A cool short poem about cherries. Poem "cherry" isakovsky mikhail vasilievich

Well, my sweet cherry!
My dear, beloved!
Now you are standing as if you were superfluous
Do you remember when you were smart?

Like a white cloud tender
Tail of dreams, and as before
Thin branches are not brave
Framed the sun in hope.

And filled with juice ...

https: //www.site/poetry/149790

From Japan and China. Shrub up to 1.0-1.5 m high, similar in appearance to c. glandular, blooms from 5-6 years of age simultaneously with the blooming of the leaves. Flowers are numerous, pinkish; the fruits are bright red. Cherry shrub (Cerasus fruticosa). Found in nature in Europe and Western Siberia. Shrub 1-1.5 meters tall with elongated, dark green shiny, glossy leaves up to 4 cm long.It blooms from the middle ...

https: //www.site/journal/18581

One day you will wake up in amazement
You will hear bird trills in the meadow.
And the heart will tremble in admiration -
Everything around is covered in pink and white snow!

What happened overnight to nature?
Where does so much light and warmth come from?
Overcoming frost and bad weather,
Fluffy ...

https: //www.site/poetry/143269

This is one of the oldest traditions in Tibet. Take a large mirror. Stand in front of him naked, make faces, do funny things - and watch. Just doing it and watching for fifteen, twenty, thirty minutes, you will be ... hands, it is just something in your hands. You can play with it this way or that. Look for new ways to make faces, do funny gestures, do whatever you can, and it will give you great liberation, and you will begin to look at yourself not as a body, ...

https: //www.site/religion/11882

Make it a meditation - in Tibet it is one of the oldest traditions. Take a large mirror. Stand in front of him naked, make faces, do funny things - and watch. Just doing this and watching for 15-20-30 minutes, you will be amazed. You will start ... it's just something in your hands. You can play with it this way or that. Look for new ways to make faces, do funny gestures, do whatever you can, and that will give you a great release, and you will begin to look at yourself not as a body ...

The stars were scattered across the sky.
Quiet New Year's Eve.
I will wear a dress with sequins
Snowball promised to help me.

The snowflakes will touch softly
All my branches, to one.
And the wind will blow away
Diamond dust above me.

Will whisper to me:
- You're just wonderful!
But I remember you in the spring ...
In the colors of snow-white lovely,
Only tenderness can compare with you.

Enchanting white cloud
Your branches will be covered.
Expanding the limits of love
You beckon into your arms.

And youth ...

Well, my sweet cherry!
My dear, beloved!
Now you are standing as if you were superfluous
Do you remember when you were smart?

Like a white cloud tender
Tail of dreams, and as before
Thin branches are not brave
Framed the sun in hope.

And juice filled with berries
You treated me with interest,
And the load of my thoughts and burdens
Always shared with me

Are you sad, my dear? Fall…
I'm afraid of her too, you know ...
Look, there is a heavenly blue.
Dream, you can. Are you dreaming?

Do not be afraid, I am next to you
We can, you ...

One day you will wake up in amazement
You will hear bird trills in the meadow.
And the heart will tremble in admiration -
Everything around is covered in pink and white snow!

What happened overnight to nature?
Where does so much light and warmth come from?
Overcoming frost and bad weather,
The cherry blossoms with fluffy foam!

It filled the whole space with itself
Throwing up the fountains of flowers high!
Throwing on a fragrant decoration,
Welcomes the beautiful Spring!

Dressed up with white flowers
The young bride beckons to herself.
And the heart stops under the branches ...

cherry lips ringing in spring
the rose of the purple sun
whispered into the evening watch
put on brass of the night
opened with snow-white fire

Talk to me, talk to me
so that I can hear the pulse of the ether
and rivers of silver echo
and the crimson alleys of autumn
and the winged harp of rain
and meadows of gilded air

So that the birds flock to listen
and nestled in the heart with azure
and my eyes shone with light

Speak to me silently
with the flesh of fiery touches
a grinning honey smile
mother-of-pearl thirst ...

Cherries are ripe in our garden.
Feelings bloom everywhere nearby.
Juicy colors, bright ecstasy.
Women's caresses, tears from the eyes.

Here the wind wakes up a new leaf.
Do not forget my white handkerchief.
I will remember your tenderness.
You are my miracle, the best comfort.

Branches break, cherries are innumerable.
We will never eat them together forever.
Let delicious pulp every year
Gives us sweet fruit for joy.

Such ripeness and aroma
Reckless and snapped up,
Just because it doesn't taste better
Couples of people in love eat ...

You don't need poetry for nothing.
Coyness in them, prettiness and pretense.
The eyes would be gentle man's.
His soul would not become callous crust.

And he is looking to the side more and more often.
Those who are younger are more naive.
Now unreasonably cheerful, now angry,
It is sunny, then gloomy, like a ruin.

Your birthday. There is a celebration in the house.
But the mood will not lift the mirror.
And the wine is so tart.
Are the children really copies of it ...

It's not my lot to write poetry,
But I cannot understand my feelings otherwise.
From your bitter words, I turned a little gray,
A lump in my chest and my heart is crying.

You will surrender to him in fleeting passion,
But you will not get a sweet "love" in return,
For pleasure he will ask for a coin bribe,
And I loved without self-interest, but I am no more.

Probably so inscribed by fate,
That you will be my painful wound.
You are merciless and cruel to me
And you fill your soul with filthy bitterness.
Now let's see ...

After all, you need to study poetry,
And do not read all the rhymes.
In the addition of lines, all the lightness of the word
And the carelessness of being!
And I, like a true snake,
I want everyone to start thinking
Not over a stanza, but over that
That in the world of words we are without problems
We quote Socrates wise,
And about Shakespeare without boring
We can talk for hours!
But why can't we be
In the Moment of Life ?!
Apply everything that we love to express
And the statements are read,
Who are venerable for centuries,
We don't embody it on a weekday ?!
Is it really hard to be in ...

Cherry - the berry is ripe
Oh, how ripe in time,
We will go to the garden today,
And collect all the cherries.
For compote and jam,
There will be a treat for the children.

Teslenko A.

Cherries, cherries tease the eye
Let them grow high.
You can't reach your hands for cherries,
You can't get ripe ones.

- Oh, cherries, cherries,
You were filled with juice
Why are you growing
On a bitch high?

- If only they grew lower,
We wouldn't be in time
If we grew up closer
We would have been eaten long ago!

Marshak S.

Cherries are always delicious
We love in spite of us for years.
You can add it to the compote,
Or make jam from it.
So many properties are very useful,
We love what we have cherries.
We will always recognize her color
We pick it up again in the palm.

Cherry red earrings
hung on the branches,
and, as in a mirror, through the windows
looks. I'm having fun
i shout to her: - Come on, girlfriend!
Give me a couple in my ear
i wear it as much as I want
and then I'll swallow them!
I'm standing under a tree
i chew ripe cherries,
now cherry juice
flowed down the tummy -
gaining vitamins
i'm under vyshenka for future use!

Konaeva O.

We collect cherries in the summer
For compote and jam
On a winter and frosty day
It will be delicious ...
Pies, dumplings
Mom will cook
Cherry from summer
He will feed the whole family.

Krupinskikh I.

Cherry, berry, sweet girl
Shines in a white dress;
Our beauty, our chorus,
Goddaughter of young May!
The blue sky leans towards you
To kiss you on the cheek!
Heaven likes our cherry -
All in snow-white flowers!

The cherry turned out to be superfluous,
Left on a plate
Why? Yes, because
Cherry - a house for a worm!
I'll take another cherry
And I will cleanse the bone
And then I'll make jam
What a pleasure!

Shalimova O.

The juicy cherries are ripe
They are innumerable in our garden,
We ate so many of them yesterday! ..
And today we will eat!
Our belly is not resting!
The mouth is smeared with juice! ..
Well, if you don't have strength,
Mom will make compote!

Grudanov E.

We pick cherries from the branches
And we collect the bucket.
We'd rather give it to mom,
Together we will definitely cook the compote with her.
The cherries are delicious, we know that
We love to eat them all together.
We'll spit out the bones, stick them in the pot,
We will grow a new tree in it.

The bush is handsome, the most magnificent,
The dandy is called cherry.
Pantry of juicy berries,
There will be jam for all for a year!

Sibirtsev V.

The cheat's face is tanned
Stuffed with a cotton scarf,
And dark brown eyes
They shine with a perky sparkle.

The berries turn red in the sun
And casting, and shining, -
And they also seem beautiful
Like a swarthy child.

And, the heart feels, in this similarity -
A hint of her earthly path ...
- Buy cherries! And the cheat
He laughs at me in the eyes!


Like a cherry baby
Everyone knows firsthand.
They love this berry
Both girls and boys.
Pick cherries
Fill a cherry box
And palms will be too
Cherry blossoms resemble.

Bogdarin A.

I am a cherry! And I! And I!
We live like a friendly family
On mommy's branches
Sisters and neighbors.
Duo and trio and quartet
On petioles we are like a bouquet
And beads are on the branches
Sisters and neighbors.
We only need rain and sun, -
Brighter, brighter round side.
Working, we grow on the branches
Sisters and neighbors.
A nimble sparrow is hurrying to us,
And you taste it soon, -
We tried so hard kids
For all to ripen on the branches.

Kvitash O.

I tear cherries on cherries
For him,
For Mishenka.
Three in a bucket
Ten in your mouth ...
It should be the other way around,
Yes with me
I will not cope
And I finish eating in a bucket.
What a punishment!
I would have known in advance
I wouldn't take it under the cherry
Plush Bear.

Glushnev G.

And we are cherries sisters
Although small in height
But in compote or in jam
We are such a delight!
On, try, come on closer-
Delicious, lick your fingers!

Kozitsyn A.

On a clear afternoon, at the end of summer,
The old man was walking along the road;
I dug a young cherry somewhere
And, satisfied, he carried her home.

He looked with cheerful eyes
To the fields, to the distant border
And I thought: “Let me remember
I'll plant cherries by the road.

Let the big, big grow
Let it go both in breadth and in height
And decorating our road,
It bathes in bloom every year.

Travelers will lie down in her shadow,
Relax in the cool, in silence,
And, having tasted juicy, ripe berries,
Maybe they will remember me.

But they won't remember - what a shame, -
I don’t worry about it at all:
Do not want - do not remember, do not, -
I'll plant cherries anyway! "

Isakovsky M.

Red beads on a branch
Like bright candies.
They burn so temptingly
They attract birds to the garden.
Only very sour taste
Such beautiful beads.
Cherries are not to the liking of birds,
They do not want to acidify.
And I love cherries
I'll cook them with sugar.
Delicious jam -
Take a treat!

Lavrova T.

One, two, three, four, five,
We will collect cherries
Let's pick up a bucket
Chubby, with a slice.
Burgundy cherries
We will be healthy!
We collect from the bush
Eat, son and daughter!

Dulepina Yu.

Here is a cherry on the plate
Round, ruddy,
There is nothing superfluous in her
All delicious and glorious
Waiting for someone to come to visit her
Boy Mishenka,
Treat him soon
wants a cherry.

Look, I'm on the cherry!
Higher than dad, higher than Bear,
Higher than a cat, higher than Sveta,
I'm sitting on the top branch!
There are so many ripe berries nearby!
Only it hurts very much pa-a-a-give ...

Starchevskaya M.

Cherry blossoms elegant
In our little garden
Seeing a cherry is gratifying to me
Snow white in bloom!
You grow, grow big
Heading to heaven
Our dear cherry
Our pride and beauty!

The earth is covered with white -
Cherry petals.
And on the branch - two rooks ...
Did they go out for a walk?
Do not shout, do not hum,
They look surprised.
How is this to be understood?
They only sigh sleepily.
Why is the earth white
Warm spring?
The blizzard in the morning did not melt,
It did not rain with cereals ...
The cherry just bloomed:
The petals fell.
Rooks were distracted in the morning.
Easier - missed.

Kapitonova S.

And jam and compote
From ripe cherries
Red juice smeared my mouth -
All questions are superfluous.

Cherry Blossom Jam
Cherry jam I've been waiting all summer
Cherry and deliciously fruity garden bloomed.
I am insanely happy with blooms and cherries.
I sat on a cherry branch, overeat
But I guessed to leave everything to my mother.
And my mother cooked compote and jam,
Cherry jam, cherry jam.
Cherry jam - delicious in winter,
For breakfast, for dinner - one delight.
Like Carlson, I scoop up jam with a spoon -
And I don't know any greater happiness in the world.

Fink I.

On the tree at Grishenka's
Two ripe cherries are hanging.
Hang and argue which one is
juicier and tastier.
"I would have tried Grishenka,"
One said cherry.
“Me, so sweet
And it would be more fun! "
"No, Grishenka will like me!"
The second argues cherry.
“He will immediately devour me
And it will grow up quickly. "
So two cherries argued,
Until Grishenka ate them,
And mommy exclaimed:
Well, Grisha! In gives! ".

Great about poetry:

Poetry is like painting: another work will captivate you more if you look at it up close, and another if you go further away.

Small cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creak of greasy wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is that which fell through.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is the most tempted to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen sparkles.

Humboldt W.

Poems work well if they are created with spiritual clarity.

Writing poetry is closer to worship than is commonly believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish poetry grows without knowing shame ... Like a dandelion by the fence, Like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not in verses alone: \u200b\u200bit is spread everywhere, it is around us. Take a look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life blows from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a mental growth disease.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn along the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - our thoughts make the poet sing within us. As he tells us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens our love and our sorrow in our souls. He's a magician. By understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful verses flow, there is no room for quibbling.

Murasaki Shikibu

I appeal to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in Russian. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags a stone behind it. Because of the feeling, art certainly peeps out. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

-… Are your poems good, tell yourself?
- Monstrous! - suddenly boldly and frankly said Ivan.
- Do not write anymore! - asked the visitor pleadingly.
- I promise and I swear! - Ivan said solemnly ...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from the rest only in that they write them in words.

John Fowles. "The mistress of the French lieutenant"

Every poem is a blanket stretched out on the edges of several words. These words shine like stars, because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

The poets of antiquity, unlike those of today, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. This is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times, the whole Universe is invariably hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for those who inadvertently wake up the dozing lines.

Max Fry. "Chatty Dead"

One of my clumsy hippopotamuses-poems I attached such a paradise tail: ...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not worry, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not the sea and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore - chase critics. They are only pitiful slips of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Do not let his vulgar palpating hands go there. Let the poetry seem to him an absurd hum, a chaotic pile of words. For us it is a song of freedom from boring reason, a glorious song that sounds on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "Thousand Lives"

Poems are heart flutter, soul excitement and tears. And tears are nothing more than pure poetry that has rejected the word.

Children's poems about cherry trees, picking cherries, cherry blossoms, cherry berries and cherry jam:

T. Lavrova

Red beads on a branch
Like bright candies.
They burn so temptingly
They attract birds to the garden.

Only very sour taste
Such beautiful beads.
Cherries are not to the liking of birds,
They do not want to acidify.
And I cherries love,
I'll cook them with sugar.
Delicious jam -
Take a treat!

A. Teslenko

Cherry -the berry is ripe,
Oh, how ripe in time,
We will go to the garden today,
And collect all the cherries.
For compote and jam,
There will be a treat for the children.

E. Grudanov

Cherries juicy ripe,
They are innumerable in our garden,
We ate so many of them yesterday! ..
And today we will eat!
Our belly is not resting!
The mouth is smeared with juice! ..
Well, if you don't have strength,
Mom will make compote!

V. Sibirtsev

The bush is handsome, the most magnificent,
They call the dandy - cherry.
Pantry of juicy berries,
There will be jam for all for a year!

I. Krupinskikh

Cherry we collect in the summer
For compote and jam
On a winter and frosty day
It will be delicious ...
Pies, dumplings
Mom will cook
Cherry from summer
The whole family will feed

I. Fink

And jam and compote
From ripe cherries
Red juice smeared my mouth -
All questions are superfluous.

Jam from cherries cherry blossom
Cherry jam I've been waiting all summer
Cherry and deliciously fruity garden bloomed.
I am insanely happy with blooms and cherries.
I sat on a cherry branch, overeat
But I guessed to leave everything to my mother.
And my mother cooked compote and jam,
Cherry jam, cherry jam.
Cherry jam - delicious in winter,
For breakfast, for dinner - one delight.
Like Carlson, I scoop up jam with a spoon -
And I don't know any greater happiness in the world.

Y. Dulepina

One, two, three, four, five,
We will cherriescollect,
Let's pick up a bucket
Chubby, with a slice.
Burgundy cherries,
We will be healthy!
We collect from the bush
Eat, son and daughter!

O. Kvitash

I AM - cherry! And I! And I!
We live like a friendly family
On mommy's branches
Sisters and neighbors.
Duo and trio and quartet
On petioles we are like a bouquet
And beads are on the branches
Sisters and neighbors.
We only need rain and sun, -
Brighter, brighter round side.
Working, we grow on the branches
Sisters and neighbors.
A nimble sparrow is hurrying to us,
And you taste it soon, -
We tried so hard kids
For all to ripen on the branches.

M. Starchevskaya

Look, I'm on cherry!
Higher than dad, higher than Bear,
Higher than a cat, higher than Sveta,
I'm sitting on the top branch!
There are so many ripe berries nearby!
Only it hurts very much pa-a-a-give ...

O. Konaeva

Cherry red earrings
hung on the branches,
and, as in a mirror, through the windows
looks. I'm having fun
I shout to her: - Come on, girlfriend!
Give me a couple in my ear
I wear it as much as I want
and then I'll swallow them!
I'm standing under a tree
I chew ripe cherries,
now cherry juice
flowed down the tummy -
gaining vitamins
I'm under vyshenka for future use!

L. Shkileva

Who is on the roof itself?
Bending down the branches cherries,
Got some berries in a wicker?
This is the girl Alenka.

Here on the plate cherry
Round, ruddy,
There is nothing superfluous in her
All delicious and glorious
Waiting for someone to come to visit her
Boy Mishenka,
Treat him soon
wants a cherry.

O. Shalimova

The cherry turned out to be superfluous,
Left on a plate
Why? Yes, because
Cherry - a house for a worm!
I'll take another cherry
And I will cleanse the bone
And then I'll make jam
What a pleasure!

A. Kozitsyn

And we cherries sisters
Although small in height
But in compote or in jam
We are such a delight!
On, try, come on closer-
Delicious, lick your fingers!

S. Kapitonova

The earth is covered with white -
Petals cherries.
And on a branch there are two rooks ...
Did they go out for a walk?
Do not shout, do not hum,
They look in surprise.
How is this to be understood?
They only sigh sleepily.
Why is the earth white
Warm spring?
The blizzard in the morning did not melt,
The rain did not come with cereals ...
It's just that the cherry blossoms:
The petals fell.
The rooks were distracted in the morning.
Easier - missed.

On the tree at Grishenka's
Hang two ripe cherries.
Hang and argue which one is
juicier and tastier.
"I would try Grishenka," -
One said cherry. -
"Me, so sweet
And it would be more fun! "
"No, Grishenka will like me!" -
The second argues cherry. -
"He immediately devours me
And it will grow up quickly. "
So two cherries argued,
Until Grishenka ate them,
And mommy exclaimed:
Well, Grisha! In gives! "

N. Shumov

It would be nice to know
Taking the burden off the question:
“Well, why do you have cherries
Do they hide bones all the time? "
Here I sit, spitting them in a saucer ...
Outside the window, summer is in full swing ...
Birds laugh merrily
From dawn to dawn.
Any love is not a burden ...
By will, I am akin to metal!
I have a belly from cherries,
Like a globe, it became round.
But I just trust myself.
Let the appearance be changeable!
I check hard
There are pits in cherries.
"One, two, three, ..." - I think stupidly ...
And although the investigation is underway,
The conclusion was made: “It's stupid to hide
What you have to spit out! "