Buderus radiator connection. Radiators Buderus Logatrend VK-profil, bottom connection

Heating radiators are extremely important element any heating system, since it is they who heat the surrounding space. Therefore, the choice of these heating devices must be approached responsibly and familiarized with their features and types in advance.

In this article, we will look at the device and technical specifications one of the most common designs is panel radiators.

Features of panel radiators

General information

Basic design feature heating devices of this class are the absence of traditional sections, instead, the front side is made in the form of a solid panel. The latter is assembled from two steel sheets, which take the required shape as a result of pressing. In particular, ducts for the coolant are stamped in them.

When two stamped plates are welded together, a thin panel is formed, the thickness of which is hardly more than one centimeter. The radiator can consist of one or several such panels. This design provides many advantages, but at the same time some disadvantages, which we will consider below.

Compared to traditional or bimetallic radiators heating, the capacity of steel panels is scanty. Due to this, a rapid circulation of the coolant is carried out in the heating system, and, as a result, almost instant heating.

Already after 10 - 15 minutes, the panel heating heats up the room. However, this feature also has reverse side- radiators cool down, in case of system shutdown, as quickly as they heat up.

Besides, important feature this design is air convection, however, this only applies to radiators consisting of several panels. This possibility is realized due to the presence of air channels located between the channels for the coolant.

As a result, the device heats up not only by emitting thermal energy from the body, but also by circulating thermal air in the room. Thereby Design efficiency can be as high as 75 percent.

However, despite the fact that panels for heating radiators are made of high-strength high-quality steel, they are designed to operate at low pressure in the system (no more than ten atmospheres) and a coolant temperature of up to 110 degrees Celsius. For these reasons, they are usually used in private and multi-storey country houses.

Since in centralized heating systems the pressure is above ten atmospheres, in apartments panel batteries are installed only in the case of arranging autonomous heating systems.

Note! It is impossible to use panel radiators in a centralized heating system, not only because of its high pressure, but also contaminated coolant. Narrow ducts quickly become clogged and the device fails. Therefore, for work in such conditions, it is better to use bimetallic radiators.


There are quite a few advantages of batteries of this type, below are the main ones:

  • Neat, simple enough, but at the same time stylish design... Moreover, modern equipment, which is used in the manufacture of these devices, allows you to produce products in different styles, ranging from classics to minimalism.
  • The ability to adjust the degree of heating of the device, due to the fact that the products, as a rule, are equipped with all kinds of electronic or mechanical devices.
  • Increased heat transfer - as mentioned above, the use of the convection principle can significantly increase the level of efficiency.

  • The price is significantly lower than for other types of batteries. This is due to the fact that steel itself is significantly lower than copper and aluminum.
  • Efficiency - since the devices have a small capacity, much less energy is spent on heating the coolant.
  • Multifunctionality - the device performs a function like conventional radiator and convector.
  • Low weight, which makes it easy to install the batteries yourself.
  • The ability to choose the device most suitable sizes and the required power.

Advice! It is also possible to give the appearance of panels to ordinary sectional batteries, for example, cast iron, by installing special panels. Moreover, this can not only make them more attractive, but also more effective. Panels for heating radiators can be made from the most different materials, for example, made of wood or metal.


With all the advantages of these heating devices, they cannot be called ideal radiators for the following reasons:

  • Exposure to water hammer is one of the main reasons why panel batteries cannot be used in centralized heating systems.
  • Sensitivity to the acidity level of water - in order to avoid corrosion of the steel surface, the pH level of the coolant must be stable and keep in the range of 8.3-9.5.
  • The operating instructions for panel batteries prohibit draining water from the system for a long time. Otherwise, the inner steel walls of the structure will come into contact with oxygen, which will lead to corrosion.

For these reasons, it is not always advisable to purchase panel radiators.

In the photo - a battery with a side connection

Types of panel radiators

All existing steel panel radiators are divided into several groups.

In particular, according to the method of connection, they can be conditionally divided into two types:

  • Bottom connected devices - both battery connections are located at the bottom... Such a connection is convenient in cases where they pass through the floor. True, it should be borne in mind that in this case the heat loss coefficient is quite large.
  • With side connection - in this case, the inlet is located at the top, and the outlet is at the bottom... This allows for uniform heating of the heating device. True, if the structure has many sections, then in this case significant heat loss will occur.

As mentioned above, the considered radiators may differ in the number of panels. On this basis, they are classified into the following types:

Advice! Knowing the types of radiators, it will not be difficult to correctly select heating devices, in accordance with the area of ​​the heated room.

Also, devices differ in size, which can be as follows:

  • Width - 40 - 300 cm;
  • Height - 30 - 90 cm.

Therefore, before purchasing a device, it is necessary, which depend on the area of ​​the room and the power of the system.

Panel Steel Battery Manufacturers

As you know, the quality of batteries depends not only on the type of construction, but also on the manufacturer. Therefore, you should not give preference to the cheapest products from little-known manufacturers. An insignificant benefit can lead to the fact that soon you will have to change radiators with your own hands.

  • Buderus (Germany);
  • Thermoplus (Italy);
  • Lidea (Russia);
  • Kermi (Germany), etc.

In addition, products should be purchased in large hardware stores in order to avoid counterfeiting and to be confident in the seller's performance of warranty obligations.


Panel steel radiators have a number of advantages over analogues, however, it should be borne in mind that their use is limited to some technical characteristics... If the conditions in your heating system meet the requirements of these devices, then they will be an excellent choice.

From the video in this article, you can gather some additional information on this topic.

  • We connect pipes
  • Mounting mounts
  • We hang the radiator
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  • We decided to clearly show how to properly install a heating radiator in a room. To hang a radiator, you need to have a wall in the place where the radiator is attached to zero. For finishing(painting or pasting wallpaper behind the radiator) the radiator can be removed, it is important that the radiator mounts remain in place and are not transferred. Installation is carried out at a slight slope to avoid air accumulation.

    Illustrative example heating radiator installation

    As an example, we have chosen a steel panel radiator from Buderus Germany. This model has a bottom connection and a built-in thermostatic valve. The "Buderus" radiator has a very high-quality packaging made of durable plastic, protective corners are put on the radiator corners ( of blue color).

    We connect pipes

    Now you can connect pipes from the manifold to the radiator. But we propose to first install a certain unit, the so-called "multiflex", which has shut-off inserts, fittings for adjusting and draining the coolant, can interchange the line with the return flow (depending on the model).

    Also multiflex can be straight (pipes from the floor) and angular (pipes come from the wall). This material shows a direct multiflex, but in our work we often install corner options.

    Mounting mounts

    The mount is screwed on. Moreover, in standard situations, the mount is fixed with one self-tapping screw that comes with the mount.

    It should be noted that for Buderus radiators there are several models of fasteners, which must be ordered separately depending on the selected radiator model and on the type of surface on which it is supposed to be installed.

    Some models of "Buderus" radiators have a special feature: they are double-sided. That is, they can be hung with a multiflex to the right, or they can be hung to the left. You just need to remove the top cover and throw the "tabs" to the opposite side.

    Is it time to update your heating system or are you planning to organize it from scratch? Don't forget to buy the best steel batteries, we will help you with this.
    Buying equipment in our online store, you have the opportunity to order a range of services, which includes: selection, transportation, installation and connection.

    Our experts save your time and are ready to take on all the hassle associated with the purchase, transportation and installation of heating batteries, you just need to accept the job and pay for the services.

    Five reasons to replace old heaters:

    1. Low energy efficiency.
    2. Out of date appearance devices.
    3. High power consumption.
    4. The appearance of corrosion.
    5. Clogged devices.

    Sooner or later, everyone is faced with the need to replace heating radiators, experts recommend replacing in advance, without waiting unpleasant surprises such as through corrosion.

    Each manufacturer of heating equipment insists that the installation of devices and systems be carried out by professionals, this will create effective system heat supply operating at 100%.

    Professional installation of Buderus Logatrend radiators

    Modern heat sources, such as panel radiators Buderus Logatrend, are just a godsend for Russia with its harsh climatic and specific operating conditions.

    • Steel units have high heat dissipation.
    • They have a technically perfect design.
    • Panel radiators are designed using the latest technology.
    • Designs allow disinfection and cleaning at any time.
    • The devices are made from safe materials.

    Modernization of the heating system and its turnkey organization:

    1. A qualified technician is ready to perform an individual technical calculation, on the basis of which radiators are selected in the future.
    2. The next step is to select models that are suitable in terms of size, connection principle and power, as well as the selection of accessories.
    3. On the day specified by the buyer, our courier service will deliver. At the request of the customer, the date of transportation and installation can be completed in one day.
    4. Installation of panel radiators in small objects is carried out by one or two foremen, depending on the amount of work. Large projects are handled by a team of highly qualified installers under the guidance of an experienced foreman.
    5. Installation and connection of heating systems are carried out in accordance with modern requirements and specifics engineering systems... We provide a one year warranty for all work performed.
    6. After all installation works the master consults and answers all your questions.

    How are panel radiators installed?

    Today there are several basic connection schemes, two of which are used for side-connected batteries and one is used for bottom-connected batteries.
    Therefore, when calling the installer of heating equipment, be sure to inform about how the heating system is arranged or how you plan to carry out its installation.

    1. Side diagonal connection - allows for maximum heat dissipation, which is why for many it is the most preferable. Using this option implies connecting the supply pipe to the upper radiator pipe, and the discharge pipe to the lower pipe on the opposite side of the device. In this case heating devices give the maximum of their power. The technique is great for long radiators and promotes uniform heating.
    2. One-sided (side) connection is most often used in high-rise buildings. This technology implies connecting the supply and return pipe on one side, the supply pipe is connected to the upper branch pipe, the return pipe is connected to the lower connecting hole on the same side. The effectiveness of this method is high, but slightly lower than when using the previous method.
    3. The bottom connection of radiators is very popular today. Use this method while laying the pipeline in the floors. The heat transfer of devices when using this method is also slightly lower than when using a diagonal scheme.

    The choice of battery connection scheme depends on many factors, determine the most suitable option from the point of view of technical and engineering features of the premises, only a professional can. The master will make not only a technical calculation, but also a project for a future heating system.

    Panel radiators Buderus Logatrend are used in one-pipe and two-pipe systems.

    • Logatrend K-profil are produced for lateral connection, the devices have 4 nozzles (2 on top on both sides, two on the bottom on both sides, diameter internal thread 1⁄2 '' holes). The models do not have mounting brackets, so the side does not matter during installation. You can install heating devices on the wall or on the floor, for the first option you need a classic mounting kit, and for the second you need a special rack bracket.
    • Logatrend VK-profil are available with bottom connection and two nozzles and external thread 3⁄4 in. Radiators of this series come without mounting brackets, so during installation they can be turned to either side, the connection unit, depending on the selected side, will be either on the right or on the left. The inlet for the inlet pipe is closer to the center, for the outlet pipe closer to outer corner... The devices can be mounted on the floor, or they can be installed on the floor using special brackets.

    The devices have the ability to adjust the intensity of heating, for this they use electronic and mechanical devices - thermal heads. Professional craftsmen will select equipment, pipes and components, install heating systems and carry out everything necessary work associated with the installation of heating equipment.

    DIY installation of radiators: the main mistakes of homeowners

    Almost 90% of homeowners' complaints about poor heating have the same reason - not correct installation batteries. Installation and connection of heating equipment is a simple process that requires consistency and adherence to the manufacturer's recommendations.

    Most popular mistakes:

    1. Installing the device below the prescribed level. Such an error leads to a significant decrease in heat transfer.
    2. Installing the appliances higher than necessary will reduce the warm air flow.
    3. Using stands for floor mounting made by other manufacturers, not suitable in size. It is recommended to use components from the same manufacturer as the radiators themselves.
    4. Not horizontal installation devices.

    If you plan to install the radiator yourself, carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations for installing and connecting devices.
    Experts recommend not to take risks in this case, and if you have even a drop of doubts, use the services of a professional installer who will perform all the work from and to and will provide a guarantee.

    We decided to clearly show how to properly install a heating radiator in a room. To hang a radiator, you need to have a wall in the place where the radiator is fixed to zero. For finishing (painting or pasting wallpaper behind the radiator), the radiator can be removed, it is important that the radiator mounts remain in place and not be moved. Installation is carried out at a slight slope to avoid air accumulation.

    An illustrative example of installing a heating radiator

    As an example, we have chosen a steel panel radiator from Buderus Germany. This model has a bottom connection and a built-in thermostatic valve. The "Buderus" radiator has a very high-quality package made of durable plastic; protective corners (blue) are put on the corners of the radiator.

    We connect pipes

    Now you can connect pipes from the manifold to the radiator. But we propose to first install a certain unit, the so-called "multiflex", which has shut-off inserts, fittings for adjusting and draining the coolant, can interchange the straight line with the return flow (depending on the model).

    Also multiflex can be straight (pipes from the floor) and angular (pipes come from the wall). This material shows a straight multiflex, but in our work we often install corner options.

    Mounting mounts

    The mount is screwed on. Moreover, in standard situations, the mount is fixed with one self-tapping screw that comes with the mount.

    It should be noted that for Buderus radiators there are several models of fasteners, which must be ordered separately depending on the selected radiator model and on the type of surface on which it is supposed to be installed.

    Some models of "Buderus" radiators have a special feature: they are double-sided. That is, they can be hung with a multiflex to the right, or they can be hung to the left. You just need to remove the top cover and throw the "tabs" to the opposite side.

    Logatrend VK-Profil type 22 (bottom connection)

    Steel panel radiators with bottom connection Buderus Logatrend VK-profil are used in heating systems of residential, public and industrial buildings.

    The device is connected to the system through the two lower connection holes G3 / 4.

    According to GOST 31311-2005, the pressure test is 13 bar, operating pressure- 8.7 bar.

    Panel heating radiators Logatrend

      High quality workmanship: Roller contact high-frequency welding is used in the production of Buderus radiators. Pressure test - 13 bar, working pressure - 8.7 bar.

      Energy efficiency: Save up to 5% energy thanks to a special built-in Danfoss thermostatic valve (exclusively developed for BOSCH THERMOTECHNIK).

      Hygienic design and safety edges: radiators can be installed in hospitals and childcare facilities. Buderus Logatrend Profil radiators types 10, 20 and 30 can be used in rooms with increased requirements for cleanliness, since there are no convection plates, which makes it very easy to disinfect the radiator surface.

      A wide range allows you to choose the required heat output radiators corresponding to the temperature of the coolant, including rather low (50-60 ° C).


    • length from 400 to 2000 mm
    • height from 300 to 900 mm
    • radiators of types 10, 20, 30 can be installed in rooms with increased requirements for cleanliness, since there are no convection plates, which makes it easy to disinfect the internal surfaces of the radiator


    • adapters for mounting brackets - 2 pcs. (for radiators longer than 1.6 m - 3 pcs.)
    • brass plug 1/2 "- 1 pc.
    • air vent valve 1/2 "- 1 pc.
    • Danfoss thermostatic valve - 1 pc. (supplied fully open)

    Painting and packaging

    • 4 stages of anti-corrosion treatment - deep degreasing, phosphating, priming, hot powder spraying)
    • the packaging of the radiators is made of recyclable pure polyethylene