DIY wooden slide drawings. Do-it-yourself children's wooden slide for a summer house

Step-by-step photo instructions: how to make a playground with your own hands. Tips, drawings, videos.

You can make a full-fledged children's playground with a slide, stairs, balcony, rope, manhole and swing with your own hands. The following guide will help you with this. It contains many detailed photographs, so there will be no problems with the manufacture of structural elements and their installation.

Getting ready for work

To begin with, we purchase the material we need - boards 15x2 cm and 5x2 cm and timber with sections 10x5 cm, 10x10 cm and 5x5 cm.

We prepare the following tools:

  • electric drill;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • grinder;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • level.

During the work process, you may need some additional small things like a screwdriver, knife, etc.

Making supports

Pre-prepare a project for the future complex. Indicate on the drawing the desired dimensions each element of the system. Consider the size of the existing construction site.

  • we cut the timber into pieces for arranging support posts and crossbars;
  • polishing wooden elements;
  • saturate the sanded wood.

Average length supports – 900-1150 mm. About 80-100 cm of each support will be dug into the ground, about 10-15 cm will remain above the ground.

Lay out supporting elements on the site in accordance with the project and form a frame - two side parts of our future complex. For connection we use screws with a diameter of 8-10 mm. We embed them into the wood. We close the holes with plugs.

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We place the sides on supports, fixing them in previously prepared recesses. At this stage, we enlist the help of 1-3 people. We set the sides according to the level. It is recommended to first lay bricks under the bottom of each support for better stability of the site. We fill the installed supports with 10-15 cm of crushed stone and fill them with concrete mixture.

We connect the exposed supports with transverse beams. We leave the fill to gain strength.

Making a staircase

While the concrete hardens, we are constructing the stairs. Cut the timber to the required length. The design of the staircase is extremely simple: 2 stringers and steps. We make the steps not too high - the playground is still for children.

We tighten the stringers using hairpins. We fasten the steps into the recesses and additionally fix them with self-tapping screws.

Let's dig in support pillars for the future staircase. We maintain the required slope. Let's make it not too cool. The procedure for arranging the supports remains the same as in the previous section.

Let's try on the stairs. We level it, attach it to the base and fill the supports with concrete. Painting the stairs.

Next we make the railings. For this we set vertical racks from timber, fasten them to the stairs, and then fasten the handrails. We make the top handrail from a board and fasten it at a height of about 90 cm, fix the second handrail approximately in the middle between the top railing and the stairs. To make it, we can use timber 5x5 cm, 5x2 cm or another similar section.

Making a slide

What is a children's playground without a slide? Let's do that too! We won’t spend money on a ready-made plastic trigger. We won’t bother with metal either. Let's make a slide out of wood!

First we will assemble the slide and then attach it to the base. Recommendations for laying the floor will be given below.

To make the structure we will need the following material:

  • timber measuring 70x10x5 cm - 2 pieces;
  • boards 220x15x2 cm - 5 pieces;
  • timber 45x10x5 cm – 5 pieces.

We will use three boards to make a base for the descent. We plan the boards to the same thickness and sand them thoroughly. After this, we fasten the boards with bars directly along the surface. We fasten it from above - this way we can pull the boards to the beam as efficiently as possible. We recess the fasteners into the wood. We cover the recesses for wood processing. Let it dry, and then carefully sand the entire slide again - it should be as smooth as possible.

The base is done. Let's start making the side parts. Determine the angle of descent. The top floor of our play complex will be at a height of 130 cm. Therefore, the angle of descent will be about 55 degrees.

Prices for children's slides

children's slide

We sand the sides, getting rid of sharp corners. Additionally, we round the boards along the length so that it is more convenient for children to hold on to the sides while going down the slide.

All that remains is to paint the product. You can cover it with stain and then varnish.

Now we need to install the finished slide. To do this, we concrete the timber supports in pre-dug holes. Suitable material dimensions 70x10x5 cm. Pre-impregnate the wood with an antiseptic.

We connect the base of the slide with the support posts and the play complex using screws.

Making the floor and railings

The floor of our play complex is laid out from 15x2.5 cm boards. total length floor - approximately 2.5 m. Before laying the floor, we attach stiffeners to the frame of the complex. A 5x10 cm beam is suitable for their manufacture.

At the same stage, we construct a vertical ladder from the end. To assemble it, we use 2x5 cm planks. At the end of the work, we will hang a rope near this ladder. Recommendations for arranging railings have already been given earlier. We follow them. On the side of the steps, instead of railings from boards, we install 5x10 beams to create a manhole.

At this stage, we will assemble and install the support structure for the swing and arrange the access hole. We make the support for the upper beam crosswise - it’s more stable. We first make a selection for convenient joining of the beams and additionally tighten them with bolts. We lay a cross beam on top of the supports and press it with a clamp. We screw it to the support.

Digging holes for racks. We install supports in them, carefully checking each level. At the same stage, we screw spacers to the posts - they will prevent the supports from moving during the concrete hardening process. We fill the holes with the posts with a small layer of crushed stone and concrete them.

Pits for racks

Bye concrete pouring gains strength, we make a hole. We make the slope almost vertical. We arrange steps and cutouts at our discretion. We cut out the holes using a jigsaw. We make the hole itself from OSB and attach it to a frame made of 5x5 cm timber and 5x2 cm crossbars.

We are installing a balcony on the top floor. To do this, we lay and secure the crossbars, lay the floor and erect a roof the length of the stairs. On the side of the slide we attach a wall made of OSB sheet. To make it more beautiful, we cut it out small window. We make railings on the balcony.

We sand all the wooden elements installed at this stage. We round off sharp corners and ends. We cover everything with varnish.

The most favorite place for a child's games - this is a children's slide. Probably, only this entertainment helps to throw out all the excess energy, jump from the heart, and also give the baby an unforgettable, vivid experience. The children's slide is complex design, which resembles a whole gaming complex. Such structures can be found in city playgrounds. On one side the slide has steps, on the other there is a slight descent. For safety reasons, the slides are equipped with handrails and railings for ascending and descending. As a rule, such structures are small in height and may have one or several descents. If you have a country house, you can purchase a children’s slide not only to order, but also to make it yourself.

It is important that the slide matches everyone safety standards. You cannot install the slide near decorative electric lights and trees, greenhouses, outbuildings, etc. A shadow should fall on some part of the slide. It is harmful for babies to stay in the sun for a long time. What does it take to create a children's slide? First, decide on place for construction, sketch out a drawing and diagram of both the slide as a whole and its individual parts.

The structure must be well secured metal support or concreted. The slide parts must be sanded well and varnished.

Supports, handrails and railings must be well fortified.

The size of the structure should also be taken into account. It must be appropriate for the child's age. For younger schoolchildren, the height of the slide should reach no more than 3.5 meters.

Required tools and materials

To build a wooden children's slide with your own hands, you need the following: materials:

Tools to build a slide:

  • Hammer
  • Electric drill
  • Electric planer
  • Electric saw or wood saw
  • Roulette
  • Angle cutting machine
  • Drill

Work order

The children's slide is almost ready, all that remains is to remove the protruding corners, heads of screws and nails, carefully sand the boards and cover special protective varnish.

In addition to the slide, you can also install a swing, horizontal bar, rings and other elements for children. Over time, it can be complicated by adding a house, sports sectors, etc.

Secrets of installing a children's slide with your own hands

  1. Grooves and slats when connecting parts form a strong and stable design.
  2. To ensure that the baluster is firmly installed, the staircase can be additionally reinforced with slats.
  3. Best used for painting acrylic. These paints provide excellent protection against negative influences.

Thanks to on one's own With the manufactured design, the child, together with his peers and friends, will have fun and usefully spend time. A children's slide will give a lot of positive emotions.

On the site next to country house or a dacha, families with small children often equip a place for active games. Depending on your financial capabilities, desires and area of ​​the plot, you can choose one or another option. This could be a whole playground, a sandbox, a swing or a slide. Many designs can be purchased at finished form, or you can assemble it yourself. You will learn how to make a children's slide with your own hands from the article.

Construction rules

Before you figure out how to make a slide for children with your own hands, you should study the rules for its construction and installation. You need to remember the following:

The slide must be stable, functional, durable and attractive appearance. Its base can be concreted or use metal supports. All structural elements should be sanded and varnished.

Be sure to consider the child's age if we're talking about about preschoolers or junior schoolchildren, then the height of the slide should be a maximum of 3.5 m.

Types of children's slides

You need to choose the sizes and materials for a homemade slide depending on where exactly it will be installed. For example, if you need to make it not for the street, but for the room, then it should be small, and for production they use materials such as:

  • laminate;
  • plywood;
  • wood and more.

The principle of their manufacture does not differ from the work on the construction of street slides, but we are talking about much smaller dimensions.

And if we are talking about making an option for the street, then you should decide on the material, since working with each of them may differ. And the properties of this or that material also differ; they have their pros and cons. Their characteristics are:

Using the last option as an example, you will learn how to build a slide with your own hands for the street. After all, it is wooden slides that are most often installed in dachas.

DIY wooden slide

Since wood is the most affordable material, it is used for DIY construction. In addition, a wooden structure is easier to repair and easiest to install. Unlike metal structures, you do not need to use welding machine and other complex devices.

Works on construction of a wooden slide start with preparatory activities. How successful the result will be depends on how correctly you perform them. At this stage you will need to do the following:

  • remove the slide at the installation site fertile soil, and level the ground;
  • fill the area with sand and let it settle, compact the soil;
  • prepare wooden blanks (for example, boards for feet, timber for the base, railings or stringers and more), dry them, saw them according to the drawing and sand them well. Then saturate them with the protective mixture;
  • paint the steps, handrails and boards for the “tunnel” in two layers of enamel, taking into account intermediate sanding;
  • prepare the side elements for lining the tunnel and side and treat everything with impregnation.

When the preparation is completed, you can create the basis for the future structure and perform subsequent actions. The algorithm is like this:

Naturally, there are different manufacturing options. It all depends on what kind of design it will be. Perhaps it will consist of two slides different sizes And additional elements. It will be more difficult to do this on your own.

Materials for the ramp

Even the slope itself can be made based on various materials. In addition to plywood, the following may be suitable for it:

  • sheet of plastic (has the most best characteristics slip-resistant, but may crack);
  • galvanized sheet 0.5 mm thick;
  • linoleum.

In addition, the wood can be polished with wax. Some people line the slope with laminate, but this is not recommended, since laminate tends to deform under load or moisture.

Ensuring safety and durability

During construction, it is necessary to follow a number of rules so that the structure lasts as long as possible, and parents do not worry about the safety of the child.

In particular, secure each structural element as securely as possible. It is not recommended to cover a finished wooden slide with plain oil paint. It is better to use acrylic coating or high-quality varnish. At least this applies to the slope as the most used part of the product. Decorative coating must be applied in several layers, each one must be dried before applying the next one.

The covering of the ramp will wear off over time, so it needs to be properly cared for. Each time before painting, the surface should be sanded, all deformations on the boards should be eliminated, and cracks should be filled. And only after these steps the surface is covered with paint.

To ensure your child's safety while playing, remember the following:

  • Periodically, the wooden slide needs to be inspected to see if there are any deformations or cracked joints on the surface. This is especially important after winter;
  • It is better to install the slide in the shade, preferably so that it is clearly visible from the window;
  • There should be no allergy-causing, poisonous or thorny plants near the installation site. And honey-bearing flowers can attract bees, which can be dangerous for children;
  • Pipes cannot be placed next to the slide, electrical cables or hoses.

If the slide will be made for general use, then there should be enough space around it for several children to be there at the same time.

When constructing a slide, you need to carefully plan everything and take into account all the risks. Regardless of what material is used, you need to carefully study its properties.

Now you know how to make a slide with your own hands in the country or near a country house. You just need to select the right materials for the job and follow certain parameters. Over time, you will be able to add swings, equipment, a carousel and other devices to the slide.

Children have always loved and still love to ride on carousels and swings. Now these children's structures are manufactured on an industrial scale. They can be purchased at many retail outlets. But some of them can be built on your own. In this article we will look at how to make a children's slide.

Construction requirements

Territory country house is a great place to install a children's slide. Making one for children is not very difficult if you follow certain rules:

  • The age of the children does not at all affect the fact that the design should provide for such required elements like fencing and railings. While playing, the child becomes inattentive and may fall from a height, and these elements will help him maintain his balance.
  • For the construction of the building, you need to use only environmentally friendly materials that will be harmless to children's health. It is prohibited to use structural elements that are easily flammable.
  • When building a children's slide for a summer residence, it is preferable wooden materials. Metal structures are generally no worse than wooden ones, but have some disadvantages. We must not forget that for children the most active time of the year is summer with the burning rays of the sun. To prevent children from getting burned on very hot metal, a structure made of this material will have to be placed in a shaded area. The wooden structure can be placed in any convenient location. There are also plastic slides, but their material is not very durable and can crack at any time. In addition, such designs are widely presented in stores, so it makes no sense to make them yourself.

The slide must be designed in such a way that it is primarily safe for children. The children's structure should have no slotted partitions or dangerous gaps, since children, in the heat of play, can insert any part of their body into the existing hole and be seriously injured when descending. All details must be calculated down to the smallest detail, otherwise unforeseen troubles may occur.

Manufacturing process

  • To build a children's slide, the first thing you need to do is build a slide. It is made from several boards, which must be the same in width and length. Wooden base must be carefully polished so that children can descend comfortably and safely. The boards are connected to each other with several bars on the bottom side.
  • After the descent is constructed, it is time to attach the side structural parts to it. As work progresses, it is necessary to determine the height of the structure that children will climb and the angle of inclination of the ramp. Factory-made slides have standard sizes: 1.3 m – height, 55º – angle of inclination. These parameters must also be adhered to during construction. homemade design. The side boards should be of such length that their ends extend to the top of the platform and serve as a kind of handrail for grasping before descending. The side boards are attached on both sides to the base of the slope using self-tapping screws. The sides, as well as the descent, must be well polished, sharp corners cut and smoothed sandpaper or grinding wheel grinder. These safety measures will prevent children from getting injured while playing.
  • After the descent is ready, markings are made for the children's structure. Drill for gardening work Holes are made in the ground into which beams are installed, the ends of which are coated with mastic on the bottom side. It will not allow the tree to rot quickly. After this, the installation site of the beams is filled with concrete.
  • In the upper part of the beams, using a saw, grooves are cut out with such a depth and width so that strapping strips can be inserted into the racks without any problems. These wooden elements are connected to the beams using self-tapping screws. The strapping strips will perform 2 functions simultaneously. Firstly, they will make the structure of the children's slide more rigid and stable. Secondly, they will play the role of a protective fence. Children will feel safe on the playground.
  • 2 more wooden crossbars are attached to the resulting frame structure. A ladder will be attached to them on one side, and a ready-made descent on the other. Then comes the turn of installing a wooden floor, which is constructed from boards using self-tapping screws. Small gaps are left between the floor boards to allow water to escape during and after rainfall. For greater strength of the joint wooden structures fastened with metal corners.

The children's slide has been completed, and children will now be able to enjoy their free time.

For a complete physical development children need sports equipment and buildings. The simplest is a children's slide. Many parents can build it with their own hands, both in the yard and in the apartment. This article will be a good help for beginning craftsmen.

Slide on the site

A favorite childhood pastime has always been skiing downhill. Many people build it out of snow in winter. But with the onset of heat it becomes unusable. And the melting transition itself can sometimes lead to injury.

Therefore, it is best if you build a children’s slide for your dacha with your own hands entirely from wood. You can build it using a boardwalk laid on metal structure. It should be taken into account that such a children's slide can last longer. You can make drawings of such a design with your own hands, based on this drawing.

Slide as part of a children's playhouse

Very often, children are equipped with a real town at the sites. A playhouse equipped for entertaining activities for children may have an additional slide in the form of a slide. Such a structure is especially interesting if the building is installed on piles.

To build a slide from the house you will need a flooring and two sides. If desired, you can use a small platform before the descent. But it is successfully replaced by the veranda of the house or its threshold in the case when the slide is attached directly to the entrance to it.

You can also make a slide in a house installed on the ground. True, then the solution will be quite original and extraordinary. In this case, the upper part of the descent should be secured to the “attic” window or even to the roof. Kids will like the option of sliding directly from the windows of the house or from its balcony.

It is very important to take care of the safety of the child! Therefore, it is worth carefully considering the climb to the attic or roof of the house. It is necessary to make a railing on the roof so that the baby cannot fall while playing. The roof should also be flat, without any slope.

It is not necessary to pave the area around the slide and playhouse. It is best to fence it with a low side and cover it with sand. This will help avoid a lot of troubles and make the place less dangerous. Of course, with this option, cleaning in the home will be significantly increased, because children will constantly drag sand into the rooms on their socks and legs.

Actually, if desired, you can adapt the slide-descent on a regular country house, intended not for games, but for living by the whole family. This is convenient to do when the house is on stilts and there is a high porch. Then they make a slide by covering part of the stairs with boards. It is necessary to install a small side on the downhill side, protecting it from the steps.

Staircase in the house and children's slide

It’s not at all difficult to build an original descent from one floor to another with your own hands. Moreover, such design move will become creative solution Problems with children riding on stair railings. Such a children's slide, attached to the stairs with your own hands, is original, interesting, and beautiful.

This is how it is done.

Two identical boards will serve as the side parts of the slide. The third board will be its base. Having put together a structure that resembles a gutter, you should cut off its edge at the desired angle. The sharper the angle, the flatter the children's slide will become. The master himself will be able to adjust the tilt with his own hands.

One of the side parts of the slide should act as a supporting post to which the steps are attached. The second end of the steps can also be supported by another supporting wooden post. But there is an option to mount them directly to the wall.

A slide like a descent from the second tier of a bed

Interesting design option children's corner, which includes a sleeping area on the second tier. This could be a children's slide, made with your own hands from wood and attached to sleeping place. Of course, it is necessary to leave the usual stairs.

To build an additional slide, you will need three boards: the directly lower part for sliding and two side ones, which will play a role load-bearing structure. They are knocked together in the form of an incomplete parallelepiped from three sides. The lower edge of the load-bearing sidewalls is cut off at an angle. Subsequently they are installed on the floor. The upper edge of the sidewalls is also cut down, but the cut should be perpendicular to the base. This section is attached to the side of the bed.

Details of the simplest slide for kids

This structure is suitable for children to play on fresh air, and in the house. This children's slide is made from wood with your own hands. Drawings of parts are given without indicating dimensions. They can be selected arbitrarily.

But one rule should be strictly observed: the sides of some parts are equal.

The width of the upper platform (2) before the descent must correspond to the width of the side posts (1). The same size should be at the descent itself, as well as at the lower struts between the posts, which give the structure rigidity. Most likely, the length of the steps will correspond to it.

The bevel lines at the sides of the stairs (top and bottom) must be parallel. The same is true with the bevel lines at the side edges of the descent.

Fastening a simple slide

The installation of the structure should be considered. If you are making a do-it-yourself outdoor children's slide from wood, the drawings of which are presented here, then metal pins should be attached to the lower side of the posts, which are best dug into the ground or even cemented from below to make a foundation. The structure used in the apartment can be rigidly attached to the wall with one side support.

Instructions for assembling a slide from finished parts

Before you make a children's slide with your own hands, you should choose quality material manufacturing. The boards should not have cracks, knots, or unevenness, and should be of sufficient thickness.

The parts can be connected using metal angles and bolts.

  • First, the upper platform is attached to the racks at the required height before lowering.
  • Then the bottom of the racks should be fixed with spacers. They are nailed to lower parts racks parallel to each other.
  • The staircase is assembled separately from steps and sidewalls. It is worth considering the fact that what sharper angle cut the sidewalls, the flatter the staircase will be.
  • The upper part of the rise is attached to the platform before the descent.
  • The slide is also assembled separately. To do this, the sides of the descent are fastened with a groove to the descent part. And here it is worth remembering that the steeper the cut angle of the sides, the steeper the slide will be.
  • The upper part of the descent must be fixed flush to the upper platform.
  • The entire structure should be treated with a corrosion inhibitor, painted, and varnished.

Building a slide will take very little time, but it will bring great joy to the kids! And if adults manage to involve the child in work, then the educational effect will not take long to arrive.