How to install septicch if groundwater is close. Cesspool and groundwater

The arrangement of autonomous sewerage in a private house at a high level of groundwater (AGE) requires a high level of tank tightness to not harm their health and environment. Therefore, without increased requirements for sealing and additional seals, it is not necessary. To improve the quality of sealing during the corning, the seals are not simply inserted, but are welded in the pipeline of the sewer system of the private house.

Installation of sewage in a private house

Before how to engage in the construction of residential and household buildings on the site, it is necessary to consider the location of the autonomous sewage, including the following nuances:

  • depth of ground streams;
  • how to carry out a water supply if the groundwater is close;
  • how many devices are planned to be connected to the system;
  • calculate the volume of the beam under the sewer;
  • determine the material from which the reservoir is made.


To determine the corve on the site, you can take advantage of the following tips:

  1. The most time consuming, but the maximum accurate way is to dry the well not far from the planned space for the sewage system;
  2. Inscribe neighbors that may have greater information on the location of the site, passing the ground flow under it, etc.;
  3. If the site was purchased in the partnership under construction, village, village or private sector, you can send a request to the archive;
  4. If the information is not enough or not at all, it is worth paying attention to the surrounding flora: the growing of certain plants on the site will complement the picture.

Note! In the northern regions of the country, the ground flow level is always higher than in the southern.

To find out how deeply water flows underground are needed, it is necessary before the construction of the house, since the close location of underground rivers over time destroys the foundation of structures, and without draining the foundation can not do.

If underground streams are close

How to make a sewer with a high level of groundwater and prevent errors when installing:

  1. Correctly calculate the volume of the tank. You should not take the minimum values, you need to proceed from the probability of force majeure situation, the simultaneous work of most or all devices requiring connection to sewage (washing and dishwasher, watering system and the use of the shower), as well as several tens of liters for the normal functioning of the system. To allow a reservoir overflow is not worth it, because It may pour out unpleasant consequences for:
  • health of their and neighbors;
  • local flora and fauna;
  • the foundation base of the yard buildings;
  • the sewerage itself (scored pipeline, etc.).
  1. If the groundwater is close, and the camera is used to drain the liquid household waste from the plastic, it is necessary to take care of the weighting cargo, since the structure may simply push out the pocket;
  2. If fiberglass sewer is used at a high groundwater level, it is necessary to equip the hole under it. Optional - sewer systems from fiberglass can be installed on the ground surface.

What comes out for the price

You can produce a sewage device with your own hands in two ways:

  1. sold first to install a bioseptic, choosing as consumables on the plumbing, SML fastening pipes;
  2. in line in the installation of the system at the cottage at a minimum, but be prepared for constant spending on replacing and repairing parts, more frequent rational rye, etc.

By cleaning options distinguish:

  1. Biaseptics. The most expensive, but practically trouble-free option of autonomous sewage. Seat fluid cleaning reaches 96-98%. At the moment, the bioseptic is the only station that gives such a result. It is problematic to install with your own hands, because it requires knowledge in connecting alarm, the correct connection of all devices to a single autonomous sewage system.

Has a number of shortcomings:

  • high price;
  • dispose;
  • acquisition of biological preparations for cleaning fluid;
  • not all sorts of ZBO can be drained into a bioseptic (ban on chemical-containing substances, wool, hair, etc.).

For your information. In addition, the device should not stand idle, and therefore the seasonal station is not suitable.

  1. System with mechanical cleaning. If the groundwater is close to the surface of the Earth, it is better to stay at an option with 3 cameras. Unlike bioseptics, this device is not able to provide practically 100% wastewater treatment;
  2. Current tanks of a closed type are easy to install and inexpensive, requiring systematic maintenance by assessing machinery.

The cesspool, if the ground streams are close to the surface, will not suit, since it is necessary to ensure the tightness of the reservoir so that the liquid waste is not seeping into the soil. While the drive is simple sewage in a plot with a high level of groundwater, the arrangement of which will not need a large number of financial, material and labor costs.

What is a drive

The accumulative tank is a regular tank, be it made of metal, plastic or fiberglass. First, the cost of such a design, even if the fiberglass is 3 cubic meters (which is equal to the daily use of a family of 3-4 people) does not exceed 18-20 thousand. Secondly, in order to install the tank, you can do without hiring specialists. Thirdly, it is not necessary to worry about what is merged into the plumbing - the accumulative structures still, there is a simple water after the shower, with a bathroom, washing machine or dishwasher; The drive during constant use is capable of listening from 5 (steel structures) to 40-50 years inclusive (plastic and fiberglass, respectively).

Take into account! As the sewer tank is filling, it is necessary to pump out Zbo: depending on the filling speed, resort to the assessing services will have several times a year.

If the site prevails a high level of groundwater, it is necessary to give preference to reinforced concrete or metal sewage. If there is no possibility to establish a system from the LCBC, and the life of steel fillers does not suit, it is possible to install a cumulative installation of fiberglass on the surface of the soil or burst the barrel under the sewer from plastic (but without a weighting agent can not do, because water flows are capable of pushing the system outside).

Note. The pit is not allowed by a brick or car tires, as the design will not be completely sealed.

Where can I bring water

If desired, it is possible to make water removal from the sewer tank outside the site. If water flows are located under the soil close to the surface, the land does not need additional moisture. Liquid can be disposed of independently by paving drainage with their own hands:

  • before the village sewage;
  • the nearest ditch.

There is a more complex option - using the filter field. However, with the reluctance to pump off the water, it is better to remove the pipe into local sewers, because with the filtration field will have to tinker, because You need to choose a place remote from the septica and the well: preferably on a small elevation.

How to install autonomous sewer

If you need to build a small sewer on a plot with an AGB, you can equip a pre-prepared cesspool, because everything you need is to ensure complete tightness of the reservoir. Choosing an optimal price and quality tank, you can start the installation:

  1. Dish not far from the cesspool of the second pit;
  2. In each recitution, it is desirable to equip a hermetic capacity (for plastic and fiberglass tanks, it is advisable to make a sandy pillow so that when lowering the tanks in the pit, do not damage the integrity of the reservoir);
  3. To break through the trench between the two pita, after laying the pipe pipeline, you need to burst carefully: between the soil and pipes make a sand-gravel layer separated by geotextile cloth. This is necessary, first of all, so that the system does not freeze at a minus temperature;

The proximity of underground sources complicates the arrangement of the sewer system in a private house or in the country and its maintenance. Problems may occur both in the installation process and in the further operation of the mains and the sewage treatment plant. It is worth understanding how to make effective sewage in a private house if the groundwater is closed to the surface.

Danger of the close location of groundwater

Difficulties arise already at the time of laying pipes and installation of the septic. Dropped trenches and pitched instantly filled with water, so constant pumping pump is required.

With further use of the system there is a risk of seeping water into the sewage device. If the reservoir is not sealed enough, for example, consists of concrete rings, it will be filled very quickly. This will require frequent challenges of the assessing agents. When the capacity is overflow, the wastewater will begin to catch the bath and toilet.

Cleaner overflow is dangerous:

  • appearance of unpleasant odor;
  • the spread of infection;
  • the destruction of the walls of the device.

Soil on the adjacent to the reservoir from excess moisture will become swampy, which will lead to corrosion of pipes if they are made of metal.

Underground sources are rarely perfectly clean. They contain acidic or alkaline substances, which leads to corrosion of the walls of the reservoirs and their further deformation. Worste the situation in water pebbles with sharp edges.

Determining the level of underground sources

Before installing sewage, you should find out how close to the surface are water flows:

  • find out from the neighbors;
  • analyze which flora grows on the site;
  • drill well.

The first method is the easiest. If someone in the neighborhood already placed the local sewage system with his own hands, he will prompt the level of underground sources.

The highly loss of ground flows are spoken by the moisture-boring Single, Rhines, reed, swamp rod, fluffy birch. If they grow in the territory, to the aquifer of the entire halfer. The meter depth of the break is indicated by the gathering, the Toll is viscousistic. Where spruce, heather, blackberry, mouse peas, peas, white, meadow fescue, an agon of one and a half meters grow.

These two methods give an approximate estimate of the location of the subspeted sources. To clarify the situation, drill test wells.

Stages of work:

  1. In two or three places on the plot, where the sewage installation is assumed, the two-meter brown is created by a well.
  2. Cover holes with polyethylene so that possible rain does not prevent research.
  3. The labels are applied on a stick from the tree every 10 cm.
  4. Lower the measuring instrument into the well after day after their creation and determine the level of humidity. If the "indicator" is 20 cm award, then the subsidized streams are located 180 cm from the surface.

Test drilling is better spent in the spring or after a strong shower when the saturation of the soil is maximum.

Features of sewage installation

For a plot with closely located aquatic streams, it is better to use the option of non-stop sewage. The pipeline itself, as well as the sewage treatment, should be hermetically. It is recommended to use pipes from polymeric materials, non-conveying corrosion.

Constructions from concrete rings in this case are not suitable. But if it is the only option, they should be well insulated, all the seams are filled with concrete mortar with hydrophobic additives.

It is better to create a dacual sewage in the territory with a high groundwater level to use plastic tanks. They are inexpensive and resistant to moisture. Since such devices weigh little, after an abundant shower or in the spring they can emerge and break the entire communication design. That this does not happen, they are fixed to a concrete basis with anchors.

It is even better to purchase a factory septic with a multi-stage sewage treatment. This installation is expensive, but pays off at a minimum time spent on its operation and increased reliability.

For flooded sites, the following brands of finished cleaning devices are suitable:

  • "Tank". Consists of several devices made of plastic with a thickness of 1.7 cm, which allows you to withstand heavy loads. Does not pop up onto the surface when flooding.
  • "Triton". Manufacturers offer several options for reliable septicities, but they require a concrete basis.
  • "Leopard". A robust design of three chambers with two levels of bioochemicals is suitable for areas with sources close to the surface.
  • Eopan. Recommended for installation in loams and soils prone to bent. Well keeps load.
  • "Tver". Comprehensive cleaning system suitable for wetlands. Well brightens the drains, but requires a source of electricity.

Choosing a finished septic tank for a plot with high humidity, you need to check the tightness of the structure, its strength and ease of operation.

Selection of selection and installation steps

If you decide not to hire professionals and do not acquire a finished sewage treatment plant, the device of local sewage in a private house at a high level of groundwater involves the creation of a hermetic cesspool or multi-chamber biosptics.

Sealed cesspool

Hermetic cesspool requires regular pumping

In the territories where water flows are close to the surface, with their own hands the easiest way to install a sealed plastic drive with a hatch for pumping uncleanness. The installation does not have to spend a lot of time and money, but the design will require regular pumping.

It is desirable that the bottom of the construction is at a meter distance to the aquifer. If this is not possible, the cleaning device is built as follows:

  1. Two pit holes, one under the size of the tank, another about 0.5 m depth.
  2. It is large installed a hermetic container and connected with a pipe segment with a second recess.
  3. The main tank is connected by the sewer highway.
  4. In the second pit, an infiltration cassette is installed, which will draw and filter moisture. Or install a pump for pumping water into the nearest ditch.

Minus cassettes in the winter they freeze. Therefore, before installing the device insulate.

Multi-chamber bioseptic

Biaseptic device

This option is more expensive, but more efficient. For places where underground sources are unlucky, a device with three cameras is suitable. They are also better to create on the basis of hermetic plastic containers. So that they do not float during operation, they should arrange them to concrete bases at the bottom.

After installing the tanks, the infiltration tunnel is created near the surface of the soil.

  1. Eat a trench of 50 cm deep and 15 cm wide.
  2. Create a sand-chicken pillow at its bottom for drainage. Thickness - 30 cm.
  3. Bold infiltration cassettes, connect to the cleaning device and fall asleep with soil.

After the instillation, it is desirable to pour over the tunnel of the Earth Hillyk for insulation cassettes in winter.

If you are fortunate enough to have a plot on a swampy area (that is, where the level of groundwater is located close to the surface), then the equipment of the sewage system will become the task that requires a thorough approach. Since it is impossible to arrange a septic tank for high groundwater with a drainage bottom.

This installation of a standard sewagestraper threatens a mini-ecological catastrophe at least for a particular area, and on a larger scale - and for all neighbors. Since the wastewater, falling through the drainage in the ground, will merge with groundwater, and from there go to the nearest wells, wells, garden crops, etc.

What the way to solve the problem is the "happy" owners of the country or country plot on the swampy terrain, we understand in our material. And for clarity, you apply the video below.

Important: With a high UGB (groundwater level), it is necessary to make an amendment to this factor at the time of design and installation of all communications associated with water.

If you understand that the standard cesspool even for seasonal cottage is not your case, because there is a risk of poisoning of the entire perimeter of land possessions, then we offer you even more thoroughly deal with the features of the swampy plot and understand what it is complicated in the lane of sewage installation. In addition, here you will learn what risks can wait at the time of construction and exploitation of hermetic septication for pumping on such soils. As they say, warned, then armed.

  • So, even the simplest single-chamber design of Septic will require non-seruneny forces on its installation. And everything is in the mobility of the wet soil. Therefore, it is necessary to tinker to securely fix the camera of the sewage facilities in the ground. Most often, either a concrete slab is used for this (if plastic septic tank), or mount the cleaning well made of concrete rings. In any case, the installation process will take more time than setting the septicity on standard low-source soil.
  • Septica camera float in the melting season or protracted rains. This is especially true of plastic reservoirs. The fact is that plastic drives are identical to water floors. So, even in the filled state, such chambers are susceptible to a powerful water to the water. As a result of float or roll septic, the tightness of all joints will be broken. Here there is a risk of seeping like dirty water into the ground, which is dangerous to the environment and groundwater in the septica cameras, which will require frequent invitation of assessing equipment. And it will hit the family's pocket.
  • Full flooding of all septic chambers. This can also happen as a result of a reservoir shifts and a violation of its tightness due to violations of the editing rules. As a result, you will have to encounter a catastrophe of a local scale. All water sources will be poisoned, ponds and reservoirs can bloom, and garden and garden crops will become unsuitable.

IMPORTANT: Septic tank for a plot with a high branch must be sealed completely in all chambers. No drainage in the soil should be.

How to find out the level of groundwater in the area

In order to make sure that your site is located on a swampy terrain, you should conduct small observations. As a rule, the UGB on the plot is fully manifested in the season of convergence of snow or autumn strung rains.

To monitor the level of groundwater, you need to drill in the garden at the right period. For work, use simple screw garden borrow. The deepening is done until they wish to water.

Important: It is necessary to do several control deepends at different parts of the site. This is done in order to make a verification of the data all over the entire territory.

If you mumble with drilling and tracking, you do not want, you can simply chat with neighbors. Long-livers of your village definitely possess information about the corve, which will be easier to install the septica.

Important: Almost the entire average strip of Russia is located on swampy terrain. Sometimes the CE can be only 20-40 cm from the surface of the Earth. This once again indicates that private septication in the form of septic should be extremely hermetic and only under pumping.

Important Principles of Septic Device at High Corv

In order to make a private sewer for a cottage or a country house with their own hands with a high CE, you need to strictly follow several important principles:

  • First, it is necessary to use only plastic as a material for cleaning design, and desirable fiberglass. His compression strength is much higher than that of other types of PVC material. At the same time, the plasticity of such a container is also better. About septic tanks from concrete rings or bricks better forget immediately. These materials have joints and very hygroscopic, and therefore, with a high attack of water from both sides, they will soon give their positions. Even if at the installation phase make a special coating with waterproofing mastic. Yes, and install a septic tank of concrete, and even more so bricks on water soil will be too difficult.

IMPORTANT: Tightness of the septica chambers in the case of high angle first! Therefore, the choice of material for the drain drive should be well deliberate.

  • An ideal option will be septic, specially designed and created by modern manufacturers. The design of such inventions has two or three chambers connected by overflow tubes. Fully finished plastic septic typical is only installed in the ground, and it is possible to operate it after connecting the sewer pipe. It works such a septicch very effectively, accumulating drains from around the house, defending them and completely cleaning. As a result, in the third chamber of the cleaning system there will be only clean water that will remain to roll out.

Important: If your site is close to the reservoir, then you can save on the services of the assignor and simply reset the water into it. According to SNiP, household waste, past cleaning through an industrial septic, is considered pure by 98%. And subject to the use of aerobic bacteria in the septic, you can reduce the amount of residual ral in the chambers, and later use it as a fertilizer for a garden or garden. Thus, making the right choice, again it will be possible to save on the assignor equipment.

  • It is worth remembering that a reliable hermetic septic tank for a plot with a high level of groundwater needs mandatory cleaning as filling. Otherwise, the overflow can happen. So you should not neglect the drain of the drain.

If the option of the finished septic is not suitable

If you decide to save and build a septic with your own hands, you will have to use either a monolithic concrete fill, or ready-made plastic cubes. Consider both options for the device.

Septic from PVC cubes. For high-quality installation of cameras, it is necessary to prepare a boiler, which must exceed the parameters of the cubes by 20-30 cm. The pits are well seal well and fall asleep there with a layer of sand with a thickness of 30 cm. On the sand is put on the concrete slab, which will be a reliable anchor for plastic. With the help of anchors and chains, the septic latter is accustomed.

After that, it is necessary to make a cement-sand spraying of tanks. The septic chamber is filled with a liquid by 30 cm and begin to sprinkle outside on the same height. Continuing to gradually fill the water chamber and the distance between the septic and the walls of the pit, are moving to the top. Such technology allows to insure the treatment tanks from the soil pressure and subsequent deformation.

After all the cubes are mounted, you need to ensure their overflow part with the help of tubes. At the same time, be sure to take care of the sealing of all joints. Lastly, septic tank is covered with a slab for reliable fixation. The outside output the ventilation pipe and provide access to the hatches as indicated on the video below.

Septic monolithic concrete

For the device of private sewage on a swampy terrain, you can make a monolithic septic with concrete. Such a choice is true: the design does not have joints, and therefore it will be a reliable reservoir for household wastewater.

  • So, first digging the pit. The walls are strengthened by the formwork and at the same time form for concrete fill the form in the size of the pit. Immediately it is worth making all partitions with pipes for overflow in them.
  • In the center of the formwork and at its entire height, the reinforcing grid is installed. It will allow concrete stronger after drying.
  • The solution, enhanced by a hydrophobic additive for resistance to moisture, is poured into the formwork and leave for 2-3 days. Under the condition of good weather during this time the solution will grab. And on his complete drying will leave 7 to 10 days.

Important: In the process of filling the solution for its high-quality seal it is better to use a building vibrator. So the finished monolithic septicch will be practically unpaid.

  • After drying the reservoir, it is desirable to deceive it from the inside with a sealant.
  • The next stage will be the fill. First, the bottom of all three cameras is well trambed. After that, the sand layer is poured, which is also thoroughly trambed.
  • On the sand put the reinforcing mesh and pour the solution. Waiting for its complete drying.
  • Lastly, make concrete overlap. For this wall, the septicular is covered with metal corners - ribbon ribs. Top plays boards perpendicular to the width of the camera. If it is more than 1.5 m, then you have to install the support pillars below. Otherwise, the finished concrete fill simply produce the walls of the septic wall.
  • On the boards put the grid for reinforcement, put the formwork and poured the solution. Do not forget about hatches and holes for the ventilation pipe.

It remains to connect the sewer to the septic tip and start its operation, as shown in the video below.

If your plot on the swampy terrain is used as a summer cottage for seasonal visits, then here you can mount just the accumulative container in which the drains will be assembled. Over time, they will have to be filled with the help of the arrangement.

Another solution option may be the choice towards a special drainage fecal pump, which will be able to raise the drains to a higher level and send them to the drive, located on the surface without instilcing it into the ground. But this version of the sewage device is also optimal only for temporary or seasonal cottage.

The arrangement of sewage and sewage treatment plants on the country or household plot requires accounting for many trifles and nuances, which at first glance seem insignificant. An example of such a factor is the level of groundwater (or abbreviated AGB) on the ground, where there is a private house or cottage. If they run deeply, then everything is fine, one problem is less. But not all areas are in such favorable conditions - in some AGB of 0.5-1 m. In this case, when installing sewage treatment plants, it is necessary to solve a whole range of problems, and the design of the septicity for high levels of groundwater has its own characteristics, differences. And every owner of the cottage or cottage should know about it.

The problem of high groundwater for sewage

Let's start with what problems and difficulties for the sewage system create groundwater, which occur only 0.5-1 m from the ground level.

  1. Flooding- Due to the brightness of the soil and movement of groundwater, there is always a risk of penetration of moisture from the ground inside the septic. This problem is particularly acute for composite structures from concrete rings, whose tightness leaves much to be desired. As a result, the tanks are quickly overwhelmed with liquid, there is a need to call an arbitrary machine. And in the worst cases, the streams of groundwater mixed with the fecal masses are flowed from the septic to the sewer, and then into the house, winding the bath and toilet.

  2. Flash - This problem is characteristic of light designs from plastic cubes. In the spring or after abundant multi-day rain, the soil is saturated with a huge amount of water that put pressure on, trying to squeeze it up. In this case, the septicch itself turns into a kind of "float". And if the tanks were not securely fixed on the concrete pillow, they will start climb up. Often, such a phenomenon is accompanied by a roll, a disruption of tightness and sewage breakthroughs. As a result, the purification system, flooding part of the site and the penetration of fecal masses into groundwater.

  3. Drainage - One of the most important stages of cleaning sewage drains is a primer doctor. Water, passing through the septic tanks, enters special filtering fields. There she, leaking through the pillow of gravel, enters the soil, where the last and most important stage of cleaning passes. According to sanitary standards, there should be a layer of the Earth with a thickness of at least a meter between the CE and the filtering field. Accordingly, to fulfill these requirements for groundwater, which occur by 0.5-1 m is rather problematic. Ignoring these norms leads to pollution of surrounding ponds, rivers and wells.
  4. Walking - The soil in a high-grade zone is characterized by high humidity. Consequently, the ability to absorb water to clean will be worse. And if this factor does not take into account, the land around the septic will turn into a small swamp.

  5. Damage to septica - Groundwater are often characterized by an increased alkalinity or, on the contrary, acidity. In such cases, they do not simply have pressure on the walls of the reservoirs and penetrate inside with disorders of hermetic, but also gradually destroy them. This is especially manifested for concrete structures. In addition, groundwater is not static, they are in motion and often carry small and sharp stones with them, which can also damage the integrity of septic tanks or reporting pipes.

  6. Problems with installation- One of the main problems to arrange sewage treatment plants in the area with a high CE. When digging, the builders will be forced to work on the knee in the water. In addition, the process of filling concrete or installation of industrial septics is complicated.

Important! The risk of sewing sewage drain into the ground, several times mentioned above, is that groundwater is constantly moving and mixed. And if somewhere they got fecal masses, sewage and harmful microorganisms, they apply to a large area. As a result, the soil and groundwater are polluted, and nearby wells, streams and ponds become poisoned and unsuitable for drinking. In fact, there is a local environmental disaster, withering the errors with other sewage systems.

We determine the depth of groundwater

About the problems that appear at a high branch, you know. The next step is to determine the depth of groundwater in its own area.

The list presents three methods, as can be made, listed in the degree of increasing complexity:

  • neighbors survey;
  • search for plants indicators;
  • drilling of intelligence wells.

The second way is to assess what grows on your site and in the nearby area. Plants are peculiar indicators allowing to make exemplary conclusions about groundwater level. If the flora on the site is predominantly moisthable, then, most likely, the trees are high here. For more accurate definition, use a table.

Table. Plants indicators indicating the level of groundwater on the ground.

Exemplary level of groundwater, mPlants indicators
From 0 to 0.5Single, Rhines, Reed, Vaintik Langesdorf, Swamping Bug, Fluffy Birch
From 0.5 to 1Canary, Tollga Vysoliste, Rhines, Reed,
From 1 to 1.5Sandwich, spruce, heather, blackberry, mouse peas, white woodwoman, meadow rank and oatmeal
From 1.5 and deeperLucerne yellow, naked licorice, chii, meadow clover, bonfireless, plantain, creeping drinking, juniper, moss, lingonberry

The third method is the most accurate, but at the same time the most time consuming. Imagine it in the form of a step-by-step instruction.

Step 1. Prepare a leather for at least 2 m. If necessary, you can use a tool and with greater drilling depth.

Step 2. Determine several places on a plot under the well. It is desirable that one of them is located where the installation of septic and cleaning systems is planned.

Step 3. Try the well with a depth of 2 m or more.

Step 4. Lose day. For reliability, close the well on top of the waterproof material so that the night rain does not prevent the definition of the corning.

Step 5. Prepare metal pin or wooden stick under the depth of the well. Apply to its lower part of the mark every 10 cm.

Step 6. Immerse this "indicator" in the well and pull out. Determine how long the pin is wet and determine the cov. As an example: a well died with a depth of 2 m, the pin turned out to be wet to 30 cm. Make the simplest computing 200 – 30 = 170 Therefore, the level of groundwater in this place is 1.7 m.

Step 7. Wash out the "indicator" or let it dry and repeat the experiment with other wells on the site.

Step 8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 with all wells for three days to obtain a more or less accurate result.

Important! It is best to produce measurements in the spring, after melting of snow, when groundwater rises to the maximum. If until March or April wait for too long, make an experiment in summer or in the fall after several days with abundant precipitation.

What should be septic tank for high groundwater level

Consider the basic requirements for which each, placed on a plot with a high level of groundwater.

Video - construction septica on a plot with high groundwater level

Monolithic concrete septic - instruction

One of the most common designs created by yourself for a country house or cottage. The walls and bottom of the septic tanks are reinforced with grille and have sufficient strength, so as not to collapse under pressure from groundwater and the ground outside. Due to heavy weight, emerge in the spring or in the rainy season can not. In this case, step-by-step instructions for creating a three-chamber monolithic concrete septica will be considered, which ensures a significant degree of cleaning of sewage drain.

Step 1. Determine the place under), its size, then proceed to the cup of recovery. Depth - 3-3.5 meters. If possible, order the operation of the excavator or the drafts of the excavators - in this case, it is possible to dig the pit on the first day. To prevent the walls from squeezing, lay out them with a plastic film. Match the bottom of the pit.

Important! Additionally, it makes sense to build an awning over a pit, so that it does not pour it with rains. In order to minimize the problem with soil waters, proceed to arrange the septication in the summer in the most arid period. If the moisture is still accumulated on the bottom of the pit and interferes with work, bring the hose from the pump there.

Step 2. Squeeze at the bottom of the rammed and moistened sandy pillow depth of 15-25 cm.

Step 3. Take the construction of an external formwork. Use quite thick and strong boards while, as a large mass of concrete will be poured. With too weak formwork, he can simply spread it on the sides, especially at the bottom of the monolithic septic. Do not forget about struts from the bar.

Step 4. Start forming a reinforcing grille at the bottom and walls of the pit. Use steel rods with a cross section of 10 mm, associate them with each other. The side of each individual lattice cell is from 20 to 30 cm.

Step 5. Form the reinforcing grille on partitions that will be septic to separate cameras.

Step 6. Fill the bottom of the boobs concrete, the bottom thickness of the septic should be at least 150 mm. In the mixture, add anti-corrosion and waterproofing additives so that the tank does not miss the groundwater and is not destroyed due to the aggressive inner and external environment.

Step 7. Build the inner formwork, which will form the walls of the septica and divide it into three separate cameras.

Step 8. Let's start pouring the outer walls and septic partitions. Do not forget to form overflow holes from the camera to the chamber. When pouring, try to reduce the amount of cold seams, as they will be weak design places in which tightness disorders will occur first.

Step 9. Soptic roof formwork. At the same time, the boards must be carefully seen to each other. Do not forget about the hatches and ventilation - each camera septica should have its own hatch for inspection, maintenance and, if necessary, the associate.

Step 10. Fill with concrete overlap, which will be the roof of the future sewage treatment plant.

Step 11. Separately, form a reinforced grille around the hatches and fill them with cement mortar.

Step 12. Inside, mount the tees of overflowing holes, pour the septic tank on top, set the lids of the hatches and the ventilation system.

Three-chamber monolithic concrete septic tank ready. Next, you have to make a removal with a mound with a filtration field (for the finishing of technical water) or to the waste ditch.

By a similar principle, a two- or three-chamber septicch from Eurocubets is equipped. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the high level of groundwater and, accordingly, the risk of float. Therefore, plastic Eurocups are mounted on a previously sprinkled or laid in a pitched anchor concrete slab. It also makes sense to protect the design with sacrificing sides when the soil is bent.

When using the septicity of industrial manufacture, such as or, are the same recommendations - a concrete slab is installed on the bottom of the cleaning structure, the tank itself is fixed on it using anchor belts, as in the image below.

If you consider yourself not too knowledgeable in construction and doubt, it is better when installing both improvised and industrial septica to turn to an experienced specialist who came across such problems and knows the decision. Remember one important truth: with the landscaping of the site, money is spent either at the construction stage, or after it, but already to correct errors and the fight against the consequences of savings to the detriment of reliability.

Prices for anti-corrosion and waterproofing additives

anticorrosion and waterproofing additives

The use of septicism on the country site is one of the best solutions for the disposal of sewage waste. However, to create an optimal system, it is necessary to take into account many parameters and features of the site. It should be remembered that by choosing a septic tank at a high level of groundwater on the plot, not every option is suitable. Cleaning level, resetting method technique, soil ability to skip moisture far away - not a complete list of parameters that play great value. And yet, the main indicator that determines the efficiency of the wastewater system should be considered not the performance per day, not a percentage of purification. The main criterion will probably be how much the environment will remain. After all, it is precisely that it depends not only to comfortable accommodation, but also the health of the owners, their guests and the nearest neighbors.

The measurement of the groundwater level is recommended during periods when it is highest. In the spring - during the period of the most active floods associated with the melting of snow. In the fall, groundwater can reach the maximum marks after long rain. The level of groundwater is the distance from the surface of the aqueous mirror to the soil surface. If the site has a well, it is possible to measure without additional preparations immediately. If there is no well, you should take a hole in the soil using a garden drill and wait for it to be filled with water. It is desirable to make holes somewhat and in various places - this will allow the most objective measurement results.

Characteristic problems associated with high humidity of soil and intimacy of groundwater:

The question of how to make a septicch if the groundwater is close, very common. This question is associated, first of all, with risks of groundwater pollution. Most septicists imply a discharge of recycled masses into the ground. Even with a serious level of cleaning, 98-99% obtained at the output septicic water water for drinking is not suitable and is a risk to health if it falls into the plumbing. At least water is applied only for technical purposes - for economic work, for watering trees, etc.

In the event that the disposal in place is not provided, the usual accumulative septic tank with a high CE can still be set to specific security measures. The risk of waste from the septica to the soil or closely located water can be due to various circumstances: seasonal flooding, disruption of the tightness of the drive, the overflow of the container, the malfunction of the control elements of the septic (if any) and the septication path included in the septic tank.

Features of the placement of septicov

Septics are most often buried in the ground. It is associated with practical, and with aesthetic purposes. However, with all the obvious advantages, the premises of the Septic underground has some disadvantages. Before starting work, you should learn how to bury the septicch if the groundwater is close - even if it is a regular drive, risks exist. To eliminate them all work must be done correctly. Violation of septic septic, if it is located underground, it is difficult to identify enough.

With incorrect placement, for example, in the area underestimated relative to the relief, the septic tank is suspended due to the accumulation around the cover of sediment or flood water.

Also flooding can be caused by the rise in the level of groundwater.

Due to flooding, the septic tank is filled, and water mixed with uncleanness can pour a plot. When flooding, if the septic is made of plastic, there is a risk of oxypting septicism - to prevent this on the bottom of the pit, into which the septic tank is placed, a concrete slab is placed, and a septic tank is attached to it.

Even when using a conventional drive, it is important to take into account the soil waters located closely - a septic tank that does not integrate waste recycling is established in compliance with the norms and standards provided by law. There is always the likelihood of an emergency. The septic tank in the form of a conventional container involves the removal of waste while filling the capacity of the assessing machine. When installing, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of a free entrance of the car to the septic. It should also be considered that the procedure for pumping uncleanness is not the cleanest process, so the septic location on its plot is worth choosing thoughtfully.

The importance of an agriety depending on the type of septic

Septicistics carrying out waste recycling, in most cases imply a removal of the developed masses into the soil. They can be of two types - septic tank with overflow and single-concrete septic.

Overflowing, as a rule, is a few wells isolated from soil and interconnected. Sometimes a septic concrete monolithic is made with internal partitions separating all the container into separate compartments. The number of wells or compartments can be different, usually two or three of them. The latter in the overflow septhe is a reservoir is a filtering well for septic - purified stocks are seeping into the soil through the bottom lined with sand and rubble. The discharge into the soil implies two functions at once - the cookie and
disposal. The cleaning level in such septices is most often not too high. High UGN, in this case, makes drainage in the soil unacceptable. Nevertheless, using a concrete septic tank at a high level of groundwater, under certain conditions, the use of aeration field is becoming the use of a radios instead of a drainage well.

The use of a waste biofering station that provides a cleaning level of 98-99%, for example, a septic tank from Vega, does not allow the direct hit formed after processing the water into the well, although the criticalness of entering the nearby reservoir decreases, especially if the water is flowing there. Such water is suitable for watering.

The characteristics of the soil taken into account in the calculations

When calculating the parameters of the acquired septic, the features of the soil should be taken into account, in which the septicch will be recycled. The omission of any factor may subsequently lead to the inoperability of the whole

The main parameters of the soil, which should be taken into account when choosing a recycling system:

  1. Type of soil.
  2. Soil ability to skip water.
  3. The depth of the primer of the soil.

Some types of septicists initially aims to use in sandy soil. As a rule, such installations are characterized by a low purification level and imply a relative remoteness of groundwater at the place of use. Sand provides high bandwidth. Also in the sandy soil, the likelihood of poorly recycled waste is not so quickly causing. It is impossible to use such a septic tank for clay soil, since clay has a low bandwidth. Stocks can go to the surface of the relief and flood the area. If the only possible option is a removal of water from the septica with a clay soil, then the use of additional measures is inevitable.

In addition to global improvements in the entire system, you can use an inexpensive and effective solution by setting the filter to the septic system to exit the system, thereby reducing the risk of tillage. Such a filter is advisable to apply both low bandwidth soil, and for septic sites, dragged with the aeration fields. The filter delays the particles remaining in water, and thus significantly reduces the intensity of the soil of soil. In the case of using filter fields, the filter helps to avoid rapid clogging of drainage pipes.

If the area is characterized by large volumes of drain, and septic tank is used all year round, the use of the same filtration fields is limited at low temperatures. Freezing leads to serious environmental pollution. High humidity of the soil also imposes certain restrictions on the drainage.

What should I do if the efficiency of the removal has become low?

The probability of tillage of soil, into which processed waste is inevitable. The task of the owner is only to build a system qualitatively to remove this moment as much as possible. In case water does not go out of the septic, what to do is to effectively solve the problem? It is necessary to carefully analyze the work of the entire system. The nature of the problem may be due to both the use of the septica or emergency, and in the initially incorrect installation of the entire system. If the use of the septicity is small, it is very likely that the malfunction is caused by errors approved during installation.

If the septicch has been used for more than a year, the drainage is very likely.

If the filter well has been hammered, then the exemption of the well and cleaning the bottom with sand and crushed stone is required. If the pit is filled, then you need to call an aluminating car to show out uncleanness. You can make an acceleration using a special pump. In the case of filter fields, the situation is somewhat more complicated. Cleaning drainage pipes may be required - if stagnation is provoked by their pollution. Drying the soil may require dropping or replacing its upper layer.

The level of groundwater refers to one of the most important aspects during the equipment of the septic area. High UGN is forced or not discharge into the soil, or to provide a very high level of purity of discharged waters. In addition to the corve, there are many more parameters that may affect the quality of the system. Only after calculations can be confidently talking, for clay soil, which for sandy, taking into account the bandwidth of the soil, the proximity of the reservoirs and the depth of the freezing.

However, pick up the best septic tank for your site does not always mean buy the most expensive model. In cases where the volume of waste is small, users are a bit or the use of the waste system wears seasonal character, it is quite real to buy septicch cheap with the simplest configuration. And it will be the best solution for a particular area.

If there is no confidence in our own power, you need to contact the manufacturer's specialists. For example, Master of the company Yunilos establish Sepage Astra 5 turnkey, and if the installation is carried out by the manufacturer, it takes into account all the technical features of the system and the probability of the error is minimal.