Examples of parcel. What do you need parcel, what it is: specific examples

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The means of expressiveness of the language make our speech brighter, richer, strengthen its emotional impact. Among manifolds stylistic figures And the trail enjoyed by the authors for creating imagery and expressiveness, parcel occupies a special place. This technique can often be found both in the works of classics and in modern authors.


The term "parcel" is formed from the French "Parcelle", which means "particle".

Parcellation is a speech figure, which is a process of separating the statements into two or more independent phrases (in the letter separation is carried out with the help of punctuation marks, and in oral speech - intonation, pauses are used).

Well? Do you see you, what did he go crazy?
Tell me it is essential:
Insane! that he is here for nonsense Molla!
Low Picture! Test! And about Moscow is so terrible!

Parcel structure

Parcel is one of interesting phenomena Modern syntax. In any parcel design there basic part and parcel.

The phrase in which the domicile part of the proposal is realized, is called (basic); And the part of the syntactic structure, where the structurally dependent part of the proposal is distinguished, is called parcel. (Parcels in the statement may be several)

It really differs from most modern actresses, equally good or bad. Playing in its own primary system. Crying with real tears, non-drugs. Expited not cranberry juice. Nobody imitating. Nothing imitating (today's newspaper, 16 Aug. 1997).

In the above syntactic design, the base part will be the phrase: "It really is different from most modern actresses, equally good or bad."

All other suggestions are parcels: "Playing in its own primary system", "Crying with real tears, not glycerinov", "expanding with uncomplicated juice", "no one impressive", "I am imitating anything."

The purpose of the parcel is to give speech intonation expression by its intermittent pronunciation.


Basic functions of parcels:

  • characteristic: It is to simulate the playback of a monologue of a character, his interior;
  • fine: Used to highlight the main thing, focus on certain details;

    "You? To me? What should? It can not be!" - he said shrug

  • emotional and separation: It is realized when the author is trying to achieve an increase in emotion;

    "She stood sharply. Came to the table. Sat down. Thought. Quickly wrote the first line "

  • expressive-grammatical: based on changing links between membership members.

Registration of parcel

Porception gives speech conversational character and strengthens the concentration of the attention of the audience on the information proposed, so in the letter, the division of parcel words and phrases are made from each other through:

  • point, ellipsis;
  • exclamation, question marks;
  • point with comma;
  • dash;
  • brackets.

Examples in Russian

Parcelled structures can often be found in poetic speech:

Night. Street. Lamp. Pharmacy.
Meaningless and dull light.
Live even though a quarter of a century -
Everything will be so. There is no outcome.

Not smoky kitchens. Neither homeless streets.
Twelve beats. Four beats. And six.
And again. Gulliver. Worth it. Stunned.
Shoulder. For cloud. Hard. Neck.
Pavel Antickolsky. Gulliver

In all I want to reach the very essence.
In work, in search of the journey, in a heartless confusion.
Prior to the essence of the flowing days, before their reason.
To the base, to the roots, to the core.

I'm afraid hotels. Maybe because
What I feel that in the room sometime
Stay to me will happen to one.
Forever. Indeed. Without refund.

In the morning, bright, like a lubok, terrible. Long. Ratish. The rifle regiment was broken. Our. In battle unequal.
(R. christmas)

Painful in Russian is partitioning one whole fractional components Through punctuation signs. This is done in order to strengthen the meaning of the exposed, emphasize the reader's attention on anything, give greater expressiveness, emotional color to the word / several words.

Parcelation is one of the funds artistic expressiveness, such as:

  • Anaphora;
  • Gradation;
  • Hyperbola;
  • Inversion;
  • Irony;
  • Litotes;
  • Oxymoron;
  • A rhetorical question;
  • Comparison;
  • Synecdoche;
  • Epiphora;
  • Ellipsis.

The list of these trails can be continued, but so that you become clearer, we led several items. The main thing to understand that the parcel came to us from fiction. In the text below, consider this phenomenon in more detail and give a few examples to have a visual understanding of this expressive means.

Parcel - Syntax Reception Speech

The name of the syntactic reception - "Parcelation" - has french roots. It was formed from the word "Parcella", which means "particle".

In fact, it turns out that this reception divides the part of the particles. It brazenly and boldly interrupts the smooth flow of the text, dismembering it and the sentences, of which (as we know with elementary school) It consists, short and sharp phrases.

Thanks to his reader understands the importance of the moment Sees accents placed by a writer who want to make us pay attention to certain aspects. This is done using punctuation signs. Often, in the role of "Conscher" is a well-known point, for example:

"He got up. Looked around. Found a look a book. Came up. Looked. Turned away. Left the room. "

But the segments for which parcel divides the full phrase is perfectly divided by other punctuation marks:

  • Ellipsis;
  • A question mark;
  • Exclamation mark;
  • Signs of dash;
  • Brackets;
  • Point with comma.

For example:

"She stood sharply. Came to the table. Sat down. Thought. Quickly wrote the first line. "

Parcellation structure

Parcelation, as syntactic, has its own characteristics. Since it shares one sentence into parts, it is quite logical that each of these parts also has its name. So, you can allocate The main part is the base.

This is a part that contains the main idea. The punctuation separated part is called parcel. They can be in practice an unlimited number. This phrase dependent on the base is graphically defined as an independent monastery offer:

"A cat can become mad. And it is also dangerous as a mad dog "-" Komsomolskaya Pravda ", 4-9 Jan. 1998

In the above sentence, "the cat can become mad" - is the base. Everything else can be attributed to parcels, which in different proposals may be an unlimited number. Knowing these features of the trail, you can easily find and recognize it in the texts of the artworks of famous writers.

Writer applies parcel intentionally to attract the reader to any detail, make it emotional bright accent , Invest a new meaning in the sound of the offer.

The purpose of the use of parcels in the literature

As we have already found out, parcel - means of expressiveness An applied by the author in artistic works. But what purpose does the writer pursues, deciding roughly breaking the teaching proposal to pieces? But such reasons make it do it:

  • Focusing the reader is mainly the main thing;
  • Image of time intervals, creating an illusion of its duration;
  • Emphasizing the details of the general picture;
  • Impact on the reader by intonation transmitting the emotional state of the hero / atmosphere;
  • Effect of suddenness of action;
  • Creation of contrasts, transitions, drops;
  • An image of an internal condition of the character.

Examples of parcels in fiction

"It happened for a long time. A long time ago. Anna Bed Strank. Big trouble. " (V.G. Rasputin.)

"And you know that y,

And you know that PA,

And you know that the Pya,

That dad is my

There were forty sons ... "


"Whisper, timid breathing.

Truck nighting

Silver and Krakhanye

Sleeping stream ... "(A. Fet.)

"Before the hooves. Sang as if:

- Rough ... "

"Well, go out.


See - calm like!

As a pulse of the dead man ... "

"Musicians laugh:

"Vlip like!

Came to a wooden bride!

And I do not care!

I'm good…"

"I will come to four," said Maria.


(V. Mayakovsky.)

"You? To me? What should? It can not be!" - He said, shrugging. "

"He lived. And lived. And again lived. And again, not so ... "(P. Antocolsky)

"Is there a washed? Value? Essence? Why is life given? Feelings? Emotions? Answer! "

Combining the separated or separation of the combined - two sides of the whole. In human perception, the word "association" is most often associated with the "Plus" sign, and "division" - with the "minus" sign. Why this happens - unknown. One thing is clear that acquired during the life or, on the contrary, the stereotypes embraced from childhood prevent us from seeing in a plus minus, and in the minus - plus. It limits. It prevents to see the truth. It deprives the ability to touch beauty. Today we will talk about such a language phenomenon, like parcel in Russian, and make sure the "first" that separation, breakdown, separation is also beautiful, interesting, talented and dively.

What is parcel?

The term "Parcelling" is literally translated from Latin (Parcellatio) as "separation" and from French (PARCELLE) as a "particle". In linguistics, this is an intentional, deliberate division of a sentence for several separate parts: "The child will grow up. Let go of his mother's hand. Makes a step. Your first step. Caution. Unsure. First victory. "; "I hear someone sobbing sobs. Someone crying. Barely audible. Crying and calling ... "The above examples are a parcel design that consists of the base part and parcels. They are connected with each other. The offer "The child will grow up," as well as "I hear someone sobbing" - the basic or basic elements of the design, which are its semantic centers.

"Let go of his mother's hand. Makes a step. Your first step. Caution. Unsure. First victory "; "Someone cries. Barely audible. Crying and calling ...... "- parcels - fragments, segments that appeared as a result of dismemberment. They are separated from the base part with the help of intonation, in a written speech - a point, question or less often - point with a comma or comma.

Do not confuse parcel with connecting structures, which are members they contain additional information or explanation, comment, which combines them with parcels, but they are usually located in the middle or end of the sentence, are allocated with commas and are accompanied by such words, such as, for example, even thus mainly And so on: "I loved our conversations, long, deep, sincere, especially in the evenings."

The main functions of parcels in the text

With the question of what kind of parcel is, or, if more precisely, what kind of parcel is in Russian, we figured out. However, a significant and important issue is the functioning of parcels in speech and text. It is used unconsciously. In parcelized structures, this is the author's reception that carries the following functions:

  • creation and allocation of new remedies;
  • fine function - underscore separate details, Description, fixation of the reader's attention at each stage of action, stretching the action ("She stood sharply. It came to the table. Village. I thought. I quickly wrote the first line » .);
  • characteristic function - imitation of the internal monologue of a person, his emotional state ("He ran, stumbling and falling. If you just have time. Will be late. Faster. Even faster » .);
  • emotional and excretory function ("Are you? something? Something should? Being can not! » - he said, shrugging);
  • expressive-grammatical function - change in links between membership members.

In conclusion, I would like to note that you can say a lot about what kind of parcel is, to list its basic functions, argue and find out the nature of its occurrence ... This is undoubtedly interesting and informative, but this is only the theory. Dry. Fresh. Tasteless (herself began to use parcels). And I want something bright and "appetizing". Therefore, the topic "What is parcel" I want to finish the most striking example and frequently quoted poem of Alekland Block: « Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy. Meaningless and dull light. Live even though a quarter of a century, everything will be so. Outcome no ».

In a variety of terms used in linguistics, not only schoolchildren who are preparing for the delivery of the USE, but also students of philological faculties. Fresh defects is to find parcel in the passage proposed for analysis. Parcellation - the word is beautiful, and the phenomenon denotes, at first glance, it seems to be simple, but, alas and ah, there are quite a few mistakes in definition.

Parcellation is usually two suggestions. One of them is considered basic, from it and a second offer is born. If the first is always twisted, i.e. it has both to be, and the lean, then the second is only one-main way. As an example, we will analyze such an offer:

I love this person very much and I can not live without him. I love very much. This is the person. I can not live. I can not at all. Without him I can not.

In the first sentence, as was the above, there is a subject "I" and the fault "love and can not live." The meaning of the parcel is the following four sentences - is clear and without major members.

What did the parcel need in this syntactic design? First, the speaker allocated what was considered the most important. Secondly, the reader or listener easily defined his manner to speak. What else can I express a parcelized syntactic design? The visual function will help show the speech as an experienced operator, shooting movies, shows a bullet flight in slow motion. This will help strengthen the effect of fast action. The emotional and excretory function will make the item more convex to show it in the overall picture. And you can show the contrast, amplifying it with parcel.

It turns out that what an important person is this technique - the weapon of expressive syntax. Excellent means to show how emotions are growing and the inner state of the speaker. Need to strengthen the emotionality of the statement? We use parcel. Do not need emotion? More importantly hidden evaluation? And again the parcel will come to the rescue. The beauty and completeness of speech speech speaking here, of course, will not demonstrate, but the thought and feelings will give, despite the obvious tendency of parcels to the telegraph style.

Actually, the word "parcel" itself is translated from the French "Parceller" into Russian, how to "divide into parts" or can be said to "fragment." We put the points between the individual words or phrases in the sentence, and for greater expressiveness, you can use exclamation marks and get a parcel design. Poets and prosaika willingly use this technique in their works by adding nonsense or multi-joint.

Reception, called "Asindandon" (Nezvuzie) is needed in order to show how quickly, and the events depicted rapidly change rapidly. There are no extra words in such proposals, the actors or actions that these persons produce are shown. Remember "Poltava" A. S. Pushkin? Consider the famous lines from the point of view of finding in them to receive parcels with nonsense.

Swede, Russian - Cool, Rubit, cuts

Fight drum, screams, grinding,

Thunder cannons, Topot, Rzhanye, moan,

And death, and hell on all sides.

The picture was convex, and to give it expressiveness is not needed adjectives and adverbs. The reader is all extremely clear, and the picture seems to be very figurative: a terrible and ruthless battle, carrying death!

The intentional use of unnecessary unions in the proposal, that is, a multi-type is called polysindone. This technique allows you to allocate, somehow separate every word, and with it the image.

I screamed, and cried, and knees got up - nothing helped. And left. And did not call. And will not call. And hope not for.

What can you add here? Perhaps there is nothing, because the painting of despair abandoned woman, composed of separate fragments, is before the eyes.

You know, what do you usually compare parcel? Do not guess! With paintings Picasso! The same dismemberment of common part, and the same expression in each fragment. Real cubism! Beautiful, isn't it? And absolutely accurately, from the point of view of determining the term "parcel".

Russian is a slim system. It passes certain stages of development and is subject to their internal laws. Especially brightly the development of the language system is noticeably in grammar. This is due to the fact that modern language It is intended to solve communicative tasks, since the communicative function stands at the head of the corner. To fulfill this purpose, short designs begin to prevail in the syntax of the Russian language. One of these designs is parcel.

It is really important because modern world Live communication is inferior to virtual. People have learned logical and competently express their thoughts not only orally, but also in writing.

What is parcel in Russian? Reception is the component of the syntactic system of the Russian language. He enters the region of Russian style. Need to strengthen the emotionality of speech.

Porception is that the offer is divided into short semantic segments.In the letter, they are indicated as full, but short sentences. The reception feature is that proposals may consist of one, less often two or three words. The signs of the end of the sentence may be not only a point, but also a dot, emphasizing the effect of persuasion, question or exclamation mark.

Examples of parcels in the literature:

In Russian, the syntax reception firmly entered the stylistics section. I know school program Particular attention is drawn to parcels. This technique is made in the tasks of the unified state exam in the Russian language in grade 11.

For which the parcel is needed

There is no unambiguous answer to the question.

Important! The syntax intake in oral and written speech is completely different things in terms of functionality.

In oral speech, the parcel is used spontaneously on unconscious level. Indeed, when we say, we do not think, uttering phrases. And we pronounce them in the context of a particular speech situation.

In the written speech, parcel is the author's prerogative. And in the text, the reception is inextricably linked with the concept of theme and rebels in the sentence, that is, well-known and new information.

Below will list the main cases when it is not possible to do without parcel:

  1. The author of the text deliberately tries to draw the reader's attention to the details. In this case, the impression is that the action froze. Subconsciously, reading the proposals, the person focuses on the details. Moreover, from the details of clothing or the interior, ending with the details of what is happening in the specified episode.
  2. The writer intends to focus on the character of the character, namely his mental state. This is especially good manifested in a dramatic work when the hero utters internal monologues. Or in bulk prosaic texts.
  3. The author wants to highlight a certain emotional character background. This achieves the effect of reliability. The reader seems that the literary hero is not fictitious, but a real person.
  4. The writer tries not to disturb the integrity of the text. In other words, it follows the rules given in the text of the speech situation.

Useful video: PARS


The classic textbook on the style of the Russian language edited by the famous Russian linguist D.E. Tental describes the main varieties of syntactic reception.

There are six of them six:

  1. Parcelized to be. It is expressed most often with the name of the nouns or pronoun in the initial form.
  2. Parcels led. In this case, it can be both compound nominal and composite verb.
  3. Parcelated supplement. And in consideration is taken as a direct addition and indirect.
  4. Parcelated definition. Consistent and inconsistent definitions can be included in the design.
  5. Parcel circumstance.

According to the classification of parcels, three types can be distinguished on another basis:

  1. Simplicate. In this case, the parcels are represented by words that are the same members of the sentence and refer to one lexico-semantic group.
  2. Dirty. It implies that parcels carry different semantic loads and are various members of the sentence and different parts speech.
  3. Consistent. In this case, one of the parcels is the component of the main statement, and the other refers to the first parcel. Something this type is similar to the theme and reserves in the proposal or several sentences. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the style of text.

Types of parcels

Definition and role in the text

The definition of parcel goes back to the Latin word Particula, which means "particle".

The classic definition of parcel treats this concept as the admission of the stylistics of the modern Russian language, which implies the intonational division of the proposal for segments. They are issued on the letter using the signs of the end of the sentence.

It is difficult to overestimate the reception role in the text. First, it actualizes the information in the proposal or its part. Thus, this technique increases the informativeness of the entire text. Secondly, the parcel specifies information in terms of statements. More often, this role is manifested in artistic texts. Thirdly, the stylistic technique strengthens the emotionality of both a separate proposal and the whole text as a whole.

Useful video: Just about the difficult - parcel


Summing up, we can conclude that the parcel structures firmly entrenched in modern Russian and their number is growing tirelessly. This suggests that the speech is growing a tendency to dismember proposals in the speech stream. Thus, the effectiveness and informative of the text increases at times.

Since the reception came to literary language From colloquial speech, then it contributes to the text effect of ease.

Note! This young phenomenon is very popular. It is studied from different positions.

Although in practice, writers and poets use the reception for a long time, for example, A. Block: "Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy. Meaningless and dull light. Live even though a quarter of a century, everything will be so. There is no outcome. "