Do-it-yourself garden swing for children. How to make a garden swing out of wood? Making a canopy for a swing

Everyone wants to have at their disposal a beautiful and comfortable corner for relaxation. For many, the dacha becomes such a paradise. How to arrange a summer cottage so that it invariably gives you a good mood? Let's fast forward to childhood. Remember what pleasure you got from such a simple thing as a swing. They are fun for both children and adults.

Making a swing for a summer residence with your own hands is not so difficult. If you have even a little locksmith and installation skills, this task will not give you much trouble.

Swing designs are very diverse. There may be both budget options, concocted from the remnants of construction, and real masterpieces of architecture.

You can buy ready-made wooden swing for a summer residence of good quality at good prices in the Kupistol company.

Types of swing for giving

  • scale swing is a swing for children. The principle of the device is a board with two seats, in the middle there is a metal pipe on two racks;
  • a simple swing on two ropes is the simplest construction. A seating board suspended from two points;
  • a swing sofa on four ropes is the most common type of country swing. They are a bench with a back, suspended at four corners.

The swing can also be subdivided into stationary and portable. In the second version, the swing can be removed for the winter indoors, moved around the site at your discretion.

The swing can also be subdivided into stationary and portable.

Material for making

The following materials are used for the suspension components:

  • rope;
  • repscord (rope for mountaineering);
  • steel rope;
  • chain with a medium-sized link;
  • steel bar;
  • steel pipe.

To make a seat, you can use:

  • wood - boards, plywood;
  • a tree laid on metal corners;
  • metal - rod, strips;
  • plastic - for child seats.

Supports for swing

A simple swing can be hung almost anywhere. A strong bitch is most often chosen. You can also fit a crossbar between two trees.

For a sofa swing, you will need strong supports. They may be:

  • wooden - two supports crosswise;
  • metal - two supports, dug into the ground or with a square frame at the bottom;
  • metal - one column at a time, reinforced with a concrete screed.

How to make a simple swing in the country

The simplest option, which is perfect for children, is a simple swing made of wood. If there are no suitable trees in the recreation area, you can build supports from four logs. We bury the ends of the support into the ground to a depth of about 70 cm, connect them at the top with a hairpin or bolts with washers. Please note that the angle between the uprights must be large enough for the structure to be stable. The fifth log will serve as the upper crossbar, we also fasten it with bolts. Using fasteners sold in any hardware store, we attach a rope (strong cord, metal cable) to the crossbar. We make a seat from a board with a thickness of 30-50 mm, using hooks we attach the cord. The cord can be tied or special clips can be used. You can hang such a swing on four ropes. In this case, at the top, the cable is threaded into the hook or ring so that it does not slip, under the ring it is intercepted with a clamp.

You can hang such a swing on four ropes.

Option from a wooden bar

For the manufacture of such a swing, you will need a wooden beam and slats. Supports from a bar withstand a load of about 150 kg

Wooden beams measuring 10x10 cm will increase the strength of the swing, but will lead to a heavier structure. It is better to use a material with a section size of 5x10 cm.

We collect the support from the bars, starting from the lower frame. We calculate its dimensions by adding 40-50 cm to the dimensions of the seat. Vertical bars are attached to the frame, forming a triangle. From above, the structure is fastened with a vertical crossbar. All major fasteners are made using metal corners and self-tapping screws. For reliability, we attach another horizontal bar between two posts of one side.

We make a bench, starting from the frame. Separately, from the bars, we make a frame for the back and for the seat. We fasten the material from which we planned to make the swing onto the frames. It can be board, slats or plywood.

From above, the structure is fastened with a vertical crossbar.

We connect the finished back and seat with metal corners. Before that, we determine the comfortable angle of the seat, on average it will be about 120 degrees.

We make the armrests for the bench from slats, and also fasten them with self-tapping screws.

We hang the swing from the upper crossbar on a chain or a metal cable. As fasteners, metal brackets or hooks are used, they fix the chain on the back and on the seat of the swing.

The swing for the summer residence is ready. The height of the swing is adjusted so that the feet of the person sitting on them reach the ground. This design can be carried quite easily. When standing on the ground, the lower bar must be treated with a protective solution.

Swing for a summer residence made of metal

Such swings are more durable, depending on the design, they are designed for a weight of 300 kg or more, but they will be stationary. For manufacturing, you must have the skill of welding. If desired, a small swing of this type can be made mobile by expanding the distance between the lower ends of the supports and weld the base frame onto them.

For the racks, choose one of the following materials:

  • steel pipe with a diameter of at least 5 cm;
  • metal channel or profile;
  • steel corner.

We connect the pipe by welding, starting from the base of the structure. We get a rectangle, put two triangles vertically on it, connect at the top with a horizontal crossbar. The cut-off angle of the pipe at the upper junction of the sides of the triangle is 45 degrees. We weld reinforcement loops onto the upper crossbar.

For manufacturing, you must have the skill of welding.

Support design option - without the bottom rectangle. In this case, the racks must be buried 1 meter into the ground; if the swing is planned to be heavy, make a concrete screed.

We make the base for the back and seat from a metal corner. We make two rectangles out of it, we connect them together at an angle of at least 100 degrees.

We weld suspension loops in the corners. We cover all metal parts with a primer and paint with oil paint. We put a wooden board on the finished base; for convenience, it can be sheathed on top with soft material or linoleum.

We cover all metal parts with a primer and paint with oil paint.

Choosing a place to install a swing requires special attention. There should be enough space when swinging the swing. It is better to choose a shaded place, if you plan to build a gazebo, you can install a swing inside it. Wooden products must be protected from moisture and precipitation. This can be done by treating the tree with special solutions, if the design of the swing allows, paint it with paint.

A hand-made swing will give your dacha a unique flavor, create an atmosphere of love and comfort. Enjoy your stay!

Garden swing video

Swinging is a favorite pastime not only for children, but also for many adults. They relax, calm down and put the nerves in full order. Currently, it will not be difficult to purchase a ready-made structure in a store. But it is much more pleasant to make a swing with your own hands. Wood or metal can be used as material. You will definitely need blueprints. Use ready-made ones or create your own. Step-by-step instructions with photos and videos will tell you how to properly make a garden swing with your own hands in the country with little money and labor.

Wooden or metal swing: which one to choose?

The choice of materials for making a garden swing is not so diverse and is limited to plastic, metal and wood. The last two options are more popular. Therefore, we will consider the positive aspects of designs from them.

The main advantage of a metal garden swing is its durability and long-term operation. It is worth noting that metal structures can be forged, welded or collapsible. Each of the options will fit perfectly into the overall style of the suburban area.

The advantage of wooden structures:

  1. Ease of manufacture.
  2. Economical in terms of material costs.
  3. A large number of design options.
  4. Harmony.
  5. Security.
  6. Naturalness.

The last two points are most relevant to those who have small children. Environmental friendliness and non-trauma are the main criteria that parents should pay attention to.


All swings can be divided into several groups according to the principle of appointment:

  • family type;
  • children;
  • covered for gazebos and terraces.

Baby swing

The requirements for a children's swing are always higher. So, they come with or without a frame. Those designs that have only a seat and suspension are called frameless. They are quite simple to install and remove. The main disadvantage of the swing is the increased degree of trauma and a low level of convenience. A frame swing is much more comfortable.

Attention! One of the important conditions for installing a swing for children is a reliable fixation of the support.

Family type swing

Such a swing looks like a bench suspended from a frame. Frames are A or U-shaped, and the side pillars are dug into the ground by at least 0.5 m, filling with a cement mortar. Such structures are very stable and have good strength. They can accommodate several people at once. That is why they got this name.

Swing for a terrace

The main difference between the swing and the rest is that they have some advantages. They can be disassembled and reassembled.

Drawings: how to read them correctly?

What is a drawing for? As with any design, this is an initial project in which everything is calculated to the smallest detail. To draw up a drawing correctly, you will need to calculate all the parameters of the swing and the amount of material required. So, in order to make a family-type garden swing for a summer cottage, you will have to proceed from the following parameters:

  • the width of the bench for one person (from 0.4 to 0.6 m);
  • seat height (0.5 m);
  • distance from the seat to the crossbar (calculation is made individually);
  • for suspended structures, the distance from the edge to the support post is determined as follows: 0.15–0.2 m when suspended on a chain of types 2–4 and 404;
  • 0.25–0.3 m for other types of chain hangers;
  • 0.35–0.4 m for ropes.

Attention! With strong rocking vibrations, the seat can move in different directions and touch the supports. It is traumatic and very dangerous. Therefore, take this point into account when drawing up a drawing.

Making a garden swing: step by step instructions

Doing a garden swing yourself is an interesting and not as complicated process as it might seem. We bring to your attention a step-by-step instruction with a photo of making a swing made of wood with an A-shaped frame.

Choosing a location is the first and very important step. You cannot install a swing in a place you just like. You should choose a surface with a perfectly flat relief. This will simplify the installation process. In addition, it is better to choose a place for installation away from prying eyes. Then it will bring peace and satisfaction.

Advice. There should be no obstacles in front and behind the swing. Such as trees, a fence or a wall of a house.

Selection of inventory and purchase of material

For a wooden structure, you will need a beam of good quality, without cracks and knots. Oak, birch, spruce or cedar are fine. For the frame base, you will need:

  • cedar timber (10 * 10 cm) - 4 units. 3 running meters each (for side supports);
  • cedar timber (8 * 8 cm) - 1 unit. 2.5 running meters (for the manufacture of a crossbar);
  • edged board (3 * 10 * 60 cm) - 1 unit. (for side brace).

For the bench you will need additionally:

  • cedar timber (4.5 * 5.6 cm) - 12 running meters;
  • sheathing board (2.6 * 4.6 cm) - 18 running meters;
  • pillows - for decoration (if desired, you can make yourself);
  • suspension and fastening (chain, metal corners, suspensions, furniture bolts, various self-tapping screws).

As for the construction tool, for the manufacture of a garden swing, store in your inventory the following necessary items:

  1. Bulgarian.
  2. Plane.
  3. Screwdriver.
  4. Level.
  5. Electric drill.

Well the preparatory work is completed, it's time to start making a home-type swing.

Creation of side posts

Advice. The base of the side posts should be at least 0.5 m wider than the seat.

  • First you need to calculate the upper corner of the rack.
  • Then you need to draw out the dimensions and work with a jigsaw.
  • The next step is to connect the structural parts.
  • It is necessary to connect the upper parts of the beams, fastening with furniture bolts.
  • Next, you should proceed with the side ties. Externally, the racks should resemble the letter A. Therefore, you will need to mark the bars from the height of the soil.
  • Then the screeds are marked. Parts are cut and fixed with screws and corners.
  • In the end, 2 trapeziums of the same size with a height of 0.1 m are cut out. They must be attached to the inner side of the beams by means of corners.

Seat installation

To make a comfortable seat, you will need to make two frames with dimensions of 20 * 5 cm. And one more (back) - 20 * 6.5 cm.

  • Their inner contour is fixed with stiffeners.
  • Then you need to connect the back and seat with corners and screws.
  • Sheathe the seat with a special board.

Attention! Armrests can be fitted on request.

  • Then attach the suspension to the seat by means of the eyebolts.

Swing installation

Almost all the work has been completed and there is very little time left before your site will be decorated with an eco-friendly and comfortable swing made of wood.

  • Install the bearing support on the uprights using self-tapping screws.
  • Dig holes for the support posts.
  • Pour crushed stone into the pits, set up racks and fill everything with concrete.
  • Correct the inclination of the side struts with a spirit level.

Attention! The angle of inclination of the side struts should only be 90 degrees. Pay attention to the depth as well. The supports should be dug in to the same length.

  • Secure the uprights with rope ties. In this state, they should be until the concrete solidifies completely.
  • Before installing a garden swing, the wooden structure must be varnished.

The final stage

  • Check the fixation of the crossbeam.
  • Drill holes in the beam to hold the eyebolts.
  • Install the seat.
  • The swing is ready. Enjoy the fruits of your own labors!

A garden swing is a great option for relaxation in the country. It is especially pleasant when they are made by hand. It will take a little time to make them, but you can enjoy the result every day!

Garden swing design: video

Garden swing: photo

For a summer residence, a swing is as important as a barbecue or a gazebo. Without them, it is impossible to imagine a family vacation in the bosom of nature: both adults and children love to sway in the shade. Swings for summer cottages are structurally and externally slightly different from rocking chairs intended for the house: they must use materials that are resistant to weathering, a different version of fasteners and supports is installed, such structures must be strong and reliable.

You can learn about the types of swing for the summer cottage area, as well as about their design features, from this article.

Swing type

As a rule, rocking chairs on suspensions are installed in summer cottages. This is the simplest and at the same time universal design, on the principle of which many types of different rockers work.

It is on suspended swings that children love to ride, they are also suitable for adults, and are often used for family vacations.

For young children in the garden, you can install a balance swing, working on the principle of weights. This design is the safest, because the rocking chair is located at a low height, the child will not be able to swing too much.

It is very simple to create a balancer with your own hands: you need a long board and metal or wooden supports.

Important! When installing a swing-balancer in the country, it must be remembered that two children should use them at once, and the mass of the kids should be approximately the same.

Still, hanging swings are considered more functional, there are many varieties of them. But there are some general characteristics for any type of suspended structure:

  • type of attachment (on a tree, on a frame or frame, to one point, to two or four points);
  • suspension (swing for giving on chains, the use of a rope or nylon ropes, metal rods, etc.);
  • number of seats(family varaderos, individual rocking chair - an egg, large wicker playgrounds or hammocks, double swings on chains or suspended from a strong rope);
  • seat option (a spider web swing made of nylon rope, a budget tire swing, a hanging chair or a sofa, a bench, a simple seat made of wood or plastic).

Each type of suspended rockers for summer cottages has its own characteristics: some structures are easy to make with your own hands, others are better to purchase ready-made, there are budget options and expensive models, in the design of which the latest technologies are used.

Simple metal or wooden swing

The most common construction is a rope with a plank seat tied to a thick branch of a tree. You can make such a swing in half an hour, all you need to do is find a strong rope and choose a good branch of some old tree in the garden.

As a seat, you can use not only a board, but also a car tire, an old skate, or even an unnecessary wooden chair with cut off legs. It is enough to show a little imagination, and you will get an amazing exclusive swing, which will definitely become a decoration of the summer cottage and a favorite fun for children.

A more complex design of a garden swing involves the installation of a frame. It can have different shapes, but most often there are frames in the form of the letter "A" or "L". For the manufacture of such supports, both a log and a strong beam are suitable. For those who can use a welding machine, there is another option - to build a frame from metal corners or pipes.

The wooden "legs" of the frame must be deepened into the ground, so that the swing is more stable and does not loosen over time, you will have to concreted the support pillars. The depth of the holes should be at least one meter; sand and gravel should be poured onto the bottom. It is recommended to wrap the "legs" of the rocking chair (or rather, those parts of them that will be in the ground) with roofing material or sprinkle with hot bitumen, and then sprinkle with sand - this will prevent wood rotting.

There is an option for making a frame from only two supports and a crossbar, it is assembled in the form of the letter "P". Such rocking chairs are best done for small children, since under the weight of an adult, the frame will quickly loosen and lose stability.

Advice! To strengthen the U-shaped support, it is recommended to bury the pillars by at least 120 cm and be sure to concrete them.

Above the rocking chairs, you can make a small canopy or install them directly in a pergola or gazebo. Climbing plants are often used to create additional shadow, for which you will need to create an additional frame. Such a swing with flowers looks very romantic and gentle.

Metal structures are more reliable, but do not forget about the metal's susceptibility to corrosion. Swings are on the street all year round, so temperature drops and high humidity are inevitable for them. Metal parts must be painted with high-quality dyes, then they will last for more than a dozen years.

The metal frame is often made in the form of a triangle. This is necessary in order to reduce the pressure on the lower part of the supports - the metal in these places often bends or cracks. Triangular supports can also be concreted by digging a deep trench. And you can fix the swing with meter anchors with a hook at the end, this method is only suitable for dense soils.

When the frame is ready, it remains to take care of the suspensions and secure the seat. Various parts or fasteners can be used as fasteners for chains or ropes. The main requirement for them is one - to provide a strong and flexible connection.

Attention! For suspension, it is better to choose a rope with a cross weave, additional friction is created in it - the swing will not move too quickly. Metal chains are more practical and durable, but children can get injured by sticking their fingers between the links, so it is recommended to use plastic tubing or hoses on these hangers.

It must be understood that the swing should only move in two directions, the other directions must be excluded. In addition, it is better to restrict freedom of movement, because the speed of the swing at the extreme points sometimes reaches 60 km / h - this is too much for small children. Therefore, for suspensions made of metal rods, which "accelerate" more than other structures, it is recommended to use special braking couplings or bearings.

Double swing on chains

For families with two or more children, a double swing with chains is suitable. They are designed in the same way as a regular swing: they consist of support posts and a crossbar. It is necessary to understand that the load on the frame will be twice as large, therefore, its strength must correspond.

Advice! Before "putting into operation" it is recommended to sit on the seat of the largest adult - if the swing can withstand, you can not worry about the children.

There are several projects for such rocking chairs: the seats can be between two supports or one seat can be moved outside the frame (then the crossbar should be longer and stronger).

The frame can also be either metal or wood. Any material of suspensions and seats is suitable. Double swings on chains are more durable, because metal links wear out much less than ropes or ropes.

Swing type "hammock"

Hammocks have gained popularity for their convenience and functionality. Hanging beds are good for relaxing in the shade of trees, here you can read a book, rock your child and even sleep.

Swing hammocks can be both "recumbent" and intended for sitting: this is a chair made of fabric with soft pillows, cocoons made of dense bright material, in which you can wrap yourself up and hide inside from the whole world.

Important! Today on sale there are very high quality hammocks made of polymers. Sleeping on such a swing is just as comfortable as on an orthopedic mattress. Additionally, the models are equipped with mosquito nets and special awnings from rain and sun.

Hanging chair

A chair suspended from a tree or a metal frame has become popular relatively recently. Today, such a swing, an egg, basket or cocoon, woven from rattan, willow or polymer material, can be found in recreation areas, in the gardens of country houses and summer cottages.

The chair, in fact, can be anything, this includes:

  • a round swing made of a hoop and a cobweb in the form of macrame;
  • wicker shape in the form of an ellipse, ball, cocoon or basket;
  • regular rattan furniture;
  • a hammock suspended in a folded form.

A swing in the form of a chair is usually attached at one point - then they can rotate or swing in any direction. But it is quite possible to fix the rocking chair like an ordinary children's swing and they can only swing back and forth.


Varadero is the name of a family garden swing made in the form of a bench. Such rocking chairs cannot be called full-fledged swings, because their swing amplitude is very small. Varadero is more suitable for a relaxing holiday than for active children's games, which is why they are used most often by adults.

There are a lot of designs of such swinging benches on sale, they can have awnings, beautiful curtains. You can find models that are a whole tent with a rocking chair inside.

It is quite realistic to make a varadero yourself: their frame is made in the same way as the supports for ordinary children's swings, and the bench itself can be made of wood or metal.

Advice! The easiest way is to connect two wooden pallets perpendicular to each other. You can decorate them with a mattress, a blanket and colorful pillows.


Swings are a must for every summer cottage, because they can keep children busy and make adults' rest even more comfortable. Depending on the purpose for which the rocking chairs are needed, and who will use them, the design and material are chosen. For the manufacture of the simplest swing, such as a hanging hammock or chair, there are enough materials and desire at hand.

To diversify the rest in the country, in the shade of the garden trees, there is a comfortable swing, where you can relax and recharge. We want to tell you how to make a garden swing with your own hands, because it is doubly pleasant when joy is also brought by the use of the product of your own labor.

Preparation for the construction of a swing

Choosing a place on the site

A swing is not just a bench or a stump with a seat, this type will be a stationary and relatively capital object, so you need to choose the appropriate place for it.

This means that we need to take into account all the nuances of this structure, namely:

  • Mobility. Part of the structure is a movable unit that performs damped oscillatory movements under the action of gravity, like a pendulum. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the maximum stroke of this pendulum in each direction and make sure that there are no obstacles within these limits: trees, stumps, bushes or pieces of garden furniture;
  • Stationarity. To ensure the movement of one part of the structure, it is necessary to securely fix the other part of it - the support frame. To do this, we will have to bury them in the ground and concrete the racks to a depth of 60 - 70 cm;
  • Site quality... You've probably noticed the constant puddles and mud under the yard or homemade swing, as the ground under the seat is constantly scrubbed with your feet during braking, and a depression is formed there where water and dirt accumulate. Therefore, for a comfortable use of the attraction, you should immediately save yourself from this misunderstanding - make a concrete screed or put tiles, rubber, at least make a gravel backfill.

For normal and long-term operation of the structure, it must be installed as evenly as possible, that is, when the seat hangs freely in the lower position, the chain or cable must be perpendicular to the upper crossbar.
It is most convenient to use a plumb line to control this parameter.

It is also important to remember that it is very dangerous to be in the vibration zone of the attraction bench, as you can get a strong blow and seriously injure a part of the body. Therefore, this area should either be restricted for access or ensure that no people or animals enter it while the swing is operating.

Another aspect that is often overlooked: most likely the attraction will be a permanent place for your children to play, so it is better to think in advance about a way to limit the zenith or the highest point to which you can swing the pendulum. Otherwise, children, due to unreasoning, can swing it up to a full turn around the crossbar, winding chains on it and falling upside down.

From all that has been said, the following summary can be drawn: the place for should be spacious, even, free from obstacles and be in the line of sight relative to the house for control and safety.

The choice of material and type of construction

Several factors will depend on the choice of the type of construction and materials:

  1. Reliability;
  2. Durability;
  3. Price;
  4. Security;
  5. Relevance from a design point of view.

As a rule, two types of materials are used for self-production: wood and metal, as well as their combinations. We will not consider concrete work and site improvement work for now.

At first glance, metal models are more reliable and durable, and other things being equal, it is so. However, metal is also susceptible to corrosion, and if it is improperly processed, this advantage is easily lost.

On the other hand, properly selected and processed wood, with timely care, demonstrates quite acceptable reliability indicators comparable to metal.

If we consider these materials in terms of safety and artistic value, then wood is the undisputed leader here (unless, of course, your garden is not made in the style of a Gothic cemetery and is not replete with forged trellises and fences).

It is also important that the processing of wooden parts is much easier and does not require tools such as a grinder, electric and gas welding, a drill for metal, etc.

If we talk about cost, then a really beautiful forged frame will cost much more than high-quality wood, and the use of banal pipes or corners will result in a "freak" that will ruin the beauty and atmosphere of a country estate.

We consider the most suitable from the point of view of expediency a wooden structure, reinforced with metal parts in some places.

Making a swing

Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a work plan and a drawing. You can easily find drawings of a garden swing with your own hands on our website, you can also make them yourself.

  1. We take 4 three-meter beams 100x100 mm and make two L-shaped structures, connected at an angle of 50 - 55 degrees using furniture bolts;

  1. We retreat from the lower end of the support 60 cm and divide the remaining part by three. At the level of the border of the first and second thirds, we mount puffs from an edged board, two for each leg. We fasten with bolts.

  1. Now we connect the resulting frames with a 100x100 mm crossbar made of oak timber. We select the length of the crossbar so that the width of the frame is 50 cm greater than the width of the seat.

  1. We dig in the legs of the structure to a depth of 70 cm, where 10 cm will be filled with rubble and sand. Next, we concretize the pits with a solution of cement, sand and crushed stone 1: 3: 5. We set the structure along a plumb line so that the thread is perpendicular to the crossbar;

Part of the support beam, which will be immersed in concrete, is treated with bitumen mastic.


A good wooden swing in the country is a great place to relax and a joy for children of any age. We told you how to make them yourself, the nuances are in the video in this article.

It so happened that for many of us, a swing is associated with childhood or a wedding, but not necessarily perceived as an obligatory element of the garden. At the same time, many readers of our blog will probably be interested in learning how to make a swing, so undeservedly forgotten, and moreover, purely with their own hands. They can be made in a rustic style, using metal or wood, as a seating area for an Italian patio, under a pergola or a children's version of a swing - you will definitely like some of these.

Swings as a subject of a backyard exterior are not so often found in the dachas and near the country houses of our compatriots. We propose to radically change this situation. It will be about making your own garden decor due to the need for a rational approach to spending.

Probably not worth mentioning that such exterior items are quite expensive on sale. The cost of wooden models in Europe reaches 700-900 euros. In Russia, prices start at $ 200-300. Making them is not so difficult. Working in the garden and outdoors is a rewarding hobby in every sense.

Traditional English swing benches

Swing benches belong to the traditional decoration of the terrace of a classic English house. This tradition also existed in tsarist Russia; swings were built on verandas and terraces, as a rule, under an existing canopy. Fastening to the roof beams provided the required reliability without unnecessary investment.

You can make a swing from any material available in the country for your terrace with your own hands and without the involvement of assistants. To do this, you do not have to make a base and a canopy, but only build a reliable attachment to the ceiling and make seats. A woman can cope with such work, only you need to make sure of the reliability of the roofing so that the work is not only easy, but also of high quality.

In American cottages, such models in the form of benches with textile cushions are found on the open terrace. In Italian Tuscany, hanging wooden seats are often arranged under a flower shed - a pergola that vaguely resembles a Russian gazebo and often serves as a summer kitchen.

Swing-bed or swing-bed

Swing-bed is an alternative form of larger deck swing. A similar rocking bed can be built into a garden, under a canopy, tree shade or awning. If you add a canopy to the design, then in the summer you can sleep freely on such a swing, enjoying the pleasant coolness of the night. Use one of the ideas presented in the photo.

Photo, design and drawings of a swing bench for a terrace and garden

Pergola as a supporting structure

Free-standing A-structures without canopy

Free-standing A-shaped structures with a canopy (diagram and drawing)

Ways of fastening elements of the supporting structure of the swing

Swing in rustic style for wooden estates

If you are the proud owner of a Russian wooden house built from a bar, be sure to appreciate the rustic-style swing. offers its author's models at a cost of about 900 euros. A similar garden decor is made in Russia by the family workshop using natural materials.

A wild log is used as a building material for the construction of such a swing. During processing, the branches are trimmed and used as brackets for flower stands. We suggest you evaluate your strengths and build such a decor yourself. How to make a swing in the garden in the country from scrap materials and do-it-yourself photos, we suggest looking below.

Installation of a rustic swing is carried out individually without drawings, using the standard dimensions of such backyard structures as a basis. It is not at all necessary to remove the bark from the support, as it was done in the GardenLand sample. But if you decide to create an author's sample of a swing, you will need a specialized tool for Russian log cabins.

Covering the wood base with protective products will help preserve the wood's appearance. Specialized paints and varnishes are available in a wide range; most often, craftsmen use budget linen impregnation.

Anchor bolts and fastening accessories for the construction of the roof are used to fasten the individual elements of the swing. We talked about a similar installation in the review about wooden stairs.

The main advantage of the wild log swing is its stability and high strength. The design can easily support the weight of several adults. How the installation of such a rustic decor is done can be seen in the video.

French textile chairs or Brazilian Hammocks

The French swing originated from the traditional Brazilian Hammock hammocks and is usually made of thick linen fabric or tarpaulin, accessories and a thick linen cord. The chair is shaped using cords of different lengths. They are attached to a transverse wooden beam, which, in turn, to a secure ceiling of a terrace or pergola. Form-retaining cushions are placed to create the seat base.

See how to make a swing in the form of hanging chairs, benches and benches with your own hands photo. Such a functional decor for the pergola and terrace will become a favorite entertainment for adults and children.

Textile chairs can be used without a canopy; for this purpose, we recommend making a hook on the anchor bolt, to which they will be attached as needed. For quiet purposes, a portable terrace swing can be used, which in good weather can be installed outdoors without a canopy. With a sufficiently reliable base, this can also apply to different swing-bed variations.

Playgrounds on the backyard with swings

Children's swings can have different designs and are arranged anywhere in the infield, where the child will play or be near their parents. Make small rocking chairs for a small child on the terrace. Moreover, you can pre-fix the ceiling with a hook, so that at any time you can replace it with any other suspended structure.

Always keep in mind that grown-up children love to swing the structure strongly, which should be considered when choosing suspensions and a base. If the floors cannot withstand this force, use a more suitable model.

Video instruction for the construction of a wooden swing


All the proposed swing models can be made by hand, and in some cases from improvised material at no cost. The photo shows various designs that are quite easy to assemble on your own. Ideas can be applied to decorate a recreation area on a personal plot or make your own playground for children.