The Great Flower Kingdom representative is a versician. To the carpet be dense

It is believed that the Verbaine, or Lisimahia, received his Latin version name named Lisimakh - one of the commander under Alexander Macedonian. The version of the origin of the second name is the ancient Russian title of willow - "Verba", on the folia of which is so similar to the green of the flower. The article will tell about the right departure of the shipyard, as well as about its popular varieties.

The best representatives of Lisimahia

The shipyanic refers to the family of prim coloring and can be perennial, twilight and annual, depending on the type: Rod has them more than a hundred. Also, species differ in the type of stem, shade of inflorescence, etc.

Ampel species of the Verbaine is distinguished by high decorative properties: long (up to 1.5 meters) Swivel shoots with small bright yellow flowers will be beautiful decoration verandas. The period of flowering - from June to the first frosts.

Herbaceous Perennial, reaching 0.3 - 0.5 m. Distinctive features: Dark, burgundy color leaves of a wide-lanceal form and many small lemon-yellow flowers. The plant is quite aggressive and grows very quickly; Decoratively all summer.

Very high bush up to 2 m. Height. The stem is a reprehensive, sowned, top - slightly branched. Egg-shaped or lancing leaves are grouped by 3-4 pcs. Inflorescences are a dense blizzard from bright yellow flowers proper form. The ordinary shipyer is very attracted by bees.

Perennial high (50-60 cm) Plant with a long branched root, which actively spreads the flower through the territory by shoots. Characteristic features of this variety: pubescent and straight stem with sedentis wide leaves; Flowers of saturated lemon color are collected on the top of the plant. Flowering falls at the end of June - August.

A variety is extremely similar to a point velbeyn: Herbaceous perennial tall up to 0.5 meters with broad leaves and yellow flowers on the top of the tip. Blossom periods also coincide.

This is a decorative variety, disabled. The grade is an eliminated plant with long stems (30 cm) and small round leaves decorated with a yellowish pattern - thanks to him, the species got its name.

A stunning beauty variety boasts high stem, large lanceolates, In the fall purchasing a crimson tint, and inflorescences in the form of non-smoky white flowers in the form of stars.

Coin-coinage (meadow tea) and his varieties Aurea, Golden Elou

Steel field flower loving moisture. It is a green carpet made of small leaves of juicy green with scattered gold-shaped golden flowers. Released varieties Aurea and Golden Elou - This is ampel herbaceous plants with excellent decorative properties, their leaves have a light green color.

Features of growing lisimahi from seeds

Lisimahi is divorced vegetative, stalling and seeds, and the first way is more popular due to its simplicity and efficiency. However, those who are not afraid of difficulties and still decided to grow a cramp "from scratch", you can give several recommendations:

  • Before planting seeds, they must be "harden" (or stratified): Place the future sprouts for a couple of months on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. Best time To start such a procedure - spring. Attention! Before autumn sowing There is no need for stratification: the seeds are already tempered in the soil;
  • Seeds for seedlings are evyted on a wet substrate. To prepare the mixture, you will need an equal amount of sand and peat;
  • After drying up the lisimahi, the substrate is covered with glass or film - so seeds will give seedlings faster, usually it happens in two weeks. Optimal room temperature - 15 degrees above zero. Young seedlings require quite a lot of light;
  • After young sprouts are slightly fixed, you can pix. Clamps, boxes, cropped boxes, etc. come true.
  • Verbaine, grown from seed, can bloom only for 2 or 3 years of his life.

How to plant a cramp (video)

Rules and dates for the landing of the Verbaine in Open Soil

Before making landing plants, You need to choose the right area. The fact is that Lisimahia will feel good to feel almost anywhere, but in wet soil with high content nutrients Verbaine will grow much faster. In no case should not try to grow lisimahi on a loam or poorly drained land: the result will definitely disappoint the owner of the flower garden. Moreover, the illumination of the plot should be taken into account: Most species like the shadow or half, however, there are also lovers of the Sun, for example, a purple velbeyn. Meadow tea will grow perfectly in a strong shadow.

If Lisimakhiya is decided to plant in the fall, then in September, the seeds are sulking on the bed without any pre-training: next spring They will go up in small groups. This method is most preferable.

Another option - sprinkled in the spring seedlings in the soil in June. When landing, it is necessary to ensure that the distance between the seedlings amounted to about 50 cm. It is necessary to pay attention to the state of the soil: it is best to plant an open ground into a good fertilized land - with such a task, compost or manure will be perfect.

As for the equipment of the landing, there is nothing unusual here: the hole is digging, the rhizome is placed in it, which is then thrown by commissions of the Earth and compacted. The final stage is abundant watering and loosening.

Features and secrets of climbing care

If we evaluate the complexity of the process of leaving the Lisimakhi in general, then we can say that this is a rather unpretentious plant. Evidence of this is the general belief that if you do not touch the plant even ten years, it will still bloom and multiply. Nevertheless, for its active growth and long blossom You need to follow a few general rules.

  • Watering. Since the flower prefers to grow on well-moistened soil, it rarely requires an additional watering, except during drought periods. It should be noted that the plant is frost-resistant and adapted to almost any temperatures.
  • Podrel. Verbaine strongly needs fertilizers only at the autumn time when frosts are coming. Usually, good way - Put the soil with a humus, accumulated over the summer. In the case when you need to stimulate fast growth On the soil not very suitable for the plant, it is possible to make a penny regularly. Ideal schedule - 2 times a month from May to July.
  • "Cutting". Lisimahia belongs to aggressor plants, the neighborhood with which can adversely affect other cultures. So that this does not happen, it is enough to take measures to limit the territory of the spread of Vershir Verserynik. First, you need to physically prevent crawl off: either put a flower in a bucket, container or pot, or make a small fence around it from metal or slate. Secondly, the cultivation of Lisimahia implies a repeated division and transplantation of the plant, because another 4-6 appear annually on the site of one stem. Replant young shoots can be three years old in early spring or in the middle of autumn.

Features of the cultivation of the Verbaine (video)

  • Trimming. After a complete flow of the shipyard, trim the stalks are so to completely cut the dried parts of the plant. This procedure can provoke re-blossom. Before the onset of winter cold, Lisimakhi needs to be completely trimmed under the root and fall asleep with a compost; It does not need to cover the flower for the winter. In one place, Lisimahia can grow up to 10 years.
  • Diseases and pests. In addition to frost resistance and unpretentiousness, Lisimahia has another wonderful property - this plant is very rarely ill and is attacked by pests. Sometimes you can see the ablosted leaves - this is a sign that the plant attacked weevils. In this case, you need to go hunting after sunset and collect all the pests directly from the velbeyn sheets. The second enemy of Lisimahi is a word, with which it is easy to fight with the help of antitlin or biotline.

Lisimahia in landscape design

Despite the fact that for decorative landing Not all varieties are used, Lisimachia due to their bright green foliage and beautiful sunny inflorescence occupies an honorable place among the neighbors. Usually, this species is used in conjunction with other cultures as a "carpet", a beautifully shelter the unsightly surface of the soil. Consider specific examples:

  • Types such as the shipyer point, ordinary, lonelyweshev are perfectly suitable for decorating the shore of the reservoir on the site. Ampel variety of point velbeyn "Aurea" looks great in containers;
  • Lisimahia coyclaus (meadow tea) is actively used for decoration of alpinarias and rocaries, because it can cover walls and stones;
  • The tall varieties of the vertery are indispensable in the shadow flower beds near the trees and near landscape water bodies decorated in natural style;

Perfect neighbors For Lisimahi are bells, astilba, volzhanka, fern and other teen-bique perennials, preferring moisturized soil. Types of Verbaine, possessing purple or penter leaves, It is possible to combine with badge, Rogers and hosts, as well as cereal, sitters and sitters - the original contrast will be created. Other interesting combinations include the following pairs: a point or cereal truck and a horsepower; meadow tea and decorative grass; Londeyshevy Verbaine and Monard or Cuff.

Summing up, we can conclude that the driver is an excellent option for landscaping the site, which deservedly gained popularity among gardeners. There are many reasons: Lisimahia does not require special care and at the same time possesses high degree Decorativeness, resistant to any temperatures and combined with other cultures. In addition, almost all the Verbaine varieties, especially the ordinary Verbaine, have therapeutic properties, so grow it in its plot - it means to replenish your first-aid kit with another popular diuretic and toning.

Verbain in Landscape Design (video)

It is a pretty and, most importantly, an unpretentious plant will decorate any garden or water and also has useful properties, so this humble flower will certainly be enjoyed every gardener.

One day, enjoying the beauty of the surrounding world, the girl noticed the magnificent flower - the truck. A little reflection, she wrote short poem About this plant. In it, the girl compared the flower with the royal symbol of power - the scepter and called him the ruler of the powers of flowers. That is exactly what this sophisticated flower appears before us.

The Verbinic refers to the kind of perennial plants belonging to the Family Family. Some of his representatives live one or two seasons. The plant received its name from the form of leaves, which are very similar to the leaves of the willow (so called in antiquity all kinds of ventricular trees). According to another version, the Verbaine received his name in memory of the outstanding commander Alexander Macedonian - Lisimakh. For a long time It was believed that it was he who opened this majestic plant. So it really is or not, but the shipyer really resembles a colorful royal scepter.

External Description of the Great Flower

In the natural environment more than a hundred different species This plant. Most of them grow on the territory of the northern hemisphere, although some species were discovered in the south of the American continent and in Africa. More than 70 varieties of the Great Flower grows in China. A lot of species of Verbaine can be found in Russia, in the Caucasus and even in Siberia. As you can see the flower conquered a lot of expanses of the dwelling ground. Examined short description Verbaine, you can take a closer look at him. And someday, this flower will become king on the beloved country area.

The plant has a reprehension shoots, which are regularly located green leaves. Plate shape - lanceal or oval. Charming buds are located along the green escape, and there are such shades:

They are collected in inflorescences, resembling spikes or floral brushes. On some copies there are single buds or several pieces in deciduous sinuses.
Verbaine belongs to the pops herbatous plants With reprehensive shoots. From the side looks like a miniature blooming shrub.

Features Planting Plants and Care

It is possible to plant and propagate in the country area of \u200b\u200ba magnificent flower by sowing seeds and a vegetative way. Shown in the photo Landing of the Verbaine and Caring for Him require execution simple rules. First of all, it is important to choose a suitable place. Almost all varieties of plants love semide or shaded garden sections.

Purple Verbaine perfectly flourishes on open areaTherefore, when planting a flower, this fact should be taken into account.

The next stage is the fertile soil of loose character. It can be fired by a compost or humus. It is desirable that she was sufficiently saturated with moisture. Suitable option if groundwater is running around. Some types of Verbaine are planted directly into the water, where they flourish.

Care and landing of the Verbaine in Open Soil are produced in the usual way. First dig a small well. Then, neatly placed the roots of the plant and cover the ground. Upper layer The soil is sealing and pouring abundantly.

So that the plants receive sufficiently light, air and useful substances from the soil, the distance between them should be at least 50 cm.

When the plant comes around well in the palication, it letters a large number of shoots.
After some time, the driver grows and takes almost the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe site. Therefore, it is necessary to replant in time. Although he fluently grow in one place for a decade, the flower should be searched for the second year. Suitable time for this is an early spring or late autumn.

You can land the shipyard with the help of seeds. If sowing is carried out in warm time years, they must be pre-equipped for 2 months in the cold. Collected seeds Put in the refrigerator, where vegetables are stored for a specified period. After that sow. During autumn plantingSeeds do not need advance cold exposure. Winter frosts will do it natural way. And in spring the soil will seem friendly young shoots.

Landing of the Verbaine by sowing seeds can be made in a closed room. On the moistened surface of the soil consisting of and sand, sowed planting material. Cover boxes with glass or film, after which they put in a bright room. Optimal temperature There must be no lower than 15 degrees. After 2 weeks, green shoots will appear on the surface of the soil. After another week or two, they are divened to separate pots, where they are gaining strength. After that, the flowers are planted in a parisader.

So that the plants gradually got used to street temperatures, the room must be regularly ventilated. Thanks to this, young shoots are harvested and feel great after disembarking into an open ground.

Modify the velbeyn can also be the method of dividing the bush. The plant extracted from the soil is separated into several parts. The main thing is that in each of them developed roots. Such plants will bloom the next season.

The photo of the coinage carriage, the care and landing of which is made by dividing the cuttings, causes an unprecedented delight. The process begins with stalks in vessels with water. Being in liquids, they let go of the roots. After that, they are planted for a shady seat cottage plot in wet soil. Over time, bushes will bloom on the joy of households.

Often for decoration, the shipyer is an indispensable plant. It is used in the formation of flower bedsidery, like a background plant. Used to decorate coastal sections of domestic water bodies and borders. The shipyer fits perfectly into the Alpine slide, making it the original creation of man's hands. Sometimes the plant is simply planted as separately standing flowerTo draw attention to the main design of the landscape. Rawing varieties are used for suspended caspo and high flower beds.

High flower beds

Registration of a home water reservoir using a versicer

Welberry coins on an elevated flowerbed

Composition: Versery at the border

Verbaine coinsted on the shore of a domestic water branch

Among the lush kingdom of flowers

Popular views of the predominal flower

For some dacms, the predominous "Host of the Flower Power" is a versibiery, is one of the favorites of landscape design. Especially the plant is valued for the abundance various varietieswho are freely growing in Russia. Carefully looking at the Great Flower, you can see many forms and shades that are inherent in different varieties.

Ordinary truck

This pretty plant has a high straight stem. It is not covered with bark and has no branching. From the horizontal curvy rhizoma upwards rises upstream shoots in a huge amount. Most often, the flowers reach 50 cm, and some of the gigners grow up to a meter height. A rude foliage grows on the entire stalk of the communion of the ordinary area from the bottom. It happens a narrow form with pointed tips. The lower leaves are painted in light green, the top is more saturated with greens. Some copies are distinguished by a scarlet tint of leaves.

At the very top of the renovative stem are located buggy inflorescences. Each of them is decorated with pretty flowers, located close to each other. Buds consist of five separate gentle petals that surround the whin with the urging and stamens. As a rule, inflorescences are painted in yellow, although there are orange, burgundy and snow-white options. The plant blooms in the summer, after which balls with a large number of seeds appear instead of buds.

Ordinary ordinary has medicinal properties. Tincture or decoctions from it are used as a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is often used as astringent and choleretic natural substance.

Coin boiler (Mint)

The plant belongs to the family of perennial herbs. It has a creeping horizontal stems of about 80 cm. The shoots of the coinage of the coin. Strengthening, little branched. They appear nodules on which small roots grow. Thanks to them, the plant successfully grows around the territory. Loves fertile soil and shady places. In nature, there is in the shadow of low shrubs, on wet meadows or on the outskirts of swampy sites.

Leaves at the coyard of the coin opposite, slightly rounded shape. The edges of them are solid, in color - green. Buds grow in the sinuses of the sheet plate. They are usually large and single. Color - golden yellow, a cup - funk-shaped, petals do not connect with each other. Flowering period - mid-summer.

Welberry coins like shaded garden sections and fertile soil. By fulfilling these two requirements, you can already achieve success in the cultivation of this plant.

Versery spot

The flower of this variety is characterized by a brown rhizome, which has several branches. Saves down from them underground. Due to this, the plant wonderfully grows around the territory of the parisader.

A straight stem of the point of dotpiece has a gentle edging. Unlike other species, there are several branchings on shoots. Along every one of them are wide lanceal leaves lemon or yellow buds are placed in large quantities along a dense stem.

Verbaine Londeyshevy

The name of the plant hints that it looks outwardly reminds Lrangess. And indeed it is. Verbakery Landyshev has a steady dense stem, on which the next leaves are located below. They are slightly smoked below, and on top are littered with small dots. During flowering, the plant is dressed in aqueous buds consisting of a variety of small flower. They are painted in a snow-white color and sit on the top of the stem. The flower grows up to 45 cm and fits beautifully into any landscape design.

Verbaine Cellide

This variety of Verbaine is often called Landyshev, for the similarity of his underground rhizoma with him. It has the same pinkish-white color, but a little thicker than the valley. At the Verbaine Celebrate Personal Stem (about 20 cm in height), from all sides covered with foliage. The inflorescence is assembled into a dense spacing filled with many white boutons. Blooms in the middle of summer and pleases the eye for 3 weeks.

Verbaine ceremonies

This type of plant also belongs to the valley varieties of the Verbaine. The flower grows in a height of up to 80 cm. On its high tight shoots grow rounded out the opposite leaves. Flowers Verbaine Mentalezza Snow White Pokoloid Boots. Missed reminiscent of original green bushes in a white bride's robe. It is used to decorate the household plot: planted as live curbs on, in the Alpine slides and off the shores of artificial pools.

Purple Verbaine (Writing)

This perennial plant forms miniature bushes with reprehensive stems. All of them are covered with smooth lanceal leaves of wine-red. Purple Verbaine is famous for its original inflorescences that are located on the tops of slender shoots. Buds are collected in small bouquets that shine lemon color on the sun's rays. The flower loves open light areas with wet fertile soil.

Often, the sequincer is growing up to 45 cm in height, which gives him a majestic look. Begins to bloom the plant at the end of August and can last until mid-September. It is not afraid of harsh winters, since it is considered a frost-resistant. In a natural environment, it is found on wet meadows near reservoirs.

Especially I would like to highlight the original variety of the crewing type - the rake fireplacer. It is able to grow to a meter height, which looks pretty nice against the background of another greenery. Strengthen shoots alternately covered with lanceal pointed on the tips with leaves. Inflorescences appear in the sinuses of leafy plates on the tip of escape. The bells are painted bright yellow and blossomed at the beginning of autumn. Flowers before October. Frost-resistant. Feel comfortable in open areas pricework Garden.

Verbaine Bezolai

This delightful perennial grows to a meter height and is distinguished by unusual inflorescences. They are painted in a dark red color and are collected in dense ears. Vebean Beaujolais has a slightly corrugated silver-green lanceal leaves. They are wonderful combined with dark buds that appear during flowering. Plant prefers fertile soilswhere moisture remains for a long time. They are widely used for decoration dacha plots. Sit for marking areas instead of borders.

Verbaine Alexander

The magnificent herbal perennial grows from 40 to 50 cm in height. On its reprehension stems are situating broad-chain leaflets. For all the escape, in the middle of summer, many gentle flowers appear. They are collected in small bouquets and brightly shine lemon color against the background of thick green plants. Verbaine Alexander luxuriously feels on fertile land, where a lot of air and light. Especially it is comfortable in combined planting flowers near water bodies.
Often, the driver is used when creating mixboraders that continuously bloom to deep autumn. Just in such an environment, he looks like a master of the kingdom of flowers.

Before designing a flower garden, consider the property of this variety to quickly grow. Otherwise, the Verbaine will displace weak plants than will break the total harmony of flower beds.

Not a single chance of pests

The driver is not in vain call the lord of the flower power, because the plant almost never becomes sick. It only gives up before alive pests: tool and weevils. Conduct the invasion of such ill-wings as a word, using special drugs.
Weights provide themselves with affected leaves. When the compensated instances is detected, it is desirable to immediately start collecting them. The missed time will lead to the appearance of beetles larvae, which are imperceptibly pushing a healthy plant.

Giving an objective assessment of a magnificent flower, it can be noted that it does not require much care. Easily coming up in the new territory. Pretty beautiful looks in landscape design. Differs in many beneficial properties that strengthen our health. Among them can be noted a binding, toning and choleretic effect. Grow such a flower on the country site only brings positive emotions. Maybe you should try and enjoy it with floral greatness.

Video of landing of a perennial verbail

Verbaine is a perennial plant. It received such a name thanks to the external similarity with the leaves of the willow. Simplicity of landing and unpretentiousness in care - this is for what gardeners loved him. Magnificent suitable for group landings. The plant perfectly harmonizes in various combinations of landscape design, alpine slides, rocaria and even curbs are decorated.

Verbeyn: basic views and photos

The place of origin of Verbaine is considered to be Eurasia, Africa and America. Verbaine flowers have beneficial properties and extraordinary beauty. Specialists share this plant for a large number of species, depending on whether they grow in wilders or adapted to a certain natural zones. Verbaine got widespread in folk medicine. IN middle lane Our immense country passed about 10 species of this long-term plant.

Varieties and types of Verbaine are very diverse

Experts allocate more than 100 different types of verbe. Many of them fell to our flowerfish from China. Landscape design uses only certain varieties of this plant.

Planting Verbinik

Despite the fact that the driver belongs to unpretentious plantsWhen landing a perennial should pay attention to some nuances.

Council. The soil on which plant landing is planned should be very wet. This is one of the main landing conditions of the Verbaine. Moisto plays an important role in the development of the plant.

As for the choice of landing site, it is preferable to choose the priestned sections on open soil. All varieties are well multiplied and expand. Once every two or three years experienced gardeners Recommend to destroy the ship. This is done by separating the root into smaller parts.

Choose a place with close location groundwater

During the landing of a long-term plant, it is important to comply with certain rules.

  1. Select the right place to land. Better all manipulations with a plant exercise in the autumn period or early summer. The driver is growing normally in the open ground.
  2. During the transplantation of Verbaine should not be young shoots.
  3. It prefers loose soil with close access of groundwater. Meanwhile, the soil should have good drainage. Therefore, it is necessary to add rubbents under the top layer.
  4. It is undesirable to plant a perennial on clay soils.

Plant care

Care for a truck and its cultivation will not be much difficulty. It greatly grows and multiplies in the open soil without human intervention. But if you wish, the Verbaine will play with all possible paints, then you will have to take care of him a little.

Provide a plant when landing good drainage

The driver should not often watered, since it grows on wet areas. Watering is needed with a long lack of rain or droughts.

Council. After the flow of the plant, it needs to be cut, leaving only the lower parts without dry stems. Welbery care is important before in the winter, it consists in complete circumcision of the plant. Shelting plants for the winter is not required. The ground around it should be swallowed and add humus. In general, plant care is episodic.

Fertilizer and feeding of Verbaine

For Verbaine, fertilizer is not a paramount condition for growing and reproduction. It grows remarkably on any plot. The exceptions are very scarce soils. In this case, have special fertilizers.

Feed the shipyer no need

It is necessary to apply them only from May to July, no more often 1 time in 2 weeks. The result will justify your expectations. The plant will begin to actively develop and smallest in width.

Reproduction of a long-term plant

Verbaine grows very quickly. Nevertheless, without a transplant, he can grow more than 10 years. The main thing is to periodically update the fertile layer of soil.

Comparison different species Verbaine

The reproduction of the shipyer occurs in two ways.

  1. With the help of seeds. Sowing is better to carry out in the autumn period. After 2-3 years, the seedlings will bloom for the first time.
  2. Vegetative. The reproduction in this case is due to the division of the root and shilling. Blossom usually comes to the 2nd year.

Attention! The best known method of reproduction of the Verbaine in the average latitudes of our country is division. A year later, he will delight his blossom.

Diseases and pests

Another positive side of the shipyer is its resistance to diseases and pests. The only negative point can be the word. But modern chemicals will help to cope with this pest.


Rarely Verbinic is striking. Common leaves signals the presence of this pest. The larvae of the beetles are pushing root system. They are activated at night, so they should be assembled after sunset.

Verbaine: Combination and Variations

Perennial velbinices are an excellent version of the garden or plot. But in order to give the composition a great originality of gardeners dilute these plants with combinations of others.

An interesting combination of the vebelike is obtained with bells and ferns. Verbaine Point and seeding harmonizes with Badan, Highland and Astilbie varieties. Welberry coins found an original combination with hosts and decorative grass. The velbeyn Cellide is perfectly combined with Monary, a buznotor and a cuff.

Using a Verbaine in Landscape Design

Most types of versices are used for landscaping and landscape design. It can be found more often on the flower beds and garden gardens. Original appearance, unpretentiousness and simplicity of planting and care - the reasons why this perennial received this prevalence.

Verbain in Landscape Design

In landscape design, some plants are used to obtain mixtores. Ideal for scenery alpine Gork and rocaries.

At the end, giving an assessment of the Verbanik, not only such positive sides Plants like simplicity in caring, beauty and fast adaptation, but also a number of useful properties. Verbaine has many medicinal characteristics: astringent, diuretic and toning effect. His growing is one pleasure.

Verbaine is not only beautiful, but also useful!

Care of Versery: Video

Types and varieties of Verbaine: Photo

Plant verbaine (Lat. Lysimachia) - The genus of grassy perennials, annual and twilight family of color. Verbein plant is called the similarity of his leaves with the leaves of the willow - so called all kinds of willows in Russia. The scientific name of the plant was given in honor of Lisimakh - one of the commander Alexander Macedonsky, who later became the ruler of Thrace and the king of Macedonia. For a long time I was mistakenly believed that it was he who opened the Verbinik. The genus consists of more than a hundred species. Most of the types of Verbaine grows in the northern hemisphere, in particular in North America and East Asia - More seventy types of Verbaine grows in China. Some species grow in South America and South Africa. Wake-up at the Caucasus, in the European part of Russia and Central Asia.

Listen to an article

Landing and care for the shipyard (brief)

  • Landing: Sowing seeds in the ground - in June or under the winter in September.
  • Bloom: From the end of June for 6-7 weeks, sometimes longer.
  • Lighting: Single or shadow, but some species need a bright light.
  • The soil: Fertile and loose, fluttered with overwhelming dung or compost, with high groundwater.
  • Watering: Only during the period of long lack of rains.
  • Feeding: Not provided, only at the end of the fall plot fertilizes by humus.
  • Limitation: This aggressive plant needs to be limited: to wear around the perimeter of the slate sheets, plastic or metal.
  • Reproduction: Seeds, cuttings, roasting siblings and dividing bush.
  • Pests: aphid.
  • Diseases: Sustainable to all infections.

Read more about the cultivation of a truck Read more

Flower Verbaine - Description

Grass Verbaine is represented by annual, perennial and two-year-old plants with reprehensive or creeping stems, simple, regular, all-round, mutton or opposite leaves. Flowers white, yellow or pinkish flowers, single sinewich or collected in cooled or panels. The fruit of the velbeyn is a spherical or egg-shaped box. Verbaine is a relative such plants as cyclamen, flashlight, ambinuatus and primula.

Verbaine - the plant is unpretentious and, despite its noncainted species, in demand in gardening: the flowering of the shipyer is distinguished by abundance and duration. Landing of the shipyard and care for it will not seem to you work. This article will describe the landing and care for the ordinary verbury, since this is the basic view of the kind, it is more so planting and caring for a coinage truss or landing and care for a point truck, as well as landing of the Londeyshevian Verbaine and the care of it have a lot in common with growing ordinary veberyer.

Landing of Verbaine in Open Soil

When to plant a cramp in an outdoor ground

Modify the Verbinik can be seeds and vegetative ways. Seize the seeds of the Verbaine in the ground in June or in September, under the winter.

Almost all types of Verbaine are growing better in the shade or a half, and the coinage driver, although prefers the shadow of the trees, perfectly feels in the sun. And only Purple Verbaine prefers outdoor sunshines.

How to plant Verbinik

Verbanik is needed fertile loose and wet areas with close grounding of groundwater, and such species such as a coin vester, a vapseruster-tight and truss, can be planted simply in a reservoir to 10 cm. The composition of the soil for the driver does not have a fundamental importance, he does not like only clay soils. Landing of the driver is carried out in the soil, fertilized well with overwhelming dung or compost.

Looks off the shipyard, like any other plant: put the root system in the well, after which it is thrown by its soil, the surface of the site is condensed and watered. The distance between the bushes of the Verbinik should be at least half a meter.

Care for verbinik

How to grow Verbinik

Landing and care for the velbean in the open soil do not require great effort. Wet plant growing on wet soils frees you from the need to moisturize the soil. Watering the plant will have only during the period of long lack of rain.

The care of the driver does not provide for making feeding during the growing season, and only at the end of the autumn should be easily equipped with humus.

Verbaine is a plant-aggressor, especially such species like cracked versices, seating and creetens. If the plants are not inserted around the bushs of the plant in the form of slate sheets, plastic or metal, it will spread all over the garden. When the Verbaine will flash, delete the faded inflorescences, and in the fall, cut the stems in autumn in the supreme.

Flowering of Verbaine

Each type of Verbaine has its own flowering dates, and in colors - its own degree of decorativeness, and we will tell you about how and when one or another Verbaine blooms, in the section on the types and varieties of the plant.

Transplantation of Verbaine

The cultivation of the Verbaina involves a timely transplantation of the plant. In one place, the driver in the garden can grow up to 10 years, but two years after the landing, you will have a developed bush with many children who simply need to be seeded. They carry out the transfer of early spring or autumn after leaffall.

Pests and Verbaine Diseases

Verbain is surprisingly resistant to all similar problems. The only trouble that can happen to him is the attack of Tly, but in this case can always be purchased in the store the corresponding drug - for example, biothelin or antitle.

Reproduction of Verbaine

As already mentioned, the seed truck multiplies the seeds and vegetatively - dividing the bush, cuttings and roasting siblings. But experience shows that the vegetative methods of breeding the Verbaine are more reliable than seed, especially since the seedswie blooms only 2-3 years after the appearance of germs. Seeds of the Verbaine before sowing at the end of May or early June, it is necessary to subjected to stratification within one and two months in a vegetable box of the refrigerator. Before the autumn sowing processing seeds is not needed by cold - in the winter ground they will pass natural stratification, and in the spring you will see friendly shoots. You can use the seaside seed fashion: The pasting seeds are sown along the surface of the wet substrate consisting of sand and peat, are covered with glass and contain crops at a temperature of 15 ºC in a bright place. Ten-fourteen days will appear, and when they are fixed, they are divened to separate containers and after the hardening procedures are planted in June into open ground, observing the interval between seedlings at 50 cm.

In early spring or autumn, during transplantation, you can reproduce the Verbaine division of the bush. The shipyer digs, separate the kids, then divided into parts itself the bush in such a way that in each decene there were developed roots and shoots, after which all parts are cleared. All these plants will bloom next year. Caring for crucial parts, as for an adult plant.

The coinage boiler is multiplied most often with a length of 10-20 cm long. The drawing is carried out during the autumn trimming or in spring. The cuttings are lowered by the lower cut into the water, and after the roots are formed on them, the cuttings are planted in a loose wet soil on the shady sector.

Perennial Verbaine after flowering

We have already written that after flowering, the faded boilers of the Verbaine are removed, and in the fall in the reprehension species cut and stems, after which they are being added to the plants of humus or compost. Winter all kinds of Verbaine without shelter - they perfectly carry winter cold.

Types and varieties of Verbaine

We offer you a description of the most famous species known in the culture and their best varieties.

- Grassy perennial, common in nature in the meadows, near the marshes, on the shores of the reservoirs and in the forests of Eurasia and North Africa. He has a creeping rhizome and a reprehensive stalk with a height of 50 to 100 cm. The leaves at the ordinary sequinic, the lancing, the opposite or mutton, the top are smooth, from the bottom. Yellow bell tape-like flowers with a red-brown spot at the base of a whisk, assembled in the top pan, are revealed in June-August. This type of Verbaine is a honeycomb. It is not afraid of the convergence and can grow directly in water at a depth of 10 cm.

it grows on the territory of Europe near rivers and reservoirs, rising from foothills to the subalpine belt. This is a perennial height of up to 30 cm with large widespread leaves and single yellow flowers on long flowerwomen. The flowering of this species begins in May and lasts about two months.

or kizlyak It grows along the shores of the reservoirs and in shallow water. He has a creeping rhizome and straight strong stems up to 60 cm high. The leaves are narrow, lancing, often planted. Small yellow flowersIntroducing fluffy due to protruding stamens, are collected in thick, top-3 cm over-3 cm long. The flowering of this species begins at the end of May or early June.

it grows in the forests of Western and Central Europe. He has a long rhizome, at the end of which a meal out of 4-6 underground escapes, pubescent stems with sebacing broad-sized leaves and lemon-yellow flowers located on a slightly sputted top of the stem. Blossom starts at the end of June or early July and lasts about a month. This type of verbier prefers well-lit places. The best varieties of dot versic:

  • verbaine Alexander - grade with green leaves with white border along the edge;
  • Golden Alexander - Verbaine with golden border on the edge of green leaves.

Verbaine Bourgeot Celebrate (Lysimachia Congestiflora)

right from China. This is a yellow ship - so it looks because of the abundance of golden yellow flowers with a red smear at the base of petals. Foliage in plant juicy and thick, bright green. This species became known not so long ago - in 1992. The best varieties of this type:

  • Liss - Welberry with yellow spherical inflorescences and green leaves;
  • Outback Sunset - Peppercut grade with a yellow stripe on dark green leaves and yellow flowers;
  • Persian rug - grade with red veins on dark green leaves of small size and yellow flowers;
  • Persian chocolate - Verbaine with purple foliage, not casting autumn, and golden yellow flowers.

or verbaine Cellide Growing in the south of the Primorsky Territory. He has a pinkish-white rhizome, like a valley, but somewhat thicker, a reprehensive, diluted and frightened stem up to 20 cm high and collected in a dense corpid inflorescence up to 20 cm long small snow-white flowers. Blossom starts at the end of June and lasts 2-3 weeks. In culture, this view from the end of the last century. The most famous varieties:

  • Lady Jane - plant height from 60 to 90 cm, blooming at the end of summer;
  • Geisha - Peppercut grade with cream border along the edge of the leaves.

or welberry Mint, or verbaine meadow or moneywort - A view widespread in Europe, Japan and North America growing on floodplain meadows, in shady groves, on the shores of rivers, reservoirs and on the outskirts of the swamps. This is a soil carrier, a perennial with a lying stem up to 30 cm long and opposite oval short-period leaves up to 2.5 cm long. Flowers in plants of this type of stubby, single, yellow, diameter up to 2.5 cm. Beginning of flowering depends on illumination, but on Sunny areas it begins at the end of May or in June. The coinage truck forms the cover not only on the horizontal surface, but also on steep slopes. One of the most famous varieties of the species is the Aurea Verbaine - less winter-hardy than the main look, with yellowish-green leaves.

Purple Verbaine (Lysimachia Purpurea)

or welberry CiliaTa (Lysimachia Ciliata), In nature grows in North America. This is a reprehensive perennial tall up to 45 cm with paired broad-red wine leaves. The flowers have this type of stubby, top, small, yellow-lemon, collected in loose inflorescence. Blossom starts in August. Purple Verbaine prefers outdoor sunshines.

Lysimachia Atropurpure (Lysimachia ATROPURPUREA)

right from Greece. This is a perennial height of 45-90 cm with a stunning beauty of accommodating inflorescences, consisting of a variety of dark wine flowers, almost black. The edges of green leaves are decorated with light corrugated, especially noticeable in young plants. This velbeyn blooms at the end of July. The most famous variety is Beaujolais, with dark purple flowers.

in nature, grows in southwestern Europe. This is a frost-resistant perennial height of up to 90 cm, which is actively growing. By the end of the summer, flowers appear on the plants collected in accosate inflorescences. In culture view from the XIX century.

Among perennials medicinal plants Verbain is highlighted. He attracts many gardeners, because it is easy and easy to care for him, breed. The plant is perfect for landscape design in the garden.

There are many types of Verbaine, and each requires a certain care, even if simple.

Plant Description

Verbaine belongs to the family of genrup, the genus of grassy perennial, two-year and annual plants. Most species are considered to be Eurasia, as well as America and Africa. Flowers of this plant have unusual beauty and useful properties. It is divided into a large number of species. Specialists are divided depending on adaptation to certain natural zones or distribution in wild conditions.

There are about 100 species of this plant, most of which got into Europe from China. Despite a large number of species, only a few use in landscape design.

He has a long and branching rhizome, and the stem is a reprehensive either thumping. On the stems grow mutt, the next or opposite leaves. Flowers at the Verbaine can be several colors:

  • white;
  • yellow;
  • pink.

On the branches they are located several pieces in the sinuses of the leaves or single. In some species, flowers are collected in blurred inflorescences. After flowering, the plant appears a fruit - a box with seeds.

Rules landing

Perennials require special attention when landingDespite the fact that many of them are considered unpretentious in care. It is best to choose a place in a fellow in open areas. All varieties of this popular plant grow perfectly and multiply. Experienced flowerflowers Recommend at least once every 2-3 years liberty.

The soil where the seedlock is planned, must be well moistened. Humidity of soils is very important when landing for further development plants.

When landing, you must follow the following rules:

  • choose a good place for good development and growth;
  • plant at the beginning of the summer or in autumn;
  • a seedling at the time of landing should not be young shoots;
  • choose loose soil with a similar location of groundwater;
  • provide good drainage;
  • do not plant on clay soils.