Men's tattoo for all side color angel. Angel Tattoo - Meaning and Sketches for Girls and Men

The literal translation of the word Angel is a messenger. It is depicted as a human creature with wings. The symbolism associated with the angels is found in almost every religion: Islam, Judaism and Christianity. In every religion, the angels played the role of a binder between people and gods. The value of the tattoo depends on the technique and place of application. Religious people are applied by an angel image to show their connection with God. Many believe that an angel tattoo is able to protect from the troubles.

Angel Tattoo Value on Back

Spin is a popular place to apply such a tattoo. There is a lot of space, which allows you to turn around both your fantasy in building the plot of tattoos, and the artist's skill. A large symbolism is investing in the movement of the angel and the position of his wings.
Flying or dealing angel wings means rebirth.
Angel wings On the back the same success in men and women. Symbolism Such Tau is a connection with God.
Folded angel wings may indicate the internal struggle of the man.
Angel falling down, indicates a wreck of hope and faith to a bright future.

The value of the tattoo "Angel and Demon"

Such a picture on the body recalls the constant opposition of good evil. Maybe about the changeability of the nature of the owner of such a tattoo.
If you think about applying such a tattoos, you should not limit your fantasy. Especially effectively, such a job looks on a large body of the body: back, chest or stomach. Persecution of working with shadows and color An experienced master will be able to transfer the full plot of the struggle of the angel and the demon.

The value of the tattoo "Angel with a sword"

Sword - sign of warrior. Thus, they often denote the archangels, i.e. a kind of bosses among the angels. The main task of Archangels is the protection of heaven and people. Therefore, often Archangel is depicted with a sword in his hands. Such, the tattoo is often applied as an overlap, protection against failures and evil forces.
In the Bible, you can find frequent mention of guardians angels. Each of which observes and protects a particular person. The Christian religion (to which, also belongs to Orthodoxy) allocates 7 archangels. In Christianity there are 7 Archangels: Mikhail, Gabriel, Rafail, Uryal, Sariel, Ieremil, Raguil.

  • Michael, one more name is archrest. Head of Archangels. Depicted with a sword in hand. Patronizing militant and peak justice.
  • Gabriel - Starting gate of paradise. Heads over the spirits and helps people. Angel brings good news. Depicted with lily flower.
  • Rafail - His elements: a healing and thought of man. Patronizes travelers, children and pilgrims.
  • Uryal, control of heavenly luminaries.
  • Saria - Thunderstorm of spirits, tempting people.
  • Ieremil - observing the resurrection of the dead.
  • Raguil - exposes punishments.

The value of TATU "Fallen Angel"

Fallen - Angel Exiled from Paradise for disobedience. Fallen or wounded (including torn wings) Angel is applied to remember any error or capture the unpleasant episode of his life. The fallen angel may mean the loss of a loved one and his beloved person.

Satan and Lucifer are also fallen angels. They refused to follow the covenants and obey God. For that they were expelled from Paradise. Now such angels are free to choose between good and evil. From here follows the second value of the tattoo: pride, protest against existing standards and obstacles.
Fallen often confused with dark Angel (Angel Death). Dark Angel is often depicted in a black hood. His destination is picking up a shower. This tattoo can mean both fear of death and contempt for it.


Video collage of photos with an angel symbols:

How to pinch a tattoo. The final session in the tattoo salon. Tattoo Angel with a sword.

Angel's wings tattoo - a wonderful and meaningful way to express the desire for freedom in a broad sense of the concept, demonstrate faith, the ability to overcome fear, obstacles, any challenges that gives life, and in the appropriate context to show contact with your loved one or remind of expensive people who left the beloved person this world.


It is interesting: Tattoos for men: sketches on hand, wrist, shoulder, leg, forearm, neck, chest + 200 photos

The reason why the tattoo is popular with many artists-tattooers, in the fact that it can really be extremely creative depending on the design and have a unique value for each individual user.

Tattoo may vary in color, size, be tiny and located in an invisible placeAs a constant reminder that the guardian angel is always near, or a huge covering the whole back, representing the power and ability to rise over commonplace.

In the world, the wings characters personify not just the ability to soar in the figurative sense, but are used to represent much more. The value-archetype - divine Dar - Being an idealized model, we carry in your soul.

Wings personify Spirituality, freshness of thoughts, imagination. They have always been personified with an elevated, impulse, which surpasses the human state and in general any condition of stagnation. This is dynamism, travel, dream, joy, ability to transformation.

Tattoo Values \u200b\u200bAngel Wings

See also: Tattoo on the leg for girls. The most fashionable sketches + 120 photos

The tattoo of the angel wings is related to suffering, fighting, liberation, whether it is a refusal of depressive relationships, the death of a loved one or overcoming powerful physical dependence and fears.

Representing the metamorphosis, it is designed to remind a person that he was able to overcome serious obstacles in life and "earn his angel wings."

This motive is a classic, and above all, he expresses unlimited freedom of spiritBut depending on the design solutions acquires different meanings. It can symbolize:

  • perseverance in overcoming difficulties;
  • achieving an important goal and respect for yourself as a person;
  • religious moods;
  • relationship with nature;
  • love and loyalty;
  • the memory of the left close man.

Often the easiest design turns out to be the best - the tattoo looks great both on men and women.


1 - the memory of a beloved person who left and now, perhaps, as an angel in heaven. Tattoo, simple in design, can be very personal if you add to it the name / initials of a person or include a semantic phrase.

You can change the color of the picture: make the wings with white with golden namba, respectively.

2 Angel Wings with Cross - A popular motive for Tattoo enthusiasts and a great way to stand out from the crowd. The tattoo can be a statement about freedom of religion, give respect to the dead near the person, but also serve as a reminder of his own experience of clinical death. The way to personalize the design is to indicate the person's name on the cross or the date of its almost death. If you wish, you can add a thorns of the crown to the cross, thereby demonstrate the suffering that had to be survived.

3 Angel Wings with Red Ribbon - a radical way to remember someone who suffered from a merciless disease annually with thousands of women's lives (pink tape - a symbol of fighting breast cancer). Design options - from an elegant and simple (black circuit and wings) to a decorative painted pattern with detail and signatures. A tattoo made over the heart says that the past man remained forever in his heart; Behind the ear - means that we listen to the fact that "whispering" to us his spirit.

4 - a strong symbol. The heart personifies sincerity, mercy, love both romantic and platonic; The heart is a compiler of our emotions, our inner "I", while the wings are a way to abstract from everyday life, the desire for elevation and transcendence. The combination of two motifs is a way to express your personality, will to independence from certain things and rules. On the other hand, this is one of the most famous memorial symbols.

What are the wings of angel

The design varies in the range of symbolic creatures. Wings of Seraphim or Archangel, Cherubim or Fallen Angel? So, seraphim symbolize the highest model of human aspirations. They prefer only a leading position, strive for dignity and glory. The tattoo of the seraphim wings is three pairs of wings.

Wings of Archangel

Archangels at the top of the angel hierarchy. Next to God, they are the most powerful spiritual and intellectual creatures. One of the reasons why religious people prefer such an image because they believe that the spiritual power of the archangels can affect them. Wings, in addition to which shield and sword are depicted - constant readiness for fighting evil.

Fallen Angel

As is known, any antagonist may correspond to positive values. Fallen angels are considered "villains" in the battle of good and evil because of their rebellious nature.

Expelled to earth to live with mortals as a result of loyalty Archangel LuciferThey may repent and find God's forgiveness. Illustrating the wings of the fallen angel, a person usually wants to express his dark side, in particular a rebellious character. He is in a constant struggle between his bad nature and an attempt to win it, but always comes to his bright side.

On the other hand, it can be an example of what you do not follow everyone, do not want to be a puppet, do not want to agree with any beliefs, because the world says is right or wrong.

The way to demonstrate the status of a person's burdened unfortunate - Tattoo of broken wings of angel. It can be accommodated almost anywhere, but the right choice is on the back.

Another option of the fallen angel is the wings of the devil. To do this, the tattoo includes red or black color, and the wings themselves are drawn in the shape of bones or rotting flesh. In order to emphasize the devil or black or black horns above the wings. The tattoo looks great on the back, but works well on foot or biceps.

Wings of Angel and Demon

The duality of human nature, its dark and light side, as it is impossible to be better expressed in this contradictory image.

Tattoo design represents One Angel Wing and One Wing of the Demon And it looks great, covering the whole back. It is possible an image in contrasting colors (white and black), symbolizing the antagonistic nature of the two creatures; The wing of the demon can be made as gloomy as possible.

Color and location on the body

As for the choice of color, then, as a rule, creatures are associated with light tones, except, of course, the wings of the angel of death. The preferred choice is pink, blue, white, yellow.

Regardless of the chosen type of an angel wing, it should be borne in mind that the creatures that these attributes belong to the presence of spirituality on Earth and in the past world. Therefore, the tattoo deserves Special place on the body. The motive is tattooed in the lower or top of the back, which gives a real hint of an angel wings. Image can be placed On the shoulders, neck, ankle, behind the ear, on the wrist on the inside or side.

Wings look great On the ankles, especially if one wing is done from the outside of one foot, and another - from the inside of another leg.

Angel tattoo is quite popular and frequently found pattern. People associate themselves with this image for various reasons: beautiful, fashionable, personal meaning. However, not everyone knows the meaning of this tattoo.


The word Angel is translated from Latin as "Bulletin", "Messenger". They are messengers of God, and came to the world of people, in order to help, protect and pass through them. In every religion there are angels, but all the same is the same:

  • defend and protect people;
  • be intermediaries between people and god;
  • store heaven from evil forces.

The opposites of angels are fallen angels or demons. The war of these creatures is infinite and originates in the distant past.

Types of angels

There are several types of angels:

Cherubs - Angels-Children. These angels symbol of purity and innocence. The most famous of Cherubimov is Cupid, who carries love and joy.

Archangels are the angels of the highest rank. There are seven Archangels - Mikhail, Gabriel, Uryal, Rafail, Ieremil, Saria, Raguil. They are the most closest to God and protect heaven and death from the forces of evil, so they are depicted in a militant form with a sword or a spear.

Fallen angels - Angels who went against the will of God and were expelled from heaven. One of the most famous fallen angels is Lucifer, who lured to his side a large number of angels and created his own army.

Fabulous angels are small cute creatures that are playful and frivolous in their nature.

Dark angels or death angels are the pniths of human souls, they come to the world of living to pick up their lives when it has come for this.

Tattoo value

The value of the tattoo with an angel accommodates a great meaning and is interpreted in different variations:

  1. The expression of human faith in God. This is a certain guard that protects a person from evil spirits and gives him strength and hopes for life.
  2. Symbol of hope for the best future.
  3. Sign of loyalty, love something or someone.
  4. Tributes in memory of the close person. In such cases, the tattoo in the form of an angel is applied to the innermost places of the body, in order to warm the soul from burning losses.
  5. Decorative role. For a beautiful floor, it is the angel tattoo looks integrity and fine, that, in turn, and forces himself to apply on their bodies.
  6. An angel and demon confrontation image is interpreted as a struggle of two opposites, which is conducted inside a person.
  7. Drawing of cherubs or fabulous angels means tenderness, love, peacefulness.
  8. Angel wings are also applied, which accommodate the importance of the desire for freedom and liberation from life.

Interpretation of the tattoo with an angel may be the most diverse, depending on what kind of person connects this Tattoo, and this is the main thing in the choice.

Position and color

An angel tattoo choose all sorts, depending on their images. So, there are:

  • Praying angel;
  • Angel defender;
  • Fabulous angel;
  • Flying angel;
  • Angel of Death;
  • Falling angel;
  • Fighting angel, etc.

For some people, the angel tattoo indicates a personal meaning who needs to know and see a person personally. In this regard, the masters recommend to put an image on the hidden parts of the body, such as:

  • Chest;
  • Stomach;
  • Hip.

Other angel tattoo is applied in large sizes to highlight all the beauty of this pattern and placed on the back or blade, with a smooth transition to the chest. As for color, here, the masters usually depict a tattoo with an angel in the black and white or gray color, but also there are illustrations and in colorful colors. For this Tattoo, two styles prevail - classic and realism.

Differences of the image for a guy and a girl

For men, an angel tattoo carries a certain meaning and is that the man believes in his strength. He also believes in his guardian angel who gives him as the inner strength of the Spirit, durability and humility. Popular places for drawing a tattoo with an angel in men are the chest, forearm, shoulder and a blade.

Always dreamed of having the guardian angel, the Messenger of Heaven, who always beside, will send it to the right way and will carefully tell me the decision? Or believe in real angels, or make an angel tattoo on the back. Such an angel for you

Always dreamed of having the guardian angel, the Messenger of Heaven, who always beside, will send it to the right way and will carefully tell me the decision? Or believe in real angels, or make an angel tattoo on the back.

Such an angel will not accept the decision, but the confidence and heavenly beauty will definite accurately.

The value of tattoo with an angel on the back

An angel tattoo value can be very different. There is something to choose from: a classic angel with wings and a nimber, little Cherub, Archangel, a terrible fallen angel and even Amur with onions and arrows.

Styles tattoo with an angel on his back

Accordingly, such tattoos can be done in very different styles.

Significant, serious tattoos with guardian angels or archangels we would advise to draw in realism or black and white graphics.

Easiness and brightness are best expressed watercolor or cheerful Newskool. You can move away from the classics and draw Angel to the doometer or Japanese style.

Angel Tattoo on the back in men

Men love scale tattoos.

Often depict the archangel with a sword, a symbol not only protection, but also retribution. Such a tattoo symbolizes the Divine power, power, self-confidence.

No less popular image of gloomy topics - fallen angel. It is depicted in the form of a downgrade of a human figure with wings. Fallen angel means an internal struggle, the memory of a perfect error.

Angel Tattoo on the back of girls

Girls are less likely to choose tattoos in the whole back. More often is a small image in the area of \u200b\u200bthe blades or at the lower back.

With this tattoo, the girls seek to emphasize innocence and femininity, so many make a neat tattoo with wings on the back.

What other tattoos look good on the back :.

Photos of the Tattoo Angels

Angels are not always painted on the back. Here are some of our tattoos on the shoulders and arms:

But the classic:

Angel Tattoo with Sword

Angel with a sword is a savior and defender:

Angel tattoo with wings

What angel without wings? Is that fallen. If you do not want such an association, paint angel with wings.

Among modern lovers of tattoo, both men and women are very popular angels Tattoos. The various people of Angel's squint are at different parts of the body: on hand, legs, forearm, back, shoulders, lower back, chest. Any part of the body is used for such.

There are some reasons for which this type of tattoos prefer preference. Many men and women wear an angel image as a religious symbolism, as angels exist in many religions.

Angel Tattoo on Hand - Men's Tattoo

However, each owner of the tattoo with the image of an angel gives her his value. And it does not necessarily have religious meaning, often such a drawing is elected for artistic reasons.

The design of tattoos in the form of angels carry a pronounced religious symbolism. Angels are inherent in the winged form, intended for the transfer of mankind of the Holy Word of God. Angels are God's Messengers who personify the will of God.

Wounded Angel on Breast - Men's Tattoo

In different religions, they describe the winged messengers of God in the image of angels, which are represented as intermediaries between the heavenly spiritual and earthly material world. They are often mentioned in Jewish religion and Islam. But in particular, the angels in Christianity are popular. The word "angel" itself translated from the ancient forms of the Greek language is not translated anyhole as the "Messenger". On the dilapidated pages of the Bible, the angels often mention not just as messengers. Through them, people seek God's defense or God's punishment. They believe that the angels of intermediaries are performed by the will of God in the affairs of human.

In art, there are many characters, or artifacts, closely related to the angels. These are pipes, harp, swords, scepters and rods. Angels in the Catholic religion, as a rule, are depicted in the form of chubby babies with wings and a nimber around the head, which indicates their divine, unearthly origin. At the time of the era of the revival of the angels began to portray in the form of the Greek God of Love Cupid.

Angels depicted in tattoos are very popular among the population. They are quite often ordered and men and women, women, bang with them and guys, and girls with pleasure.

Angel tattoo on the side of a girl - Photo

Women's Tattoo - Angel on Boku

Each customer tattoo in the first of all interests which sense is invested in a particular image. If you keep in mind the value of the angel tattoo, it is a symbol of spirituality, loyalty, faith in God and pronounced communication with him. An angel drawing on a tattoo can also serve as a symbol of the highest holy manual or protection. Very often, the main place angels occupy in the image of memorial, or memorable, tattoos.

Tattoo with an angel keeper on the chest at a man

The most popular tattoos with an angels are currently tattoo that symbolize Christianity. Sometimes they can be made simply for aesthetic reasons, without giving them any particular sense.

Sketch of the Angel and Demon Tattoos

In addition to the usual, classical angel images, the tattoo of evil or fallen angels have great importance. In addition, it is not only the kind of angel with wings, but also one wings of an angel on the back of a person or other parts of his body.