What to do so that carrots rise quickly. How to plant carrots so that the seeds do without thinning and special care? How to plant carrots in the spring

Carrots are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Every gardener tries to plant it. Getting a good harvest isn't that difficult. The main thing is to observe the sowing time and know some of the nuances. We will talk about them now.

Planting dates for carrots

To begin with, it must be said that carrots differ from each other in terms of ripening. There are early, medium and late varieties.

Depending on this, the period when you can sow carrots in open ground will change.

  • Early varieties of carrots can be sown after relatively positive temperatures (about +3 degrees) are established outside. This period usually falls at the end of April and beginning of May. Planted carrots in this way ripen in the summer.
  • Medium and late varieties of carrots are planted at about the same period - from May 1 to May 20. Sometimes this period is extended until the beginning of June. Such carrots are suitable for long-term storage.

Some experienced gardeners practice planting carrots in late fall. This allows you to harvest much earlier - by about two weeks. The optimal planting time in this case is the end of October and beginning of November. The main thing is that there are no return temperatures above zero. Otherwise, the seeds may germinate. Let's add that this method has one big drawback. If the winter turns out to be very harsh, there is a high probability that the seeds will freeze and will not sprout in the spring.

The process of preparing for sowing carrots

Before you start sowing carrots, you need to take care of. This crop does not grow well on heavy loamy soil. Therefore, it is better to set aside a bed with light soil under the carrots (it is good if the earth is mixed with a small amount of sand).

You can not bring fresh manure under the bed with carrots. This will negatively affect the development of this crop - the root crop is likely to grow weak and will be very poorly stored.

Seed preparation

Novice gardeners usually do not attach much importance to this item, but in vain. Thanks to proper seed treatment, the plant develops much better and gives a bountiful harvest. There are a lot of ways to process seed. Perhaps the most effective of these is soaking the seeds in potassium permanganate (weak solution). This method allows you to protect future root crops from pests and all kinds of diseases.

Some gardeners soak seeds in various growth stimulants to get an early harvest. In this case, the question of how to sow carrots so that they sprout quickly disappears by itself.

The optimal size of the beds: width 1 meter, length 5. Of course, these are only approximate parameters. The final version depends on the preferences of the gardener. Before planting carrots in the spring, using, for example, a shovel handle, you need to make furrows. It is in them that the seeds are sown.

The width of such a groove is about 6 cm. The distance between them is 20 cm. Before you start planting carrots, the grooves are carefully spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate. This is done so that the roots are less sick.

Planting carrots

Carrot seeds are sown in prepared furrows at a distance of 1-1.5 cm. The crops are sprinkled on top with peat (you can add sand). It would seem, why do this? The answer is quite simple: if the soil is dense, then the seeds germinate very poorly, and if, on the contrary, then you can count on friendly seedlings. After the seeds are planted, it remains only to shed well (use cold water) the bed.

Acceleration of the seed germination process

Of course, any gardener always wants seedlings to appear as early as possible. There are many ways to speed up this process. We will tell you about the method, which is based on the use of conventional polyethylene. Everything is very simple. You need to take a film and cover the garden with it so that an air gap of about 12 cm remains between the polyethylene coating and the ground. After that, you need to give time for the seeds to germinate. When using this method, one week is usually enough. When shoots appear, the polyethylene is removed. If this is not done, then the seedlings that have not yet gained strength may die.

Choosing "neighbors" for carrots

As we already said, in order to get a good harvest of carrots, you need to know about some nuances. One of them is the correct choice of "neighbors" (those plants with which a given agricultural crop grows well). In fact, carrots can get along quite well with many plants. The list of the most successful "neighbors" includes: garlic, tomatoes, radishes, lettuce, and peas.

And one more little trick: to prevent plantings from being hit by a carrot fly, experienced gardeners recommend surrounding them with tobacco, rosemary or sage. Plants that negatively affect the development of carrots include dill and anise.

In this article, we have answered many questions. After reading it, it will become clear when to plant carrots in open ground, how to sow this crop, and also how to accelerate the rate of seed germination. Using the above recommendations, you can easily grow on your personal plot, to the envy of your neighbors and to your delight, a rich harvest of carrots. The main thing is to be patient and everything will definitely work out.

Sowing carrots and not thinning, very easy - video

How to plant carrots correctly? What is the problem, you say, would be seeds. You, as always, were right. :) The main thing is that sowing carrots does not turn into a tedious and time-consuming process. Many ways have been invented how to avoid this, and I want to tell you about them.

1. The most common way that many people use is sowing dry carrot seeds... Just pour the carrot seeds into the grooves by hand, little by little. One problem: the seeds of carrots are small, and if you put a lot of seeds in the groove, then they will sprout thickly, and then you will have to sit in the garden for a long time, thin out the shoots. If little carrot seeds are poured, then they may not sprout.

When sowing carrots with dry seeds, you have to wait for shoots for a long time. Because the seeds still need to swell. Of course, there is always at least a little moisture in the soil, but most often carrots emerge after the first rain, and only then their growth begins. Carrot seeds can be pre-prepared before planting.

2. Sowing carrots with wet and sprouted seeds will immediately require watering both during planting and in the following days. With this method of sowing carrot seeds, it is necessary to keep the soil moist, otherwise the germinated seeds will die. Naturally, with this method, the seeds germinate faster.

3. There is a method of sowing carrot seeds, in which friendly shoots appear quickly. It is called "Carrots in a bag"... As soon as the first thawed patches begin to appear, you need to dig a hole in the area on the bayonet of the shovel. Moisten carrot seeds in a linen bag with water, put in this hole, cover with earth, cover with snow. In order not to lose the place where the carrot seeds are dug, you need to put any identification mark, for example, a stick. After 10 - 12 days, the carrot seeds are pecked. Then they are taken out, mixed with dry river sand and scattered over the garden. The soil is slightly harrowed, covered with foil. Amicable shoots appear already on the 5th - 6th day.

4. The next method of sowing carrot seeds is convenient and economical. Necessary mix one to two tablespoons of carrot seeds with a bucket of sand and scatter this mixture into the furrows. It is important that the sand is dry, otherwise the seeds will not mix well with the sand and the crops will be uneven. Then spill the carrot beds well with water, cover the top with a small layer of soil and you may not approach the carrots until autumn. You don't have to thin out the carrot beds. In the fall, you should have a large and even carrot.

5. Grandma's way of sowing carrots: Pour water into a glass (half-liter jar) and add carrot seeds. Then, after stirring this mixture well, put water in your mouth along with the carrot seeds and sprinkle on the garden bed. So before, when ironing, they sprayed overdried laundry. Sowings of carrots are also more or less uniform.

6. Mixed planting method: For example, you can mix carrot and radish seeds in one cup, add some river sand there for even sowing and sow in the grooves.

8.Sowing carrots with seeds on a belt... Seeds on tape are available for sale, but you can make one yourself by gluing carrot seeds onto a piece of paper with paste. This technology of planting carrots is very convenient: you just need to pull the purchased or prepared tape along the furrow on the beds and sprinkle it with earth. One but! It's good if you got on the tape exactly the sort of carrot that you wanted to buy. But sitting and sticking carrot seeds is still a challenge!

9. A great way is to buy pelleted seeds... Each carrot seed is in a hard dragee made of dry hydrogel and fertilizers with microelements. The size of the dragee is also optimal - a little more than the pepper grains, even if the dragee falls out of your hands in the wrong place, you can easily find and pick it up. The dragee is bright in color and so easy to see on black earth. The pelleted carrot seed is provided for the first time with all the essential nutrients.

Recently, I have used precisely coated seeds. On the garden bed, intended for sowing carrots, I make holes at a distance of 10x10 cm, a depth of 2 cm, a diameter of 1.5-2 cm with a pointed stick (I can even bend over to "scrap") :). From the stick, even dimples are obtained, into which I then put 2-3 pills. After the seeds are spread out, I simply level the bed with the back of the rake from above. There is no need to thin out the carrots. It's just that at the end of June, in July, I pull out the extra carrots into the soup.

Experienced summer residents advise at home to replace seed pelleting by mixing ordinary moistened carrot seeds with dried, well-chopped (grated) mullein (4 parts of mullein per 1 part of seeds). (For an amateur!)

10. And this method of sowing carrot seeds is for those who like to experiment. Take water and dissolve a little fertilizer in it, preferably complex fertilizers with microelements. Then boil the paste in this water from flour or starch. Let this jelly cool completely. Feel free to pour the cooked carrot seeds into it and mix well.

Then, in any of the available means: an empty plastic bottle (you will have to make a hole in the lid), a pastry syringe with a large nozzle, an empty ketchup bottle - put or pour (depending on what consistency you get) there carrot seed paste... In accordance with the laws of physics, seeds mixed in a paste do not stick together, but keep at a distance from each other.

Then go boldly to the garden bed, make grooves and squeeze this paste into them. The seed paste lays down easily and evenly, the carrot seeds are moistened and fertilized. Seeds are sparingly used and there is no extra work to thin out the carrots. And you can choose any kind of carrot you like, the seeds of which are not coated.

What other methods of sowing carrot seeds are known to you?

Image copyright icebear7.blogspot.com

At first glance, it seems that sowing carrots is easy enough. But in fact it is not easy, it requires skill and mastery of certain sowing rules. Let's figure out together how to sow carrots so that they sprout quickly.

Carrot planting rules

For sowing convenience, it is recommended to mix carrot seeds with dry sand and sow the resulting mixture on a prepared bed. The liquid method has proven itself well - a starch paste is prepared, it cools. Carrot seeds are poured into it and everything is thoroughly mixed. Sowing can be done through a kettle or a bag with a hole.

Several ways to sow carrots:

There are quite a few of them, let's consider the most used ones.

  • Dry sowing is considered to be the simplest - spreading seeds into furrows. But at the same time, it is quite difficult to maintain the uniformity of their landing. With this method, seedlings appear for a long time, because the seeds have not undergone preliminary swelling. This usually happens after the first rain.
  • The next method is the seeds are soaked and germinated. This method requires watering on the day of planting and beyond. It is important here that the required percentage of moisture is always maintained in the seeds, otherwise they may die. This method gives quick germination results.
  • Carrots "in a bag" give quick shoots. During the period of the first thawed patches, a small hole is dug on the site. Carrot seeds are placed in a bag, moistened with water, placed in a hole, covered with earth and covered with snow. In ten days the seeds will hatch. They can be taken out, mixed with sand and simply scattered over the garden. The soil is then hardened and covered with polyethylene. Seedlings appear on the fifth day.
  • The next method is quite economical.
    A couple of tablespoons of seeds are mixed with a bucket of sand and the resulting mixture is injected into the prepared furrows. It is very important that the sand is dry. Otherwise, mixing will be uneven, which will further affect germination. After that, it is necessary to spill the beds abundantly with water, sprinkle with a small layer of earth and you can ignore the carrots until autumn. In this way, decimation can be omitted.

A number of other methods available to everyone

We will consider them without details, with a simple listing:

The seeds are placed in water and the sowing is sprinkled with the mouth,

mixed method - carrot seeds are mixed with radish, sand is added and sown evenly,

combining sowing carrots with onions,

We all love early juicy vegetables. They contain so many vitamins and other nutrients. And every gardener dreams that carrots grow on his site as quickly as possible and he can harvest an early harvest. You can influence this process with the help of simple manipulations. Below we will talk about the main factors that can speed up seed germination, as well as consider the recommendations of experienced agronomists for planting carrots.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of the seed. Not every seed can give a healthy sprout, from which a full-fledged plant will grow.

As it is not surprising, carrot seeds have their own shelf life and they have it rather short, compared to other crops. Raw materials for sowing can be stored for no more than 2-3 years.

It is also important to consider the storage temperature. In a warm, humid environment, seeds can sprout unexpectedly or become moldy. In the cold, they will freeze and lose their ability to germinate. It is best to store your carrot seeds in a cool, dry environment. The air humidity should not exceed 50%, and the temperature should not be higher than + 17 ° С. It is recommended to use paper or burlap for packaging. Set aside the plastic bags for other uses.

A good harvest of carrots can only be obtained from healthy seeds. Make sure that their surface is evenly painted, without stains and damage. In no case do not allow the seeds to get wet and dry again, otherwise you will not see the long-awaited carrot bushes. In order for the seedlings to appear faster, it is necessary to pay attention to the pre-planting preparation of the soil and material.

Another important factor affecting germination is soil condition. It is imperative to loosen the earth, because in hard and compressed soil, thin and delicate shoots simply cannot break through. It is especially important to ensure that a dense crust does not form on the surface of the sown beds.

Germination is also influenced by weather conditions, so when planting in spring, you need to be sure that morning and night frosts are gone. Carrots love the sun, so choose the lightest areas for them, where direct sunlight shines most of the day. It's also important to remember that seeds love moisture. If the area is not humid enough and the weather is still cold, cover your beds with plastic to create a greenhouse effect.

Spring Planting Video

To ensure even and high-quality seedlings, they must be properly prepared before sowing seeds. Most often, the soaking method is used at home. To do this, the seed is spread on a soft napkin, moistened with water at room temperature and left for 3 days until the sprouts hatch. The room should be warm, about + 23- + 24 ° C. Sprouted seeds grow much faster, especially if the weather is fine.

Another advice that experienced gardeners give is to plant carrots before winter. This method is applicable in regions with snowy but relatively mild winters. If the soil completely freezes even under a snow cover, then it is better to refuse the method. For pre-winter planting, varieties such as Shantane-2461, Nantes-5, Vitamin-6 and Incomparable are suitable.

Seeds are sown just before the frost. The seed must be dry. When snow falls on top of the ground, it will need to be covered with a thick layer and covered with spruce branches until spring. After the snow melts, the beds are covered with foil or burlap. This helps the soil to warm up quickly and the carrots to sprout. It is worth noting that any early carrots are poorly suited for storage, so if you are growing this vegetable in reserve, do not pursue quick shoots, but pay attention to quality care.

For carrots to grow quickly, you need to make fertile soil. To do this, in the fall, the soil must be dug up and fertilized. Carrots react well to wood ash, humus and Nitrofosk preparation. Be careful with nitrogen fertilization. When planting, the seeds should adhere well to the soil. In order for this to happen, the soil in the furrows is slightly compacted, and the bed is covered with loose soil.

There is also an interesting folk method of planting carrots, in which shoots appear very quickly. As soon as the snow begins to melt in the garden, dig a hole in the area with a shovel's bayonet depth. Moisten the seeds with water and place them in a linen bag. The bag must be placed in a recess in the ground, covered with soil and sprinkled with snow on top. After 10-12 days, the bag can be dug up and the sprouted seeds can be sown on the garden bed. For best results, the seed is mixed with dry river sand. This will help distribute everything evenly. After this procedure, the first shoots will appear in 5-6 days. Remember to mark the burial site with a flag.

Video "How to grow a fruitful carrot"

How to prepare the soil, seeds, how to sow and care for the garden - you will find the answer to these and many other questions in the video below.

Many year after year they try to grow an excellent harvest of root crops on their site, but each time planting carrots is disappointing. Problems such as long and unstable germination of seeds, deformed and tasteless root crops are often attributed to low-quality seeds. But that's not the point at all. The technology of growing carrots has some secrets that allow you to accelerate germination, do without thinning and grow excellent vegetables.

Preparing seeds for planting

Carrot seeds are high in essential oils. This is a kind of protection and for a long time does not allow moisture to penetrate through the shell into the seed. When sowing unprepared seeds in a garden bed, this process takes about 20 days, and then provided that the soil is constantly moist. You have to water the beds every day, because if the seeds dry out, they will no longer be able to sprout.

Germination can be accelerated if pre-treatment is carried out before planting (a few days before sowing). To remove the essential oil from the seed husks, rinse them with warm water. The seeds are poured into a small cotton bag and soaked in warm water. The water is changed every 3-4 hours, and the procedure itself lasts 2-3 days.

If root crops are often affected by diseases and pests on the site, then after washing the bag can be placed in a special solution of sodium or potassium humate. A solution is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of humate per 1 liter of water. The water should be warm, about 30 ° C, and it should be soaked for a day. Instead of a humate solution, you can use a solution of wood ash. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of fertilizer in 1 liter of warm water and filter.

You can reduce the risk of disease in carrots by quenching in the refrigerator after soaking. The seed bag is washed in running water, wrung out and placed in the refrigerator for 5 days. Care must be taken to ensure that it does not dry out. Then the seeds are slightly dried on a dry cloth so that they become free-flowing, and they begin to sow.

Checking seeds for germination and pre-germination

Before planting carrots in the country, you need to check the seeds for germination. This is done 1-2 months before planting. The seeds are soaked for 2-3 days in warm water and sown in a small box with soil. Germination is determined from how many seeds have sprouted from the sown. Seed material is considered good, showing a germination rate of about 80%. If less than 50% of the seeds have sprouted, then it is better to replace them so as not to waste time sowing new ones and not to miss the deadline. If it is not possible to replace the seed, then sow thicker than usual, and then, if necessary, thin out.

The seeds can be germinated to make sure that the right amount of carrots sprout and to speed up germination. After the soaking and hardening procedure, the seeds should be spread in a thin layer on a damp cloth, and covered with the same cloth on top. Make sure that moisture does not evaporate, if necessary spray with water from a spray bottle. After a few days, the seeds will swell, and a little later, tiny sprouts will appear. You can cover the fabric on top with cling film, but you will have to air it so that mold does not appear.

Germinated seeds sprout quickly after sowing, the first leaves appear after 5-7 days.

You can prepare seeds for planting without preliminary soaking and germination. This is the old way: a bag of seeds is placed in damp, damp earth. This is done 10-14 days before sowing.

  1. Dry seeds are placed in a cotton or linen bag.
  2. On the site in the shade, they dig a hole for the bayonet of a shovel.
  3. Place a bag of seeds at the bottom and buried.
  4. After the due date, they dig up, dry and sow.

Growing carrots in this way allows you to see seedlings after 5 days.

Planting dates for carrots

The planting time for carrots is determined depending on the region. In the central zone of Russia, sowing can be carried out after April 20 and until early May. In cold regions (in the Urals, in the Leningrad region), planting is carried out later - after May 10. Such terms are optimal for sowing carrots by the usual method, when dry seeds are sown into the ground.

If the seeds are prepared in advance, then planting can be carried out later, in the summer. The deadline is June, until the 15th. The same applies to late varieties that are planned to be stored for winter storage. If the late varieties are planted early and kept in the soil until the end of September, then additional roots will begin to grow on the root crops, and this will reduce the shelf life.
Many people practice planting carrots in late autumn, and how many to sow depends on the weather. The main conditions for autumn planting:

  • the bed and furrows on it must be prepared in advance;
  • separately prepare containers with soil, which will fill the furrows, and put them in a warm place so that the earth does not freeze;
  • sow dry seeds, it is not necessary to water the plantings;
  • fall asleep with earth prepared in advance.

When to plant carrots, in spring or autumn, everyone chooses for himself. But practice shows that during autumn plantings, weather conditions affect the safety of seeds in the soil and their germination, and planting carrots in spring is more effective than in autumn. The harvest in both cases ripens at the same time.

The root crop should be prepared in the fall. All roots, chips and stones are carefully selected from the soil. If the carrot root meets an obstacle in the path of growth, it begins to bend.

Carrots do not like manure and lime. It will be correct to add rotted organic matter to the garden in the fall, and in the spring, with repeated digging, add mineral fertilizers. For good growth, root crops need potassium and phosphorus. If organic fertilizers are applied in the fall, then in the spring there is no need to apply nitrogen. With a large amount of nitrogen, carrots build up a lot of tops to the detriment of the root crop. There is no need to fertilize the carrots again during the summer.

Carrots should be sown in grooves, which are made at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other. The depth of the furrow is determined depending on the type of soil. On clay soils, the optimum depth is 1.5 cm, on light, sandy soils - 2.5-3 cm. The bottom of the furrow must be compacted with a plank and, if the soil is dry, spilled with warm water.

To protect against pests, the garden bed can be sprinkled with salt before sowing.

Sowing seeds should not be dense: when thinning, the roots of the seedlings growing nearby may be damaged. If thinning cannot be avoided, it is better to do this in the first week after the shoots have appeared. Young shoots are easier to recover.

Care before sprouting is watering, but it must be done carefully. When watering with a strong stream, the seeds are drawn deep into the ground, which may prevent them from sprouting.

The garden bed can be covered with a thin white agrofibre and watered over it from a watering can with a fine strainer. This will prevent the seeds from going deep and increase the temperature of the soil, which will have a positive effect on germination.

To protect against pests, you can plant between carrots. Other root crops cannot be grown on the same bed with carrots.

How to avoid decimation

If the carrot is planted in the usual way, then after it has emerged, it will have to be thinned out. You can avoid this procedure if:

  • before sowing, mix seeds with sand in a ratio of 1: 5;
  • glue the seeds onto a tape made of rapidly decaying paper;
  • planting carrots in egg cartons.

Belt cultivation is only suitable if the seeds are not germinated first. For this, strips 3 cm wide are cut from thick toilet paper and a paste is prepared from flour: 1 tablespoon of flour is diluted with water to a state of gruel and poured into hot water, standing over low heat. The mixture is brought to a boil and turned off. When it cools down, you can add 1 gram of boric acid to prevent carrot disease.

The paste is applied to the strips with a brush and the seeds are laid out in 2 pieces at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other. The strips are laid on the bed after the paste has dried. If everyone ascends, then the extra ones will have to be removed. It is better to cut them off with scissors so as not to damage the root of a neighboring plant.

For another method of planting, cardboard egg cartons are used. They are laid out tightly in the garden bed, watered abundantly with water. Humus is poured into each cell. Seeds are laid out in 2 pieces and covered with earth. After emergence, excess shoots are removed.

The bottom in the cells does not need to be cut out. Under the influence of moisture, it quickly decomposes and allows the root to grow freely. At first, the boxes will serve as mulch and reduce the need for weeding.


If it is not possible to constantly be on the site and water the beds with planted carrots in anticipation of germination, it is better to prepare the seeds and germinate them. This will speed up the sprouting time and increase seed germination several times.

To avoid injury to the roots during thinning, you can use one of the methods suggested above. This will allow you to get even, large roots without flaws and deformation.