Warm floor electrolux installation. Indisputable advantages and advantages of electrolux underfloor heating

Usually in winter, people walk indoors in slippers or woolen socks. Current radiators cannot guarantee good room heating. However, keeping pace with the times, they invented the warm floor Electrolux, which allows you to forget about the cold flooring in your home forever.

Main advantages of the system

All over the country and abroad, the products of the Electrolux company are in sufficient demand, which is due to the innovative technologies of its manufacture. In order to analyze the reason for the high demand, it is necessary to study in detail the principle of operation of such a heating system.

The heated cable is made of a strong steel core containing armide strands. This material is a synthetic rigid fiber, 5 times stronger than steel. Due to this, the use of armide significantly improves the degree of cable resistance to various damage, cracking and stretching.

It should be noted that the cores are insulated with fluoroplastic, which guarantees them better wear resistance and electrical durability. In addition, a characteristic feature of heated mats is their base, impregnated with a special adhesive, which provides good conditions for joining and eliminates the formation of bubbles. The structure of the mat is solid and homogeneous.

Below are the main advantages of electric Electrolux underfloor heating:

  • ... equal and instant heating of the entire room;
  • ... automatic fixing;
  • ... reliability;
  • ... wear resistance.

Warmth and comfort in the house

In practice, it can be seen that the use of mats equipped with special heating cords fixed with an adhesive solution makes it possible to maintain an optimal temperature regime in the floor area. It should be borne in mind that the installation of an Electrolux underfloor heating is simplified by the absence of the need to fill the structure with concrete and make a screed. Installation of the system does not require any special skills or special skills. All you need to know is how to position and secure the mat.

When connecting a thermostat for an Electrolux underfloor heating, you should make sure that there is resistance in the wires. The manufacturer produces a programmable version of the thermal regulator with a "sensitive" display that allows you to quickly respond to touch from users. The device allows you to set six modes with different temperature ranges during working hours and two modes on weekends. In addition, there is a function of 6/1 or 7 modes for people with unusual working hours.

The device guarantees a comfortable room temperature in any of the marked modes and energy savings by lowering the heating temperature if there is no one at home. Also, the controller has a built-in function "display auto-lock" to prevent unexpected pressing, this makes it possible to safely operate the system in a room with small children.

Although the installation procedure is quite simple, there are some difficulties here. The main ones are the following:

  • ... piercing the heating cord with a nail;
  • ... installation of a thermostat in rooms with high humidity;
  • ... inaccurate connection of the contact in the device;
  • ... incorrect arrangement of furniture, its tight fit to the floor surface, which prevents heat from dissipating;
  • ... loading of the heated area with bulky elements, which causes overheating of the system and its failure;
  • ... lack of a gap in the "floor - furniture" zone, which impairs free air circulation.

Consider practical advice installation of underfloor heating under Electrolux tiles. Heating mats are installed in the already made screed. An adhesive solution is directly applied between the mats, which ensures a strong laying of the tiles, as a result of which it is not located on the working elements of the system, but in a reliable base of the floor. The heating mats are completely immersed in the adhesive and practically do not raise the floor level.

The probability of failure of such a heating system is insignificant, since it belongs to the category high precision... However, repairs do arise from time to time. If for some reason this happened, the malfunction is not difficult to identify using special devices with an accuracy of millimeters and quickly eliminate. In the damaged area, with a standard repair kit, you can put a spare sleeve on the cable. At the same time, you will not have to completely open the coating and repair it.

Electrolux products are installed not only under tiles, but also other heat-conducting floor coverings (laminate, parquet). In any case, the safety regulations and installation instructions must be strictly followed.

To put it bluntly, the price of Electrolux underfloor heating has never been low. This is due to the high production costs of raw materials and manufacturing technology, which allow us to guarantee a decent quality of the product and its long-term operation.

The heated floor system of this brand is quite simple and straightforward to install. It is completed with a detailed specification and instructions detailing the nuances of installation work. The most time-consuming step is laying the flooring and connecting the structure to the thermal regulator.

If there are no professional skills in laying the structure and connecting the electrical, it is more expedient to invite specialists who will do the job efficiently and avoid traditional installation errors.

With the help of a warm floor in any house, you can create optimal conditions... For their device, it is best to choose Electrolux products from a Swedish manufacturer. With the help of various types of cable systems, it is very easy to create a warm floor that will be distinguished by reliability, durability and efficiency.

Benefits of Electrolux products

Electrolux underfloor heating has a large number of advantages, including:

Electrolux heating mats

Heating mats are the best solution for creating a warm floor under the tiles. For their installation, it is not necessary to pour a thick layer of cement-sand screed, which significantly reduces the height of the room.

To fix the heating mats, it is enough to use ordinary tile adhesive with a layer of 1-3 cm. They are laid on the prepared concrete base, which is also additionally insulated with foil-coated thermal insulation. It allows the generated thermal radiation to be reflected into the room.

Installation video for Electrolux heating mats

The advantage of thermal mats of all series is that to obtain underfloor heating, it is enough to simply lay them on the entire surface of the base. It is not necessary to calculate the distance between the turns of the cable. They are securely fixed on a special substrate, which also excludes their displacement after pouring the mortar under the tile. If necessary, these elements can be cut to obtain a piece of the desired size. In this case, it is important to monitor the integrity of the cable.

Easy Fix Mat Series

The heating mats of the Easy Fix Mat series are equipped with a 3.5 mm double-core cable. This allows them to be installed under tiles or other flooring without the need for a thick layer of mortar.

In the model range of products from the Easy Fix Mat series, heating mats of various powers and sizes are presented. The length of the elements for laying ranges from 1 to 24 m. The power of the heating mats from this series ranges from 75 to 1800 W. Therefore, with their help it is possible to install underfloor heating both as an additional and as a main one.

Warm floor Easy Fix Mat

The area of ​​one mat is also different and ranges from 0.5 to 12 sq. m. Such a variety allows the installation of Easy Fix Mat elements in any room, regardless of its configuration and size.

The advantage of heating mats from this series is:

Multi Size Mat Series

Heating mats from the Multi Size Mat series consist of a 3.5 mm thin two-core cable. It is placed on an elastic base, which consists of strips 0.5 m wide.They should be installed in increments of 7.4-10 cm.This design feature allows you to quickly change the area during installation heating elements and their linear power.

The installed heating elements are connected to the power cable through a special sleeve of the cylindrical type. This node is required to connect a warm floor to a device such as a thermostat. The one-sided connection diagram greatly facilitates the installation of the entire system.

Features of Multi Size Mat Series:

Eco Mat Series

Eco Mat consists of a thin twin-core cable that is fixed to a textile backing. It connects more effectively with the adhesive solution and creates a solid monolithic structure with it.

The advantages of the Eco Mat series are:

  • reduced degree of electromagnetic radiation. Eco Mat warm floor can be installed in children's rooms, since it is completely safe;
  • external XLPE insulation. This ensures high resistance of all parts to the harmful effects of tile adhesive or concrete;
  • connecting heating mats to power cable it is carried out through a thin sleeve, which allows not to increase the thickness of the solution for their fixation;
  • wide range of products. The Eco Mat series is presented in different variations, which differ in size and power.


Thermostats from Electrolux are connected to warm floor and allow you to control its operating parameters. All devices are distinguished by modern design, reliability, ease of use and durability.

Thermotronic Basic

Electronic thermostat Thermotronic Basic is equipped with a mechanism for controlling the temperature of the heating of the mechanical type. The adjustment range is + 5… + 40 ° С. The Thermotronic Basic thermostat has the following advantages:

  • perfect combination in appearance texture and color scheme. This allows the thermostat to fit into any interior;
  • the ability to set the required temperature corridor for underfloor heating;
  • the presence of a light indicator that displays the operating mode of the device;
  • 3-year manufacturer's warranty.

Thermotronic Avantgarde

The thermostat Thermotronic Avantgarde has the following features:

  • the presence of a liquid crystal display;
  • the ability to program the operating mode of the warm floor during the day. The thermostat sets the required temperature for every hour;
  • simple control;
  • the presence of several replaceable panels of different colors;
  • the thermostat operates in a wide temperature range - + 5 ... + 50 ° С.

Thermotronic Touch

The thermostat of the Thermotronic Touch series is distinguished by:

Heating sections Twin Cable

The Twin Cable heating cable is installed on a prepared base and enclosed in a thin layer of screed. Its power is 17 W per 1 sq. m. It is two-core, which provides more efficient floor heating.

The cable has a thin reinforced wire and three-layer insulation. For the installation of a warm floor, heating elements can be installed with a minimum bending radius, which will be relevant for rooms with a complex configuration.

Video: Installation video for Twin Cable heating section


1 Warm floors Electrolux catalog 2013

2 2 electrolux underfloor heating electrolux underfloor heating 3 Range Rated power Installation method Scope of application Optimal Floor covering material Compatible Heating mats and indoor sections Easy Fix Mat 150 W / m 2 Wet tile adhesive, thin screed Floor in bathroom, kitchen and living quarters rooms Tile, stone Laminate, linoleum, carpet Multi Size Mat W / m2 Wet Tile adhesive, thin screed Floor in bathroom, kitchen and living rooms Tile, stone Laminate, linoleum, carpet Alu Mat 120 W / m2 Dry or wet Direct installation under flooring or in a thin screed Floor in living rooms Laminate, parquet, carpet, linoleum Tile, stone Twin Cable 17 W / m. Damp Screed Floor in living rooms, bathrooms, loggias Tiles, stones Laminate, linoleum, carpet The history of Electrolux The Swedish concern Electrolux is the world's largest manufacturer household appliances and professional equipment. Since its founding in 1919, Electrolux has created and presented to consumers many outstanding innovations in a wide variety of fields. The key to the success of Electrolux products over the decades has been and remains its impeccable quality. In the production of all equipment, the concern is guided by a single principle: the difference in price is due only to the presence or absence of additional functions, but not to the difference in the quality of goods. The history of Electrolux is inextricably linked with cable heating systems, also known as underfloor heating. For over 10 years the company has been offering innovative solutions for space heating using a heating cable. During this time, unique products have successfully passed the quality test during operation and gained popularity all over the world. Today Electrolux presents on the Russian market a new line of heating mats, cable sections and de-icing systems for buildings and adjoining territories... Electrolux products have a European CE quality certificate and comply with all necessary European and Russian standards: environmental standards, hygiene standards, fire safety standards, and the highest energy efficiency indicators. Advantages of the Electrolux brand: Product development tailored to the needs of the end consumer Variety of product groups Consumer loyalty to the Electrolux brand and professional experience Brand awareness 70% Representation in chain stores with household appliances Investment in innovative developments Slim Single Wire Cable 10 W / m. Wet Antifrost Mat Outdoor 300 W / m 2 Wet Dry Step Mat Outdoor 300 W / m 2 Wet Antifrost Cable Outdoor 30 W / m. Dry Frost Guard Pipe Cable 17 W / m.p. Dry Thermotronic Basic Thermotronic Avantgarde Thermotronic Touch Tile adhesive, thin screed or floor on logs Floor in living rooms, pipes, foundations Parquet, laminate, carpet De-icing systems for outdoor installation 16 A (3600 W) 16 A (3600 W) 16 A ( 3600 W) Installation in road surfaces Installation in steps or under tiles Open way on the roof and into the gutters On the outer surface of the pipe Thermostats Concealed installation in the installation box Driveways, platforms Porch steps, paths Concrete, stone Concrete, stone, tiles Concrete, stone, tiles Asphalt Asphalt Roofs, gutters - - Heating pipes - - Underfloor heating systems Programmable underfloor heating systems for a day Programmable underfloor heating systems for a week Tile, stone, parquet, laminate, carpet Tile, stone, parquet, laminate, carpet for a day Tile, stone, parquet, laminate, carpet for a week

3 4 electrolux underfloor heating electrolux underfloor heating 5 Electrolux underfloor heating: a new generation of electric cable heating systems The high quality standards of modern housing dictate strict requirements for the temperature of the floor covering, because the floor is the surface in the room with which a person is most often in direct contact. The feeling of warmth and comfort in the house largely depends on the floor, which is especially important for countries with a temperate climate and a sharp daily temperature drop, such as Russia and most of the CIS countries. In cities, the problem becomes more acute during the off-season, when the heating season has not yet begun, and it is already cold at home. Additional difficulties are created by the often weak thermal insulation of houses, especially of the "economy" class. Standard convection heating systems do not always provide sufficient heat in the room. When using them, the air temperature at the head level reaches C, while the floor temperature remains low - about C. With this heat distribution, a person experiences discomfort: the floor is cold, and the room itself is stuffy. The temperature of the floor covering is considered more natural and optimal, and the temperature at the head level is about C. It has been established that this temperature ratio creates a feeling of comfort, reduces convection flows and does not dry out the air in the room. Among the main advantages of Electrolux products, it is worth noting, firstly, direct heating of the floor surface. The direction of the heat flow from bottom to top over the entire area and the distribution of heat in the vertical direction create a natural feeling of comfort. Secondly, compared to concentrated heat sources (radiators, convectors, fireplaces, stoves), warm floors create much less convection flows, drafts, which, among other things, means less dust in the air. Thirdly, the only visible element of the system is the thermostat. The heat source is hidden under the floor, making room for furniture and various interior solutions. Fourthly, due to the absence of direct contact of the heating elements with the atmosphere, the air does not dry out. At the same time, the humidity in damp rooms, such as bathrooms and hallways, is ideally regulated, and this is a guarantee against mold formation. Fifth, the set temperature is maintained automatically. Heating mode can be programmed. And finally, the service life of Electrolux cable systems is more than 50 years, and Maintenance they don't need it. The warranty period is 20 years. In addition, underfloor heating is an ideal solution for residential and industrial premises of medium and small size. Without cluttering small rooms with massive heating appliances, you can effectively solve the heating problem. Moreover, thanks to the installation of underfloor heating in any, even the most budgetary housing, consumer qualities increase significantly. And, of course, no full-fledged major overhaul of an apartment, as a rule, is complete without the installation of warm floors. Unlike water heating systems, installation of cable systems does not require obtaining approvals from the administrative bodies of housing and communal services, there is no danger of leaks, there is no risk of flooding the neighbors, it is easier to control the temperature. It is easy and simple to install cable systems, besides, their service life is much longer than that of water systems. Thus, modern solutions Electrolux sets a new level of quality, reliability and efficiency. And most importantly, with Electrolux warm floors - your home will always be warm, no matter what happens. As practice shows, no heating system does not provide such uniform heating as a warm floor. Taking into account the experience of the world's best manufacturers, Electrolux has brought to the market a unique line of technically perfect, versatile and easy-to-use cable heating systems Distribution of convection flows in a room with a traditional heating system using radiators Electrolux underfloor heating systems - heating mats, cable sections for underfloor heating and modern thermostats - capable of creating an ideal microclimate and maintaining optimal heat distribution in the room throughout the year. Anti-icing systems will reliably protect the house from freezing pipes, icicles or ice formation. Distribution of convection flows in a room with a "warm floor" heating system

4 6 electrolux underfloor heating electrolux underfloor heating 7 Main advantages of Electrolux cable heating systems 35% PTFE insulation The insulation of the heating cores is made of PTFE, one of the most famous names of which is Teflon (R). PTFE has a wide range of mechanical properties, good dielectric properties, high electrical strength , low wear characteristics. In addition, it is resistant to the effects of various aggressive environments at room and elevated temperatures, is weakly gas permeable, self-extinguishes when ignited, and has high resistance when heated (up to 300 C). The use of fluoroplastic insulation provides maximum safety and reliability characteristics with a minimum cable thickness, and also increases the resistance to local overheating. Innovative textile base The unique textile base of Electrolux heating mats of the EASY FIX MAT series is made on the basis of a fabric impregnated with a special adhesive that forms ideal conditions for adhesion to concrete and tile adhesive, eliminating the formation of air bubbles in the solution and cracks in the screed, creating a reinforcing effect of the floor surface ... The innovative technology allows the heating cable to be woven into the textile base, which ensures a uniform structure of the mats. The textile base, in contrast to the base in the form of a fiberglass mesh, does not deform during transportation or long-term storage, and the mat, when laid, ideally lies on the floor surface without the formation of bumps. Also, with small shifts of a part of the mat to the side, its level does not rise: it is evenly distributed over the floor surface. Unique stretch base up to 35% The woven base of the MULTI SIZE MAT series is made in the form of elastic bands, due to which you can stretch the laid mat, increasing its length up to 35% of the original. At the same time, the power of the mat per unit of laying area changes proportionally. The variable power range of the mat from 150 W / m 2 to 111 W / m 2 opens up new possibilities for optimal floor heating in any type of room. In addition, the reduction in power allows the use of the screed mat under wooden floor coverings. If desired, the mat can be stretched only in certain areas, thus forming local zones with different heating intensities. Three layers of insulation Electrolux cable products use an additional second layer of insulation for the heating conductors. Thus, three layers of insulation are used: individual insulation of the heating cores, additional belt insulation and an outer sheath, which reliably protect the heating elements of the core from damage, depressurization and moisture penetration during the entire service life. The second layer of insulation covers any possible defect (for example, microcracks) in the first layer. Double and reinforced insulation provides better resistance, withstanding up to 4000 V breakdown voltage. The outer sheath of the heating cable is resistant to the chemical composition of concrete and tile adhesive. This ensures a long service life for Electrolux heating cables. ARAMID 25. C High strength aramid synthetic fiber The basis of the Electrolux heating cable is a unique core made of aramid threads. Aramid, also known as Kevlar (R), is a synthetic fiber with high mechanical and thermal strength. Aramid fibers do not conduct electric current, do not have a melting point (destruction begins only at 500 C), are characterized by a high mechanical strength... This material is 5 times stronger than steel and is used in the manufacture of body armor, fire retardant clothing and reinforcement of tires. Heavy-duty aramid conductor provides the highest strength characteristics of Electrolux cable products. Variable styling An innovative solution Electrolux elastic Multi Size Mat on a textile stretch backing. Mats on an elastic base, in contrast to mats on a rigid mesh, make it possible to vary the form of laying: from the usual rectangular form to laying in the form of a diamond, arc or trapezoid. Thus, without cutting the mat, you can bypass all the "obstacles" and install a warm floor in rooms of complex configuration. This is very convenient for installing underfloor heating in rooms with non-standard dimensions, for example, in bathrooms, hallways or kitchens with large-sized stationary appliances. For fastening to the floor, use the special fasteners included in the kit. Touch screen Following global digital trends, Electrolux is developing the Thermotronic Touch series with touch screen, which has an intuitive interface that instantly responds to user touch. A large graphical screen with a pleasant blue backlight displays the air temperature, current time, as well as the state of the system (whether it is on or not). The built-in menu helps to manage all the thermostat functions in the same way as when using a smartphone. Thus, thermostats with touch screens the Thermotronic Touch series are highly reliable and intuitive. A set of programming functions allows you to customize the system to suit your rhythm of life and help reduce energy consumption. Ergonomic design The interior of any living or working space is ergonomic to a certain extent, which is achieved due to effective systems management. All of them are aimed at ensuring that interior items constantly give a person a sense of comfort. When developing the Thermotronic Basic thermostat of the Electrolux trademark, considerable attention was paid to the harmonious combination of texture and color scheme. As a result, this made it possible to perfectly fit it into any design solution - from classic to high tech. The shape of the thermostat and the control system are as user-friendly as possible. The device owes its properties to the use of high quality materials, as well as hard work designers and engineers.

5 underfloor heating electrolux 9 8 electrolux underfloor heating Two heating conductors Under any covering Both conductors are heating, the load is evenly distributed on each of them, which increases the service life of the cable. The underfloor heating set can be laid for any type floor coverings: tiles, laminate, parquet, carpet. Braided copper shield Self-adhesive surface In accordance with the requirements of international safety standards, the cable has a braided copper shield for grounding during operation. By applying adhesive composition on the entire textile base and three special adhesive tapes, the heating mat is securely fixed during installation on the floor surface. This prevents the mat from shifting during the application of the tile adhesive. Minimum bending radius The design allows bending the cable without the risk of breaking or breaking the cores. This is achieved through a unique design of thin, twisted heating conductors, the length of which exceeds the length of the cable by 6%. In case of any deformations or stretching, the main load falls on the aramid core, and the heating conductors are easily adapted to changes in geometry. Warranty 20 years The warranty period for Electrolux heating mats and cable sections is 20 years. At the same time, the service life of cable electric heating systems is more than 50 years, and maintenance is not required. Increased tensile strength A cable in a screed or tile adhesive constantly experiences loads of various directions during heating and cooling: axial, radial. It is very important to protect the heating elements from these influences. The Electrolux cable is based on an aramid core, due to which it can withstand a breaking load of up to 200 Newtons. Easy installation. Installation of equipment does not require special skills and knowledge. Laying without screed The underfloor heating set is designed for laying in a layer of tile glue or mastic without using a screed. This method minimizes the level of floor rise. Bi-metal sensor Bi-metal sensor The programmable thermostat makes it possible to set individual temperature conditions for every hour during the day. Pipe Heating Automatic Temperature Control The Frost Guard Pipe Cable series is designed for heating pipes. The device has the function of automatically maintaining the level of the set temperature. Setting the temperature with an accuracy of 1 C Heating distribution LCD screen with backlight With this thermostat, you can set the required floor temperature with an accuracy of 1 C. Each turn of the ALU MAT series heating cable is built into a double aluminum screen, significantly expanding the heating element, which allows even warmth over the floor area. This design is especially relevant for installing the mat under wooden coverings. The additionally improved heat distribution accelerates the heating of the floor surface and reduces energy consumption. Floor and air temperature sensor included The thermostat allows you to set the maximum and minimum floor temperature corridor. When it cools down below the level of the set minimum temperature, the warm floor will turn on, when it warms up above the maximum temperature, it will turn off. In addition to the floor temperature sensor on the wire, the thermostat is equipped with a built-in air temperature sensor. Connection to the 220 V network The heating mat has a power of 150 W for square meter paving area, which is optimal for creating comfortable heating. The EFGPC series cable section is equipped with a standard plug for connecting to a 220V outlet. 25. Thin sleeve The design is equipped with a thin sealed sleeve. It has practically the same diameter as the cable itself, which minimizes the amount of floor level rise. Child lock The thermostat supports the control panel lock function to keep small children safe. UV protection The thermostat is equipped with a floor temperature sensor on the wire. The polyolefin outer insulation of the cable is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and other atmospheric influences, which is especially important when operating anti-icing systems. Intuitive interface Energy saving The instrument has an intuitive interface. Anyone can easily operate the "warm floor" system without prior preparation and training: just read the instructions. The programmable thermostat can save energy consumption by up to 30%. Temperature sensor included. Screed The temperature controller is equipped with a contrast LCD display with backlight. Setting the temperature corridor. Power 150 W / m2 concrete screed height not less than 3 cm. Recommended height 5 cm. Programming during the day The Frost Guard Pipe Cable series is equipped with a bimetallic sensor that regulates the power of the cable section depending on the pipe temperature from +3 C to +15 C. Polyolefin Warranty 3 years Warranty period on Electrolux for 3 years. Switching current 16 A De-icing systems The product is intended for outdoor de-icing systems. (3600 W) thermostats Permissible operating load of the thermostat: power up to 3600 W, current up to 16A. Changeable color panels Programming by day of the week The thermostat allows you to set the program for weekdays, weekends, as well as for each day separately. The basic color of the thermostats is "ivory". However, to create exclusive design solutions, it is possible to install interchangeable color panels. The base color of the panel can be easily changed to white, silver or black (not included).

6 10 electrolux underfloor heating electrolux underfloor heating 11 Heating mats for rooms We thought that you need not just a warm floor, but an intelligent heating system that adjusts to your rhythm of life and creates an individual microclimate in the house. Versatility and simplicity Continuously looking for innovative solutions and at the same time caring for you, Electrolux offers versatile heating mats that will become indispensable in any modern home. Innovations Electrolux offers 3 series of mats: Easy Fix Mat - the most convenient and simple solution for a household floor, self-fixing during installation due to an adhesive layer, Multi Size Mat on an elastic base that stretches to 35% of its original length, and Alu Mat - universal mats in living rooms for any kind of flooring. Among the main advantages of all mats are fast and uniform heating of the floor surface, installation in tile adhesive provides a minimum rise in the floor level. Electrolux heating mats are the most affordable way to make floors warm, since their installation does not require pouring a concrete screed, calculating the power and cable laying step, as well as having special knowledge. Even without being professional builder, you can install the mat on your own at home, in fact, simply spread the roll over the required area. The help of an electrician is only required to connect the system to the thermostat.

7 underfloor heating electrolux electrolux underfloor heating Easy Fix Mat Series Installation area m 2 Power, W Mat length, m Resistance, Ohm -5 / + 10% 0.7 1.3 2.6 3.2 EEFM, 7 EEFM, 2 EEFM EEFM, 8 EEFM, 4 EEFM, 3 EEFM EEFM, 2 EEFM Article number EEFM, 5 EEFM EEFM, 5 EEFM EEFM, 5 EEFM EEFM, 5 Series Easy Fix Mat Self-adhesive heating mat based on a thin two-core cable. The two-core heating cable is firmly woven into a textile mesh impregnated with a special adhesive, which securely fixes the mat to the floor and creates ideal conditions for adhesion to concrete and tile adhesives. Easy Fix heating mats are ideal for those rooms where it is necessary to keep the floor thickness low. The main area of ​​their application is under tiles or a natural stone, in tile adhesive without screed, as well as screed for any floor coverings: laminate, carpet, parquet and linoleum. Power 150 W / m2 Warranty 20 years Super strong aramid conductor Easy installation PTFE insulation Thin sleeve Two heating conductors Three layers of insulation Innovative textile base Braided copper screen Increased tensile strength Laying without screed Self-adhesive surface Power density 150 W / m2 at 220 V Textile mesh improved adhesion properties to concrete Thin two-core cable 3.5 mm Self-adhesive mat base Thin sealed sleeve, one-sided connection Cable type two-core Mat power 150 W / m2 Cable power 11 W / m Voltage 220 V, ~ 50 Hz Mat width 0.5 m Thickness mat 3.5 mm Cable pitch 7.4 cm Length of connecting cable 2 m For any ARAMID coating

8 underfloor heating electrolux electrolux underfloor heating Multi Size Mat Series Laying area m 2 Power, W Mat length, m Resistance, Ohm -5 / + 10%, 7 1.1 EMSM, 3 EMSM, 6 EMSM, 7 EMSM, 2 EMSM EMSM , 8 EMSM, 4 EMSM, 3 EMSM EMSM, 2 EMSM Article EMSM EMSM, 5 Series Multi Size Mat extra-thin heating mat on an elastic base. The unique stretch design allows the mat length to be varied from 10% to 35% of the original, thereby changing the heating area and mat power from 150 to 111 W per m2. By stretching and bending the Multi Size Mat, you can vary the styling shape from the usual rectangular to diamond or trapezoidal, avoiding any “obstacles”. It is very convenient for installing underfloor heating in rooms with non-standard dimensions. Recommended for installation under any floor coverings, including wooden ones. Power density W / m2 at 220 V Thin two-core cable 3.5 mm Stretchable base within 10-35% of the original length Variable shape of the laying area Thin hermetic sleeve, one-sided connection Cable type two-core Mat power W / m2 Cable power 11 W / m Voltage 220V, ~ 50 Hz Mat width 0.5 m Mat thickness 3.5 mm Cable laying spacing 7.4-9.25 cm Length of connecting power cable 2 m Laying without tie 35% Unique stretchable base up to 35% W / m2 ARAMID Variable power W / m2 Easy installation Super-strong aramid conductor Variable installation shape Suitable for any coating PTFE insulation 20 years warranty Two heating conductors Three insulation layers Thin sleeve Braided copper shield Increased tensile strength

9 16 electrolux underfloor heating electrolux 17 Series Alu Mat Article Number of laying area m 2 Power, W Mat length, m Resistance, Ohm -5 / + 10% EAM, 33 EAM, 5 1.89 EAM, 67 EAM, 44 EAM, W / m 2 Power 120 W / m 2 Easy installation Heating distribution 20-year warranty Alu Mat series universal mat for all types of flooring: tiles, carpet, laminate, linoleum. The unique patented design of the mat, based on an ultra-thin cable and aluminum shields along the cable, allows for an even distribution of heat energy. Such a mat can be installed directly under wooden flooring or carpets using the dry-laying method, as well as the classic wet-laying method under the tiles. Alu Mat has a balanced power and improved characteristics of the distribution of heating over the area, which eliminates the "heat zebra" effect and overheating of the floor covering in places of contact with the heating elements of the mat. Dry and wet installation Suitable for any surface Power density 120 W / m2 at 220 V Super thin cable 1 mm Universal for any floor covering Any installation method Aluminum strips distribute heat Fast heating Thin sealed sleeves, one-sided connection Additional energy savings Cable type single core Mat power 120 W / m 2 Cable power 7.5 W / m Voltage 220 V, ~ 50 Hz Mat width 0.5 m Mat thickness 1 mm Cable laying pitch 6.25 cm Length of connecting power cable 3x2 m

10 18 electrolux underfloor heating electrolux underfloor heating 19 Heating cable sections for premises We thought that when planning a renovation, you would like to create a comfortable atmosphere for the whole family, regardless of the configuration of the room, using modern environmentally friendly systems with minimal energy consumption. Reliability The classic type of underfloor heating systems Electrolux cable sections, laid in a concrete leveling screed during the construction or overhaul phase. The basis of the Electrolux cable is an aramid core, which is several times stronger than steel. Due to this, the cable can withstand a breaking load of up to 200 Newtons. reduced tariff, and turning off the system during the day. The cable sections are ideal for complex floors and can be installed in concrete, tile adhesive or under stone. Three layers of cable insulation reliably protect the core heating elements from damage, depressurization and moisture penetration during the entire service life. The cable is resistant to chemical composition concrete and tile adhesive. The flat sealed sleeve has nearly the same diameter as the cable itself, which minimizes the amount of floor rise and reduces the likelihood of damage to the system. Accumulating effect Underfloor heating based on a cable section makes it possible to create a complete heating system in a room with an accumulating effect. Due to this, you can significantly save energy costs, accumulating heat at night, when

11 underfloor heating electrolux electrolux underfloor heating Twin Cable series Twin Cable series thin two-core heating cable of high power 17 W / m. Both heating conductors of the cable are heating conductors, which ensures rapid heating of the floor. The thin sealed sleeve has nearly the same diameter as the cable itself, which minimizes the amount of floor rise and reduces the likelihood of damage to the system. Super-strong aramid core and three-layer insulation reliably protect the cable from accidental damage and overheating throughout its entire service life. The cable is resistant to chemical bonding of concrete and tile adhesive. Recommended for laying in concrete screed, suitable for rooms with complex configurations. Cable type two-core Cable power 17 W / m Voltage 220 V, ~ 50 Hz Cable diameter 4.5 mm Length of the connecting power cable 2 m Powerful universal two-core cable Power consumption 17 W / m at 220 V Fast heating, both heating cores Thin sealed sleeve , one-sided connection Reduced cable thickness 4.5 mm Any form of laying area Reliability and durability Heating area, m 2 at specific power, W / m 2 * Power, W (220V) Length, m Resistance, Ohm -5 / + 10% ETC , 8 0.7 0.5 ETC, 7 1.3 1.0 ETC, 6 161.3 2.5 2.0 1.5 ETC, 3 2.7 2.0 ETC, 4 96.8 4.2 3.3 2.5 ETC, 3 80.7 5.0 4.0 3.0 ETC, 1 60.5 6.7 5.3 4.0 ETC, 8 48.4 8.3 6.7 5, 0 ETC, 6 37.4 10.0 8.0 6.0 ETC, 5 10.0 7.5 ETC, 6 22.5 16.7 13.3 10.0 ETC, 1 17.9 20.8 16 , 7 12.5 Item No. Screed Minimum bending radius Fast heating time Three layers of insulation Two ARAMID heating conductors Super-strong aramid conductor Braided copper shield Power 17 W / m 20-year warranty Increased tensile strength Thin sleeve ta * Specific power is determined depending on the type of heating required: optimal 120 W / m2 installation step 14 cm; comfortable 150 W / m2 laying step 11.5 cm; basic 200W / m2 installation step 8.5cm. Data are average, please contact your dealer for exact calculations.

12 22 electrolux underfloor heating electrolux underfloor heating 23 Series Slim Single Wire Cable Article Power, W Cable length, m Resistance, Ohm -5 / + 10% Laying area m 2 at 120W / m 2 ESSWC ESSWC, 7 2 ESSWC ESSWC, 3 4 ESSWC ESSWC, 8 6 ESSWC, 7 8 ESSWC, 1 9 ESSWC, 5 10 ESSWC, 8 11 ESSWC, 4 13 ESSWC ESSWC, т3 15 Slim Single Wire Cable Series Slim single-wire cable for universal use. It is used to organize comfortable floor heating with any floor covering and in rooms with complex configurations, as well as to protect against soil freezing and heating pipes. Average cable power per linear meter and small thickness make it ideal material for installation under wood floors and soft floor coverings. The “invisible” sleeve has the same diameter as the cable. Laying in a screed Minimum bending radius Laying without a screed Three layers of insulation Thin single-core cable 4.3 mm Power consumption 10 W / m at 220 V Thin "invisible" sleeve Under any floor covering For economical solutions Double-sided connection Cable type single-core Cable power 10 W / m Voltage 220 V, ~ 50 Hz Cable diameter 4.3 mm Lengths of connecting cables 2x2 m Braided copper screen Warranty 20 years ARAMID 10 W / m Super strong aramid core Power 10 W / m Thin sleeve Increased tensile strength

13 24 electrolux underfloor heating electrolux underfloor heating 25 De-icing systems Everyone knows how much trouble slippery paths, steps or icicles on roofs can cause. We thought about your safety and created highly efficient and modern anti-icing systems. Applications Electrolux offers a range of modern and reliable solutions for effective fight with icing of adjoining areas, stairs, roof sections, soil, as well as to protect pipes from freezing. Electrolux de-icing mats and cable sections have a 20-year warranty. Functionality Electrolux solutions are based on heating mats and cable sections. In the first case, it is enough to simply build the mat under any site, thereby preventing the formation of ice or snow cover. WITH similar systems you can safely forget about slippery paths, clearing stairs and the danger of slipping. The second option is cable section-based de-icing systems designed specifically for countries with harsh climates. The cable has several layers of insulation and is reliably protected from ultraviolet radiation and other atmospheric influences. The household series of solutions for heating pipes has a unique design, which includes a bimetallic sensor that constantly measures the temperature of the pipe in the range from +3 C to +15 C, regulating the power of the cable. The system is equipped with a plug, therefore, in order to prevent the pipeline from freezing, it is enough just to plug the cable into a 220 V socket.

14 26 electrolux underfloor heating electrolux underfloor heating 27 Series Antifrost Mat Outdoor Article Number of laying area m 2 Power, W Mat length, m Resistance, Ohm -5 / + 10% EAOAM, 3 EAOAM, 7 EAOAM, 8 EAOAM, 3 EAOAM, 3 EAOAM , 9 EAOAM, 0 EAOAM, 2 EAOAM, 9 EAOAM, 1 EAOAM, 7 EAOAM, 4 EAOAM, 4 EAOAM, 5 EAOAM, 8 EAOAM, 1 Series Antifrost Mat Outdoor single core mat on textile backing for outdoor use, designed for anti-icing applications adjoining areas, driveways and paths. The product is characterized by high power, 100% sealed joint between heating and supply cables, double reinforced outer layer of insulation. Power of 300 W / m 2 will allow you to move on an ice-free slope road, reduce the risk of injury. A heating mat installed in open areas will allow them to be fully exploited. Electric cable heating for outdoor areas is the most economical way to remove snow and ice. Thin sleeve Braided copper shield 300 W / m 2 Power 300 W / m 2 PTFE insulation Mat specific power 300 W / m 2 at 220 V Power cable with double layer external insulation Thin "invisible" sleeve, 100% watertightness Variable shape of the paving area Possibility of laying under asphalt Double-sided connection Cable type single-core Mat power 300 W / m 2 Cable power 30 W / m Voltage 220 V, ~ 50 Hz Mat width 0.5 m Mat thickness 5.6 mm Cable spacing 10 cm Length of connecting power cable 2x4 m Three layers of insulation 20-year warranty ARAMID Super strong aramid conductor Anti-icing systems Increased tensile strength

15 underfloor heating electrolux electrolux underfloor heating Dry Step Mat Outdoor Series Laying area m 2 Power, W Mat length, m Resistance, Ohm -5 / + 10% EDSMO, 2 1.4 EDSMO, 5 1.6 EDSMO, 8 1.6 EDSMO, 1 2.8 EDSMO, 4 2.2 EDSMO, 7 2.8 EDSMO, 3 3.9 EDSMO, 6 3.8 EDSMO Part No. safety of movement on stairs and porch in the cold season. Using a heating mat will help you avoid mechanical methods cleaning ice or snow cover. The mat is 25 cm wide, fits directly onto the steps and prevents them from being covered with ice and snow. Laying in a screed Easy installation Fast heating time Anti-icing systems Two heating conductors Braided copper screen Cable type two-core Mat power 300 W / m2 Cable power 30 W / m Voltage 220V, ~ 50 Hz Mat width 0.25 m Mat thickness 5.6 mm Pitch cable routing 10 cm Length of the connecting power cable 4 m Mat width 0.25 m Installation on steps Power density 300 W / m2 at 220 V Powerful two-core cable, black Simple and quick installation on steps Coupling point marked in red One-sided connection ARAMID 300 W / m 2 Super strong aramid core Power 300 W / m2 Warranty 20 years Increased tensile strength Thin sleeve PTFE insulation Innovative textile backing

16 30 electrolux underfloor heating electrolux 31 Antifrost Cable Outdoor Series Article Power, W Cable length, m Resistance, Ohm -5 / + 10% EACO, 3 EACO, 9 EACO, 7 EACO, 3 EACO, 4 EACO, 2 EACO, 8 EACO, 6 EACO, 7 EACO, 2 EACO, 6 EACO, 4 EACO, 8 EACO, 3 ARAMID Super strong aramid conductor Polyolefin UV protection Antifrost Cable Outdoor Powerful two-conductor cable for de-icing systems in adjoining yards and ground, roofs and gutters. Has six layers of insulation, including two braids: shielding and reinforcing. The outer insulation is UV and weather resistant. The series is specially designed for countries with cold climates. Prevents the formation of icicles and ice on the edge of the roof, in the gutters and ensures the unimpeded outflow of melt water from the roof in the winter season. Ideal for roof and gutter de-icing. Two heating conductors Double braided copper shield 30 W / m Power 30 W / m Increased tensile strength Universal two-wire cable for de-icing systems of roofs, gutters and adjoining areas Heat output 30 W / m at 220 V Six layers of insulation, including two braids : shielding and reinforcing Outer cable insulation made of polyolefin UV resistant One-sided connection Cable type two-core Cable power 30 W / m Voltage 220V, ~ 50 Hz Cable diameter 7 mm Length of connecting power cable 4 m Warranty 20 years PTFE insulation Anti-icing systems

17 underfloor heating electrolux electrolux underfloor heating Frost Guard Pipe Cable Frost Guard Pipe Cable cable for frost protection of pipes located outdoors or inside unheated rooms. Equipped with a standard plug for connecting to a 220 V network. Cable insulation provides protection against ultraviolet radiation and aggressive environmental conditions. Unique con- Item No. Power, W Cable length, m Resistance, Ohm -5 / + 10% EFGPC, 5 EFGPC, 8 EFGPC, 5 EFGPC, 9 EFGPC, 7 EFGPC, 3 EFGPC, 4 EFGPC, 9 EFGPC, 2 EFGPC, 4 EFGPC, 6 EFGPC, 7 EFGPC, 0 EFGPC, 1 EFGPC, 2 The cable structure includes a bimetallic sensor that constantly measures the temperature of the pipe and regulates the power in the temperature range from + 3 ° C to + 15 ° C. The sensor is based on the laws of physics and is mechanical, not electronic, to ensure long-term, trouble-free operation. Polyolefin Installed power 17 W / m at 220 V Bimetallic temperature sensor automatically changes the cable power in the range from +3 C to +15 C External polyolefin insulation is resistant to UV and other atmospheric influences Standard mains plug Does not require installation of a thermostat Installation on pipe Single-sided connection Cable type two-core Cable power 17 W / m Voltage 220 V, ~ 50 Hz Cable diameter 7x5 mm Length of the power supply cable 3 m Power 17 W / m Warranty 20 years Super strong aramid core Automatic temperature maintenance Bimetallic sensor PTFE insulation Connection to 220 V networks Two heating conductors Heating pipes Thin coupling Braided copper shield Increased tensile strength Minimum bending radius Bi-metal sensor UV protection ARAMID

18 34 electrolux underfloor heating electrolux 35 Thermostats for underfloor heating control We thought that the control of underfloor heating systems should be as simple as possible, and the energy costs are minimal. Ease of management. The lineup In order to make the control of underfloor heating systems as easy and convenient as possible, Electrolux has provided the ability to install highly reliable thermostats. All Electrolux thermostats have an intuitive interface. Anyone can easily operate a warm floor without prior preparation and additional training: just read the instructions. The product line includes 3 series of thermostats: Basic electronic with mechanical control of floor heating temperature, Avantgarde - programmable with an LCD display and Touch - with a touch display and the ability to program for the whole week. Electrolux thermostats practically do not take up space and harmoniously fit into any design solutions, becoming an integral part of the interior. The Touch is equipped with a childproof lock. Functions and modes The Basic series is equipped with a wire-based floor temperature sensor, while the Avantgarde series also includes an air temperature sensor for wood flooring and heating systems. In addition, the thermostat allows you to set the maximum and minimum floor temperature corridor. Also, the Avantgarde model has the ability to set the temperature range for each hour during the day. The Touch series allows you to set the program for weekdays, weekends, as well as for each day separately.

19 underfloor heating electrolux electrolux underfloor heating Thermotronic Basic Series Thermotronic Avantgarde Series Operating voltage V, ~ 50Hz Maximum load current 16A Maximum load power 3.6 kW Temperature setting with an accuracy of 10C Power consumption 5 W Operating temperature range from + 50C to + 400C Dimensions , mm: 86x86x50 Programming temperature regimes for every hour during the day Intuitive interface Energy saving Floor temperature sensor included Built-in air temperature sensor Changeable panels of different colors Backlit LCD display Ergonomic design Possibility of setting the temperature corridor Installation hidden in the back box Warranty 3 years Operating voltage V, ~ 50 Hz Maximum current load 16A Maximum load power 3.6 kW Temperature setting with an accuracy of 0.50C Power consumption 2 W Operating temperature range from + 50C to + 500C Dimensions, mm: 90x86x46 Floor temperature sensor included Possibility of replacing the frame with a color one Color indication in operation Ergonomic design Mechanical control Possibility of installing a temperature corridor Concealed installation in an installation box Warranty 3 years (3600 W) Switching current 16 A Ergonomic design Replaceable color panels (3600 W) 25. Temperature sensor included Temperature setting with an accuracy of 1 C Automatic temperature maintenance Temperature corridor setting IP 20 Switching current 16 A Energy saving Programming throughout the day Temperature setting with an accuracy of 0.5 ° C With floor and air temperature sensor 3 years warranty Intuitive interface Degree of protection Automatic temperature maintenance Warranty 3 years +0.5 oc Temperature corridor setting LCD screen with backlight IP 20 Replaceable colored panels Degree of protection

20 electrolux electrolux underfloor heating electrolux electrolux underfloor heating series Thermotronic Touch Time programmable for weekdays and weekends Intuitive user interface Energy saving Floor sensor included Built-in air temperature sensor Changeable panels in different colors LCD display with backlight Touch control Childproof lock Possibility to install a corridor temperature Concealed installation in a back box Warranty 3 years Operating voltage V, ~ 50Hz Maximum load power 3.6 kW Temperature setting with an accuracy of 0.50C Power consumption 2 W Operating temperature range from + 50C to + 900C Dimensions, mm: 90x86x43 (3600 W) 25. Switching current 16 A Energy saving Programming by days of the week Temperature setting with an accuracy of 0.5 ° C With floor and air temperature sensor Replaceable color panels Childproof lock Intuitive interface Automatic temperature maintenance +0.5 ° C 25. Warranty 3 years Touch display IP 20 С warmth of protection

21 Electrolux is a registered trademark used under license from AB Electrolux (publ), S: t Gȯ. ransgatan, 143, SE, Stockholm, Sweden Thoughtful design innovation Do you remember the last time you opened a gift and exclaimed, “Oh! How did you find out? This is exactly what I wanted! " These are the emotions that Electrolux developers and designers strive to evoke in everyone who chooses and uses our products. We devote our time, knowledge and thoughts to anticipate your desires and create the kind of technique that you really need and that you dream of. By taking special care of our customers, we take a large part in an intuitive approach to innovation. Our main value is not a product in the name of a product, but a product in the name of its users. Guided by the principles of thoughtful design, we create a technique that is easy and pleasant to use, to give our customers the opportunity to enjoy the luxury of the 21st century in peace of mind. Our goal is to bring this peace of mind into everyday life as much as possible. more of people. Therefore, when we say that we think of you, you know that we mean you. Electrolux. Thinking about you. Find out more about our ideas on and Version EKTP 2013/1

Electrolux Underfloor heating 2012 Product study Underfloor heating. Fundamentals of Thermophysics As practice shows, no heating system provides such uniform heating as a "warm floor". Spheres

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Electric heating systems from the world famous manufacturer Electrolux, based on cable heating products and special heating mats, are mainly reassigned for comfortable heating of premises by heating the floor surface, under which the heating system is actually mounted.

Note that the premises in which it is possible to organize efficient electric floor heating can be not only residential, but can also be used for efficient and energy-efficient heating of public and office premises.
Electrolux underfloor heating, the installation of which will be given below, does not require mandatory installation in a sand-concrete screed, it is enough to lay cable products or a heating mat in a previously prepared tile adhesive solution.

Advantages of underfloor heating over radiator heating

The manufacturer took care of the compactness of its products and when laying heating system for heating the floor surface, the level of the latter rises to minimum values.

Initial phase: planning

At the initial stage, which implies the organization of such a heating system for rooms as Electrolux underfloor heating, the instructions for which are included with this equipment, it is necessary to plan future installation work.

The algorithm for such planning is quite simple to start with:

  • Conduct an audit electrical wiring in the room in which this heating system will be installed for high-quality and uninterrupted connection. For this, the power indicators of all devices are summed up, which can be connected during the operation of the heating system to the mains. It is also necessary to take into account the various devices that can also be connected, but are not required to be permanently connected.
  • Underfloor heating Electrolux, installation of which must be carried out by a specialist, and with a power of more than 2 kW, it is recommended to connect through a separate machine to a specially brought out wiring. In addition, it is advisable to connect through an RCD (nominal response rates are not higher than 30 mA).
  • Before laying heating mat or cable products, the resistance of each of the elements of the system should be measured (this data is recorded in the warranty card). If everything is in order, then the recorded parameters must correspond to the factory parameters (indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions).
  • The next step is the most important - drawing up a scheme for laying the heating electrical system for floor heating. Note that the distance between the system and other heating devices, walls or communication ties must be at least 30-50 cm.

Heating system laying: features

  1. Before laying a product such as Electrolux underfloor heating, the installation of which is quite simple, nevertheless, it is better to entrust it to specialists, you should first prepare the surface: remove pointed objects, excess construction waste, as well as irregularities to ensure a smooth base for laying a cable or a heating mat.
  2. Further, the location of mats or heating cable products is determined, taking into account the peculiarities of the geometry and the room, as well as the furniture located in it.
  3. Also, do not forget where the temperature sensor and thermostat will be located.
  4. Further, underfloor heating Electrolux installation implies the placement of heating elements directly - after they are placed, you should make sure that the wires of the temperature sensor and power cables do not touch each other.

This is important to consider

  1. We pay special attention to the fact that is strictly prohibited use all sorts of extension cords or build up wires on your own, these actions significantly reduce the safety of the system and can cause an emergency.
  2. Heating products should be laid with the smooth side on the base, after which the product is adjusted according to a previously made scheme.
  3. If it is necessary to obtain the desired shape of the mat, it is possible to cut the product only in those places of the heating structure where the frame fabric is present.
  4. Cut the heating cable itself it is forbidden, as this will compromise the integrity of the heating system.
  5. The distance between the heating elements must be the same, but not less than 5 cm.
  6. When installing an electrical heating system for underfloor heating, do not use an overlapping connection of heating elements.
Correct installation of the system structure guarantees a long and safe service life.

Typically in winter time of the year, indoors they wear slippers or wool socks. This trend continues in those rooms where the temperature is above 20 degrees, since modern radiators do not provide full heating of the room. But progress does not stand still, and today, using the Electrolux warm floor, you can forever forget about the cool flooring in your room.

Underfloor heating Electrolux with a unique gloss base

Warm floors from the Electrolux company have been known for several years not only throughout the country, but also abroad. This incredible success was made possible primarily by innovative technological developments that enable the manufacture of products that provide the highest level of indoor comfort. But let's go in order ...

The underfloor heating cord consists of a heavy-duty core that includes aramid threads. As a rule, aramid is more of a high-strength synthetic fiber, but if we draw a parallel between it and steel, then the strength of aramid will be five times higher. That is why the use of this substance increases the resistance of the cord to breaks or stretching several times.

Important! The cores are insulated with fluoroplastic, which provides them with high wear resistance and electrical strength.

In addition, a distinctive feature of heating mats is that their base is impregnated with a special adhesive, which not only creates ideal conditions for adhesion, but also prevents the appearance of bubbles.

Attention! The mat structure is completely homogeneous.


Electric underfloor heating Electrolux has a number of advantages, of which the main ones are distinguished:

  • Uniform and rapid heating of all areas in the room.
  • Self-fixing.
  • Durability.
  • Resistance to heavy physical exertion.
  • Wear resistance.


As practice shows, one of the most affordable ways to make your flooring warm is to use heating mats with a base of thin cords that are fixed on a self-adhesive base. In addition, it should be borne in mind that their installation is not only very simple (since no concrete screed is required), but also does not require special skills or knowledge. All that is needed is to unfold and fix the mat. Make sure that the resistance of the cable is present and connect the thermostat for underfloor heating Electrolux. Then it remains only to lay this covering and enjoy the comfortable temperature of the flooring.


As practice shows, you can not only use the warm floor Electrolux under the tiles, but also under other cold coatings. In addition, it has proven itself well in combination with laminate and parquet. But in this case it is necessary to remember to observe the basic safety rules.

Common installation mistakes