Horse chestnut tree: flowering, where it grows and how it looks. Why does not "Decembrist" bloom

Chestnuts bloom with fragrant candles - a sign of the coming of spring. Besides the fact that he possesses incredible beautiful crown and unusual flowering, it is a food source (legume family), industrial raw material, a panacea for many diseases.

Description of the chestnut tree

The representative of legumes is a majestic plant that reaches up to 30 m in height and has a volumetric trunk up to 2 meters wide.

The crown is formed by branches with large oblong lanceolate leaves with pointed edges. Each sheet can be larger than 20 cm in size.

Large white candles, directed upwards, have 6 petals and up to 15 stamens, and even the nut itself attracts attention with a prickly green skin that hides the fruit.

The content under the crust is a nut, consisting of several halves, clothed in brown skin. Its structure is represented by cellulose, starch, sugar.

The older the plant, and it can grow and strengthen for 1000 years, the more luxurious and solid it looks.

Distribution history

There are legends about chestnuts, historical sources indicate ancient history the existence of the tree.

The Greek Empire already had the opportunity to admire the beauty of the plant's flowering and appreciate its beneficial qualities:

  • tree nuts are nutritious;
  • wood - raw material for shipbuilding and furniture production;
  • fruits are endowed with properties to heal from a number of ailments;
  • flowering of a plant is a source of positive emotions.

The Greeks paid a lot of attention to the development of the breed, since the nut was the main component used for flour extraction, baking black bread and cooking soups.

Note! In the eighth century, connoisseurs of fruit-based confectionery were predominantly high society.

Chestnut is widespread, it can be found in the alpine valleys, in the cities of Spain. It is a true decoration of the Southern District of Switzerland and France. The tree can be found in the Caucasus, Croatia, Persia and even Asia Minor and South Africa.

The variety of species and acclimatization allows you to grow the plant and enjoy flowering in America and Japan. The most intensive forest beauty grows on the slopes of the mountains of Italy and the Mediterranean.

To create comfortable growth, it is important to provide favorable conditions:

  • The tree feels comfortable next to other species and takes root well on siliceous soils. It mainly decorates parks and squares, since, due to its incredible volumes, it is not suitable for landscaping garden plots. Does not like excessive moisture and prefers neutral soil properties.
  • The optimum growing climate is temperate. The plant does not like dampness and excessive heat.
  • The plant is quite capable of withstanding low temperatures, provided that -20 is not kept for a long time. Thus, it can easily withstand short-term heat. A dry climate is tolerated well if it does not overlap during the flowering period.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest with large fruits... Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and minerals.

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good harvest even on low fertile soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Chestnut - fruit tree, but in comparison with other fruiting representatives, it differs in a rather late flowering, which contributes to the preservation of buds in case of frost. The buds swell and the buds open on the eve of summer - the month of May.

It is worth noting that the rocks adapt well to the climate and emit color during the period when the climate reaches the required parameters.

The flowering time varies from 2 to 3 weeks. At the next stage, a green nut begins to form.

How does chestnut blossom?

The flowering period is the moment everyone expected, spectacular. The chestnut has unusual flowers in the form of candles and besides this:

  • Flowering can be found in different shades, depending on the breed. The most common are white with red blotches.
  • Visually, the bloom resembles candelabra.
  • Upon detailed study, they pay attention to the uniqueness of the flowering structure, complexity - a mass of small flowers builds up in a pyramid or a cone.
  • Each flower that builds a candle is up to 2 cm in diameter.

For what reasons does the tree not bloom?

Despite the simplicity and unpretentiousness of the tree, it does not always please with flowering, there are reasons for this:

  1. To see the first flowering, you should be patient and wait until the plant reaches ten years of age, sometimes this period is a little delayed, since this factor depends on the breed.
  2. The tree is a real giant, therefore, before planting, this should be taken into account - it needs space and does not tolerate constraint. Moreover, it does not bloom, withers, does not fully develop. When trying to grow several specimens in a small area, a stronger seedling will overwhelm the weaker one, taking away food and water from it, which leads to the death of the plant.
  3. A plant with edible fruits, blooms at a temperature of 13 - 18 degrees and if it does not reach the lower limit, then the flowering period may not come.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they gave more harvest than usual. And they did not get late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you cannot grow a normal crop without fertilization, and this feeding increases the amount of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result. "

Types of flowering chestnuts

Species differ in parameters, lifespan, tree structure, nut quality and climate tolerance.

The most popular types of chestnuts:

Came to the mainland with gold miners several hundred years ago. The tree does not grow taller than 10 m, but it has ideal forms. You can grow it at home and enjoy the look of smooth emerald leaves, as well as make jam with a rich, pleasant taste.

A representative of the Baobab family from the rainforests of America. The tree needs an abundance of moisture, which makes it much more difficult to grow in conditions of lack of water.

It is characterized by an unusual structure of the barrel - in the form of a bottle at the bottom. Thus, the chestnut accumulates moisture and ensures uninterrupted saturation of the trunk with water.

In Russia, such a chestnut is grown as a room exotic plant, but it does not please with flowering in conditions of the room.

It belongs to the same family as the horse, its nuts are not suitable for food. It is resistant to low temperatures a culture that adorns gardens, parks, streets of America, Turkey, Europe with flowering, provided there is enough light.

It blooms with unusual arrows resembling reeds in shape. Whole forests of Korea, Vietnam grow on soils rich in calcium. The fruits are obtained in the fifth year of the tree's life and are used for food. Also, Chinese industrialists use chestnut in construction.

Popular everywhere and grown as decorative element parks, alleys. Nuts are not used for food, as they are saturated with saponins and glucosides, but they can well be fed to horses, as evidenced by the name.

It blooms for the second year after planting and grows on the slopes of the mountains of Japan. The full development of a plant is possible only in clay soil with a humid climate. The crown of the tree hangs down to the ground, and the height of the chestnut does not exceed 20 meters. The fruits ripen large, with a pleasant, sweet taste.

It is fragile and belongs to the same family as the Horse Chestnut. Such a tree is not often found, since it is rare species... Also, the chestnut blossom is a real decoration of parks, as it has a beautiful pink color and a longer flowering period.

Homeland of which is Turkey, now decorates the parks and gardens of America and Europe. The plant is ornamental and is used for landscaping and aesthetic beauty. Pleases with flowers and an incredible aroma during the flowering period.

Differs from their own kind in the ability to fully grow and bear fruit in conditions high humidity... It is included in the confectionery manufacturing process. Due to its sweet taste and pleasant aftertaste, it is used for making jam.

How to distinguish between edible and inedible chestnuts?

It should be noted that edible species belong to the legume family, but if it comes about horses, this is a representative of the Sapindov family.

Horse chestnut blooms in large inflorescences and has an intense smell, has a thick fleshy skin and a predominantly round shape.

The nut used for food is thin-skinned, has thin, long needles and there can be two or more fruits in one shell. This type of flowering is smaller.

How is chestnut used?

The plant has firmly established itself in people's lives. It is used as:

  • a source of wood raw materials for the production of furniture, sleepers;
  • low-calorie ingredient for the preparation of bakery and confectionery products;
  • heat source good quality, an important component for the production of coal, ash;
  • constituent for non-traditional methods of treatment.

The plant has an ancient history, it is a long-liver and a hero of legends. The oldest tree is the Sicilian representative of chestnut trees - the Chestnut of Hundreds of Horses, located next to Mount Etna. This tree is overgrown with legends and its roots were laid 4000 years ago.

According to legends, under the crown of a chestnut tree, Giovanna of Aragon with an army, a hundred horses and riders took refuge from a thunderstorm.

Due to its popularity in folklore, historical events of the 7th - 8th centuries, the tree is included in the Guinness Book.

An interesting fact is that chestnut leaves are a good alternative to tobacco when properly dried and processed.

Note! Chestnut - unique tree with mass useful properties... Some cities consider it to be their symbol. The flowering period is a spectacular performance that attracts the attention of others and arouses admiration. It is worth seeing how a plant blooms once in order to expect this moment every subsequent spring.

Chestnut is a famous tree, involved in food and industrial activities all over the world, not to mention the beauty and charm during the flowering period. So how did he win hearts and how does it bloom?

Chestnut is a representative of the legume family. Reaches a height of 30 meters. The characteristics clearly indicate greatness and superiority over other types of trees growing in its territorial zone.

Description of the chestnut tree:

  • Trunk trees more than 2 meters wide.
  • Leaves- wide, oblong-lanceolate with pointed ends. The length is about 15-25 cm.
  • large white, rising flowers look like luxurious earrings created by nature. Each of the flowers is divided into 6 petals and 6-15 stamens.
  • Nut interesting in appearance and content. Covered on the outside with a thick, prickly crust, it looks like a hedgehog. The fruit itself is composed of cellulose, starch and sugar. It has Brown color and is divided into two or three parts inside the rind.

Chestnut is a long-lived plant. The age of the tree can be more than 1,000 years.

And in the vicinity of the Sicilian volcano Etna, the legendary Chestnut of hundreds of horses was found. It blooms unusually beautifully and is the hero of an old Italian legend. It is worth noting that the specimen survived for about 4 thousand years.

This video shows how the chestnut blooms in stages:

Distribution history

The spread and acclimatization of the chestnut tree is deeply rooted in the past. From the first days it was known in the era of the great Greek empire.

Chestnut was prized for its qualities:

  • nutritious fruits;
  • the use of tree trunks as material for the manufacture of ships and furniture;
  • the use of nut-based drugs;
  • aesthetic aspect when it blooms.

The Greeks developed breeds to achieve specific goals: for making Sparta's black bread, flour or soups.

In the eighth century, chestnuts again became popular with the upper class, becoming the main ingredient in the production of sweets.

Where does chestnut grow?

The area of ​​distribution of the chestnut tree is wide:

Many species have spread all the way to Japan and the United States of America. This is typical forest tree, especially common on the Italian slopes of the mountains and also known in the Mediterranean Sea, reaching in plantations to the Black Sea.

Fruitful growth requires:

  • ... The chestnut tree does not live in isolation from other species. Loves siliceous soil or limestone. Chestnut fruitfully blooms in fresh soil, although it does not tend to excess moisture. Not planted on garden areas, as the size will become a serious problem for the development of other plants and breeds. The chestnut tree does not require special growth conditions. It grows even in poor soil. The main thing is that it is a neutral layer of earth, with a slight acidity, and does not have clay in its composition.
  • Temperate climate... Trees do not like constantly moist and compact soil, and also do not tolerate prolonged drought, especially in summer period... In areas with high temperatures and dry climates, trees find their place in mountainous areas or among hills, where summer heat does not exceed dangerous levels.
  • Lack of low temperatures. Can withstand temperatures as low as -20 degrees winter period... But if this situation drags on for several weeks, the tree dies.
  • High temperatures. It also tolerates heat normally if it does not exceed a short period. In this case, it is recommended to plant trees in a more ventilated area with shade during the hottest part of the day. The chestnut tree is not afraid of drought that does not last for a long time and does not affect the period when the chestnut blossoms.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and minerals.

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good harvest even on low fertile soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

When does chestnut blossom?

Feature of flowering - starts quite late in comparison with other fruit trees.

Swelling of the buds and discoloration of flowers usually occurs in May.

This advantage avoids the risk of frost damage during the opening of the buds and consequently the loss of nuts.

And also a lot depends on the breed. Certain categories of chestnut fruit trees adapt to the required temperatures and begin to bloom when the climate is right for them.

Flowering lasts about 2-3 weeks, after which small green nuts are formed.

How does chestnut blossom?

An impressive moment in the life of this tree is the moment of flowering. With the arrival of spring, the tree comes to life after winter sleep. It is transformed in such a way that it is impossible to look away from beauty and charm.

Description of chestnut flower:

  • Flowers come in different shades depending on the specific wood species.
  • Often these are large white blooms with red or pink specks.
  • The flowers are shaped like medieval candles.
  • The structure is unusual and complex.
  • Along the crown there are many individual flowers, enclosed in a pyramid.
  • They reach almost 2 cm in diameter, surpassing any tree in size and beauty of flowering.

Photo gallery: Blooming tree chestnut

Why doesn't it bloom?

The chestnut does not need constant care, it is easy to grow. What factors influence the development of a chestnut tree and why does it not bloom?

Here are the main reasons:

  1. Age... Some species of this tree do not start flowering until they reach ten years of age. There are also breeds that need a longer time.
  2. Lack of space... The chestnut tree is a large specimen. It is important that there is a place necessary for growth. When there is not enough space, the tree stops developing and stops blooming. It is important to make sure that there are no other trees within a radius of at least six meters from the trunk. When the chestnuts are close, it will be cramped alone. In this case, a strong tree will take up moisture and soil, while another will die from a lack of growth opportunities.
  3. Unsuitable air temperature... A tree with inedible nuts always blooms, as it does not need a certain temperature. It is enough that it is not too high or too low. This is not the case with edible breeds. Often, they require 13 to 18 degrees above zero for flowering. In cold climates, chestnuts do not bloom.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they gave more harvest than usual. And they did not get late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth of garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you cannot grow a normal crop without fertilization, and this feeding increases the amount of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result. "

Types of flowering chestnuts

Growing trends have changed over the centuries and different types of wood are found. They vary according to the territory of distribution and according to the quality of the fruit, the structure of the tree, the length of life and the use.

Sowing chestnut

Popular view. It blooms in areas of constant rain and high humidity. The fruits are suitable for eating with a pleasant sweetish taste. The main ingredient in the production of sweets and jams.

Sowing chestnut

Sowing chestnut fruit

Horse chestnut

Horse, or common chestnut Is a centuries-old tree with roots in Western Asia and Eastern Europe. Popular all over the world. The equine species is used as ornamental plant for parks and alleys. Nuts are not edible. The name suggests that the horse chestnut was used primarily as food for horses.

Description of the species:

  • Horse chestnuts are similar to sweet in terms of tree structure, but their fruits are very different from each other.
  • The equine species is larger in size, the rind is much rougher than the sweet-looking rind.
  • The needles are wide and less frequent.
  • Horse chestnut fruits contain a high percentage of saponins and glucosides, which are unpleasant to the taste.

Horse chestnut

Horse chestnut fruit

Australian chestnut

This species does not take its name from its country of origin. The Australian species was introduced to the mainland by emigrants. In particular, from Great Britain, Ireland and China, who arrived in Australia for the purpose of gold mining in the period from 1850 to 1870.

The Australian chestnut differs from other breeds in its ideal shape. Striking with a bright emerald shade and smooth leaves. It gets along remarkably well even at home. In a favorable environment, the height reaches 10 meters. The fruit has a sweetish rich taste, suitable for making jam.

Australian chestnut

Australian chestnut fruit

Japanese chestnut

Distributed on the mountain slopes of Japan. The tree blooms very early - already in the second year after planting. Selects clay soil and humid climates. The height of an adult specimen is about 15-20 meters. Branches fall to the ground and bear large edible fruits.

Japanese chestnut

Japanese chestnut fruit

Chinese chestnut

The species blooms mainly in China, Vietnam and Korea, creating whole chestnut forests. The Chinese chestnut chooses soils that are rich in calcium. The flowering period starts quite late - in the fifth year after planting.

Flowers of the Chinese species are unlike any inflorescence of other breeds... These are the thinnest long flowers, shaped like the upper part of the reeds. The fruits of the Chinese chestnut are used in Food Industry and construction activities.

Chinese chestnut

Chinese chestnut fruit

Red chestnut

A tree of the horse chestnut family, a rare breed. It is fragile and grows in parks. With its bright pink flowers and pleasant smell, red chestnut is often used for purposes. It begins to bloom in early spring and ends blooming at the end of the season.

Red chestnut

Guinean chestnut

It originates in the tropical forests of Central America. The most a big problem care consists in a large amount of water, which is required for the growth of the tree. The Guinean chestnut is a prominent representative of the Baobab family. The shape is reminiscent of a bottle, as the chestnut tends to accumulate moisture at the bottom to impregnate the stem of the fruit.

In Russia, the Guinean chestnut is used as part of home interior ... Gets used to well room temperature and does not exceed small sizes if the space is limited by a vase. Blooming Guinean chestnut at home is almost impossible.

Smooth chestnut

Another member of the horse chestnut family, so the fruits of the subspecies are inedible. Smooth chestnut blooms mainly in areas of North America, Central Asia and Europe. Frost-resistant and light-loving breed.

Forest chestnut

The tree originated in Turkey and then spread throughout Europe. The forest chestnut is popular in the United States, where it forms part of the cultures that adorn national parks and gardens with beautiful flowers. The tree cannot bear edible fruit. Therefore, it is used only for decorative purposes.

How to distinguish between edible and inedible chestnuts?

It is important to be able to distinguish between edible and inedible fruits. One of the differences is appearance fetus.

  • completely round shape;
  • the peel is large and thick;
  • inflorescences of horse chestnut are large with a strong odor.
  • thin peel and needles;
  • fruits are grouped in two or more pieces, which never happens in the case of a horse chestnut;
  • the flowers of edible fruits are smaller.

Application of chestnut

Chestnut has found wide application in human life due to its rare properties.

Here are the main branches of application:

  • Building and creating furniture... In industry, wild chestnut is a source of timber. Compact and stable, used in the manufacture of railway sleepers and furniture.
  • Food industry... The cultivated chestnut is used in the food industry. Serves as an ingredient in the preparation of sweets, flour, buns, etc. Chestnut fruits are a non-nutritive product, therefore they are in great demand on store shelves. They can be used in any form: dried, fried over a fire and boiled.
  • Coal industry... Chestnut is also good for coal production. High quality heat source and produces ash, an excellent helper when fertilizing horticultural crops.
  1. With a century-old history of distribution behind them, the chestnut is a hero of legends. The most famous of these is the Chestnut of a Hundred Horses, which grows in Sicily in the vicinity of Mount Etna. The specimen is considered the oldest tree in Europe. The age has reached almost 4 thousand years.
  2. Name occurs from legend, which says that once, under the massive branches of a tree, Giovanna of Aragon and an army, 100 horses and riders were hiding from a thunderstorm.
  3. Chestnut Hundred Horses entered in the Guinness Book of Records and is the main character in many songs and stories of famous cultural figures of the seventh and eighth centuries.
  4. Another interesting fact - the use of tree leaves as tobacco. Initially, they were dried and underwent the necessary processing.

Chestnut is a great gift from nature to humanity. Therefore, if you pass by it, be sure to stop and see how it blooms.

Horse chestnut - perennial(tree or shrub), the planting of which in the streets, in parks and individual plots helps to purify the atmospheric air. As studies by Swedish scientists have shown, about 20,000 cubic meters of exhaust gases can be removed from one specimen of this breed. m of air. The article talks about the rules for planting and caring for this wonderful plant in conditions open ground... Breeders have bred various decorative varieties chestnut, photos of some of them are presented on the site page. The methods of its reproduction and the frequency of fertilization are also highlighted.

Varieties and varieties of horse chestnut

Horse chestnut reaches 30 m in height. It has large, finger-like leaves and pyramidal racemose inflorescences with flowers that are white-pink in color. As you can see in the photo, ornamental plant varieties can have a varied crown shape - in the form of a ball, a column, a pyramid, or with branches directed downward, like a weeping willow. Their flowers can have not only white, but also yellow, pink or red color, be simple or double. The leaves of the tree can be green, variegated or golden tinged.

Flowering chestnut

In addition to horse chestnut, the following are most common plant varieties:

  • California chestnut... The homeland of this variety is the western states of America. Trees reach 10 meters in height, are characterized by an erect trunk, white-pink flowers are collected in inflorescences, the diameter of which can be up to 20 cm.

California chestnut

  • Chestnut meat-red. This variety is most common on the territory of Ukraine, in the Crimea and in the countries located in the south of the Baltic States. The height of the trees can be from 15 to 25 m, the fruits are round in shape, the flowers are dark pink or dark red, the leaves are dark green, leathery, and do not tolerate drought well.

Chestnut meat-red

  • The chestnut is yellow. Natural place of growth - the eastern states of America. It can reach 30 m in height, the crown has a pyramidal shape, the leaves are finely toothed wedge-shaped, on the lower side they have a yellowish tint. This variety is the most cold-resistant of all types of chestnut, its flowering begins 15-20 days later than ordinary chestnut.

Chestnut yellow

  • Small-flowered chestnut. It is a shrub reaching 5 m in height, creating dense thickets. Grows in the southeastern United States. Its leaves consist of 5-7 leaves, the underside of which is pubescent and has a grayish tint, the flowers are pink-white in color.

Small-flowered chestnut

  • Chestnut red (pavia)... Found in the eastern states of the United States as a tree, maximum height which is 12 m or shrub, no more than 6 m in height. The flowers are bright red in color, the surface of the fruits is smooth, without bristles.

Chestnut red

  • Japanese chestnut. Reaches 30 m, has a straight narrow trunk, from which spreading branches extend widely. Stipules of this species may have enough long length sometimes reaching 16 cm, inflorescences are yellowish-white, ripening fruits are pear-shaped.

Japanese chestnut

Planting seedlings

For planting horse chestnut seedlings, areas with loamy soil well lit by the sun are most suitable. The distance from the future tree to other objects - buildings or plants - should be 5 m. This will allow its crown to develop well. Chestnut roots are quite sensitive to stagnation or lack of water in the soil. You can improve the quality of clay soil by adding sand, sandy - by adding humus or mature compost. For growing horse chestnut, soil with an acidity of no more than 7.5 is suitable; you can reduce the acidity by adding quicklime.

When planting chestnuts, leave enough space for the crop to grow

Planting sequence:

  1. A hole is dug with sides of 50-60 cm.
  2. If the soil is clayey, a layer of sand or gravel 10-15 cm thick is poured onto the bottom, which will help remove excess water.
  3. The seedling is installed in the pit so that after watering and subsidence of the earth, the root collar is at the level of the pit surface.
  4. The voids between the roots of the seedling and the walls of the pit are filled with a pre-prepared earthen substrate, including slaked lime (if the soil is acidic), rotted manure and dolomite flour.
  5. Abundant watering of the plant, installation of a support, which will provide support for a young tree in strong gusts of wind.

Advice. In order for the seedlings to take root well, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture during the first week after planting, preventing it from drying out.

Tree care

After planting, during the first years, horse chestnut seedlings require the following care:

Horse chestnut seedling

  • periodic feeding;
  • regular watering in dry weather;
  • loosening the soil, followed by mulching its surface with peat, chips or sawdust to improve air flow to the roots and prevent the growth of weeds;
  • decorative varieties with beautiful shape crowns need annual pruning; in other varieties, dried or damaged branches are removed.

Advice. To protect the roots of young seedlings from severe frosts for the winter, the surface of the trunk circles should be insulated with a layer of fallen leaves. Wrapping with one or two layers of burlap will help to protect the trunk from the appearance of frost cracks. If the trunk is damaged by frost, it is treated with an antiseptic and a layer of garden varnish is applied.

Using fertilizers to feed trees

Horse chestnut is fed in spring and autumn. In the spring, take 1 kg of mullein, 25 g of ammonium nitrate and 15 g of urea on a bucket of water. For feeding at the beginning of autumn, it is enough to dissolve 15 g of nitroammophoska in 10 liters. Good fertilizer are humus or compost, which can be applied in a layer 10 cm thick on the soil under the tree before digging the soil in autumn.

Breeding horse chestnut

The easiest way to propagate horse chestnut is by seeds, less popular is the planting of root suckers, rooting of cuttings or cuttings. The fruits of the plant are stratified before planting.

Horse chestnut is propagated by seeds

To do this, you need to prepare a wooden box, fill it with moistened sand. The chestnuts that have fallen from the tree are placed in warm water, changing it daily, and then stacked in a box of sand. The box is placed in a cellar or other cool place... After the frost in May, with warming, the fruits should be planted in a prepared place to a depth of 10 cm.

Advice. Shortening the taproot of a 2 year old seedling by one third will result in the development of additional lateral roots and the growth of a lush, spreading crown.

Horse chestnut pests and diseases caused by them

The main pests of chestnut:

By planting a chestnut near your home, you can improve the exhaust-fueled urban atmosphere that is unhealthy, giving beautiful view your yard and street. From the collected inflorescences and bark of the tree, you can prepare medicinal products for external use. The shade of the tree will protect well from the summer heat, and the powerful crown will protect against gusts of wind.

Horse chestnut: video

Horse chestnut flowering: photo

The chestnut blossom is an amazing sight. However, this plant is quite demanding in terms of temperature and humidity. If the conditions environment are not suitable for chestnuts, it simply will not bloom. Chestnuts feel best in pairs or in single plantings, do not try to create group compositions, this can adversely affect the condition of the trees.


Perhaps your chestnut is not starting to bloom due to the fact that there is not enough space for it. Chestnuts cannot stand tightness. When planting, try to allocate a circle for one plant, which is at least three meters in diameter. This will give the chestnuts room for full growth and development. With close plantings, the plants begin to compete with each other, fight for territory, therefore they do not bloom. Experts say that after a while, several plants will surely die under the onslaught of neighbors, and the rest will continue to gain strength, and only after that they will begin to bloom.

Another reason for the lack of flowering can be a lack of warmth. It all depends on the variety of your chestnut. For example, a horse chestnut can delight you with its flowering even in a cool spring, and if an edible chestnut grows on your site, then it needs a temperature of at least 15-18 ° C, otherwise it will not bloom. The advantage of chestnut is that it only needs a couple of warm days for it to pick up color.

If the chestnut is young and does not want to start blooming in any way, then the plant simply has not formed yet. You should wait. The minimum age for a horse chestnut to bloom is 10 years, while for other species this figure may be higher, on average 15 seasons. If you are sure that your chestnut has already reached the required age, then you need to look for another reason for the lack of flowering. Perhaps it's all about a lack of moisture. Chestnut loves water very much. Sometimes bud candles appear on the plant, but never open. This may indicate dryness of the air and soil.

There is a plant called kashtanosperum. It can be grown at home. This variety of chestnut in nature blooms for six months, but this cannot be achieved in indoor conditions. The fact is that in apartments the chestnutosperum does not bloom at all, with the exception of some unique cases, so if you are the owner of this particular type of chestnut, do not try to get it to bloom at home.


Air humidity for chestnuts should be at least 40-60%; at lower rates, the plant may not take root and die.

If you previously did not have experience growing chestnuts on your site, then plant a horse chestnut first. This is a less whimsical plant variety.

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Chestnut is a very spectacular tree. The chestnut has patterned leaves, it blooms with lush "candles", and its hedgehog-like fruits contain a smooth and shiny nut. Hands themselves reach for this glossy pebble seed - one just wants to ...

Chestnuts only need sunlight for a few hours a day. At strong wind the thin trunk of the dwarf chestnut can break, so it should be tied up to avoid damage. Even at a young age, the plant is not afraid of low ...

How to plant walnut chestnuts? This question may come to your mind if you have country cottage area and you adore these spreading trees. Let's try to answer it. How to plant walnut chestnuts or a ready-made seedling? Admiration ...

Chestnut is a tall, thermophilic tree, which, however, can be grown in the vastness of Russia. It is very beautiful, especially during the flowering period. At this time, inflorescences of small flowers, similar to white candles, appear on the tree. They stand out from the background ...

Chestnut is amazing and beautiful tree, which decorates parks and alleys. Everyone knows this magnificent sight when the chestnut blossoms, and in the fall it scatters its fruits, which look like funny hedgehogs. You can grow such a chestnut tree on ...

Chestnut is a deciduous tree of the beech family, which pleases us in the spring with its beautiful flowering. There are ten species of this plant, which can be found not only in areas with a temperate and warm climate, which it prefers. Growing ...

The use of horse chestnut in folk medicine quite widespread. There is nothing surprising in this. Healing plant has a huge list of properties beneficial to human health. And due to the fact that the chestnut is practically a handyman ...

Thanks to this pot, the flower looks very festive. Indeed, when the chestnut is not blooming outside the window, a person somehow does not care. Now there are many breeding species, so that the color is possible and soft pink and bright coral.

First of all, you need to remember one rule that many indoor flower lovers do not take into account. Even in flower shops, hippeastrum bulbs are sold under the familiar name amaryllis. But this winter a flower has grown on it!

Probably they put it on a big frost, twist it by 1-2, in a clean, defrosted refrigerator this is enough ... new refrigerator Atlant !!!

To begin with, the Christmas tree does not require particularly complex manipulations. The pot, which contains the Decembrist, should not be too large, since the roots of the plant do not take up much space. My experience shows that he does not really like the Decembrist and the cuisine, with its heat, smells, and so on. Towards the end of September, reduce watering and feeding to a minimum. In winter, the air temperature should be between 12 and 16 ° C. Flower fertilizers can also be used.

Of course, these are not the only reasons for refusing to bloom, hippeastrum is a plastic plant and its development is highly dependent on the conditions of growth and care. A Decembrist transplant is best done after flowering in February.

Immediately before the flowering period, when the buds are gaining strength, it is necessary to provide the plant with good lighting and rest: the temperature should be stable, without sudden changes; cutting cuttings at this time is contraindicated, as well as rearranging the pot with the Decembrist relative to the light source. This procedure contributes to the renewal and healing of the plant. It prefers to grow on the north or west side so that bright sunlight does not interfere with it. This year it never bloomed. He does not like very much when he is rearranged from place to place, even a draft or grazing with a curtain - and he will drop the buds.

In the last issue of "How to Prepare Trees for Spring," I talked about the necessary mandatory activities that will help to properly prepare your garden for spring.

A transplant is required for the plant as it grows, so that it root system could develop and feel comfortable. So that you do not have a question about why the Decembrist does not bloom, you should adhere to some rules. Decembrist can no longer be moved or flipped. It is better to buy a leafy and turf mixture ready-made, since the process of its "preparation" is long and specific, if it is not on sale - take peat, but not more than 15% of the entire mixture. They can then be transplanted into loose sandy soil. The Decembrist does not bloom when it is constantly kept in the shade.

This concludes. Today I told you about the most common mistakes novice gardeners make, because of which peonies do not bloom on the site.

The plant receives its main nutrition and moisture from the air; it needs soil only for support. Often the plant enters the house already infected, so I always keep new inhabitants in quarantine, in a separate room. And since this plant has been known to flower growers for a long time, it received another unspoken name - Grandma's flower. Although I am an opponent of chemistry, in this case I recommend to immediately purchase "Aktelik", "Fitoverm" or their analogs - special means for pest control.