Circulation pump installation in a heating radiator. How to install a heating pump

Why is it necessary to install a pump in the heating network? Surely many are asking the same question. This installation of a pump for heating is necessary, since in the case of decentralized heating in a country or private house, a typical problem is the uneven distribution of heat over all components and heating circuits. Water can boil in the boiler, and in remote rooms the batteries can heat up to a slight temperature, and this situation is not acceptable. Therefore, there is a need to find a solution that will help eliminate this problem and increase the efficiency of the entire heating system.

This problem can be solved by one of the following two methods:

  • Modernization of the heating system by inserting a circulation pump into the pipeline.
  • The construction of a pipeline for a heating system with a fairly large diameter.

It is unlikely that there will be a large number of those who agree to dismantle the pipes, especially since in many houses they are located under the floor or in the wall. Installing a pump in a heating system will be a better solution, not only from technical, but also from economic considerations. This way of solving the above problem will be much faster and cheaper. The electrical circuit of the heating circulation pump shows that this is an efficient device.

Thanks to the insertion of the circulation pump, it will be possible to achieve the following:

  • The temperature regime will become more uniform.
  • The range of the heating circuit will increase significantly.
  • The formation of air pockets, which largely interfered with the normal circulation of the coolant, will be completely excluded.

Choosing a circulation pump

It is also not advisable to purchase a pump that is too powerful. Also, an overly powerful pump will only create noise interference. There are also schemes where two pumps work in the heating system.

To calculate the pump for a room that is distinguished by too complex architectural features, you will need to call a specialist in the field of heat engineering.

For an ordinary private house, a simple formula will suffice. Let's consider what is the installation scheme of the pump for heating.

Technology for installing a pump in a heating system

How to install a heating pump? To facilitate the process of installing the pump, you need to buy such equipment, in the basic kit of which there are split-type threads. If they are missing, then you will have to buy adapters yourself. In addition, they will also have to be selected independently. You also need to buy a check valve and a deep filter. Thanks to the valve, it will be possible to achieve the normal functioning of the high-pressure heating system. You will need an exact wiring diagram for the heating circulation pump.

Installing a pump in a heating system

Also, before you connect the heating pump, do not forget that you will need wrenches and other tools. If you do not know how the pump is inserted into the heating system, then you will need to call a specialist in this field. If you want to install it yourself, then you need to study the information on how to properly install the circulation pump. You will also need to choose a place to install it.

We choose a place for inserting the pump into the heating system

Any wiring diagram of a circulation pump for heating will show that it is best to choose a place so that, if necessary, it is easy to carry out equipment maintenance, repair or maintenance. Not so long ago, wet-type pumps were installed in the return line. It was believed that water, washing the working part of the pump, extended the life of its components such as rotors, various bearings and seals.

Today, thanks to modern technologies, pumps are produced in which various components are made of materials that are not afraid of water. Thanks to this, it is possible both to put the pump on heating on the return pipeline, and on the supply one.

So, how to connect the pump to the heating? During the installation of the pump, the following sequence must be observed - this is a kind of instruction:

  • It is necessary to drain the coolant if the pump is installed on the heating boiler in an existing and operating network. If the heating system has been in operation for many years, then it will need to be cleaned of various mechanical impurities. To do this, you need to fill it a couple of times with water, and then empty it.
  • The installation of the pump in the heating system and the chain of fittings must be carried out in a place previously planned for tie-in. To do this, there is a connection diagram for the heating pump. Next is the connection of the pump to the heating system.
  • After the installation of the pump, as well as fittings, is completed, the heating system will need to be filled with water.
  • After that, it is necessary to open the central screw in order to let excess air out of the pump. The central screw is located on the housing cover. As soon as the air is completely removed, water will appear from the holes.

It is not recommended to turn on the circulation pump for heating until the system is filled with water and while there is air in it. In order for the heating system equipment to last as long as possible, you can purchase an automatic pump or a pump that has components that allow you to monitor the operation of the unit. The heating circuit with a circulation pump is efficient and convenient.

The construction of a private country house usually involves the construction of an individual autonomous heating system. Such equipment, with proper installation, will be much more economical and efficient than connecting to the main heating. In particular, in an autonomous system, the distance that the coolant passes from the place of heating (heating boiler) to the location of heating devices (radiators) is significantly reduced.

An individual heating system can be built both using the principle of free circulation of the coolant (hot water flows through pipelines by gravity), and using pumping equipment. In the latter case, the owner of the house faces the question: how to install it for heating?

Do we need a pump?

Of course, an individual heating system can work perfectly for many years without the inclusion of pumping equipment in it. However, the use of circulation heating pumps significantly increases the efficiency of heating.

  1. First of all, the inclusion of a pump in the system reduces the inertia of the movement of the coolant. When hot water moves by gravity, the heated coolant can reach distant heating radiators after a considerable time. As a result, the temperature of the liquid in the pipelines has time to decrease, and the radiators do not heat the premises as efficiently. The difference in the time of passage of the coolant can reach an hour or more. Using the pump, all radiators in the house will heat up evenly.
  2. Also, when using a pump, it is possible not to build a piping system with exact observance of the slope angle. Even if in some part of your house the heating pipe goes “uphill”, the coolant under the action of the pump will overcome this section without any problems and air jams will not appear in the system.

But any technical solution can have its drawbacks.

  1. Electricity in our country is not yet free, so a person working in the heating system will eat up money from your budget. The power of pumping devices can be from 55 to 100 watts.
  2. The presence of a pump in the system immediately makes it volatile, so that with any power outage, you will have problems with heating.
  3. Stopping the pump can cause excessive heating of the coolant, which will cause a rupture of the heating circuits or defrosting of remote segments of the heating pipelines.

How is circulating heating pump equipment arranged?

Pumping devices are installed in closed home heating systems. A typical pumping device has a stainless metal housing. The housing contains an electric motor. An impeller is placed on the motor shaft, and it moves the heat carrier through the pipes. The device of pumping equipment for heating systems is generally similar to conventional water pumps.

Varieties of circulation pumping devices

According to the principle of work pumping devices that circulate the coolant in heating systems can be divided into "wet" and "dry".

  • AT "dry pump" the rotor of the electric motor, located behind the sealing partition, does not come into contact with the heat carrier. During the operation of the “dry pump”, when the sealing rings rotate, a film of water forms between them, which prevents the coolant from penetrating to the motor rotor. Such a pumping device operates with an efficiency of about 80%. The disadvantage of such equipment is increased noise, it is recommended to install it in a separate room.
  • "Dry" circulation pumping devices can be vertical, horizontal or block type. The type of pumping device affects the technology of its installation and is usually indicated in the technical data sheet of the equipment. In addition, a distinguishing feature of the "dry" type pumping devices is the need to install them in clean rooms, due to the fact that they are very sensitive to the presence of dust. "Dry" pumps should only be started when there is heat transfer fluid in the system, otherwise the O-rings may be destroyed.

In circulation pumping equipment made according to the "wet" technology, rotating elements (an impeller attached to the rotor) are immersed in a liquid heat carrier. Hot water in this case simultaneously acts as a lubricant and coolant. Such pumping devices are more reliable and unpretentious in operation, but have a much lower efficiency - about 50%. Such equipment performs well in domestic heating systems, their efficiency is quite enough to create coolant circulation in a private house.

Choosing a circulating heating pump

The main criterion for choosing a circulation pumping device for heating is its power. It must correspond to the volume of the autonomous piping system. Insufficient power will not allow you to effectively use all the advantages of a forced circulation heating system. Excessive power will be a waste of money.

In order to calculate the required power of the pumping device, it is necessary to collect the following information:

  • section of the heating pipeline;
  • coolant temperature;
  • heating boiler performance;
  • throughput of pipelines.

In order not to use complex formulas, the required model of the circulation pumping device can be selected according to the output pressure.

The required pressure is calculated using a very simple formula: 0.5 units (meters) of pumping head \u003d 10 meters of the length of the heating pipeline.

Prices for the circulation pump

circulation pump

Installation options for circulation pumping devices

To the heating system circulation pumping equipment can be installed according to two main schemes: one-pipe and two-pipe.

  • AT single pipe system there is a constant flow of coolant. The temperature difference in it is not very large.

  • AT two-pipe system the flow rate of the coolant depends on the mode of operation, and the temperature difference of the liquid in the system can reach large values.

Components of the heating system

  1. Boiler.
  2. Air valve.
  3. Thermostat device.
  4. Heating radiator.
  5. balancing valve.
  6. Expansion tank.
  7. Stop valves.
  8. filtering device.
  9. Circulation pumping device.
  10. A device for measuring pressure in the system.
  11. Safety valve device.

Self-installation of a heat circulation pump

When installing a pumping device, remember that it needs to be serviced from time to time. Therefore, easy access must be provided to its location. The most convenient place for installing pumping equipment will be a section of the return pipeline (return), located in front of the inlet pipe of the heating boiler.

Such a place of installation will ensure the operation of the pump with a relatively cold coolant, which will significantly increase the service life of the device. In addition, the installation of a pump on the return pipe prevents the accumulation of air in the heating boiler tank. This prolongs the life of the equipment and prevents the liquid from being trapped in the storage tank.

Algorithm for installing a pumping device

Step 1. Drain the water from the heating system. If necessary, carry out hydrodynamic cleaning of pipelines and heating radiators.

Step 2 An additional bypass of the pipeline is located at the selected installation site of the pumping device, it is called a bypass. The purpose of the bypass is to ensure the circulation of the coolant in the system when the circulation pump is turned off or broken. The size of the bypass piping must be smaller than that of the main system.

Step 3 Installing a circulation pump. During installation, it is necessary to orient the pump so that the entire working part (shaft and impeller) is covered with the coolant. Remember that running the pumping device dry without load can cause serious damage to the equipment. Also, improper orientation of the pump leads to a decrease in its efficiency. The actual output of the pump can be reduced by 30%. You can find a diagram of the correct orientation of a specific pump model in the instruction manual.

When choosing the location of the pumping device and during its installation, it must also be taken into account that the terminal box must be located at the top of the equipment. Otherwise, even with a small leak or when condensation forms, it can be flooded with water. The result is a short circuit.

Step 4 Ball valves must be installed on the inlet and outlet pipes of the pumping device of the heating system. They facilitate the procedure for dismantling and repairing equipment.

Step 5 Install a water filter in front of the inlet pipe of the pumping device. It will prevent small particles suspended in the coolant from entering the pump. This will significantly delay the repair work.

Step 6 Install a valve assembly on the bypass bypass. It will bleed air pockets, if any, in the system.

Step 7 Seal all joints with silicone sealant. This will prevent leaks from occurring.

Step 8 Fill the heating system with a liquid heat carrier, bleed air pockets from it by opening the central valve device.

Note! Bleeding of air pockets must be done before each switching on of the pumping device.

Maintenance of circulation pumps in heating systems

Typically, circulation pumps in home heating systems do not require regular maintenance. In case of breakdowns, you can contact the specialists of the service centers. But in order for your equipment to work without breakdowns, you must follow some rules.

  1. Do not turn on the pumping device if there is no coolant in the heating system.
  2. Make sure that the pump works with the volume of water and the power for which it is designed according to the passport data.
  3. Do not leave the pump switched off for a long time. Even in summer, perform a preventive start every month. 15 minutes of operation of the equipment will be enough to prevent stagnation of parts of the mechanism.
  4. Make sure that the temperature of the coolant at the installation site of the pumping equipment is not very high. The maximum allowable temperature is 65 degrees. When the heating is exceeded, hard salts precipitate in the liquid heat carrier, which significantly wear out the equipment.

Installation and operation of pumping equipment in heating individual autonomous systems does not cause any particular problems. To learn more about this issue, watch the tutorial video.

Video - How to install a heating pump

Many people face the need for self-installation of the circulation pump. There are usually two reasons - either the boiler does not initially include a pump (and it is irrational to change pipes for products with a large cross section), or its power is not enough to evenly heat all the rooms through which the heating circuit is laid.

For example, if a heated extension (garage or otherwise) was built after the residential building was built and inhabited. How to properly install a pump that circulates the coolant through the heating system, what to foresee - there are many questions during the installation process. This article will give detailed answers to the most typical of them.

Selecting the location of the pump

Opinions on this issue are directly opposite. Most are sure that the only correct solution is at the inlet of a domestic boiler, on the so-called "return" line. Although supporters of installing a circulation pump at the outlet of the unit claim that the location of the device on the supply makes heating more efficient. Who is right?

From the point of view of the laws of physics (there is such a discipline - hydraulics), this is unprincipled. In any case, the impeller will "pump" the coolant through the pump, that is, ensure the movement of fluid along a closed circuit. But taking into account the peculiarities of the operation of a domestic boiler, its “reaction” to emergency situations that arise in the heating system, the circulation pump should be installed only on the “return”, that is, at the inlet of the unit.

Why? The circulation pump is designed to work with liquid media. In the event of an emergency, the coolant may boil, and steam will form at the boiler outlet, which will enter the heating system. The pump will cease to perform its function, since the impeller is not able to pump gaseous media. As a result, the circulation in the circuit will stop, which will lead to an even greater increase in the temperature in the heat exchanger. Further (if the automation did not work) - the explosion of the boiler. But if the pump is installed on the return thread, then the risk that the steam "gets" to it is reduced to zero.

Conclusion - from the point of view of the safe operation of boiler equipment, the circulation pump should be installed only on the "return", that is, on the pipe connected to the inlet pipe of the unit. Even if the heat generator is the latest model, with the most perfect automation, it is not advisable to rely only on it. What if he refuses? After all, no one will argue that none of the technical means is 100% reliable.

Features and rules for installing the pump

Pipes of the heating system are laid according to various schemes. For the circulation pump, there is no difference where it is installed - on a vertical "thread" or horizontal. The main thing is that the product is connected correctly. This is where a typical mistake is often made, which consists in the fact that the inlet and outlet pipes are interchanged. How not to confuse if they are visually indistinguishable - neither in thread, nor in cross section?

There is an arrow on the pump body. She is clearly visible. It shows the direction of movement of the coolant. Therefore, its pointed tip points to the outlet pipe. This means that it is necessary to install the circulation pump in the heating system so that it faces the boiler with this side. In addition, the device passport (and it is necessarily attached) shows the recommended scheme for its installation.

Regardless of the specifics of the pump installation (spatial orientation), a prerequisite is the horizontal position of the rotor. This is also indicated in the passport.

When installing a circulation pump, in most cases a bypass is installed. Its purpose is clear - to ensure the movement of the coolant along the circuit, even if the pump is out of order or it needs to be temporarily dismantled. For example, for maintenance. Here, too, opinions differ. Some believe that the pump should be installed correctly on the pipe, others - on the bypass. What to be guided by?

Since, after the pump stops, circulation will be provided either by the device installed in the boiler or by the temperature difference (in non-volatile systems), it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for the movement of the coolant. Therefore, when the device is turned off, it must go through the pipe, directly, bypassing the bypass. The pictures explain everything.

This installation option (on the bypass) is implemented for heating systems that are mounted for non-volatile boilers, that is, as "self-flowing".

With this installation of the pump, it is possible to organize automatic switching of the circulation from the bypass to the direct "thread". It is enough just to put a non-return valve ("petal") instead of a ball valve mounted on a pipe.

When the pump stops, the pressure in the system will drop, this valve element will open, and the movement of the fluid will continue, but already directly. Moreover, the time for such a switch is minimal, therefore, such a modification of the circuit will not affect the heating efficiency and the operating mode of the boiler.

A good solution for owners of private buildings. After all, this is a rare case when there is always someone in the house. Even a person who has gone on a well-deserved rest does not constantly sit “within four walls”, but is away on various business. It is precisely at this time that problems with en / supply may arise.

This scheme should not be interpreted unambiguously, although there are opinions that it is incorrect. In some boilers, initially there is no “own” pump. Therefore, where to install the purchased one does not matter. In a circuit that is designed for forced circulation, there will be no "self-flow" of the coolant by definition. At least due to the lack of the required slopes of the "threads". This means that the pump can be placed directly on the pipe, since the installation of a bypass in this case makes no sense. But it is necessary - between the boiler and the expansion tank.

The position of the cleaning filter relative to the circulation pump (another controversial issue) depends on the characteristics of the heating circuit:

  • If the system is open, then before the device, but on the bypass.
  • In cases with solid fuel boilers - in front of the valve (3-way).
  • In pressure systems, the "mud collector" is installed before the bypass.

This work should be done in the so-called "off-season". But if it became necessary to carry out the installation during the heating season, the boiler needs to be “shut down” and wait until the coolant temperature drops - these are elementary things that do not need additional comments.

  • If it is necessary to install a bypass, it is better to assemble it separately by installing all fittings and a circulation pump. It remains only to make a tie-in into the pipe.
  • The next step is to bleed air while monitoring the system to detect leaks.

After that, you can safely switch the circuit to work with the pump.

Circulation pumps are divided into 2 groups, according to the specific location of the rotor - "wet" and "dry". What is the difference? Without going into the specifics of engineering solutions, it is enough to note the pros and cons of each modification.

With dry rotor. Higher efficiency. But there are also disadvantages - increased “noise”, the need for regular maintenance (primarily lubrication of seals) and special requirements for operating conditions. Such circulation pumps must be installed in separate, and absolutely clean rooms. The explanation is simple - the slightest dustiness leads to a decrease in their efficiency or breakage.

With a "wet" rotor. As a rule, these pumps are mounted more often. The fact is that all modern household heating boilers are initially equipped with such a device (located under the casing of the unit), and the newly installed one serves only as an additional element that provides better circulation of the coolant. For example, if you choose the wrong model of the heat generator, if the length of the heating circuit increases, if you install radiators that are not provided for by the primary circuit.

The disadvantage of such a pump is low efficiency. But given that it is not the only one in the system, this drawback is leveled, since it does not particularly affect the heating efficiency. An added benefit is that no maintenance is required. Such pumps function properly until the resource is fully depleted, provided that the rules for their installation are observed.

The installation of a circulation pump in dwellings with an individual heating system ensures uniform and high-quality distribution of heat throughout all the premises of the house.

In closed heating systems, forced circulation of hot water is required. This function is performed by circulation pumps, which consist of a metal motor or a rotor attached to a housing, most often made of stainless steel. The ejection of the coolant is provided by the impeller. It is located on the rotor shaft. The entire system is driven by an electric motor.

Circulation pump

Also in the design of the described installations there are the following elements:

  • shut-off and check valves;
  • the flow part (usually it is made of a bronze alloy);
  • thermostat (it protects the pump from overheating and ensures the economical operation of the device);
  • work timer;
  • connector (male).

The pump, when installed in a heating system, draws in water, and then supplies it to the pipeline due to centrifugal force. The specified force is generated when the impeller produces rotational movements. The circulation pump will work efficiently only if the pressure it creates can easily cope with the resistance (hydraulic) of the various components of the heating system (radiator, pipeline itself).

Various circulation units can be mounted in the heating system of a private house. They are divided into two large groups. The circulation pump can be "dry" or "wet". When installing devices of the first type with your own hands, it should be borne in mind that their motor is separated from the working part by sealing rings. They are made from stainless steel. During the start-up of the installation, the process of movement of these rings begins, which leads to the sealing of the connection with a water (very thin) film. The latter is located between the seals.

Circulation pumping unit

High-quality sealing in this case is ensured due to the fact that the pressure in the external atmosphere and in the heating system itself is characterized by different indicators. A “dry” pump makes quite loud sounds during operation. In this regard, its installation is always carried out in a specially soundproofed separate room of a private house. The efficiency of such a circulation unit is at the level of 80%.

There are three types of "dry" devices for connection to the heating system: horizontal, vertical, block. The electric motor in the units of the first type is placed horizontally. The discharge pipe is attached to them on the body of the apparatus, and the suction pipe is mounted on the shaft (on its front side). In vertical installations, the nozzles are on the same axis. And the engine in this case is located vertically. In block circulating units, heated water exits radially, and enters the system in an axial direction.

Caring for a "dry" unit is objectively difficult. Its elements must be regularly lubricated with a special compound. If this is not done, the end seals will quickly fail, causing the pump to stop. In addition, in a private house, “dry” devices should be placed in rooms where there is no dust. Its turbulence during equipment operation often causes pump depressurization.

In "wet" units, the coolant itself performs the function of lubrication. The impeller and rotor of such installations are immersed in water. "Wet" devices are much less noisy, they are easier to mount with your own hands. And their maintenance is simpler compared to "dry" pumps.

The body of the "wet" installation, as a rule, is made of brass or bronze. Between the stator and the rotor there must be a special separator made of stainless steel. It is called a glass. It is necessary to give the required tightness to the engine (more precisely, its elements under electrical voltage). It is the “wet” units that are most often mounted in a private house in the heating system.

They do a good job of heating relatively small areas. For large objects, such devices are not suitable, since their performance usually does not exceed 50%. The low efficiency of "wet" installations is due to the impossibility of high-quality sealing of the glass placed between the stator and the rotor.

The key indicator that determines the efficiency of the circulation pump is its power. For a domestic heating system, you do not need to try to purchase the most powerful installation. It will only hum strongly and waste electricity.

Mounted circulation pump

  • indicator of hot water pressure;
  • section of pipes;
  • productivity and throughput of the heating boiler;
  • coolant temperature.

The flow of hot water is determined simply. It is equal to the power of the heating unit. If, for example, you have 20 kW, no more than 20 liters of water will be consumed per hour. The pressure of the circulation unit for the heating system for every 10 m of pipes is about 50 cm. The longer the pipeline, the more powerful the pump must be purchased. Here you should immediately pay attention to the thickness of tubular products. The resistance to the movement of water in the system will be stronger if you install small pipes.

In pipelines with a diameter of half an inch, the flow rate of the coolant is 5.7 liters per minute at the generally accepted (1.5 m / s) speed of water movement, with a diameter of 1 inch - 30 liters. But for pipes with a cross section of 2 inches, the flow rate will already be at the level of 170 liters. Always select the diameter of the pipes in such a way that you do not have to overpay extra money for energy resources.

The flow rate of the pump itself is determined by the following ratio: N/t2-t1. Under t1 in this formula is understood the temperature of the water in the return pipes (usually it is 65–70 ° С), under t2 - the temperature provided by the heating unit (at least 90 °). And the letter N indicates the power of the boiler (this value is available in the equipment passport). The pump pressure is set according to the standards accepted in our country and Europe. It is believed that 1 kW of power of the circulation unit is quite enough for high-quality heating of 1 square of the area of ​​a private dwelling.

Installation of circulation pumps is carried out in two ways. The first connection scheme of the unit is two-pipe. This connection method is described by a high temperature difference in the system and a variable flow rate of the coolant. The second scheme is one-pipe. In this case, the temperature difference in will be insignificant, and the carrier flow rate will be constant.

Installed circulation pump

Do-it-yourself connection of the pump is carried out according to the instructions that are attached to the unit. It also indicates the installation procedure for a functional reinforcing chain. Be sure to drain all water from the system before installing the pump. Often there is a need to clean it. During the operation of the heating boiler, a lot of debris is collected on the inner surfaces of the pipes, which worsens the technical performance of the system.

Experts advise placing the circulation unit in front of the boiler - on the return line. This is done in order to eliminate the risk of boiling of an open-type heating system due to the vacuum that is created when the pump is installed at the supply. In addition, if you install the circulation unit on the return, its trouble-free operation will be significantly increased due to the fact that it will operate at lower temperatures.

The procedure for installing the pump itself looks like this:

  1. You make a bypass (in professional slang - a bypass) in the area where the pump will be placed. The bypass diameter is always taken slightly smaller than the cross section of the main pipe.
  2. Mount (strictly horizontally) the shaft of the pumping device, place the terminal box on top.
  3. Install ball valves on both sides of the pump.
  4. Install a filter. It is not recommended to operate the equipment without this device.
  5. Place an automatic (optionally manual) vent valve above the bypass line. This device will allow you to clean the air pockets that regularly form in the system.

Further, valves (shut-off) are installed at the inlet-outlet section of the circulation unit. For an open heating system, an expansion tank is additionally required (not installed in closed complexes). The final stage of installation work is the processing of all, without exception, the connection points of various elements of the system with a good sealant.

The main problem of heating systems in private houses has always been the difficulty of even distribution of heat. Therefore, the installation of a circulation pump in heating systems has become more of a necessity dictated by common sense.

Let's deal with the installation of the main and additional pumps in an autonomous heating system.

1 How to install a circulation pump in the heating system?

Installing a pump in the heating system of a private house creates the necessary conditions for forced uniform circulation of the coolant in the heating system, and ensures the same heating of the radiators, regardless of the degree of remoteness from the boiler.

1.2 Which heating pump is suitable for private house systems?

In order to choose the right device, it is worth considering two important details, namely: the pressure force with which the heating agent circulates in the pipeline and the mechanical resistance of the hydraulics at the time the pressure is created. Therefore, you need to take the apparatus, based on indicators that will be underestimated by 10% compared with the initial indicators of the calculated pressure and resistance values.

Otherwise, the installation of powerful heat pumps for heating leads to the fact that the pipes begin to make noise, and the electric pump consumes much more energy than stated in the passport. In addition, the equipment will wear out much faster.

If you put a pump with a rated power significantly less than the pressure and resistance indicators, then water heating will not work normally. The required pumping volume cannot be maintained.

Since the maximum efficiency can be obtained only at the maximum permissible speed of the electric motor, it is worth purchasing devices with the possibility of electronic or manual regulation of the shaft speed. But, it is worth remembering that if there is a thermal valve in the heating circuit, and extraneous noises begin to appear at high engine speeds, then the pressure equipment must be transferred to reduced speeds.

Rule: pump control should be possible not only in forced circulation mode, but also in natural circulation mode of heat carriers inside pipelines. Since, if the equipment is connected only to the mains, without using uninterruptible power supplies, then a long power outage can cause the coolant in the boiler to overheat, destroying the heating circuit.

Do not forget also about the differences between pressure equipment with different rotors (wet and dry type). In devices with a wet rotor, all parts of the pump are lubricated by the coolant itself, which significantly extends its service life and reduces the noise level by several times.

You need to worry about sound insulation and maintenance of pressure equipment with dry-type rotors yourself. Additional information about the differences, advantages and disadvantages of different types of rotors can be found in other articles on our site.

2 Where, where and how to connect the pump?

Proper installation of the heating circuit occurs according to the following algorithm. The connection of the circulation pump to the pipes must be carried out exclusively in the horizontal state of the shaft. You can connect pressure equipment on an underwater or return pipe, but the return pipe has its advantages, which we will discuss below.

Before the apparatus, a filter must be installed to clean the coolant from dirt impurities. The sediment collector must be placed downwards. The direction of the filter must strictly correspond to the direction of the arrows printed on the body of the apparatus, which indicate the direction of the water flow.

The period of use of the circulation pump depends on the temperature of the water and on how and how to install the pump correctly. The higher the temperature, the shorter the life of the bearings. Therefore, it is worth connecting the device to the boiler directly in front of it, on the return pipe and after the expansion tank.

2.1 How to install the pump so that it works when the electricity is turned off?

Insert the device strictly parallel to the main contour, without opening the circuit itself. In order for gravity inside the pipeline to work normally for the natural circulation of the coolant, install a circuit that is no smaller in diameter than Du-32.

To block the main boiler circuit in order to prevent water from running in a circle between the tie-ins, install valves before and after the pressure apparatus. Remember that in the event of a prolonged power outage, you will have to manually switch to bypass from the pressure apparatus. In this case, the bypass is disconnected from the main pipeline using two ball shut-off valves or taps.

A valve is needed at the top of the bypass to evacuate the air. Install the terminals and control unit of the pressure apparatus only in the “up” position. Threaded connections must be treated with sealant.

But in order for the pump to turn off on its own during long power outages, when no one is at home, install a ball check valve. Its advantages over a conventional valve are that there is no loss in water pressure, which has to overcome the resistance of the spring mechanisms of a conventional check valve. The ball valve must only be installed horizontally.

2.2 How to properly install the pump in the heating system? (video)

2.3 Additional pressure apparatus

As a rule, additional pressure devices are installed in houses where old boilers are installed, or where the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house has increased due to the completion of new premises that were not previously included in the previous heating scheme. Additional installations are also effective for floor heating according to a separate scheme in order to avoid air entering the heating circuit.

Do not forget about the little things that are required if you plan to install an additional pump. Drain the coolant first and thoroughly flush the pipes to remove debris accumulated over the years of operation.