Explanation on the tattoo save and save. What does the tattoo be saved and save


The phrase "save and save" is one of the forms used in the Christian religion. In the culture of tattoo it fell through a criminal symbolism.

Gradually, this symbol switched to the discharge of sacred, used by people of religious views and those who wanted to get protection from higher spheres. Tattoo with the inscription can be seen on the body of football players, riders, athletes, representatives of power structures.

Tattoo value save and save on hand

Most often "Save and Save" Tattoo on hand beat people whose activity is related to risks. The inscription has a security value.

She is stuck on the lead hand. It is more convenient to have the words on the forearm, there is enough space for letters and an additional decor.

Putting the inscription "Save" a man asks the heavenly patrons of protection. Most often, part of the picture is complemented by the image:

  • angels
  • fights of saints
  • religious attributes.

The request of salvation on hand is connected not only with fear of failure or loss of life. The owner asks to protect his spirit and soul from temptations and destructive solutions.

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According to the code of the zone, to fue such signs had the right to sit down more than once. The expression went into use even during the period when the death penalty was part of punishment.

People beat, whose life was inextricably connected with the crime. And therefore they risked to get under the article with a strict punishment measure.

Where else can you put?

ATTENTION! In order to easily arrange the inscription, consult the master. Some zones are considered forbidden to locate phrases from religious texts.

In addition to hand, you can choose a place that gives you a stable association with protection. So many prefer to wear phrase on the back. In this way, a person is looking for protection from the powerful forces that should cover his rear at the time of danger.

Women often beat a tattoo on the chest in the heart. A wonderful floor tattoo can see:

  • on the edge of the palm
  • fingers
  • around his wrist.

If the place in needing is a place is a leg, choose an area close to risk zone.

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Tattoos with the image of cathedrals, crucifixes, angels, the faces of the saints and biblical characters are most often applied to the chest and back. Less often - on shoulders and legs.

Motivation of the pallium is different. The choice of religious plot has not yet indicated about the sowing of the zack. He can carry a secret meaning, hope to the court of God or information about the owner of the picture (say, the church testifies to the Catholic faith, the number of domes on the cathedral is the number of walker or the term of imprisonment, figures on crosses can mean articles of the Criminal Code, and so on. ).

Religious pallows often accompany anti-communist sayings or obscene expressions. The drawing can be supplemented by the abbreviation "God" (was convicted by the state).

1. Improvisation on the theme of the picture of Rafael "Sicstinskaya Madonna". "Most High Intercession Before the Lord." Hope for the forgiveness of sins. Another interpretation of the tattoo is the "Prison Child." Apply on the chest.

2. Crucifixion is a symbol of a martyr. "God endured and ordered us." Symbolizes humility and all exercise. The place of the knockers - the chest, shoulder.

3. Pigeon - tenderness, humility, love, hope (among all biblical characters on tattoos most often found pigeons).

Religious tattoos are often accompanied by biblical aphorisms or covered with spokes:

God of all the judge.

God loves someone who does not sin, and does not sin the one who does not live.

God is not a franger - everything will be forgiven.

God, do not forget me and place in paradise.

God, punish my executioners and take me to myself.

God, save and save his slave ...

In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Virgo Maria, save and save ...

Oh, God, for what?!

The paths of the Lord are non-defined - they are in darkness, and the world is great.

Save me, sinful, from the order of the local.

What is not subject to God and the Church of the Roman - should be killed.

4. Flying lion with the Bible in the paws. Power and power. Applied to the chest, less often - on the back.

5. Christian soul (pigeon) and communion (bunch of grapes). Meets on the chest.

6. Soaping eagle, compressing claws Bible. Tattoo place - chest. Symbolizes pride, freedom, justice.

Foreign religious sayings are also popular. They can be applied without drawing and exist independently:

CUM DEO (Lat.) - With God.

Der Mensch, Versuche Die Gotter Nicht (Him.) - Man, do not tempt the gods.

Dieu et Liberte (Fr.) - God and Freedom.

Dieu Us My Droit (Fr.) - God and my right

In God We Trust (English) - we believe in God.

Memento Mori (Lat.) - Remember the death!

Memento Quod Es Homo (Lat.) - Remember that you are a man.

Me Quoque Fata Regunt (Lat.) - I also obey Rock.

Mortem Effugere Nemo Potest (Lat.) - No one will avoid death.

Qui Sine Peccato Est (Lat.) - Who without sin.

Sicitur Astra (Lat.) - So go to the stars.

Silentum (Lat.) - Silence.

Via Sacra (Lat.) - Holy Way.

7. Peacock with a loose tail. Faith in the afterlife. "We will not die!". "For freedom to our!". "We will win!". Apply on the shoulder or chest.

8. The mother of Gnostics, sending grace. It occurs on the shoulder.

9. Snakes-tempter. Biblical plot about the exile of Adam and Eve from Paradise. The composition can be complemented by an angel. Tattoo place - chest.

10. Palm Championship. "End crowns the work". "Came, I saw, won." Apply on breasts or shoulder. Symbolizes good luck and win.

11. All-seeing eye. "God sees everything!". "God of God all." "Yes, goes to the sinful God's grace." The triangle refers to the teachance of God - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Applied on the chest, shoulder, less often - Pa Brush hands.

Curious Fact: Believers Sacks do not seek tattooing of religious content. Vyacheslav Ivankov, who grown in a religious family, wearing a cross on the neck for decades and creating the temple in the Irkutsk prison (which, however, did not interfere with him to overpay his neighbor), the "beige" art did not like. The Japanese himself had only two thieves stars under the clavies and barely noticeable pattern on her hand.

Religious dolls prefer not so much believers as superstitious.

12. Creator's hand. "The paths of the Lord are non-defined - they are in darkness, and the world is great." Tattoo place - chest.

13. Angel reading a book. "God's servant." Symbolizes humility before Most High and applied to the chest or shoulder.

14. Palm tree branch - victory symbol. Meets on the chest, shoulder, forearm.

15. Cathedral. Symbol of Orthodox faith. "Holy Rus". The tattoo owner sometimes puts an autobiographical meaning into it: the number of domes is the number of walker in the zone. Applied to the chest or back.

16. Lavral wreath. Symbol of victory. "Award winner." Apply on breasts or shoulder.

17. Virgin Mary with Jesus. The tattoo can be complemented by the text: "The Most Holy Virgin Mary of Virgin Mary, save and save the slave sinful ..." (hereinafter refers to the name of the owner of the tag). Applied to the chest or back.

18. Biblical plot of pigeons, coming during the world of the Flood to Noah with the "oilseed sheet". The tattoo is applied to the chest or shoulder. Symbol of hope and salvation.

19. Church on the palm. On hand can be shackles, which indicates a long time deprivation of freedom. The number of domes means the number of walkers or a sentence received. Tattoos are applied on the shoulder, the thigh, less often - on the chest.

You can do everything you believe!

The reason is always in us, and not in others who leave, throw, do not like.
Causa Semper Sumus, Non Ei, Qui Abiient, Abjiciunt, Non Amant.

Easy death is the last gift that fate can present.

Avoid those who try to undermine your faith in yourself.
Illos Vitare, Qui Fidem Vestam in Se Afficere Volunt.

Sometimes you just want silence.
Interdum Silentium Volo.

Live for yourself, but not in yourself, it is worse than any pain.

I do not climb in other people's souls - and in my innocent guests.
In Animas Alienorum Non Ascendo et in Meam Hospites Non Voco.

You never know what song will inspire you tomorrow. And what was in the past, let him remain there.

Whether bad, good - do not steal. That is the past, so that they do not live anymore!
Noli Permovere Bonum Et Malum, Vetera Noli Vivere!

True happiness is postponed silently and does not need to know the whole world.
Felicitas Vera Silentium Amat Et Non Egit, UT Orbis Omnis ID Sciat.

The soul is a cemetery, where the closest people and the most piercing memories are buried.
Anima Sepulcretum Est, UBI Affines Nostri et Memorias Acerrimas Sepultae Sunt.

I trust a man in the mirror, because he never laughs while I cry.
Hominem in Speculo Credo, Quia Nunquam Ridet, Dum Flo.

Sometimes it is worth freeze your heart.

Be yourself, do not merge with a gray blind crowd.
Este Quod Estis, Nolite Confluere Cum Vulgo Griseo Caeco.

Let God judge me in the truth of my
And not for the slices of blind people.
Deus Me Veritate Mea Judicat,
non Maledico Hominum Caecorum.

As in the sea, the days and years and the years are poured into eternity.
Aquae in Mae Fluunt Et Dies et Anni in Aeternitatem Fluunt.

Changes are painless. Painfully confronting them.
Mutationes Placide Sunt. Oppositio Eis Dolorosa Est.

Phrases in Latin
Fac Fideli Sis Fidelis (Lat.) - Be faithful to those who believe you

Time does not heal, time helps to forget.

Instead of erase tears from the face, erase the people who forced you to cry.
Cum Lacrimas AB Facie Obliteretis, Obliterate Homines, Qui Vos Flere Jubent, De Vita Obliterate.

Sometimes you do not need to look for some sense, just enough to enjoy.

What could be worse than the indifference of people who love.
Indeffirentia Eorum, Quos Amas, Pessima Est.

No one can judge my choice or my thoughts, because no one has never experienced my emotions or my pain.
Nemo Potest Dilectum Meum Aut Sensus Meos Judicare, Quia Nemo Affectus Meos Et Doloremmeum Nunquam Tentavit.

I'm not offended by people, I just change my opinion about them.
Homines non Offendo, Senentiam Meam De Eis Muto.

I love the stars too much to fear nights.
Stellas Nimis Amo, UT Noctem Timeam.

The battle with his soul is harder than the battle with his enemy.
Pugna Cum Anima Sua Difficilior Est, Quam Pugna Cum Hostibus Suis.

Let it work iron saw
My mother gave birth to work.

AB Altero Expeces, Alteri Quod Feceris.
Wait from another thing that you yourself did another.

AD PULCHRITUDINEM Ego Excitata Sum, Elegantia Spiro et Artem Efflo.
I am awakened to beauty, breathing with grace and radiating art.

Abiens, ABI!
Leaving go!

Adversa Fortuna.
Evil rock.

Aequam Memento Rebus in Arduis Servare Mentem.
Try to preserve the presence of the Spirit and in difficult circumstances.

Use life, it is so quick.

Actum Ne Agas.
What is finished, to that not come back.

Aliena Vitia in Oculis Habemus, and Tergo Nostra Sunt.
Outdoor flavors in our eyes, our back.

Serving other rapid themselves.
(Inscription under the candle as a symbol of self-sacrifice, brought in numerous editions of symbols and emblems.)

Lovely insane.

Amicos Res Secundae Parant, Adversae Probant.
Friends create happiness, misfortune is experiencing them.

Amor Etiam Deos Tangit.
Love even the gods are subject to love.

Amor Non Est Medicabilis Herbis.
The love of herbs is not treated.
(i.e. there is no medication from love.
Ovid, "Heroides")

Amor Omnia Vincit.
All wins love.

Amor, UT Lacrima, AB Oculo Oritur, In Cor Cadit.
Love, like a tear, is born out of the eyes, falls on the heart.

Antiquus Amor Cancer Est.
Old love is not forgotten.

Audi, Multa, Loquere Pauca.
Listen a lot, speak little.

Audi, Vide, Sile.
Listen, look and silently.

Audire Ignoti Quom Imperant Soleo Non Auscultare.
I am ready to listen nonsense, but I will not listen.

Phrases in Latin
cARPE DIEM (Lat.) - Catch the moment

Or find the road, or put it myself.

Or win or die.

Or Caesar, or Nothing.

Happiness is not a reward for valor, but itself is a valor.

Benefacta Male Locata Malefacta Arbitror.
Explaced by unworthy, I consider the atrocities.

Calamitas Virtutis Occasio.
Disaster - Protinal Proter Stone. (Seneca)

Seize the day. (Horace)
It is usually translated as "catching the moment", although the "catching day" is more accurate.

Castigo Te Non Quod Odio Habeam, Sed Quod Amem.
I do not punish you because I hate, but because I love.

Put yourself only clear goals (i.e. achievable).

Cogitationes Poenam Nemo Patitur.
No one is punished for thought. (One of the provisions of the Roman Law (Digesa))

I think, therefore I exist.
(The situation based on which the French philosopher and mathematician Descartes tried to build a philosophy system free from the elements of faith and founded entirely on the activities of the mind.
Rene Descartes, "Beginning of Philosophy", I, 7, 9.)

Conscientia Mille Testes.
Conscience - a thousand witnesses.
(Latin saying)

Consultor Homini Tempus Utilissimus.
Time is the most useful adviser to man.

Corrige Pratertum, Praesens Rege, Cerne Futurum.
Correct the past, the current, provide for the future.

Cui Ridet Fortuna, Eum Ignorat Femida.
To whom Fortuna smiles, he does not notice the Femid.

Cujusvis Hominis EST ERRARE; Nullius, Nisi Insipientis in Errore Perseverare.
Each person is mistakenly mistaken, but only a fool in effect to persist in an error.

Cum Vitia Present, Paccat Qui Recet Facit.
When the vices flourish, the one who honestly lives.

Damant, Quod Non Intelegunt.
Condemn because they do not understand.

De Gustibus Non Disputandum Est.
Tastes could not be discussed.
(Wed. Rusk. There is no taste and color of the comrade.)

De Mortuis Aut Bene, Aut Nihil.
About the dead or good, or nothing.
(Probable Source - Hilon's saying "Died not to G1).)

Descensus Averno Facilis Est.
Lung way to hell.

God created himself.

Phrases in Latin
Credo in Me (Lat.) - Believe in me

Divide et impera.
Divide and rule.
(Latin formulation of the principle of imperialist policies already arising in the new time.)

Dolus An Virtus Quis in Hoste Requirat?
Who will disassemble between cunning and valor, dealing with the enemy?
(Vergilius, "Eneida", II, 390)

Ducunt Volentem Fata, Nolentem Trahunt.
Wishing to go fate leads unwillingly - vocore.
(Cleangfing, translated into Latin Seneca.)

Dura Lex, Sed Lex.
Surov law, but this is the law.
(Whatever the harsh law, it should be observed.)

Dum Spiro, Spero!
While I breathe I hope!

Dum Spiro, Amo Atque Credo.
So far I breathe, love and believe.

Eat, drink, after death there is no pleasure!
(From an old student song. Common motive of antique inscriptions on the tombstones and a feasting utensils.)

Risk yourself!

Esse Oportet UT Vivas, Non Vivere UT EDAS.
It is necessary to eat to live, not live to eat.
(Medieval center paraprasing the ancient sayings of Quintilian: "I eat to live, not living so that there is" and Socrates: "Other people live to eat, and I eat to live.")

Esse Quam Videri.
Be, not seem to be.

Etiam Innocentes Cogit Mentiri Dolor.
The pain causes even innocent.
(Public, "Centralization")

Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit.
From nothing happens.

Ex Malis Eligere Minima.
Of the angry choose the smallest.

Ex Ungue Leonem.
By claws, you can learn the lion.

Ex Ungua Leonem Cognoscimus, Ex Auribus Asinum.
Lion will find out by claws, and the donkey - on the ears.

EXPERIENTIA EST Optima Magistra.
Experience the best teacher.

Phrases in Latin
Custodi Et Serva (Lat.) - Save and Save

Facile Omnes, Cum Valemus, Recta Consilia Aegrotis Damus.
When we are healthy, we easily give sick good advice.

Facta Sunt Potentiora Verbis.
Acts are stronger than words.

Factum Est Factam.
What is done, then done (fact is a fact).

Fama Camosa.
Loud glory.

Fama Volat.
Rumors are full of rumors.

Feci Quod Potui, Faciant Meliora Potentes.
I did everything that could, who could, let it be better.
(The paraphrase of the formula that the Roman consuls concluded their reporting speech by passing the authority to the successor.)

Felix, QUI Quod Audet, Defendere Fortiter Audet.
Happy, who boldly takes on their defense what loves.

Feminae Naturam Regere Desperare Est Otium.
Thinking the female temper to smoke, I'm sorry with peace!

Festina Lente.
Hurry up slowly.

Be vigilant; Trust, but look who trust.

Fidelis et Forfis.
Faithful and brave.

Life ends, but not love.

Flagrante Delicto.
At the scene of the crime, with political.

Fors Omnia Versas.
The blind case changes everything (will of the blind case).

Fortes Fortuna Adjuvat.
Bold fate helps.

Fortiter in Re, Suviter in Modo.
Firmly in business, gently in circulation. (Persistently seek the goal, acting softly.)

Fortunam Citius Reperis, Quam Retineas.
Happiness is easier to find than to save.

Fortunam Suam Quisque Parat.
Everyone finds his fate itself.

Fructus Temporum.
Fruit of time.

Run, tap, silent.

Fugit Irrevocabile Tempus.
There is a non-return time.

Gaudeamus Igitur.
So let's have fun.

Gloria Victoribus.
Glory to winners.

Gustus Legibus Non SubiCet.
Taste does not obey the laws.

Gutta Cavat Lapidem.
A drop sharpens a stone.

Phrases in Latin
Dum Spira Memini (Lat.) - While I breathe, I remember.

Worse slavery remorse.

Heu Quam Est Timendus Qui Mori Tutus Putat!
That terrible who benefits death!

To be able to enjoy the lived life - it means to live twice.
(Marcial, "Epigram")

Homines Amplius Oculis, Quam Auribus Credunt.
People believe more eyes than ears.

Homines, Dum Docent, Discunt.
People, learning, learn.

Hominis Est Errare.
Humans tend to make mistakes.

Homines Non Odi, Sed Ejus Vitia.
Not a man hate, and his vices.

Homines Quo Plura Habent, Eo Cupiunt Ampliora.
The more people have, the more they wish to have.

Homo Hominis Amicus Est.
Man man friend.

Homo Homini Lupus Est.
Man man - wolf.
(Float, "Donkey")

Homo Sum Et Nihil Humani A Me Alienum Puto.
I am a person and nothing human is alien to me.

Where the laws are in force and the people of Silen.

Igne Natura Renovatur Integra.
Fire nature resumes all.

Ignoscito Saepe Alteri, Nunquam Tibi.
Other farewell often, for yourself - never.
(Public, maxim)

Imago Animi Vultus Est.
Face - soul mirror.

Imperare Sibi Maximum Imperium EST.
To command himself - the greatest power.

In aeternum.
Forever, forever.

In Daemon Deus!
In the demon, God!

If doubt refrain.

Restrain the terrible again (literally: "Nescastern") pain
(That is, talking about the sad past).
(Vergilius, "Eneida")

Infelicissimum Genus Infortunii Est Fuisse Felicem.
The greatest misfortune is to be happy in the past.

Doubt - half of wisdom.

In Pace.
In the world, alone.

Soldering among the fire.

Phrases in Latin
Amor Vincit Omnia (Lat.) - Love wins everything

Doubt - half of wisdom.

Injuriam Facilius Facias Guam Feras.
It is easy to offend, heavier to suffer.

All my hope for yourself.

In memoriam.
In memory.

In Pace Leones, In Proelio Cervi.
During the world - Lions, in the battle - deer.
(Tertullian, "On Wreath")

Inter Arma Silent Leges.
When the weapon rattles, the laws are silent.

Inter Parietes.
In four stencils.

In Tyrrannos.
Against tyrants.

In Vino Veritas.
Truth in fault.
(Cf. Pliny Senior: "It is generally accepted to attribute the truthfulness.")

In Vino Veritas, in Aqua Sanitas.
Truth in wine, in water health.

In Vitium Ducit Culpae Fuga.
The desire to avoid mistake involves another.
(Horace, "Science of Poetry")

In Venere Semper Certat Dolor et gaudium.
In love, pain and joy always compete.

Ira Furor Brevis EST.
Anger is a short-term wait.
(Horace, "Messages")

Ira Initium Insaniae Est.
Anger is the beginning of madness.

Jactantius Maerent, Quae Minus Dolent.
Exhibit the appearance of their sorrow most of all those who are smaller.

Jucundissimus Est Amari, Sed Non Minus Amare.
It is very nice to be loved, but no less pleasant to love yourself.

Leve Fit, Quod Bene Fertur Onus.
The load becomes easy when you are with humility.
(Ovid, "Love Elegia")

The smell of arrived is pleasant, from anything he proceeded.
(Juvenal, "Satira")

Lupus non Mordet Lupum.
The wolf will not bite the wolf.

Lupus Pilum Mutat, Non Mentem.
The wolf changes wool, not nature.

Phrases in Latin
AMAT VICTORIA CURAM (LAT.) - Victory loves patience

MANUS Manum Lavat.
Hand hand washes.
(Spear expression, ascending to the Greek Comediograph Epharm.)

My conscience is more important to me than all the peres.

You are my life and soul.

Melius Est Nomen Bonum Quam Magnae Divitiae.
Good name is better than great wealth.

Meliora Spero.
Hoping for the best.

In a healthy body healthy mind.

Memento Mori.
Memento Mori.
(The form of the greetings, which were exchanged at the meeting of the monks of the Order of the Trappists. It is also used as a reminder of the inevitability of death, and in a figurative sense - about threatening danger.)

Memento Quia Pulvis Est.
Remember you are dust.

Our fate depends on our morals.

Mors Nescit Legem, Tollit Cum Paupere Regem.
Death does not know the law, picks up the king, and the poor man.

Mors Omnia Solvit.
Death solves all the problems.

Mortem Effugere Nemo Potest.
Nobody will avoid death.

Natura Abhorret Vacuum.
Nature does not tolerate emptiness.

Naturalia non Sunt Turpia.
Natural is not shameful.

Nihil Est Ab Omni Parte Beatum.
There is nothing prosperous in all respects (i.e. there is no complete well-being
Horace, "Od").

Nihil Habeo, Nihil Curo.
I have nothing - I do not care about anything.

Nitinur in Vetitum Semper, Cupimusque Negata.
We always strive for forbidden and wish unauthorized.
(Ovid, "Love Elegia")

Nolite Dicere, Si Nescitis.
Do not say if you do not know.

Non Est Fumus Absque Igne.
There is no smoke without fire.

Looking in misfortune, I learned to help sufferers.

Non Progredi EST Regredi.
Do not move forward - it means to go back.

Nunquam Retrorsum, Semper Ingrediendum.
Not one step back, always forward.

Nusquam Sunt, Qui Ubique Sunt.
Nowhere is there anyone anywhere.

Let them hate, just been afraid.
(Atera's words from his name-called tragedy share. According to the testimony of Svetonia, it was the favorite saying of Emperor Caligula.)

I hate and love.

Omne Ignotum Pro Magnifico Est.
Everything unknown seems majestic.
(Tacitus, "Agrikola")

Omnes Homines Agunt Histrionem.
All people are actors on the scene of life.

Omnes Vulnerant, Ultima Necat.
Every hour is injured, the last - kills.

Omnia Mea Mecum Porto.
All my wear with you.
(When the city of the prince was taken by the enemy and the inhabitants tried to capture more from their things, someone advised the wise bianate to do the same. "I do it, because I wear my own with me," he answered, bearing in mind His spiritual wealth.)

Omnia Fluunt, Omnia Mutantur.
Everything flows, everything changes.

Phrases in Latin
UT Ameris, Amabilis Esto (Lat.) - To love you, be worthy of love.

Omnia Mors Aequat.
Death Each equals.

Omnia Praeclara RARA.
All beautiful rarely. (Cicero)

Omnia, Quae Volo, Adipiscar.
I am achieving everything I want.

Omnia Vincit AMOR et Nos Cedamus AMORI.
Everything wins love, and we are conquered by love.

Optimi Consiliarii Mortui.
The best advisers are dead.

Optimum Medicamentum Quies Est.
Best medicine peace.
(Medical Aphorism, the author of which is the Roman doctor of Avl Cornelius Celsis.)

Pecunia non Olet.
Money does not smell.

Per Aspera AD Astra.
Through hardship to the stars.
(Through difficulty difficulties.)

By all truth and untrue.

Per Risum Multum Debes Cognoscere Stultum.
By frequent laughter, you must learn a fool.
(Medieval showing expression.)

Perigrinatio Est Vita.
Life is a travel.

Persona Grata.
The desired person or face using confidence.

Petite, et dabitur vobis; Quaerite et Invenietis; Pulsate, etpersetur vobis.
Ask, and it shall be given you; Looking for and find; Touch and dispel you. (Matt. 7; 7)

Primus Inter Pares.
The first among equal.
(Formula characterizing the position of the monarch in the feudal state.)

Quae Fuerant Vitia, Mores Sunt.
What was vices, now morals.

Quae Nocent - Docent.
What hurts, then teaches.

Qui Nisi Sunt Veri, Ratio QuoQue Falsa Sit Omnis.
If the feelings are not true, then all our mind will be false.

Who is silent, he is seen as agreed.
(Cf. Russian. Silence is a sign of consent.)

Quid Quisque Vitet, Nunquam Homini Satis Cautum Est in Horas.
No one can know when what kind of danger is.

Quo Quisque Sapientior Est, Eo Solet Esse Modestior.
The smarter the person, the one is usually modest.

That soon is done, soon and falls apart.

Quomodo Fabula, Sic Vita; Non Quam Diu, Sed Quam Bene Acta Sit Refert.
Life is like a play in the theater; It is not important how much it lasts, and how well they played.

Respue Quod Non ES.
Throw something that you are not.

Scio Me Nihil Scire.
I know that I know nothing.
(Latin translation of frequently interpreted words Socrates.
Cf. Russian Study, fool alert.)

Sed Semel Insanivimus Omnes.
Once we are all mad.

Semper Mors Subst.
It is always nearby.

Sequere DEUM.
Follow the will of God.

Si Etiam Omnes, Ego Non.
Even if everything is not me.
(i.e. even if everyone is, I will not)

Si Vis Amari, AMA.
If you want to be loved, love.

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum.
If you want the world, get ready for war.
(Source - Vegethes. Also, Cicero: "If we want to use the world, you have to fight" and Cornelius Nepic: "The world is created by war.")

Phrases in Latin
Vive UT Vivas (Lat.) - Live to live.

Sibi Imperare Maximum Imperium Est.
The highest power is power over yourself.

Similis Simili Gaudet.
This rejoices like this.

So go to the stars.

The sun shines to everyone.

Sola Mater Amanda Est Et Pater Honestandus Est.
Love is only a mother, respect for Father.

Sua Cuique Fortuna in Manu Est.
His fate of everyone in their hands.

To each his own
(i.e., each that he belongs to right, everyone according to merit, the situation of Roman law).

Tanta Vis Probitatis Est, UT Eam Etiam In Hoste Diligamus.
The power of honesty is that we appreciate it even by the enemy.

Tanto Brevius Omne Tempus, Quanto Felicius Est.
The faster the time flies than it is happier.

Tantum Possumus, Quantum Scimus.
So much we can know how much.

Whoever comes late - the bones.
(Latin saying)

Tempora Mutantur et Nos Mutamur in Illis.
Times are changing, and we change with them.

Tempus Fugit.
Time is running out.

Terra Incognita.
Unknown Earth (over. Something completely unknown or inaccessible area
on the old geographical maps, unexplored parts of the earth's surface were denoted).

Tertium Non Datur.
There is no third; The third is not.
(In the formal logic, it is so formulated by one of the four laws of thinking - the law of an excluded third. Under this law, if two diametrically opposite positions are given, of which one claims something, and the other, on the contrary, denies the third, the middle judgment between them to be can not.)

Do not conquer the trouble, but boldly go to meet her!

Phrases in Latin
Vincit Qui Se Vincit (Lat.) - Wins the one who wins himself

UBI Nihil Vales, IBI Nihil Velis.
Where you are not capable of anything, you should not want anything.

UT Ameris, Amabilis Esto.
To love you, be worthy of love.

Who can't follow the velves of the mind, let them follow the movements of the soul.

Varietas Delectat.
Variety gives pleasure.

Verae Amititiae Sempiternae Sunt.
True friendship is eternal.

Veni, Vidi, Vici.
Came, saw, won.
(According to the testimony of Plutarch, this phrase, Julius Caesar, reported in a letter to his friend the Aminthia on the victory in the battle in the Slean in August 47 BC. Er Above the Pontic king of Farnak.)

Veni, Vidi, Fugi.
Came, I saw, ran away. 🙂

Victoria Nulla Est, Quam Quae Confessos Animo Quoque Subjugat Hostes.
The real victory is only the one when the enemies themselves recognize themselves defeated.
(Claudian, "About the Sixth Consulate of Honoria")

Vita Sine Libertate, Nihil.
Life without freedom is nothing.

Viva Vox Alit Plenius.
Live speech nourishes abundant
(i.e. orally stated more successfully digested than written).

We will live and love.

I won the universe with the power of truth in life.

Vivere Est Agere.
It means to act.

Live to win.

4.7 / 5 ( 4 votes)

Hands are the active and most open parts of the body: we are ready for food daily by them and dress, drive a car and communicate in social. Networks, and in the summer we carry T-shirts and sunbathing. Because of this, it is important to make a high-quality tattoo and properly care for her in the sun, so that the contour does not float and the paint did not respond for the year and a half.

We will tell you what is the tattoo on their hands, how to decide on the choice and what you need to know about the care.

This tattoo is called "sleeve" and looks like a real work of art on the body. A complex surrealistic drawing, canvas of famous artists, biomechanics or a whole story - nothing limits fantasy, and every detail wants to consider infinitely.

Sleeve for the whole hand - the choice is serious, not every boss will take a person with such a tattoo. If the company's policy is against, and the beauty wants, we recommend half the sleeves on the shoulder, which will reliably hide under the clothes.

On the shoulder

One of the most popular places and for a small tattoo on hand, and for half the sleeve. Even if there is a strict dress code at work, no one knows about the drawing under the clothes, and in the summer after the working everyday life, we calmly wear light tips and proudly demonstrate a tattoo on your shoulder.

On forearm and wrist

The forearm and wrist of the hand is often open, so the tattoo requires a more attentive relationship, and it is harder to hide it than on the shoulder.

We have excellent to become about and tattoo on the wrist with the works of our masters.

On brushes and fingers

Hand brushes and fingers are the most open parts of the body at any time of the year, so carefully think over the tattoo along with the master: the drawing will drive only with gloves or very (very!) Tight tone cream, and it will be difficult to kill it because of a small area. Tattoos on the fingers faster faster, so the correction will have to do more often.

"If there are shmicks, scars or stretch marks, the tattoo is beautiful and reliably will hide them.

What tattoo to make on hand

If you want a scope

It looks great in a single-style sleeve or with one story - for example, a picture of a famous artist or space, smoothly flowing into the sky, trees, the sea. More lively cauldons in your hands in our gallery.

If you want to sometimes hide under clothes

It will suit the average tattoo for the shoulder or forearm. Men often choose something frightening, humorous or showing the power of the owner, and girls are floral ornaments, animals or patterns.

If you want accuracy and unobtrusiveness

It is ideal for a small drawing or something for you meaning a pretty quote.

Preparation and Tattoo Application

When you already decided on the sketch and talked to the master, the magic begins - soon you will go to the world with the work of art on the body. A small preparation for a session will save your time and will configure skin upgrade.

Before session

    Free the time with the reserve in order not to hurry yourself and do not rush the master.

    Get the place of applying a tattoo or take a razor with you to do it in the studio.

    Do not drink alcohol on the eve or before / during the procedure: it causes an increased blood circulation - the paint falls worse, and the blood goes more.

During and after the session, the master

  • Prepares the transfer - paper with which the picture is transferred to the skin.
  • Disinfects the place of application and transfers the transfer, drawing the missing elements.
  • Prepares workplace: Tattoo machine, disposable sterile needles, paint. We are serious about sanitary standards and devoted them a whole article.
  • Drawing contours of the picture or basic shadows.
  • Paints and modests the details.
  • Lubricates the finished tattoo on the hand of ointment and turns the film - so the tattoo will not drown and not blocked.
  • Hands a reminder for care, carefully accompanies you and wishes to wear a new drawing with pride :)

How to care

  • Care for fresh or long-made tattooed is important - the appearance and quality of the picture depends on it.
  • After 8 hours after applying, tattoo remove the film and rinse the hand carefully so that nothing slid.
  • Apply the "Doctor Pro" ointment with a thick layer and disagree with children's disposable pellecoms or food film. We tend to the pellecoms, because under them the skin "breathes" and does not sweat, the drawing turns out to be clearer and less paint leaves.
  • After 8-10 hours, rinse the tattoo again and close the fresh pellery or food film. These actions must be repeated 3-4 days, after which it is not required to cover the drawing.
  • Rinse and smear the tattoo about 7 days so that it does not dry.

Tattoo Art fans often prefer to encrypt their motto and life principles in Tattoo inscriptions in Latin. This is an elegant, melodic language, one of the most ancient written Indo-European languages.

Beautiful phrases on Latin in tattoos

On the hands of this guy two winged phrases on Latin: " FIDELI SIS Fidelis"What is translated as" be faithful to someone who is faithful (you) "and" Fortunam Suam Quisque Parat"" Everyone himself finds his happiness "or" his fate everyone finds himself. "

Tattoo with beautiful font reads: " Primus Inter Pares.", What is translated as" first among equal. "

« Carpe Diem."- The famous winged Latin expression, meaning" Lives hereby "," catch the moment ".

« Vivere Militate Est."- Sayneck saying, which is translated as" live - means to fight. "

Below are quotes and phrases on Latin, which are suitable for use in tattoos.

Latin. Tattoo inscriptions with translation

Audaces Fortuna Juvat (Happiness is accompanied by brave)
Cave! (Beware!)
Contra Spem Spero (I hope without hope)
Cum Deo (with God)
Debellere Superbos (Prindressing Pride)
DICTUM FACTUM (said - Made)
ERRARE HUMANUM EST (man is tricky)
Est Quaedam Flere Voluptas (in tears there is a pleasure)
EX VOTO (vow)
Faciam UT Mei Memineris (I will make you remembered)
Fatum (fate)
Fecit (made)
FINIS CORONAT OPUS (end crowned)
Fortes Fortuna Adjuvat (fate helps bold)
Gaudeamus Igitur, Juvenus Dum Sumus (Have fun while young)
Gutta Cavat Lapidem (drop hammering stone)
Haec Fac UT Felix Vivas (Enter so to live happily)
Hoc est in votis (what I want)
Homo Homini Lupus EST (man man wolf)

Homo Liber (Free)
Homo Res Sacra (Man - Sacred Item)
Ignoti Nulla Cupido (what do not know what you do not want)
In Hac Spe vivo (I live it hoped)
In Vino Veritas (Truth in wine)
Juravi Lingua, Mentem Injuratam Gero (I swear tongue, but not thought)
JUS VITAE AC NECIS (right to dispose of life and death)
Magna Res Est Aror (Great Business - Love)
Malo Mori Quam Foedari (better death than dishonor)
Malum Necessarium - Necessarium (inevitable evil - inevitable)

This phrase is one of the most popular among tattoo lovers:

Memento Mori (remember death)

Memento Quod Est Homo (Remember you are a man)
Me QuoQue Fata Regunt (I also obey Rock)
Mortem Effugere Nemo Potest (no one will avoid death)
Ne Cede Malis (I do not fall in mind in misfortune)
Nil Inultum RemaneBit (nothing will remain unchecked)
Noli Me Tangere (do not touch me)
Oderint, Dum Metuant (let him hate, just been afraid)
Omnia Mea Mecum Porto (all I wear with you)
Omnia Vanitas (all - fuss)
Per Aspera AD ASTRA (through thorns to the stars)
Pisces Natare Oportet (Fish you need to swim)
Potius Sero Quam Nunquam (Better Late than Never)
Procul negotis (mind trouble)
QUI SINE PECCATO EST (who without sin)
QUOD LICET JOVI, NON LICET BOVI (which is allowed to Jupiter, not allowed to bull)
QUOD PRINCIPI PLACUIT, LEGIS HABET VIGOREM (anything to the Lord, then - the law)
Recuiescit in Pace (resting with the world)
Sic ITUR AD ASTRA (so go to the stars)
Sic Volo (so I want)
Silentium (silence)
Supremum Vale (I'm sorry)
Suum Quique (each one)
TRAHIT SUA QUEMQUE Voluptas (everyone entails his passion)
TU NE CEDE MALIS, SED CONTRA AUDENTIOR ITO (Do not conquer trouble, but boldly go to meet it)
UBI BENE, IBI PATRIA (where good, there is homeland).
Unam In Armis Saluem (the only salvation - in the fight)
Vale et Me AMA (goodbye and love me)
Veni, Vidi, Vici (came, saw, won)
Via Sacra (Holy Way)
Vita Sene Libertate Nihil (Life without freedom - nothing)
Vivere Militare EST (live - it means to fight)