Blog about medicinal herbs and traditional medicine. Medicinal plants - Derzhiderevo.

Everybody wants to breed unusual plants... To grow in my greenhouse healthy plant it is important to find the subtleties of the content. In this collection, we intended to collect many articles in order to prevent death during cultivation rare plant... A capricious plant requires a painstaking approach. The secrets of growing most types of flowers are different. We recommend that you clarify for correct procedures what family the purchased plant belongs to.

Petacchio: 16th century type of warship, similar to Alberton. Oil tanker: The term "oil tanker" refers to a merchant ship designed to carry flammable liquid fuels derived from petroleum. These are ships built using special technologies to ensure the safe transportation of these goods. Their main feature- have an unloaded bridge from loading trees, but crossed by a dense pipeline system connecting the various tanks.

In them, the engine and superstructures are concentrated in the stern and are equipped with a double hull. The term "plane" is associated with in different words and is used in the navy to mean different things in between. There are, for example, geometric hull planes, a drift plane representing the projection of the hull on the longitudinal plane of symmetry of the hull, a floating plane, a garbon plane, which is a plane of various axes, a loading plane, a sail plane, which is a study of the sail surface of a sailing vessel, its subdivision into according to the type of sail, as well as the position and shape that it takes in the hull, the knot of the plan, which is the most common knot of connection, etc.

Medicinal plants

Honey plants of forests and parks - trees and shrubs

Hold the tree, or Christ's thorns, crown of thorns (Paliurus spina-christi) Fig.

Deciduous shrub or small tree of the Buckthorn family, with splayed branches, up to three meters high. The leaves are alternate, somewhat unequal, ovate, located on the branches in two rows and equipped at the base of the petiole with two spines (stipules), one of which is straight and the other is bent down. The flowers are bisexual, collected in small false umbrellas. Calyx and corolla of five leaves, non-accrete, yellowish-green. There are also five stamens, a pistil of carpels with a two-three-celled semi-lower ovary. Gives good bribes to bees in June-July.

Plane, node: a node used to join two peaks. Ship plan: sail surface design, with the shape and position of the various sails. Piassava: Piassava was a plant fiber made from palm plants and was used in the diffusion of textile fibers; Had the ability to resist the action of salt well.

Pabel: in sailing yachts sailboat, pp. A single piece of wood or consisting of several planks glued together, no coffee rods tapering from bottom to top, with simple backs to pull out back door... The term comes from "sticking", which in turn comes from "to peak", with the meaning of "vertical hold." This term is widely used in the navy to refer to peaks, peaks, etc. the spiky word is also used to denote a shaft, almost vertically aligned with the tree, which serves to support the upper side of the auric line.

V folk medicine the fruits of the tree are used for eczema, as a laxative, against high blood pressure.

using the preparations of the hold-tree, it is necessary to observe the dosage. Large doses irritate the alimentary canal and kidneys.

Hold on, an ordinary tree

Paliurus spina-christi

paliurus of christ thorn

Foot: The foot of the foot is widely used in seawater and usually indicates the bottom, the base of something. Thus, there is the foot of the tree, the foot of the astral vertical, the foot of the sail, the foot of the chicken, etc. this sea leg possesses the ability of sailors to move and walk on board the ship, despite its continuous and boring movement.

Tree Leg: The bottom of the tree that snaps into a hole in the bridge. Chicken leg: folds up and twists the top wood made different ways but always to get a roast that lightens the apple. Pilot: A pilot is one who supports the ship's captain as he enters and exits the harbor, in the canals and, in particular, in the aisles. The pilot figure is established by the Code of Shipping. The Code establishes that a pilot corporation is established by decree of the President of the Republic in ports and other places of disembarkation or transit of ships, in which the need for pilotage service is recognized.

Description: a dense bush with twisting branches, 100-250 cm tall. Leaves are simple, whole, alternate, 2-4 cm long, obovate, non-sided, with three veins; the stipules are modified into spines, one of which is erect, and the second is curved back. Flowers 5-petaled, yellowish-greenish, 3-4 mm in diameter, collected in small umbellate inflorescences. The fruit is dry, non-expanding, surrounded by a wing, 1.3-2.8 cm in diameter, bright yellow or red-brown. Blooms in May - June.

Where this capability is recognized, pilotage may be mandatory by decree of the President of the Republic, while in locations where pilotage is optional, the Maritime Director should make it temporarily mandatory for specific needs. The pilot's job is to suggest a route and assist the commander in determining the maneuvers necessary to follow. In areas where pilotage is compulsory, the pilot must carry out his work until the ship leaves the required area or is moored at the designated location.

Distribution: found in the Caucasus; in the Ukraine - in the Mountainous and Southern Crimea. Grows on dry slopes. It is bred as an ornamental plant, used in hedges.

Part used: ripe fruits, which contain alkaloids and tannins, in addition, ascorbic acid is found in the leaves (up to 176 mg%).

In areas where piloting is not compulsory, the pilot must provide his pilot with works until the ship's commanding officer is explicitly requested. Autopilot: An electromechanical device with a built-in compass that is connected to the rudder and maintains a given constant path.

Piloting: Piloting is a set of operations and maneuvers associated with steering a ship when entering and leaving ports or, in particular, channels and passages. Pilot: A small powerboat used for piloting ships in a harbor or for driving a pilot on board.

Gathering and harvesting: the fruits are dried under a canopy outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. The output of dry raw materials is 50%. Store raw materials in a dry place.

In the wild, it grows along river banks, along dry rocky slopes, in gorges, at an altitude of up to 1,500 m above sea level.


Shrubs or small trees up to 3-4 meters high, sometimes forming impenetrable thickets, which, most likely, gave the plant its Russian name.

Rain: Rain is a meteorological phenomenon related to hydrometeors, it consists of small drops of water or ice crystals due to condensation, solidification or sublimation of water vapor present in the air. Pirate: Corsaro and pirate these days felt synonymous, originally indicated a very different types activities. The "pirate" was the one who fled across the sea to attack and plunder for his exclusive benefit. Bucanie, Corsaro, Filibustier. In the same way, they are called mini-kiosks, steamers, pyrolines, etc. that use a steam engine.

Zigzag shoots. with alternate leaves and two thorns. one of which is straight, and the second is curved back.

Leaves are alternate, obovate, entire or finely serrate, narrowed at the apex, shiny green, 2-5 cm long and 1-4 cm wide.

The flowers are bisexual, very small, collected in false umbrellas. Petals are yellowish-green, not accrete, five in number. There are also five stamens. Carpel pistil with two-three-celled semi-inferior ovary. Blooms in July-August.

Pirogi: Pirogi is a rowing boat and sailing made from a tree trunk dug or bark or reinforced hide and sewn together. The same name is given to Polynesian boats floating and balanced with a rocking chair attached to the main hull.

Behemoth: A mercantile ship with mechanical movement. Planing machine: this body is a body body that allows it to reduce its own thrust and therefore its resistance to progress due to the reduction of the immersed part due to the special shape of the body. Especially it concerns motor boats... Even sailboats can glide loads from the transom to the stern with a load, allowing in these cases to overcome the speed limit in the state of navigation. The limiting speed is set by a value of 2, 5, multiplied by Square root from floating length expressed in meters.

The fruit is a hemispherical lignified drupe with a diameter of 2-3.5 cm, covered with a yellowish-brown woolly disc; contains 2-3 flat, obovate seeds. Fruiting in October - December.


The plant is cultivated for decorative and medicinal purposes. When constructing landscapes, they are used as hedges. It gets along well on sandy and clay soils... It can grow in both highly alkaline and acidic soils. Prefers open or slightly shaded (woodland) areas. Grows well-drained. and in wet ground. Drought tolerant.

Plank: The plank is part of the deck of the ship. All instruments and equipment for navigation are provided. Fee: In dry docks, a plate denotes the bottom on which the cargo holders support the ship when dry. Plenilunio: Plenilunion is the full moon phase of the moon. At this stage, the Moon is in the opposite position from the Sun.

Plotter - the screen on which electronic diagrams are displayed is called a graphic plotter or simply a plotter, from English "draw, draw". Plotting: Sketching is an English word meaning “drawing on paper” and is used to refer to the set of operations that are performed to mark the various positions on the radar screen taken by various vessels and objects in the Radar-Beaten Zone.

As a medicine, fruits are used, the decoction of which has an anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antispasmodic effect.

Botanical characteristic

Hold on, an ordinary tree, in translation - Paliurus spina-christi, the second name is the paliurus of Christ's thorn. This representative of the flora is a dense thorny bush with twisting branches, its height can vary from one hundred centimeters to two meters.

Pluograph: A pluograph is an instrument that records the amount of water that falls out. Flow Meter: A rain sensor is a weather instrument used to measure rainfall, that is, the height in millimeters of rain. Hold or dodge: Move the bow out of the direction of the wind. It is said that he went to bed or rested.

Headrest: The headrest is the maneuvering of the sailboat that moves the bow away from the direction of the wind. Rest maneuver. Pogioro: A sailboat whose floating center, on the longitudinal plane, is located in the center of the drift. Polish: a merchant ship widespread in the Mediterranean until the nineteenth century. 19 °, with a mixed veil, arranged on three trees: a Latin sailboat, a sailor and a mezzanine with square sails, and at the bottom - a Latin sailboat or sailboat; from the end of the century.

The leaves of this plant are simple with three veins, they are alternate, their length can reach four centimeters, their shape is obovate. Stipules in the form of spines, one of which is slightly bent back, and the other is erect.

Flowers are five-petaled. The thorny bush of the tree has a yellowish-green color of flowers. They are collected in umbellate inflorescences, they are small, up to four millimeters in diameter. The fruit of this plant is dry, non-opening, it is surrounded by a small wing, not exceeding three centimeters, it is brownish-red or bright yellow.

The shipyard has a triangular sail, very used on small Mediterranean sailing ships with a sailing boat Latin, instead of a bow, supporting it with a rod holding a pile. Polar: polar circle: parallel earth that delimits the polar region; North - polar circle, south of Antarctica; Polar detection: The defined angle between the longitudinal axis of the boat and the point of contact.

Field: Wooden statue, often depicting a female figure in front of a ship. Polireme: About bireme-model, trireme. In classic naval construction, there are fighters, especially military ones, with more overlapping rows. Pump: equipment for unloading bilge water. Bilge pump: A device used to displace water accumulated in a bilge from the edge. Power: western, winding from the west.

Plant spread

Hold-a common tree is found mainly in warm territory, in the Caucasus in the Crimea. You can meet him on dry slopes. This representative of the plant kingdom is also used with decorative purpose, it is planted on the backyards and summer cottages as a hedge.

Part used

Pontevedra: nautical term the term is used to refer to a unit equipped with at least one bridge, even if partial. Poppavia: Direction to or behind the boat. The trawl or master piper is the back of the boat. Full feed: Winding with wind that hits evenly the stern, i.e. advancing with a route exactly equal to the direction of propagation of the real wind.

Poppetta: on boats, this is the small space where the helmsman is between the back of the seat back and the aft limit; Also called helmets. Fireplaces: boats, called sterns, everything that is on board the ship on board. For example, there is a tree stern surface, stern cables, etc. and whatever is related to the stern or is aimed at that part.

For medicinal purposes, the ripe fruits of this representative of the flora are used, since they contain some useful components, which are represented by tannins, some alkaloids, and there is also ascorbic acid.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

In order to prepare the fruits, they must first be collected, and then sorted out, removing damaged specimens. Then they are scattered on a spacious pallet, which is placed in a ventilated room, or it is installed under a canopy on the street. At the same time, it is recommended to turn the raw materials daily with high quality.

Conduction: A sailboat's ropes are said to be carried when the relative wind puts in angles greater than 90 degrees, i.e. from the transom to the stern. Processing: the perpendicular component of the force created on the surface of a solid due to its movement in a liquid; For example, drift deformation is the opposite force of the harrow. Bearing: The movement of the sails when they are beaded and blown in the wind.

Wearing: There is talk of a sail oriented in such a way that it can propel the boat forward by getting the wind at its stern face. The sail "carries" when it is not drifting and the scooter drools down. The opposite position is called the "neck" position, in this position the scooter is overloaded, the sail gets the wind on the outstretched face and retracts the boat.

When the fruits lose all moisture, and come to a state of dehydration, so to speak, they can be rather loosely spread out in pre-prepared cloth bags, which are placed for storage in a ventilated room.

After a two-year period, dried fruits will lose their medicinal properties, and you should get rid of them. In an expired form, raw materials cannot be used, since instead of the desired positive effect, you can harm the body.

Consumption: Consumption is the volume of cargo that a vessel can transport. It is measured in tonnes and is distinguished by net flow and gross flow. The first is the weight of cargo transported only for commercial purposes, and in gross tonnage it is also the weight of cargo intended for navigation and crew maintenance.

Geographic Range: From Beacon is the sum of the horizon distances for the two elevations, the observer and the beacon. Brightness: beacon, also called optical range; It is determined based on the frequency of visibility at different distances and is indicated in the mileage lists.

Application hold-tree ordinary

Due to its medicinal properties, this representative of the flora has found its application among folk healers. Various drugs are prepared from this plant, which are used for medicinal purposes, since they have a disinfecting, expectorant and astringent effect on the body.

For example, a medicinal decoction of these medicinal fruits is used in the presence of cough, as well as in bronchial asthma, it is also used for hypertension, for digestive disorders, in particular for diarrhea, as well as for some dermatological diseases.

Decoction recipe

In order to prepare a medicinal decoction from an ordinary tree, you need a tablespoon of dried fruits of this representative of the flora. They should be crushed, for this, use the kitchen utensils in the form of a mortar and pestle, and then pour the raw materials into an enamel container.

Then 500 milliliters of boiling water should be poured into the container, and only then it is recommended to put the container in a water bath on a minimum fire. In about ten minutes, the drug can be removed from the stove. Then when it comes to room temperature, you need to start filtering it, for this purpose you should use a fine mesh strainer.

It is recommended to take a ready-made broth, one hundred milliliters up to four times a day, it is advisable to drink the drug before meals. It should be stored only in the refrigerator, and the period for its implementation expires after five days, after which it cannot be consumed, since it will lose its medicinal properties and will not have the desired effect on the body.

Infusion recipe

You can prepare a medicinal infusion, which will include not only the fruits of the common tree in the amount of 50 g, but also 30 grams of the following herbs: common flax seeds, heart-leaved linden flowers, spring primrose, plantain large, medicinal sage, forest mallow , centipede leaflet, bicolor ephedra.

To prepare a medicinal infusion, you need 30 grams of a mixture of these medicinal herbs, it is recommended to pour them with 500 milliliters of boiling water, after which the drug should be covered with a lid and insisted for at least two hours.

After the drug is infused, it is necessary to rid it of the present oilcakes, for this use double layer gauze through which strain the liquid into a clean container. After which it is recommended to store it directly in refrigerator compartment and no more than three days.

After three days, the drug will lose its medicinal properties and will be unusable for further use. It is recommended to use it in the presence of acute bronchitis, one hundred milliliters up to four times a day. You can add a little fresh honey to the infusion, a teaspoon will be enough.


Before using a decoction or infusion, which are prepared from the fruits of this representative of the plant kingdom, it is recommended that you first consult with a qualified doctor. And after his approval, start making such drugs, not ignoring the medication prescribed by the doctor.