Crocuses landing in the fall and care in the open. Crocuses - an elegant legend in our garden

Crocus, or saffron - a perennial graceful flower plant. Depending on the variety, it blooms in spring and summer. Crocus is distinguished by magnificent flowers of predominantly yellow, white, light purple and lilac colors, which makes it very attractive for growing in pots on a windowsill, in flower beds, mixborders, rabatkah, flower beds, and even on the edge. The article will tell you how to grow crocuses in the garden or in pots, we give recommendations for care.

Crocuses are combined with all early flowering miniature plants. Flowers bloom only in the presence of sunlight, in cloudy weather closed in buds.

Crocus is a tuberous low-growing plant, it reaches a height of 10 to 20 cm. Spring crocus varieties are grown in the middle of September, autumn varieties are grown in April. Crocuses are propagated in a vegetative way (tubers) and seeds.

When and how crocuses are grown by seed.

Crocuses are propagated by seeds in autumn and early spring. Despite the fact that crocus seedlings bloom for 4-5 years, this method of planting is widely used:

  • for growing rare varieties;
  • for breeding botanical varieties that are poorly propagated vegetatively;
  • for a large number of tubers;

In early spring, sowing of seeds is carried out in mid-March or early April. Seeds for sowing use freshly harvested, such planting material has a large percentage of germination, and form a stronger and healthier seedlings. Before sowing, the following procedures are carried out:

  1. Seeds are soaked in a solution of growth stimulant for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Seeds are disinfected by immersing in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Seeds stratify - placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

Florists note that sparging procedure can be skipped if the shelf life of seeds is not more than a year.They do not recommend disinfecting seeds without prior procedure for soaking the seeds; dry crocus seeds are burned even in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Consider the stratification procedure:

  1. Seeds are sown in a bowl, which is wet sand.
  2. Seeds are evenly distributed over the soil surface, without penetration.
  3. The dish is covered with foil and refrigerated for 2-3 weeks.
  4. After 2-3 weeks, the seedlings are added in the garden along with the pot, which will serve as weed protection.
  5. Before the seedlings appear, the bowl is covered with spunbond. The first watering is carried out as soon as the seedlings appear. Watered with a spray bottle.

Crops propagation by seeds in open ground:

  1. The seeds of spring-flowering crocus varieties are sown in the open ground. Sowing produced in mid-September. For such seeds, stratification is not required.
  2. Before sowing, seeds are soaked in a growth stimulant solution and disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Sow the seeds in a light and loose soil. Sand is added to make the ground porous and not clumpy. As a loosening component of the soil, peat is added, which will make the soil porous, breathable and moisture-holding, which is necessary for easy seed germination. ".

Growing spring flowering crocuses with tubers

Spring-flowering crocuses are planted in open ground in the second half of September. These crocuses bloom in early April or mid-May. Before planting is required to select the highest quality bulbs. Corms suitable for planting:

  • whole tubers, dense, without damage;
  • with dry scales;
  • without roots and stems;
  • size not less than 5 cm.

Bulbs are broken, soft, with spots and other inclusions are not suitable for planting. Such planting material begins to rot in the soil after 5-6 days. Corms before planting should be disinfected in a weak solution of fungicides, formalin or potassium permanganate. For disinfection use fungicides Fundazol and Skor.

Etching the bulbs in a solution of fungicidal drugs will prevent the development of the disease. Planting material is soaked for 30 minutes.

Soil preparation: decontaminated crocus tubers are planted in loamy fertile soil, or in loamy sandy soil. If the soil is different in texture from the above, then this soil should be fertilized. How to fertilize and how much will consider in the table:

Planting site and soil treatment: tubers should be planted on the sunniest side of the site. Crocus tubers do not develop in the penumbra, and the flowers will be small in the future. Moreover, the flowers of crocuses in the penumbra are not disclosed. Loamy and sandy soils do not require fertilization, it is enough to dig the soil to a depth of at least 25 cm.

Tip # 1. Manure, high-moor peat, lime are added to clay soil in equal amounts and dredged to a depth of 25-30 cm.

Planting of corms: flower growers recommend planting bulbs in special containers, trellised or mesh. Such containers will not allow the bulbs to “spread out” in the open ground.

The optimum distance between the bulbs is 3-5 cm, the depth of planting tubers should correspond to the height of 3 bulbs located one above the other. Small onions are planted to a depth of 6-7 cm, large - 9-10 cm. The selected tubers should be as large as possible.

Tip # 2. In winter, with the onset of persistent negative temperatures, the landing should be covered with fallen leaves. The bulbs are able to withstand long severe frosts.

In the spring when young crocus shoots appear, it is necessary to conduct the first feeding. Feed must include phosphate and potash fertilizers. Such fertilizers are necessary for the formation of large corms. After feeding sprouts sprinkled with warm water spray. Subsequent watering is carried out as the soil dries.

The second dressing is the period of budding; only phosphate fertilizers are applied. Potash and nitrogen fertilizers do not make. The third dressing is carried out after flowering is over. The composition of the fertilizer includes potash and nitrogen impurities in equal quantities. Such fertilizers will contribute to the establishment of future flowers during the summer dormancy.

For planting crocuses in open ground, choose varieties with large flowers. Different crocus varieties should not be planted in one place, since the development of each variety is different, as a result, low crocus flowers can be lost in the leaves of high varieties of the plant. ".

Mineral fertilizers for growing crocuses

Fertilizers for crocuses are the same as for most garden flowers. Crocuses are fed three times a year - in early spring, during budding and after crocuses have faded. Consider the most suitable fertilizers with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen:

  • "Nitroammofoska" - universal fertilizer, improves plant development, increases the number of buds and the term of their flowering. It is recommended to bring in the early spring and in the period of budding.
  • “Kaliyfos-N” is a mixed type of fertilizer, the optimal application period is the growing season. Improves plant development and increases resistance to fungal diseases.
  • “Azofoska” is a complex nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer for all types of flower crops. Used on any soil. It increases the resistance of flowering plants to diseases, improves the ornamental features of the plant.
  • "Superphosphate" - highly concentrated phosphate fertilizer. Used for all types of soil and crops. Improves plant development and increases resistance to fungal diseases. It is recommended to bring in the early spring and in the period of budding.
  • Kemira is a mixed type of fertilizer that stimulates the growth of plants and increases resistance to diseases.

Diseases affecting corms of crocuses

The main diseases of crocuses are associated with viral and fungal infections. The source of viral infection are nematodes and rodents. Fungal diseases are more common than viral ones. The causative agents of fungal diseases include:

  • rot;
  • chlorosis,
  • rust;
  • mosaic.

Fungal diseases affect the corms, leaves and flowers. Affected plants develop poorly, there is a premature flowering, withering. What lesions cause fungal diseases, who and what is the source of infection, as well as what drugs are able to destroy the disease, consider the table:

Diseases Causes Amazes Carriers and pathogens Fungicides
Chlorosis Lack of phosphate fertilizers, iron and boron. Leaves, buds. The leaves are curled, the color is light yellow. The shape of the buds is deformed, the premature shedding of the petals. Weed plants. Fitosporin, Gamair.
Rust Irregular watering, damp and wet soil. Excess nitrogen content in soil. Corms and leaves. On the bulb scales - orange spots. On the leaves - orange pads. Spores of the fungus can also affect the flesh of the tubers. Spores spread aphid, wind, rain. Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate.
Root rot Heavy and dense soil, violation of soil aeration, excess water, dampness. Tubers. Tubers form brown ulcers. The spores of the fungus enter the soil with infected corms.
Mosaic Mechanical damage to tubers. Violation of soil aeration. Flowers and leaves. Gray bloom appears on the flowers, leaves are light yellow in color, leaves and flowers are deformed. Aphid, wind, rain.

In order to prevent the development of the aforementioned diseases, it is necessary to properly and timely treat the soil and apply fertilizer. Weeding and loosening the soil, destroy weeds, as well as prevent abundant watering.

Large-flowered spring crocus varieties

Spring crocus (Crocus vernus) is a perennial species, distinguished by large-flowered crocus varieties. Grown on light, neutral or slightly acid soils. All varieties of this species are characterized as winter-hardy. Large corms form 4-5 flowers. Corms begin to bloom for 3-4 years. Seedlings bloom for 5 year.

There are several varieties:

  • "Joan of Arc";
  • Grand Maitre;
  • Pickwick;
  • Beauty Stripe.

Crocus sativum (Crocus Sativus) - a perennial species, prefers loamy and sandy soils. This type of crocus breeds only corms. It blooms in the fall, winter-hardy. Propagated to obtain seasoning and medicinal raw materials. Crocus flowers are averaged 3-4 cm.

Golden-leaved Crocus (Crocus Chrysantus) is a perennial species grown on light, neutral or slightly acidic soils. Winter hardy Golden crocus flowers are large, with a diameter of 4-5 cm. There are several varieties:

  • Blue Pearl;
  • Saturnus;
  • "Prince Claus"

Crock Sieber (Crocus Sieberi) - cultivated as an annual plant, loves light and neutral soil. Winter hardy There are several varieties:

  • Albus;
  • Fire Fly;
  • "Purple Queen".

The table shows the timing of flowering and the disadvantages of the above types of crocus:

Crocus view Timing of flowering disadvantages
Spring crocus Mid-April - early May. It blooms 25-30 days.
Crocus inoculum In late August - mid September. It blooms for 15-20 days. Does not form seeds, short flowering period.
Golden crocus In the beginning of April. It blooms for 15-20 days. Low resistance to fungal diseases. In the shadow of the flowers partially open.
Crocus Sieber In April, as soon as the snow melts. It blooms 12-15 days. Short flowering period.

Distillation of crocuses in pots during the cold period

Crocuses, due to the early flowering and variety of colors, are a favorite pot plant. For forcing use large-flowered crocus varieties. Crocuses are grown in pots from August to December. With proper planting, crocuses can bloom all winter. For the distillation of the plant, crocus tubers are planted in a light and loose soil. Landing capacity - a bowl. The container is disinfected and filled with ready primer. Tubers are planted in a moist soil at a distance of 3-5 cm and to a depth of 8-10 cm.

After planting, watered with warm water, and cleaned in a cool place for rooting for 3-3.5 months. As soon as the sprouts stretch by 4-5 cm, the bowl is moved to a warmer place. The temperature should be increased gradually. For a start, the plant should be kept in a cool place, then moved to a room with a temperature within + 14 ° C - + 15 ° C. After 2-3 weeks, buds appear. Bloom start in 2-3 days. ".

Tip # 3. It is possible to extend the period of flowering of the distillation crocus for 5-6 days, if it is transferred to a cool room with a temperature below + 10° C   during the formation of buds.

Growing crocuses in landscape design

Crocuses are successfully used to decorate mass compositions in garden plots; for this, crocuses are grown in beds, rabatka or mixborders. Florists recommend planting crocuses in groups with daffodils and tulips. This combination looks impressive at the foot of stone compositions, and also fits perfectly into the composition with coniferous plants.

Frequent mistakes when growing crocuses

Experienced gardeners highlight several common mistakes that are often made when growing crocuses:

  1. Abundant watering leads to rotting corms and the development of disease.
  2. Before planting, the tubers and seeds are not disinfected, which leads to fungal diseases.
  3. Vygonochnye crocuses contain at room temperature above + 16C, such crocuses bloom during the day.

Crocuses perfectly set off stony compositions and look even more expressive on a beige background of stones.

Frequently asked Questions

Question number 1.   Do I need drainage in the soil when crocuses are planted in open ground?

It is necessary, for drainage it is best to use large clay and sand.

Question number 2.   How many days bloom crocus bloom?

It blooms from 8 to 10 days at temperatures below +14 C

Question number 3.   Which varieties are well served by distillation?

For the forcing of using spring blooming crocuses - "Blue Pearl", "Prince Claus", "Saturnus".

Question number 4.   What temperature should be at stratification of seeds?

Planting crocuses in the ground in the fall is the most common way of cultivating these wonderful flowers in the backyard. In nature, representatives of the Iris family appear on the forest edges, open meadows and hills the very first.

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    Crocus primroses

    In early spring, when the snow is just beginning to melt from the bright sun, you can see the magnificent heads of delicate pink or lilac buds. These are crocuses, which can be planted at home.

    The plant, which is often called saffron, does not require special care. It is very unpretentious and hardy. Therefore, everyone can grow crocuses in the country. They take root well in the new place. Primroses are most often used in the design of alpine slides. But they look great in a separate flower bed or as part of a complex flower arrangement. It all depends on when crocuses are planted.

    Garden decoration is not the only purpose of plants. Hoods and powders made from dried parts of the culture are seasoning. Saffron is widely used in cooking as a spice. It is also known as a high-quality food coloring.

    Primroses have long been the raw material for the pharmaceutical industry. Their healing properties help to create a range of medicinal products that are plant based. The flower has found wide application in alternative medicine.

    You can plant a plant in a pot or in an open ground. Decorative culture blooms in any conditions, if you seriously take the preparation of the soil and choose the right time. When planting crocuses depends on the plant variety. In nature, there are about a hundred species, planting each of them has its own nuances.

    The most common are those that bloom in early spring. They are planted in the fall. Plants that are able to please the eye with their buds until the onset of winter should be transferred to the open ground in early August.

    Primroses can grow in one place for 5 years. Then crocus transplantation is required. It allows you to rejuvenate and improve the bulbs for lush flowering and further development in another area. Each planted specimen grows very quickly and gives many daughter tubers that can serve as material for the cultivation of this plant.

    What varieties are suitable for autumn planting?

    When planning to grow primroses on your plot, the gardener must responsibly choose the planting material. Crocuses are perennial bulbous bulbous plants. Heads are recommended to be bought only from verified vendors in order to obtain a guarantee that the selected variety must be planted in the fall for early flowering.

    These types include:

    1. 1 Spring crocus, which grows in nature in the Alps and the Pyrenees. Medium sized buds are purple with purple streaks.
    2. 2 Crocus two-flowered usually white. On the petals you can see the characteristic purple or brownish vertical stripes.
    3. 3 Crimean crocus has unremarkable outside petals of pale blue or white with longitudinal gray stripes. The inner side of the bud is painted in a pale lilac shade, turning into a bright yellow at the base.
    4. 4 Crocus Adam can be found on the rocky slopes of the Caucasus, in the foothills of Dagestan, as well as Iran. The flowers of this variety change their color from lilac to deep purple hue.
    5. 5 Crocus golden, found in Asia Minor and the Balkans, has narrow leaves and yellow flowers. Sometimes there are brown blotches on the buds.
    6. 6 Crocus yellow has a bright orange colored buds. This species has a characteristic feature - a bulbous nest, covered with a special film slightly protrudes above the ground, giving the plant the appearance of a small bouquet, carefully collected by nature itself.

    Any of these varieties can be grown on your site. Crocuses that have been planted correctly will bloom in early spring.

    Tuber processing

    When choosing planting material, it must be remembered that the bulb must be whole, firm, without sprouts and damage to the skin. Its size can vary from 9 to 12 cm. It is this head that will be able to accumulate a sufficient amount of substances over the winter in order to please the eye with amazing colors in the spring. The size of the tubers depends on the number of buds that are formed in the plant.

    Tubers taken to disinfect before planting. There are various preparations intended for this procedure. The most commonly used antiseptics, specially designed for the treatment of bulbous and other cultivated plants:

    • Fundazole;
    • Karbofos;
    • Maksim;
    • Soon;
    • Vitaros.

    These broad-spectrum fungicides reliably protect the bulbs from disease and rot, making them resistant to temperature and humidity variations. Drugs are very easy to use. They are sold, usually in the packaging of 2 ml. Dilute 1 ampoule of disinfectant in 1 liter of water and soak planting material in the resulting solution for 20 minutes.

    If you do not have at hand a special tool, you can use the old and proven recipe. In 1 liter of water should be dissolved 5 g of potassium permanganate. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is a good antiseptic. If you put the crocus bulbs in it for half an hour, the effect will be the same as after the known fungicides.

    After disinfection, the tubers of flowers do not need to be washed. It is enough to dry them. Immediately after the procedure, the material is ready for planting.

    Site selection and preparation

    Before planting crocuses in the fall, you need to prepare the site in advance. A flower bed, designed for primroses, should be in an open area, which in the spring will be well warmed by sunlight. If you leave flowers in the shade, they will not die, but they will not be happy with an abundance of buds.

    Corms of crocuses grow well on sandy soils. Soil must pass air. It is impossible to prevent stagnation of moisture at the roots, otherwise the plant will begin to rot, which will inevitably lead to his death.

    The problem of heavy clay soil is solved very simply. The site should be well dig up with the addition of coarse river sand. This material will provide good drainage in the flower garden and prevent stagnant water. Sand or small river pebbles contribute to a depth of 20 cm.

    It is desirable to feed clay soil with organic and mineral fertilizers. Natural materials for this type of soil suitable compost. Not bad structures and enriches the heavy earth with nutrients chopped peat. But it is better to use it with lime to avoid strong acidification of the site. All substances are taken in a dosage of 0.5 kg per 1 m².

    Inorganic dressings must be represented by superphosphate. 40 g of the active substance per unit area of ​​the site will be quite enough. Phosphorus nourishes the bulbs and promotes the development of the root system. But it is possible to use its compounds only 30 days after lime has been introduced into the soil.

    If the land in the future flower garden is of a light sandy type, then it must be enriched with humus or compost from last year’s foliage. Such soils are very poor, so it is recommended to apply at least 5-7 kg of organic fertilizer per 1 m².

    Loamy and sandy lands are ideal ground for crocuses. They do not require additional feeding. If the flowerbed is located on such a site, it is enough just to dig it up to 20-25 cm.

    Flower bed should be ready for 2-3 weeks before planting. During this time, the soil will settle, and mineral and organic fertilizers will be partially processed, providing the tubers of flowers with essential nutrients.

    Optimum landing time

    Perennial bulbous bulbous plants, which include crocuses that bloom in early spring, tolerate frosts well. That is why they are usually planted in the fall. However, this does not mean that you can choose any time for.

    Despite the resistance to low temperatures, the flowers may die if they do not have time to adapt to a new place. Therefore, there is an unspoken rule that requires crocuses to be planted in open ground at least 2-3 weeks before the onset of extreme cold.

    In the northern regions of Russia, the main work in the garden is carried out until mid-September. Residents of the central regions of the country transplant flowers until the first days of October, and in the south the season can be extended even until November. This schedule is quite conditional and depends on weather conditions, which may vary.

    Too slow, too, can not be, because on the bulbs of perennial roots can appear very quickly. They are very fragile and break easily when planting flowers in open ground. The choice of the optimal time for transferring the crocus tubers to the flower bed is one of the main components of the successful cultivation of these beautiful spring plants.

    How to plant a plant in the fall in open ground?

    The answer to the question of how to plant crocuses, each owner of the garden plots is looking for independently, depending on what kind of flower arrangement he wants to receive in the spring. If we are talking about decorating an alpine slide, then the flowers should follow the general pattern in order to fit into the landscape design. Usually they are planted in small groups located at some distance from each other.

    If the gardener's goal is a flowering glade, completely covered with thin green leaves and delicate lilac and white saffron buds, the crocus bulbs are distributed very densely in the soil. The landing pattern is usually chosen 3x3.

    The flowering time of these ornamental plants lasts, as a rule, no more than 10 days. To preserve the beauty of the flower bed as long as possible, many crocus lovers resort to a little trickery. During planting, they place the bulbs at different depths, adjusting the flowering period in such a simple way.

    The optimal choice of the distance from the surface of the earth is an important condition for the cultivation of primroses. If the tubers are small, they should be deepened by 5-7 cm. For large bulbs, this value can reach 12 cm. The well-known rule of planting such a plant species says that the embedment depth should be 2 times larger than the size of the tubers.

    However, unpretentious crocuses, possessing a powerful root system, are able to independently regulate their position in the ground, dropping if necessary or, conversely, stretching closer to the top layer of soil.

    However, planting flowers too deeply is not worth it. In the spring, it will be difficult for them to break through the frozen ground and snow. A short distance from the surface of the flower bed can threaten the tubers to freeze. Especially if we are talking about a region with harsh climatic conditions. The danger increases during a snowless winter.

    Advantages of special capacity

    Primroses are placed in specially prepared holes and covered with earth. The soil should be wet. At the bottom of the landing pit, you can put a little sand mixed with humus. The bulb is carefully placed in the hole and sprinkled with earth. Then it is recommended to cover the site to protect the flowers from the effects of winter low temperatures.

    You should not use for this purpose cellophane film. This material does not allow the air needed by crocus tubers for normal development. It is better to mulch the flower bed with sawdust, wood shavings or leaves fallen from the trees.

    Sometimes gardeners use a different method of planting perennials. Tubers of plants are placed first in a special container or basket, filled with cooked nutrient substrate. Then a box of bulbs is buried in a flowerbed.

    This method is almost not different from planting crocuses in the fall in open ground. But using a separate box allows the spring to quickly remove the tubers from the ground for storage and protects them from rodents.

    Crocuses are small onions. These bulbs are planted in open ground. Best fall option.   Having planted a crocus in the autumn, it is possible to observe its blossoming in the spring.

    Autumn flower is very unpretentious, even if it is planted in partial shade. But as for the spring view. It should best be planted in well-lit areas.

    The sun should be the maximum, but the shadow is minimal.   Autumn view is planted from late July to mid-August. If the plant is planted too late, then the first couple of years, it will not bloom. There will be only leaves.   But the buds themselves will appear only after 2 years.

    The only problem with a flower is waterlogging.   Often, because of constant humidity, the root system begins to rot. Therefore, this should not be allowed.

    Autumn flowering ends.   Leaves dry out and fall off. At this point, you can transplant crocus to another place. You can do it right away or dig up the bulbs.

    Leaving them landing next year. Be sure to sort the bulbs and throw out the bad ones. Keep them at a temperature of up to 22 degrees. If the flower grows well in this place, then you can not replant. It will be enough to remove sluggish and dry leaves on the stems.

    Is it possible to plant in spring

    Crocuses can be planted in spring and autumn. It depends on the type of plant. It is necessary to take into account that if the variety is autumn, then it should be planted only in the autumn.

    If the plant is spring, then planting is carried out in the spring. If you plant a variety wrong, it may simply not settle down or even climb.

    Landing steps:

    1. Dig a small hole.   For large onions, the hole to 12 cm in depth. For small, up to 6 cm.
    2. Be sure to be present in the ground drainage or sand.   Then the earth will be more friable and the air passable.
    3. Bulbs planted at least 3 cm apart.   This is sufficient if the gardener is not going to transplant the plant.
    4. Bulbs lightly flatten and cover with earth.
    5. To water.   Do not overdo it.
    6. Wait until completely absorbed.   Cover with earth. Top can be sprinkled with river sand.
    7. Of the fertilizers, potassium and phosphorus are better suited.
    8. In hot weather, water frequently.   But only if the ground is dry. If moisture is present, then it should not.
    9. For winter, crocuses are half covered with earth or covered with foil.   This is done so that the flower survived the winter and delighted in the spring with its beautiful flowering.

    Popular spring views:

    1. Reticulate.
    2. Golden.
    3. Adam.
    4. Narrow-leaved
    5. Two-flowered.

    Popular autumn views:

    1. Sowing campaign.
    2. Palace
    3. Sharoyan.
    4. Banatsky
    5. Pretty.

    How to land properly

    You don't have to be a great gardener and know everything about plants. Flower unpretentious care.

    In order to properly plant a crocus, you need to know a few rules:

    1. If the soil is clay, then be sure to add sand. You can also add fertilizer such as manure and compost.
    2. Crocuses love soft, loose earth.
    3. It is impossible to prevent the overmoistening of the soil. The plant does not like this.
    4. A place to disembark should be well lit by the sun. Then the flower will be large. If they grow in the shade, then they will be small.
    5. Periodically feed and fertilize.
    6. Fertilizers must contain phosphorus and potassium.

    Small tubers of the plant are planted to a depth of 6 cm.   But the big ones plant up to 12 cm deep. Strong deep planting is not necessary. This is no good. The root system with growth itself goes deep enough.

    The soil should be light. Then the flower will feel comfortable.

    Crocus benefits:

    1. Unpretentious care.
    2. Early bloom. Unlike other colors.
    3. Bright flowers stand out against the others.
    4. Flowers have a light, delicate smell.
    5. They can be planted even by a non-professional.
    6. Bulbs can be stored to plant next year.
    7. Crocuses breed themselves. With the help of seeds that they throw in the ground. Further, they form an onion. Which continues to grow.
    8. Great for design.
    9. They can be grown in the garden and in a pot at home.

    Principles of feeding:

    1. Organic food is not allowed.
    2. Burnt manure, peat and other natural fertilizers.
    3. Feed only in spring.
    4. Top dressing scatter on the surface around the flowers.
    5. Top dressing after flowering. Potassium sulphate, phosphorus and potassium are excellent.

    Frequently asked Questions

    At what temperature to store the bulbs?

    Best of all, they are stored at 18-22 degrees. It is desirable that the room was aired.

    What fertilizers are best to use?

    The composition of fertilizers must include potassium and phosphorus. They stimulate the plant, nourish, strengthen the root system, improve flowering.

    What depth to plant crocuses?

    It all depends on the size of the bulbs. To plant a small one to a depth of 5-6 cm. And large ones already up to 12 cm. It is not recommended to dig deeper. During growth, the root itself deepens.

    Is it true that crocus is not only a beautiful flower, but also the main ingredient in cooking?

    Yes this is true. He is well known in cooking. It is from it that the well-known seasoning, saffron, is mined.

    When is the best time to plant crocuses?

    The best time is autumn. Autumn flowers are less whimsical. They are also unpretentious in light. They can make a penumbra. But spring crocuses are more whimsical. They need more care. This is especially true of the light.

    Is it possible to feed crocus with organic fertilizer?

    It is unacceptable. Organic fertilizers can damage root and plant growth itself. Instead of growing. The flower will begin to slowly die.

    Crocuses, you can’t think of a better name, reminds the hall of the Crocus City Hall, so what’s there, see below.

    For such non capricious colors asCrocuses, planting and care   do not cause special difficulties. This plant, which is also called saffron (“yellow” from Arabic), at first was of economic interest for people. In Europe, the crocus came during the crusades only inXVI century became decorative. Having landed these flowers in rock gardens or in a flower bed, you will create a unique spring landscape.

    Crocuses - landing

    There are two popular landing options:

    Crocus planting tubers

    The easiest and fastest way to produce flowering crocuses. Depending on the type of crocuses determined landing time. For autumn flowering - planting time is summer, for spring flowering - planting time is autumn.

      Two periods of flowering crocuses
    Autumnal Crocus Spring crocuses
    Pallas Reticulate
    Planting field Tomasini
    Banatsky Adam
    Sharoyan Golden
    Pretty Narrow-leaved

    Regardless of the time of year (fall or spring), for crocuses, their planting and carebehind them, you need to pick up a sunny plot in the garden. The soil should be light, fertilized, with good drainage from large river sand, gravel or expanded clay.

    Peat, compost, or rotted manure with a small amount of lime are added to the hole before planting. Bulbs in advance must be pickled in a bactericidal composition. They are buried a maximum of 8 cm, children - no more than 5 cm. On a bed of flowers are placed more tightly - then it looks more decorative. With the appearance of the first leaves, the soil around the sprouts needs to be loosened. The plant resembles a hyacinth, hellebore, Siberian iris.

    Crocus seed planting

    Crocus seeds are sown to a depth of about 1 cm in October, right in open ground. When sown in spring, they are kept in the cold beforehand. The disadvantage of the method is that flowering can be expected only in a few years.

    Crocus easily propagates through open ground, even self-sown.

       Mottled Shrubs: planting and care
    Delphinium perennial planting and care photos

    Crocuses - care

    Planting and care for crocuses   for them for long and good flowering should be accompanied by top dressing. Their fertilizer is carried out in three stages - initially before the beginning of growth, the next time - during the emergence of buds, the last - after the end of flowering. Apply with this mainly phosphorus and potassium preparations. The ratio of fertilizers for the first feeding - 2: 1, for the rest 1: 1. Phosphorus stimulates flowering, potassium promotes the formation of healthy bulbs.

    Slight autumn and spring frosts, crocuses, when planting and caring for them, are easily tolerated, but for the winter, with the probability of severe frosts, it is desirable to cover them with peat or lapnik.

    Some growers remove the bulbs from the soil after flowering. This allows them to sort out, get rid of damaged and wilted specimens. After sorting, healthy bulbs are dried and stored, until the next planting, in a ventilated dry place at 18-20ºС. This event also helps protect the bulbs from rodents. Crocuses are not recommended to be planted on the same place for more than 4 years - the number of flowers increases every year, at the same time the land is depleted, and the flowers become smaller.

    Each summer resident wants his dacha to look neat and attractive. It is possible to introduce new paints in flowerbeds in the backyard areas thanks to the planting of beautiful flowers, the flowers of which have a bright shade. One of these plants, which can decorate your site, is the crocus flower. It is best to plant this culture in the autumn season. Next, we will tell you more about how crocuses are planted in the fall, as well as when and how to properly plant this beautiful plant.

    Crocus flowers are sometimes also called saffron. This plant is very often planted by summer residents on the territory of Russia, since it is quite unpretentious, and at the same time it blooms with beautiful flowers of large size. Before we consider how to plant crocuses in the fall, let's take a closer look at the characteristics of this crop:

    • The plant belongs to the genus of grassy plants belonging to the Iris family.
    • It grows most often in the forest-steppe and steppe zones of Europe and Asia. You can find more of this culture in the meadows of the Middle East.
    • There are many varieties of this culture. So, counted more than 300 varieties of crocus. Each of them has its own characteristic features, which we will discuss later in the article.
    • The very name of the culture, in Latin, sounding like “Crocus”, is translated from Greek as “threadlike fiber”; in Arabic, the name of this plant sounds like the word “yellow”.

    • This crop is planted mainly in springtime, but it often happens that crocuses germinate in autumn.
    • The height of this plant does not exceed 11 cm. The size of the culture bulbs is 3-4 cm. The bulbs have a scaly structure.
    • The stem of the plant is quite fragile. The leaves are located mostly below, in the root area. Leaflets have an oblong shape.
    • Culture blooms with beautiful bright flowers, the diameter of which reaches 5-6 cm. There are plant varieties that bloom not with single-color flowers, but with two-color flowers (they can also be covered with spots that have a different shade).
    • Flowering culture lasts from 10 to 20 days.

    Types and varieties of crocus autumn and spring

    This tender and extremely beautiful flower has many varieties that have a wide palette of colors and shapes. All varieties are conventionally divided into 15 different groups. Moreover, autumn-flowering crocuses form only one group, and all the others belong to spring-flowering plants. The spring view of crocuses became the original progenitor of a large number of varieties and hybrids, which were mainly bred by Dutch breeders. Dutch hybrids are the most popular crocus group, which has great commercial success in the flower market. Another popular group of crocuses among breeders is Chrysantus. This group includes hybrids between plants of golden and two-flowered crocuses, as well as hybrids of the latter. Each of the groups combines plants that are similar to each other by the structure of the inflorescence, its shape, color, size.

    Spring flowering varieties of crocuses are grouped into the following groups:

    • Spring crocus. This is one of the oldest plants. Varieties of spring crocus have been cultivated for more than four centuries. This culture is a flower up to 17 cm in height with narrow dark green leaves, which are decorated with a white longitudinal stripe. Its flowers are usually lilac or white with a long tube that has a bell-shaped funnel shape. Spring crocus blooms for about three weeks.

    • Crocus two-flowered. The geography of this plant is very wide. It mainly grows in warm climates. The most common crocuses are white, lilac-blue with brown spots from the outer part of the petals. There are plants with a combined color of the inflorescence. For example, white color inside and purple outside. The throat of a two-flowered crocus flower is usually white or yellow.
    • Golden Crocus. Widely known from the middle of the 19th century. It is a very beautiful plant up to 20 cm high, which blooms predominantly in April for 2-3 weeks. Flowers of golden crocus have a yellow-golden color, on the basis of this, he received such a name. Perianth - brilliant, folded shape. The most popular varieties are: Blue Bonnet, Nanette, I. Ji. Bowells.
    • Crocus Tomasini. The habitat habitat of this plant is the highlands of the Balkan countries. It has a very beautiful flower shape, which when open, resembles a star. Periands are predominantly pink-lilac, sometimes with a white border. Plant height does not exceed 6 cm. From one bulb, as a rule, grows up to 3 flowers. Tomasini's most popular crocus varieties: Whitewell Pearl, Laylek Beauty.

    Autumnal crocuses. This group is represented by several quite popular varieties:

    • Crocus is beautiful. Distributed in the highlands of the Crimea, Central Asia and the Balkan Peninsula. Differs in rather large flowers and leaves, the length of which reaches 30 cm. Their inflorescences are often lilac-purple in color with purple veins. The diameter of the inflorescences reaches 7 cm. The beautiful crocus blooms in early autumn.
    • Cute crocus. One of the few that is able to withstand light frost without harm. In the wild, pretty crocus is found in a mountainous area with a temperate climate. Blooms in mid-September - early October. Inflorescences have a light purple color with a dark stripe.
    • Crocus banatsky. It got its name from the Banat region in Romania, where it occurs most frequently. The height of the flower ranges from 14 to 16 cm. The inflorescences of the culture are predominantly light lilac in color with yellow anthers.

    Dutch hybrids. Breeding work on the breeding of hybrid varieties of crocuses began in the late 19th century. Now a group of Dutch hybrids has more than 50 different varieties, and at the same time continues to grow. These hybrids on the color of the inflorescence are divided into 3 groups:

    • Flowers with pure white inflorescences or with the addition of spots of other flowers.
    • Flowers with inflorescences lilac, purple or purple.
    • Flowers with a mesh or striped color.

    The most popular varieties of Dutch hybrids are:

    • Albion.
    • Jubili
    • Kathleen Parlow.

    Almost all varieties of Dutch hybrids bloom throughout May. Flowering plants lasts up to 3 weeks.

    Chrysantus This group of spring-flowering crocuses is created thanks to the selection of golden and two-flowered crocuses, as well as hybrids of the latter. They differ from Dutch hybrids by smaller flowers, however, they have a wider palette of colors. So, among the chrysantus can be found varieties with pale blue and yellow bloom. The most famous varieties of chrysantus are: Gypsy Girl, Marietta, Saturnus and others.

    Crocus reproduction

    Crocuses are propagated by babies, seeds and bulbs. The latter method is the most popular, as it gives a better result. For spring-flowering crocuses, the most successful stage of bulb digging is from mid-June to early September. In mid-September, begin to land in the ground. Before the onset of cold weather, the bulb will have time to gain nutrients and take root, however, it will not have time to sprout. If you plant it earlier, a sprouting plant may freeze.

    With the intensive reproduction of crocuses, the onions are dug out every year. So, one mother bulb can produce up to 2-3 bulbs that can already bloom. If there is no need for intensive reproduction, then one bulb can grow in one place up to 3-4 years. Then you can dig it up.

    When propagating by seed, the latter are sown at the beginning of autumn. However, the first flowering of the plant will occur only in 3-4 years.

    Crocuses: planting in the fall, planting dates

    This crop can be planted both in late spring (early summer) and in autumn. It is worth saying that crocus can bloom in the fall if it was planted in the month of June. In autumn, spring saplings of flowers are planted.

    Terms of planting crocuses in the fall may vary, depending on the region where the suburban area is located:

    • Moscow region. If cold weather persists throughout September, the plant should be planted in early October. If the weather is warm, the landing can be postponed to the end of October - the beginning of November.
    • Leningrad region. In this region, crocuses are planted in autumn on October 1-5.
    • Ural Since the region is predominantly cold, crocuses should be planted here at the end of September.
    • Siberia. As is known, the climate in this region is the most severe, so crocuses are planted here no later than September 10th.

    Crocuses in the fall: soil preparation

    In order to plant crocuses in the fall, it is necessary to choose and prepare the site for planting:

    • First of all, you should choose a glade, which is well penetrated by sunlight. As you know, the autumn period is famous for its overcast weather and rains, so do not think that these weather phenomena can somehow damage the germination of the crop, since crocuses feel “fine” in partial shade.
    • It is desirable that in the selected area was nutrient soil, while there was no stagnation of moisture that could cause rotting of the root system of plants.
    • In order to dispel all doubts about the moisture content of the soil, it is recommended to arrange drainage at the site, which is perfect for gravel or coarse sand.
    • Before planting plants on the site are made dressing. To do this, use peat, manure or compost.
    • If clay is present in the soil, a little ash should be added to the top layer of the earth.
    • The soil on the site should be dug to a depth of 20 cm.
    • In addition, it is important to choose the right seedlings for planting, they must be healthy, without flaws and rot stains.

    Planting crocuses in the fall in the ground

    The procedure for planting crocuses in the fall in the ground:

    1. First of all, landing holes should be made on the site. Each bulb should be immersed in the ground to a depth of at least 8 cm. Therefore, the depth of the holes should be 10-11 cm. If the crocus bulbs are too small, then they can be planted to a depth of 5-6 cm.
    2. The distance between the holes should be 7-10 cm. If small bulbs are planted, this distance can be reduced to 5-6 cm. If the flowers have been planted too thick, then they should be transplanted soon.
    3. After the onion is placed in the hole, it should be prikopat above it with a small layer of earth, and then pour. However, keep in mind that crocuses do not like an abundance of moisture, so water the plant sparingly.
    4. Next, fertilizers are applied to the soil, which can be compost and manure.

    Crocus care

    In order for the crocuses for a long time to please you with beautiful and bright flowers, you should properly care for the plant:

    • Fertilizers are applied to the soil in spring. For this fit organic dressing, for example, manure, peat.
    • Water plants moderately, only when the soil on the site becomes too dry.
    • Weeds should be removed in a timely manner from the site; they hinder the development of the plant root system.
    • Periodically loosen the soil on the site.
    • In times of heavy rain, the area on which these flowers are planted should be carefully covered with a film.
    • If the flowers of crocuses have a small diameter, then these indicators can be improved by introducing mineral fertilizers into the soil. To do this, suitable potash and phosphate fertilizer.
    • Many gardeners are worried about what to do if crocuses sprouted in the fall. In this case, the plant should be protected from the winter cold. For this plot mulch layer of peat and foliage.

    Crocus care after flowering in autumn

    After the planted plant has finished its flowering, special care is not required. Crocus will long be a decoration of the garden, delighting the color of its green leaves. When the last will turn yellow and dry, dry leaves are carefully cut, and the onion is dug out for planting in the fall. Some gardeners leave bulbs in the ground. Do this in case of a recent landing. If the plant is a first year and the bushes still have enough space on the flower bed, they can be left. To do this, it is necessary to mulch the soil between the bushes with a thick layer of peat or leaves. For the rest, crocuses do not require any special care after flowering.

    Digging and storage of autumn crocus bulbs for planting

    Crocus dredging period for planting depends on the type of plant. So, spring-flowering crocuses are dug up from mid-June to late summer. It is then that they begin a period of peace. In the middle of autumn, spring-growing crocuses begin their activity again. They have a rapid growth of the root system, the accumulation of nutrients for the winter period.

    Autumn-flowering crocuses are dug a month earlier than spring-flowering, as the period of their activity is slightly shifted, and, accordingly, the rest period begins from mid-May to the end of July.

    After digging the crocus bulb cleaned from the ground, dead roots and scales, and laid out in a place protected from the sun to dry. Under ideal conditions, the bulbs are stored at + 22 ° C from the time they are removed from the ground until early August; from the beginning of August, they are lowered by 2 ° C, and a week later - by another 5 ° C. Naturally, at home it will be very difficult to achieve such a temperature regime, therefore crocuses are stored in a dry and warm place with good ventilation. They can simply be expanded into small boxes in a single layer and put in the pantry.

    Crocus diseases and pests

    With proper plant care, crocuses are rarely exposed to germs, pathogens, and insect pests.

    With improper watering and low quality planting material bulbs of a plant can be damaged by fungal diseases and pests:

    • Basically, the plant is bothered by various forms of rot: white, gray, sclerocial, and fusarium. Sick plants must be urgently removed from the garden and burned. The soil at the site of localization of the disease is treated with antifungal drugs or a solution of potassium permanganate. For the prevention of disease carry out a careful selection of bulbs. If the spots of rot on them are small, they can be slightly cut off and sprinkled the damaged area with ash. Before planting, it is recommended to treat the planting material with a fungicide solution.
    • Of the pests, crocus plants often cause problems in the wireworm. When inspecting a faded plant, a large number of small holes can be found in its bulb. You can get rid of the wireworm using bait. Between the bushes of crocuses lay straw, moisten it and cover with a piece of wood. After some time, the pest begins to move to the straw, which is removed from the flower bed and burned.
    • Crocuses are often damaged by field mice. To fight rodents, you need to find their mink and fill up the bait with poison. It is absolutely not harmful to the soil and other animals, but will help get rid of field mice for a long time.
    • Crocus problems can create by itself. With poor care for the site of self-seeding plants often develops into a weed and clutters up the entire area. To do this, we should carry out timely removal of weeds, as well as periodically transplant plants to another location.

    Crocuses in the fall: photo

    Crocuses in the fall: video