When and how should peach peaches in spring. Spring Peach Spraying: Processing Scheme

Productivity of peach plantings largely depends on the quality and timeliness of the care of trees. A mandatory event in the cultivation of fruit crops is the treatment of plants with special drugs against diseases and pests. Spraying is held several times a year, not only in spring, but also in the fall, and each procedure is designed to solve a certain spectrum of tasks.

Processing of plantings in early spring It is carried out repeatedly. Spray peach trees during this period is necessary not only insecticidal preparations, but also by fungicidal agents or tank mixtures, which include a complex solution against the most common and malicious affecting factors.

Depending on the plant development stage, experts recommend applying different drugs and means:

  • in the first processing, it is advisable to peer garden plants on the basis of copper or diesel fungicides, which covers the plants with a thin, oily type of film;
  • to the dissolution phase on the kidney plant, the urea and other means are undesirable, which include urea, provoking premature awakening of vegetative processes;
  • at the beginning of the vegetation period, the plant is often affected by the curlyness of the leaves, and the fight against this disease should be carried out even before the stage of the blown of the kidneys, and also need to clean the plants on a green cone;
  • the spraying of peaches on the pink bud is made using the drug "Topcin" or burglar liquid with the addition of means against the lesion by ticks, weedons and degenerate caterpillars;
  • spraying after planting plants is the final stage in the spring processing of garden plantations. It is allowed to use conventional urea, which is destructive effect on pathogens of diseases and insect pests, and in addition, saturates with nitrogen plants.

How to spray peach in spring (video)

When conducting protective measures, it is necessary to adhere to the timing of processing and follow the instructions attached by manufacturers of injectofungicidal drugs.

Standard processing time

Early spring spraying in accordance with the requirements of the technology of growing fruit bone crops produced several times:

Mass treatment of plants in spring period Must be accompanied by a sanitary trimming of the crown.

Effective purchased tools

Currently, the chemical industry has developed and produced modern and effective drugs To protect garden plants. However, when they are used, it is necessary to navigate not only for the appointment, but also on the time and technology of application.

Title of the drug and manufacturer Act Pest Number of spraying Terms of the latest processing to fruit cleaning
"Zolon" from "Kaminova A / C", Denmark Contact-intestinal Eastern fruzing 1−2 One and a half months
"Decis" from "Bayer Crop-Sens", Germany Contact-intestinal Eastern fruzing Two 20 days
"DNO" from OJSC "Dye", Ukraine Contact Winter stages of shields, ticks, toli, leaflerting, moths and leafoblishes One Before the dissolution of the kidneys
Fungicide "Hom" Activity: Copper Copper Curlyness of leaves, clusterospose, cockel, moniliosis Multiple, with a working solution consumption: 2-5 l on one fruit tree Spraying during the growing season
"GuapSin plus" Universal microbiological preparation of fungicidal, bacterial, insecticidal action with amino acids Active protection and prevention of fungal and bacterial diseases, reduces pest defeat Multi-time Treatment to spend on the evening or in cloudy weather
"Trikhofit plus" Biofungicid Rot, pasta, mildew, phytoftor Multi-time Spraying of plants at the rate of 6 liters of preparation on ha

Effective folk remedies

Folk waysused to treat fruit plantations, are characterized by minimal toxicity indicators for the future harvest with enough high efficiency against the main striking factors.

In addition, not all gardeners know that processing plants in spring Time It is necessary in several stages using various preparations and means. Standard action of the main solutions for processing fruit trees It lasts about ten days or two weeks. Therefore, it is precisely such a break that should be followed when conducting spraying.

Types of Spring Spraying (Video)

It is very important before spraying to perform a number of preparatory activities. All old branches should trim and burn. A few days before the first processing, the fruit trees should be swallowed and carry out a whitewash. In addition, to set up garden plantations on the approaching period of active vegetation, it is necessary in conditions of dry spring to carry out moisture profitable watering, which is high quality root system plants.

We continue the publication of materials for the protection of garden and garden plants from diseases and pests. Processing schemes are proposed by specialists from plant protection station. Already considered hywood treatment, apple trees and pears , as well as tomato processing . It was a queue of another capricious culture - peach. But if it is properly processing it and in time to treat - it is safely growing and fruit.

We always grew peaches at home different varieties. And the magnificent taste of home peaches, as a rule, is superior to the taste of those fruits that bring from afar and sell on the market or in stores. In addition, the prices for peaches are very high.

So you can safely try to grow peach in my garden. It should be noted that Peach loves a sunny place and is afraid of very strong frosts (Here you have to look for zoned varieties). Peach lifetime is small - about 12 years old.

Special attention should be paid to the fight against curly leaf peach. It's better to even spray before this dangerous disease For prophylaxis. Otherwise, the life of your peach will noticeably decrease.

Treatment time is shown for the northern zone of the Krasnodar Territory and the south of the Rostov region. So, make amendments to your geographical location.

So, what (what fungicides) and in what time frames spray peach:

March - to the dissolution of the kidneys:
pruning, processing 1% copper vitriol

April - on the green cone of trees:
when the first appearance curly leaves (curly) break them and treat a tree by Dellane or Horus

May - on buds:
spraying topsin M (from pulse dew, paste, moniliosis)
After flowering: Delan or Horus (alternating)

June - growth of fruits:
Abiga Peak, Delan or Sight

July is the growth of fruits:
not handled

August - Growth and ripening of fruits:
processing abiga peak. Watering with subordinate

September - fruit ripening:
Removal of Padalitsa and leaves. The loosening of the priority circles

You can use another peach processing scheme, which the famous gardener Nikolay Kulish (Bataysk) has successfully used

Protection of peaches from diseases and pests - 2nd processing scheme

1. In the spring, in the February windows, at a temperature of +4, in order to prevent the development of fungal diseases, two spraying with an interval of 3-4 days for sleeping kidneys is carried out with 1% solution copper Kaper. After that, the eradicating plant treatment is applied to the plant No. 30 or diesel emulsion (1.5 -2 kg of ordinary clay, 600-700 g of diesel fuel, 2 tbsp. Spoons of washing powder of domestic production on 10 liters of water).

2. On swelling kidney, there is a spraying against aphid and other pests with a solution of carbofos, effective sherpa, arrivo, dry alpha.

3. In the phase of the "green cone", a deep blue spraying of 3% burglar liquid is carried out (300 g of copper sulfate + 400-500 g. Hained lime on 10 liters of water) against fungal diseases.

4. In the pink bud phase, repeated treatment is carried out against pests and diseases (primarily against the causative agents of the leaf curl) by one of the drugs recommended for use on households (country) sites.

5. After flowering, the effects of peach processing by the same drugs that were used during the Pink Bouton Phase period are used.

6. Against the curls of the leaves and other fungal diseases during the leaf falling period of the urea solution (500-700 at 10 liters of water).

7. A combination solution (consumption rate in accordance with the instructions) helps the combination of leaves and pests during the growing season: Saprol (against disease) Plus Inta-Vir (against pests) plus sulfur colloid (against a tick).

8. During the growing season, a combination solution of carbofos (or another drug of a similar action) is used, plus urea 30-40 g. On 10 liters of water.

9. In autumn, during the period of leaf fall, with a strong lesion of the peach trees with curlyness or pulse dew, the Suspension of the diesel fuel is carried out.

Peach, alas, can not boast of unpretentiousness. But for the sake of solar fruits of what the gardeners do not forgive this tree. To care for it, you need to prepare in advance, the jog of peach in the spring is carried out, oddly enough, in the fall! It is during this season to prepare a hole, falling asleep with half a manure. By the spring he reprovers, the soil will absorb too burning for gentle roots nutrients And give them to a seedling as needed. It is impossible to pump anything else when landing in the hole is impossible, but the peach planting in the spring should be accompanied by abundant watering, even if the soil is wet.

In February, as gardeners say, "on swelling kidneys," the first spraying, which will destroy most of the disease and pests - TRU, frozing, weevils. For these purposes, a carbofos solution is used, according to the instructions specified on the package. When the kidneys passed to the phase of the green cone, it is necessary to carry out the so-called blue peach spraying in the spring burglar liquid or anti-grain preparations. When notice pink buds, it's time to take for. A separate article on our website is devoted to this issue.

Processing Peach in spring from diseases and pests

Early I. dangerous disease peach tree is the curl of the leaves. It manifests itself immediately after the blooming of the kidneys, thereby very much relaxing it and reducing future productivity. As soon as the signs of this disease noticed, hurry with spraying with such drugs as Kombosat or Topaz. In no case do not carry out the processing of copper-based compositions or other copper-containing components during this period, as it will cause relief of the leaves.

In addition to regular processing of peach in spring, it is important to carry out timely operations to remove unnecessary strings, the debris of unnecessary slips, which did not have time to win. Peach has a high growth rate, due to which the accelerated formation of the tree crown is possible. Having cut off in the right place a semi-restrail branch, you will get the most mature runs to the autumn, which will easily survive the winter.

The breaking of the barriers is not so often in our territories, although in other countries, for example, in Turkey, this technique is used along with spraying. The essence of it is simple - fruits should be placed more often than 20 cm from each other. Of course, it is a pity to remove them, however, from the remaining you get large and beautiful fruits, wealth is sweeter and tastier. Think ourselves, from how many fruits the tree is exempt independently, because it is unable to fade up such a quantity, whatever we would not be wounded.

In addition, the impacting also carries the wellness effect. For example, single fruits are stronger than frozing and fruit rot. Even if one fruit and dies, he will not drag and the rest. So, there will be less chemistry for processing! And do not forget about the periodic irrigation - such a simple, it would seem, the event is able to strengthen its own protection of the tree from the Armada Tly and other insects, which spraying passed.

Peach vaccination in spring - save the dead trees

Alas, not all peaches fate to survive cold Winter. In such cases, several surviving branches are enough to save the variety. A tree will fit as a flow, which in diameter have at least 1.5 cm. The peach is best attached to Alych, plum, apricot. Semit opened tree, cut it on the desired height, trying to make as much as possible smooth slicewithout damaging the bark.

Among the branches of last year's increase, choose the lead. There should be no floral kidney on it, and it should be placed in the incision you will do on the bark of the stock.

Use the most or knife that you have. The blade should be perfectly clean and low. Slow in the process it is impossible to do not have time to dwell. We seem to the bark on the dating and insert the cuttings into it, then firmly stuffing around the slicer of the cutting of the cutter with a tape or adhesive plane.

On top of the vaccination, you can also tie a polyethylene package that will serve as protection from the rain or heat. The result you will see already in the first few days - if the leaves did not go dry, it means that the nutrient elements receive the nutritional elements and will grow up in speed. Already in a month or another can be removed and the isolent.

Peach (from Latin Prúnus Pérsica), or "Persian plum", refers to plants from the Pink family, the trees of almonds. From almond tree is different external species and taste qualities of fruits. Growing a peach of popular southern regions and areas with a steadily warm climate. However, new and promising varieties are zoned and more nordic regions our country.

Features and timing of spring processing

Spring treatment of fruit plantings is a mandatory agrotechnical admission. Early spring peach trees need prophylactic spraying and efficient crown trimming. Processing the peach follows several times a year, and each processing involves performing certain tasks. Such events are held not only in spring and summer, but also in the fall.

It is very important to strictly observe the timing and scheme of spring processing, What will make events with minimal cost time and effort, having received the most efficient protection against most of the striking factors that can not only reduce the qualitative indicators of fruits, but also often cause full loss Harvest.

In the process of spraying, follow the following rules and recommendations of experienced gardeners:

  • early spraying (to the phase of the renal dissolve) does not imply the use of urea-based carbamide or drugs that contribute to too fast activation of growth processes and stimulating premature awakening plants;

  • it is obligatory to spray garden plantations from curlyness to the phase of the blown of the kidneys, and then on a green cone;
  • pink Budtone processing allows you to increase the immunity of fruit trees and serves as excellent prevention of defeat near diseases, including martherny Dew, pass and monilion;
  • immediately after flowering, the final spring treatment Garden plantings, promoting protection against diseases and pests, as well as saturating nitrogen-containing complexes.

It should be remembered that the most effective treatment Peach trees - timely, using the most effective against each particular affecting factor of drugs.

How to cut peach in spring (video)

As a rule, garden peach plantings are affected by: eastern frozing, floss, flushing, mining mol, plum fruit.

The main diseases that are susceptible to peach trees in the conditions of inquositary gardening can be attributed:

  • swasteporiosis;
  • curlyness of leaves;
  • rusty dew;
  • monylize.

Regular inspections of fruit plantings and observance of preventive processing time allows minimizing the risk of peach defeat. If necessary, you should use the table of the most efficient and modern insectifungiicidal agents recommended for use in the conditions of household gardening.

Effective chemicals

Definitely chemicals It is impossible to classify the category of harmless, so their application must be carried out according to the instructions attached by the manufacturer and in accordance with the standard periods of conducting preventive measures.

Means Application deadlines Factor striking
"Dellant" or "Horus" according to the instructions Before the phase of the renal dissolon Curlyness of peach plantings
"Aktara" 1.4 g or "Angio" 3.6 ml with the addition of "Horus" 3 g divorced in 10 liters of water Stage of swelling fruit renal or pink bud Kidney weevils, TLL, monilila burns of plants, damage to mildew
"Horus" 3 g with the addition of 2 ml of "skira" divorced in 10 liters of water End of flowering and dissolving foliage Monylla burns of fruit trees, peach curls of leaves, damage to mildew

The use of modern and enough toxic chemical preparations It assumes the mandatory use of protective equipment, as well as strict adherence to the dosage. Spraying fruit plantings should be carried out in dry and mad weather, preferably in the evening.

The best folk remedies

Supporters organic farming and gardeners wishing to obtain the most environmentally friendly products quite often replace chemical insectofungsidal drugs less effective, but absolutely harmless folk remedies.

Very good and sufficient effective means of pest pests are animal belts and special traps, which make it possible to effectively deal with the most common vegetable parasites.

12.03.2016 55 805

Curlyness of peach leaves - control measures

Curlyness of peach leaves is a common disease in which the tree can lose most fruits, drop the leaves, to grow badly, develop. Peach trees require special attention and proper care, incorrect treatment leads to a deterioration in the state and braking in development, especially if the trees are young.

Prevention and protection of peach from curly

The measures taken on time will remove the peach trees from the malicious disease, which is better to warn than to treat. Danger of Disease B. fast development, defeat young leaves, shoots and branches, without prevention and treatment leading to the complete destruction of the tree.

Protective measures begin to take early spring, to the dissolution of the kidneys. IN different regions Russia The temporary framework is adjusted to local climatic conditions, in the southern latitudes of events begin to conduct in the initial numbers of March, in the districts of the North, the date is shifted closer to April. The last final processing is carried out in autumn.

Processing Peach from Curchasiness implies trimming of patients, dry branches in which the fungal-causative fun "Taphrina Deformans T"spraying. Crop damaged peach branches must necessarily need to swell the kidney, if the removal was not made in the fall. Fungicides, which have copper-containing substances, high, xome, rake, oxicha, foil, well-known Bordeaux liquid (3% solution), are considered good preparations for spraying.

In the photo - processing peach trees from curly

Prepare a solution of copper sulfate (1%), spread 50 grams of substances in 10 liters warm water, spray trees. Depending on the age of peach, the norms of spending vary, from two to ten liters per tree. The prepared solution is not stored, prepared immediately before use. Processing should be repeated in five days to secure the result, as a rule, a single sanitation is ineffective.

Peach Curchance Methods

Fight with a difficult disease, especially in the intensive development phase and exacerbation, it is necessary faster to save the plant and future harvest. Many novice gardeners are wondering than spraying a peach from curlyness when the disease is already growing rapidly? The main and best preparations for the struggle are copper-containing agents, effectively destroying fungus and various malicious insects that can distribute disease.

In the photo - twisted leaves (curly) peach

Wide use Preparations of biological origin of GuapSin, Planis, Triphodermin, not providing harmful effects on green plantings and not accumulating plants inside. Such means can fight curlyness before and after peach flowering, even during fruiting, drugs do not affect the taste and color of fruits. Act bacterial preparations It begins to manifest themselves in two, three days. There are no time frames between treatments and harvest.

The treatment of curls of peach trees can be carried out by folk remedies that give a positive result with regular spraying. One of the means is cleanium with lime with fungicidal properties protective functions Peach from curlyness. For the preparation of the emulsion, 10 liters of water are taken, 350 grams of softened clay, 90 grams of harated lime. Water is connected to clay, stirred thoroughly, then poured a small lime milk. The solution is homogeneous, without precipitation. Prepare emulsion needed on the day of spraying.

Rules for processing peach trees

It is possible to achieve a positive result with the right approach, ignoring processing technology, the effort will be useless, the solution is spent, pests and fungi will remain. Avoiding in vain actions will help several simple unripening councils:

  • In the fall, before processing the peach garden, cut down bad, infected branches, shoots. Slices of branches are treated with garden water. Garbage, mulch, the remains of the affected leaves, located around the tree trunk carefully, are burned;
  • In the autumn, the spring months of spraying are carried out in good windless weather, it is necessary for the lack of rainfall. Rain in the first two days after treatment of trees wash off solutions, spraying becomes not effective. In such cases, the procedure is repeated;

  • The best hours of work are the morning, after the departure of the dew and evening, when the sun is not so scorching;
  • The first spring spraying is carried out through a large sprayer, giving a solution to the possibility of getting into the most secluded places of the cortex, cracks where pests and various pathogens of fungi, infections can be located;
  • You can achieve the most positive result by applying different kinds fungicidal and insecticidal preparations in the complex, alternating processing;
  • Getting Started by spraying with various means, check the peach tree reaction to not aggravate the growth and development of the plant. Spray a small twig with the leaves prepared by the preparation, if after 24 hours the leaves do not yellow, fall, pale, then you can handle the tree completely.