but it makes sense to overpay a little for better performance. And yet, difficulties may arise during their installation, since reinforcement must be removed at the soldering points.

Reinforcement of polypropylene pipes can be done in one of two ways:

    with foil-coated intermediate layer;

    fiberglass reinforcement.

Consider foil-clad polypropylene pipes. If the foil is too close to the outside, it can be removed with a shaver. If it is closer to the inner side of the product, then the cut edge is butted so that there is no contact between it and the coolant. Whatever it was, welding will entail additional work. Such pipes differ depending on the structure of the reinforcing layer:

    Perforated layer. That is, there are holes in the foil through which polypropylene flows during the casting process of the preform, and a reliable connection is obtained without the need for glue.

    Solid layer. In such polypropylene pipes there are three layers, well glued together.

The fiberglass pipe is reinforced by adding fiberglass filler to the polypropylene. The advantages of this method are as follows:

    no need to clean the edges of the polypropylene pipe before starting welding;

    the coefficient of stiffness of the polypropylene pipe increases;

    the rate of thermal expansion is reduced by 75%;

    monolithic structure: different layers cannot be seen in the product.

If you decide for yourself to choose reinforced polypropylene pipes, then we advise you to consider options with fiberglass. In many respects, their characteristics are better than those of their metal-plastic counterparts.

Before finally choosing polypropylene pipes for a specific purpose, pay attention to all designations starting with the letters PN. This will allow you to find out for what specific conditions these pipes are designed.

The classification of polypropylene pipes on this basis looks like this:

  • PN 10. Such a product should be chosen for a low temperature of the working fluid (within +20 ° C). The maximum pressure is up to 1 MPa.

  • PN 16. Such polypropylene pipes can be selected for operation at both low and high temperatures (up to +60 ° C), the pressure can reach 1.6 MPa.

  • PN 20. These polypropylene pipes should be selected for high temperatures (up to +95 ° C) and a pressure of 2 MPa.

  • PN 25. These polypropylene pipes are reinforced and should be selected for heating systems. They do not fail with temperature surges, they can withstand heating more than +95 ° C, the working pressure can be up to 2 MPa.

With an increase in the number following the letters PN, the performance properties and cost of polypropylene pipes are improved. In order not to have to pay too much, before finally choosing a product, decide what indicators you need: for a cold water supply system there is no need to purchase sufficiently expensive reinforced samples.

What color of polypropylene pipes is better to choose? Experts do not give an unambiguous answer to this question: some think that the applied color does not change the technical characteristics of the pipes, while others are of the opposite opinion.

Below we describe what the characteristics of polypropylene pipes can be, depending on the color.


    the ability not to fail at a pressure of 25 bar;

    low price;

    no corrosion.


    resistance to high temperatures;

    long period of operation;

    ecological cleanliness;

    excellent tightness.


    resistance to ultraviolet radiation;

    resistance to aggressive acids and alkalis;

    resistance to drying effect;

    increased strength parameters.

Green. Such polypropylene pipes are cheap, have a low operating pressure threshold, and are usually used to equip a garden irrigation system.

Thus, before choosing polypropylene pipes, we recommend that you study the features of these products, painted in one color or another.

If you decide to choose polypropylene pipes, then before buying, look at the manufacturer's official website. You need to do the following:

    Remember the logo, the font used, the letters and their color, the number of large letters. In other words, you need to take a very close look at the logo and its spelling. In fakes, one of the letters is usually changed / skipped / doubled. Thanks to this, firms can avoid claims, since if the letter is different, then the brand is different.

    Now you need to study the assortment, first choose what you need. After that, study the color, the location of the markings. This will help you in the store to distinguish the product from the counterfeit (if the store contains a product that differs in color or any details, then it is a fake). In this case, we recommend going to another store and choosing something better there.

    Study product samples prior to purchasing. Pipes and fittings of good firms have smooth walls (both external and internal). They have no sagging, depressions and other defects.

    Consider a cut of a pipe or fitting. The wall must have the same thickness. In a reinforced pipe, the reinforcing material is surrounded by polypropylene rings of equal thickness. If you see with the naked eye that it is uneven, then you should choose another product.

Thus, in order to choose a good polypropylene pipe, you need to pay attention to many details, and you should have a good overall impression of the product.

How to choose a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes

In this section of the article, we will try to figure out which apparatus for welding polypropylene pipes is better to choose?

Soldering irons hardly differ in their design, but in order to choose the most suitable one, it is necessary to take into account the difference in the method of attaching the nozzles to the heating surface.

The soldering iron consists of the following parts:

    body with a handle;

    welding heating element in a cast metal casing;


    special attachments.

A soldering iron is very similar to an iron in its device. These devices differ from each other only in purpose and shape. A soldering iron, like an iron, has a powerful heating element and a thermostat. The heating element is mounted in a flat or round housing.

In order to choose the most suitable mounting design for working attachments, you need to pay attention to the shape of the body. The work of the soldering iron is carried out according to the following scheme: the heating element is connected to the mains and heats the plate, and it heats the nozzles.

The heated nozzles convert the polypropylene into a viscous mass, which allows for a tight pipe connection. Ideally, the nozzles should be heated to a temperature of +260 ° C, to maintain which the thermostat works. This device is necessary so that the propylene does not overheat, otherwise it will become too liquid, "flow" and the diameter of the pipeline from this will decrease or it will be damaged.

With insufficient heating, the tightness of the connection will not be reliable enough. The thermostat performs another important function - it protects the heating element, preventing the metal head of the tool from melting. Cheaper soldering irons have built-in low-quality thermostats, due to which polypropylene pipes may not be heated enough or, conversely, too much. This will negatively affect the quality of the work performed by the installer.

In order for the soldering iron to work well, you should choose a high-quality nozzle, which directly determines how the joint will turn out. The attachments have different coatings. It is important to select them so that the non-stick layer is thick enough. It is most reliable if the tips are coated with Teflon or metallized Teflon, which is even more durable. Both materials are evenly heated at the ends of polypropylene pipes.

In order to choose this device correctly, you need to pay attention to its characteristics.


The most important indicator of the quality of a soldering iron. It determines what the maximum diameter of the polypropylene pipes to be connected and the heating time of the soldering iron can be, therefore, the power affects the installation speed, which is very important when it is necessary to perform large volumes of work. One cannot think that it would be better to choose a device that requires a lot of power. Often, buyers purchase a device with a capacity of 1.5-2 kilowatts, but this is the wrong approach.

In order to choose a soldering iron of the power you need, remember the rule: the diameter of the pipes to be connected in millimeters is multiplied by 10, this will be the minimum power of the device in watts. To carry out work on installing pipes in an apartment, a soldering iron with a power of 700 W is suitable (pipe diameter, as a rule, is 16–63 mm). We recommend that professionals choose more powerful devices of 1.5–2.0 kW, since the diameter of the connected polypropylene pipes is more than 100 mm.

Set of attachments

The work you do will be more effective if several nozzles are installed on the soldering iron at the same time. This will improve the functionality of the device and its usability. As a rule, nozzles are included with the purchased device; they are suitable for brazing polypropylene pipes of standard diameter. The 20th nozzle is used to connect 0.5 "metal pipes, the 25th and 40th nozzles are used for 0.75" and 1.25 "pipes. If it becomes necessary to connect polypropylene pipes with a large diameter of the nozzle, you will have to buy separately. A hand-held soldering iron can be used to mount polypropylene pipes with a diameter of no more than 63 mm (this corresponds to a steel pipe with a diameter of 2 inches).

In order to choose the nozzles you need, you need to take into account the performance of the device: the value of this indicator directly affects the size of the diameter of the nozzle. In addition, it is important to take into account the specifics of the work performed. Here you need to answer the question: what diameter of polypropylene pipes should you choose? For professional repairs, pipes with a diameter of 10 to 110 millimeters may be required. DIYers only work in sizes 16mm (0.5 "), 24mm (1") and 32mm (1.25 "). There is no need to buy any other attachments, as the sizes listed above are sufficient for non-professional repairs.

It is also important to select the correct construction material for the nozzle. Preference should be given to materials with good thermal conductivity and Teflon coating. To do homework, you only need 2-3 attachments, so it will not be difficult to purchase quality products.

Heating temperature and thermostat

Welding machines, which are used to connect polypropylene pipes, are heated, as a rule, to a temperature of + 50 ... +300 ° C. The most common equipment is operating at a temperature of +260 ° C. It is important that the designations on the scale of the thermostat are written clearly and legibly, the position of the flywheel must be securely fixed so that, if accidentally touched, it does not knock down the set temperature.

You can choose a device that provides a digital indication of the heating temperature. For home use, there is no need for such a function, especially since it increases the cost of welding equipment.

You can choose a device with a built-in power button, which somewhat simplifies the use of the tool (no need to insert / pull the plug into the outlet). If the device is designed for professional work, then it can have two heating stages, which can be switched if necessary. If you decide to choose a device that is of particularly high quality, then an emergency system for disconnecting from the network will most likely be installed on it in the event of a threat of overheating.

Ergonomics of the device

The device should be comfortable to use. It is important that its handle fits comfortably in your hand, is covered with an anti-slip layer, and also does not heat up.

The design and reliability of the stand is also an important detail. If you decide to choose tripods or arcs, then be prepared for the fact that they can slide on the flat surface on which they are installed. It is better to purchase a device with a platform stand. In the case when it is planned to carry out most of all work in the workshop on a workbench, you should choose a welding soldering iron on a stand, it should be equipped with a clamping device to fix it on the edge of the working surface, this is how you can achieve maximum stability.


It is often more profitable and more convenient to buy a device that is already equipped with all the necessary tools and accessories. As a rule, they are packed in a compact metal case, which is very convenient for the master.

The device comes with a stand, couplings and mandrels of six different diameters, screws, a screwdriver and a hex key for installing equipment, special scissors for cutting polypropylene pipes, a tape measure (there may also be a small bubble level for accurate marking and positioning of pipes at the installation site ), work gloves to prevent burns.

It is not necessary to purchase all of these as a set, but buying these items individually will cost more.

Manufacturer and brand

In order to choose a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes, you need to find out in which country it was produced, because both the price and the quality of the device depend on this. There is even an unofficial rating of a tool made in different manufacturing countries, based on customer reviews:


If you want to choose the most reliable tools, then go for Germany. A soldering iron for polypropylene pipes made in this country will serve you for many years. As a rule, professionals buy Czech instruments, as they are of the highest quality and functional. When deciding to choose appliances made in Europe, know that they are more expensive, but you can get more work done with them.

Models made in Russia and Turkey are cheaper and have their own characteristics when used, but they are suitable for home repair.

The Russian market is filled with Chinese models, but their quality is low and, accordingly, the price is lower. However, if you follow the operating conditions, then they will last long enough. Such a device can be chosen by someone who will use it only a couple of times a year.

Specialists of the company are always happy to help you with the choice of high-quality and durable polypropylene pipes. "SantechStandard"... Working with us, you get the following benefits:

    quality products at reasonable prices;

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The specialists of our company "SantechStandard" are ready to help you choose sanitary equipment for both individuals and companies. You just need to contact by phone:

Currently, the replacement of outdated steel pipelines and the laying of new heating lines are performed with polymer pipes of a new generation. In the ranking of popular materials for heating distribution, PPR pipes are in the first place. The proposed information article discusses in detail the technical characteristics of the material, the main advantages and disadvantages of a polypropylene pipe for heating.

Polypropylene belongs to a group of synthetic thermoplastic polymers that change their properties under the influence of temperature. As a result of a complex chemical process with the use of special catalysts of the organometallic group under the influence of medium and low pressure, propylene is polymerized and converted into polypropylene. The resulting material is highly resistant to an alkaline environment, as well as a high melting point, reaching 170 degrees. All these remarkable properties of polypropylene were used in the creation of a new generation of modern polypropylene pipes for heating and hot water supply lines.

Reasons to choose polypropylene pipes for the heating circuit

Home or inter-apartment wiring begins with consultations with heating installers and shopping trips in search of suitable materials. Almost all experts unanimously advise choosing polypropylene pipes as the best material for a private house or replacing central heating in multi-storey buildings.

The main incentives for choosing polypropylene pipes for heating are based on their technical characteristics :

  • Ability to withstand high pressure. Heating wiring made of polypropylene with a coolant temperature of up to 70 degrees is capable of withstanding an operating pressure of 4 to 6 atmospheres.
  • High rate of heat resistance. In a heated circuit made of PPR pipes, the maximum water temperature is 95 degrees.
  • Thermal conductivity. Due to this property, the polypropylene pipeline is not covered with condensate droplets.
  • Anti-corrosion resistance for heating. Polypropylene does not react with chemicals. The inner surface is not clogged or overgrown with solid layers.
  • Large margin of safety. Under normal operating conditions, polypropylene heating pipelines can be operated for up to 50 years.

The simple technology of assembling the heating circuit in combination with a complete set of connecting and docking fittings brings polypropylene pipes to the top of sales of popular polymer products.


At the beginning of their history, PPR polypropylene pipes were out of competition, they were widely used to replace heating circuits made of steel and cast iron. The short-term operation of the heating system, made of such elements, showed the weak resistance of the material to linear thermal deformations. To save the heating wiring from such unpleasant defects, polypropylene pipes were improved with internal reinforcement, or, as the builders call, "internal braiding":

  • Made of aluminum. Installation of aluminum-reinforced pipes is carried out with preliminary cleaning of the products so as not to damage the thin foil coating.

  • Fiberglass. Unlike the first type, the brazing of fiberglass pipelines is performed without any special conditions.

Reinforcement of the inner part of the pipes made of polypropylene made it possible to significantly reduce the linear thermal deformations of the heating line.

Reinforced polypropylene pipes for heating systems

Despite the extensive line of polypropylene pipe products, not all types of polypropylene products can be used in heating systems and hot water supply. If you ask any specialist: "Which PP pipes are better for heating", you can get an unambiguous answer that reinforced products are best suited for laying heating systems. This statement is based on the high degree of thermal expansion coefficient of products as a result of contact with a high temperature coolant. There are cases when, by mistake, the hot water supply and the heating line were assembled from ordinary polypropylene pipes and docking fittings. Under the influence of the hot coolant, the laid heating branch was deformed and sagged. The horizontal wiring has lost all its appeal and has become a wavy line.

Polypropylene pipes without reinforcement are suitable as a heating circuit for underfloor heating systems. In this case, the water temperature does not exceed the comfortable temperature and, in addition, the heating water pipe is rigidly fixed with a concrete screed and is less exposed to deformation stretches.

Of the entire extensive family of polypropylene pipe products, only reinforced products are considered the ideal material for laying heating and hot water networks.

Diameters of polypropylene pipes for heating

The main characteristic of the products is the cross-sectional size - the diameter, measured in mm. The heating home network consists of different sections, which are equipped with pipes of different diameters for the best effect:

  • from 100 to 200 mm are used for centralized hot water supply in multi-storey buildings, public buildings for civil purposes.
  • from 25 to 32 mm are used to connect private houses and small buildings.
  • Hot water is supplied along horizontal sections with a diameter of 20 mm, vertical risers are equipped with a diameter of 25 mm.

The presented table clearly shows the gradation of the diameter change depending on the amount of heat flux.

Polypropylene fittings for heating

Polypropylene pipe products consist not only of individual linear elements, but also of connecting or joining parts, called fittings. They are necessary for interconnection, connection to vertical risers, radiators and water taps, and other various devices.

Types of heating fittings:

  • Couplings.
  • Corner bends at 45 degrees or 90 degrees.
  • Tees for connecting three sections.
  • Plugs used in the dead-end part of the heating network or on the extreme sections of the radiators.
  • Transitions from one diameter to another.
  • Transitions from metal to plastic.

The exact number of fittings is determined after drawing up the wiring diagram. A graphically executed plan for the location of the heating network with the exact dimensions of each section and indicating the heating radiators will help you select pipes of the required diameter and calculate the number of connecting fittings ..

Leading manufacturers

The main task of any heating heating system is to create comfortable conditions in the room during the cold season.

The efficiency of heat transfer from heating devices depends on competent installation technology and on high-quality pipe products.

It is difficult even for specialists to navigate the brands and trade marks of polypropylene products. To slightly simplify the difficult choice of the right material and not to be mistaken in the selected products, we offer a top list of the best manufacturers of propylene heating pipes:

  • The first place belongs to European brands. An example is the German brands Aquatherm. Wefatherm (Wefatherm). Rehau, whose products are of excellent quality and perfect manufacturing technology. The only drawback of this product is its high price.
  • The second place is taken by Czech manufacturers. Many experts note the quality of EKOPLASTIK brand products. This company was the first to launch the production of polypropylene pipes with basalt fiber reinforcement, which can compete with the best German brands in quality and at a lower price.
  • The third place belongs to the well-known Turkish companies Tebo and Kalde, which produce products of average quality and affordable prices. Heating systems assembled from pipes and fittings of these brands are designed with an average service life of up to 50 years and, from a practical point of view, have no complaints.

The budget segment is represented by the line of the best Russian manufacturers PRO AQUA and RVK, as well as by the Chinese brand BLUE OCEAN. The firms have gained a good reputation and produce good quality products at an affordable price.

In order not to be mistaken in choosing polypropylene pipes and not to buy a fake of a well-known brand, you should carefully read the company logo on the official website, check the accuracy of the company name. It is necessary to pay attention to the evenness and smoothness of the surface, to check in practice the coincidence of the connecting fittings with the pipeline.