Not a whimsical flowering shrub for the garden. Ornamental flowering perennial shrubs for the garden

It is difficult to imagine a summer cottage without various flowering shrubs. After all, they are able not only to decorate the garden, but also to bear fruit, which can later be used as decorative elements or even remedies.

Many gardeners are thinking about where to place this or that shrub, as well as how to correctly combine the group of shrubs that they want to plant on the site. All these nuances must be thought out in advance so that the plants will delight the eye with their flowering for the whole season.

How to choose a flowering shrub for your garden

The main criteria by which it is necessary to select a shrub for planting on a site:

  • Decorative properties. You should think in advance about how this or that shrub will look on the site, and how it will be combined with other plants. Among the variety of plant species, it is easy to choose a shrub to your liking, given the most diverse distinctive characteristics: the shape of leaves and flowers, a variety of shades and even aroma. You can pick up a composition of several shrubs, the flowering of which will change one after another.
  • The height and shape of the stems of shrubs also play an important role. For example, for small area a composition of tall and not wide shrubs may come up, which will compactly fit into the space allotted to them.
  • Features of care. Before purchasing a particular shrub, it is important to take into account its climatic preferences and pay attention to the care that will need to be carried out for the plant. For example, if a shade-loving shrub is planted in a sunny area, then it is unlikely that it will delight with its flowering and rapid growth.

The most beautiful winter hardy shrubs for garden:

  • Lilac is a very common and beloved shrub by many, which reaches a height of up to three meters. However, the lilac can be cut and shaped to the desired shape. Lilac blooms in early summer.
  • - a tall shrub that can reach two meters in height, however, some varieties can be called stunted. The plant is quite sprawling, since flowering occurs on the entire area of ​​the shrub. The flowers pull the branches down, having, as a rule, White color... The flowering period is in spring and summer.
  • fell in love with gardeners for its large inflorescences. However, it is important to remember that this shrub must be pruned twice a year: in the spring and fall. Hydrangea blooms in summer period.
  • Buddley is rarely seen in a personal plot, but it deserves attention, since the shrub blooms for a rather long period - from summer to mid-autumn. The plant can be up to three meters tall, so it can be trimmed to the desired shape.

Two more important criteria by which it is worth choosing a shrub for planting for a long period are shade tolerance and belonging to perennial plants. Such shrubs can cover unsightly places in the garden, as well as decorate the area around buildings.

The most popular types:

  • Deutia is compact and blooms in early spring. The pink and white flowers are pleasing to the eye, and the branches can be trimmed to shape.
  • refers to tall plants, because its height can reach 18 meters. Small lilac flowers have a very pleasant aroma. Flowering takes place throughout the summer.
  • is a low-growing shrub, barely reaching a meter in height. Flowers of a bright pink hue begin to appear from mid-spring and can linger until the first frost.

These shrubs are also considered winter-hardy, but it is still recommended to insulate them with spruce branches. If main goal landing is registration, then they will come to the rescue here fast growing shrubs

The most common types of fast growing shrubs:

  • Dogwood, in addition to its decorative function, will produce fruits that can be eaten. The shrub can grow up to five meters in height, and spreading requires timely pruning and shaping.
  • Blackthorn is also a fast growing and fruiting shrub. It reaches three meters in height. The flowers of the thorn have a very pleasant almond aroma, and the fruits can be eaten after the first frost.
  • continues the chain of fruit bushes. The height of the barberry can be adjusted by the correct selection of the variety. The plant forms a dense impassable wall, which must be formed in a timely manner.

In order to combine the pleasant appearance of the site and the benefits for the body, several fruit bushes should be planted in the garden. As a rule, these shrubs are most often planted by amateur gardeners.

The most popular fruit shrubs that gardeners love to grow are the following:

  • Honeysuckle is a tall shrub, growing up to 2.5 meters in length. The plant can be shaped as desired. However, the shrub grows very slowly, so they are pruned 5-7 years after planting. Honeysuckle fruits are very beneficial for the body.
  • another representative of a tall shrub. It blooms in summer, and spherical inflorescences look good on the site. Viburnum fruits remain on the bush until the first snowfalls.
  • and - familiar to everyone fruit bushes... They are distinguished by self-pollination, so there is no point in disembarkation. different varieties these plants in one place. Shrubs grow very quickly and require annual thinning.
  • - one of the most unpretentious fruit shrubs, which does not require special care... The only weak point is low frost resistance and a dislike for abundant watering.

How to care for shrubs

There are general rules for caring for shrubs that should be followed:

  1. The most successful period for planting and transplanting shrubs is autumn. The basic rule is to meet deadlines. This is important, since the plant must have time to adapt and take root before the onset of frost.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to soil preparation. It involves the complete removal and digging of soil.
  3. The indentations for planting should be done with a margin so that you can straighten the roots of the plant, avoiding creases.
  4. At the bottom of the recess, you can put top dressing from, or peat mixed with fertilizer.
  5. If the shrub is sprawling and will require garters, then you can prudently install a support in the center of the planting.
  6. It is important not to exceed the permissible distances between planted shrubs.
  7. In conclusion, it is necessary to water the shrub abundantly, you can also carry out the soil around it.

Special attention should be paid to preparing shrubs for wintering. It includes the following stages:

  • Pruning
  • Soil cleansing and feeding
  • Pest control

Pruning involves getting rid of dry and diseased branches and shaping the plant. This procedure should be carried out as follows:

  • Remove dry and broken branches.
  • Then you can start removing weak shoots.
  • Cut off branches that rush up and grow at right angles.
  • Slices are treated with garden pitch.
  • The cut branches are burned.

To cleanse the soil, it is enough to dispose of the cut branches, because the fallen leaves will become good fertilizer... An exception is the presence of diseased plants on the site. In this case, all fallen leaves and non-treatable plants must be disposed of. For feeding, it is good to use that is brought under the bushes.

You can start the feeding process already at the end of the summer period.

In order to protect the shrub from pests and frost, you can use the following methods:

  • Bandage the trunk of the bush with rags of kraft paper, and put spruce branches on top.
  • Use a protective netting around the stem of the plant.

Proper preparation of plants for wintering is a guarantee of an easier waiting out of this difficult period, which gives a guarantee that all shrubs will survive and will delight with their beauty next year.

A few ideas to decorate the site beautifully:

  • It is believed that curb shrubs go well with conifers. Very successful group compositions can be created from them.
  • A good combination can be achieved by combining yellow and red foliage shades.
  • Weigela can be planted, making out an alpine slide, or next to trees.
  • For decorating arbors and hedges, climbing shrubs (for example, vineyards or liana) are well suited.
  • To cover the ground with a low green carpet, a gaultery will do.
  • well suited for decorating borders and composing group compositions.
  • To build a hedge, you can use fast-growing shrubs (for example, or barberry).
  • It will help to accentuate any place on the site, or, they look good even in single plantings.
  • A curly cut shrub can become a highlight of the garden.
  • Often landscape designers resort to highlighting shrub compositions.
  • With the help of competently composed compositions of shrubs, various zones in the garden can be distinguished: beat a small decorative pond, beautifully decorate the gazebo and paths, build a fence, cover the impartial places on the site.
  • You can make various types of compositions from shrubs, which will have the same crown shape (for example, round), or specially place shrubs that are radically different in shape and width of leaves.
  • The correct combination is to compose a composition, taking into account the layering of the shrubs. As a rule, they are ranked from highest to lowest, without mixing in random order.

A huge number of different shrubs give full free rein to imagination. Among them, you can choose your favorite plants and create unique compositions that will decorate the garden, attracting everyone's attention. However, it is important to remember that every shrub needs proper and timely care, because it is he who is the key to healthy, beautiful and strong plants.

More information can be found in the video:

Ornamental shrubs play an important role in decorating garden and backyard plots. They can be used to organize hedges and borders, single plantings and flower beds, decorate gazebos and recreation areas, as well as as part of large landscape compositions.

Ornamental garden shrubs: choosing the right one

Horticultural shrubs are extremely diverse. Most often they are classified as follows:

  • decorative deciduous;
  • blooming;
  • conifers and evergreens;
  • fruit.

Ornamental shrubs are indispensable in the design of any garden

Video: overview of ornamental shrubs for the garden

Ornamental deciduous shrubs

Among plants possessing original form leaves or their unusual color, one can distinguish:

  • Doren. A plant from the Cornel family up to 3 m high with shiny flexible red branches. The color of the leaves can be different: green with white spots, greenish-reddish with pink edging, yellow, pinkish-brownish, etc. The inflorescences are white; in the fall, whitish-bluish berries form in their place.

    The turf has very beautiful motley foliage.

  • ... A plant of the Euonymus family with a dense and dense crown, but at the same time lacy and densely branched. Small leaves are usually green or variegated, in autumn they are colored in all shades of red. The flowers are inconspicuous, light shades, but they are replaced by multi-colored original fruit-earrings hanging on long petioles.

    The euonymus has not only beautiful bright leaves, but also interesting original fruits

  • Red japanese maple... Tall, slow-growing shrub (3-5 m) belonging to the Maple family. The voluminous crown of bright green strongly cut dissected fan leaves in the fall gradually changes color to orange-reddish, deep red or carmine, almost black. Red or yellow-green flowers open before foliage bloom, form lionfish seeds.

    The foliage of the Japanese maple gradually changes color from yellow to dark red.

Photo gallery: shrubs with beautiful leaves

Winged euonymus is a picturesque shrub that delights with a dense green crown in summer, and in autumn admiring a fantastic view of foliage of all shades of red Forchun's spindle tree has a very decorative dark green foliage with a white or yellow border. summer cottages most often, Deuren does not lose its decorative effect even in winter, thanks to branches with bright red bark. Purple willow Nana is an ornamental tree with small size and a spherical crown Royal Red Norway maple is distinguished by the presence of a leading slender trunk, uneven crown density and large leaves when blooming bright red, then - dark red Bubble Darts Gold - a spectacular shrub with decorative leaves of bright yellow color, delicate flowers and adorns the site with fruits throughout the season Bubble-tree is an ornamental deciduous shrub that has recently appeared in gardening, and is rapidly gaining popularity The mountain ash-leaved plant grows rapidly, forming lush thickets of White dogwood of Siberica Variegata has variegated bordering foliage, which can change its color in autumn yellow, magenta, or purple)

Video: what kind of dog is

Flowering shrubs

Of the flowering garden shrubs, the following can be distinguished:

  • Weigela. A spectacular flowering plant belonging to the Honeysuckle family, from 0.6-0.7 m to 3 m high with smooth bluish or green, sometimes red-brown leaves. The flowers are large (up to 5 cm), tubular-bell-shaped, reddish-pinkish, brick and creamy yellow shades.

    Weigela flowers resemble a bell

  • ... Shrub from 1 to 3 m tall from the family Hortensiae with large (10–12 cm) pointed oval leaves. It blooms luxuriously and profusely from mid-summer to autumn with spherical inflorescences up to 30 cm in diameter, painted in all shades of blue, deep purple, red, lilac, pink and white.

    Hydrangea has very large spherical inflorescences

  • Jasmine. Garden shrub, in the common people called the chubushnik, belongs to the Hortensia family, reaches a height of 2–2.5 m. The leaves are light green, simple, wide ovate or lanceolate, 2–7 cm long. Flowers with white or creamy petals are collected in loose inflorescences, have a delicate delicate aroma.

    The flowers of jasmine (chubushnik) are not very large, but smelly

Photo gallery: shrubs with beautiful flowers

Budley because of some external similarity is sometimes called autumn lilac. The species of weigela blooming pleases the eyes with pink bell flowers that bloom in waves during the season. Weigela flowers can be of various shades. Hydrangea blooms throughout the summer. depending on the variety) with racemose inflorescences Kalina blooms beautifully with large white spherical inflorescences, the foliage in the fall changes from rich green to golden and red
Shrub cinquefoil is widely used in decorative floriculture.
The broom, depending on the variety, blooms with "moth" flowers of different shades. Small, very fragrant, four-petal lilac flowers are arranged in a lush pyramidal brush-panicle of white, lilac, purple or violet color. Forsythia blooms in early spring bright yellow bells, and the foliage on the bush appears after the flowers have fallen off

Video: beautiful shrubs that bloom all summer

Coniferous and evergreen shrubs

Among evergreen and coniferous garden crops that do not lose their decorativeness throughout the year, the most popular are:

  • Juniper. Coniferous shrub from 1 to 3 m in height from the Cypress family. The leaves are rigid, needle-shaped, short and prickly, grayish-green in color. The plant is dioecious, the fruits (cone-berries) of a bluish-bluish hue up to 7-9 mm in diameter ripen in the second or third year.

    Juniper is a shrub whose berries are often used as a spice and are used to treat diseases

  • Boxwood. Very slowly (no more than 5 cm per year) growing evergreen shrub of the Boxwood family with small leathery bright green leaves. The flowers are small and inconspicuous, the fruits are in the form of a box.

    Boxwood is an ornamental shrub used by landscape designers when designing a hedge

  • Heather. Evergreen, low, densely branched bush (30–80 cm) of the Heather family with small triangular petiolate leaves of various colors (green, bluish-white, orange-golden, etc.). Fine white or pink flowers collected in a one-sided inflorescence.

    Heather bush is densely covered with small triangular leaves with different shades of green, but some varieties of heather have leaves of reddish, copper, yellow and silver-gray

Most of the evergreen coniferous crops grow extremely slowly.

Video: conifers for the garden

Fruit shrubs

Most often, the following berry bushes are used in gardens:

  • Snowberry. A short shrub (no more than 1.5 m) with thin yellowish-gray twigs, belongs to the Honeysuckle family. Gray-green oval leaves reach 5-6 cm in length. Flowers correct shape, pale green, pinkish, less often red, collected in clusters of 6-10 pieces. Fruits of a white or pinkish hue do not ripen at the same time, they remain on bare branches until spring.

    White berries hang on the branches of a snowberry all winter

  • Barberry. A prickly plant 2–2.5 m high from the Barberry family. The leaves are green, bright red, orange and yellow; in the fall, the color intensity becomes stronger. The flowers are small, yellowish, oblong berries ripening in their place have a red or purple hue.

    Barberry can also be attributed to decorative deciduous shrubs, because its leaves can have a variety of shades.

  • Rose hip. Smooth long stems of this plant from the Pink family, reaching 2–2.5 m in height, are covered with hard thorns and green oblong-elliptical long-petiolate leaves. Five-petalled flowers of various colors (white, yellow, crimson, pink, etc.) and the degree of doubleness. Fleshy orange-red berries with a diameter of 10-15 mm ripen in August.

    Rosehip, a close relative of the garden rose, is not only a beautiful bush covered with fragrant flowers, but also a source of healing fruits.

Not always beautiful bright fruits are edible, very often they are poisonous.

On our site there are several bushes of garden rose hips. In spring, the shrub looks very decorative, as it is densely covered with flowers. The lifespan of each shoot is about 4–5 years, then they die. Cutting dry branches is extremely problematic, since the thorns of this culture are very sharp. You have to wear thick-soled shoes and protective canvas gloves. If dead wood is not cut out in time, then the shrub looks very ugly.

The yellow rosehip looks especially impressive.

Video: the most beautiful shrubs for the garden

The list of horticultural shrubs is extremely wide. You can choose plants for every taste, guided by the layout of the site, the developed design project and individual preferences.

Ornamental shrubs are an integral part of a beautiful garden. From them, you can create a hedge, decorate the area in front of the house with them, zone the territory in the country. It is advisable to choose plants so that the flowering of one follows the flowering of the other, and flowering bushes coexist with decorative leaves. At the same time, it is important to take into account the requirements of each shrub to the climatic conditions of Bashkiria and opt for zoned varieties and species. Caring for these plants will not require much effort, and they will decorate the garden all season.

Criteria for the selection of shrubs for growing in the garden

Before planting in the garden perennial plants, you should familiarize yourself with which ones are suitable for growing in Bashkiria.

The main requirements that shrubs must meet:

  • the ability to winter with minimal losses;
  • drought resistance;
  • wind resistance.

The climate of Bashkiria is distinguished by its stability. The main part of Bashkortostan is located in the southern part of the Urals, where the continental climate prevails. Winter is frosty, without sudden jumps and changes in temperature. V winter time thermometer readings are rarely below minus 20-22 ° С. The snow cover is sufficient to prevent freezing of the roots of perennial frost-resistant plants.

The temperature below zero is set at the end of October, and its rise begins in the first ten days of April. Return frosts are possible until mid-May, at rare cases they happen before the end of the month. When choosing shrubs, it is best to plant late flowering varieties so that frost does not spoil the beauty of the plants during flowering.

In summer, there is little rainfall, so it is preferable to opt for plants that are not demanding on the irrigation regime. There is almost no heat in the summer. average temperature 20-23 ° C.

Due to the proximity to the steppes of Kazakhstan and the Orenburg region, in summer there are strong winds... It is better not to plant shrubs with brittle shoots.

The main criterion for the selection of plants is that it is important to be based not only on decorative qualities, but also on adaptability to the climatic conditions of the region. Frost resistance and drought resistance will allow shrubs to bloom beautifully and decorate the garden with minimal maintenance. Other plants may need shelter for the winter and constant watering.

Beautifully flowering shrubs

Unpretentious flowering shrubs:

  • chubushnik ();
  • viburnum buldenezh;
  • (liana).

These shrubs are hardy, easily propagate and require watering only in hot weather.

Spirea is unpretentious and hardy. It can withstand frosts down to -30 °, it bears drought easily. So that the flowering is not short, it is advisable to water the bushes once every 10 days. If the site is fertile, you do not need to feed the plant. On poor soils, it is sufficient to apply fertilizer every three years.

Spirea has many varieties. It can be short, about 60 cm, and tall, up to 2 meters. Branches can be erect and drooping. It blooms very profusely, the flowering period lasts up to three weeks. Flowers are collected in hats or panicles, white, yellowish, pink or crimson.

Depending on the species, spirea blooms on the shoots of the current or last year. When pruning, this must be taken into account:

  • bushes that bloom in spring on last year's shoots are pruned immediately after flowering;
  • if the spirea blooms in summer, then the shoots should be cut in early spring.

If you plant several varieties of spirea in the country, then flowering will go in a wave from May to July.

Lilac bloom begins at the end of May. The plant tolerates frosty winters, cold winds, in drought it requires watering twice a month.

Lilac gives a lot of growth, therefore it is suitable for growing as a hedge. A single plant is formed as a bush or tree:

  • no more than 7 strong shoots are left for the bush, the rest of the growth is cut out annually;
  • 1-3 shoots are left for the tree. To form the trunk, the lower branches are constantly cut off at a height of up to 1 meter.

For annual abundant flowering, cut out the faded tops of the shoots. This should be done immediately after flowering, until seeds have formed on the brushes. With late pruning, there will be no flowering next year.

Common lilac is a success. Its flowers are simple and double, the color is white, lilac, purple, brushes are erect and drooping.

If space permits in the country, then in addition to this it is recommended to plant Hungarian lilacs. It blooms later, after the flowers on the regular lilac begin to dry out. Hungarian lilac does not grow overgrowth, which makes it easier to care for it.

Garden jasmine is known to many under the name chubushnik. The bushes are covered with snow-white flowers in early June. By planting several different species, you can create a flowering wave from June to August.

The first to bloom are varieties with simple flowers that have a delicious aroma.

Then they bloom terry species chubushnik. Small flowers cover the whole plant entirely, because of them green foliage is not visible. Terry species have almost no aroma.

For abundant flowering, a sunny place is required, watering during drought and. Thickening, broken and old branches are pruned at the end of summer.

Fertilize the chubushnik once every two years. The plant responds well to feeding with mullein infusion, wood ash and complex mineral fertilizer.

Kalina Buldenezh will not leave anyone indifferent. For a whole month it is covered with large white balls, each of which consists of many small flowers. The flowering is so abundant that under the weight of the flowers, the shoots bend down to the very ground.

Buldenezh grows as a bush with several trunks. Maximum height can be up to 2.5 meters. To create a beautiful shape, pruning is carried out annually, immediately after the flowers crumble. Later pruning is unacceptable, because then shoots with flower buds will be removed and there will be no flowering next year.

For the stability of the plant, the trunks are tied together, sometimes support may be required. Kalina loves sunny places, partial shade is allowed for several hours. In a drought, it is necessary to water.

It hibernates well, but sometimes some of the shoots may freeze out. They are cut out. This does not affect the decorativeness of the plant.

Hydrangea tree-like retains its decorative properties until winter. The flowers are collected in hats; after light frost, the petals become translucent.

Grows best in partial shade. In the bright sun, the flowers become smaller and are not formed on every shoot.

Pruned in early spring, after the leaves begin to appear. At this time, it is noticeable if there are frozen or dried branches.

In dry weather, regular watering is required.

Shrub cinquefoil grows up to 1 meter, some specimens may be slightly higher. Its decorative properties are that the crown is thick, in the form of a ball, formed by itself without pruning. The whole bush is covered with small flowers of yellow or pinkish-orange color.

In a sunny place it blooms from two months, starting from the end of June. It is desirable that in the midday heat the shade of the plants growing nearby falls on the cinquefoil.

In dry summers, abundant watering is required once a week. Pruning is necessary sanitary. It is carried out in the spring, cutting out broken and dried shoots.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle are perennial flowering vines. They are used for vertical gardening, garter and lash direction are required.

It blooms in late spring or early summer. Flowers of an unusual shape, white-pink or yellow color... The pleasant aroma can be felt several meters away.

Abundant flowering is possible in bright sun, in the shade forms more leaves than flowers. Withstands drought for some time.

Winter-hardy, shoots rarely freeze. If this happens, they should be. For a year, the lashes grow by 1 meter.

Closer to autumn, orange round fruits are formed. They decorate the plant, they are not suitable for food.

Near flowering plants in the country, decorative ones will look great, which are distinguished by an unusual shape or color of foliage.

Such shrubs include:

Derens - the variety of these shrubs never ceases to amaze. Their decorative properties are expressed not only in the foliage of an unusual color, which ranges from light green to. Shoots of some species stand out against the background in winter. white snow... They can be red, green, bright yellow or salmon colored.

Derain is frost-resistant, the shoots are flexible, do not break from strong winds and the severity of snow. Tolerates both drought and excessive soil moisture.

To maintain a compact form, part of the branches is cut out every two years. The oldest or weakest branches are removed.

An edible barberry is planted to create a hedge. The height of the bushes is up to 2.5 meters, and the thorny thorns make the thickets difficult to pass. Its leaves are painted in green color... By autumn, they turn yellow and do not crumble for a long time. Long brushes with bright red berries adorn the plant all winter. Some of the fruits are eaten by birds in winter.

To decorate the plot, decorative leafy species of barberry are planted. Their color can be yellowish, crimson, brown. In many varieties, the leaves do not crumble in winter, or only some of them crumble. There are plants with erect and arched shoots that droop to the very ground.

All types of barberry are winter-hardy and drought-resistant. Pruning is required sanitary - to remove dried branches.

This plant is different beautiful color foliage. Bladders with light green and burgundy leaves are popular. It does not bloom for long, small flowers are collected in balls or hats. Due to the many stamens, the inflorescences seem fluffy.

Drought-resistant, occasionally it is necessary to water in dry weather. Winter-hardy. Only the tops of the shoots can freeze, which, after pruning, quickly recover.

The bush is grown compact or in the form of a fountain. at a height of 40-50 cm. The upper buds start growing rapidly.

If you cut out some of the weak shoots at the base, the remaining branches will stretch up, and their upper part will bend into different sides, which will give the bush a beautiful fountain shape.


A variety of species and varieties of unpretentious shrubs allows you to design the garden area so that it is beautiful throughout the season. Properly selected plants make the garden bloom from May to September, and ornamental shrub leaves add brightness and contrast.

And you know that in garden plots you can not plant flowers at all, but just plant ornamental shrubs. If you choose them correctly in terms of growth and flowering time, then you will have constantly blooming and original garden. What will you get in the end? Minimum hassle and maximum relaxation. Of course, I have never seen such a garden, because it is impossible to refuse annual and perennial flowers.

Nevertheless, shrubs occupy a separate niche in horticulture. Let's figure it out together which ornamental shrubs for summer cottages are most popular and how to grow them.

Beauty under the windows. I immediately wanted to go to the dacha ...

Classification of ornamental shrubs

I cannot give a definite answer whether it is easy or difficult to care for shrubs. It all depends only on the specific species. I personally I give preference to extremely unpretentious: planted, watered, trimmed and admired. Lack of free time will not give me the opportunity to shelter pampered shrubs before winter or to constantly water and fertilize them.

I tried to divide all the plants into groups. I consider only deciduous, without affecting conifers (- they also belong to shrubs).

  • Ornamental - deciduous and flowering. The decorativeness of the leaves, for example, can be noted in turf, euonymus, spirea and silvery oak tree. Among the flowering ones, some of the most beautiful are jasmine (mock orange, lilac, forsythia). Flowering shrubs focus on themselves and contribute to the spatial perception of the garden as a single composition.
  • Stunted and tall. Miniature - usually planted in small gardens, on our 6 acres. They fit perfectly into small landscape compositions (spirea, cinquefoil,). How else to use them? As a curb or together with large plants. At the same time, they should be planted at the foot of large trees and bushes in order to smooth out sharp transitions.
  • With creeping roots- for example, silver goose and fieldfare. You must also be ready for such a turn, otherwise these "creepers" will fill the garden worse than weeds.
  • Fruiting. This is a special type of shrubs that not only decorate the garden, but also bear fruit (chokeberry, honeysuckle, irga, barberry, sea buckthorn, etc.).

Blooming chokeberry.

  • Frost resistant(hawthorn, viburnum, barberry) and heat-loving(forsythia).

Heat-loving forsythia.

  • Shade tolerant(hydrangea) and light-loving(, fieldfare).
  • Spring, summer and autumn flowering shrubs. Correct selection in terms of flowering time, it will provide decorativeness to your garden throughout the season. Let's start with May Forsythia, which has festive bright yellow flowers strewn with twigs. Unfortunately, all my efforts to raise her were unsuccessful: she froze out. Painfully she is thermophilic. By the end of May, the lilac will show in all its glory. In June, you can enjoy the flowers of spirea, viburnum, jasmine, barberry, japanese quince, and from July, hydrangea will enter its blooming season, the flowering of which will continue until autumn.

Crown formation

When forming the landscape design of a garden plot using decorative shrub plants it is worth paying special attention to their height and width. Plants have the ability to grow strongly under favorable conditions. But it doesn't matter - the parameters of the shrubs can be easily adjusted using garden hedge trimmers, pruners and scissors.

I try to do everything carefully!

This is a very exciting experience. I always try to shape the crown beautifully, including that of shrubs. I cut dogwood, fieldfare and hydrangea with a ball.

How can you use ornamental shrubs in the country

Depending on the role you define for the ornamental shrub, you need them plant in different ways:

  • single landing;
  • hedge;
  • background for garden compositions;
  • group landings.

A solo planting will require you to select a location for optimal visibility of the bush. For this, plots near the house, at the gate, in front of the window are suitable. Hedge, for example from a spirea, can be used instead of a fence. Shrubs with decorative leaves can either become the backdrop for flower arrangements, or themselves become an integral part of the flower garden. Group planting of shrubs will perfectly serve for fencing off some functional areas on garden plot that will create a special comfort.

Young shrubs along the new fence: jasmine, elderberry, dogwood, fieldfare and hydrangea.

The most unpretentious shrubs are my choice


My favorite shrub I would say favorite garden jewel. What are its advantages over other ornamental shrubs? I chose her for long flowering, durability, unpretentiousness, frost resistance, disease and pest resistance and minimal maintenance. By the way, it can grow on acidic soils, which is completely uncharacteristic for many plants. I have it growing as a solitary plant, but it looks great as a hedge.

The hydrangea bush at the gate itself deserves special attention.

There are a large number of beautiful species on sale. Note, however, that not all of them are adapted to middle lane Russia. Through mistakes in choosing a variety (many of those that I bought did not winter well) I settled on hydrangea broadleaf and paniculate.

Broad-leaved hydrangea can be called the most common among summer residents.

The inflorescence of broadleaf hydrangea is flawless.

It grows very quickly and reaches 1-2 meters. It's hard to believe, but in the subtropics it is 4 m high.Its spherical inflorescences delight me with their beautiful shape and large size - 20 cm. It blooms in July for about a month.

Panicle hydrangea is very frost-resistant and every year it becomes more magnificent and more beautiful.

And so the panicle hydrangea blooms.

It blooms for a very long time - in August and September. Perhaps I will not name a single shrub that would bloom in the second half of summer.

Hydrangeas are very easy to propagate. I do this by retracting the lower branch. I dig a small trench, bend a twig, fix it with a wire and sprinkle it with soil. I water it periodically. Roots are formed very quickly. Then it will be enough to cut the branch and plant the young plant in a permanent place.

Goof silver

In my opinion, a very attractive shrub with silvery leaves. Looks great against the background. Small yellow flowers are completely unattractive. However, they give off a very pleasant smell. As my mom used to say: "Smells like French perfume." There are no problems with its cultivation - it grows well in well-lit areas and.

Loch is silvery.

I would point out 2 of its shortcomings, which are easy to get rid of. First - rapid growth of the crown, which ugly sticks out in different directions. I shape it by cutting. Second - creeping roots. Loch periodically pops up in my different parts garden. I either cut it off, or dig out the rooted shoot and distribute it to everyone who wants it.

Who stands out so much for their silver?
It's him!

Jasmine, or chubushnik

Doesn't need any recommendations: plentiful flowering, wonderful aroma of flowers, frost-hardy, does not get sick. I would note only one feature of caring for it: every 4-5 years it is necessary to cut out old branches, and at the end of each summer to discharge it a little from thickened branches.

Maybe not everyone has heard about the chubushnik, but everyone heard the smell of jasmine for sure.


Sometimes it is short and tall. My undersized Japanese spirea has very beautiful yellowish leaves with lilac flowers, and the tall one has snow-white inflorescences. I form the low one with a ball, I also don't let the big one grow too much. Spireas excellent honey plants, attracting bees.

Spirea is a piece of Japan at their summer cottage.

I can attribute this plant to quite unpretentious. It does not impose any requirements on soils, illumination, fertilizers. A gardener's dream.


It is called so because the leaves look like rowan. But this is where his resemblance to her ends. His beauty is not only in the leaves, but also in the flowers-panicles.

Fieldfare - beauty in panicles.

Its significant drawback is root growth, which constantly creeps to neighbors. She has to fight with pruners. And the rest is absolutely unpretentious. True, it does not tolerate transplantation quite well.


His can only be characterized by positive epithets- sprawling, beautiful, with leaves that change color during the season, unpretentious and undemanding to the soil.

Barberry watercolor paints.

Its miniature forms can decorate flower beds, and more tall plants both tapeworms and in group plantings, hedges look great. The barberry has a slight flaw when planting - it is prickly.

I recommend buying ornamental shrubs in garden centers. If I take seedlings from friends, then I know exactly how it looks in adulthood and how it was raised. So, all my hydrangeas, fieldfare and silver goose are gifts from friends, grown from cuttings. I bought the rest of the shrubs from nurseries.

In the background is the fieldfare.
Flowers in the center -.
On the front there are conifers -.

I really love all my plants: with decorative leaves, and especially flowering ones. It seems to me that they are not only decorate my favorite garden, but also create a sense of celebration in it, make the suburban area very attractive.

Imagining any suburban area, you immediately draw a picture in your head, where most of the territory is given to vegetable beds. At the same time, there are also fruit trees located more often in the corners, as well as ornamental plants... Our article will be devoted to another culture, which can be decorative, and flowering, and fruit - we are talking about.


Garden shrubs are a large group that brings together different types of plants that grow in gardens. They, unlike trees, lack one main trunk, since there are several of them and they are located next to each other.

These perennials are divided into groups:

  1. At the same time, one species often combines the features of several categories. For example, a flowering shrub can also bear fruit (dogwood or barberry). Deciduous can also be flowering (hawthorn, barberry).
  2. Garden shrubs are distinguished by the timing of the appearance of flowers, as well as the ripening of fruits.
  3. In addition, they can be:
  • sun-loving - they include a lot of fruit bushes, including currants;
  • shade-tolerant- elderberry, weigela, action and others;
  • shade-loving - honeysuckle, holly mahonia, euonymus, etc.

The traits described above affect the role assigned - to be decorative, to benefit in the form of fruits, or to combine these functions.

Advice: Ornamental plants are usually used in landscape design, fruit plants are used for harvesting.

Ornamental shrubs for the garden

If you are guided by the aesthetic design of the territory, then you should give preference to a variety of representatives of this species. Every garden, regardless of style and size, will benefit from the use of ornamental evergreen or deciduous shrubs.

Their original color or flowering will help with:

  • decorating a hedge with their own hands, when they will not only protect the site from wind and dust, but will also be able to distract with their views from the bustle of the city, and will also cheer up;
  • dividing the territory into zones;
  • decorating the entrance;
  • decorating some elements.

When choosing plants for your hedge, keep in mind that:

  • most varieties have long period flowering;
  • some - unusual shape leaves or their bright color;
  • caring for them is not difficult, since they practically do not get sick and they are rarely attacked by pests.
  1. The bright green lawns will be complemented by hydrangea bushes.
  2. The rose bush remains popular among gardeners, especially park roses, which are frost-hardy and undemanding, although they bloom only once a season.
  3. Use shrubs to decorate the site that fill the air with their aroma during the flowering period - mock orange, wolf, forsythia.
  4. Lush inflorescences of lilac and viburnum will look decorative.
  5. Plant trees of rhododendrons and peonies in your gardens, which are becoming popular again.

In the summer period, spireas and cinquefoil, kolkvitsii and budlei begin to bloom. Closer to autumn - heather blooms its flowers, although it has medium-sized inflorescences, but they are cast with mother-of-pearl, causing admiration.

Ornamental deciduous

Such plants adorn the garden with the onset of warm spring days until late autumn.

Striking representatives are various types of barberry, in which their leaves are:

  • bright yellow;
  • bright green;
  • purple;
  • purple;
  • sometimes spotted.

Aralia bushes, a thorny bush strikingly similar to a tropical palm tree, look original and exotic. The field ash will also look beautiful, its young leaves have an unusual pink tint, which gradually turns into a rich green color. Closer to autumn, they begin to turn yellow and acquire a pleasant golden color.

Tip: if you don't like a dark, unattractive wall solid color or high monolithic fence, decorate these structures with the ornamental shrubs of the Elegantissima white turf, whose fringed leaves will leave no one indifferent.

Trees and shrubs on the site

Now it has come to talk about how garden trees and shrubs can get along with each other on the same territory. Each has its own unique characteristics and its own individual character, so not all of them are allowed to be planted side by side.

Below we will consider the compatibility of trees and shrubs in the garden:

  1. Walnut manages to heal the atmosphere around itself, but it has a bad effect on the crops growing nearby.
  2. Hazel also oppresses its neighbors.
  3. Should not be planted next to apple and pear roses, lilacs, viburnum, fir, jasmine, horse chestnut and barberry, as they will suffer.
  4. The apple tree does well with raspberries or other apple trees, as well as sweet cherries, cherries and plums.
  5. Plum normally coexists with black currant, but cherry does not tolerate it.
  6. Try to keep the raspberries away from the red currants.
  7. In general, a lot of plants feel bad with birch, as it takes up a lot of moisture.
  8. Near the maple and spruce on the site, you can plant unpretentious and shade-tolerant plants, for example, cereals and flowers (ferns, periwinkle, astilbe, hosts, anemone). Remember that conifers make the soil acidic, so begonias, rhododendrons, calla lilies, heather and hydrangeas can also be nearby.
  9. Keep in mind that roses are selfish, so the instructions require you to plant them separately from everyone else.
  10. Next to cereals, gypsophila and lavender get along well.

Compatibility garden trees and shrubs - important parameter, which makes it possible to correctly place the selected plants on the site. Otherwise, the result will be disastrous.


It is not uncommon to meet different types of fruit bushes at any dacha, these are raspberries, and gooseberries, and currants. The latter, by the way, looks beautiful during the ripening of the berries, and if you plant varieties with different fruit colors nearby, then the effect is enhanced.

Also, a berry shrub is suitable for decorating a garden - golden currant, which got its name from the color of its flowers. It has an advantage over traditional blackcurrant - it is rarely attacked by various pests. The berries have a dessert flavor and make delicious juices and jams.

From varietal raspberries or gooseberries, you can make excellent hedges that can also bear fruit to the delight of the owners. Alas, in our gardens it is very rare to find hawthorn, irga, quince and chokeberry, although shrubs have very beautiful view during flowering.

Tip: keep in mind that fruit bushes require more careful care than decorative ones, but the price of such efforts is delicious fruits.


This article talked about the shrubs that gardeners plant in their summer cottages. You learned about their groups, as well as by what criteria they are classified, which makes it possible to correctly place them on the territory.

Knowledge and compatibility of various shrubs and trees with each other will be important, otherwise both of them may simply die. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.