Connections for copper tubes. Copper, brass tube, fitting

Many, in my opinion, mistakenly, believe that copper pipes when installing the water supply or home heating, the pleasure is quite expensive, and some and that the century of copper for these purposes remained in the past. In this entry, M will try to prove to you that it is not the case, precisely because copper is a fairly convenient material for the installation of any designs, but if you take its durability into account, then it is indispensable in many cases and it is precisely an indigestion owner for his own home.

If you compare copper with other materials from which water and other communication pipes are manufactured (for example, with plastic or), then its advantages are obvious. First of all, it is an unusually long service life: copper pipes and fittings often serve as much as the building itself exists.

Copper is very plastic, which increases the safety of the water supply and retains its properties in a wide range of temperatures (from -200 to +250 ° C), which makes pipes resistant to freezing in water filled with water.

Copper pipes are resistant to ultraviolet (not as a plastic), have a small roughness coefficient, which allows you to use in similar conditions

The copper pipeline is practically not affected by various types of viruses and bacteria, it is not terrible oils, fats and various harmful substances. Even inevitable chlorine for our water pipes is not able to destroy the copper tube, but, on the contrary, due to the formation on its inner walls of the oxide layer, chlorine contributes to the extension of the pipeline of the pipe.


Watering copper pipes of the circular cross section are produced both in bays (25 and 50 m long) and in segments (rods of different lengths). The most frequently used pipes have diameters from 8 to 28 mm with a thickness of the walls of 1 mm. It is worth emphasizing that the copper pipes at the expense of thin walls is much easier than steel. They can have thermal insulation.

Installation of copper pipes of special difficulties does not cause, mainly due to the fact that they are well cut and bend. Copper pipes can be connected in two ways: closed and indefinitive. The second is the soldering, welding, crimping.

For the connection of pipes, connections to the reinforcement, various fittings are used to the existing water supply.


There are a large number of varieties of connecting and adapter fittings. Examples of some are shown in the photo 1-12. So, for soldering, not only ordinary and transient clutches are used, but also various squares, tees, crossmen, circles, kalachi and plugs. There are fittings with the transition of the solder compound on the threaded, for example, "American" with a conical seal (15 × 1/2 "). In the threaded press fittings, a crimp ring is often used, which, when tightening the cape nut, crimps the pipe, thereby sealing the connection.

Soldering copper tubes

Soldering is carried out at the expense of adhesion between the molten copper-phosphoric or silver solders and the heated pipes connected. Solder is distributed in the connection site under the action of capillary forces, "wetting" the main metal. To improve the quality of soldering and increasing the adhesion coefficient, special fluxes are used, and the surfaces under the soldering are predetermined. When soldering, you need to evenly heat the parts connected to the desired temperature.

Therefore, when soldering, the type of burner flame is important, which indicates a balance of the gas mixture. The decreasing flame of the burner indicates an excess amount of fuel in a mixture that exceeds the oxygen content. A shown gas mixture due to excess oxygen forms a flame that oxidizes the metal surface. The sign of this phenomenon is the black raid on the metal. A balanced gas mixture for burning forms a flame that heats the metal without having other exposure.

When working on braid copper pipes, note that:

  • Flice application contributes to the adhesion of solder with metal.
  • Place the soldering is pre-rooted.
  • For high-quality soldering, the necessary heating of the soldered parts is required.
  • For soldering copper tubes, the connection is required.

Copper soldering tools

Special soldering iron and gas burners are used for the copper soldering.

When working with copper pipes, in addition to soldering and compression, they have to cut, bend, expand, smelted. Flexible pipes to avoid climbing and flattening are performed using a lever pipe bending. And for pipes with a diameter up to 15 mm, the bending radius should be at least 3.5 diameters. For pipes of large diameters, no bending radius should be at least 4 diameters. Cut pipes can be copper with metal, but best with the help of pipe cut, which allows you to perform this exactly on the mark and without distortion. After each turn, you need to press the cutting roller, tightening the installation screw. The burrs appearing in the process must be removed.

Special expanders and mandrel mandrels are used to insert pipes into the pipe.

How to bend copper pipes

On the photo on top of the numbers indicated

  1. The pipe is inserted and fixed in the capture of the pipe bending in the start of the bend.
  2. Applying force, gradually rotate the movable handle of the lever pipe bending, flexing the pipe around the mandrel.
  3. Bend the pipe can be used with a spring with a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the pipe.

Framework pipe

On the photo below the numbers are indicated

To connect pipes with feet with cape nuts (especially when repairing compounds), you have to make a roller.

  1. If necessary, remove the cape nut. It is necessary to cut off the end of the pipe with the collapse.
  2. You can cut off the roller vehicle with roller pipe cutting by moving the nut along the pipe.
  3. To restore the roller, the pipe is clamped in the matrix so that the end of the pipe spoke above the matrix surface by about 1 mm.
  4. Screwing the adaptation screw, deform the end of the pipe with the formation of a conical expansion.
  5. After removing the screw clamp, the funnel-shaped flare is checked, which should have the right form.
  6. Add a flat shape to the end of the pipe with light blows, while holding the pipe in the matrix.
  7. The smooth and smooth surface of the roller can be obtained using a velvet file.
  8. It remains to put the sealing gasket, and the pipe can be connected.
  9. If necessary, the collapse can be made on fittings, for example, couplings, coal.

How to expand the copper tube

To connect pipes soldering without the use of connecting fittings, the end of one pipe can be expanded with special ticks.

By inserting the pipe into mites with the head of the required diameter, apply an effort to tick handles, expanding the end of the pipe.

After expanding the pipe insert into the pipe mandrel-caliber and light blows of the hammer on the mandrel are brought to the extension diameter to the necessary expand using special ticks.

How to cut copper pipes Truboresis:

The pipe is placed between the sponges of the pipe cut and press the cutting roller with the set screw.

By making pipe cutters one or two turns around the pipe, the roller is pressed the screw and turn the pipeline again.

A leaning knife is removed from the inside of the pipe.

Continue cutting pipes until the cut part of the pipe can be separated by hand.

Typical types of copper pipe compounds

When installing work on installation, for example, water pipes using copper pipes have to provide connections, make taps, divers, mount plumbing reinforcement.

In the photo Types of "copper" connections

  1. Connecting a flexible hose.
  2. Connection of pipes of different diameters soldering with a straight coupling.
  3. The removal is made using a tee and disposable circuit breakers.
  4. A single-mounted kit and a valve provides a flexible lining.
  5. Outlook with extended terminats.
  6. Cutting a ball valve connected with the help of precipitated nuts.
Also on the topic read:

Variant of a plumbing system using copper components

In order to optimize the water supply system, leveling pressure in the system, reduce additional loads on the pump and the cost of the system diameters of copper pipes, are chosen depending on the flow of water at each consumption point. Usually, under consumption up to 50 l / min, pipes with a diameter of 10 mm are used, at a consumption of up to 160 l / min - pipes with a cross section of 16 mm, at a consumption of 250 l / min - pipe with a cross section of 20 mm. A variant of the plumbing system and the diameters of the copper pipes are shown in the figure.

For pipes of different diameters, threaded fittings are usually used. For example, a turnkey fittings 15 × 22 mm can be used for a soldered connection with pipes with a cross section of 10-18 mm (table).

FittingPipe diameter, mm
12 × 18.8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
15 × 22.8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
20 × 28.8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

1 set. Hookah accessories on battery life-bottomed LED light with ...

Even with the fact that the polymer pipes are still applied more and more, metal products still enjoy considerable success. As a rule, copper, brass and steel are used as metal. For the better in terms of corrosion resistance and high temperatures, copper differs. Actually, about connecting copper pipes, and it will be discussed in this article.

Even despite the fact that the copper pipes differ in their high cost, given all the characteristics of the material, their use is pretty justified.

First of all, before connecting copper pipes, it is necessary to determine how to connect them, by the soldering or in other way.

Pipe connection with soldering

Consider the compound of copper tubes with fittings with a subsequent soldering, which is low and high-temperature. With the first method, the soldering is carried out at a temperature of 300 ºC. The second method is used in the arrangement of systems with high loads for industrial purposes.

Couplings protrude as connectors for copper pipes, additionally need tin-lead solder and flux.

The pipe soldering technology will be as follows:

  • First of all, cut off the pipe of certain sizes. This process should be accurately carried out, taking into account the size of the available fittings.
  • The ends of the pipes must be examined - there should be no defects such as chips, cracks or burrs. If they are not eliminated, there will be problems with the tightness of the connection after performing all the work.
  • After you made sure that the ends are cleaned, you can start the connection. Due to the fact that several pipes will be connected, and they can be with different sections, then the fittings must be selected accordingly.
  • Next, the end of the pipe and the inner walls of the couplings should be treated with a flux, which degreases the surface to obtain the highest possible connection.
  • Now the end of the pipe is fought in the copper tube connector and heated. It must be chosen so that the cross section was 1-1.5 cm. Heat the pipes with a gas burner. The gap between the pipe and the coupling is filled with molten solder. Currently, on the market you can find any type of solder under your needs, so you should not have any problems with the choice.
  • After the uniform distribution of the solder around the circle, the juggles need to be left until it fully solids.
  • At the finish stage, you need to check the connectors for copper pipes and the entire system, running in it water. At this moment, not only the system will be checked, but it will be cleaned from the flux residues, which over time may cause metal corrosion.

Sealed docking copper pipes without soldering

It is worth noting that, despite the fact that the connection of the pipes by the soldering is considered the most reliable method in most cases, there are still situations when it does not seem to be used in this way. In such cases, you can resort to the connection of copper tubes without soldering. Special fittings will be required, which will ensure a reliable connection due to the clamping effect, which is formed during the threaded connection.

In this case, the compound is produced in such a sequence:

  • First, compliment fittings, which, often have two components.
  • One of the elements put on the pipe. As a rule, this nut and clamping ring.
  • Next to the fitting, they do the pipe and tighten the nut.

Usually such fittings are equipped with a detailed instruction, which must be adhered to, otherwise the work performed will be poor-quality.

It is worth noting that before connecting the copper tubes without soldering, it is worth aware of all the risks, as it is quite difficult to get a high-quality connection. The minimum battles of the connected parts are not allowed in general, otherwise the technology is rudely broken. In order for the threaded connection to be extremely sealed, it is desirable to additionally compact with special threads. It should be monitored so that they do not find themselves from the inside of the pipe, since later water may not pass according to the system properly.

Mandatory compound rules

With any type of connection, the list of work will look like this:

  • Connected pipes must be made of the same metal. In case you are gathered to connect a copper tube with a pipe from any other material, you must decide on the desired connection method. For example, for docking pipes from copper and polyvinyl chloride, the method of soldering cannot be used.
  • When connecting the copper pipe with steel, the copper pipe should be placed after steel.
  • During the tightening of the threaded connection, you need to be extremely careful, especially if your pipes with thin walls are at your disposal.
  • To properly determine the number of necessary solder, a piece of wire must have the length of the circle of the soldered pipe.
  • To warm the pipes, a special burner is best suited. You can, of course, use a simple soldering lamp, but in this case you need to be prepared that the joint is overheat, and the entire workflow is somewhat complicated.
  • It is no secret that copper pipes are quite costly material. In this regard, before the work, it will not be superfluous to carry out preliminary calculations of the volume of the required material. At the same time, remember that all connecting parts also have their own sizes, so they need to be considered.

In complete, it will not be superfluous to note that the connection of pipes from copper is technologically in the process of medium complexity. If you played these works for the first time, then you need to be prepared for the fact that some nuances may arise. To understand the process, and getting about it as much as possible, it will not be superfluous to get advice from professional workers, or at least familiar with the available video.

Pipeline type fittings are used to connect pipes of a variety of diameters and sizes. The fittings of a certain type are necessary for the bending of the pipeline, for example, T-shaped and y-shaped fittings, as well as gibbs.

Main types of fittings

In direct fittings there are components such as plugs, adapters and couplings. Examples of fittings are given in Figure Next. The way each fitting is completed depends on the material used for its manufacture.

Examples of steel, copper and plastic fittings

  1. Copper fittings, both with thread, and without it:
  2. T-shaped tee.
  3. End clutch with a rotation of 90 degrees.
  4. U-shaped tee.
  5. Couplings.
  6. Adapter.
  7. Copper and plastic fittings:
  8. Fitting with internal thread.
  9. Fitting with a rotation of 90 degrees.
  10. T-shaped tee.
  11. U-shaped tee.
  12. Adapter.
  13. Coupling.
  14. Steel fittings:
  15. Inner plug.
  16. Threaded options.
  17. Cover with plug.
  18. Sign.
  19. Fitting option.

Photo of fittings from a variety of materials

And now a small photo gallery showing the impressive diversity of all sorts of fittings, which are presented in our market.

Steel chrome fittings

Copper fittings

Plastic fittings (PVC)

Coupling, adapter and Sgon

The coupling is necessary to combine into one line of two segments of the pipe having the same diameters. If the pipes are different diameter, you will need adapter. Used frequently sign - This is a tube of steel with external thread, which is usually available as small segments up to 30 cm long.

Sign is necessary to increase the length of the pipeline and connecting the pipe segments that can be separated at any time. The plug is necessary to lock the end of the pipe. If the pipes made from different materials are combined, then specialized fittings are needed for their compound, some of which are shown in the figure below.

A variety of fittings for connecting pipes made of various materials

  1. Fitting for connecting copper pipe with steel:
  2. Thread for screwing the metal pipe.
  3. The copper tube is connected by the solder with the other copper pipe.
  4. Copper fitting connects with a copper pipe.
  5. End to screw in nut.
  6. Rubber gasket.
  7. The plastic part is inserted into the nut.
  8. Copper pipe.
  9. The fitting is connected by the solder.
  10. Fitting for compounding plastic pipe with copper:
  11. Steel pipe, screwed into the nut.
  12. The end for screwing into the nut.
  13. Rubber gasket.
  14. Plastic tube, pasted into the insert in the nut.
  15. Fittings for connecting plastic pipes with steel.
  16. Insert from plastic.
  17. Nut.

Connections of pipes from various materials

How does the steel pipe connect with copper? For this purpose, fitting is used, at one end of which there is a thread for fixing on a steel pipe. There is no thread on the other end, it is completely smooth, since the copper pipe will be attached by soldering.

When installing the pipe in such a fitting, the threads should be coated with a plastic sealing ribbon, after which the coupling turns onto the pipe. Such a sealing tape is necessary to ensure that corrosion has not begun in the connection zone of two types of metal.

Fitting of steel and plastics

Another example is a fitting of steel and plastics. It is also made of two parts. The first part looks like a nut with a threaded segment, which is screwed into the steel pipe. The other part is plastic, with gasket and nut also from plastic.

Standard fitting consisting of steel and plastic parts

The nut is screwed to another elongation of the first part, which has an outer thread. Next, a special solvent is used to attach the insert from plastic with the plastic pipe.

Plastic and copper fitting

There is also a popular fitting of plastic and copper, which also includes two components. The first component has two end. One is made of copper and has a thread, but the other end is completely smooth - it is he who is attached to the copper tube by soldering.

Plastic fitting with copper thread

Another component is a plastic nut with a gasket. The nut screws out on the copper thread, and the other it is glued to the plastic pipe.

Fittings for copper and plastic pipes

A soldering pipe is used to connect copper pipes, but the plastic pipes are connected by specialized glue or solvent. As for cast iron risers, the bushings are usually not used to connect pipes.

Standard method of connecting fittings and cast iron pipes without using bushings

  1. Cast iron pipe.
  2. The casing made of stainless steel.
  3. Clamp.
  4. Part of neoprene rubber.
  5. T-shaped tee from cast iron.

Sleeves made from neoprene rubber are used to seal the jacks of sewer pipes. At the same time, the sleeve itself is fixed with a housing made of stainless steel.

The following figure shows the variants of some pipe connections without sleeves.

Standard fittings for connecting pipes from cast iron without using bushings

  1. T-shaped tee.
  2. Bottled segment.
  3. Curved segment with flange, designed toilet.
  4. U-shaped tee.

Conventional covers apply to attach directly casing.

Video review Fittings for polypropylene pipes

Consider the use of special fittings for plastic polypropylene pipes. Varieties of fittings, their purpose and characteristics.

Materials from which pipes are manufactured

For the manufacture of sewer pipes, materials such as plastic, cast iron and copper are used. In the construction of underground collectors located outside the building, glazed pipes from ceramics are usually used.

Nevertheless, it is often possible in a certain area to use only the pipes of a specific type. You can learn from representatives of local authorities.

The ideal version of the sewage pipe is cast iron trumpet. It is perfect for creating collectors, sewer risers, sun beds and ventilation. Any cast iron pipes are two types - internal and heavy. The length of the standard cast iron pipe is 1.5 meters.

Cast iron tube for toilet

Copper pipeshaving a yellow label can also be used for sewer pipelines of any type.

Separately it is worth mentioning ceramic pipes, coating with a special icing. Such pipes are reliably protected from the influence of sewage waste, be something different alkalis or acid.

As a rule, ceramic pipes are used as the basis of the underground manifold at home, up to 1.5 meters from the foundation. Pipes are reached to the urban manifold or tank-sump.

Apply ceramic pipes inside the house is not recommended.

Both inside and outside the house are actively used pVC and ABS pipes. The connection of pipes from copper and plastic is carried out in the same way as and water pipes. A detailed overview of each type of pipe will be presented in the following articles.

During sanitary work, as well as when laying sewer pipes for the house, it is often necessary to connect different segments made of copper pipes. It is about this difficult procedure that we will talk further.

Cutting copper pipe cutter

Initially, it is necessary to cut the pipes of the desired size, for which the special tool is applied shown in the following figure.

How to cut a rigid copper pipe. The incision is carried out by a special tool, whose clamp need to tightly tighten, and then start rotating around the pipe, repeating, it will not be cut it until it is cut.

  1. Pipe cutter wheel.
  2. Pipe cutter.
  3. Pipe cutter guide wheel.
  4. Copper pipe.
  5. Screw rotation side.
  6. The handle whose rotation is tightened by the pipe cutter.

The principle of cutting pipe is very simple. The cutter is put on the desired end of the pipe and moves to the place where the cut will be located. Cutter clamp should fit tightly to the pipe, for which the screw (clamp) should be tightened. Next, you need to start rotating the cutter around the pipe, gradually tightening the screw, and so while the pipe will not be cut.

Classic use of a copper pipe cutting tool

Of course, a hacksaw can be used to cut the copper pipe, but with such a section, the edges of the pipe will be too uneven, and they will have to separately smooth out.

The pipe is cut, you can now go grinding edges.

Processing the edges of the copper pipe after cutting

First of all, it should be cleaned the edges of the pipes, removing all possible irregularities. For this purpose, a compartment or a semicircular file is usually used.

Carefully remove all irregularities left after cut from the pipe edge. To do this, you will need a feet or a rounded file.

  1. Copper pipe.
  2. Orthodox and scope after cutting the pipe.

Grinding the edges of the pipe

Now we take a thin skirt and proceed to grinding the outer surface of the edge. Polish it until it is glittering. Then the inner plane of the pipe is processed directly at the edges. For this, as a rule, you can buy special brushes at the nearest construction store.

Pollut the edges of the copper pipe sandpaper is not at all difficult

Do not overdo it with stripping the surface of the pipe - if you remove too much material, then there will be problems with the subsequent soldering.

The edges of the pipe both outside and from the inside should be carefully cleaned with a thin skirt.

  1. Copper pipe.
  2. Sand paper (thin).
  3. Easy pushing, polish the edge of the pipe.
  4. Stripping the edge of the pipe.
  5. Tee copper.
  6. Thin sandpaper.
  7. Stripping the inside of the edge.
  8. Squeam on the inner surface of the pipe.

Applying flux

Next, we need a brush, with the help of which the thin layer of flux is applied both inside and outside the pipe. Since the flux is a chemically active means for etching, use it carefully, to avoid possible corrosion of the pipe.

To apply a flux layer, it is advisable to use a brush. Do not try to do it with your fingers - the flux is very poisonous and harmful not only for your fingers, but also for the eyes.

  1. Copper pipe.
  2. Tee copper.

We apply a flux to the copper pipe with a tassel

Insert the pipe into the fitting as close as possible. Turn this fitting so that flux is evenly rarely. If some drops remain outside the pipe, remove them.

When the edges of the pipe are blurred by flux, slide the fitting on the pipe and turn it in such a way that it is more evenly distributed through the tube. The remains of the flux, which flowed out, be sure to remove.

  1. Tee copper.
  2. Insert the pipe into the fitting.
  3. Turn the pipe to distribute the flux to fitting.
  4. Wipe the flux residues.
  5. Copper pipe.


We start working with the burner. Light it and bring the burner fire to the edge of the tube. Heat the end of the fitting and consistently circle its surface with a flame.

Both the pipe and fitting should be heated to the burner to the temperature with which the solder melting will begin.

  1. Heat part of the pipe.
  2. Heat the side of the fitting.

Copper Pipe Operating Processing Propane Burner

Distribution of solder

When the joke is heated enough and the solder will start melting, touch the end of the solder to the point where the fitting and the tube is connected. Go through this junction with a circular motion. After the whole edge is closed by the solder, and you will be sure that the gaps are not left, you need to wait until the junction cools. Also note that when the solder is superimposed, the burner fire must touch the pipe.

The end of the solder must be applied to the fitting and carry along the joint along the junction. Then the solder melts and falls directly in the gap between the pipe and fitting. In the course of the whole process, warm up the fitting, so as to maintain the melting point of the solder.

  1. Copper fitting.
  2. Hold the torch of the propane burner at the fitting.
  3. Copper pipe.
  4. Attach the solder to the junction and place it along the edge.
  5. Solder.

Using solder for copper pipe welding

How does the solder fall directly into the space between the pipe and the fitting, does it be left outside? In fact, the solder will fall into the gap due to the impact of capillary forces, and it can flow both vertically and horizontally. This process is clearly illustrated in the following figure.

The mechanism of exposure to capillary forces on the solder.

  1. Copper fitting.
  2. Copper pipe.
  3. Solder, which falls into the gap between pipes due to capelar subfloor.
  4. Solder hardens and forms a protective layer, which is distributed over the edge of the joint.
  5. How to distribute solder.
  6. Scattered solder.
  7. Chilled solder takes a pasty shape.

To select the solder, you need to be guided by the pressure of the fluid in the pipeline paved, as well as the melting point of the solder. According to existing standards, fluxes and solders intended for sewer systems, lead concentration should not exceed a value of 0.2%.

How to connect soft copper pipes

A soft copper pipe is not in vain is called this way - to bend it quite simple with your hands. However, it is quite high the risk that the pipe will be curved incorrectly. Therefore, we strongly recommend using pipe bending.

If the pipe is too ground, water will not be able to fully pass through the inflection zone, not to mention the appearance of cracks. If the bend is needed enough of a large radius, then the flexible shell of a conventional plumbing hose, made of spring, is perfectly suitable in the role of the pipe-bend. It is only necessary that this shell corresponds to the diameter of the copper pipe.

If necessary, bend a long soft copper pipe can be used by a spring shell of a conventional hose. Bending the pipe should be carefully, without applying too much effort. Then simply by the method of rotation, remove the pipe.

  1. Spring protective shell.
  2. Soft copper pipe.

To get a pipe, you can gently press it on it. At the same time, the larger the bending radius of the pipe, the less likely the trumpet will be too frightened.

The simplest method of bending a soft copper pipe: Used the usual steel corrugated hose and plastic bottle

If it is required to bend the pipe within a smaller radius, then it is not necessary to do without manual pipe bending. Before inserting the pipe in this tool, expand its handles in the 180 degree direction.

When the pipe is inserted, you need to raise one handle in such a way that it will make a straight angle with the other handle. It is difficult to make a mistake here, because on the roller of the pipe bending there is an appropriate label that needs to be combined with a pitch point.

Video on the use of pipe bend

This video demonstrates how to properly use pipe bender in order to bend copper pipes intended for sewage or air conditioning systems.

Use of pipe-bend

Now just drive together the pens of the pipe bending until you get the bending that you need. Before you bend the pipe, make sure that the pipe bending fully corresponds to its diameter.

Lever pipe bending is the perfect tool for flexing the copper pipe. At the same time, the minimum bend radius depends on whether the pipe of which diameter is bend.

  1. Copper pipe.
  2. Copper pipe.
  3. Turn the handle until the pipe is bent under the desired angle.
  4. Expand the handles for 180 degrees and insert the pipe into the pipe bender.
  5. Copper pipe.
  6. Roller pipe bending.
  7. Copper pipe.

Classic lever pipe bending for bending copper (and not only) pipes

Copper Pipe Flashing

To connect a soft copper pipe, a coupling is often used in which the pre-collapsed end of the pipe is closed. This type of bog has a lot of advantages, in particular, it is completely easy to dismantle, if necessary, and again fasten.

Typically, the bog joint is used when it is impossible to use the propane burner, or if it is impossible to drain the water from the old pipe. To fasten the coupling, it is enough to put it on the pipe, after which it is necessary to flavor the end of the pipe using the appropriate tool.

The photo shows the roller and clamp with a set of holes for calibration. All this together and there are tools for the correct flapping of the copper pipe

The process of ruin

The collapse of the copper pipe is as follows.

  1. Initially, it is necessary to clean the end of the pipe.
  2. The coupling is put on the pipe.
  3. The pipe is inserted into the calibration hole, after which it is clamped. Of course, the diameter of the pipe must coincide with the hole diameter. At the same time, the tube's end must be installed or slightly higher than the clamping plane.
  4. An appropriate device is put on the clip, after which the screw rotates. Ultimately, the front end should be fragmented at an angle, which, on average, is 45 degrees.

The end of the pipe should be clamped in the calibrated hole. Next, the rolling tool moves on the clamp, and the cone is inserted into the pipe. The ruin is carried out by rotating the screw.

  1. Tool for edge rolling.
  2. The cone for the collapse.
  3. Calibration holes.
  4. Clamp.
  5. Copper pipe.

The pipe is removed from the calibrated hole, after which the coupling is close to the previously fragile edges.

A coupling applied to connect the collapse ends of copper pipes.

  1. Connecting component of the coupling under the collapse.
  2. The cone end of the component is inserted into the collapsed part of the pipe.
  3. Coupling component in the form of nut.
  4. Studdered pipe edges.
  5. Copper pipe.

Standard coupling for copper pipe

To roam the coupling thread, you need to use a sealing tape and then tightly wrap the appropriate nut. Now the coupling is fully assembled and we can admire it in the following figure.

The collected clutch looks like this.

  1. Nut for collapse.
  2. The central component of the coupling.
  3. Nut for the collapse.
  4. Copper pipe with a fragrant end.

Sometimes the copper pipes are cut at the plant with a 2-2.5 cm plant. This is done so that in the event of an unsuccessful roller, the end of the pipe could be cut off and make the roller rebound.

Videos on the collapse of copper pipes

A clear tutorial on the rolling of pipes from copper with his own hands. You yourself will be able to make sure there is nothing complicated in this process.

Coupling with a gasket

To connect the copper pipe with cranes and valves, such an element is often used as coupling with a gasket .

In fact, this is a regular nut with a sealing gasket. At the same time, the fitting that joins the coupling must have a thread corresponding to the thread of this nut.

In this couphe, there is a special fixing gasket that exactly enters the nut having an internal thread, after which it is inserted into the hole of the reinforcement, which, in turn, has an outer thread.

  1. Copper pipe.
  2. Nut.
  3. Sealing gasket.
  4. Coupling for connecting with gasket.
  5. Connection with another pipe.
  6. Valve or fitting.

Install such a coupling is easy. Initially, a nut is put on the pipe, then the sealing gasket.

Typical coupling with gasket for copper pipe

Further, the pipe is inserted into the fitting, it should be accurately perpendicular to the fitting hole. This is a very important point, because if the pipe is installed in the fitting, even under a minor angle, then flow is almost inevitable.

Now the sealing gasket is pressed to the edges of the fitting. It remains to complete the nut on the valve, and you need to delay not much, somewhere on a quarter of turnover.

Copper pipes are widely used in various engineering systems of houses and apartments. The main advantages of the material is resistance to corrosion and exposure to high temperature, as well as ultraviolet radiation. In addition, copper pipes can be easily bent at any angle, which simplifies the connection with your own hands.

As a disadvantage, it is often indicated that the material has a high cost, but with such excellent characteristics of the metal, its price cannot be low. Installation of copper pipelines is performed using fittings. They may be crimped or disintegration, depending on this, the connection of copper pipes is different. Crimping fittings create a detachable compound, and the fuses are in-room.

The main advantages and scope of use of the copper pipeline

Copper pipes have a operating temperature from -200 to +250 degrees, as well as low linear expansion, which allows you to successfully apply them for such systems:

  • Heating;
  • Water supply;
  • Air conditioning;
  • Gas transportation;
  • Obtaining alternative energy, such as heliosystems.

When installing copper pipelines for the supply of cold and hot water, it is possible not to worry about overgrowing or changing the inner section. They are also not destroyed under the influence of chlorine, which at high concentration is added to the tap water. On the contrary, chlorine creates on the inner wall of the pipelines the finest protective layer, which significantly extends the service life of highways. In turn, a slight amount of copper is highlighted in drinking water, which has a beneficial effect on human health.

Features of the installation of pipes for water supply

Installation of copper water supply for cold and hot water does not differ in technology. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of pipelines and the corresponding fittings: the heat insulation from PVC film is applied to parts intended for hot water. Installation of copper pipes for water supply can be carried out in one of the following methods:

  1. Using threaded shaped elements.
  2. Using soldering.

Canguilding with threaded fittings is the easiest and most accessible way to install your own method of connection.

Threaded fittings create detachable connections that can be repeatedly unscrewed or twisted if necessary. In order to carry out installation, it is necessary:

  1. Put on the pipe crimping nut.
  2. Top with a crimp ring.
  3. Connect the elements among themselves.
  4. Tighten the nut.

The crimping ring is responsible for the tightness of the compound, therefore it is not reused. If the connection had to be promoted, the rubber ring is worth putting a new one. Copper pipes can be bend in any direction, and therefore it is possible to save on the number of fittings.

The connection by the soldering method is a slightly more complex way of installation, however, quite fulfilled with your own hands. It is necessary to be careful and comply with all security measures when working with open fire. The compound itself consists of such steps:

  1. Cleaning the ends of the pipe and the shaped product with sandpaper to pure metal.
  2. The tassel is finely applied with a layer of soldering flux.
  3. Pipe is inserted into the fitting to the maximum mark.
  4. The location of the connection is heated by a gas burner or a construction hairdryer.
    It is very important to straighten the connectable elements evenly, it is recommended to use a soldering lamp with two burners.
  5. When the heating temperature is sufficient to melting solder, it is introduced into the connection place.
  6. After solidification, you can remove excess flux.

Copper fittings are presented on sale with a predetermined shift in a special groove. It simplifies the installation with your own hands: it is enough just to enter the end of the pipeline with a fluid and heat up to the desired temperature. Solder melts and leaks into the slot between the pipe and the fitting, creating a reliable connection.

Features of the installation of the heating system using copper pipes

Installation of copper pipes for the heating system begins with preparatory work. The material can be easily bent and cut, but it is necessary to do this in the right way. Basic recommendations:

  1. Before installing, it is necessary to cut pipes on the segments of the required length.
  2. Cutting pipes for heating is better than a pipe cutter or a hacksaw for metal.
  3. The inner surface of the pipelines should be cleaned from sowing and metal chips. To perform this task, a file will be required and sebrables.
  4. The place of the cut must be aligned, especially in cases where the cutting was carried out with a metal with a metal, which deforms a little pipe.
  5. Bending the pipe product can be manually or using a special tool.
  6. If the heating system provides curved areas of particularly complex shape, it is recommended to use pipe beg. Such bending will save the material from an undesirable challentee, which can later become a place for formation of corrosion.
  7. Bend items with the minimum allowable radius.
  8. The bending radius when performing the work of the pipeline should be at least 3, 5 diameters of the pipeline. If the pipe bending is manually, the bending radius of at least 8 diameters should be performed.

The connection of the elements of the heating system from copper is carried out by two already known methods:

  • Crimp fittings;
  • Soldering method.

Due to the fact that copper can be easily bent, the installation is easy to perform and a small number of fittings will be required. However, it is necessary to remember some of the rules for combining materials in the heating system.

Copper pipes can not be connected to aluminum radiators.

If the use of aluminum radiators cannot be avoided, you must transition through the steel pipe. This will help to avoid the beginning of corrosion formation when docking copper and aluminum. As for radiators from other materials, for example, steel or cast iron, such problems does not occur.