Swimming in the hole: harmful or beneficial. Drunk unprepared people climb into the icy water

Bathing or even swimming in ice water is a historically established and moderately popular method of winter pastime in some countries (Russia, USA, Czech Republic, Finland and others). Bathing is timed either for holidays, or - for weekends, or - they practice without special reasons, just as a fan. Both the adherents of such entertainment and outsiders have questions: is it useful, harmful, how (without) dangerous?

According to the feelings of the bathers themselves, diving into the hole brings completely positive emotions and a burst of energy. There are objective reasons for this: endorphins are released in response to stress, activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, accompanied by the release of other biologically active substances like dopamine and serotonin. They are often called "hormones of pleasure", so the emotions of extreme people are quite understandable.

From a medical point of view, it is difficult to give unambiguous comments about the benefits and harms of such procedures. Medical speculations on this topic are that the signals that cold receptors receive in ice water are sent to the brain, and the brain instructs the blood vessels to “push” blood throughout the body and thereby ensures the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues. substances, and in addition contributes to a more intensive removal of metabolic products from the muscles, in particular, lactic acid.

It is on this that the theory and practice of bathing after physical activity- the recovery of the body, supposedly, is faster. Allegedly - because in the scientific and medical literature there is not a single intelligible explanation why immersion in ice water should be practiced after exercise, and not some other procedures (massage, walking, or, in general, lying on the couch with a tablet in hand). How much worse the blood will deliver the indicated nutrients and oxygen to your organs if you refuse to regularly jump into the hole? To find out, you need to conduct comparative studies, and so far no one has done this.

There are only a few scientific works, in which researchers tried to identify the benefits or harms of ice baths. But most of them came to the following conclusion: in a conditionally homogeneous population of volunteers, diving into an ice hole does not bring any benefit or harm. In other cases, scientists have stated that the data obtained is not enough to draw a definitive conclusion, or that the data are simply inconsistent.

One Australian study compared the effects of immersing in a cold versus a warm bath after intense exercise on the leg muscles. There was no difference, except that those volunteers who immersed themselves in the cold after exercising experienced more severe leg soreness the next day.

However, unfortunately, scientists have identified not only the occurrence or intensification of pain in response to swimming in ice water, but also more detrimental phenomena: for example, an increased risk of respiratory failure and even heart attacks (including the so-called "cardiovascular accidents"). ”), due to the same stress that causes excessive cold in the body.

predict the onset of such side effects"Ice" entertainment is impossible (unless in the presence of known risk factors - bronchial asthma, heart failure, heart attacks and strokes, and so on), and if it is impossible to predict, then it is hardly worth recommending. Especially if a person finds himself in such a far from his natural habitat.

- This is a very ancient occupation, which every year becomes more and more popular. There are especially many who want to plunge into the ice hole at Epiphany. But the debate about whether swimming in the hole is really good for the body does not subside.

Swimming in the hole: benefits

Very often you can hear that swimming in the hole is very beneficial for the body. Back in the middle of the last century, some scientists proved the positive effect of cold on the body. For instance, cold and hot shower is able to activate all systems of the human body due to a controlled temperature difference.

It is also believed that a decrease in temperature contributes to the release of certain hormones in the body that help a person adapt to changes. external environment and activate defense mechanisms.

In addition, scientists believe that ice bathing and other hardening procedures help strengthen of cardio-vascular system and lowering blood pressure.

Besides hardening boosts immunity. Scientists have found that the human body, which is constantly engaged in hardening, copes with microbes several times faster.

Swimming in the hole: harm

The body receives the greatest harm from a one-time bath in ice water. If you start to harden gradually, allowing the body to slowly get used to lower temperatures, then swimming in the hole will most likely only bring benefits. But here for an unprepared body, a sharp drop in temperature can be fatal.

Doctors do not advise swimming in the hole if you have not started to harden and prepare your body since autumn. Since swimming in the hole for a prepared organism is fraught with hypothermia. Moreover, Swimming in ice-cold water can lead to the development of many serious diseases..

For example, with a sharp drop in temperature and immersion in ice water, the genitourinary system, the pelvic organs, the ovaries in women and the testicles in men are most affected (which can lead to infertility). Various inflammatory processes may also develop.

It must be remembered that swimming in the hole is generally contraindicated for people with chronic diseases. Ice water may well cause a heart attack. In addition, swimming in an ice hole is always the strongest stress for the body.

Swimming in the hole: basic rules

Doctors point out that swimming in the hole is the highest form of hardening and therefore requires precautions. Bathing in cold water especially dangerous for the elderly, children and people suffering from any chronic diseases.

In addition, even if you are perfectly healthy, you still need to follow all the precautions. It is better to swim in cold water only in a familiar place and not go to the hole alone. Be sure to take a tourist blanket or newspaper with you so that it is fashionable to lay it under your feet when dressing and undressing.

Also try to get out of the water immediately after diving. Clothing should be as spacious and comfortable as possible, and preferably with a minimum number of buttons. Moreover, you can not smoke and drink alcohol before swimming in the hole.

If you gradually harden and swim in the hole as carefully as possible, then this will only strengthen your health. But if you are not sure about your health, then it is better not to take risks once again and refrain from swimming in ice water.

Answered by Archpriest Sergiy Vogulkin, rector of the church in the name of the icon Mother of God"All-Tsaritsa" of the city of Yekaterinburg, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor:

Perhaps we should start not with swimming in Epiphany frosts, but from the most blessed feast of the Epiphany. The baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ sanctifies all water, in all its forms, because for two thousand years the water of the Jordan River, which touched the blessed body of Christ, rose millions of times to heaven, floated in the clouds and returned again as raindrops to the earth. What is it - in trees, in lakes, rivers, grasses? Pieces of her are everywhere. And now the feast of the Epiphany is approaching, when the Lord gives us an abundance of blessed water. Anxiety awakens in every person: what about me? After all, this is my chance to be cleansed! Wouldn't miss it! And now people without hesitation, even with some kind of despair, rush to the hole and, having plunged, then for a whole year they talk about their “feat”. Did they partake of the grace of our Lord, or amuse their pride?

Orthodox man goes calmly from one church holiday to another, observing fasts, confessing and taking communion. And he prepares for the Epiphany slowly, deciding with his family who will be honored after confession and communion, according to the old Russian tradition, to plunge into the Jordan, and who, due to childhood or indisposition, will wash his face with holy water, or pour himself on a holy spring, or simply accept holy water with prayer like spiritual medicine. We, thank God, have plenty to choose from, and we do not need to risk thoughtlessly if a person is weakened by an illness. The Jordan is not the Sheep's Pool (see John 5:1-4) and must be approached with caution. An experienced priest will not bless everyone for swimming. He will take care of choosing a place, strengthening the ice, gangways, a warm place for undressing and dressing, and the presence of one of the Orthodox medical workers. Here, mass baptism will be appropriate and grace-filled.

Another thing is the mass of desperate people who decided, without a blessing and just an elementary thought, to swim "for the company" in ice water. Here we are talking not about the strength of the spirit, but about the strength of the body. The strongest spasm of the skin vessels in response to the action of cold water leads to the fact that a mass of blood rushes into the internal organs - the heart, lungs, brain, stomach, liver, and for people with poor health this can end badly.

The danger especially increases for those who were preparing for the "cleansing" in the hole with smoking and alcohol. The flow of blood to the lungs will only increase the chronic inflammation of the bronchi, which always accompanies smoking, can cause swelling of the bronchial wall and pneumonia. Long-term alcohol intake or acute intoxication and in warm water constantly lead to misfortune, to say nothing of swimming in the hole. The arterial vessels of an alcoholic or a domestic drunkard, even if he is relatively young, are not able to respond correctly to massive cold exposure; in these cases, paradoxical reactions can be expected up to cardiac and respiratory arrest. With such bad habits and in such a state, it is better not to approach the hole.

On January 19, Orthodox and Greek Catholic Christians celebrate Epiphany. Early in the morning on this day, it is customary to bless the water. It is believed that at Baptism she acquires healing properties and keeps them throughout the year. Another tradition is also associated with this day: in the old days, on the eve of Jordan, a large cross was cut in the ice and placed vertically next to the hole. The ice cross was decorated and doused with beetroot kvass, which made it red, and everyone who wanted to dipped into the hole. This tradition has survived to this day. Anyone who dared to do this believes that the healing baptismal water will give him health for a whole year. There are daredevils who even in hard frost jump into the icy water. We will tell you how not to behave if you decide on this feat.


No preparation

Baptism happens once a year, and nothing bad will happen if you dive without any preparation. Only real bores are pre-rubbed with snow and doused cold water in the shower. But they get pleasure from swimming in the hole, not inflammation.

dress more glamorous

No hat, more buttons and fasteners - let everyone see what good taste you have. In the meantime, you will pull and fasten all this beauty - you will definitely freeze to the skin.

Go dive hungry

Although the food you take will go to warm the body and give energy to endure cold stress, but why waste extra time for food?

Come alone

Then no one will be able to give you a towel and call an ambulance if you suddenly feel bad.

Have an aperitif

Alcohol will contribute to rapid hypothermia and give an extra load on the heart, which means that pneumonia and other inflammations are just around the corner.

Right into the water

Dive-surfaced and you're done! And at the same time, blood will flow in a rapid stream to the heart and brain, threatening you with a heart attack and stroke.

Don't take off your swimming trunks

Why deprive others of the opportunity to admire your swimsuit, which you will take off for a long time in the cold and twist, losing precious minutes.

Sit longer - get healthier

Following this logic, the longer the exposure to holy water, the more diseases you can heal. But 10 seconds is enough - you will just have time to plunge three times, as it should be according to tradition. If you sit for a long time, the body may not be able to tolerate hypothermia.

From water to ice

After the hole, jump right onto the ice, because you forgot to bring a mat with you. Just don't stand for too long - wet heels quickly stick to the ice.

No time to dry off

And without that, there is enough trouble - fastening buttons and combing your hair in the cold. Of course, a wet body under clothes will quickly freeze, and you are guaranteed a cold.


Alexey Ivakhnenko, neurologist, director of the diagnostic and treatment center of the International Institute of Biological Systems:

“In fact, there is nothing terrible for health in such a ritual. If we are talking about a short-term immersion. The stress that the body receives in a fairly short period of time does not have time to harm human health, rather, on the contrary. A sharp immersion in cold water is a strong stress (not only physical, but also mental), a kind of shake-up for the whole organism. There is a powerful release of adrenal hormones. And, as you know, hormone therapy is considered one of the the most powerful means in the treatment of many diseases. With a short-term immersion in cold water, only the outer covers are cooled, the internal organs, especially the brain, will not have time to feel the effects of cold. And to increase your “frost resistance”, you can eat a tablespoon of fish oil with a slice of well-salted black bread one and a half to two hours before swimming.

But if you sit in the hole until you get goosebumps, it will not lead to anything good, even if the person is absolutely healthy. Blood rushes to the heart and brain, stimulating the work of these organs. Due to vasospasm, there is a risk of heart attack, stroke, seizures and rapid development pneumonia. In addition, reproductive function suffers, as well as digestion. You also need to remember that swimming in an ice hole is categorically contraindicated in case of cold allergies, inflammatory gynecological diseases, tuberculosis, impaired kidney function, pregnancy, epilepsy, and diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Igor Pashko, Orthodox priest, archpriest of the Church of the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos:

“Unfortunately, many people perceive bathing in the hole at Epiphany as a sacred ritual. But it has nothing to do with faith or God. It's old pagan tradition, dressed in the framework of Orthodoxy. With the same success, you can plunge into the hole on any other day and get a healing effect according to the laws of winter swimming. The composition of the water at Epiphany does not change. Its properties change after consecration in the temple. Water connects with Divine energy and acquires healing power. And you can plunge, the main thing is the right attitude. After all, cold water is a strong stress for the body, if you add fear to it, the body gets sick. After all, stress and fear are the same root words that have the same energy nature. Moreover, washing in baptismal water does not “automatically” cleanse from all sins; for this purpose, you need to go to confession and communion. But the water consecrated in the temple really heals. And it is impossible to explain this phenomenon of a miracle in physical terms. The healing effect occurs through faith, through collective prayers. Such water is stored for a long time, and you can use it when you are sick.

In the church on Epiphany, water is consecrated twice: on the eve of the holiday - on January 18 and on the 19th. The first portion of water is usually used for washing rooms, animals, cars, etc. The second is used for drinking for health. And do not overstrain, taking away from the temple on this day a canister of a dozen or two liters. Consecrated water can be added to plain pure water, and all of it will be just as full of grace and will not deteriorate either. Therefore, it is enough to take a small bottle - and there will be enough water until the next Epiphany for you and your loved ones.

January 19 is the day when the Baptism of our Lord, Jesus Christ is celebrated in Orthodoxy. Epiphany bathing in the hole (font) has long been folk tradition. They say that on this day, if you swim, you will not get sick. BUT! Still, there are medical contraindications and you should pay attention to them. Let's look at the main contraindications and rules for bathing with low temperatures:

(and here it’s at your own peril, as they say, and risk) for people with cardiovascular diseases (high risk of heart attack or stroke), epileptics, respiratory diseases, diabetics, if there were previously craniocerebral injuries, with stomach ulcers, cholecystitis and arthritis. And also with venereal diseases. And there are many other contraindications.

Try to choose the right place for swimming

  1. If possible, choose a trusted place, best organized, where there is a group of people.
  2. The depth of the bathing area should not exceed 180 cm
  3. If possible, try to fence off the bathing area to avoid falling.

Appropriate equipment required

Swimming trunks (swimsuit), towel (robe), take slippers (only not rubber ones, as they slip a lot) or you can go into the water in socks.

Don't forget to warm up before diving into the hole.

Make a few swings with your arms, a couple of tilts, etc., the main thing is not to overdo it and not sweat.

If you want, then of course you can plunge with your head, but this is optional.

Having plunged, there is euphoria (feeling of joy), and you may want to linger in the water, but this feeling of euphoria is just chemical reaction in the brain to the cold. So, do not linger and risk your health.

Warm up immediately after swimming in cold water

Rub yourself with a towel and drink something warming (green tea).

Do not drink alcohol before bathing

It is a misconception that it is necessary to drink because it warms. But in fact the effect is the opposite.

This is of course optional, but you can pray

For reference

From the Greek "I baptize" or "baptism" means "I immerse in water." Water, as everyone knows, is the source of life. The Sahara and other deserts are dead because there is no water. Water can also be the cause of many disasters ( bible story about the global flood, tsunami and much more).

Epiphany bathing symbolizes cleansing and the beginning of a new life. Good luck and take care of yourself!