Brick fence post: calculations and masonry technology. DIY brick fence - step by step instructions! Rustic brick fence

The modern specialized market presents a huge assortment of various finishing and building materials. Among them are many of the latest developments and proven over the years, have proven themselves since best sides, high quality materials.

Brick is one such material. Despite the large number of "competitors", brick is still popular and in demand.

Thanks to excellent technical and operational characteristics, brick is used in various fields of construction. V recent times It has become very fashionable to enclose the site with a brick fence. In addition to its aesthetically pleasing appearance, a brick fence has many other positive qualities.

Advantages and disadvantages of brick fences

There are many advantages to a brick fence, but there are also disadvantages. However, the disadvantages of a brick fence are fully compensated for by it. positive qualities... The disadvantages of a brick fence include the high cost, as well as the large expenditure of time and effort for the installation of the fence.

But at the same time, having once built a brick fence, you can provide your site with a reliable and durable fence for many decades.

The advantages of a brick fence are huge:

  • Solid, aesthetically pleasing appearance. Such a structure looks stylish, presentable throughout the entire period of operation. It should also be noted that brick goes well with various materials.
  • A brick fence perfectly protects the front of the house territory from prying eyes and the penetration of strangers.
  • High strength and durability of such fences. High-quality brick withstands precipitation and temperature fluctuations for many years.
  • Simple and easy care... The whole complex for the care of a brick fence consists in periodic cleaning of various contaminants and processing with special waterproofing agents.
  • A brick fence can be made in various ways.

All of the above suggests that a brick fence is a profitable investment. Money having once made such a fence, you can not think about repairing and replacing the structure for many decades to come.

Classic fence

You can make a brick fence using different ways... This material opens ample opportunities for imagination and embodiment of various design ideas. This can be estimated from the photo. different options brick fences.

The most common option is a solid classic fence. Distinctive feature such structures are the thickness of the masonry, the height, and the decorative elements used. In most cases, red brick is used to build a fence in a similar way.

Some owners prefer decorative masonry, this allows you to emphasize and complement the appearance of the building and site. Decorative masonry of a brick fence is carried out using a special facing brick. This kind no material required additional processing, presented in a large assortment, rich colors.

Forged brick fence

This type of fencing refers to combined structures. Such fences look very elegant and original, in addition, they differ in a special individuality. The highlight of such a structure is artistic forging, which goes well with brick.

The special qualities and properties of bricks make it possible to perform original figures, and further decorate with decoration elements.

Chipped brick fence

Chipped brick has recently been in great demand for the manufacture of various fences. Despite the fact that the brick in this case does not have a full shape, its qualities remain the same and the fence turns out to be the same high-strength and durable.

The installation method of such structures is standard, while the weight of the structure in the end result will be much less, due to the incomplete shape of the bricks. However, the performance of the fence will be top notch.

Using chipped bricks, you can create various original and unique designs of various colors and shapes.

Fence made of brick and corrugated board

Brick fences with corrugated board are especially practical and attractive, at the same time they combine democratic cost and respectability.

The low cost of the fence is due to the use of corrugated board in the construction. This material differs not only in the budget price, but also quite easy to install, practical, does not require special care, has high strength and reliability.

Dimensions (edit) brick pillars between the sheets of corrugated board can be completely different, as well as the color. A fence with brick posts and corrugated sheets between them looks solid and original.

You can diversify and revive a brick fence using various elements decor, for example, forged parts. Foundation under brick fence made of materials that match the color of the fence and residential building.

Yellow brick fence

A fence made of yellow brick... In addition to the aesthetically pleasing and original appearance, it should be noted that this material yellow color goes well with various decorative elements and bricks of a different color.

Thanks to the various additional elements, a yellow brick fence looks very respectable and attractive.

Torn brick construction

Torn bricks are now a great alternative to traditional bricks. The use of such material opens up wide opportunities for the design of fences.

The material has excellent technical characteristics, high strength and, which is important, durability. In addition, it should be noted a large assortment of this material, a variety of colors and shades.

When choosing a brick color, landscape plays an important role. design decoration site, as well as the dwelling itself.

All of the above options are far from the entire list of possible brick structures. When choosing a fence model and installation, you just need to show imagination and skill. The installation of a brick fence can be done by hand, or you can use the services of experienced craftsmen.

Photo of brick fences

Owners of country or city private houses sooner or later face the need to fence their territory. Among the many options for arranging a fence, many choose brickwork as the main material for execution. And there are many reasons for this. If you are thinking about choosing a material for making a fence for a private yard, summer cottage or personal plot, then this publication is for you.

Advantages and disadvantages of building a brick fence

The obvious advantages of using brickwork to create a fence include:

  • long service life - a brick fence can easily be inherited not only by your children, but also by your grandchildren, because the masonry quality material climatic manifestations and temperature drops are not terrible;
  • during operation, a brick fence does not require practically any maintenance, if the material is of high quality and new, then no painting or any other surface coatings are needed;
  • brick fence has high reliability and strength, it is able to protect the site not only from prying eyes, but also any external manifestations (provided that the fence is of sufficient height);
  • the ability to independently choose the height of the fence;
  • aesthetic appearance - a brick fence can not only become a reliable fence, but also an adornment of landscape design, a spectacular completion of the image of your architectural ensemble;
  • the ability to create a non-trivial design - simple brick canvases can be diversified decorative inserts, arches, columns (pillars);
  • the presence of variations in the execution of a brick fence makes it an almost universal option for any stylistic design of the facade of a building.

But a medal always has two sides - a brick, which means that a fence made of this material has disadvantages:

  • the rather high cost of both the material itself and the work on its installation (therefore, many owners of private houses with land plots choose the option of combining bricks with other, cheaper materials);
  • when using second-hand brick (in order to save money), the service life of the fence is significantly reduced;
  • for the construction of a really strong and durable brick fence, it is necessary to lay the foundation, which increases the period of work and the overall estimate.

Classification of brick fences

Fences, which are brickwork in one or another modification, are subdivided according to the following criteria:

  • type of foundation - strip (used most often) or columnar (used only in the case of a small thickness of masonry) foundation;
  • the thickness of the brickwork - varies from the size of half a brick to three bricks (it is important to understand that its reliability, strength and durability directly depend on the thickness of the fence);
  • the height of the brick fence is a relative value, but usually ranges from 50 cm to 3.5 m (the higher the fence, the greater its thickness should be to ensure the necessary stability);
  • the presence of pillars (largely depends on the length of the spans and the views of the site owners about the beauty of the fence);
  • the type of material with which the combination is carried out (if any).

Let's dwell on possible options combining bricks with other materials. To give the fence more originality, and sometimes to reduce the cost of its cost, accelerate installation works, you can use combinations with the following materials:

  • brick and metal forging;
  • wooden picket fence, boards or lattices made of wood;
  • metal picket fence or sheet material, metal profile ( a budget option in combination with brick pillars);
  • combination building bricks with decorative, chipped ("torn");
  • v rare cases you can find a combination of brick and masonry (rather expensive fencing).

Brick and metal forging

In combination with metal forging, the brick looks luxurious. Forged items can only be used as a solid decor brick wall or be an integral part of it, acting as a material for canvases or intermediate links.

Metal forging elements can be different shapes and sizes, to be located on the fence in different ways, depending on this, three types of brick fence design are distinguished:

Parapet. Forged rods are installed on a solid brick canvas and decorative elements(height metal structures no more than half a meter, as a rule). The fence turns out to be not only beautiful, but also reliable from the point of view of the possibility of outsiders entering the site;

Base / plinth combined with forging elements. The plinth can have a height of 30 to 150 cm; forged metal structures of various modifications are installed on it. Most often, through such a fence, you can see what is happening in the yard or on the site;

Brick pillars plus forged elements... The main part of the fence is forging, set on a base no more than 30 cm high, while brick is present only in the composition of pillars or columns. Often, when erecting brick pillars, metal reinforcement is inserted into them (to give the structure greater strength and reliability).

Combination of brick and wood

The combination of brick with wood does not always reduce the overall cost of the fence. Only if you already have wood in stock and you need it, which is called "attach" with benefit. Usually, the combination of brickwork and wood elements is due to the need to create a harmonious image of the entire architectural ensemble with adjoining territory... If wood is used in the facade of the main building, other buildings or elements of landscape design, then it will be logical to use it to create a fence for the site.

If as part of the fence itself wooden elements It is not so often found, the use of wood for the manufacture of a wicket and even a gate to a brick fence is a very popular phenomenon. Brick largely symbolizes the urban and even industrial style, and beautiful wood carvings or deliberately aged boards seem to soften the image and balance the overall picture.

Choosing a brick color palette for creating a fence

The modern assortment of building materials is striking in its variety. Rich color palette bricks, especially facade, facing, can become a reason for some confusion for owners of private dwellings who want to protect their plots. From snow-white and light gray to dark brown and burgundy, brick as a material for creating a fence can both support the overall color scheme and become an accent element in the image of the entire building and the surrounding area.

One of the most popular ways to select fencing bricks is by repeating the material used for the façade of the main building. The use of bricks of the same color scheme for the house and the fence leads to the creation of a harmonious image of the whole ensemble. Most often, you can find bricks of almost all shades of red, with a predominance of reddish shades. No wonder the name appeared in red-orange color - it is often called "brick".

Brick of all shades of yellow and orange looks no less impressive, but at the same time more restrained ...

The brick of wine color or shade of Marsala looks luxurious. As a rule, a fence with such color scheme becomes an accent element of the architectural ensemble.

Gray brick is usually chosen if the building and landscape design territory executed in modern style and even with an urban bias. If concrete is actively used in the design of a site or yard, then a brick fence of any shade gray will look more than appropriate.

Brick for fencing a private yard or suburban area you can choose the color garden paths and areas (patios), if they are also made of this building material. In this case, the facade of the main building (house) may differ not only in color, but also in the very material of execution.

Brick, as a building and facing material does not require subsequent painting or any other coating. Provided that used new material... In the event that used brick is used to extend its intended juice of service, the protective coating will not be damaged. In some cases, painting is necessary to create a balanced image of the entire ensemble - the household and the area around it.

And finally - some original ideas

The fence "with perforation" looks original. The brick is laid out not in a continuous canvas, but in a checkerboard pattern. As a result, the fence has holes through which you can partially see what is happening on the street and in the yard. The fence turns out to be less durable, in to a greater extent decorative, but still capable of protecting the territory from external influences (except for prying eyes).

A low brick fence can serve as a garden bed or flower garden. As a result, the site is decorated original element landscape, and it is easier for plants to provide the care that is necessary for each specific crop.

In some cases, the fence has not so much a protective function as a decorative function. As a rule, a low fence is present inside large-scale areas to enclose the functional segments of the site. Such zoning not only brings order to the clear delineation of the yard or personal plot into sectors, but also decorates the landscape. A low brick fence can serve as a curb - to delimit areas of garden paths and flower beds or beds.

One of the most reliable materials for the construction of fences, combining practical and aesthetic functions, is brick.

Do-it-yourself bricklaying of a brick fence different ways which are described below.

Whichever one you choose, it is important to do the job correctly, because the strength and durability of the entire structure depends entirely on the quality of the masonry.


Before proceeding with the construction of the fence, it is necessary to perform a number of actions related to the provision of the theoretical and material basis for future construction.

These include:

  1. Determination of the functions of the fence and the parameters that it should have - thickness, height, shape.
  2. Project development. Depending on the complexity and size of the structure, you can limit yourself to a sketch on paper or draw up a full-fledged large-scale drawing.
  3. Choosing the type of brick and calculating the amount. Single brick laying assumes an average consumption of about 100 units per 1 m2, double brick laying - 200 units, etc.
  4. Procurement of materials and tools.

The drawing is made according to such parameters as height, width, shape of the fence

The last 2 points should be considered in more detail, because in many ways they determine the service life of the structure.

First, you need to decide on the type of material:

  • The most popular are red, facing and frost-resistant bricks.
  • The advantage of red is relative accessibility and good strength, however, it must be plastered or hidden to prevent cracking and delamination of the material. protective coatings, which can negatively affect appearance fence.
  • Facing brick is devoid of this drawback, it allows you to simulate various building materials in accordance with the design concept.
  • The highest resistance to adverse influences external environment possess frost-resistant brands.

Photos of popular bricks:

Facing Frost resistant Red

As soon as the choice is made, the theoretical material consumption for the brickwork of the fence is calculated in accordance with the above scheme with a margin of 5-10%.

The next step is the preparation of everything necessary for construction.

The list of things to be purchased or prepared includes:

  • Bricks.
  • Reinforcement, wire, fine mesh.
  • Wide boards (can be used).
  • Waterproofing materials.
  • Cement, sand, plasticizer and water (or ready mix for masonry).
  • Crushed stone or slag.
  • Concrete mixer or deep container for preparing the mixture.
  • Shovels and trowels in various sizes.
  • Rammer.
  • Strong nylon thread.
  • Buckets.
  • Hammer.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Roulette.
  • Level.

To make the fence strong, it is necessary to provide for brick pillars-columns at regular intervals of the masonry, in all corners, places where gates and gates are installed.

Depending on the type of soil, terrain and technical characteristics the size of the gaps may vary within 2-6 meters.

Layout and preparation of the foundation

To mark the foundation, use a tape measure and rods (wood or reinforcement).

The rods are driven in at the places where the future columns will be installed at their corners and a thread is pulled between them at an equal height.

If span length over 2-3 meters, it is recommended to install intermediate rods as well.

This is a very important operation, because making changes to the layout at the next stages will be extremely difficult or impossible.

Around the entire perimeter, they dig a trench with a depth of at least one meter and a width of 60-80 cm more than the thickness of the future masonry. The walls and bottom should be as flat as possible.

The bottom of the trench is covered with a layer of sand 10-15 cm thick, thoroughly rammed.

After that, the wooden formwork and the central reinforcement of the pillars are installed, and the trench is filled with concrete.

It will be possible to remove the formwork in two weeks, and in a month you can start laying a brick fence on the foundation that has already gained strength.

Types of masonry

Bricklaying a brick fence begins with the creation brick base, the width of which, as a rule, is slightly larger than the main width of the fence, but less than the width of the foundation.

The plinth is necessary to smooth out the unevenness of the relief and can be made from ordinary brick grades, even if the main part will be laid out with facing or frost-resistant ones.

The basement and foundation are covered from above with a waterproofing layer, represented by several sheets of roofing material or one sheet of aquaizol.

Useful video:

Now you can start building the pillars. To do this, the central pipes or reinforcement rods, previously installed in the foundation, are lined with circular rows of 1.5 or 2.5 bricks.

The gaps between the metal guides and the walls of the pillar are filled with concrete at the end of the masonry. It is advisable to cover the pillars from above with curly caps, but it is more convenient to do this already at the final stage of the fence construction.

It remains to create spans. To do this, fill the space between the pillars using one of the following types of brickwork masonry:

  • Chain ligation - an ordered arrangement of bricks in rows, in which two bricks in the lower row are symmetrically overlapped by one in the upper row;
  • Wild dressing is an asymmetric laying, the only condition of which lies in the absence of coincidences of joints.

These are basic schemes for laying in one brick, but they are also applicable for laying in 1.5, 2 or more, taking into account the location of every second element perpendicular to the previous one.

In any case, it is important not to forget to lay the mesh every 4-5 rows to ensure the strength of the structure.

You can control the width and thickness of the gaps with the help of probes from the available tools, and the geometry of the rows with the help of levels.

Do-it-yourself brickwork of a fence is a fun and useful, but not easy task. Accuracy, attentiveness, accuracy and patience are extremely important here.

And then, subject to the described technology, you can really get reliable protection your site for many years.

In order for the fence around the house to be not only beautiful, but also durable, reliable, it is important to use a suitable brick for the fence. On construction market there are many types and brands of brick products, and a person who has nothing to do with construction should independently choose for a fence suitable material it will be hard. However, having understood the characteristics, and having studied all types, you can choose a brick that is suitable in quality and price, from which you can build a fence.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Materials for building a fence are expensive, so not everyone can afford this option.
  • The erected structure is very heavy, so if the foundation is not laid correctly, the risk of rapid destruction of the barrier increases.

However, the advantages of a brick fence are much more:

  • A properly erected structure is distinguished by its strength, reliability and resistance to harsh climatic and mechanical influences.
  • The design is characterized by a long service life, while maintenance and repair costs are minimal.
  • The abundance of various building elements allows you to choose a material suitable for the color, shape and texture for the fence, thanks to which the fence will carry not only a protective, but also a decorative function.

Fence Brick Grades

For the construction of supports and walls of the fence, a product with different characteristics... The first classification takes into account the components of brick blocks:

Silicate material is used for laying the walls of the structure.
  • Ceramic. The main element of the blocks is clay, which is pressed and then fired. Ceramic brick better suited for the construction of a wall, as it is strong, moisture resistant, durable.
  • ... Component products - quartz sand, lime, water. The elements are connected, after which they are pressed and fired. This type of block is reliable, frost-resistant, durable, but has a low moisture resistance. A silicate brick fence is considered environmentally friendly, and thanks to a wide range of colors, combining different shades, it will be possible to realize the most daring ideas.

A separate classification is offered depending on the area of ​​application:

  • Building. It is used for the construction of pillars, walls, foundations, floors.
  • ... With its help, the structure is given decorative view, but this kind of blocks is not forbidden to be used for construction purposes. For example, a fence from clinker brick will be not only beautiful, but also reliable, strong, durable. also has similar characteristics, so it is often used as a finishing or construction material... And in order for the building to have an attractive appearance not only from the outside, but also from the inside, it is recommended to build a fence using a double-sided brick block.

Which brick to choose?

A more expensive option for such a design would be facing blocks.

The brand and type of brick product are selected taking into account the general architectural style houses and outbuildings. In order for the fence to be strong, when buying a product, it is important to take into account the weather and climatic conditions and the composition of the soil around the personal plot. If finances permit, it is better to use facing blocks for pillars and partitions. Will cost less silicate brick, although in terms of decorative characteristics, it is inferior to the facing one. But the erected structure will not differ in strength and reliability.

Construction stages


To begin with, it is important to determine the size of the fence and use pegs and rope to circle the perimeter. The amount of material is calculated, a drawing of the future structure is drawn up, its shape, color scheme, the presence of other elements, for example, forging, metal profiles, are determined. Everything you need is purchased with a small margin. If it is impossible to build a fence on your own, a team of builders is invited, with which prices and others are agreed. important points.

Laying the foundation

A correctly laid foundation for the fence provides the structure with strength and integrity, therefore, it is important to take responsibility for pouring the base. Often, 2 types of foundations are built under a brick fence:

For construction, you can prepare strip foundation.
  • Tape. Standard width tapes 40 cm, depth up to 0.5 m. For reliability, reinforcement with iron rods is carried out, after which everything is poured with concrete.
  • Grillage. When installing brick racks, a foundation is formed to a depth of 1.2-1.5 m, and a strip base is poured between the supports using the standard method. This type of foundation is strong and durable, but it is more costly and time consuming.

To prevent the spread of moisture, waterproofing is carried out. For these purposes, it is recommended to use roofing material. You can give the finished base a decorative look using natural or artificial stone, clinker tiles, gray chipped bricks, porcelain stoneware.