How to collect parsley seeds. Parsley seeds: when and how to determine what they ripen, when to pick at home, photo

Gardeners can harvest seeds from their own plants. The collection of planting material is carried out from July to August, depending on the culture. On summer cottages collecting pure varietal seeds is very difficult, since many plants are cross-pollinated. For example, to collect varietal carrot seeds, you need to place the beds at a distance of 100 m from each other. Otherwise, the root crops will be pollinated, and a new variety will grow with unknown taste. Therefore, many summer residents do not want to grow their seeds and buy them every year in gardening stores.

Consider plants that are not pollinated. You can harvest your own seeds from such plants. At the same time, the varietal characteristics of plants are preserved.

Collecting cilantro, dill and parsley seeds

The seeds are called coriander. The coriander is harvested in mid-July, when the cilantro bush fades. Coriander seeds are in a capsule that opens when ripe. The seeds are quite large, they can be used as a seasoning for various dishes, or you can dry them and get high-quality planting material for the next season.

For drying, coriander is collected in paper bags and stored at room temperature on a windowsill. The moisture from the seeds will begin to evaporate, and in three weeks they will be ready to plant.

Dill blooms with yellow flowers that look like umbrellas. In July, the dill seeds ripen and the inflorescences become brown color... You can collect planting material by cutting off the inflorescences with a knife. Dill reproduces well by self-seeding. Dill seeds can spread up to 120 m around the plant. Therefore, in many vegetable gardens, dill grows independently and even inhibits other cultivated plants.

Parsley, in contrast to cilantro and dill, is a biennial plant. Therefore, you can get seeds only in the second year after planting. Parsley also self-propagates, but the seeds do not spread as far over the area as dill seeds.

Parsley seeds ripen in July.

Collecting seeds of over-pollinated plants

To preserve a high-quality variety of over-pollinated plants, you need to use several rules.

  1. Collect seeds from only one variety of root vegetables or vegetables per year.
  2. Plant the varieties of cultivated plants you like in separate greenhouses and greenhouses.
  3. Sign seed containers and store in a cool, dark place.

Following these rules, you will receive high-quality planting material and will be able to preserve the varietal characteristics of any plant.

Curly parsley is not only a popular culinary seasoning, but also a source of vitamins. Greens and roots of a biennial plant are used by specialists of the official and traditional medicine in the treatment of chronic pathologies of the urinary system and gastrointestinal tract. But spicy parsley seeds contain no less biological active substancesthan stems, leaves and roots. It is very convenient to prepare medicinal infusions and decoctions from them for internal and external use. But do not forget about the belonging of parsley to medicinal plants, therefore, before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor about its appropriateness and safety.


The medicinal properties of parsley seeds are due to their multicomponent chemical composition... They contain a large amount of vitamins and micro- and macroelements, especially ascorbic acid. Regular consumption of infusions or the addition of seeds to vegetable salads increases the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections, and serves as an excellent prevention of colds. Also, the composition of plant materials includes such useful compounds:

  • trace elements magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, molybdenum, phosphorus;
  • b vitamins - thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, riboflavin;
  • retinol, carotene;
  • phytoestrogens;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • glycosides;
  • combination of essential oils.

The high concentration of selenium in parsley seeds allows them to be used as an antioxidant agent. This trace element is necessary for the body to fight free radicals - the main cause of premature aging of cells and tissues. Selenium is a part of drugs that strengthen a person's defenses, normalizing his psycho-emotional state.

Parsley seeds are formed in the second year from the beginning of sowing. They should be harvested after full maturity, when they have accumulated many biologically active substances. Fruits suitable for treatment are grayish-green, elongated, with a characteristic tart aroma.

Medicinal properties

When deciding to use parsley seeds for the treatment of any chronic pathology, one should take into account their multifaceted effect on the human body. For example, the use of infusion to treat inflammation in the bladder will lead to improved appetite and possible weight gain. What are the beneficial properties of dosage forms from seeds:

  • increase the elasticity of blood vessels - veins, arteries, capillaries;
  • stimulate the production of digestive enzymes by the pancreas, stomach and intestines;
  • accelerate the metabolism and absorption of fats, proteins, carbohydrates;
  • normalize the work of the endocrine glands - the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries;
  • increase visual acuity;
  • eliminate spasms of smooth muscle muscles of internal organs;
  • have a choleretic effect;
  • contribute to the dissolution and removal of calculi from the kidneys, liver, bladder;
  • restore optimal functioning of the central and autonomic nervous systems;
  • eliminate fatigue, weakness, apathy.

Thanks to the ability of parsley seeds to accelerate metabolic processes, the regeneration of damaged tissues is faster. Healing is also promoted by the anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and disinfectant activity of infusions from this plant material.

Recommendation: Traditional healers advise patients with gingivitis and stomatitis to chew 5-10 parsley seeds during the day. This method of treatment helps to reduce the number of inflammatory foci in the oral cavity, restore the mucous membrane affected by the infection, and get rid of an unpleasant odor.

Indications for use

In medicine, the ability of parsley seeds to remove excess fluid from the body is actively used. Doctors recommend daily use of the healing infusion for patients suffering from salt deposits in the joints. It helps tissues get rid of accumulated organic and inorganic uric acid compounds, the main cause of arthrosis, gout, and polyarthritis.

Diuretic properties of fruits are also used in the treatment of arterial hypertension to eliminate edema. Increased urination gradually lowers blood pressure. In combination with a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels, this ability allows the use of an infusion of parsley seeds as a prophylactic agent against exacerbations of hypertension. Herbal raw materials are included in the fees and can be used independently in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • chronic urological pathologies - cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system - tachycardia, arrhythmia;
  • cataract, conjunctivitis, decreased visual acuity;
  • increased sweating;
  • depressive conditions, increased anxiety and nervous excitability, insomnia, emotional instability.

This is interesting: Infusion of parsley seeds is used by traditional healers to treat chronic alcoholism. The tannins and essential oils contained in the plant, with constant use, help to weaken physical and psychological dependence.

Phytoestrogens, found in large quantities in parsley seeds, normalize hormonal levels that are upset during menstruation or during menopause. Under the influence of the healing infusion, the correct monthly cycle is restored, the volume of blood secreted decreases. And the use of parsley seeds during menopause helps a woman avoid hot flashes, sudden changes in mood, headaches and dizziness.

Digestive system pathologies

But most often the seeds are used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases - atrophic, catarrhal, mixed, superficial and erosive gastritis. Parsley infusion has the following therapeutic activity:

  • normalizes the acidity of gastric juice;
  • promotes healing of damaged mucous membranes;
  • restores optimal breakdown and absorption of nutrients and biologically active substances.

In the treatment of gastric pathologies, the antispasmodic properties of plant materials are widely used. The use of a healing infusion allows a person to avoid stomach pain after eating. Parsley seeds contain essential oils, the complex effect of which on the digestive tract helps to reduce the severity of dyspeptic disorders - nausea, bouts of vomiting, seething and rumbling in the abdomen, diarrhea and excessive gas formation.

For men

Parsley seeds are used in traditional medicine recipes and as a one-component medicine to improve male potency and increase the sexual activity of the stronger sex. And all thanks to the high concentration of zinc and selenium, trace elements necessary for the production of testosterone. The content of this male sex hormone depends on:

  • libido;
  • duration of intercourse;
  • the quantity and quality of sperm.

The fruits are also indispensable in the treatment of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland, provoked by pathogenic microbes. Therapy of prostatitis with parsley seeds consists in a multifaceted effect on the male body:

  • decrease in the content of female sex hormones estrogen;
  • normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, including the prostate;
  • deactivation of pathogenic bacteria;
  • relief of the inflammatory process;
  • decrease in the severity of discomfort.

Regular use of a healing infusion or decoction improves urination, eliminates congestion in the prostate gland.


The medicinal properties and contraindications of parsley seeds are in direct proportion to the observance of medical recommendations regarding the intake. Excess dosages and the duration of the therapeutic course can cause unpleasant side effects - nausea, diarrhea, development of allergic reactions. The use of plant materials is strictly prohibited in the presence of such diseases:

  • acute renal failure;
  • carrying a child and lactation period;
  • low blood pressure;
  • acute inflammatory processes occurring in the bladder and urethra.
Since parsley seeds contain many biologically active compounds, people who are prone to the development of allergic reactions should be careful to use infusions and decoctions from plant materials.

On a note: Dosage forms parsley seeds can be used not only for internal use. If you daily wipe your face with a freshly prepared infusion, then after a few days, positive changes will become noticeable: mimic wrinkles, rashes and redness will disappear.

How to properly prepare a medicinal infusion and decoction

Parsley seed infusion is more therapeutic when consumed freshly. Due to its high content of essential oils, it has a rather specific taste, which can be improved by adding flower honey or thick jam. It is necessary to prepare the infusion as follows:

  1. Place 3 tbsp in a ceramic container. tablespoons of dry seeds and steep with 2 cups of boiling water.
  2. Insist 2 hours, filter.
  3. Take 50 ml 3 times a day after meals.

To obtain a decoction, you can use both dry and fresh parsley seeds. When cooking, you need to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Pour 5 tbsp. Into a small enamel saucepan. tablespoons of seeds and pour in 0.5 liters of hot water.
  2. Simmer in a water bath for 2-3 minutes, and then leave for about an hour.
  3. Strain, drink 2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

Traditional healers recommend not using this plant material together with herbs that show diuretic activity - bear ears, staminate orthosiphon, lingonberry leaf. This combination can provoke a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Garden parsley is a perennial plant and is popular with gardeners. The value of parsley is determined by its vitamin composition, and unpretentious care. Plant height reaches about half a meter. Leaf parsley contains a high percentage of nutrients, it is used as a flavoring additive to dishes, consumed raw, used in the cosmetic industry.

Leaf parsley varieties

There are many varieties of leaf parsley, "proven" varieties can be called: Sandwich, Gloria, Astra, Classic leaf, Triplex, Magician, Titan, Bogatyr, Breeze.

Classic leaf parsley

The variety is a fragrant, lush bushy green with a high yield. Ripening dates come one and a half months after sowing or planting. Greens are ideal for making salads, pickles and canning.

Curly parsley

Due to its appearance, ideal for decoration festive table... Possesses excellent taste, aroma and delicate greens. Yields a harvest throughout the growing season, with correct pruning... Good keeping quality and pleasant taste of curly greens makes it irreplaceable on the kitchen table.


Mid-season parsley, one of the curly varieties. Unpretentious in care, gives a lot of greenery. It can be stored in the refrigerator for more than two weeks without losing its taste.

Leafy parsley sandwich

It is resistant to lower temperatures, belongs to varieties of medium ripeness, has a bushy thick head and a large leaf. The variety has a bright aroma and an abundance of vitamins. Ideal for making complex sandwiches and pickles.

An early variety of parsley, with curly greens. Produces a high yield. Gives new branches of greenery quickly after pruning.

Breeze variety

The greens are tender, mid-season, they do not lose their qualities during storage for a long period. After pruning, the greens grow back quickly and are stored for a long time.

How to plant correctly? Growing parsley

Presowing preparation of the site begins in autumn. The site is dug up, fertilizers, ash are applied, and preserved with a film. In the spring, when the soil begins to warm up, the film is removed, the site is dug up again, potassium, phosphorus and humus are added. The beds are formed and nitrogen is introduced, which is an ideal assistant in growing dense greenery.

Pre-pickled parsley seeds are sown into prepared furrows about a centimeter deep. They dig in and water the entire garden bed. For friendly shoots, with early sowing, the site is again covered with transparent plastic wrap.

Leaf parsley can be sown several times a year to obtain young tender greens. Top dressing is carried out after sowing with superphosphate and potassium sulfate, about 30 grams per square meter.

Parsley can also be grown using roots, they are germinated in advance, then planted in open ground... Root crops should be planted at a depth of at least 15 cm, part of the root with the greenery that has grown up should not fall asleep.

Almost any soil, except for clayey, is suitable for both sowing and planting leaf parsley; sod-podzolic soil is considered the best.

In the first year of growth, parsley does not produce seeds. If you decide to harvest seeds at the end of the growing season, you need to choose a strong, healthy plant. The seeds from it will be large and of high quality.

It is better to collect seeds when they acquire a dark color; with early collection, the seeds will have less chance of sprouting together. Sort the seeds for larger ones.

In order not to damage the seed capsule, collect the seed not by hand, but by cutting the seed caps. Then shake the seed heads into a bag.

To ripen the seeds, place them in the sun for two days. Spread out on the windowsill in a thin layer, and keep in a cloth or paper bag before sowing.

Parsley root, application

Growing parsley root practically does not differ from the sowing method of plant propagation. The roots are also planted in the ground and fertilized on schedule.

Parsley root is very similar to parsnip, with a slight nutty aftertaste. The use of parsley root in the form of juice, heals the body, increases immunity, protects cells from premature aging.

Parsley root has a high antioxidant effect, the broth helps to cope with skin problems and stress.

Parsley root juice is diluted before consumption due to the high concentration of vitamins, in order to avoid allergies.

A drink made from parsley juice, carrots and honey is considered to be of high value.

Tincture of parsley root helps in the fight against fungal infections.

Root parsley for storage is not dug out until the very frost, then the roots are dug up and stored in boxes with sand, in a cool place.

Common leaf parsley, curly, sandwich, universal: care, feeding

Parsley is a plant that can be grown year-round. The main condition for stable growth and yield of parsley leaf is timely care and feeding of greens.

For planting varieties of curly and sandwich, choose a place that is quiet, windless, open to sunlight during the first half of the day and shaded in the afternoon. The greens of these varieties are tender and will simply burn out in the scorching sun.

Do not despair if you do not find such a place, you can beat the situation by planting a universal variety of parsley in the aisles of any other crops that do not need to be sprayed with pesticides.

Watering green spaces, better in the evening, warm water, settled in a barrel. Abundant watering of common parsley, it is required three times a week, on other days, you can get by with small doses of moisture.

Like all plants, leaf parsley loves good air exchange in the soil and nitrogen fertilization. Remember to loosen the aisles to avoid cracking the soil.

Weed according to your personal schedule and as the weeds grow.

In order for the parsley to be bushy and lush, it must be thinned out. Do not forget to cut the flower stalks, if you do not plan to collect the seeds, since the inflorescences take up to 50% of the nutrients from the root, robbing the foliage. During the flowering period, the parsley leaves become tough and taste bitter.

Parsley does not like carrots, so it is better to exclude their neighborhood in advance, at the stage of sowing two crops.

Nitrogen fertilizers, superphosphate are applied once or twice a month, do not forget about potash dressings, any greenery grows with them by leaps and bounds. It is possible to use and organic fertilizers, but at a short distance from the bush, so as not to burn the herbs and plant roots.

If you want to get quick shoots of sandwich and curly parsley, cover the crops for a week with a plastic transparent film, and after the first bushes appear, remove the film, thin out the dense shoots and add mineral fertilizers... And after two weeks, fragrant parsley greens will appear on your table.

Diseases of parsley leaf

An experienced gardener knows that checking plants for disease, important step, for the harvest of the site as a whole. Often, diseases affecting parsley are spread to other garden crops. And parsley has enough diseases, let's consider the most common.

Fungal disease - white rot. Appears when the temperature drops and abundant watering. It looks like a white bloom on the neck of the plant, affecting the root. Tip: do not flood the plants, the water should not stand in the garden after watering. The fight against the disease consists in treating plants with fungicides and adjusting soil air exchange.

Rust - often only affects the leaves in the form of a rusty bloom, spoils the appearance and leads to the drying out of the plant. It is treated with fungicides, as it is a fungus.

Penosporosis or downy mildew - affects the leaves, pale yellow spots and leads to the death of the plant. To avoid damage to plantings, pollinate the beds with sulfur powder. Spray with Bordeaux liquid.

White spot - spreads in brown spots, merging into large areas of damage to green foliage. Spraying with Bordeaux liquid and removing infected parts of the plant will help fight disease.

Cercosporosis of leaves - stands out with dirty brown spots. Treatment: pruning the affected parts of the plant, treating with fungicides, compliance sanitary standards pre-sowing preparation.

Stem nemotada, carrot leaf flies and melon aphids, also do not mind eating parsley. Biological means of protection act as a united front against insect pests. Read about this in the article: chemical and biological plant protection products.

How to grow leafy parsley in an apartment?

Very simple. First, find a suitable place, for example, an insulated balcony or window sill. The plants should have enough sunlight throughout the day. Then decide on the variety of parsley.

Take plastic containers or any other container suitable for your needs, fill it with soil (black soil, humus, potassium), make small indentations in the soil and boldly sow the seeds. After watering, only carefully, avoiding erosion of the soil with seeds.

You can also plant root parsley, just stick the parsley root into the prepared soil and water. Fertilize once a month with ammonium nitrate and superphosphate.

Collection and storage of parsley

Even a child can handle growing parsley. But there are certain rules, if you follow them, you will receive good harvest... If you need to make preparations for the winter, better fit parsley of the second year of vegetation. Since the leaves of a more mature plant are larger, denser and harder. They are ideal for freezing, and when defrosting they will slightly lose their shape.

Most varieties of leaf parsley are suitable for harvesting within two to three months after the first shoots appear. When picking greens, cut them at the very base, at the root.

If you are not talking about completely cutting the bush of greenery, start cutting from the outer branches, not the middle ones. This will stimulate the plant to give more lush greens for the next harvest.

Parsley is one of the few plants that constantly needs to be pruned to keep the foliage tender. Therefore, harvest herbs at least twice a week.

At the end of the summer season, you can start harvesting the entire parsley crop. Do not leave the parsley unharvested, otherwise it will be less lush next year and may become completely ill.

Each housewife has a different way of storing parsley. Someone prefers to chop the greens and freeze them for the winter, others canned them together with sorrel, then use them to season soups, some chop the greens and dry them.

Parsley retains its aroma and color for a long time when stored properly in the refrigerator. To do this, wrap the greens with cling film, after sprinkling with water, and put them in the refrigerator. This will keep the greens "fresh" for a week.

In a similar way, you can store parsley without plastic wrap, just put the collected greens in a vegetable basket, and wrap the stems with a damp paper towel.

An interesting way to store parsley is to freeze it in molds. Arrange the leaves of greenery in molds, cover with water and freeze, and use if necessary.

For storage, you can dry the parsley without chopping, simply tying together the branches of greenery and hanging in a place well-lit by the sun. Then collect in a cloth bag. Such parsley will be less aromatic, but it will be stored for years.

Parsley is amazing useful plant, which does not need the constant presence of a gardener on the site. You can easily grow and harvest parsley on your own with the right approach.

Buying bags of seeds and seedlings in specialized places, some do not think about how plants reproduce in principle. Read: how to collect seeds from annual and biennial crops, how to maintain their maximum germination, we will touch on the difference between a variety and a hybrid.

Plants can be propagated in several ways - by cuttings or layering (shrubs), mustaches (strawberries and strawberries). But most common garden crops are propagated by seeds. What is a seed?

The seed is already a full-fledged plant with buds, roots and leaves, but still very small. But the development of a full-fledged culture in the future directly depends on the state of the seed at the time of planting in the ground. Therefore, it is necessary to figure out how to properly collect and store seeds in order to get an excellent harvest of vegetables and herbs for next year.

Seeds can, of course, be bought on the market or in a specialized store, but it is not possible to check them at the time of purchase, and one can only hope for the good faith of the manufacturer and seller. There are times when from the acquired seeds grows completely different from what is painted on the colorful packaging, but time has already been lost, the season has passed. In order not to get into such an unpleasant situation, you need to learn how to grow the seeds of the varieties you like yourself, especially since it is not at all difficult - and you need a little space, no special time and labor is required for this process. The main thing is to learn some simple rules and learn to distinguish between the concepts of "hybrid variety".

What is the difference between a variety and a hybrid

A variety means that all plants have the same genes. It should be noted that in the wild this cannot be the case in principle, since there is a crossing of different parents. To obtain a variety, scientists take offspring from only one plant and cross it among themselves. Such intrafamilial "incest" is repeated over the years, as a result, no foreign genes remain, and children are always exactly the same as their parents.

If you are sure that you have a variety of a particular crop, then you can safely collect seeds and be sure that next year the same plant will grow with exactly the same characteristics. Of course, in the garden, various insects can apply pollen from other plants, and after three to five years, the purity of the variety may come to naught. Such degeneration can be prevented if the most typical varietal crops are selected for seed every year.

It is convenient and easy to grow varietal plants - as a rule, they are all standard and need the same agrotechnics developed over the years. But with closely related crossbreeding in a variety, in addition to useful ones, harmful genes also accumulate and are fixed in the offspring.

Practice shows that any variety has disadvantages - instability to diseases and various unfavorable weather conditions. The work of breeders today is aimed at creating new varieties that will not have any drawbacks. However, diseases and pests adapt quickly enough even to new varieties, so in some cases it is necessary to use hybrids to obtain the maximum possible yield.

A hybrid is the result of a specific one-time crossing of a combination of specific parents. The seeds of hybrids are obtained by artificial pollination of plants isolated from the external environment. To obtain hybrids, it is necessary to grow two varieties of the highest purity in an isolated greenhouse and pollinate them by hand. This explains the high cost of the obtained seeds.

Hybrids are distinguished by their special strength of growth and high yield, endurance to unfavorable conditions environment and resistance to pests and diseases, that is, they take everything they need from their parents. The most striking example of a hybrid today are female-flowering cucumbers, that is, those that can set fruits without pollination.

It should be noted that it is possible to collect seeds from a hybrid, however, as a result, unmixed varieties will grow from them, that is, those from which this hybrid was obtained by artificial pollination.

The production of hybrid and varietal seeds requires high precision compliance with certain technologies, without which the quality of seeds suffers greatly. There are times when it is not clear what grows out of colorful bright sachets promising huge yields. Therefore, it is not always advisable to buy seeds in a store or on the market, especially since it is not difficult to get them yourself from various crops growing in the garden. Let's figure out how to do it correctly.

How to collect annual seeds

Annual crops are such plants, the whole life cycle which (germination, flowering, fruiting and death) take one growing season, they are almost always herbaceous and do not reproduce vegetatively, that is, by dividing the stems or roots. The most popular annual crops that we grow in our garden include: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, peppers, eggplants, peas, beans, radishes, as well as greens - lettuce, dill, coriander and others.

It is quite simple to grow annual crops for seeds, this activity does not require special labor costs and special knowledge and skills, you just need to adhere to some simple rules.

To obtain seeds of dill and lettuce, it is necessary to choose early ripening varieties and it is best to sow them before winter (in early November), after which the beds need to be mulched with humus or peat. Planted in this way, dill and lettuce will bloom 1.5-2 weeks earlier, which means that the seeds will have time to ripen well. It is necessary to remove the umbrella inflorescences at the end of summer, when the leaves on the plants begin to dry out, and the seeds will turn brown. The umbrellas are cut with the stem early in the morning and placed in a well-ventilated room to dry, after which the seeds are threshed and stored until next season.

To harvest radish seeds, plant them as early as possible in the spring. Plants that have formed a good root crop are left on the seeds, the pods with seeds are removed when they begin to turn yellow and dry, and the seeds themselves turn brownish. It should be noted that if you want to collect varietal radish seeds, you need to make sure that no other varieties of this crop are planted next to the plants left behind, and no wild radish grows, as the testes can become over-pollinated.

Crops such as beans and peas are picked when fully ripe to collect seeds, dried well with the stems, and only after that the seeds are taken from the pods and stored.

To receive quality seeds cucumbers, you must leave the fruits of the first collection, which grow on lashes from the sinuses of the first or second leaf. Such lashes over 5-6 sheets need to be pinched. Testes of the early ripening variety usually ripen 40-45 days after fruit setting. You need to pick such cucumbers when the leaves and stems are already beginning to turn yellow, and the fruits themselves become brown-brown with a mesh of cracks. After removing the cucumber from the garden, it is put on ripening at a temperature of 17-20 degrees, and the earlier you removed the fruits, the longer the ripening period, on average it is 18-20 days. After the seed cucumber has become soft, it is cut lengthwise and the seeds are selected along with the pulp, put them in a glass or enamel container (in a metal one they will turn black). For three to four days, the seeds are fermented at room temperature, after which they are separated from the pulp and washed well with water through a strainer, then laid out to dry in a thin layer on paper, plywood or glass.

In order to get good seed material for squash, pumpkin or squash, you need to collect ripe fruits with overripe coarse pulp. If the fruits are not ripe enough in the garden, you need to put them for ripening in a room at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. Unlike cucumbers, seeds selected from the pulp are not fermented, but are immediately laid out to dry. It should be noted that if you want to get varietal seeds of melons and gourds, you must remember that, in order to avoid over-pollination, different varieties cannot be planted side by side. This rule also applies to the culture of bitter and sweet peppers.

To obtain good tomato seeds, overripe, healthy fruits with well-defined varietal properties are selected, preferably from the first or second cluster. The fruits are cut in half and the seeds are selected with a teaspoon, placing them in a glass dish along with the pulp. Fermented for 3-4 days, after which they are well washed and dried on paper or glass.

After the seeds have dried, they are stored in suitable conditions, which we will talk about a little later. It should be noted that seeds should be dried at room temperature in a well-ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight, and in no case use an oven for this purpose.

How to collect biennial seeds

A biennial crop is a plant that has a life cycle of 12 to 24 months. Leaves, stems and roots are formed in the first year, after which the plant goes into a dormant state during the winter months. The next season, such a crop produces a long stem, on which testes appear. There are much fewer biennial plants in nature compared to annuals or perennials. The most common biennial crops grown on household plots, relate: different kinds cabbage, beets, carrots, as well as celery and parsley.

It is more difficult to collect seeds from a biennial culture than from an annual one, as already noted, this can be done only the next year, and until that time the plant of the variety you like must be properly preserved. Let's take a look at the main intricacies of this process.

Seeds of carrots and beets

To obtain seeds of carrots and beets, before the onset of frost in the fall, it is necessary to select intact healthy even vegetables, clean them of dirt and carefully cut the foliage, leaving the stalks 2 cm long. It should be noted that it is not necessary to leave very large roots on the seeds - they are stored worse and the seeds do not give very good quality.

The tops should be trimmed immediately after harvesting, since even short storage with leaves can contribute to the development of dangerous diseases. When picking root crops, you need to pay attention so that they do not have small lateral roots, and they are even and evenly colored.

Next, the selected specimens are placed in a wooden box with sand and lowered into the cellar. It is important not to let the vegetables wither - they will grow poorly in the spring. The optimum storage temperature is from 1 to 3-4 degrees, while the room should be well ventilated.

The next year, in the spring, they carefully examine the preserved root crops and select intact ones with well-awakened apical buds, after which they are added dropwise in warm greenhouses or on insulated beds 2.5-3 weeks before planting. Depending on weather conditions, in late April or early May, prepared root crops are planted in open ground, while leaving the upper part above ground level.

In order to avoid cross-pollination for growing root crops for seeds, it is best to select a separate bed, away from other varieties of the same species. Seeds are harvested in mid-autumn, when the umbrellas of the carrots or the glomeruli of the beets dry up and turn brown. Ripe testes are cut along with the stems, dried well in a ventilated room or under awnings, then threshed and the seeds are stored for storage.

Cabbage seeds

To obtain seeds of various varieties of cabbage during harvesting, it is necessary to select healthy, well-formed and appropriate heads of cabbage. Selected specimens should have a non-germinated stump with well-formed buds. It is necessary to store such heads of cabbage in a cellar or other room with good ventilation at a temperature of 1-2 degrees.

We plant seed heads directly into the open ground next year in mid-April, if planted later, the seeds may not have time to ripen. 2.5-3 weeks before disembarkation, it is necessary to carefully cut the stump, while being careful not to damage the main apical kidney. The cut should be clean without rot, if even the slightest signs of decay are observed, then such a stump is discarded. Plants cut in this way are stored indoors until planting, while at the same time it manages to form on the cut protective layer... If you cut off the heads of cabbage right before planting, then there will be no such layer and the mother plant can rot under the influence of high humidity, and the plant will slowly die.

It is best to plant queen cells on a separate bed at a distance of 60-70 cm from each other. The place should be sunny and protected from strong winds so that the stalks do not break.

Seeds ripen by the end of summer. You can collect the testes when they are already dry and brown. After collecting, we dry them in a well-ventilated place, thresh them and put them in storage.

To obtain parsley and celery seeds in the second year of their growth, you simply do not need to cut off the leaves, from which umbrellas with seeds will grow by mid-summer. The umbrellas will need to be cut, dried, threshed and stored either until next year, or sown before winter (late October) to get an early harvest of greens.

How to store seeds correctly

To maintain the maximum germination of the harvested seeds, a number of conditions must be observed. Firstly, all the seed material should be well dried, but, as already noted, not on open sun and not in the oven, but in a well-ventilated place.

Secondly, it is best to store dried seeds in airtight packaging (plastic bags, glass bottles, jars, various plastic bottles). Optimum temperature in this case, the range is considered not higher than 5 and not lower than 0 degrees, so a refrigerator or cellar is perfect for these purposes.

If the air humidity in the room is greatly increased (the optimal one is 60-70 percent), the seeds begin to live actively - breathe and warm up, germination in such cases quickly deteriorates.

Subject to optimal conditions storage of seeds of various crops maintain normal germination for quite a long time. Practice shows that parsnips have the most "short-lived" seeds - they germinate very weakly in the second year.

Seeds of onion, sorrel, dill, parsley, celery can be sown in the second and third years. Carrots, lettuce, peppers keep good germination for 3-4 years. Radish cabbage, turnips and beets can be stored for 5-6 years, however, the older the seeds, the more they will give shooted plants.

All of the above crops are best sown with fresh seeds, which cannot be said about legumes and melons. Seeds of cucumbers, melons, zucchini, pumpkin and squash can be stored for 7-9 years, while seeds of three to four years old germinate best. From so seasoned seed more compact and more fertile plants are obtained. The same can be said for tomato and eggplant seeds.

Growing your own seed is not that difficult. The main thing is to pay attention proper storage seeds and make sure that the seed plants are not over-pollinated in the beds. With a little time and effort, you will not suffer from the dishonesty of some producers and sellers and you will always be provided with high-quality seeds, which means an excellent environmentally friendly harvest.

You can grow unpretentious parsley in the garden, in the greenhouse and even on the windowsill of the house. Every gardener will surely find a favorite variety of fragrant seasoning. Seeding and grooming secrets will help you get a rich harvest of delicious roots and juicy greens.

There are two main varieties of parsley - root and leaf. There are a huge number of varieties of each type. All of them differ in terms of sowing and harvesting, the size of the roots and the abundance of greenery.

Root parsley

In this type of parsley, the root is of primary importance, all the forces of the plant go to the development of this particular part of the plant. In this case, greens can also be used, the taste does not suffer. The root usually grows fleshy cylindrical in shape. It is good to use it for further preparation of dry additives in dishes and medicinal tinctures.


Refers to late-ripening varieties. Harvesting begins after 150-180 days. The creamy root, 4 cm in diameter, has a conical shape with a sharp tip. The length can reach 20 cm or more. Gardeners describe the pulp as incredibly tender and delicious. Spreading leaf rosette with long stems and dark greenery. Harvesting can be done from June to September, depending on climatic conditions and planting dates. The roots perfectly complement salads and pickles.


It belongs to one of the most delicious varieties. As the name suggests, the root tastes sweet but not cloying. The yellow core and white-gray peel form a conical root vegetable no more than 30 cm long. A distinctive feature is a high content of vitamin C, carotene, calcium salts. Refers to early ripening varieties, harvesting can be done as early as 76-100 days from sowing. Spreading leaves in the amount of 20-40 pieces form a powerful rosette. Under favorable growing conditions, it gives a bountiful harvest of up to 6 kg per 1 sq. m landing.


Great for adding to soups, borscht and cabbage soup. The leaves of the plant are of a rich emerald color, have a matte texture below. Distinctive features:

  • special aroma of white cylindrical root;
  • good keeping quality;
  • resistance to pests and diseases.

The root of the Bordeaux parsley reaches 120-160 grams, the succulent leaves are successfully used for food.

Mid-season Yielding

Ripens in 130-140 days after sowing. Semi-spreading rosette with 20-25 leaves. From one square meter soil can be harvested up to 7 kg. Loves lighting, but will work well in shaded areas.

Leaf parsley

This parsley is ideal for greens in salads. Shoot growth is fast and abundant. Different varieties have their own unique aroma and taste. It is divided into two types - smooth and curly. The latter also has decorative qualities.

Such greens have smooth leaves without curls, but with characteristic ragged edges. Fluffy rosettes with many dark green shoots. One bush can grow up to 100 leaves. The roots of these varieties are not suitable for human consumption.

Yielding ordinary

Fragrant greens with excellent yields. An early variety becomes ripe 70 days after germination. The rosette is characterized by the presence of up to 100 dark green leaves. The root crop is not eaten.

Green crystal

High-yielding parsley for universal use. Greens grow vigorously and abundantly. Large leaves grow back after cutting in a short time. This variety is good for any use, especially freezing. Suitable for canning and drying for the winter.


From the moment of the first shoots to ripeness, it takes 55-60 days. The strong bush has 30 to 60 dark green leaves. The variety is frost resistant. Optimal height bunch for cutting 10-14 cm, if greens are needed for fresh consumption. For drying, it is better to start harvesting at the time of bud formation.


Ripens in 55-60 days and gives a high yield. The bush is powerful green. The leaves are large, emerald, juicy. Possesses high aroma and a complex of essential oils, vitamins and mineral salts. It is valued for its high yield of leaves, resistance to disease and cold, fast growth after the cut. Recommended for use in any form: fresh, dried and frozen. In the kitchen, it is used as a seasoning for pickles and first courses.

Curly leafy parsley varieties

Curly parsley is not only excellent taste, but also an opportunity to decorate the dish. The aroma is persistent and well expressed. The advantage is the rapid growth of new shoots after harvesting. The freshness of the collected greens lasts up to 7 days.


One plant can harvest 50 grams of greens. There are 30-40 leaves in a bunch. After cutting, the plant quickly regains its green mass. Up to 1-1.5 kg of crops can be obtained per square meter of land.


The German visitor is known for its beautiful swirling leaves. Greens are good both dry and fresh. The variety belongs to the early maturing, and therefore fell in love with gardeners.


Early maturing and high-yielding variety. It is suitable for growing both in the greenhouse and in the open field. The bush grows low with large leaves. Excellent long-distance travel and refrigerator storage.


The variety was bred by Russian breeders. The plant has long vertical petioles. The leaves are strongly curled and brightly colored. Strong aroma is characteristic.


Refers to a late-ripening variety. It has the best taste when fresh. The popularity of this parsley has brought high yields. After the first leaves are cut, new bunches grow quickly.


The peculiarity of this parsley is the ability to tolerate well low temperatures and prolonged lack of watering. The bush is quite compact, the stems are low and spreading, the leaves are curled and have a rich emerald color. In one season, the bush can be pruned several times. The gardeners fell in love with Slavic parsley because of its ability to maintain freshness for a long time after cutting.

Growing parsley on a windowsill

Parsley grown in an apartment is able to supply vitamins in winter and spring. The culture is unpretentious, and anyone, even a novice gardener, will be able to grow fragrant and juicy greens on the windowsill. For this to happen for sure, you must follow the tips and rules for care.

Parsley bought in the store cannot be compared in terms of usefulness and taste with those herbs that are grown independently with caring hands.

Soil preparation and planting

For planting a mini-vegetable garden on the windowsill, store soil for violets is suitable. The composition of this soil is good for any greenery, parsley is no exception. If there is no trust in purchased mixtures, then it will not be difficult to prepare the soil yourself. It is necessary to combine fertile soil, double superphosphate and potassium salt. A slightly acidic soil enriched with minerals and humus is preferred. Parsley will grow well in a mixture of peat, humus and garden soil in the following proportion: 1-1-2. Phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied to the finished soil.

The volume of the container for planting is limited, so it is important that the plant receives nutrients throughout growth. You will need containers with a depth of 20-30 cm. These can be boxes, pots, trays. Small drain holes are required.

A layer of stones of 1.5-2 cm is placed on the bottom of any container. Peat pots are also suitable for sowing, but after that you will need to transplant the seedlings into a larger container or into open ground.

There are two ways to grow parsley at home:

  • from seeds;
  • from the roots.

In the first method, the crop is harvested 40-60 days after sowing. The right seeds are half the battle. Experienced gardeners, when growing greenery at home, prefer early varieties.

Curly variety of greenery perfectly tolerates dry air and short-term lack of watering. Just such conditions are often found on window sills during the heating period.

To speed up the pecking of seeds, they are soaked for 24 hours in water at a temperature of 37-40, which must be changed every 3-4 hours. Then it is necessary to disinfect the planting material in a manganese solution.

Sequence of actions for landing:

  • make holes with a distance of 50 mm from each other., 6-15 mm deep;
  • spill every hole with water;
  • spread the seeds and sprinkle with soil;
  • water the entire planting again with water;
  • cover the sowing with a film and put it on the windowsill, it is desirable to maintain the temperature in the region of 17-20 degrees.

Until the first sprouts hatch, you need to moisten the earth as it dries. Mold on the soil in damp conditions is also undesirable, therefore ventilation is also needed. The first shoots grow quickly and the film is no longer needed. During this period, it is again necessary to monitor watering. Irrigation is recommended 2-3 times a week.

The second method of planting with roots is easier. The first leaves are harvested in 15 days. Large and healthy roots weighing 65-70 grams for planting are the key to a plentiful and healthy harvest.

Before planting, long roots are not tucked, but cut with a sharp blade so that 12-16 cm remain to the top. The cuts are sprinkled with ash or crushed coal.

For fast rooting, use Kornevin.

The order of landing in containers or pots is as follows:

  • gaps of 3 cm are left between the roots;
  • the top must necessarily stick out of the soil;
  • containers with landing are put in a dark place with a temperature of 11-16 degrees. This is needed to root system started to grow.

The first leaves are a sign of rooting, which means you can put the mini-garden on the windowsill at a temperature of 20 degrees. The parsley can now be fed and watered.

Caring for parsley at home

How to care for parsley on the window while it is growing intensively? Juicy, spreading and bright greens will definitely turn out from a home gardener if he applies the following care rules:

  • watering is carried out with settled warm water, raw - contains impurities undesirable for the growth of greens;
  • in the heat from the sun or heating, spray the plantings;
  • if a crust has formed on the surface of the earth, then it must be carefully loosened.

Parsley needs a 13 hour light regime for the growth of a spreading bush. With a lack of lighting, LEDs or white fluorescent lamps are used. It is important to follow this recommendation during the leaf formation stage.

The first crop from planting in this way is harvested when the shoots are 10-18 cm long, when there are already young low shoots. The cut is made from the most lower leavesleaving stems 3-6 cm.

Attentive care and correct collection will allow you to harvest greenery all year round.

Growing parsley in the open field from seeds

Parsley is great for outdoor cultivation. Sowing can be done several times per season. The seeds of this spicy greenery germinate in 20-25 days, but there is a way to speed up this process. special treatment before boarding.

Seed preparation for sowing

It is better to take planting material not fresh, but with a harvesting period last year before last - they have more growth energy.

In order for parsley to sprout faster, the seeds are pre-prepared for sowing. To do this, they are soaked in warm water, which is changed every 4-5 hours. After two or three days, the seeds are placed in a growth stimulator for 24 hours.

There are other ways to accelerate germination:

  1. 2-3 weeks before planting, the seeds are placed in a bag of cotton cloth and buried in the ground to a depth of 20-30 cm. Before sowing, they are dried on paper until they begin to crumble in the hands. This method will allow you to get the first shoots on the fifth day;
  2. soaking in vodka. Ethyl dissolves well the esters on the seeds, which prevent moisture penetration. For this method, you need to pour vodka into a saucer and place seeds there, previously wrapped with gauze. Necessarily after 15-20 minutes, the planting material is taken out and washed well in running water... Otherwise, the seeds may burn. After drying, you can start planting;
  3. soaking using ash. In a 1 liter jar, place 2 tablespoons of ash and fill it with water just above room temperature. From time to time the solution is stirred, after 2 days the seeds are placed inside the jar in a gauze knot for 5 hours.

If parsley is needed for sale in large quantities, it is recommended to force germination.

This is done like this:

  • seeds are soaked in milk 2 hours before planting;
  • quicklime is introduced into the furrow in moderation;
  • the moistened seeds are laid in a garden bed, sprinkled with water;
  • the furrows fill up and slightly compact the soil.

Seedlings may appear the next day.

Planting scheme

It is convenient to plant parsley in grooves, no more than 2 cm deep. Sowing can be carried out in a solid line, then thinning will be needed. This can be avoided by immediately planting the seed 7-18 cm apart, depending on the variety.

Before filling the seeds, the grooves are shed with water. Then, they are covered with soil and watered again.

After the first leaves, seedlings are thinned out. In this case, the gaps are left at 3 cm. After 10-16 days, the parsley is pulled out, leaving a gap of 10-15 cm. In this case, all the greens removed from the beds are successfully eaten.

Seed planting dates

For the germination of greens, a temperature of 20-24 degrees is needed. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the soil with foil after sowing. In this case, you need to ventilate the landing, raise the shelter by a short time.

You can sow parsley before winter. Then the seeds are laid in the beds in the second half of October and before the first frost, warming the crops from above with peat. Additionally later landing sprinkled with snow. With the arrival of spring, already at a temperature of 4 degrees, the sprouts begin to move. At this time, you can cover the future harvest with foil.

Care during cultivation

After the first appearance of greenery on the surface of the soil, the film must be removed to give more light to the seedlings. At the same time, the greens will not freeze, because they can withstand up to 9 degrees of frost.

For a bountiful harvest, perform simple rules leaving:

  1. thin out the first shoots so that between leafy varieties 18 cm remained, between the root - 7-15 cm.
  2. for uninterrupted harvest, seeds are sown every 1-2 weeks;
  3. be sure to loosen heavy soil;
  4. weed control will help your crop grow strong and healthy.

It has been noticed that the taste of parsley depends on the timeliness of watering. Bright and juicy leaves of a culture if it received enough water throughout its growth. To grow greens for further drying, you need to limit watering. Thus, the seasoning will be more aromatic, although the leaves will become hard.

Watering and feeding

Top dressing is carried out together with watering. It is enough to apply fertilizers once or twice a season. Saltpeter is suitable (5-7 grams per 1 square meter). A nitrogen supplement can be added in the same amount.

At the beginning of growth, root parsley needs complex fertilizers, closer to autumn, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are ideal. They are prepared according to this recipe: 7 grams of superphosphate is mixed with 5 grams of potassium salt. The mixture is enough for 1 sq. meter of soil.

Growing parsley in the open field from root crops

Fast and reliable methodthat does not require time for seed germination. For the growth of roots, it is necessary to create favorable conditions and proper care.

Planting parsley in the ground

The strongest and healthiest roots are selected for planting. Their thickness ranges from 2 to 5 cm, permissible length no more than 8 cm. too long specimens can be shortened with a knife blade. In this case, the cut is processed with coal. Root crops should be smooth without haulm. Before planting, they are kept at a temperature of +2 degrees in the sand.

When to plant parsley

You can start planting in open ground from April to June.

How to plant parsley

For planting, it is better to choose sunny places with shading. The soil must be sufficiently drained, if this is not the case, then sand must be added to it.

In the selected area, narrow grooves are made with an interval of 15-16 cm, watered with water. The roots are removed from the sand and placed on the beds in rows at an angle of 45 degrees. A distance of 5 cm should remain between the crops. When falling asleep on the surface, the tip of the root should stick out 2 cm. After that, the earth is compacted and spilled abundantly with water.

Caring for parsley in the ground

In order for the landing to take root, the temperature must be kept at least 15 degrees. After emergence, the leaves are regularly sprayed with water. Ripe greens 25 cm high can be cut. The soil must be constantly loosened to allow oxygen to reach the roots. Weeds that take away nutrients from the culture must be destroyed in a timely manner.

Watering and feeding

Root parsley loves watering, they need to be done before the end of August. If the summer is hot, then essential oils accumulate under the heat. The greens give off a more intense aroma, but the taste suffers and the shoots are rough. Therefore, special attention should be paid to irrigation in drought. In a rainy summer, parsley may have a faint aroma, but the leaves are tender and soft.

When correct technique planting and leaving the first crop is harvested after 30 days.

Collection and storage of parsley

For fresh consumption, parsley is collected from the beds as needed. For short-term storage, use a refrigerator and special bags for vegetables. After cutting the greens from the outlet, after a while a new seasoning grows. The roots of the culture are harvested before the onset of frost, when the temperature is below 5 degrees. Harvested crops are stored less at higher temperatures.

To make the leaves of the plant more fragrant, you need to sharply reduce watering in 8-15 days.

For long-term storage, greens can be dried. To do this, the leaves are collected in dry weather during the period of the day when the dew has just disappeared. It is desirable that the plant does not bloom yet.

Choose only strong and green shoots. After washing, the leaves are laid out on paper.

To dry the roots, they are first washed well, peeled off the upper thin skin and cut into thin slices or strips. Parsley is dried in the air, in the oven or in special apparatus. Whole root vegetables are stored in the sand in basements.

Salt serves as a good preservative for parsley as well. Greens are cut or torn into pieces, poured together with salt in jars. The workpiece is tamped well. It turns out an excellent addition to salads, the main thing is not to add salt to the dishes.

You can also freeze the green seasoning. For this, strong shoots are washed, dried a little and placed in bags or containers for freezing.

You can get a great salad dressing by chopping up the herbs and tamping them into a jar. Then, pour refined oil on top of everything so that it covers all the greens. You need to store such a dressing in the refrigerator.

Getting parsley seeds yourself

The culture that is grown for the sake of seeds is called a seed plant. The soil for their cultivation should not be very fertile. So, the growing period will increase, and the seeds will not have time to ripen. Testes must be healthy, free from defects and deformities.

To prevent cross-pollination, leaf and root parsley should be planted away from each other.

In autumn, the healthiest and most beautiful roots are chosen and stored at a temperature of 0-2 degrees in a container with sand. In the spring, the planting material is well inspected and rotted or withered specimens are thrown away. The remaining roots are transferred to a warmer room, where after a while shoots form on them. Then the testes are planted in the beds. All summer long they are looked after like ordinary parsley. Flowering will come in 40-43 days. Further, it will take 120-130 days for the seeds to ripen.

The collected seeds are sorted out and stored in a ventilated shaded place, without exposure to sunlight. It is unacceptable to dry the planting material in the oven.

After that, the seeds are placed in jars or paper bags. Store in a room with an air temperature of no more than 5 degrees. Appropriate place - cellar or refrigerator door. You should monitor the humidity, with its high rates, the germination of the planting material will decrease.

With the correct storage rates, seeds can remain viable for two to four years.

What to plant after parsley

After the parsley, it is good to plant vegetables in the soil - cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers. Soil is not recommended for any other greenery.

It is undesirable to sow parsley itself in place of the previous growth of dill, sorrel, lettuce, cilantro, wild garlic.

Pests and diseases of parsley

Parsley greens and roots are rarely infested with diseases and pests. It's all about repelling insects essential oils.

There are such diseases that affect the plant:

  1. powdery mildew is false. The fungus is recognized by white spots that grow together after a certain time. Only leaves are affected, but at the same time in root varieties the root crop will be small and underdeveloped;
  2. white rot destroys the root, gradually eats away;
  3. rust - visible on the underside of the leaves as brown or yellow spots. Most often, green bushes are infected in summer;
  4. white spot - fungal diseaseappearing on the leaves as numerous rounded spots of a blurred shape. Color - yellow with dark brown edging. In a neglected form, the leaves turn yellow and dry;
  5. a disease caused by a fungus - leaf cercosporosis. Symptoms are elongated, depressed spots of brown or yellow color on the shoots of the plant.

Parsley is rare, but such insects can attack:

  1. Carrot fly. In the roots, the insect makes passages. The leaves turn red with a purple tint, then turn yellow and dry.
  2. Stem nematode. Adults and their larvae feed on sap. As a result, the plant stagnates and becomes disfigured.
  3. Melon aphid. Occupies the underside of leaves, settling on a plant with a whole colony. Insects feed on parsley juices, causing the leaves to shrivel and dry out.
  4. The beetle is a light green insect, the larvae are yellow. They feed on plant juices.

Protective measures will prevent disease and insect attacks. One of the most environmentally friendly ways is considered correct selection varieties of parsley. It is important that it be resistant to diseases, these include: Moskrause, Element, Natalka, Fresco, Titan, Fakir, Darke, Novas.

The following measures will enhance disease resistance:

  • sowing early;
  • avoiding the presence of a number of conifers;
  • it is preferable to choose dry and light soil;
  • acidic soils need to be limed.

As planting material, you need to use the most whole and strong seeds collected from healthy plant... It is recommended to calibrate in this way:

  • prepare a solution of salt and 2% ammonium nitrate;
  • immerse the seeds in a glass with the prepared liquid and mix;
  • after 3-5 minutes, select the seeds at the bottom and use for planting.

The seed on the surface is not suitable for sowing.

For disinfection and disinfection, it is used heat treatment... To do this, the seeds are placed in water with a temperature of 50-52 degrees and removed from there after 25 minutes.

You can also disinfect with such a solution: one part of formalin is taken for 300 parts of water. The seeds in gauze are dipped into the resulting liquid for 5 minutes. After, it is placed for 2 hours under a tarp or film. It is recommended to do this procedure 1-2 days before the planned planting, not later, otherwise the germination rate will decrease.