Metal porch on three sides. Metal Porch Frame - Types of Materials and Nuances of Manufacture

Many people think that if it's not worth it and look for some interesting projects, four walls and a roof put. In fact, even such buildings can be a real work of art. In this article, we will analyze only one element - a metal porch for giving, which can be a step to this.

About the porch

In addition, it can also be built:

  • from concrete;
  • from wood;
  • from brick.

The item also can be different configurations. Its decoration can be carried out in different ways and means.

Tip: Choosing Material, Consider, In what style you have built a house, what dimensions of him and other parameters.

For example, for a small structure it is better to design a miniature porch. Enough pairs of steps, railing and a small visor.

If your home has been designed with year-round residence and has all the signs, you can attach both metal, and stone structures. In the first case, you have the opportunity to experiment with different sizes and forms, thanks to the power of the material.

Also, the metal design is capable of non-overhaul and fulfill its direct appointment.

Metal Porch Characteristics

Consider the main:

  1. No one will argue that the design is stronger and safer than others.
  2. It should not be afraid that over time it rotes due to atmospheric influences or its part will be destroyed by microorganisms.
  3. Also, it is not necessary to worry about the fact that cement laying from water streams will also begin to come into disrepair.
  1. The design of the design is not related to some heavy and dirty work.
  2. You can purchase a ready-made frame, modify it and install it.
  3. If you have the ability, you can make an original product from the actual scrap metal with your own hands. Surely you have in a barn or garage without affairs are pipes and corners that can become a beautiful porch.

Remember that metal parts can easily be combined with other materials, including stone and wood, and attached to them without much effort. For the facing of the porch made of metal, you can not only use the paint, but also polycarbonate or plastic. They allow you to change the appearance of the design from time to time.

The deficiencies highlights the price for the material and work on the manufacture of the design. But if you have skills, the last parameter can exclude.

Preparation for work

The best material is galvanized, which does not need constant care. However, working with it requires certain knowledge, which, alas, is not everyone, but they can be learned. More often, the whole porch is made of ferrous metals, which then need to be treated from corrosion.

Usually, the porch is put for a side inlet or rear door, while its platform is intentionally positioned slightly below the threshold level. Do not forget about it by making design calculation.

In the photo - options for the manufacture of the porch

It is usually from:

  • platforms;
  • steps;
  • railing;
  • shed or visor (optional).

Do not provide for some unnecessary buildings in this place, which will prevent the approach to the house. You can also not install a visor in this case, it is enough to do it for the front entrance.

Although the instruction consists of many stages, it does not represent much complexity.

At the first stage, it should be prepared for the process - buy Building materials and tools:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • shovel;
  • level;
  • boards for filling;
  • reinforcement for concrete reinforcement;
  • screws;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • glue;
  • nails;
  • metal rolling;
  • primer;
  • paint;
  • screwdriver;
  • welding machine.

Tip: Power supply problems on the country site can solve the rental of a diesel generator for the cottage.


  1. Make a foundation.

In this case, it is enough to concrete racks, as the design is small:

  • follow the territory;
  • drop the corners of 4 holes for pipes, while their depth should be at least 1/3 of their height;
  • install the pipes and secure them in a vertical position using a plumb. Use bricks or other firm materials to prevent their movements.
  1. Prepare a concrete solution of 1 piece of cement and 3 parts of sand and 3 parts of rubble. It can be stirred in the appropriate spade capacity. Mix the cement with water, and then add alternate sand and crushed stone alternately.
  2. Pour the intervals between the racks and the soil to the surface. Give the solution to dry, sometimes wetting it with water so that it does not crack and dried uniformly.
  3. Make a staircase for the porch - a step from metal corners and 2 channels that will become its basis. Install them so that between them there is a distance approximately equal to the width of the steps.

Cut corners with a grinder on the prepared dimensions and weld them with the welding machine along the contour. Then weld the workpiece of steps to the chapels.

A porch of a private house is almost his face, and to choose from his design it is necessary to approach responsibly. If you chose metal as the main material, then our selection will help you choose the design of a metal porch - the most beautiful, stylish and functional.

Features of choosing a porch at home

Without exaggeration, we can say that the porch is one of the most important elements of the appearance of the house. The porch can be made from different materials and combinations thereof, represent various styles and fashion trends. But one of the most original was always a metallic porch. It can be performed in a classic style, with a wrought roof and railings, and you can do something ultra-modern and unusual with intricate weaves of beams and canopies. The choice is always yours, but be sure to consider that the porch should coincide with the design of the whole house and look harmoniously.

We must not forget about the fact that the porch has a huge functional component. It can protect against bad weather, becoming a place to rest or be just a modest elegant canopy in front of the entrance door. Its creation is best to take into account at the planning stage, before the construction of the house. So you will achieve the best result, the porch will harmoniously fit into the design of the whole house, and will fully fulfill the functions assigned to it.

20 photos and ideas of metal poles

An forged metal porch with a beautiful floral pattern and twisted columns in combination with a brick facade is a classic. This combination, tested by centuries, and did not lose a drop of their attractiveness and aristocratic brilliance.

Very nice looks, "swollen" to meet guests, with forged railing and thin elegant metal poles with patterns under the roof.

And again brick and metal, but already in a more modest execution. This design looks restrained and conservative. No one with complete confidence can say who the owner of the house with such a porch is the duke or just a person with a good taste.

Simple and unobtrusive, but comfortable and spacious porch, made in the Mediterranean style. In the shadow of this porch, it will be nice to sit under the midday sun.

Forging is perfectly combined with a tree. It complements and revives the wooden facade of the house, makes it interesting.

Today you can afford forging of any complexity. The masters were traded by these art perfectly and fulfill any wish. A luxurious wrought porch can be added no less luxurious arch.

Metallic porch can attract fabulous and magic motifs. Even a small porch can be a real masterpiece.

But the screaming luxury and chic are not always appropriate. Sometimes only two beautiful elegant supports under the road roof are needed. Especially if the owner of the house is a discreet and humble person, or it's just a porch for the backyard.

If you make your metal porch light, it will look transparent and weightless. It will not hang with its metal cargo, but will give the necessary protection from the sun, rain and wind, which should give a porch.

Another way to ease the weight of the metal porch will be covered with a metal frame of a wicker roof. This option is not suitable for all climatic zones, it is rather possible to be called the "southern caprice".

If you like to spend a lot of time in the fresh air, and even with the company, then you need to make a spacious porch without unnecessary delights, but with an excellent visibility. This is a porch with iron supports, an area comparable to the ground floor area, can replace the cozy room or even the hall, provided good weather.

We will be transferred to modernity along with this masterpiece of massive chambers. Such a porch looks modern, however it also inspires the thrill as the gate of medieval castles.

Another beautiful way to arrange your home with the help of iron elements in a modern style.

The design of the rear courtyard porch using structures from metal profiles is an excellent idea. Using profiles, you can make a porch of any configuration.

A high metal porch with a slight wooden flooring looks modern, gently and easily.

Beautifully looks like a semicircular porch made of metal covered with durable glass. Under such a canopy, you can always soak under the sun.

You can combine the porch at the entrance door and the glazed loggia one canopy, so the whole area for recreation and reception of guests will be.

The porch leaving the backyard can be made spacious and glazed to spend time there with friends and loved ones.

The porch, decorated in the form of a dome of metal and glass, gorgeous. Such a strict, bold and attractive design will be remembered for a long time, even those people who will see it by chance from the street.

The same domed design can be made in the backyard, put the barbecue and enjoy the view of the night sky in the starry night through the glass roof of this wonderful porch.

We hope the ideas collected for you and our small tips inspired you, and now you can choose the design of the porch for your home.

Metal is a sufficiently durable material, from which you can construct beautiful, openwork structures with skillful circulation. In addition, the frame of the porch made of metal is often the basis of the entire product, which is issued by other materials. And how and what to do this, tells the article.

To determine whether the metal frame is suitable for the porch, it is worth introducing it to its advantages and minuses that are combined in the table:

Benefits disadvantages
  • High strength;
  • Fast construction assembly;
  • The possibility of partial replacement of old porch elements;
  • It may be an elite or budget version, which depends on the material used and manufacturing technology;
  • Long-term operation of the product;
  • The possibility of a porch to a metal home to combine with other materials;
  • The design well transfers large temperature differences;
  • The finished product, if necessary, can be dismantled and transfer to another building;
  • The material allows it to give it different forms using a varied design.
  • High material price;
  • The need to conduct measures to protect the metal from corrosion;
  • The porch is metallic for home, especially his visor, produces too much noise during the rain;
  • Metal stairs for the porch can be too slippery in winter, so they should be made from the spacing, with a ribbed flooring or rod of reinforcement.

Very rarely, the porch is completely manufactured from the metal. Such designs are used only for high-end class products.

Tip: Choosing a metal porch project, you should very carefully think about the design design so that it corresponds to the style of the main building.

Materials for the construction of a metal porch

The manufacture of a metal porch can be performed from various derived metal products.

Some of them are presented in Table:

Material Features

This design is considered to be a budget option. After making a frame, it can be separated by wood, stone, tile, plastic and other construction materials.

Minus Aluminum - Low strength for designs experiencing constant loads. As an option - the manufacture of beautiful handrails for stairs or light visor over the porch.

It is a beautiful and enough durable metal that does not require additional processing. But the cost of such a porch is quite high.

Modern metal comes from different shapes and sizes. The cost of pipes is acceptable, and the strength and other characteristics are at the level.

These are very expensive and beautiful products. After hardening, the durability of the porch increases significantly. Forging is very often used in respectable country houses and cottages.

The use of any of these materials allows you to make a porch with your own hands on the envy of all neighbors.

Technical parameters of the porch

To obtain a convenient and practical frame of a metal porch, it is necessary to correctly perform its height, the number of steps on the stairs, the size of the site, the angle of inclination of the stairs, the height of the railil, the visor value.

At the same time, some rules for the construction of the structure should be taken into account:

  • Placing the platform in front of the door, it is necessary to lower it lower than the lower-door bottom level by 30-40 mm;
  • For the free gathering of rain and melt water, the porch pad is worth tilt from the house by 2º - 3º;
  • When building a visor for a porch, he must be over a platform over 500 mm;
  • According to SNiP, the height of the fence of the porch or the railing should be within 0.8 - 1 m;
  • The height and number of steps are calculated with the convenience of making a person a step. Usually, the number of steps is taken odd, height - from 150 to 200 mm, a depth - 300 - 350 mm;
  • It is desirable, as for the site, to make a small bias of 2º - 3º degrees for steps so that rainwater does not cause them, especially if the steps are separated by a tree;
  • The slope of the staircase of the porch is selected from 25º to 45º.

Porch design options on metallic frame

Choosing which porch is made of metal, you can use the most bold fantasies.


  • You can choose the finished modular porch, which is installed at the door;
  • Metal porch for a wooden house is one of the best options;
  • The easiest design option for the wooden house is a classic porch on a metal frame with a small open-type veranda and a canopy over it. At the same time, the canopy relies on supports playing decorative function, and being supports for the ladder itself.

Below are photos of some structures of the porch based on a metal frame.

To properly choose the design of the porch for your home, you should watch the video in this article.

Design device

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the product, the drawing should be developed for it.

The porch on the metallic frame consists of such main elements:

  • Platforms;
  • Stairs;
  • Fences;
  • Cargo.

In this case, the porch frame is made forged or welded. To give the product a presentable view, at the end of the assembly, it is covered with paint or polyrollas.

Based on the requirements of lowering the sizes of the metal staircase, an independent project is developed, in which the design design, the placement of steps relative to the facade of the building is taken into account. For a small height of the metal porch, the steps are placed perpendicular to the door to the input, or around the platform.

Tip: With a high base, so as not to occupy a lot of space in front of the house, the steps should be placed on the sides of the upper platform, arrange a screw or rotary staircase with two marches.

Welding metal carcass

For private houses and country cottages, metal frame for the porch is made from an equal flow of 40x5 mm, for the porch of the profile pipe, the rental is selected by cross section 20x40x3 mm, or square pipes 40x3 mm, 45x3 mm.

Increase the strength and durability of the design helps a reliable foundation. Which one to choose is solved after geodetic studies of the area. The simplest is pile. Developed drawings are transferred to the terrain.


  • Challenges the perimeter of the design;
  • Between them stretches the cord;
  • Monitoring markup geometry;
  • If the design does not provide other parameters, the corners between the cords are kept strictly 90º;
  • In the corners of the placement of the upper platform and the lower steps, piles are driven;
  • With a width of a metal porch, more than 2 meters, piles are installed in the center, between the driven elements;
  • Each pile is checked by the level of vertical installation;
  • If the length of the metal staircase is more than 3 meters, additional intermediate vertical supports are driven, which protects the design from sagging;
  • The length of the outer pile for the top platform is selected in the height of the porch minus the thickness of the flooring and the framework of the site;
  • For the lower step, the size of the outer part of the pile can be selected flush with the ground, or a bit speaker, which is provided for by the project;
  • If the piles of a small length, they should be cut off with the ground, and then to spend the metal racks of the necessary height to them. They will rely on the metal frame;
  • Racks or piles around the perimeter of the porch area, and the lower binds to the cables or chapels on the gloves. This will preserve the geometry of the welded design.

After the base device, the size of the hypotenuse is measured from the lower pile to the top platform, and the rolling element of the desired length is unlocked. It will be a side part of the staircase - Kosur or the string, which will be welded all the steps. 2 tents are required.

  • In the size of the height of the steps;
  • In the size of the depth of the step;
  • In the width of the stairs.

The number of billets is selected by the number of steps multiplied by 2. Billets for risers and coming along the contour between themselves strictly at an angle of 90º, M-shaped parts are obtained.

The procedure for assembling a metal frame:

  • The bottom step is going;
  • A M-shaped part is welded to the leader over the entire contour;
  • Measured horizontal;
  • The same operations are performed on the right tenent;
  • The upper angle of parts is connected by an equal flow area, welded inside the contour to two elements;
  • The bottom of the steps or the inner angle is connected in the same way, but the shelves protrude out;
  • The remaining steps are welded similarly;
  • After making a metal frame, you can install steps from different materials;
  • The floor is laid on the top platform;
  • If necessary, the railing is welded on the site and the staircase;
  • Mounted visor;
  • The finish finish of the entire porch is performed. For this seams and all parts are cleaned from scale, rust and oil spots. Surfaces are covered with paint intended for external work.

Tip: Check quality check, should be checked kerosene, smearing the seam on the one hand, and with a chalk suspension on the other. The procedure should be carried out 2 times, with a break in 10 minutes. If on the joints, after a few hours there were no stains - the quality of the welding is high.

A porch on a metal frame with their own hands is a large-scale structure that requires a serious approach to carrying out all works. But the spent the forces will pay off a long period of exploitation of the structure, originality and beauty of the structure. Having made a metal porch for your home, you will get reliability and comfort.

No modern house can be imagined without a porch. Thanks to it, it is provided with a convenient entrance to the room. In addition, such a structure ensures the protection of the entrance door from precipitation and dust. In this article, consider how to build a metal porch with your own hands.

Preparatory work

The process of construction of a metal porch is best to start with the creation of sketch. To do this, use measuring instruments. They will need to measure all the dimensions you need. Then the paper should create a drawing of the future facilities. Someone may have a question: what is the drawing? If you have a sketch of your future facilities before your eyes, the construction process will pass quickly. If the drawing is already there, it will allow you to correctly make calculations of the amount of material.


At the present time, a variety of materials are used when conducting work on the construction of the porch. Ring can be:

  • from brick;
  • from wood;
  • metal.

If in your plans to build a porch in the house or in a bath, then, making a choice in favor of a metal design, it will provide the structure of a stylish and air look. The porch of metal can be easily built with their own hands.

How to determine the size of the porch

One of the main elements of the metal porch is a staircase. If we talk about sizes, then they can vary from 0.8 m to 1.0 m. By choosing a choice in favor of a metal staircase for a porch 80 cm, you should know that only one person can use it with comfort. If you are satisfied with the design of 1 m, then two people can safely break on it.

An important point is the number of steps on the stairs. Experts recommend to make their number odd. It is explained by the fact that most people are convenient to start and finish movement from the same leg. Its nuances are in terms of the angle of inclination of the stairs. It is desirable that it is not cooler 45 degrees. The minimum degree should not be below 26.

Size steps For a private porch, it can vary from 12 cm to 20 cm. If we talk about their width, then they must be at least 25 cm. To keep the specified bias, the steps must have the same height. Deviations in both sides are allowed no more than 5 mm. To find the steps one to another can, but only at a distance of no more than 30 mm.

With all seriousness it is necessary to approach the determination of the size of the upper platform. They should be such that, when opening the door, no obstacles arose. Places for its discovery should be enough. The lower part of the door design should be 5 cm above the level of the site itself.

Foundation under the porch

Like any construction, the metal porch does not cost without the foundation. Although the weight of the construction is small, but, nevertheless, it is better to take care of creating a base.

Foundation dimensions

During the construction of the foundation, it is necessary to properly approach the task of choosing the depth of its placement. It must be placed below the drainage depth of 30 cm. If we talk in relation to the metropolitan region, the average depth must be at the level of 1.4 m. If the house constantly lives and the temperature in it never falls below 10 degrees Celsius, then in this case the depth of the foundation can be reduced.

It can be reduced in the following cases:

  • If the floor is built on natural soils, the depth is reduced by 30%;
  • Reducing the depth of 20% is permissible if the floor is performed on the lags;
  • for the floor mounted on beams, the depth is reduced by 10%.

Before starting work, it will be worth finding where the horizon of groundwater passes on your site. It is extremely unlikely that it will fall under the foundation. However, if this happened, then in this case it will be necessary to carry out work on the removal of water from the house.

Stages of installation of the foundation under the porch

The first stage is coming creation of catlovana. When carrying out work, it is necessary to take into account the sandy-crushed stone pillow, which will be laid on its bottom.

The second stage is laying a pillow of sand and rubble. Work begin with the placement of the sand layer. During the laying of sand on the bottom, it is periodically trambed and watered with water. The thickness of the sand layer should be 10 cm. On top of it, it is necessary to put a crushed stone, the layer of which should have a thickness of 5 cm. Dimensions of sand and rubble pillows must be more than the size of the foundation 15 cm from all sides.

The next stage is coming laying wooden formwork. When it is created, it is necessary to use boards with a thickness of at least 2 cm. Their length should be no more than 20 cm. The material used should not be dry. To work, it is necessary to use boards, oversized on the one hand. At the corners of the foundation, the pegs should be put on, and then the twine tensioned. Then all over the perimeter, with an interval in 1 m, pegs are rushing. They are further attached to the boards using nails. Their length should be sufficient so that they can be bandaged. With the height of the foundation, 20 cm should be installed in the stop strut.

The next stage is reinforcement. It preceded by filling work. In reinforcement, the assembly of the class A-III profile is used. The choice must be made in favor of the rod with a diameter of 12 mm. First, the armature is associated with the withstanding step 200 mm. It must be observed in the longitudinal, and in the transverse direction. The intersection points should be connected. To ensure the reliability of the base there will be enough upper and lower grids.

After finishing reinforcement, go directly to concrete. It should be known that the metal design of the staircase should be slightly recessed. When pouring concrete, it is necessary to leave no more than 30 cm to the top. When the design is installed, it is necessary to fill the platform to concrete to the top. When the filling works are completed, it is necessary to save the concrete from emptiness. For this you can take advantage of the vibrator. If it is not, then you can do the usual cloth. When the air bubbles are removed from concrete, the material is closed with a film. Now you need to wait until it gains the desired strength. Usually one week takes. During this time, the design should not be touched.

Metal work

The metal porch is a design that consists of:

  • stairs;
  • railing;
  • visor

What rental use for metal stairs

Usually in the manufacture of stairs for a private house porch two schwell are usedthat make up the basis of the stairs. Next to them will produce a welding of rolled, which will perform as steps. The design of the steps may be very diverse. We will look at one of the designs below:

For the manufacture of steps it is necessary to take an equal corner. Next, it is necessary to cross the rental in accordance with the desired dimensions, while taking into account the length of the weld. Next, the corner is welded along the contour.

After that, take the following cropped corner And we weld one to another along the contour. Now this corner on the contour is welded to the chapeller. Thus, the installation of the corners to two chambers is made.

Next, it is necessary to connect the steps. The top of the M-shaped elements are connected to an escaped corner, which is fed along the contour to two elements. We draw attention to what to connect them to the shelves inside. The corner join the finished steps, but only the shelves out.

The resulting levels can be filled with the material, which can be used as any. It is permissible to make a choice in favor of plywood or wood. Self-tapping screws are used to fasten the material to the metal. Also during work it is necessary to use glue on silicone basis. Or you can use the adhesive composition on the tree.

If the porch has a staircase with the number of steps more than three, then requires railing with handrailsthat will provide security. It should be known that their height should be at least 90 cm. You can use different hire for their manufacture.

One of the options for their creation assumes the installation at the top of the racks from rectangular pipes. To the top and bottom of the racks it is necessary to weld the pipes of a smaller diameter. The top tube will act as a handrail. The space formed between the two pipes can be filled with any rolling. Step can also be any. When the construction works are completed, it is necessary to cover metal composition to protect against corrosion. In this case, the construction will last long.


Porch - an important element of the house design. It can act as a decorative element. If you need to protect the entrance door from moisture and dust, then arrange a metal porch - the best choice. Work in the process of its creation is quite simple, so you can perform it with your own hands. The cost of buying materials is small, time to create a design is also required. Using high-quality materials, you will receive a beautiful building at the end of the work, which will allocate your home against the background of neighboring houses.

It is difficult to present a private house without a constructed porch. The process of its design can be different. The optimal option is to castting the foundations of the house and the porch at the same time. However, often about the steps are thinking after the building is built.

In this case, the porch is attached, for which three types of materials are used - wood, metal, concrete.

How to build a porch

Attach the porch to the house with your own hands is quite forces to many of us. When you decide on the direction of steps (they can go into one, two or three sides at the same time), you need to choose the height of the porch. It is desirable that it was 50-70 mm lowered towards the border of the doorway.

Here it is necessary to take into account two points:

  • the exclusion of locking the door leaf opening out;
  • preventing water receipt to the house after falling out of precipitation

Calculation of the size of the upper platform

For door-oriented doors, you should prepare the upper platform with a depth of 300-400 mm width of the door of the door. At the same time, the requirements of the GOST - the size of the site should be more opening at least 1.5 times. For example, you installed the door, the width of which is 900 mm, then the size of the site should be over 1350 mm.

Design steps

When determining the parameters of the ladder, you can focus on the recommended step size of 15-20 cm. If you split the height of the porch to this size, then you can get the desired number of steps.

Of course, you are unlikely to get an integer. Therefore, you can vary the height of the steps within the recommended restriction, distributing the surplus between them. Or foreseen a small step at the very beginning of the staircase. But the width of each segment can be within 30-40 cm.

The following recommendations also exist: if we summarize the quantity with a doubled stage, the resulting result should be 600-640 mm. For example, when designing steps 175 mm height and 280 mm, the resulting value is 170 * 2 + 280 \u003d 630 mm, which fully corresponds to the criterion under consideration.

Selection of the base

The more severe will be the projected porch for a private house, the more powerful the foundation is required. If for relatively light wooden and metal structures you can restrict ourselves to the pile or bar base, the concrete or brick structure will require a belt foundation or monolithic plate.

It is also important to understand whether you will connect the foundations of the house and the porch. It is necessary to focus on the characteristics of the extension itself and the peculiarities of the soil. If you do not bind, then you need to be prepared for the formation of cracks at the place of the joint, for example, due to frost, which will entail the stroke of the design. In the future, it may be necessary to repair.

The bound basis also does not guarantee the absence of cracks. They may appear in the array of the porch itself. Since not always reinforced strengthening can cover the difference in the loads of the house and an extension.

This option is recommended if the design of the house and the porch is sufficiently massive. For example, when the latter is made of reinforced concrete. This requires a high-quality bunch using a 12-16 mm diameter of 12-16 mm, driven into the pre-holes made in the foundation. Then the framework is constructed.

Selection of staircase

Ladders can be constructed on assets or cosos. For the manufacture, wood, metal or combination, including concrete, applies.

An option on the growths is suitable for a wooden or small house. Fastening is happening. The inner surface of the theater is connected to the supporting bars.

For metal parts, welding in a horizontal plane is used, and a simple bruck feeding is suitable for wood with the subsequent addition of the stage. Also admissible cutting the recesses in the taper to install the steps.

The use of cosomes can assume the use of open supports. To do this, you need to cut triangles at the top of the board, the base of which will be support for the stage.

If you have chosen a platform cutting method, then you will need to orient the height of the stage and the width of the sticky. Connect them advisable at an angle of 90 degrees. Many experienced masters recommend first to make a general template that is used in subsequent work.

Remember you need to correctly pick up the number of Kosomrov. It depends on the parameters of the ladder itself and the thickness of the board.

For thin boards, more frequent installation of the cosomes will be required. For example, a 25 mm billboard involves the distance between the supports up to 60 mm. You should avoid deflection.

The design of the porch from different materials

There are several options for choosing a material for an extension. You must decide on the porch project, based on the type of house, the features of the soil and their own preferences.

Wooden porch

This is a fairly popular material for the manufacture of an extension of this type. Recommend to use wood solid wood wood, such as oak. It is also suitable larch, spruce and other coniferous. True, special impregnation will be required.

Initially, a carrier beam is installed. It is pre-litching the teeth, on the horizontal edges of which the steps are placed. This beam is called Kosource and serves as an additional support. There are 500 mm distances between the Kosomers. Their number will depend on the set of gaps.

For arrangement, the taishes take the board thicker. Two tents should be fastened by crossings. In the interval on the beams are attached to the boosters.

Drinking the ribs on which the steps will be fixed, is made with the help of a square. Errors can lead to emerging and swollen steps.

The width of the step should provide convenience to residents. And their number is preferably odd - so you will receive an additional rigid edge. Well, do not forget about the railing. Their presence is desirable if the number of steps is more than three.

The presence of a sink is determined by the overall construction. If you are provided with glazing or reliable protection against bad weather, then its presence is optional. But at the same time, the samples itself allows water to drain on the plane of the lower stage, eliminates entering the groove after rolling along the riser.

When you mount the porch to the wooden house on the foundation, you can make a small trench at the expense of the pressure on the bottom beam. Of course, if the concrete has not yet hardened. So the strength of the stairs increases. To arrange the upper platform, a board is taken, which has convenient dimensions. It is necessary to clearly fit the joints, eliminate the emergence of deformations in the future.

Metal design

Such an extension looks fairly elegant. But you will need the ability to work with welding equipment and using standard parts. And the cost will not be too high. Although the use of forged parts will lead to the appreciation and will require a preliminary order of forging elements.

Simplified design option is mounted using channels and corners. And then install the filling material, for example, wooden boards or chipboard of high strength.

Schawler is fixed in parallel to each other. The distance is selected in accordance with the projected length of the steps. Under the size of the steps make corner. It is advisable to provide a reserve to 1 cm in addition on the edges for the seam.

The part of the corner corresponding to the height between the steps is similarly cut off. Then, in the form of the letter "g", they are combined with welding and attached to the chapeller. The output is obtained by metal cows angles, which are pairly connected by corners.

Use concrete

The manufacturing structure will be associated directly with the foundation. Each step requires high-quality reinforcement to avoid the destruction of the material. At first, a formwork is created for the bottom steps. It is recommended to make the height of the first step to make more than 15-20 mm each.

Subsequent elements are made in the same way as the foundation laying. Each of them is securely strengthened by the grid, and the transition to the subsequent level is carried out after the concrete drying at the previous level. Then the rough tile or stone is stacked on top of the concrete.

Assess the advantages of using each type of material, you can via the photo of the porch. The appearance, the quality of construction and strength in operation are important factors for selecting a design solution.

Arrangement visor

The owner of a country house can decorate his home if it builds a canopy over the porch of the house. This element will become an excellent protection against bad weather. And you can use metal pipes, wooden timber for frame. The skin is also manufactured from metal, wood and plexiglass.

The visor is attached to the pre-mounted pile. A tile or metal sheet is often used to cover, although polycarbonate is purchased now. Be sure to pride the skate, on the lower rib of which the gutter is fixed with welding.

Make a porch with your own hands can even a novice master. It is necessary to properly design this construction and perform the work in stages, adhering to basic instructions.

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