Types of space heating and their characteristics. General information about heating

In this article I am going to talk about what a water heating system is like in an apartment or private building. The reader and I will have to study its main elements, key concepts and get acquainted with the options for wiring and connecting heating devices.

Elements and Concepts

Let's start by studying a short glossary that will help the reader not get confused in the terminology.

  • Heating input— a section of the pipeline between the nearest heat well (read: outlet from the heating main) and the input shut-off valve of the house heating system;

Typically, the boundary between the zones of responsibility between heating networks and housing units runs along the first flange of the inlet valve. However, other schemes are also possible. In Inkerman, where I live, Heating Networks service heating mains, elevator units, and heating systems.

  • Water jet elevator— the heart of the elevator unit, a steel or cast iron tee with a nozzle that ensures mixing of water from the supply and return lines of the heating main. The elevator allows you to direct part of the waste for recycling. It provides a high coolant speed (and, therefore, a minimum temperature difference between the ends of the circuit) with a minimum flow of water from the supply;

  • Elevator unit— elevator piping, a set of shut-off and control valves that ensure operation heating system;

An apartment building may have several elevator units. As a rule, one of them is responsible for heating and supplying hot water to the house, the rest are only for heating.

  • Bottling(also known as a heating bed, or sun lounger) is a horizontal pipeline connecting heating devices or risers (vertical pipelines) with heating devices;

  • Eyeliner— a section of the pipeline connecting heating devices with bottling (bottling) or (risers);

  • Boiler— a heat source in an autonomous (not connected to a heating main) system. Both the heating systems of private houses and individual apartments in new apartment buildings are equipped with boilers;

On the right is a floor-standing gas boiler.

  • Expansion tank- a container that holds excess coolant during its thermal expansion. The tank can be open (in a system operating at atmospheric pressure) or membrane (in a closed system with excess pressure).

In the second case, the tank is a container with an elastic partition, part of the volume of which is filled with air with a slight excess pressure;

The volume of the membrane expansion tank should be approximately 1/10 of the coolant volume. In a balanced heating system, this volume is calculated as 15 liters per 1 kW of boiler power.

  • Air balloon— a device for removing air from the heating system. Air vents are mounted at the top point of the closed circuit and on all brackets rising above the filling level. Their role can be played by Mayevsky taps, automatic air vents or ordinary taps;

The photo shows a Mayevsky tap for a flat-head screwdriver.

  • Safety valve— a device for discharging excess coolant at dangerously high pressure;

Typically, an automatic air vent, valve and pressure gauge (needed for visual pressure control) are combined to form a safety group, which is mounted on the bottling outlet after the boiler.

  • Hydraulic head- height of the water column corresponding to the pressure difference in the heating circuit section. One atmosphere (1 bar, 1 kgf/cm2) corresponds to a pressure of 10 meters.

The elevator unit of an apartment building operates with a hydraulic pressure (pressure difference between the mixture after the elevator and the return) of only 2 meters, or 0.2 kgf/cm2).


What parameters do different heating systems work with?

For central heating, typical pressures at the entrance to the elevator unit are 5 - 7 kgf/cm2 in the supply and 3 - 4 kgf/cm2 in the return pipeline. The coolant temperature varies depending on the outside temperature.

In most cases, a temperature schedule of 150/70 is used: during the peak of cold weather, the supply temperature rises to 150C, and the return temperature to 70C.

The temperature of the mixture (water after mixing the supply and return in the elevator, entering the batteries) is limited to 95 degrees in residential and industrial buildings and 37 degrees in preschool institutions.

Under a number of force majeure circumstances, the standard pressure and temperature parameters may be significantly exceeded.

Here are examples of such scenarios:

  • If you quickly fill an empty circuit or abruptly stop the circulation in it, an area will form at the flow front high blood pressure. During water hammer, its values ​​can reach 25 - 30 atmospheres;

  • After the end of the heating season, heating mains are tested for density. During tests, the pressure in them increases to 12 atmospheres or more. In this case, the input valves of the elevator unit must be closed, but the human factor or malfunction of the shut-off valves may well lead to the fact that not only the route will be tested;
  • During extremely severe frosts and with a large number of complaints about the cold in apartments in northern regions It is practiced to operate an elevator without a nozzle. The suction is suppressed by a steel pancake, and water enters the heating circuit directly from the supply line of the route. And its temperature at the peak of cold weather, as we remember, can reach 150C.

In system autonomous heating typical pressure is 1.5-2.5 kgf/cm2 at a temperature of 70-75C on the supply side and 50-55C on the return side. If the heating system is correctly calculated, these parameters are stable and do not depend on external factors.

Classification of species

By what criteria can water heating systems be classified?

Natural and forced circulation

Most heating systems in apartment buildings and private buildings operate with forced circulation. The coolant drives the pressure difference in the heating main or its own circulation pump - a compact device with a centrifugal impeller, which has a capacity of several cubic meters per hour and creates a hydraulic head of up to 6 - 10 meters.

The advantage of such systems is the high speed of coolant movement.

It means:

  • Fast and uniform heating of heating devices upon startup;
  • Minimum temperature difference between the first and last batteries along the coolant flow during operation.

The Achilles heel of forced circulation is energy dependence. During prolonged power outages, the house remains without heat.

Systems with natural circulation (gravity) work due to the difference in density of hot and cold water.

They are arranged like this:

  • The boiler is lowered to a minimum level relative to the rest of the heating circuit - into a pit, basement or basement;
  • Immediately after the boiler, an accelerating manifold is formed - vertical pipe, ending at the top point of the contour. Through it, heated water is displaced upward by colder and denser masses of coolant;
  • Then it moves by gravity along a bottling line laid with a constant slope, gradually giving off heat to the radiators, and returns to the boiler heat exchanger when it has cooled down.

The minimum hydraulic pressure in such a system is compensated by an increased filling diameter.

A compromise between gravitational and forced circulation is a heating scheme in which the circulation pump does not run into the filling gap, but parallel to it. A check valve (usually a ball valve) or a ball valve is mounted between the taps.

How does this water heating scheme work?

  • When electricity is available, circulation of the coolant is ensured by a running pump. The bypass between the taps is closed by a tap or a valve activated due to the pressure difference;
  • When the pump is turned off, the heating system automatically (if there is a check valve) or manually (with a tap) switches to natural circulation mode. Water begins to move through the bypass.

Open and closed

The difference between them is clear and obvious. In the first case, the circuit communicates with the atmosphere and operates at hydrostatic pressure corresponding to the height of the water column (read: the vertical distance from the lower filling point to the water level in the open expansion tank). In the second case, excess pressure is created in the circuit, supported by a membrane expansion tank.

Dignity open system- extreme simplicity. Open expansion tank it combines the functions of the expansion tank itself, safety valve and an air balloon. In essence, it is the only element of the boiler piping.

In a closed system, the coolant does not come into contact with the atmosphere and does not evaporate. In the absence of leaks, its updating in a closed loop is not required from the word “at all”. This means the absence of silt and mineral deposits on the walls of the pipes and, accordingly, the maximum resource of all elements of the system.

Horizontal and vertical

Horizontal and vertical layouts quite predictably differ in orientation in space. In their pure form, vertical heating systems are practically never found, but horizontal ones are quite typical for one-story buildings.

In multi-apartment buildings and private houses with a height of more than one floor, heating system diagrams usually include both horizontal and vertical sections. For example, a heating outlet laid in a basement or attic is a typical horizontal distribution, but a riser passing through several rooms or apartments is quite vertical.

Single-pipe and double-pipe

A single-pipe system, or Leningradka, is a filling ring that runs along the perimeter of the house or its floor. Heating devices are connected to the filling gap or parallel to it.

In the second case, the owner has the opportunity to turn off a separate radiator, without resetting the entire circuit, and regulate the heat transfer of the batteries independently of each other.

In a two-pipe system, two filling points are laid through the heated room - supply and return. Heating devices (or risers with several devices) are connected to both bottlings.

It is the two-pipe heating system that is typical for all apartment buildings modern construction. Single-pipe Leningraders were installed in low-rise buildings and barracks built after the war.

Dead-end and passing

There are two types of two-pipe systems - dead-end and associated.

In the first case, the coolant, when moving from the supply to the return pipeline, changes the direction of movement to the opposite. This scheme allows the heating distribution to bypass any obstacles - doorways, panoramic windows etc.

However, the dead-end scheme has a serious disadvantage. The heating devices closest to the boiler provide a bypass for the coolant. The main volume of water will circulate through them; distant radiators will be noticeably colder, and in very coldy and may even freeze.

This problem is solved by throttling the connections to nearby radiators. The so-called system balancing allows you to equalize the temperature of all heating devices. Needle chokes are mounted on the connections (they allow you to adjust the heat transfer of devices with your own hands) or thermal heads that perform adjustments in the floor automatic mode.

The problem of uneven heating of radiators is very cleverly solved in a related scheme called the Tichelman loop. In fact, several parallel circuits of the same length and the same hydraulic resistance are formed in it. In it, any number of radiators will always have approximately the same temperature.

Bottom and top filling

Top distribution, or top filling, is a two-pipe heating scheme with a supply located in the attic. The return flow is laid in the basement; each riser is a jumper between them. Riser shut-off valves or taps are installed at the top and bottom, respectively.

The disadvantage of this scheme is that it takes a lot of time to turn off a separate riser. A huge advantage is the extremely simple start-up: to put the reset circuit into operation, you just need to open the shut-off valves on the supply and return and bleed the air from the expansion tank located at the top filling point of the supply.

In a house with bottom distribution (bottom filling), supply and return lines are laid in the basement. The risers are alternately connected to both bottlings and connected in pairs by jumpers located on the top floor or (less often) placed in the attic.

How does the bottom filling compare to the top one in terms of ease of use?

  • Turning off the risers takes less time: the taps are located next to each other and in the same room;

The only inconvenience is that for repairs you have to remove not only the problematic riser, but also the pair connected to it.

  • The price of ease of shutdown is the inconvenience of starting the heating system after it is reset. To resume circulation in the risers, you need to bleed the air from the jumpers on each pair of risers.

IN apartment building the launch is complicated by the fact that the owners of the upper apartments are not always at home in work time mechanics serving the building.

Collector and sequential

In a typical sequential circuit, the coolant passes through all heating devices in turn. This is due to the temperature spread between them. The collector circuit involves parallel connection of devices to a common collector.

This gives:

  • Independent temperature control of all radiators from one point;
  • The same temperature on them in the absence of throttling.

Collector wiring, however, has two obvious disadvantages:

  1. Material consumption;
  2. The need for hidden installation of connections in screeds or false walls. Obviously, several pairs of pipes running along the walls will not decorate the design of a living space.

Convection and in-floor

Traditional heating with radiators (sectional and panel), convectors and registers is called convection because it is convection (air mixing due to the difference in density of hot and cold air masses) that provides relatively uniform distribution heat.

I deliberately used the term “relatively uniform.” The fact is that with convection heating, the air under the ceiling is always heated more than at floor level.

Meanwhile, any homeowner who respects the laws of physics is not in the habit of spending his free time on the ceiling. Warmth is needed on the floor. Heating the air in the upper part of the living room has only one consequence - a large leakage of heat through the ceiling.

A water heated floor is a tubular heat exchanger laid in a screed or in heat-distributing aluminum plates under fine coating, which has a fairly high thermal conductivity. Heating turns the entire floor into a heating device. In addition to the subjective feeling of comfort, underfloor heating provides noticeable savings heat by reducing average room temperature.

The greater the temperature difference between the street and the house, the more heat escapes through the building envelope.

Connecting heating devices

First - a couple general rules related to heating systems of apartment buildings.

  1. If there are shut-off valves, chokes or thermal heads on the connections to the radiator, there must be a jumper between the connections. Otherwise, the shut-off and control valves will interfere with the normal circulation of the coolant in the riser;

  1. If you do not live on the top floor, the radiator should absolutely not be connected between the return and supply risers. You will be warm, but your upstairs neighbors will start to freeze. After a complaint to the housing organization and drawing up an act of unauthorized alteration engineering communications public use, you will be forced to restore the original connection diagram at your own expense.

Now - about the location of the connections relative to the sectional radiator.

The principle of operation of a water heating battery is as follows: the coolant circulates through horizontal collectors of a relatively large cross-section and thin vertical channels in sections connecting them. Due to the difference in the permeability of the collectors and channels, uniform heating of the first and last sections is ensured.

The traditional lateral one-way connection remains effective as long as the number of sections does not exceed 8 - 10 pieces. If there are more of them, the total internal cross-section of the vertical channels turns out to be larger than the cross-section of the collectors. The coolant moves only through the channels closest to the supply, and the last sections cool down.

Will help solve the problem of uneven heating simple instructions: Connect the battery diagonally. In this case, it will be evenly heated along its entire length, regardless of the size of the device.

Alternative solution - bottom connection. It will slightly reduce heat transfer: the main volume of water will circulate through the lower collector, and the top of the sections will warm up mainly due to the thermal conductivity of the metal and coolant.

But the battery will be able to work even if it is aired: the plug preventing circulation will be forced into the upper collector and will not interfere with the movement of water along the lower one.


I hope that I was able to answer all the reader’s questions. As always, the video in this article will offer additional material for your attention. I would appreciate your comments and additions. Good luck, comrades!

What types of water heating systems are there? This article is an introductory tour designed to introduce you to the main types and components of heating systems. In addition, we will get acquainted with the basic principles of creating home heating schemes with our own hands.


It is clear that, by definition, water or a coolant based on it with a lower freezing point is used as a coolant. Are there any alternatives?

  • Steam heating. The coolant is superheated high-pressure steam. Temperature allows heating devices to be made more compact or more efficient for the same size.

Please note: the downsides of efficiency are a greater risk of accidents (steam heating is not used in residential premises) and faster corrosion of pipes and registers made of corrosion-resistant steels.

  • . The heated air is distributed through thermally insulated air ducts, at the same time performing ventilation functions.
  • Decentralized heating implies that instead of any coolant a different heat source is used for each room or even for each zone of the room. This is exactly how electrical and gas convectors, infrared panels and oil radiators.

Let us return, however, to the use of water as a coolant. By what criteria is it possible to classify water heating systems?

Dependent and independent

In a dependent system, coolant from the outside (usually from a heating main) enters directly into the heating system. It can be used exclusively for heating; much more often it is possible to select hot water for household needs. This is exactly how heating works in the vast majority of city houses.

The thermal unit of an independent system includes a heat exchanger, through which the water of the heating main gives off thermal energy coolant in a closed circuit. The scheme can be applied if antifreeze is used as a coolant in a private house. If you have heat meters, such a connection will allow you to turn off the heating during a long departure, without risking the system defrosting.

Open and closed

An open water heating system operates without excess pressure and opens to the atmosphere. An open expansion tank is installed at its highest point, into which all air pockets are forced out.

In a closed-type system, a constant excess pressure is maintained from 1 (in private houses) to 6 (in multi-apartment buildings) atmospheres.

Forced and natural circulation

Systems with natural circulation are used relatively rarely these days. However this great solution for small houses, allowing heating to be independent of electricity.

The principle of operation of so-called gravitational systems is based on the fact that when heated, the density of water decreases. In a closed volume more cold water displaces heated water masses to the upper part of the circuit. With a certain configuration, continuous movement of the coolant can be ensured.

The instructions for creating a gravity system are, in general, relatively simple:

  • The boiler is placed as low as possible. In houses without a basement, a recess is often made in the floor for it.
  • From the boiler, the filling rises vertically to the highest point of the circuit, forming the so-called accelerating manifold.
  • At the top point in the case of an open system, as already mentioned, an expansion tank is mounted open type. In the case of a closed circuit, an air vent is installed there - automatic or manual; a membrane-type expansion tank can be located in any part of the circuit.
  • From the top point, the bottling returns to the boiler with a constant slight slope, necessary for the cooling water to move by gravity. Along the way, the coolant gives off heat to radiators or other heating devices.

A special feature of gravity systems is the stringent requirements for the hydraulic resistance of the circuit. A pipe no thinner than DN 32 and a minimum of shut-off valves are used. Chokes of any type are strictly not used for bottling.

For reference: the hydraulic resistance of a modern ball valve is tens of times less than that of a cast iron or brass screw valve. Comparison of this and a number of other characteristics leads to a simple thought: it is better to completely forget about screw valves when purchasing materials.

In a system with forced circulation, an external (from the heating main) differential or its own circulation pump is used to create it. In this case, the pumps can operate in both closed and open systems.

An excellent solution is a scheme with circulation pump, which in the absence of electricity can work as a gravitational one. To ensure this possibility, bottling is carried out with a large cross-section pipe and is broken at one point by a valve. Before and after the valve there is a pump with a sump pump.

What does such a scheme provide?

  1. With the bypass closed and the pump turned on, the system operates with forced circulation. The bypass is closed so that the pump does not circulate water in a circle.
  2. With the bypass open, the system, due to its minimal hydraulic resistance, can operate as a gravity system.

Why did forced circulation make space for gravitational systems? After all, by definition it makes heating more fault-tolerant, doesn’t it?

  • allows you to lay the bottling strictly according to the level and make do with a pipe of a smaller diameter. In addition to saving money, this greatly affects the aesthetics of the room.

However: in houses with an attic and basement, the supply and return bottlings can be removed from the residential part of the house.

  • Forced circulation ensures faster and more uniform heating of heating devices. In a gravitational system, radiators farthest from the boiler are always noticeably colder than those closest to them.

Single-pipe and double-pipe

The difference is easier to explain with examples.

The simplest single-pipe circuit (barrack type, or Leningradka) is arranged like this:

  • A filling ring runs along the contour of the room.
  • Heating devices are installed parallel to it or by opening it.

Minimum material consumption and maximum fault tolerance - undoubted advantages. The disadvantage is the large temperature difference between the first and last radiators. However, it is easy to level it out different quantities sections or throttling fittings on each radiator (of course, in this case they should not break the main filling ring).

In the case of a two-pipe scheme, which is quite logical, we will need two bottlings - supply and return. Each heating device is a jumper between them. What is the result?

  • There is no need for a continuous contour around the entire perimeter. You can, for example, not surround a door or a panoramic window with pipes.
  • The temperature of the heating devices may be the same. In practice, however, there is a spread.
  • Balancing with chokes or thermal heads is MANDATORY. Otherwise, there is a very real situation when the entire mass of the coolant will move along a short circuit - through nearby heating devices, and the distant part of the bottling and radiators will simply be unfrozen in cold weather.

Horizontal and vertical wiring

How these schemes of water heating systems differ is easy to understand intuitively. For example, the notorious Leningradka is a typical horizontal layout, but the heating riser in a modern five-story building is vertical.

In practice, however, it is much more common to see combined schemes that include horizontal and vertical sections of wiring:

  • In the riser system in Soviet-built houses, in addition to risers, there are also horizontally located bottling outlets.
  • In new buildings, an even more complex combination is used: the bottling outlets are connected by vertical risers, from which horizontal wiring inside each individual apartment is powered on each floor.

Dead-end and passing schemes

Dead-end water heating systems are two-pipe schemes in which the directions of water in the supply and return bottlings are opposite. The coolant reaches distant radiators and returns back. But if it continues to move towards the boiler or heating unit, maintaining the same direction, our scheme becomes parallel.

Please note: the associated wiring scheme has very few advantages over the single-pipe one in the case of one-story house. The only thing that speaks in its favor is the slightly more uniform heating of the radiators.

Connecting heating devices

Different connection types can be used primarily for sectional radiators of different types.

Convectors are equipped with connections, and the direction of circulation in them is determined by the manufacturer. What options are available when connecting batteries?

  • Lateral connection is most popular in city apartments. The connections go into two plugs on one side of the radiator. The main advantage of this scheme is that the length of the connections leading from the riser is minimal. The disadvantages are uneven heating of the far and near sections and, what is much worse, the inevitable silting of the end of the battery.
  • Diagonal connection(the upper plug on one side of the radiator and the lower one on the other) will force the radiator to heat as evenly as possible throughout the entire volume. Under the top liner, however, the bottom of the sections will also silt in this case. Periodic flushing will be required.
  • Finally, connection from bottom to bottom means uniform heating along the entire length and absolutely clean sections. The price of this is an air pocket in the heating device: you will need to install a Mayevsky tap or, better yet, an automatic air vent.

Essential elements

What does a water heating system in a private house consist of? If in a city apartment we move, as a rule, into housing with already functioning heating, then here we will have to draw up a project from scratch.


A heat source that converts fuel combustion energy or electricity into thermal energy transported by a coolant. The list of main types of boilers looks like this:

  • Gas engines currently provide the lowest operating costs. Of course, when working on mains gas: bottled gas will increase the cost of a kilowatt-hour of heat several times.

  • Solid fuel boilers are the second cheapest heating option. Firewood, coal, peat, sawdust, etc. are used as fuel. The main problem is the need for frequent fuel loading.
  • Solar boilers can operate in fully automatic mode; However, solarium is very expensive and continues to rise in price.
  • Finally, electricity is the most convenient, safe and... expensive way to heat your home.

In addition: the very idea of ​​​​using a coolant in this case seems strange. Separate electric radiators or convectors look like a much more sensible solution.


Black steel pipes are still used during installation central heating; however, when independently moving radiators and designing heating systems for cottages, the focus is, as a rule, on other materials.

  • Galvanized steel has the strength of black steel pipes and is devoid of their main drawback - susceptibility to corrosion.
  • Corrugated stainless steel, in addition to its strength, also bends easily. Connections are made with fittings with silicone seals, without threads, which makes assembly quick and easy.
  • Polypropylene pipes are cheap and can be installed using a simple low-temperature soldering iron. Typically, pipes reinforced with aluminum or fiber are used for hot water and heating: they are stronger and have a much lower coefficient of thermal expansion.
  • Cross-linked polyethylene is an excellent material for beam distribution and laying in a screed. Temperature resistance and tensile strength are combined with flexibility and the ability to be purchased in coils up to 500 meters long.


  • If you need to turn off the water, best tool for this purpose - a modern ball valve. Reliability is combined with ease of use and low hydraulic resistance when open.
  • Chokes are used for manual adjustment heat transfer of heating devices and their balancing.
  • Thermostatic heads, after calibration, are able to regulate the throughput so that the set temperature is maintained in the room with acceptable accuracy.
  • Automatic air vents are most convenient for removing air. However, instead of them, both Mayevsky taps and ordinary valves and even water taps can be used.


It is provided by devices called the security group:

  • Expansion tank compensates for the increase in coolant volume during heating. Water is practically incompressible and can simply rupture pipes or radiators; but air, separated from water by a rubber membrane, is easily compressed. The volume of the membrane tank is taken approximately equal to 10% of the amount of coolant in the system.
  • Safety valve needed in case the expansion tank capacity is not enough during strong heating. When critical pressure is reached, it releases excess water.
  • Pressure gauge allows you to control the current pressure in the system.

Heating devices

    • Cast iron radiators Quite heat resistant and non-corrosive. The sections have a large internal volume and, due to the slow movement of the coolant, easily silt into them when connected to the side.
    • Steel heating devices are divided into several types: plate, tubular, convectors and registers. Made from corrosion-resistant steels, they are vulnerable to rust, and the thin walls of plate radiators are also extremely mechanically fragile.
    • Aluminum radiators They are cheap and have excellent heat transfer, but they are afraid of excess pressure and galvanic processes, which are generated by the combination of different metals in one circuit (in particular, aluminum and copper).

  • Bimetallic heating devices- This aluminum radiators with steel cores, increasing tensile strength, and copper-aluminum convectors. The second ones are copper tube with aluminum plates pressed to increase heat transfer.

Your own home is not only a personal fortress, but also a place where it is cozy and warm. For this to always be the case, a prudent owner must provide an uninterrupted supply of heat. The easiest way to do this is if you can connect to a centralized system.

However, this is not always the case, and many do not want to connect to an expensive service. In this case, it remains to consider the types of heating systems suitable for autonomous installation, and then choose the best option. And we will try to help you in this matter - our article discusses the features of water, air and infrared heating systems, listing their main pros and cons.

There are many heating systems. They all have attractive sides and significant disadvantages. To an unprepared person It’s quite difficult to navigate them and make the right choice. In order not to make mistakes, you need to know exactly what points you should pay attention to.

Firstly, it is the availability of fuel and its cost. This can be considered a key point. No matter how much you like the system, if the fuel for it is difficult to obtain, is supplied to the region intermittently, or is too expensive, you should consider another option. Otherwise, heating your home will cost a pretty penny and will be ineffective.

According to statistics, most owners of private houses choose heating systems with liquid coolant. This is a practical, reliable and quite economical option

The second point is the possibility of combining heating systems. In some cases, it may be very practical to use a primary and secondary system. This gives confidence that in the event of possible interruptions in energy supplies, the house will not be left without heat.

In addition, there is an opportunity to save money, since you can use the most economical one this moment heating method.

And finally, the financial side of the issue. It is necessary to determine how much the consumer can allocate for the purchase of equipment, its proper installation and subsequent regular maintenance.

Features of a liquid coolant system

Heat generators also differ. They can run on a wide variety of fuels, which determines their performance characteristics. Gas, electric and solid fuel appliances are most in demand. Their disadvantages and advantages are close to similar water heating boilers.

The circulation of air masses inside the building can be carried out different ways. This can be a closed cycle without adding air from outside. In this case, the indoor air quality is poor.

The best option is circulation with the addition of air masses from outside. Indisputable dignity air heating the absence of coolant is considered. Thanks to this, it is possible to save the energy needed to heat it.

In addition, the installation of a complex system of pipes and radiators is not required, which undoubtedly also increases the efficiency of the system. The system does not have the risk of leaks and freezing, like its water counterpart. It is ready to work at any temperature. The living space heats up extremely quickly: literally, about half an hour passes from starting the heat generator to raising the temperature in the rooms.

A gas heat generator is one of the possible solutions for implementing an air heating project for a private house. But in practice such systems are rarely used

Another significant plus is the ability to combine air heating with ventilation and air conditioning. This opens up the most ample opportunities to create the most comfortable microclimate in the building.

The air duct system can be successfully used for air conditioning rooms in the summer. Installation additional equipment will make it possible to humidify, purify and even disinfect the air.

Air heating equipment lends itself well to automation. “Smart” control allows you to remove burdensome control over the operation of appliances from the homeowner. In addition, the system will independently select the most economical operating mode. Air heating is very easy to install and durable. Its average service life is about 25 years.

Air ducts can be installed during the construction phase of the building and hidden under ceiling covering. Installation of such systems requires high ceilings

The advantages include the absence of pipes and radiators, which gives room for the imagination of designers who design the interior. The cost of such a system is quite affordable for most homeowners. Moreover, it pays off quite quickly, so its demand is growing.

Air heating also has disadvantages. These include a significant difference between the temperatures in the lower and upper parts of the room. On average it is 10 °C, but in rooms with high ceilings it can reach up to 20 °C. Thus, in the cold season, increased power of the heat generator will be required.

Another disadvantage is the rather noisy operation of the equipment. True, this can be mitigated by selecting special “quiet” devices. If there is no filtration system at the outlets, large amounts of dust may appear in the air.

Infrared heating system

It's relative new method heating residential buildings. It is based on the use of infrared radiation. Scientists have found that infrared rays can have different lengths. Long-wave radiation, similar to what we receive from the Sun, is safe and even beneficial for humans. It is used in heating devices operating in the infrared range.

Infrared film heaters can be mounted on the ceiling. Then the radiation will fall down and reach the floor, which will begin to warm up

For heating premises, a special infrared film is used. A thin layer of carbon paste is applied to a non-woven base, which is activated under the influence of current and emits infrared waves. The resulting emitter is laminated on both sides with a film, which gives it strength and extends its service life.

Operating principle infrared heating that's how it is. The film is placed on the floor or on the ceiling. When the system is turned on, current is applied to the emitter and it produces infrared waves. They move and reach the first massive obstacle. This could be large furniture, Appliances, and most often gender. Such objects are impenetrable to infrared rays; they are retained and accumulated in them.

It must be admitted that this type of heating is the most comfortable. Due to the fact that the floor is heated, the temperature distribution is as pleasant and beneficial for humans as possible. The lower part of the room is about 2-3 °C warmer than the upper part.

In addition, it is completely preserved natural humidity and the amount of oxygen, there are no convection currents carrying dust. There are no drafts either. Film heaters operate absolutely silently and are safe for humans.

If infrared heaters are placed under the floor covering, the radiation rises up, reaches the floor and heats its surface, and then the air in the room

Another advantage - completely automated control system. This allows her to work at her maximum economy mode and at the same time provide the owner with complete comfort. Thanks to this, the film system has no heat losses and its efficiency is almost 100%.

The minimum service life of the equipment is 25 years, and the service life is twice as long. In this case, the system does not require maintenance.

The next advantage is compactness. The film is very thin and does not “eat up” the free space. No additional room is required for the heating unit; there are no batteries or air ducts. The film is very easy to install and connect. If necessary, dismantling and reuse is possible.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that as the voltage drops, the amount of heat generated by the film decreases. In this case, the operating time of the heater increases, which leads to greater energy consumption. The film can be covered with a variety of finishing coatings, except for putty, wallpaper and paint. The cost of equipment for installing infrared heating is quite high.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To heat a private home they use different types heating, and sometimes several are combined. You can learn how heating is done from the following videos.

Pros and cons of air heating:

What users say about infrared heating:

Features of arranging water heating with your own hands:

It is technically possible to install almost any heating system in a private home. Therefore, the owner must choose the most practical and most suitable option for the conditions existing in his home. When making a choice, you should listen to the opinions of experts and correctly calculate your heating system. Then your house will be very warm, even if it is severe winter outside.

What heating system do you use? What advantages and disadvantages have you noticed when using your heating system? Or are you still looking around when choosing best option? Maybe you still have questions after reading this article? Please ask them below - our experts and other site visitors will try to help you.

Purpose and classification of heating systems.

Characteristics of heating systems.

Depending on the prevailing method of heat transfer, space heating can be convective or radiant.

TO covective refers to heating in which the temperature of the internal air is maintained at a higher level than the radiation temperature of the room, meaning by radiation the average temperature of the surfaces facing the room, calculated relative to a person located in the middle of this room.

Radiant called heating in which the radiation temperature of the room exceeds the air temperature. Radiant heating at a slightly lower temperature in the room is more favorable for human well-being (for example, up to 18-20 C instead of 20-22 C in the premises of civil buildings).

Heating system is a set of structural elements with connections between them, designed to receive, transfer and transmit heat to the heated rooms of the building.

Heating system Designed to compensate for heat loss from heated premises. Main structural elements of the heating system: heat source- element for generating heat; heat pipes- an element for transferring heat from a heat source to heating devices; heating devices- an element for transferring heat into the room.

The heating system meets the following requirements: 1. sanitary and hygienic: maintaining a given temperature of air and internal surfaces of room enclosures in time, in plan and in height with permissible air mobility, limiting the temperature on the surface of heating devices;

2. economic: optimal capital investments, economical consumption of thermal energy during operation;

3. architectural and construction: compliance with the interior of the room, compactness, coordination with building structures, coordination with the construction period of the building;

4. production and installation: minimum number of standardized units and parts, mechanization of their production, reduction of labor costs and manual labor during installation;

5. operational: efficiency of operation throughout the entire period of operation, reliability and technical excellence, safety and quiet operation.

Classification of heating systems

WHAT DOES THE HEATING SYSTEM CONSISTE OF? The “heart” of the heating system is the boiler. From it, the heated coolant (water or antifreeze), with the help of a circulation pump (if the system is with forced circulation) or without it (natural circulation), moves through the pipes and transfers heat to your home through heating appliances. In addition to the above-mentioned main elements, the heating system also includes a lot of other smaller things, but necessary for normal operation: an expansion tank - compensating for the thermal expansion of water, fittings - for connecting pipes, air valves and much more.

What are the types of heating systems?

Systems with forced and natural circulation. What is their difference? In a system with forced circulation The movement of the coolant is carried out using a circulation pump. The advantages of such a system are: comfort (it is possible to maintain a given temperature in each room), higher quality, small pipe diameter, smaller temperature difference between the heated water leaving the boiler and the cooled water returning to the boiler (increases the service life of the boiler). The main and, perhaps, the only disadvantage of such systems is that the pump requires electricity. In system with natural circulation there is no pump. The role of the pump in it is played by the gravitational force that arises due to the difference in density (specific gravity) of the coolant in the supply and return pipes (the density of hot water is less, that is, it is lighter than cold water). This system requires large diameter pipes (to reduce drag), is virtually impossible to adjust, and with its use you get less comfort and higher fuel consumption.

METHODS OF PIPE ROUTING TO RADIATORS There are two ways to route pipes to heating devices - one-pipe and two-pipe. With two-pipe There are two pipes connected to each radiator - “direct” and “return”. This wiring allows you to have the same coolant temperature at the inlet to all devices. Two-pipe wiring can be of two types: a) with parallel connection of radiators (see Fig. 2), b) radial (collector), when there are “rays” from the collector to each heating device two pipes are supplied - direct and return. The disadvantage of the beam system is the high cost of pipes. Plus - easy adjustment of heating devices and balancing of the system. With single-pipe wiring(see Fig. 1) the coolant passes sequentially from one radiator to another, while cooling down. Thus, the last radiator in the chain can be significantly cooler than the first. If you care about the quality of the heating system, choose a two-pipe system that allows you to regulate the temperature in each room. The only advantage of a single-pipe system is its lower price.

Rice. 1 Single-pipe wiring Fig. 2 Two-pipe wiring with parallel connection of radiators OP - heating device 1 - direct 2 - reverse

according to the relative position of the main elements:


Central called heating systems designed for heating several rooms from one heating point where the heat generator is located (boiler room, thermal power plant)

Local Heating systems are a type of heating in which all three main elements are structurally combined in one device installed in a heated room. (example: stove, gas and electric appliances, air heating units).

by type of coolant: steam water air combined

according to the coolant circulation method: systems with natural circulation (gravity) systems with artificial circulation (pump)

at the location of the supply and return lines: with an upper location of supply lines (in the attic or under the ceiling of the upper floor) with a lower location of both lines (in the basement, above the floor of the first floor or in underground channels)

according to the heating device switching diagram: Two-pipe (in which hot water enters the devices through one riser, and cooled water is discharged through another) Single-pipe (in which hot water is supplied to the devices and chilled water is discharged from them through one riser)


Water is a liquid, practically incompressible medium with significant density and heat capacity. Water changes its density, volume and viscosity depending on temperature, and its boiling point depending on pressure, and is capable of sorbing or releasing gases soluble in it when temperature and pressure change.

Steam is an easily mobile medium with a relatively low density. The temperature and density of steam depend on pressure. Steam changes volume and enthalpy significantly during phase change.

Air is a highly mobile medium with relatively low viscosity, density and heat capacity, changing density and volume depending on temperature.

Due to its effectiveness and reasonable price, water heating in private homes has remained the most popular for many years. The steam heating design works simultaneously for all rooms present in the house, and it does not matter whether the building is one-story or has 3 floors. As a rule, heating in a private house is autonomous and not connected to a centralized system.

Operating principle of autonomous heating

  1. The coolant is the liquid circulating in the heating system. Using the installed boiler, the coolant is heated. During the circulation process, the heated liquid enters the room through pipes, heating the air. As a rule, antifreeze is used as a liquid - this liquid does not freeze when negative temperature air due to its composition, which includes ethylene glycol.
  2. The circuit in the heating circuit is a pipe system closed in a circle. This also includes the boiler, pumps, valves, etc., depending on the selected heating scheme.
  3. Direct current - elements of the movement of hot liquid in the direction from the boiler to the battery.
  4. Reverse current - elements of the movement of the liquid that has given off heat towards the boiler.
  5. Water heating device - radiator, radiator, heated floor, etc. depending on the choice. Necessary for heat transfer, directs it to heat rooms.

Types of pipes of various materials:

  1. Metal pipes. Not common in use, they have disadvantages. With time become corroded, are short-lived in operation. Mounted exclusively on threaded connections.
  2. Copper pipes . Durable and reliable at work. Withstand high temperatures and pressure in pipes. Installation is performed by soldering. Soldering is a high-temperature solder containing silver. After installation, the pipes can be hidden in the wall if desired. Copper is an expensive material, so not everyone can afford heating using such pipes.
  3. Polymer pipes. They are divided into polypropylene and polyethylene. The main advantage is that even an untrained person can handle the installation. Despite the cheapness of the material, resistant to corrosion, will last for many years.
  4. Metal-plastic pipes. Consist of plastic and aluminum. Such pipes are mounted with threaded connections, in some cases with press connections. Disadvantages - the coefficient of thermal expansion is too high. If there is a sudden change from hot water to cold water or vice versa, the pipes may crack.

Each house has its own water heating connection diagram:

Before buying equipment, according to the scheme, you should select the necessary heating system that is suitable for a particular home.

Types of houses. Scheme of a steam heating system in private houses.
House - 1st floor, steep roof, basement.The heating system is two-pipe. Vertical risers, preferably bottom wiring.
House - 1st floor, steep roof, no basementThe heating system is two-pipe. The boiler is installed on the ground floor in a room special for this purpose; in this case, the wiring must be at the top.
House - 1st floor, flat roof. There is a basement.Horizontal wiring. In this case, the basement is perfect place for installation of equipment. Boiler - running on liquid fuel or gas.
House - 2 floors or more. Steep or flat roof - it doesn't matter.The heating scheme is two-pipe or one-pipe. Vertical risers. Wiring - top or bottom. Systems with horizontal conductive pipes cannot be used. Any type of heating boiler can be used.

Types of water heating systems

Heating systems differ only in the appearance of the position of the pipes, the main task remains the same everywhere - heated water heats the room, The water in turn is heated by the heating boiler. IN modern world There are 3 types of systems:

  • “natural circulation” system;
  • “forced circulation” system;
  • "combined" system.

Its basis lies in the functioning of different densities of cold and hot water. It is known from physics that hot water has a lower density, which means it becomes lighter. When heated, it moves to the upper positions of the system, and cold water, in turn, remains below. Thanks to this, natural circulation of water occurs. This type of heating does not depend on power supply, even with the lights off for a long time The water in the pipes will not cool down, but there are also disadvantages:

  • it is impossible to regulate the temperature of the heating device;
  • you need a lot of pipes, extra costs;
  • the diameter of heat pipes has its limitations;
  • heavy installation of pipes, an untrained person cannot cope.

Forced circulation

This system has a closed circle with an expansion tank, which is a disadvantage in its operation. In order for the coolant to move cyclically, a pump must be used. Work directly depends on power supply. Required additional expenses for additional components: pressure gauge, pump and others.

System advantages:

  • unlike natural circulation, less pipe flow is required;
  • any radiators are suitable;
  • possibility of regulating heating devices;
  • the possibility of using antifreeze to prevent water from freezing in the system.


The name of this system speaks for itself; it combines 2 previous versions. If you install a pump in it, the water will become forced to rotate, if this is not done, the water will flow through natural circulation. Has the ability to work when the electricity is turned off. Increases heat transfer efficiency significantly.

Heating system installation diagrams


The diagram shows that water passes through the heating radiators in direct sequence. The downside here is that the last batteries will always be a little colder than the first ones. It is also considered a disadvantage inconvenience of use, for example, it is impossible to shut off one of the batteries; you will have to stop the supply of hot water along the entire line.

Previously, a single-pipe heating circuit was called “Leningradka” or single-circuit. She served for heating large private apartment buildings. The advantages include the fact that the pipes can go around the entire perimeter of the house from the first to the last room. If a single-pipe system gives little results and the room remains cold, you can use other methods of connecting batteries; as a rule, self-taught people like to do this.


In this scheme, cold and hot water is supplied to each heating device with different pipes. In this case much easier to regulate temperature in room. Two-pipe wiring is divided into 3 types:

Types of boilers

  • gas;
  • electrical;
  • liquid fuel;
  • combined.

Combined. Positive traits: use several types of energy carriers. Flaw: high price and design complexity.