Tattoo on the wrist men's lungs. Tattoo on the wrists

A tattoo for men on the wrist has been of great importance for the definition of human activity and his life position.

With an increase in the popularity of native painting in the wrist area, there was a need to understand the peculiarities of tattoos, recommendations for their choice, the correct interpretation of characters and signs. Knowing this information will help future owners to make the right choice and do not regret the tattoo.

The wrist is part of the body that men are often choosing for their future tattoos. From a long time, representatives of strong sex use the wrist area for the tattoo.

Tattoo on the wrist for men in fashion is always

First, the native painting indicated the activity of which a man was engaged in, in the modern world of tattoos, another meaning was acquired - reflection of the soul, self-expression. That is why tattoo can tell about the character, life position and even memorable dates of the owner.

The wrist is the perfect place for those who are not solved to apply a three-hand image And he wants to decorate his body small, but attracting attention to tattoo.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dignity disadvantages
Tattoos on the wrist attract a lot of attention, which allows you to demonstrate your individuality to all others.Tattoo next to the hands of hands will not be practical. This is due to the frequent contacts of a person with chemicals that contribute to the fading of the image.
Tattoo on hands is easy enough to hide, put on a shirt or other clothes with long sleeves.When applied to the bends of hand, the likelihood of a tattoo distortion in the future increases.
The wrist will not be deformed when set or weight loss, so the stretch marks will not distort the applied image.The wrist tattoo is subject to frequent adjustments that must be carried out once a year. But even this will not save the image from distortion and fading. Therefore, a tattoo after a few years will have to overlap and completely update.

Choosing a Tattoo Place

Tattoo on the wrist for men is attractive in that they can be hidden under clothes with long sleeves.

This is a significant advantage for people who are forbidden to have tattoos in prominent places due to their profession. Also from aesthetic point of view, the tattoo on hand is most attractive. This is due to the fact that the wrist is part of the body on which people most often pay attention.

When choosing a place for the future tattoo, you must be guided by the following recommendations:

  • parts of the body, which are often affected by the sun or chemical agents, are impractical for the application of native painting;
  • tattoo on the place of folding hands or feet need frequent correction;
  • in order for the application to be not distorted, you need to choose a part of the body, where stretch marks rarely appear;
  • the most painful to apply a tattoo on the area with thin skin.

Will it hurt on a wrist tattoo

The degree of pain from the applying tattoo on the wrist every person is different. This area of \u200b\u200bthe hand is characterized by the fineness of the skin, so in terms of anatomy, the procedure will be painful.

You can note the factors on which the degree of pain is depends on the wrist tattoo:

  • individual pain threshold;
  • professionalism of the Master;
  • a certain zone of wrist;
  • pacing depth.

How to choose a sketch

When choosing a sketch for the future tattoo, it is necessary to take into account the types of native paintings that are most popular among men. Often, representatives of heavy sex give preference to brutal patterns or hieroglyphs.

But most often the men choose the inscriptions in English or Latin as a kind of tattoo on the wrist. Images of animals, abstract paintings, patterns and artistic drawings, moving from the brush to the elbow, are also popular.

Color spectrum

The wrist tattoo for men can be applied in any color scheme depending on the owner's preferences.

But it is advisable to focus on well-known rules that depend on the type and style of the future tattoo. For example, the ornament is recommended to be applied only in black monotonous color.

Also a dark shade will be appropriate to look in the inscriptions, drawings in the style of minimalism and hieroglyphs. Colored tattoo will be more suitable as animal, plants, mythical characters. As for portraits, 3D graphics, scene images, here the painting color depends solely on the personal preferences of the person.


The clock is a special symbol that contains a deep philosophical meaning. Every person treats him according to his eyes, but most often under this image implies fate and speed of life. This value came to the modern world from ancient Greece, where the clock mechanism reflected the gods that ruled the fate of people.

Thanks to big history and deep meaning, the clock is very often used as an idea for a tattoo. Often, people are applied sketch of the mechanism on the wrist, implying the frequency of time or the memory of a certain moment of its life, which is reflected by the position of the arrows.

Men who have chosen the clock with a future tattoo have a philosophical mind warehouse, reasonable and rationality.


Cross - the oldest symbol of many cultures and peoples that has multiple values:

  • symbol of christianity;
  • reflection of the four sides of the world;
  • designation of natural elements;
  • sign of elements of the universe.

The cross applied on the wrist most often means patience and strength, elevation of honor.

Men with a tattoo in the form of a cross can invest in both religiosity and the manifestation of atheism in the form of the Knight's Cross.

There are cases of reflection in the cross of memory about the deceased person, as evidenced by the inscriptions or dates next to an ancient sign. Also, this symbol indicates masculinity, resistance and determination.


The bracelet as a type of tattoo most often prefers women, but men consider it quite attractive. On the wrist, the strong floor most often causes bracelets that reflect an important or turning point of their lives.

There are cases when the bracelet becomes the beginning of a large-scale tattoo for the entire hand. But mostly men choose inscriptions, fully covering the wrist, or Celtic patterns that are associated with character hardness and determination.

A good choice will be the Polynesian braceletwhich looks especially courageously. Maori tribe used Polynesian bracelet patterns for communication with the gods. The image can cover the wrist and part of the forearm, which makes it spectacular and attracting attention.


The anchor symbol appeared more than two thousand years ago. Sailors caused this tattoo after the successful intersection of the Atlantic, And later, the symbol acquired the value of the overaga, which helped to avoid death during the maritime travel.

After some time, anchor began to be depicted on the body of people who are not related to the sea, denoting the stability and safety of life. Men often apply anchor on the wrist, expressing love for maritime themes or a desire for security. In general, the tattoo is suitable for those who are afraid to get off the way, lose security and protection.


Currently, the attitude towards spiders is quite ambiguous. Despite this, many people are applied on the wrist the image of the spider-shaped, based on the values \u200b\u200bknown in antiquity.

For example, in the ancient Greece spiders mean harmony, calm and equilibrium. This is due to myth, which tells about Arachne, a girl, skillfully owning weaving craft. The goddess of Aphrodite killed the craftswoman from envy, but later repent and turned Arachna to Spider, who knew the beautiful canvas ever.

In the Christian history of spiders played a big role when, according to the narratives, saved from the death of Jesus in childhood. Thus, a tattoo with a spider on the wrist is a symbol of harmony, modesty, accuracy, care, care and responsibility.


Tattoos with the image of Dolphin do not lose their relevance for many years. A mammalian tattoo first gashed sailors, travelers and rescuers, but, thanks to their positive values, Dolphin became popular among people who are not related to the sea.

The more accurate sense of Tattoo Dolphin can be understood by familiarizing the culture of different peoples that interpreted the meaning of the animal in different ways:

  • celts denoted Dolphin as a reflection of marine elements;
  • china is depicting dolphins of different colors, which is the same meaning as Yin and Yang;
  • in the culture of Egypt and Greece, Dolphins are the personification of the deities;
  • in North America, mammals are associated with such qualities as wisdom, kindness and positive energy.

Men applies tattoo with dolphin on the wrist, reflecting their friendliness, cheerfulness and optimism. Often such tattoos can be seen on the body of swimmers, sailors and surfers.


The image values \u200b\u200bof the skull are known to people from the gods, legends, historical events and religious plots. For example, in Christianity, the skull speaks of forgiveness. This is due to the history of the ablution by Jesus Kostya Adam, which meant the vacation of sins.

Celts believed that the skull keeps the soul of people, and in Mexican culture, the skull reflects masculinity, resistance, rebirth. The tattoo of the animal skull is considered to be faithful from evil forces and talisman.

In men, tattoo with a skull on the wrist is associated with a biker culturewhich includes freedom, faith in itself, fate and masculinity. Such tattoos are depicted to remind of their purpose and sense of life.


The semantic value of tattoo with chains in ancient cultures was almost the same and reflected a connection that could lead to slave dependence:

  • in christianity Chains meant vices, namely passion, vanity, dependence on alcohol and gambling;
  • in Europe This image indicates the dependence on the opinions of other people;
  • in ancient Rome and Greece The chain is the relationship between the world and divine;
  • masons They considered the chain symbol of the fraternity, since after the meetings they usually got up from behind the table and held hands.

Representatives of the male sex often apply a tattoo on the wrist in the form of chains. Such a nasty painting most often means integrity, unity, prosperity and religiosity. Also chains sometimes symbolize the desire to be freed from the dependence and freedom of its owner from the vices of humanity.

Music attributes

To date, it is quite popular to apply on the wrist tattoo with a musical attribute. Such tattoos are widespread among the musicians, but also just lovers of a certain genre or fans of groups and performers often decorate their body with certain musical signs.

There are several options for tattoo with images of music attributes:

  • A typical or bass key. The image of the violin key is more known, so they are applied to the body tattoo with this sign most often. A typical key is a fundamental element of music that any musician knows. But this symbol also has a different value - serving imprisonment for theft, so with the image of the violin key it should be careful.
  • Notes. Melody is built from the music, which means there are a huge number of variations of the image and the grouping of these musical elements that will carry a special meaning.

For example, we often apply a tattoo with notes, beginning a favorite or commemorative melody. Musicians can invest in such an image of the memories of the years of study, memorable concerts, turning points of the musical career.

  • Musical instruments. For each musician there is a private tool that played a big role in the development of his musical abilities. That is why music fans often depict their favorite tool on the body.

Also, the fans of groups often apply such a tattoo, reflecting their love for the sound of a certain tool or the performer who plays.

Double infinity

Double infinity tattoo is considered one of the most unusual Due to the variety of values, big history and special philosophical meaning:

  • in China Double infinity means good luck, so some people, inflicting this image, hope for a successful financial condition, planning of life and successful dating;

  • in the culture of eastern countries Double infinity - the symbol of the soul immortality, reference to the reincarnation;
  • infinity in the shape of the cross mean religiosity, as well as a symbol of unity with higher forces;
  • in terms of philosophy, a man in double infinity is able to move from one loop to another, thereby moving in space and time;
  • combination of infinity with heart In one tattoo, the eternity of love relationships;
  • image of infinity with the inscription Speaks about the deep sense of inflicted thoughts, its significance and eternity.

It is desirable to apply such a tattoo on the wrist in black, which will give the image with conciseness and depth. Double infinity can be depicted in the form of animals, for example, snakes or dragon. In general, there are many ways to portray this symbol, so each person can decorate the body by this mascot in its own style.


Tattoo on the wrist in the form of Celtic patterns is considered more suitable for men, thanks to their stylistics.

These patterns resemble woven threads that consist of a special ornament. It was used as a way of communication with the divine world, and simply as a decoration of armor, household items.

But the main meaning of ancient patterns is the weave of the threads of being. Each thread of the structure of the ornament meant certain life periods, and the totality of threads are complex intricateings and unexpected turns.

There are basic symbols of the Celts that are used in tattoos:

  • Cross in circle. This sign can mean elements of the universe, the parties of the world and the combination of Christianity and paganism, that is, the cross and the sun. In the Cults culture it was believed that this sign could save from the dark forces and endow wisdom.
  • Butterfly. This symbol refers to the soul of man, her revival and the desire for life.

  • Wood. A tree sign in the Celt culture meant the connection of the afterlife, earthly life and heavens. Therefore, the image of a tree in Celtic style is a tree, whose branches like human hands stretch to the sky and go under the ground, where they have the kind of roots.
  • Shamrock. This symbol combines the elements of nature. This image is applied as the Talisman to attract good luck.

Lettering in Latin

Tattoo on the wrist for men in the form of inscriptions on Latin is the most popular among other types of tattoos at the moment. Latin is an ancient language, which was spoken by great people, so the native inscriptions in Latin acquire special significance and wisdom.

This type of tattoo allows you to come up with your unique phrase, but there are also spectacular famous statements on Latin, which is beautiful transfer attitude to life and its aspects:

  • "Esse Quam Videri" - to be, and not seem.
  • Facta Sunt Potentiora Verbis - actions are stronger than words.

1. "Came, I saw, won." 2. "First among Equal".
  • "VIAM SUPERVADET VADENS" - Walk asset going.
  • "Vincit Qui Se Vincit" is the hardest victory - victory over yourself.
  • "PER ARDUA AD ASTRA" - through thorns to the stars.


Hieroglyphs have always attracted the attention of tattoo lovers with their mysteriousness, an unusual form and hidden value. N. aura most popular are Chinese and Japanese hieroglyphsAlthough there are also Korean and Vietnamese who choose less often for the tattoo.

Men are applied on the wrist most often small tattoos with simple, but having great importance to the owner. Sometimes you can meet the image of a whole life plot in the form of hieroglyphs on your hand, since sometimes a small sign of the east language can mean a whole phrase.

The process of applying such painting is simple, the size of the tattoo is rarely very large and does not exceed the size of the box out of matches. There is a variant of the hieroglyph palls along with the main pattern of relevant themes (for example, the Japanese Dragon). There are also cases of application on the body of hieroglyphs with the image of the signs of the zodiac of Japanese or Chinese culture.


Some men do not seek to reflect deeply and serious meaning in our tattoo, but just want to show our brutality, stand out among the others and attracting as much attention as possible public attention.

For this there are certain variants of images that will definitely remain unnoticed:

  • bracelet on wrist with barbed wire (criminal record, dependence, love tragedy);
  • chain on hand from skulls (death, sins absolution, freedom);

  • predatory animals in Celtic style (power, courage, aggression);
  • mythical creatures in 3D graphics (value depends on the qualities inherent in a certain mythical character).

Memorable tattoo

The wrist tattoo for men is often applied to capture certain moments, the periods of life that changed the person, forced him to think about important things, realize their losses and master valuable experience.

Frequent reasons for making a memorable tattoo:

  • birth of a child. Tattoo in honor of this event can be initials of a newborn or prints of his palms;
  • graduation. Happy graduates in honor of the start of a new period of life are applied to the body a academic hat or other signs that resemble academic years;
  • end of service in the army. The tattoo is depicted in the form of a drawing associated with the years of service;
  • tragic event. It may be a death death or any other turning point. A tattoo may be in the form of a person's photograph, an important date.

Plots that are most often used in memorable tattoos:

  • dates, inscriptions, names. Such tattoo remind of a specific moment of life that I want to leave forever in mind;
  • scars, injury. People sometimes underline the scars with the help of a native painting, so as not to forget about the experience of the event and their injury;
  • professional signs. Tattoos with attributes of the profession are applied by people who want to emphasize the important role of their activities in their lives;
  • a heart. Heart as a view of a memorable tattoo can be depicted both as a whole and broken. It depends on whether a person wants to display his happiness from the existing love or suffering from lost feelings.

Symbolic tattoo

Symbolic tattoo is needed to reflect deep meaning through images. Even in ancient times, hidden meanings and messages were trying to convey through images to people.

In the modern world there are a large number of symbolic tattoo, but you can note the most popular of them and disclose the meaning that they enter into themselves.

Tattoo Meaning
The Dragon

mystery, perseverance, nobility, strength, loyalty, beauty

power, courage, mind, loyalty, devotion

wisdom, power, hidden danger, temptation

freedom, perseverance, immortality, power, greatness, courage
The sun

power, Wisdom, Eternity, Earth and Heaven

wisdom, power, passion, power, anger, rage
Yin Yang

balance, Life, Fighting

Pictures of henna for men

Henna drawings are temporary, so they are so popular among people who do not yet dare to decorate their body with a real tattoo. Such a nasty painting looks like a real tattoo, just flush the drawing can be at any time.

Of the advantages of applying tattoo, it is possible to highlight the painlessness of the procedure, a low price, the possibility of rapid removal. Of the disadvantages it is worth noting the restriction in the choice of color, as the temporary drawing from the henna is possible to realize only in a red-brown shade.

What tattoo should not make men on the wrist

Unfortunately, not all tattoos on the wrist of men look beautiful, effectively and appropriate.

To the future owner do not regret the infused image, he needs to be familiar with the list recommendations that will help not make a mistake with the choice of the future tattoo:

  • Cartoon characters.

At a man, such a tattoo will look ridiculous and inappropriate, so it is not recommended to choose cartoon characters for tattoo.

  • Tattoos with persons of famous personalities.

Such images make you think about what the owner of the tattoo copies someone else's style.

  • Symbols and signs subculting accessories.

Imractically apply similar images on the body, as there is a high probability after a while regret it.

  • "White" tattoo. From afar "white" tattoos look like a scar, so it's undesirable from an aesthetic point of view.

Tattoo for men on the wrist is currently continuing to remain relevant, since this part of the body is traditionally popular for drawing. Therefore, it is important for future owners of Tattoo to realize the responsibility for inflicted images, the need for knowledge of their meaning and meaning.

The main thing in the tattoo is a conscious approach to business and a clearly formulated request, and then the decoration of the body will not disappoint, but will become the subject of joy and pride.

Article clearance: Natalie Podolskaya

Video about male tattoos

Video about tattoo on the wrist for men:

In this article we would like to tell about the nuances of applying tattoos for men's hands. Such a decoration does not just attract attention to the hands - it will be able to tell a lot about its owner, and will also help in the implementation of plans.

From time immemorial, men decorated their hands with images designed to tell those surrounding about the status of classes. And this is not surprising, because the hand is almost always in sight, moving and attracts attention.

Especially the man's hand, not discerning physical exertion, and representatives of the strong floor are perfectly known. However, it is not enough to apply a beautiful picture - it is important to pay due attention to its content.

Places for tattoos in men in their hands and their meaning

Shoulder - The most common option both in antiquity and today. You can explain this choice by what tattoo looks very courageously. In addition, such a solution practical, After all, the tattoo on the shoulder can well be hidden under the clothes - this is useful when dressing code is useful, and burnout will not be feared. The pronounced body contours will be created truly expressive and voluminous masterpieces.

Especially successfully on the shoulder look Middle sizes. However, they can be successfully combined with forearm tattoos.

Forearm - often the images that are called upon in this place are applied decorate, not to bear sacral meaning. However, such a noticeable part of the body is great for bringing some idea. The extended form of forearm allows implement as many details as possible.

That to sensations then have a high pain threshold not necessarily - Pain you are unlikely to feel. But it will be possible to show its originality, since the forearm chooses not such a large number of people.

Tattoos at the forearm Johnny Depp

Biceps - one more option for painless application Tattoos. At the pumped hands, the images will look excellently, and if you wish to demonstrate them from time to time You can choose the inside of the biceps. From here it is quite possible to start creating a sleeve.

Important: Muscles on the biceps after the work of the tattoo masters sometimes hurt, but rustling. For the most part, such a procedure also refers to painless.

Elbows - a good idea For lovers of all original. Truth, high painful thresholdSince the skin on the elbow is thin, and the bone finds in close proximity to her. Taking into account this that the procedure is also long.

As for the plot, It is recommended that such that implies mobility - the picture will constantly change. Accordingly, the masters for such an idea should be selected extremely highly qualified. Simple and geometrically correct drawing is what you need.

Wrist - This is predominantly a female choice, but men can not badly decorate themselves in this way. It is advisable to choose a black or dark-blue gamut. In winter, such a tattoo is easily closed with a sleeve, and in the summer - a bracelet or a clock. True, the sun's rays and detergents affect the picture, so get ready for it surely you have to update.

Important: Do not be afraid that the master will hit the vessel - with good skills it is excluded. True, if the veins are convex, it is worth considering this during the selection of the plot.

Tattoo on a male wrist in the form of a tree - an excellent option in the case of convex veins

Brush - Due to the lack of a fat layer, a large number of nerve endings and thin skin applying a tattoo to this place can be a real test. Your original type of image loses quickly In view of the frequent contact with the external environment. All this makes a tattoo on the wrist impractical idea.

However, creative original personalities may well afford a similar choice. As for the plots, there are no restrictions. It is only worth remembering that hands should always be well-groomed.

Palm - The first to put the image to this place were the inhabitants of India. And even though their image was erased quickly enough, to make a full-fledged little tattoo in the palm of his face. This process, oddly enough, painless Due to the density of the skin. It is recommended to give preference to the weave of patterns, often choose an image of the eye.

Sometimes choose as a place for tattoo rib palm. Great there will look, for example, a flock of birds.

Fingers - Some time ago, such tattoos were the numbers of military units, women's names. However, now the images on this part of the body are applied not only the military, in many respects due to practical Such a tattoo. If you apply it on the side of the finger, it will be possible to show the decoration at will. Excellent option It is the selection of such an image that would complement the tattoo on the body.

Important: If you want to get a minimum of discomfort, it is still better to lower the option with the side of the finger.

Ideas of male tattoos on hand: sketches, drawings

Men's tattoos on the wrist: inscriptions, inscriptions in Latin, bracelet, cross and their meaning

Clock - In addition to what the tattoo is imitating the accessory, it symbolizes accuracy, loyalty, justice. At the same time, applying such a picture often suggests that a man is committed to harmonious life, which is deprived of extremes. Lack of arrows - sign of lack of aspirations.

Important: Most often the clock embody the time that you should not miss, talk about the frequency of being. The perfect option for those people who want to perpetuate both a positive and negative important event.

Inscription - Perfectly will look a brief and sonorous motto. For example, Latin word "FECIT" ("Done"). It will present a man from the most profitable side, because it is not for nothing that the actions speak about representatives of strong sex.

Cross - One of the most ancient characters, and universal for all countries and religions. Before writing appeared, the cross embodied reunion of opposites, change of day and night, seasons. Often, such a tattoo reminds that each of us carries its cross.

Bracelet - Most often, such a motive is found in women, however, men consider it enough stylish. Great suitable for a similar purpose celtic patterns, floral ornament, imitation chains.

Enough courageously looks so-called polynesian bracelet. He can begin on the wrist, but clap and part of the forearm. Such a decoration method was invented by the Maori tribe, which thus supported the connection with the gods.

Anchor - embodies stability, hope, the desire to return somewhere. It is easy to guess that this image often served wanted sailors. However, desire to perpetuate your favorite house, where they are always waiting, not only representatives of this profession are inherent.

IMPORTANT: It is worth paying attention to such a tattoo of those people who are afraid to get off the way, to surrender under the influence of life circumstances.

Spider - associated S. practicality and accuracy, because he knows how to create the finest and most beautiful cobwebs. Since these insects are also dodewives, their image can serve as excellent emblem of creative personalities. Eight paws symbolized infinity, continuity of existence. Oddly enough, but spiders with our ancestors perceived very positively.

Tattoos for men on the shoulder and forearm: dragon, patterns, wolf, abstraction, inscriptions, skulls, lion and their meaning

Inscription - The perfect option for tattoos on the shoulder and forearm in view of a large surface for creativity and a minimum of unpleasant sensations. For example, you can place an inscription "ERRARE HUMANUM EST" The fact that everyone is tangible to be wrong. The following inscriptions are good options: "Life is not to live, but in feeling that you live", "Odero Si Potero; Si Non, Invitus AMABO » ("I will hate if I can; but I can not - I will love against the will"), "Mobilitate ViGet Viresque Acquirit Eundo" ("Everything grows in motion and gains strength").

Abstraction - A pretty popular option due to simultaneous simplicity and complexity. Previously, even in such an image, information about the tribe or about the qualities of the Tattoo owner as a warrior could be held. At the present time, abstraction - decorative IMIDA Element.

Important: When selecting tattoos in style, abstraction is especially important to listen to their sensations, intuition.

Celtic patterns - Extremely popular, because their varieties are quite a lot, and they look gorgeous. Often Celtic Images are overalls. Especially popular use celtic knotnot having start and end - it symbolizes universe. It is possible to wash into a node of a variety of motifs.

Polynesian masks - Another common pattern, perfectly inscribed in the decor of a male hand. They were called tika, and previously allowed to wear exclusively to the warriors.

However, it was believed that teaks not only protect against the enemies on the battlefield, but also from evil spirits, evil eyes. Now the Polynesian mask is predominantly choose bold men with big ambitionswho are always ready to defend what is close.

The Dragon - Always considered one of the most respected creatures of mythology. He embodies mysteriousness, nobility, disadvantaged strength, perseverance, dedication, beauty and ability to overcome inconceivable obstacles.

Earlier, the dragon was applied as a symbol of the imperial power, and now it may well indicate leadership skills man. This creature does not apply to any positive, nor to negative characters - rather, it skillfully balanced on the verge.

Skull - It can also be found quite often. Also often, such a tattoo causes mixed feelings. And not surprising, because it tells us about risk, danger, death. Most often skull and apply like reminder that life is speedless, that time changes everything.

Important: This image can be turned into a more positive character - wisdom. It is enough just to paint the snake crawling out of the eye. Such a picture also embodies immortality.

Tattoo on the shoulder skull

Wolf - a fairly ambiguous symbol. With the arrival of christianity wolf began to perceive as the embodiment of aggression, maliciousness, merciless, dark forces, loneliness.

But more often a man is applied by an animal as with the heat of unshakable, power, loyalty, fearlessness, endurance and wisdom. Celts respected wolves for cheering and cunningand the Indians even studied with their hunt, infinitely read cohesion and mind animals.

a lion - so since ancient times it turned out that the image of a lion was applied for themselves power and strong people. Our ancestors always admired unique combination of strength and majestity with gracewhich are famous for the lions.

Men preferring such a tattoo, most often not alien straightness, prudence, leadership qualities, courage, as well as family.

Bear - Celtic warriors made his emblem, assessing massiveness, greatness, courage and ferocityanimal.

Despite the fact that the bear was afraid, the warriors really wanted to be like him, appreciating stunning the combination of both physical and spiritual power. And the tendency of the brown predator to fall into the hibernation can serve announcement of rebirth.

Jesus Christ - oddly enough, you can also meet quite often, despite the negative attitude of Christianity to tattoo. To interpret such an image is simple: his owner it believes in the highest strength, seeks to help the neighbor, aware of the sinfulness of his life.

Tattoo in the form of Jesus Christ at the forearm

Anubis - Extremely interesting and controversial figure. Many researchers believe that the image of the patron of the afterlime world can harm.

However, their opponents remind that Anubis guarded medicines and poisons that can be interpreted as opening a way to something new. Should not be surprised that some anesthesiologists, psychologists and psychiatrists consider this image to their emblem.

Tattoo on the forearm in the form of God Anubis

Rhinoceros - embodies irrepressible temper, power, strength. Since ancient times, people considered the horn of this animal good amulet.

If you observe the habsties of this mammal, you can conclude extremely controversial nature - Calm and ridiculous rhino capable of becoming an embodiment of rapidness and power.

Owl - patron smart, erudite and wise of people. Next to it, it is quite organically you can enter the key as a symbol of knowledge. Despite the fact that some people previously considered this bird by the incarnation of the night, she it serves as an excellent faith from evil. But what attracts owl is money.

Tattoos on hands Men's hand: inscriptions and their meaning

Inscription - Considering the soreness of the procedure, it is best to choose some short phrase or even a word. For example, it will suit an excellent motivating phrase "Contra Spent Spero"saying that the hoping and confident person will always be lucky. Also fit "Dei Gratia" ("God's mercy"), " Pro Domo SUA."(" In defense of your home "), "Taceamus!" ("Will keep silence!").

Eagle - embodiment swiftness, power and power. For purposeful natur, this image will become an excellent faith. Representatives of the ancient cultures considered this bird by the creature, which takes the souls to the sky, that is, the messenger of the gods. Previously, the image of an eagle was considered the prerogative of rulers and other most revered families.

Tiger - The ancient hunters sought to become similar to this predator, causing a strip before the hunting. Such a faucet can be considered a tattoo in the form of a tiger in our day - she practice masculinity, swiftness, strength, courage, observation. It is noteworthy that other fauna representatives respect this predator.

Important: Despite the mass of positive qualities, which personifies the tiger, the naturalness of irritable, hot-tempered and excessively impulsive to refrain from applying its image.

Dog - symbolizes sincerity, loyalty, courage. Men's impact of the centuries performed in the role of guards, defenders - Is it wondering that the dog's symbol has always been close to them? Noble men considered these animals, like Lviv, their emblem.

Eye - embodies the so-called "third Eye". It helps to protect flaws from discontinuities, look into the souls around. In some cultures it was even believed that the soul enters the body through pupils. Eye maybe show and emotions that are usually inherent in a person: With a tear - sadness, next to the petorable eyebrows - doubt or anger, a clear look - hope.

Tattoos on the fingers of men and their meaning

the fire - This image of the natural element embodies passion and destruction. Fire shows that man full of inner energy. Our ancestors perceived such an image as well as sign of rebirth.

Important: In some cases, flame languages \u200b\u200bsymbolize spiritual flour that is hard to endure.

Scissors - Of course, they can say that you have a hairdresser or a fashion designer. However, it is likely that psychological subtext lies in this picture. Often scissors are applied as a tattoo when threatened to leave in the past any episode from life. By the way, in a similar way you can successfully disguise the scars.

Hourglass - Remind us about figure life And express the desire of the owner of the image does not live in life. Each time you should rejoice - This is another thought that occurs when looking at a similar picture. Sometimes the clock is perpetuating on themselves in honor of a important event.

Elephant - It can be quite interesting to place on hand in such a way that the legs and trunk followed the fingers. This animal embodies loyalty, wisdom. Special honorable, he uses in India as the embodiment of Ganesh - God happiness. For men, such a tattoo is ideal, with owing in itself physical power and mind.

Tattoos on the palm of male and their meaning

Eye triangle - symbolizes illumination, mind, vigilance, intuition. In antiquity, thus illustrated oco Godswhich is watching people. Also an eye in a triangle symbolizes omnipresence.

Important: Another value of such a symbol is not so positive - it indicates the limited visible.

Shark - embodiment firelessness, power, tricks. No wonder these creatures are devoted to many books and films - sailors and residents of coastal settlements respect predators. Shark He is a kind of faith in professional affairs. Put it stands and freedom-loving personalitieshaving a not credible.

Dice - this is risk, excitement, perception of life as a gaming process. Lovers of gambling believe that such a tattoo will be a happy mascot in their hobby. There is another interpretation: there are no only true solutions, each of them is true.

Tattoos on biceps Men's: bracelets and their meaning

Bangles - On the pumped hand, they look gorgeous. Most often used as an ornament celtic motifs. They embody infinity of being.

Inscription - Often on biceps apply the name of the beloved woman or child.

Tattoo text on biceps with female name

Samurai - Most associates samurai simply with excellent warriors who are able to work aside to defeat any enemy. But this is true only in part - we will not forget about the Code of Samurai "Busido".

According to him, the real warrior should adhere to the following principles - independence, dedication without hinting on a care, respectful attitude towards traditions, unshakable will, rejocent following the selected path.

Important: that to the life path and ideals, then "Busido" especially emphasized that they should carry a bright color.

Dagger - symbolizes since the times of the Middle Ages last Front of Defense. To the dagger, that is, to the near battle, the warrior was ready last, when all other means are exhausted.

In case of need, this weapon performed as a means to part with life in the name of ideals. So such a tattoo will serve the embodiment of decisiveness, freedom of choice, resistance, accuracy in action.

Men's tattoos on the elbow and their meaning

Web - If you abstract from the use of such a tattoo in prison circles, you can get a fairly interesting and stylish decoration. The Indians hung a web over the cradle in order to protect babies from evil spirits. And adults it will come in handy as whale. Also a web is a symbol of what man sticks his principles.

Star - This simple and universal tattoo refers to the ancient characters. She was considered honor of good luck, the incarnation of the sky, the source of inspiration.

Snowflake - talking about human hill, its uniqueness. All snowflakes seem similar, but with attentive consideration it becomes clear that there is absolutely similar to each other snowflakes. The same can be said about the owner of the tattoo: he does not like to protrude itself, but at the same time possesses a fairly interesting inner world.

Important: This image is a good and uncomplicated example of the Renaissance symbol. Each time the snowflakes melt, but the snow goes and goes.

Tattoo-sleeves for men and their meaning

Traditionally stands out several varieties of sleeves:

  • A long - from the shoulder to the wrist
  • Half - from wrists to the elbow or from the elbow to the shoulder joint
  • Fourth - Half of the forearm or half of the shoulder

Armor - preferably apply them harsh men who are fond of cold weapons or martial arts. Such a tattoo give even more courage and dexterity. Can be regarded like a decoration and how protection against various adversity.

Forestsearch for a life path. As a rule, such a tattoo choose people who are constantly wandering, looking for themselves, doubt the fidelity of choice. A similar charm will be able to help them gain what you need.

Maple - Another option from the Flora area. Maple tree is considered very persistent, which will be an excellent human allegory persistence, the ability to transfer any adversity.Celts applied such a drawing on various items, believing that he give for strength.

IMPORTANT: If you want to perpetuate the feelings, then the tattoo in the form of Clean is not the best solution. In Asia, this tree and the truth was considered the patron saint of lovers, but the Slavs saw in his leaves a parting sign with close. In Poland, they generally symbolized the death of a loved one.

It was previously believed that on the body of a good warrior there should be many scars. Later, the warriors began to decorate their body and tattoos, along the way, using them and how are those who are charging, a way to tell about themselves.

And nowadays, many men prefer to decorate their body, giving preference to images on their hands. Practically did not change and the purpose of tattoos - they can still tell a lot about the owner.

Applied next to the inscription on the wrist of David.

The value of the tattoo on the wrist

In the modern world value tattoo on the wristit depends on what is depicted. But, in the historical context, the drawing on the wrist is the identification mark of a person's professional affiliation.

In the old days it was not customary to change the activity. Usually, the profession adopted the parents and dedicated her all his life.

Sailors learned even without vests. On the hands of marine, there were always a chipper and a seagull.

These spoke not only about the kind of classes, but also served. The sailors believed that patterns help them not get lost in the ocean, always return home.

Servicemen noted on the wrists of the branch of the troops. This tradition is alive and now. Pilots and paratroopers do men's wrist tattoofrom .

Belonging to tank troops are displayed in drawings with military equipment, in particular, the same tanks. As can be seen, historically knocked wrists - the privilege of men. With them and let's start.

Men's wrist tattoo

In the 21st century, the profession is not constant, it is often changed. Therefore, the genus of its wrist activities are rarely displayed. More often, apply inscriptions. Quotations, philosophical thoughts, poems, oaths and favorite names are going to move.

If parents or children speak as a favorite, do not deliver problems, but the names of the elections to drive into the skin risky.

So, Johnny Depp had to get rid of the word "Winona" on the pulse after parting with the actress Winona Ryde. Johnny Svetiled the drawing partially, converted the name of the ex-beloved in "Wine".

Choosing plot drawings, men prefer complex images. They are present several elements, or it takes an extensive plot, continuing on the palm or above the wrist. Representatives of strong sex, often solved on the tag.

Stock Foto Tattoo on the wristmen testify in favor of signs of aggression, strength, success, faith. Gentlmen itself, predatory beasts, and other attributes of power, religious plots.

Tattoo on the wrist in girls

Studies have shown that the girls look at about 50 times more often than on. First, the lady worries the manicure, the accuracy of his fingers.

Secondly, the look falls on the hands during the letter, the opening of the doors, the meals, making makeup, touching the subjects.

Therefore, intuitive women often choose a place for the wrist, palm.

Draw in a realistic manner, or, to make up, abstract elements, inscriptions. Popular with weak floor representatives and simple alphabets.

Here lies the same catch, as in the case of inscriptions on male wrists. So, the singer Selena Gomez piled the name of Justin Bieber on his hand.

With him, the actress constantly breaks up and recently, on his own statement made it finally. With a real person broke up, - left. Now Selena is trying to reduce it.

Photo on the wrist of the girltattoocarrying emotional subtext. Such inscriptions of the wizard advise not to choose for a native drawings. The Council also applies to Selena, and to all lovers at all. Emotions tend to change.

In this case, the pattern to which you look dozens, hundreds of times a day, begins to annoy. It is better to choose constant values \u200b\u200bregarding worldview, faith, favorite hobbies, just beautiful images, for example,.

The most popular sketches of the tattoo on the wrist

Open the most popular on the wrist. Men choose patterns, barbed wire, shed hands with skulls.

The girls make up, miles of animals, hearts and birds. By the way, birds and other occupy the second rod line. The strong floor is focused on predatory, large beings associated with strength, danger, success.

The lady make a bet on colorful, elegant fauna representatives associated with ease, romance, playfulness. For example, girls feed hummingbirds, butterflies, antelope.

Sometimes, representatives of weak gender choose graceful panther and tigeric, inserting sexual subtext into drawing.

Inscriptions on the wristtattoowho got a rating. Symbols, representatives of both sexes choose Latin, English, French, and other ancient languages. In a special honor. Phrases in Russian are not popular.

He may be present in the message only as a duplicating. Wrist tattoo with translationSo to speak, the trend of recent years.

Customers of masters of native painting are ordered by phrases: - "We respect the past, create the future", "We create the world" with our thoughts "," Believe in the dream and freedom "and not only.

Messages are duplicated in the native language of the carrier, in order to be understandable not only to him, but also others.

Now consider the most popular tattoo on the wrist photo:

Tattoos on the wrist, sketches and color gamut of which are responsible for any tastes, are equally tapering both women and men. Their secret is that at the apparent negros, they always unobtrusively attract attention, becoming a stylish attribute of any extraordinary personality.

Tattoo on the wrist of black rose

A bit of history

The wrist of ancient times is considered to be a zone of increased attraction of energy waves. As a rule, people attract a tattoo on the wrist, the value of which in a powerful energy component. In the teachings of Kabbalists there is a whole ritual, which consists in the tagging of the red woolen thread on the left wrist.

There should be a close or beloved person to tie such a thread, and the thread itself should be bought in a certain place, and not donated or woven. Everything else, the thread is born freely and certainly at seven knots. Compliance with all these rules should bring a person an indispensable guard from any negative energy, which, according to Kabbalah, falls into a person it is through the left wrist.

Also, there is a tradition when visiting the Hindu Temple to testify with married girls a red thread on the left wrist, and unmarried - on the right. Many famous people: Madonna, Britney Spears, Ashton Kutcher, Lindsay Lohan, Demi Moore, Paris Hilton, Philip Kirkorov, Ksenia Sobchak and Vera Brezhnev, Dmi Moore, Paris Hilton, Philip Kirkorov.

Small swallow on the wrist

Features of the layout of the Tattoo on the wrist

  • Please note that small neat drawings are most often applied. If you want to portray any realistic animal or well-worked plot, wrist is not your option.
  • It is not uncommon is overlapping scars on the wrist tattoos. As a rule, in this case, the masters specifically develop the most successful sketch.
  • The wrist is still a rather intimate zone, which is not immediately striking if a person does not want. And shirts and long-sleeved sweaters are ideal for concealing the pattern.
  • Originality and excitement of such a decoration are many times superior to any chain or bracelet.
  • Tenderness of the skin and its fast update on the hands for some people poses the issue of the Tattoo here.

Tattoo Cross on the wrist

Fact. Many reject the drawing on the wrist due to the myth that it is an extremely painful procedure. People who have made themselves like a tattoo, as well as the masters, repeatedly say that it is not. Slicing soreness largely depends on the sensitivity threshold of a particular person. And if for some even tattoo on the shoulder causes extremely unpleasant feelings, then others do not feel a drop of pain from applying an image on the wrist. Well, of course, there is no way to pierce the vein needle, it's just another popular error.

Three birds on the wrist of the girl

Popular options for images

Council. If you decide to use an inscription on a foreign (and especially exotic) language as a sketch, approach this issue carefully. Be sure to make sure the phrase writing and its translation. It happens that a lost point or a row turns the phrase almost into directly opposite in meaning. And if your friends did not study Hebrew, then being among the connoisseurs of the language, or by going on a journey, you risk please in not the most pleasant situation.

Rose on the wrist in the style of the door

Although you can arrange almost any drawing on this area, which has not very large sizes, the masters could compile a kind of top topics found on the wrist most often:

  1. Inscriptions. A wide variety of colors and fonts made an inscription on the wrist most popular option. This is the credo of life, motto, favorite quotation or important information about the carrier. They are usually performed in English, Arabic, Sanskrit or Latin. Often the inscription is divided into two wrists, which looks very original. Also popular names and symbolic dates.
  2. Hieroglyphs. Small, but possessing a lot of semantic load, these signs still enjoy great demand.
  3. Flowers. Gentle forget-like or bright roses, single plants or whole bouquets: all this looks on the wrists equally harmoniously.
  4. Birds. As a rule, here are schematic sketches of birds: swallows, owls, hawks, hummingbirds, crows, storks, pigeons, eagles and others.
  5. Stars. Classically native asterisks look at the hands of a little bit and elegant.
  6. Hearts. Clearly without words, which symbolics carry such pictures.
  7. Feathers. Another female option, giving girls mysteriousness and ease.
  8. Wings. Such a schematic drawing will delight lovers of true freedom.
  9. Clock, chains, ribbons and bracelets. If you like the decoration, then you clearly never part.
  10. Animals. Little animals are dominated here, or their schematic image: butterflies, spiders, cats.
  11. Slavic runes or Celtic patterns. Although more winning they look on the shoulders, some people prefer to have this drawing on the wrist.
  12. Infinity signs. Very common and common option.
  13. Minimalistic characters: Anchors, crowns meaningful for owner icons.
  14. Abstract patterns.

Cute tattoo on the wrist in the ChB version

Very long, I was afraid to make tattoos on the wrist. The value had fear that the drawing would be too noticeable, and I can not hide it if necessary. Together with the master, we developed a unique sketch with a thin inscription and footprint trails. Such an elegant tatoo don't even want to hide!

Alexandra, Belgorod

Bracelet with wrist pattern

Color spectrum

Most drawings on the wrist are made restrained and delicate. This is exactly what the monochrome color gamut of tattoos placed here is justified. However, the personality of bold, not afraid to attract attention, placed on the wrist and bright tattoos that play all colors and shades. It will help to determine how tattoos on the wrist should be, a photo in our article.


Not so often you can meet a male tattoo on the wrist. More often, they are a full "sleeve". However, for the drawing with the meaning of the wrist - almost the best place. First, a tattoo on the wrist for men with meaning is always before the eyes of the owner. Secondly, the wrist is easy to hide under the long sleeve if necessary.

Popular men's tattoo with meaning on wrist

Of course, the style and color of the drawing depends on the desire of the media. However, most often men choose monochrome geometric solutions. On the other hand, saturated paints may indicate adherence to the old school tattoo.

Many tattoo on the wrist for men with meaning have a well-established meaning. Of course, among this list, anyone can choose a tattoo.


The silhouette of the bird personifies the desire for freedom. Undoubtedly, this motive is very popular. But no less common and other meaning is: power and independence. Of course, first of all it refers to large birds: Eagle, Falcon, Hawk.


Then the quality you want to emphasize always personifies any animal. For example, the wolf is a symbol of freedom and loneliness. The elephant symbolizes wisdom, love for family and peaceful behavior. Mythical creatures are very popular. For example, tattoos on the wrist Men's with meaning in the form of a dragon are often found. This is not only physical power, but also an outstanding intelligence.

See also: Men's forearm tattoo with meaning


Many characters came to us from ancient times. In addition, often over time, they change their meaning. For example, anchor symbolizes hope. If you want to fill on the wrist sign that they found their own way, choose a compass. The cross is not only denoting a believer. On the wrist, he means strength, patience and honor.


The Mayan civilization left the descendants a lot of characters. One of them is the ornament of Tribal. Made in the form of a bracelet, the pattern looks great. In addition, it means the unity of the soul and body, which is very symbolic for many.


Reflect your attitude to life is most effective with the help of the inscription. Quote or motto are suitable for this purpose.

Small tattoo on the wrist for men

Men's big tattoo on the wrist with meaning is brutally. But small tattoos are very practical. First, they are easy to hide under clothing or even a clock bracelet. Secondly, on a small tattoo you can check how painfully applying.

Undoubtedly, the acquisition of tattoo always believes pain. However, so you can decide how justified they are.

The drawing from the contours is not so painful as a full-color tattoo. But you can always try a small first option. Such an approach is recommended so that you can refuse an unsuccessful idea.

See also: Female tattoo

Very often small tattoo are stuffed as pairs. This is a great way to tell the world about your friendship or love. If the most popular topic for newlyweds is a tattoo in the form of a rings, then the wrist drawing can be different. These are either the same drawings, or complementary each other. For example, two pieces of puzzle, ideally suitable for each other. Or the heroes of a favorite work.

Selection of sketch for tattoo on the wrist

When choosing the subject of the sketch, you should not run to the salon from the first idea. First, think about the correctness of your decision. After all, otherwise the tattoo will lose its relevance and you will have to reduce it.

Regardless of what you want to tell the world, think if the tattoo will fit into your style. The predatory animal on the wrist will not be combined with a strict suit. On the contrary, heart and recognition in love will not fit the brutal image.

The style of drawing is equally important. Many masters offer various techniques. It is important to understand that the same symbol in different stylistics looks differently. For example, the skull may look and frightening, and quite nice.

The Master will definitely warn that the tattoo wrist is subject to rapid erasure. This is due to constant contact with ultraviolet and water. This requires more frequent adjustment than a tattoo on other parts of the body.