Folk remedies for the treatment of plant diseases. Furacilin irreplaceable assistant for the gardener

* Oksana * (Olga_T)

23.07.2010, 21:58

The heat ignites. And the bacterium is spreading rapidly. Shoes, Cattleya and many, many others. All over. V better times everything was cut, "without waiting for peritonitis," it was treated with an antibiotic, and the plants were kept drier. Now it will not be possible to dry it, everything dries up instantly. Temperatures are outrageous, and pruning and antibiotics are not taken. They advised to treat with furacilin. But how will the orchids handle it? do i need to spill the substrate? There is furacilin 1: 5000. Does it need to be thinned? Maybe something else to process?

23.07.2010, 22:13

24.07.2010, 01:36

Is Pervikur a fungicide like?

24.07.2010, 09:06

Olga, I treated orchids with furacilin. The solution works well and is tolerated without any consequences. But I did the solution myself. This advice was on the site of V.A. Bogdanov.

* Oksana * (Olga_T)

24.07.2010, 09:32

Previkur works very well. 15 ml for 10 liters of water. Spraying and shedding. Natalia, who is engaged in chemistry, has it. You, in Moscow

This is a fungicide, it does not take a bacteriological agent.

Olga, I treated orchids with furacilin. The solution works well and is tolerated without any consequences. But I did the solution myself. This advice was on the site of V.A. Bogdanov.
I bought furacilin in 0.1 g tablets. and diluted one tablet per 0.5 l. water, i.e. per liter 2 tablets (there are tablets of 0.02 g, then 5 tablets are taken for 0.5 liters of water). For complete dissolution, brought water with tablets to a boil and boiled for 3-5 minutes. (until everything dissolves and no residue remains). Then I cooled it to an acceptable temperature and bathed the orchids (these were sick falikas, so I shook them out of the pot and completely immersed them in a solution with roots) in this solution, then spilled the substrate.
The result is good - all the plants treated in time are alive and it seems that no more signs of the disease are visible.

Irin, thanks. But the problem arose in the fact that I could not buy furacilin in tablets. Everything was sorted out. And my mother brought liquid furacilin from the hospital. The etiquette says 1: 5000. And now, in thought, how to dissolve it is necessary and whether it is necessary at all. I'm a bit tough with math, but it seems like it turns out 1 g per 5 liters is it divorced?

24.07.2010, 10:04

Ol, in theory this is the same solution in terms of concentration. It turns out 0.2 g per 1 liter of water or 0.1 g. for 0.5 liters.
Solution water? And then sometimes it is alcohol.

Polyakova Elena

24.07.2010, 13:31

If I am not mistaken, furacilin does not dissolve in alcohol, only in boiling water.

24.07.2010, 15:09

* Oksana * (Olga_T)

24.07.2010, 15:37

Ol, maybe it's ticks wielding?
Where can a bacteriological agent come from?

I also sinned on ticks, I have already passed two etchants, but it starts from the tip of the leaf. Cutting, processing, it starts again. I have 38-40C on the loggia, in the shade. 9th floor, last, the roof is hot, the walls are hot. On old bites, the whole infection also sits down at once.

24.07.2010, 17:55

* Oksana * (Olga_T)

24.07.2010, 18:41

I also got a hot bacterium on many orchids, mainly on falikas, threw about 30 pieces into a bucket, I also cut them at the beginning, but within a few days they still completely blackened, although I don’t spray the orchids at all. She saved herself with furatsilin, spilled and sprayed all the orchids, it seemed that everything had stopped. And most importantly, I moved all the orchids from the loggia to the back of the room, I don't know which helped more, but everything seems to be in order now. Furacilin I also had liquid from work, but I had it saturated yellow color and I diluted it a little boiled water and used.
I remember reading about a similar problem on the internet and many recommended that the orchids should be removed from balconies and loggias in larger rooms, so that plants die from heatstroke.

Did you spill your shoes too? Did you transfer it normally? Today I just dared to process the cuts with furatsilin and in those shoes, in which it was impossible to cut (first of all, young sheets suffer and there is nothing to cut off) I filled the socket with a syringe.

24.07.2010, 19:21

Did you spill your shoes too? (first of all, the young sheets suffer and there is nothing to cut off) I poured the shoes inside the outlet with a syringe. Yes, I also spilled the shoes 2 weeks ago, while the flight was normal, though those that were struck almost all ended up in the trash. For me, too, it all started with young leaves, I cut them off immediately, but by the next day the spots appeared on other leaves. Even after I transferred the orchids to the very spacious room"byaka" all the same got out on healthy orchids, after processing everything stopped. It seems to me that you just can't stop the bacterial tank by pouring furacilin, it will appear on new ones until you remove the orchids from the balcony. This is, of course, my opinion. Moreover, next week, they transmit temperatures above 40.

You will need

  • 1. Pine bark - 5 parts
  • 2. Moss - sphagnum - 2 parts
  • 3. Charcoal - 1 part
  • 4. Cinnamon powder
  • 5.furatsilin tablet.


Phalaenopsis, or it is also called an orchid, is a beautiful, unpretentious specimen from the orchid family. The flower is ideal for indoor growing. It is not picky about light and easily adapts to temperature regime premises. Flowering lasts quite a long time, regardless of the season.
Orchid usually comes to our apartments as a gift or we buy beautifully flowering plant simply because I liked the butterfly flowers. The plant needs a transplant in the first place, but do not rush with this procedure. Orchids, after moving to other conditions, need to adapt to a new place and after some time, when you notice changes and growth of leaf plates or air roots, you can safely proceed to transplanting the plant into a larger pot. It happens that an orchid does not show signs of life for up to six months, do not be discouraged.

To begin with, I advise you to familiarize yourself with which substrate we will place ours. The substrate can be varied, but still, the best is pine bark with the addition of charcoal and moss - sphagnum. Pine bark purchased from the store or harvested from the forest is exposed to heat treatment by boiling, about 1-2 hours. Boil preferably twice, with an interval of 1-2 days. During the first boiling, dirt is washed off the bark, and during the second boiling, we neutralize residual fungal inclusions. You can add a furacelin tablet while washing the bark. After that, the bark is well dried and used to make a substrate.

The next ingredient in the mix is ​​sphagnum moss. Moss is very moisture-absorbing and is able to absorb excess moisture, but the life expectancy of moss is about 7-8 months, after which it loses its ability, the substrate begins to thicken and become saline. Moss is harvested in the forests by collecting the tops. Further processed in hot water 20 minutes and dry.

Another important component is charcoal. Birch charcoal is considered the best. It, like moss, is able to absorb moisture and release it as needed, but coal can also be salinized. After that, the substrate must be replaced.

Drainage is prepared from expanded clay or broken red brick, laying 1/3 of the depth of the pot. Drainage is used to ventilate the air in the lower layers and is able to prevent water stagnation after irrigation.
The pine bark is crushed into different fractions, the larger ones are poured onto the drainage layer, and the smaller particles will go to the powder in the upper part of the pot. It should be taken into account that large particles of the bark are less moisture-absorbing, they absorb moisture worse, respectively, the plant receives less water, and small particles are more moisture-absorbing and due to these particles the substrate remains moist longer. Consider this fact when watering.
When mixing all the components of the substrate, do not forget to add the cinnamon. Cinnamon is a natural antiseptic, it will perfectly cope with the growth of green plaque on the inner walls of the pot.
Coconut cubes are sold in stores, they are great for adding to the substrate.
Good luck.

For those who have at least once faced the issue of growing a tomato, they are not familiar with the fact that late blight can be insidious. What to expect from this pest, so gardeners can only hope for a miracle. Phytophthora can appear abruptly and disappear just as instantly, leaving no trace behind, but it also happens that it completely destroys the entire crop and this becomes an annoying nuisance. In order to actively combat this nuisance, you need to take care of the harvest in advance, you should not wait for the late blight to strike the first blow, you need to scare it in advance.

Few could set themselves that moment an ordinary pharmacy medicine will be an excellent assistant in this matter. It is Furacilin that will help the gardener get rid of the terrible disease on the plant. This drug is ready to help not only people, but also other living organisms, such as tomatoes.

It is worth noting the fact that Furacilin is sold in absolutely every pharmacy, there is no problem to purchase this drug, it is freely available. In order to protect your plant, carry out prevention, and also contribute to its recovery, you will need only 10 tablets. All pills that were purchased at the pharmacy must not be expired, be sure to pay attention to the production date.

The packaging of the tablets is well crushed and turned into powder. This is necessary in order for the dissolution to take place well. Now the resulting powder is poured into a ten-liter bucket with warm water.

For this event, it is better to use boiled water, which has cooled down a little. Running water not really a good option... Or you can use water that has stood for several hours and is considered to be sloppy. When Furacilin was placed in a bucket, it must be thoroughly mixed in order to completely dissolve and turn into a solution. After this solution was ready, it can be poured into a sprayer and sent to process tomato bushes.

The processing itself does not take much time and effort, the main thing is to do this at a time when the clear sun and direct sunlight do not hit the plant, this will have a very detrimental effect on its condition. Evening time or cloudy weather will be a great time for this procedure. Processing will allow the plant to protect itself and delight it with freshness. Experienced gardeners and experts recommend treating plants in this way at least three times per season. This will primarily save the plant, in the fight against pests, and also provide a good harvest.

The first processing of the plant is carried out even before the tomatoes begin to bloom, the second time it is necessary to process the tomatoes at the moment when the ovary appears. The third treatment is carried out at the very end of the season. When the summer sun ends, it becomes not so hot, therefore, green tomatoes remain on the bushes so that they do not disappear from an excess of late blight, they must be protected.

Do not worry that this method of processing is useful for plants, a huge number of gardeners use this drug in order to improve the condition of tomatoes, achieve a good result and just be happy that the plant is healthy.

But it should be borne in mind that you should not overdo it with processing, it is recommended to process the tomato 3 times per season, which means it is really worth it, even if you process it anymore, it will not have a positive effect on the plant.

It happens that in the right moment is not on the farm chemicals to execute protective treatment for plants, and measures must be taken urgently enough. To this end, it is quite possible to use medicinal formulations from an ordinary home first-aid kit. Let's consider together the use of medicines and medicines for plants in the garden, which medicines, how and for which plants to use.

The use of medicines and medicines for plants in the garden and in the garden

Two standard vials of Corvalol, purchased from a pharmacy, are diluted in a bucket of water. The resulting composition is sprayed in the summer to organize it

From bacterial rot ordinary furacilin helps quite well. It is enough to dilute five tablets of 0.02 g each hot water(-, 5 liters).

Simple iodine is quite versatile. It can be used for a variety of crops. If you add up to ten drops of iodine composition to ten liters of water, then the resulting solution is allowed to spray strawberry and strawberry beds on the eve of the beginning of flowering. This method will provide protection against gray mold and give the plants the vigor to grow. The procedure is best done several times, maintaining an interval of one decade.

Iodine drops on three liter jar there will be enough water to water the tomato bush in order to increase the yield and size of the fruits. This method can be applied,.

To organize protection against phytophthora, a certain solution is prepared, for which you should take forty drops of iodine, a liter of serum, one large spoonful of hydrogen peroxide and dilute everything in a bucket of water.

If you add one not very fatty milk to nine liters of water, add ten iodine drops to the composition, you get an excellent solution that can destroy downy mildew on cucumber beds.

Another universal remedy is brilliant green. She can treat wounds on plants. A solution of forty drops of the drug in a ten-liter bucket of water from late blight. And if you spray the cherries with a solution of brilliant green, you can improve the fruit ovary.

You can arrange prevention using Trichopolum. It is enough to dissolve one tablet per liter of water in order to spray tomato plants with such a solution once every two weeks.

Gooseberries and currants are well protected from powdery mildew regular aspirin. It is also added to a vase of water so that cut flowers last longer. In addition, it is recommended to water indoor plants with an aspirin solution.

To support the flowers, you can use glucose or vitamin B1. It is enough to dilute 5 ml and 1 ml of each of the elements with five liters of water and feed with such a solution, observing an interval of two weeks. Up to five sessions are carried out, which organize abundant and long-lasting flowering.

Will help create an ovary improvement. It is enough to add two grams to a half liter can of water, mix and increase the volume to ten liters. The resulting solution can be performed. In boric solution, you can still soak seeds intended for planting.

It has an effect on the development of plants. For this, one tablet is enough for every liter of water. The solution is not stored, it is recommended to use it within several days.

Manganese preparation is familiar to every gardener. Pre-sowing seed treatment is carried out in its solution. If you add a little boric preparation to a bucket of manganese solution, you get an excellent feeding tool for strawberry bushes, currants and gooseberries.

As you can see, pharmacy medicines are able to help not only humans. Skillful use of them will have a good effect on your garden crops.

Since the middle of the last century, late blight has become the sworn enemy of tomato growers. Breeders are working on new varieties of tomatoes that are not afraid of phytophthora infestans, a fungus that causes disease.

Summer residents are looking for new ways to deal with dangerous disease against tomatoes. Furacilin from late blight on tomatoes is a success.

The benefits of furacilin for tomatoes

Furacilin is an inexpensive drug with antibacterial properties. It is used to treat people with a bacterial infection. In addition, it helps to get rid of the fungus on the skin and nails. These properties have been learned to use to combat the fungus that causes disease in tomatoes.

The nature of the disease is fungal, therefore, a properly prepared solution is able to destroy its spores on tomato bushes.


Ekaterina, Orenburg

“For many years, part of the crop suffered from late blight. I could not cope with it until my grandmother, a neighbor, helped. She advised to buy "Furacilin" in tablets at the nearest pharmacy and use them to save bushes and fruits from phytophthora. Later I read reviews about furacilin from phytophthora on tomatoes. The recipe was simple. You take 10 tablets, fill them with 10 liters of water. Conveniently, the solution is stored for a long time. The main thing is that the room is dark. The remedy turned out to be effective, I forgot about phytophthora. "

Valentina, Ukraine

“We always have furacilin in our medicine cabinet. We use it the old fashioned way for gargling. I was surprised when I read reviews about furacilin from late blight on tomatoes, but decided to try it on my beds. It turned out that people write the truth, the drug from the first-aid kit helped to cope with late blight. Now I use it constantly, as soon as I notice the very first symptoms of late blight. I always prepare a solution in the same proportion: I consume 1 tablet for 0.5 liters of water. It is important not to be late with processing and carefully remove all damaged fruits, stems and leaves. "

Irina, Ivanovo

“Late blight started up in the greenhouse. It was possible to save with the help of furacilin. She diluted the entire pack (10 tablets) in 10 liters of water and watered each bush at the root. Almost all tomato bushes were saved from late blight. "

How much dressing is needed

Pepper feels very well taken care of by gardeners. During the season, they need to be done at least three:

  1. The first treatment with furacilin from late blight on tomatoes is carried out before the start of mass flowering.
  2. The second is planned for the period when the ovaries appear.
  3. The third at the end of summer, when the weather is no longer so warm, and unripe tomatoes still hang on the bushes.

If you are not lazy and strictly adhere to this scheme, then no late blight is terrible. Consider the symptoms that indicate the disease of your tomato. Dark spots should alert you first. They can appear on any part of the plant, from fruits to young leaves.

Without treatment, the diseased bush will die, become covered with rot, and turn black. The cause of infection can be greenhouse structures infected with a fungus, soil, matings. Poor care and lack of planned feeding can also cause illness. With poor agricultural technology, the immunity of plants is weakened, they often suffer from infection.

How to properly prepare a solution

The solution preparation process is very simple. A package of furacilin is bought, it contains 10 tablets. First, grind them with any solid object to a powder consistency, and then fill them with a small amount of hot water.

Advice! Prepare the solution for the entire season and apply at the first sign of illness.

When the powder is completely dissolved, the liquid is poured into a 10 liter container with water. The choice of water is important, it should not contain chlorine. In the absence of light, the furacilin solution retains its bactericidal properties for a long time.

Prevention against late blight

Greenhouse tomatoes are more likely to suffer from late blight. In a greenhouse, it is difficult to maintain an optimal level of humidity, this provokes the reproduction of the fungus. Preventive measures and treating tomatoes with furacilin help to avoid outbreaks of a dangerous disease.

Reference! Due to late blight, you can lose 50 to 100% of your tomato crop.

Measures for the prevention of late blight in the greenhouse:

  • land replacement every 2– years;
  • tillage before planting with Fitosporin;
  • use drip irrigation;
  • cover the ridge with mulch;
  • remove darkened fruits and leaves from the greenhouse;
  • carry out preventive spraying of a tomato with furacilin.

Processing tomato from late blight

Tomatoes plucked from infected bushes will not be stored without special treatment... Even fruits that are healthy at first glance need to be disinfected. Experienced gardeners advise not to spare vodka on this business. At the bottom of the box (box) you need to lay a layer of old newspapers. They will absorb excess moisture.

Lay the tomatoes in layers, replacing each with newspapers. Each tomato must be wiped with a napkin dipped in vodka before putting it in a box. Wipe the stalk area especially thoroughly. Place no more than 3 layers of tomato in each box. Place the boxes with tomatoes in a cool, dark room. Check the boxes at least once a week for spoiled fruit.

How to protect your tomatoes with the most effective means from dangerous fungus, see the video:

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