Overview of fast-growing perennial shrubs for hedges in the country. The fastest growing bushes for hedges in the country. Plants for hedges species description

A hedge is a great alternative to a regular fence. This is a wonderful element of landscape design, which hides the area from prying eyes, serves as a screen from dust and wind, and performs a security function. The evergreen hedge is not only pleasing to the eye, but also makes the space more harmonious.

When choosing plants for a hedge, the following factors should be considered:

  • Desired fence height.
  • Appointment.
  • Climatic conditions.
  • Features of the site (soil type, illumination, humidity).

Fast growing hedge shrubs: elderberry, forsythia, euonymus, currant, chubushnik, cotoneaster, honeysuckle, blackthorn, privet, hawthorn, roses, broom, Thunberg barberry. If the choice fell on a single-tiered high hedge, you can choose trees - maples, poplars, willow, linden, rowan, dogwood, buckthorn, black chokeberry, hazel, lilac and others.

TOP 10 ideas for hedges


Such a hedge should not be higher than 50 cm. Choose dwarf plants (lingonberry, Lawson's cypress, Thunberg barberry, dwarf caragana, boxwood and others). The alternation of evergreen and flowering plants looks interesting. For example, boxwood with rose hips or climbing roses.

Important! A curb fence will be the perfect frame for any element - a flower bed, fountain, pond or playground!

Fence for zoning space

The idea is especially relevant if the plot is small, but you want to separate the utility area from the garden and vegetable garden. Shrubs up to 1 meter high look best - they will not shade the area and at the same time look very colorful. They can be planted both symmetrically and in wavy lines.

Unusual shapes for hedges

Of course, only professionals can cut a mammoth or dinosaur out of a bush. However, elements in the form of a cube, wave, arch or rectangle on the site will look great too! And caring for them is a feasible task for novice gardeners.

Colorful hedge

Tiered designs are in vogue now, your chip may be in the choice of plants for hedges. One row can be formed from red-leaved boxwood, the second from green juniper, the third from gray spruce. Your site will acquire an unexpected color and contrast.

Blooming wall

Choose fast growing hedge shrubs - hawthorn, spirea, blood red currant. Blossoming lasts 3-4 weeks, and border flowering plants can be planted at the foot of the hedge - so your garden will delight the eye all season.

Original mix

You can alternate plants with other elements. It will turn out to be a kind of chess that looks very interesting! The hedge can be supplemented with wooden modules, brick posts, wattle fence, gabions, large boulders and other elements.

Improvisation with an old fence

Let's say you have an ugly old fence. It seems to be a pity to demolish, and spoils the view of the site. With the help of a simple wire structure, you can form a support for climbing plants and containers with plants. The pots can be filled with seedlings, flowers, or herbs. From climbing plants we can recommend climbing roses, grapes, hydrangea, clematis, honeysuckle, wisteria. Isn't it a hedge?

"Living" walls

An evergreen hedge doesn't necessarily take up much space. Install wooden or mesh supports as you wish, and plant vines, ivy or grapes near them. The "walls" located at an angle look great. By the way, behind them it is quite possible to hide a recreation area or a sandbox.

Wild garden

The stereotype that a hedge should be trimmed to fit a ruler, down to the millimeter, is hopelessly outdated. If the size of the site allows, you can give preference to an unformed hedge. Its width can reach 1-2 meters. A combination of plants with different flowering periods looks spectacular. For example, in one hedge combine barberry, rosehip and chubushnik.

Hedge of fruit bushes

We combine business with pleasure! Felt cherry, gooseberry, blackberry, currant, chokeberry, barberry! The distance between the bushes is 40-50 cm. Nice and tasty!

Photo of hedges

We also offer you a selection of beautiful and fashionable hedges. Some of them are classics of landscape design, while others are the most fashionable trends.

A hedge isn't just three trees in a row! This is an opportunity to try yourself as a landscape designer and bring ideas to life! Such decoration of the site will surely please both you and your loved ones!

If you decide to make such a decoration in your yard, then you need to decide on the goals of the fence, its location relative to the sun and other factors, as well as its shape. After all, it can be free and grow in all directions. And there is one that needs to be shaped, cut and adjusted to certain sizes. Therefore, it is important to choose the right type of plant that will perfectly cope with all your requirements.

Kalifolia bladder

This bush has excellent characteristics for those who want to quickly plant greenery on their site. resistant to disease, tolerates frosty winters well and, most importantly, these hedge plants are fast growing. grows in all directions at once. Its branches are covered with dense foliage, which looks like maple leaves, as well as currants and viburnum. The leaves have a very beautiful and unusual texture. In late June and early July, the plant blooms. Its inflorescences are umbrellas of many small flowers that densely fill the already dense branches.

Did you know? In one year, the plant lengthens its branches by 40 cm.

The shape of the crown can be formed independently or you can let it grow in all directions. The bush has a standard round shape... Some landscape designers create fountains or square low fences. The height and width of the bush is up to 3 meters.
Pruning the plant should be carried out regularly, ridding it of growing, dry and diseased branches inside.

The best time for this is late autumn or early spring, when severe frosts have already subsided. It is important to do this at a time when the juices along the branches have not yet gained their usual speed in the warm season. Then you won't damage your plant. It is preferable to create a bush shape in spring.
It is worth noting the variety of varieties. They are radically different from each other due to foliage color... She may be:

  • purple, which can change to red in the fall (Diabolo, Little Davil, Coppertina);
  • yellow with a golden sheen ("Darts Gold", "Luteus");
  • the leaf has two colors at once: gold and burgundy ("Center Glow").

There is also a dwarf variety "Nana", which is painted in a juicy green and decorated with bright white flowers.


  • European and Giralda are distinguished by the highest resistance to frost;
  • the greenest has the largest flowers, but does not tolerate winter well and is suitable for southern regions;
  • oval-leaved;
  • drooping;
  • the middle one hibernates without loss.

Important! Fertilizers are important for forcesia: organic fertilizers are applied in the fall, mineral fertilizers - in the spring. And also - pruning, which is carried out every year. Without these actions, the bush becomes very weak.


  • "Kobold" is a spherical bush no higher than 30 cm with bright green leaves, which turn yellow-orange by autumn;
  • "Baguetel" is a round shape, no higher than 40 cm, has red leaves, which, when grown in the sun, turn brown, and in the shade - green;
  • "Admiration" - grows into a ball with a diameter of 50 cm and has a unique foliage, which is purple inside, and has a light border at the edges;
  • "Speshal Gold" is a dense golden crown that turns pink in autumn;
  • "Atropurpurea Nana" - purple-red bush, up to 60 cm high, 1 m wide;
  • "Green Carpet" - does not grow taller than 50 cm and has light green foliage in a rounded crown.

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Land owners always strive to delineate their boundaries, while trying to make the fence neat and beautiful. Using vegetation to form a defensive structure is an excellent choice. This is due to the high decorative qualities, as well as the environmental friendliness of the material used.

What is a green fence, into which groups it is subdivided

- it is a protective structure that consists entirely of vegetation.

Trees, shrubs or grasses are used as planting raw materials. The choice of which to give preference, first of all, depends on the purpose of the fence.

There are several options for using the fence:

  • designation of the boundaries of the site;
  • section of adjacent territories;
  • subdivision allotted into functional zones;
  • framing flower beds, paths, paths;
  • protection against the entry of animals or strangers;
  • hiding minor flaws in buildings.

The advantages of living fencing are:

  1. No need for additional finishing. Plants do not need to be plastered, painted, varnished.
  2. Masking flaws. Green spaces perfectly attract all the attention, and curly and tall varieties completely hide flaws.
  3. Luring pollinating insects. Flowering, fruiting breeds attract many insects, which will also pollinate other plantings in the area, which significantly increases yields.

Disadvantages can be called:

  1. Time consuming. Trees and shrubs grow long enough, most subspecies need at least 5 years for a hedge to form.
  2. Fruiting. Although many berries are edible, they often fall onto paths and grass within the plot. On the ground, the process of decay soon begins, which is accompanied by unpleasant odors, and also attracts flies, midges, beetles.

Three main groups are distinguished along the length of the trunk:

  1. Stunted. This includes plant varieties that grow about 50 centimeters from the ground. Saplings are used to decorate the edges of paths, flower beds. Also called curb plants.
  2. Medium-sized. Trees and shrubs from 0.5 to 2 meters in height create medium-sized green protection. Planting of thorny subspecies, such as blackthorn, is allowed, which will only increase the protective functions of the fence. But it is not recommended to plant near the aisles: there is a high risk of injury, damage to clothing. Fruiting varieties should also be planted a little further from the paths so that the berries do not stain clothes.
  3. Tall. Bushes and trees from 2 meters long create real living walls. Dense crowns that completely cover the trunks create an impenetrable natural defense.

If the owner of the land plot wants to preserve the decorative appearance of the plot throughout the year, then it is necessary to pay attention to evergreen species. Some deciduous and coniferous varieties are able to maintain their greenery for 12 months without exposing the trunks.

Deciduous vegetation looks decorative only in the warm season, and in the fall it sheds its foliage, which will be renewed only in spring.

When the owner of the territory cannot choose only one variety of greenery, the option of annual plantings is perfect for him. The green protection will bloom all season, after which it will fade. Further, the remains of the fence are removed, and next spring it is possible to plant a new protection.

It is possible to create a combined hedge. For these purposes, seedlings are selected taking into account the flowering time, fruiting, the ability to hold leaves: it is best if they match as much as possible.

It is allowed to plant in several rows, but then the seedlings should be staggered to provide each tree and bush with enough light, moisture, fresh air.

You can also make a multi-tiered protective structure. For example, the first tier will consist of trees, the second - from shrubs, and curb vegetation will complete the fence.

There are varieties that keep their shape perfectly, do not get sick, look beautiful without mechanical treatment. But most of the subspecies need to be cut regularly in order to control height and maintain health. Also, a living fence can be given almost any shape.

It is necessary to take into account how much time the owner of the allotment can devote to caring for the vegetation. If it is not possible to regularly care for the plantings, the most unpretentious species are chosen.

Light-loving vegetation should not be planted in shady places, only a light shade is permissible. Varieties that grow better in shade are not placed in the sun: direct light can cause tremendous damage to the seedlings.

Plants for a green hedge

Low-growing vegetation, with the help of which they form the edges of the paths, make the edging of flower beds.

"Bagatelle" Is a deciduous shrub with a low growth rate. The crown is formed from leaves of purple or brown color in the shape of a ball, the foliage grows very densely, but in 12 months it grows by no more than 2-3 centimeters. The beginning of flowering occurs in June-July and is accompanied by small inflorescences, consisting of flowers of a delicate pink hue. Sometimes the flowers do not form inflorescences, but grow separately. Barberry bears fruit already in October with bright red berries of an elongated appearance, which can be eaten. The light-loving shrub develops well in places with partial shade. It survives frost, drought very well, and is unpretentious to the composition of the soil. The adult species are thinned out in early spring, and the young are properly pruned. Watering is done moderately, due to the fact that the bush does not tolerate stagnant water. Young seedlings are covered with spruce branches for the winter.

"Golden princesses" is a deciduous variety that grows about 50 centimeters above the ground. The foliage is collected in a lush cannon-shaped crown that grows up to 100 centimeters in diameter. Initially, the leaves grow in a bright yellow hue, but as they develop, their color becomes calmer, more saturated, during autumn it changes the color scheme to orange or red. Spirea blooms with pinkish flowers up to 5 centimeters in diameter, collected in corymbose inflorescences. Spirea is planted in well-lit parts of the territory. Frost-resistant rock, unpretentious to the composition of the soil. It grows best in moderate moisture, loose, fertile soil. A haircut is carried out in the spring, cutting the bush almost to the root, leaving literally 15-20 centimeters from ground level. To maintain the decorative appearance of the shrub throughout the summer period, it is necessary to dry out the withering, drying parts in a timely manner.

is a creeping evergreen breed of low-growing shrubs. The foliage has the shape of an elongated oval, and the color is not easy: a green middle part with a yellow edging. It can grow up to 30-200 centimeters, but the height is controlled by machining. Grows quickly in areas with light shadow or diffused light. But if the euonymus is planted in the shade, then the leaves will quickly lose their appearance. Quite unpretentious vegetation of average growth rate, which needs to be fed every spring. If the owner regularly and carefully looks after the euonymus, then the bush will look the most decorative. It can get sick under conditions of high humidity, so watering is carried out only in moderation. Also, in order to protect against excess water, it will be necessary to drain the soil at the planting stage.

otherwise called undersized acacia. The shrub is very frost-resistant, survives dry times well, grows well even in urban conditions. Prefers well-lit places, reaches a length of 30 to 250 centimeters, which is perfectly regulated by a haircut. It blooms throughout the summer and consists of small, bright yellow flowers. Later, a lot of berries are tied, which are not edible for humans, and birds consume them with great pleasure. The kargan is propagated by means of seeds, but this must be done immediately after collecting the seeds. When everything is done correctly and on time, you can expect the first shoots in the fall of this year or in the spring of next year. The tops of the bush easily freeze over, so you need to cover them for the winter, and place the seedlings where there are no through cold winds.

Shrubs and trees of medium height are used to create a hedge.

belongs to the heather family. Different subspecies grow to different heights from 30 to 300 centimeters. It is recommended to plant on those parts of the land where there is no direct sunlight, but it grows well with a small shade, does not lose flowering. Poorly tolerates open places with gusts of wind, stagnant moisture. For planting rhododendron, you can drain the soil from expanded clay or crushed stone, and water it moderately as it grows. The shrub is planted in early spring to increase the seedlings' chances of survival. Unpretentious to the composition of the soil, it grows in almost any territory. The root system of this breed is distinguished by its sensitivity, therefore it is better to maintain its condition in a mound of mulching material.

Is a shrub member of the barberry family. A rather undersized bush with very leathery foliage, which, during blooming, has a red tint, changing to green in the summer, and by autumn it is painted with bronze flowers. With the onset of frost, the stems of Mahonia turn purple. The shrub tends to grow vigorously in the area through its many root processes. The bush blooms very luxuriantly, effectively, while a pleasant aroma spreads. The yellow flowers create small inflorescences. The fruits are tied sweet and sour, holding on to the branches for a long time. It is not demanding on the composition of the soil, the level of acidity of the soil, but it is recommended to carry out systematic watering and fertilize every spring.

On the land plot, it will maximally protect it from the penetration of an animal or stranger due to the multiple thorns on its branches. Spiky growths can not only damage clothing, but also cause significant damage to the skin. Blackthorn is a very highly branched shrub, but most subspecies lend themselves well to mechanical processing. Sloe breeds that tend to grow widely are allowed to control growth by pruning. It holds back gusts of wind well, bears fruit with edible berries, looks the most decorative during flowering.

It grows up to 2.5-3 meters and creates dense growth. The flowering time falls on June-July and is accompanied by flowers of a white or pink hue. Fruits with edible berries, which contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which makes it possible to use the fruits for medicinal purposes and preservation of products. Aronia easily survives frosts, does not require particularly careful care, is susceptible to pruning, there is no need to water or feed frequently. Looks most beautiful during flowering, without machining. Even with free growth, chokeberry does not lose its decorative qualities.

Is an evergreen shrub reaching a height of 3 to 5 meters. The crown consists of an oblong, pointed foliage, about 15 centimeters long. The beginning of flowering is April or May. Small white flowers grow, collected in racemose inflorescences. It grows rapidly even on the shady parts of the land plot, and is frost-resistant. Berries of laurel are ranked among medicinal fruits that are edible, and are also used to create energy drinks. It is necessary to plant cherry laurel either in early spring, or already only in October. It has no special requirements for the soil, reacts very well to feeding. Differs in increased resistance to influences from pests.

It responds well to mechanical processing, it perfectly keeps the look given with the help of a haircut. A plant with a low growth rate, thrives well in shady areas. An evergreen shrub, very durable. The needles of the yew tree have a flat appearance, soft texture, a green tint, and the bark is brownish red. During planting, it is better to pre-fertilize. Yew is undemanding to the composition and acidity of the soil, but does not tolerate excess moisture. The grown bushes need to be planted in the spring, it is possible to start already in April, maintaining a distance of 50 to 200 centimeters from each other, and propagated by cuttings or seedlings. It is not necessary to systematically prune the bushes, since even with free growth, the yew will not get sick and will not lose its external characteristics. Young plants do not tolerate freezing temperatures and frosts, so it is better to cover them for the winter.

Is a type of shrub that tolerates moderate frost well, but will not survive the strong icy winter winds and the rays of the early spring sun. Slow growing variety with a shiny, dense crown. It is very malleable to mechanical processing, perfectly keeps the shape that was given to it. It blooms very decoratively and bears fruit with black seeds. Grows best in shaded areas, but is capable of thriving in full shade or full light. Unpretentious to the composition of the soil, the level of acidity, loves moderate watering.

Real living walls are created from tall species of bushes and trees.

It is a tall tree, reaching a length of 15 to 70 meters. The evergreen plant retains its decorative characteristics all year round. Spruce does not require particularly careful care, it is unassuming to the composition, the level of acidity of the soil. Breeders have bred subspecies of spruce, differing in the color of the needles, the shape of the paws, the number of cones, and their size.

- This is a representative of conifers that looks spectacular as part of a living wall. There are about 70 subspecies of juniper, differing in height, density and splendor of the crown. The least demanding varieties are: Virginian, Cossack, ordinary, Chinese, scaly. Juniper is highly resistant to pest attacks, weather changes, wind gusts, and diseases. It has no special requirements for the land where it will be planted, but it grows much worse on heavier soils. In such a situation, it is recommended to drain the soil. Planting material should be taken at the age of 3-4 years so that the seedling takes root better. Prefers sunlight, but develops well with little shade. Planted in spring, but may be planted in autumn.

For hedges, it must be very resistant to cold and frost. An unpretentious tree to care for with branches that do not push. Mountain, common and Weymouth pines look the most decorative. You can not buy pine seedlings anywhere: there are many very similar subspecies that sellers provide for the purpose of deception or unknowingly. The difference in the development of the root system, that is, within the same breed, different subspecies will either take root on the site, or they will often get sick, or even die altogether. Only varieties with well-developed roots are used to create green walls.

It grows disgustingly poorly in urban conditions, but is an excellent option for planting outside the city or at a summer cottage. The tree takes root well, grows well, tolerates bad weather well if it is located far from the city. The cone-shaped crown, strong root system, flat shape of the needles are the distinctive characteristics of the fir. Very beautiful, neat looks even due to vertically growing bumps, which ripen in the first year of growth. Fertilizers are applied inside the soil first when planting a tree, and the next top dressing is carried out after 2-3 years of growth. It is necessary to water the fir very abundantly, but enough 3 times a season. But you should not overdo it: excess moisture can lead to plant disease.

It is a very popular type of vegetation for creating green hedges. Thuja's distinctive features are:

  • frost resistance;
  • drought tolerance;
  • experiencing freezing temperatures;
  • lends itself well to mechanical processing.

Undemanding to the type of soil, but grows best on loam, sandy loam or sandy soil. It is very resistant to diseases, gusts of wind, attacks of pests. It develops well in sunny places, parts of the site with light shade. Cleans the surrounding air space, ionizes it, saturates it with useful phytoncides. It can reach a height of 4-15 meters, and for a living fencing they can withstand a length of no more than 1.5 to 3.5 meters

Step-by-step instructions for planting a green hedge, further care

Before embarking on planting work, a detailed layout of the future living fence is drawn up. The drawing takes into account the planting line, step width, digging depth, the amount of material required, the estimated waiting time.

After all the calculations have been carried out, you can begin to prepare the territory. To do this, they carry out garbage collection, weeding, marking. You can make the markings as follows: pegs are driven into the ground along the planting line, onto which a rope is wound. This rope will be used for digging.

It is generally permissible to dig individual holes or a common trench. But experienced gardeners recommend digging a trench, as this will make the depth the same. The absence of drops will not only allow you to make the hedge neat, but also prevent the seedlings from sinking too deeply into the soil.

Next, a layer of sand is poured onto the bottom of the excavated space and the soil is drained. Drainage will prevent moisture from accumulating too much, as stagnant water kills most plants. Expanded clay or crushed stone can be used as drainage raw materials. The average height of the drainage layer is 10 to 20 centimeters.

It is important to carefully spread the root system before immersing the seedlings. When a seedling is grown in another place, it is planted along with the clod of earth on which it developed.

The free space between the vegetation and the edge of the trench is filled with local soil or enriched soil is purchased.

The soil around the seedlings is lightly tamped and watered at the root.

The seedling digging width is calculated based on the number of planting rows. They dig into the depth of 0.5-0.6 meters.

At the stage of purchasing planting material, one should not pursue savings. The acquisition of young stock in untested places may entail the substitution of similar species. You should buy seedlings in specialized stores and nurseries.

If the owner wants to save on the construction budget, he is better off choosing shrubs. It is allowed to purchase one lush grown bush with its subsequent division into several small bushes, which will take root well on the land.

Planting of vegetation is carried out, almost always, in the spring after the first frost. To increase the chances of a plant for survival, you should treat the root system with a nutritious talker made of clay and mullein solution.

Plants that grow well in shady places, with a low growth rate, are allowed to be planted tightly to each other. If the greens prefer sunlight, make the planting freer.

It is imperative to fertilize the soil during the planting of the young to ensure sufficient nutrient levels. Fed trees, bushes, grasses grow better, bloom more luxuriantly, bear fruit more abundantly if they were initially fed. Further, fertilizers are applied inside the earth every spring.

The first 2-3 years of growth are not machined. Further, in accordance with the breed, greens. It is possible to do only a sanitary haircut: to dry up withered flowers, dried branches, diseased shoots. Free-growing varieties perfectly retain their decorative characteristics even without cutting. The rest of the types of pruning are of a decorative nature. can be shaped into almost any shape - the green protection will hold it perfectly.

Crown shaping should be manipulated in the evenings so that bare branches do not get sunburn. Immediately after cutting, the plant must be abundantly moistened and the planting site must be covered with straw.

Young bushes are cut off as much as possible, that is, they literally leave 5-10 centimeters from the ground, but the vegetation will be completely rejuvenated, the crown will become thicker and denser.

A hedge is a spectacular decoration of any site, widely used in decorative landscaping. The plants that form it have special requirements. It is desirable that they be fast-growing and perennial. The evergreen hedge will continue to decorate your garden or yard in the off-season. Let's discuss which shrubs are best suited to form this element of landscape design. What needs to be done to make the green wall dense and beautiful.

This element of landscape design is used very widely: it can play the role of a separator within the site, frame paths, surround various objects, and complement architectural forms. Often, a hedge is an alternative to a conventional fence. Working with living, growing material, there are ample opportunities for experimentation. You can grow a compact, low and dense hedge. Choosing a high wall and picking up plants with thorns for it, you can get a completely impregnable fence.

Advice. If the height of the hedge can be selected based on individual preferences, then the width traditionally does not exceed 80 cm. This is important from the point of view of decorativeness and expediency of using the area of ​​the site.

Plant selection requirements for linear plantings include a number of important parameters. If its length is great, the unpretentiousness of the shrubs comes to the fore. Painstaking care of each bush, when there are several hundred of them, can forever discourage the desire to decorate your site with a hedge. In the middle lane, one should not forget about the frost resistance of perennials.

Choose low-maintenance hedge crops

Planting new plants every spring to replace the frozen ones is not only expensive and difficult, but can also deprive the entire hedge of the attractiveness of the whole. Along with these most important characteristics, attention should also be paid to the following indicators:

  1. Growth and development rate.
  2. The presence of flowers, fruits.
  3. Possibility of cutting, shaping.
  4. The duration of the decorative season.
  5. Lack of uncontrolled proliferation.

There is a special type of hedge using climbing or climbing plants. For them, you can arrange trellises or leave them curling around the fence. This type of vertical gardening, located along the perimeter of the site, forms the most beautiful cascades of greenery, creating a kind of hedge.

You can plant clematis or cultivated loaches, the flowering of which is long, large corollas are very attractive. Such a blooming vertical hedge has every chance of becoming the main decoration of the garden. The advantage of climbing plants is their rapid development; in the second year, a rather large curtain is formed, almost completely hiding the area from prying eyes. In addition, a vertical hedge takes up little space in width, which can be important for narrow areas.


Fast growing hedge crops

Barberry is very often used to create hedges. This perennial is very plastic, from it you can form a low, neat hedge-border trimmed along one line. Or place plants in a more spacious planting pattern, giving them the opportunity to develop into tall, thorny, impassable hedges. Barberry has earned its popularity due to the following qualities:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • frost resistance;
  • rapid formation of green mass;
  • responsiveness to a haircut;
  • the presence of thorns;
  • high decorative effect.

Hawthorn is also often used by gardeners to create hedges. In addition to the decorative qualities that this plant boasts, its edible fruits are healing for the heart and blood vessels. The plant is characterized by the following qualities important for phytodesign:

  • high decorativeness;
  • undemanding care;
  • easy to form;
  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

Mature hawthorn plants are hardy, but young, immature bushes may need light shelter, especially in the first year of life.


The following types of shrubs, which are excellent for creating linear plantings of various configurations, also deserve close attention:

  1. Snowberry.
  2. Honeysuckle (various types).
  3. Forsythia.

Evergreens for hedges

The climate of the overwhelming majority of the territories of our country presupposes the use of only conifers as evergreens. The advantages of such plants are quite obvious, they are attractive all year round, their lush branches are well suited for linear plantings. The aroma of their resins is distinguished by beneficial properties for human health.

Conifers are durable, if you plan to create a green hedge once for many years, then this choice will be the best. However, most conifers grow rather slowly and require a special approach when planting. A seasonal change in the color of the foliage painting the landscape is not possible, and there will be no flowering. This fact must be taken into account. Consider those conifers that are best suited for hedges.

Norway spruce

Breeders have bred many ornamental spruce varieties. They are distinguished by the shade of the needles, the speed and strength of growth, the shape of the crown. The choice is quite wide, using various varietal forms of common spruce, you can get a low hedge, consisting of beautiful spruce paws. Or to grow a powerful, human-sized, thorny barrier, distinguished by its decorative effect. Alternatively, you can plant at some distance from each other plants of the "Little Jam" or "Ehiniformis" varieties, which have crowns in the form of a hemisphere or pillow. A spruce, planted as a hedge, meets a number of requirements for this element of garden design:

  • unpretentious care;
  • frost resistance;
  • undemanding to soil fertility and composition;
  • pleasant spruce aroma;
  • the ability to create a thorny barrier;
  • amenable to formation.

Thuja is rightfully popular among landscape designers and site owners. Its naturally smooth crowns often do not need to be artificially formed. Even planted in the form of a simple single-row hedge, thuja perfectly decorates the space. However, this southern plant is vulnerable to severe frosts. Depending on the region of cultivation, it may require cover.

Juniper is available in many varieties and varieties. From creeping plants to fairly tall representatives. Its branches are capable of creating tight weaves, well suited for living fences.

Planting and maintaining a hedge

Particular attention should be paid to the purchase of coniferous seedlings. It is recommended to purchase planting material from a nursery rather than taking young plants from their natural habitat.

Planting a hedge

Since conifers are characterized by a very close symbiosis with other organisms, they do not take root well in a new place. It is highly desirable to purchase seedlings with a closed root system, with a clod of earth. So at least part of the soil community will be preserved and survival rate will be much faster. Coniferous seedlings are usually selected at an age of at least 4 years. Whereas deciduous shrubs can be planted as early as 2-3 years of their life.

Preparing for planting plants in a hedge differs little from working with other types of shrub plantations. Along the entire length of the future green wall, a planting trench is dug with an average depth of 50 cm. For a single-row hedge, the width is approximately equal to the depth. The planting pattern differs significantly depending on the specific plant species. Most shrubs commonly used for hedging are placed 25 cm apart.

Advice. When planting an evergreen coniferous hedge, do not add manure to the planting trench.

Plant care is standard for shrubs. It must be remembered that the roots of hedge crops consume a significant amount of nutrients from the soil. Because they are quite tightly planted. This fact must be taken into account when calculating the consumption of fertilizers for other plants growing on the site.

The main difficulty in caring for a hedge is its regular haircut. After all, a free-growing hedge does not always meet aesthetic and design needs. Plants should be trimmed at least once a season, but this is usually done more often. Correctly formed plants form a well-leafed curtain, never bare at the bottom.

Important! To reduce the frequency of hedge trimming and reduce labor costs, you can use special chemicals that inhibit plant growth - retardants.

Planting a hedge is not difficult at all. Having picked up fast-growing crops for its formation, you can get a wonderful fencing in the shortest possible time. A hedge is superior to conventional fences in many ways. After all, it retains dust, muffles sounds, saturates the air with oxygen, creates a pleasant shadow. Among other things, such a fence is very aesthetic and attractive in appearance.

The fencing of private property has become so commonplace that few people pay attention to it. Do you want uniqueness, beauty and an interesting design solution that stands out from the crowd? An evergreen perennial fast-growing hedge is an ideal solution for fencing a site, which will not only perform protective functions, but also delight the eye with its beauty and shape. The choice of plants is quite extensive, and each option has its own nuances in planting and care.

Read in the article

Perennial evergreen fast growing hedge: how to choose the right option

A perennial evergreen fast growing hedge is often used in. It can act as a separator within the site, be a framing or surround various objects, as well as complement the architectural complex of buildings. And also act as the direct frame of the entire summer cottage or private house.

Working with living plants provides ample opportunities for creativity. You can choose from a compact, dense high or low hedge. And by choosing the option with thorns, in addition to beauty, you will receive natural protection against intrusion.

Advice! The height of the hedge is different, but the width is traditionally no more than 80 cm. This point should be taken into account when choosing such an element of decor.

There are a number of requirements for plants used as a living fence:

  • With a long hedge, it is worth choosing unpretentious plants. If you choose a shrub that requires careful care, then, by cultivating hundreds of bushes, any desire to take care of such a decor will disappear.
  • In the middle lane, pay attention only to frost-resistant plants. Otherwise, you will have to plant new plants every spring, which is expensive and inconvenient.

And also when choosing a living fence for yourself, pay attention to the following factors:

  • how fast the shrub grows and develops;
  • are there fruits and flowers;
  • is it possible to cut and shape the bushes;
  • how long the decorative season lasts;
  • lack of strong overgrowth.

There is a special kind of plants -. For them, you will need to make a fence or install trellises. This type of landscaping is located around the perimeter of the site, forming cascades of greenery.

DIY hedge in the country: which plants are suitable

Based on the selection parameters, summer residents or owners of private buildings can choose a hedge from a wide range of plants. Among the suitable ones there are deciduous ones with beautiful inflorescences, conifers with lush paws and curly ones, creating a unique silhouette.

You can grow the following types of shrubs on your own:

  • barberry;
  • periwinkle;
  • euonymus;
  • privet;
  • hawthorn;
  • honeysuckle;
  • Kampsis;
  • cotoneaster;
  • cypress lawson kolumnaris;
  • cupressocyaparis leiland;
  • cherry laurel;
  • holly;
  • fir;
  • ivy;
  • boxwood;
  • thuja Brabant.

All of these plants are able to create a dense crown to close your area from prying eyes or make the division into recreation areas large. We will analyze in more detail the landing and leaving of each species, so that it is easier to make the right choice.

Related article:

Photos and other materials from this article will make it easier to make the right decisions. They will help you to accurately implement the most daring ideas, eliminate mistakes and not exceed the established budget.

Photos and names of fast-growing plants for hedges

First, let's take a look at how each of the listed plants looks like. After all, appearance plays a huge role in the creation of landscape design.

  • Barberry- a plastic plant. It can be used to form or high fences. Suitable for cutting, so you can give the bush any shape.

  • Periwinkle- evergreen curly shrub. Reaches a height of 1.5 m. Stems and leaves are hardy and retain their beautiful appearance for a long time. The flowers are large, blue or light blue.

  • Euonymus- has many varieties, including the curly version. Particularly popular are Fortune, Blondie or Sunspot, which have decorative foliage colors.

  • Privet- fast growing shrub. It blooms in early summer, but not for a long period. Suitable for southern regions: it does not tolerate frost well. There is no height more than 2 m.

  • Hawthorn- the shrub is often used as a hedge. In addition to its protective properties, the plant has edible fruits that are medicinal for the cardiovascular system.

  • Spruce- coniferous tree, which is often used for decoration. It is unpretentious, easy to care for and resistant to any frost.

  • Honeysuckle- has many varieties, is not demanding on the soil, and it is better to place the plant in partial shade. Resistant to frost, which is important in central Russia.

  • Willow- a tree with foliage falling like a waterfall. It has been used recently as a living "fence", but it has already become quite popular. Willow is frost-resistant and propagates easily by cuttings.

  • Campsis- perennial bright liana. Unpretentious in care, growing rapidly. Even a novice summer resident can create such an element of decor.

  • Cotoneaster brilliant- there are different types: deciduous or evergreen. They have shiny foliage and small flowers. Resistant to frost and not whimsical to the landing site.

  • Lawson cypress kolumnaris- coniferous plant. In height it reaches from 5 to 10 m, crown diameter - 2 m. Shoots are vertical and tight. Plants can be arranged tightly together to create a dense and even hedge.

  • Cupressocyparis leiland- a coniferous plant that should not be planted on clay soils. A mixture of earth with peat or sand in equal proportions is suitable. To form a hedge, plants are planted at a distance of 20 to 50 cm.

  • Laurel- perennial shrub. Loves shade and is able to withstand frosts up to 25 degrees. The fast growing variety is the medicinal cherry laurel, other varieties grow slowly. They are planted at a distance of 50 to 70 cm.

  • Holly- an evergreen plant, up to 3 m high. Likes partial shade and nutritious soil. Cannot be planted in cold regions, and may not be cut more than once a year.

  • Balsam fir- an evergreen plant. Dislikes city life: exhaust fumes have a bad effect on growth and color. Suitable for the middle lane and tolerates frost.

  • Garden ivy- a climbing plant that is planted next to a regular fence. It braids the structure beautifully, making it unusual and green. It is unpretentious in care, but do not forget about safety and work with the plant with gloves.

  • Boxwood- an evergreen shrub with long leaves (3 cm). Well suited for planting in the middle lane, and the highest life expectancy reaches 500 years.

  • Thuya Brabant- belongs to the cypress family. There is another name - "tree of life". The evergreen plant is drought tolerant and distinguished by its hardiness and high resistance to various diseases. You can cut twice a year.

  • Thuja smaragd- an ornamental variety of a coniferous tree. It has a pyramidal shape, so the plants need not be trimmed at all. It reaches 10 m in height and 2 m in width.

There are other options for ornamental plants that are used to create a hedge. The above list is considered the most common for planting and the easiest to care for. How to properly plant and cut shrubs and trees, we will consider further.

Evergreen barberry: planting and care

Barberry is not just a beautiful evergreen used to create interesting landscaping, but also a healing shrub with edible fruits. In industry, a yellow paint is obtained from bark or wood, and there is a lot of citric and tartaric acid in berries. They are used to make sweets, jams and other sweets.


There are several ways to propagate a shrub:

  • Cuttings. They are cut and germinated in a greenhouse, you can simply dig them up with plastic wrap. As necessary, young shoots should be ventilated after the first leaves appear. The soil around the planting should be loosened.

  • Seeds. Well-ripe berries should be chosen. Then, separate the bone from the pulp and treat with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Sow in the fall into prepared soil before the onset of frost. If you want to plant in the spring, then for the winter place the seeds in soil mixed with sand and leave in a cold place. After six months or a year, shoots will appear from the strongest seeds, which are transplanted to a new place. The plant begins to bear fruit in 2-3 years after germination.

  • Layers. Choose annual branches on the growing bush, make grooves near the trunk, when the soil dries up, fix the branches in them to a depth of 20 cm.Only the top of the shoot is left on the surface.

  • Division of the bush. Dig up and cut the root system of the bush carefully. Be careful not to damage the roots.

The easiest way is to dig in young branches. You will get a dense hedge by gradually replanting the plants in the desired direction.

Shrub planting

Barberry is unpretentious to the type of soil. It can grow in both normal and high acidity soil. If on your site the acidity index exceeds all norms, then before planting the plant, add a mixture of lime and earth to the pit. You need about 400 g of slaked lime and 200 g of wood ash.

To obtain a hedge, bushes are planted at the rate of 2 plants per 1 running meter. The choice of a sunny or shady side is not critical, since the shrub easily adapts to different environmental conditions.

Summer residents and owners of private houses choose barberry for a reason. It is unpretentious to care for and at the same time has a beautiful appearance with edible fruits. Here are some tips for caring for your plant:

  • once every seven days;
  • mineral fertilizers are applied once in the spring, one year after planting;
  • often ;
  • remove weak shoots and broken branches after decorative pruning;
  • can only be cut in June or August.

Periwinkle: a photo of flowers, and how to care for a plant

An interesting plant with beautiful flowers. It is unpretentious to care for, so it is suitable for growing even for beginners. The flower consists of five petals of a pale purple or blue hue.

Everyone can cope with planting periwinkle and leaving in the open field. The plant of the selected variety takes root on any soil, it can be planted on the slopes of the plots. The shrub is actively growing, therefore, when planting, a distance of 30-35 cm is observed.

It can be planted on any soil from the sunny or shady side. In the early stages of growth, it is worth ensuring proper watering, then, the plant does without abundant moisture. In summer, it is enough to water the hedge every 7-10 days.

Periwinkle does not need a subcortex. And you can propagate it by cuttings, seeds, dividing a bush or by branching. The easiest way is division, since active growth begins immediately after breeding.

Advice! Plant the shrub in spring or early fall; in summer, the soil will not be moist enough for a new plant to grow successfully.

Beautiful flowers can also be used as individual elements of landscape design; periwinkle looks good on flower beds in flower arrangements. Here is a video of caring for this plant:

Spindle tree: planting and care in the open field

Euonymus is a woody plant, short and evergreen. It is used to create hedges, design or decorate the site. A single plant looks good on an emerald lawn.

There are about 200 species, each of which looks beautiful and original.

Important! The berries of the bush are poisonous, if there are children, make sure they do not eat them, despite the fact that birds eat them.

Propagated most often by branches or division of the root system. Less commonly, seeds or cuttings are used. It is important to treat the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate and plant in the fall to a depth of 2 cm.

Soil selection, planting sites and care

Soil type Slightly alkaline rocks are suitable. If the acidity of the soil in your area is increased, then before planting, you should add a mixture of lime and ash to the soil.
Landing place The plant grows wider faster, so plant a hedge well away from other trees.
Care It does not tolerate frost, therefore, it should be covered for the winter, and the soil around the trunk should be covered with fallen leaves. In summer, in the heat, it requires increased watering.
Pruning Pruning can be done several times over the summer, and dry branches and broken branches should be removed.
Pests Susceptible to attacks by caterpillars, aphids, mealybugs and mold. They are treated in the same way as fertile trees in a regular garden.

Privet - a hedge for your site

Privet is a common element of landscape design. Refers to the roll of olive and evergreen shrubs. It occurs naturally in undergrowth. The plant is not whimsical to the ground, it tolerates drought and frost well. Suitable for landing in central Russia.

Privet takes root well in urban and rural areas, the shrub is not affected by exhaust gases or atmospheric pollution. Grows well in open and fairly humid areas.

For planting single bushes, holes are dug 40 cm deep.To create a hedge, a substrate (earthen mixture) of ash (300 g per linear meter) and lime (150 g) is added to the trench, and mineral fertilizers are included in the amount of 70 g.

Plant the plants on the sunny side as they come from southern countries. And the care complex includes watering, which is especially important for young shoots, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers in spring, etc. Even if you do not specifically shape the hedge, a sanitary haircut should be done.

It is best to propagate by branches or cuttings. You can use seeds or dividing the rhizome. Here is a video on grooming and breeding:

Long-lasting, undemanding plant - hawthorn. Able to bloom and bear fruit from the age of 10-15 years. It does not require special care and is perfect for creating a hedge in central Russia.

The root system is deep, so transplanting can only take up to 5 years. Loves the sun, in the shade it bears fruit and blooms worse. Grows on any soil. And it is best to propagate by cuttings.

To thicken the hawthorn hedge, trim the plants and plant them at a distance of 10-15 cm. Use a trench up to 1 m deep. In the first year of life, all shoots are trimmed at a height of 15 cm. In the summer, you can shorten the side branches to stimulate them from growth. In the second year, the main branches can be cut in half, and the side branches can be shortened again. And on the third, start forming the desired shape, carrying out a "haircut" 4-6 weeks before September.

Here is a video on the features of caring for this decorative hedge and growing the bush itself:

Examples of spruce hedges

Norway spruce is the most common plant in the middle lane. She has not only external beauty, but also an indescribable smell of pine needles. On the site, such trees look great, cleansing the air of pollution well.

To prevent it from reaching its natural height of 50 m, it should be cut. They are planted in a trench with a depth of 0.5 m and a width for the root system. Ate does not like an abundance of moisture, therefore, it should be created in trenches, filling the bottom with rubble or expanded clay by 20 cm.

So that the root system does not dry out, the roots of the seedlings are dipped into the clay mixture before planting on the site. You cannot cut a hair in the first year of life. Otherwise, the tree does not need special care, except for regular treatment from pests such as aphids, caterpillars or spider mites.

Here are photo examples of beautiful hedges and landscaping options with spruce:

Honeysuckle honeysuckle: planting, care, photo of the plant

The honeysuckle variety honeysuckle is an unpretentious plant suitable for any type of mail. It blooms magnificently in the sun, and is best planted in October.

For planting, prepare a hole 0.5 m deep and add humus and wood ash to the bottom. Make sure that when planting the root system is 5 cm below the soil level. After burying, the soil around should be covered with peat in a 3 cm layer.

The plant is not afraid of frost, therefore it is perfect for the middle lane.

Important ! When pruning old shrubs, leave hemp 30-40 cm high, otherwise the entire root system may die.

After rejuvenation, the shrub can grow strongly, then the next year, carry out thinning, leaving 10-15 of the strongest branches. Here is a video on how to properly care for and plant a plant:

Willow hedge: planting features

Willow fences are becoming more common. Its beautiful branches falling like a waterfall attract attention, and often planted trees allow you to close the site from prying eyes.

To create such a living barrier, cuttings harvested in autumn or spring are best suited. It is best to use annual shoots that are cut in the fall and stored in a cool room.

You can buy ready-made seedlings, paying attention to their root system, which should not be dry. Cuttings easily take root in any moist soil, but acidic soil is recognized as the most suitable.

To create a living fence, mark the perimeter of the lot. Dig a trench 40-50 cm deep. It is necessary to plant shoots next to the hammered pegs, since the seedlings will need a frame. It is necessary to plant at a distance of 20 cm and at an angle of 45⁰.

The plant is fed 2-3 times with complex mixtures, and at the end of summer, potassium sulfate is added to the soil. With proper care, such a fence will last up to 50 years.

Campsis large-flowered planting and care in the open field

An amazingly beautiful vine that grows quickly and braids the selected area.

When planting, one caveat should be taken into account - the root system is actively developing and fills all the surrounding space. When planning a planting, consider how to protect other plants from the aggressive roots of large-flowered campis. For example, put in a narrow passage between.

The plant loves a lot of heat and sun, and for good growth the soil must be loose and slightly acidic. They are planted in a hole 50 cm deep, where humus and complex fertilizers are added. It is advisable to pour expanded clay or fine gravel at the bottom.

You can plant in early April, if repeated frosts are not expected, and buds have appeared on the seedlings.

Important! Consider in advance the support for the growth of the vine.

Watering should be done regularly, but avoiding waterlogging. You can prune as needed, but the plant does not need feeding at all. Below is a video on proper care and planting:

Brilliant cotoneaster - hedge: photos of interesting solutions

The cotoneaster is brilliant in planting and caring, so even an amateur gardener can cope with such a hedge or a variant of plot decor. It is an upright deciduous shrub, reaching a height of 2 m, and the inflorescences consist of 5-8 flowers. It begins to bloom in May. The fruits are round and berry-like.

Planting by seeds Seeds should be planted densely, not all sprouts. It is impossible to plant the plant for the first 1-2 years, during this period they will germinate by 30 cm.
Saplings They are planted at a distance of 1-2 m in a trench 60 cm deep. A drainage layer is laid down the pit.
Seat selection Grows well in the shade and in the sun, but does not like strong winds.
The soil Dry soil with deep water table
Watering and fertilizing They are fed in the spring with organic or mineral mixtures. And they water the soil around the shrub during transplantation or severe drought.

Photo examples of a brilliant cotoneaster hedge:

Photo cypress lawson kolumnaris as a hedge

Lavson cypress kolumnaris is a low evergreen tree, unpretentious in maintenance and suitable for creating a living "fence". In height it reaches no more than 10 m. The root system is well developed and high resistance to frost.

Photo examples of a green fence:

Cupressocyparis Leylanda: planting and caring for the plant

Leyland's cupressocyparis is an evergreen cone-shaped plant. A dense crown and downward-hanging shoots create a dense hedge. The size of one tree is up to 30 m in height and 3-5.5 m in width. In order to prevent such huge dimensions, the plant should be cut off and rejuvenated in time.

It is unpretentious to the soil and tolerates shade well. It is better to plant seedlings in a trench at a distance of 40-60 cm.

Lavrovishnya: description and photo

The option of a fast-growing cherry laurel hedge is perfect for the middle lane with severe frosts. Outwardly, this is a shrub - a cross between laurel and ficus.

There are dwarf varieties and common ones. The latter reach a height of 10 m. The tree bears fruit and the berries are edible, sweet in taste, but many decorative options are already deprived of the ability to bear fruit.

No special care is required. It tolerates shade well and is practically not susceptible to any diseases and pests. Easily propagated by seed or cuttings and is also sold as cuttings.

Plants lend themselves to any form of decoration: pruning, bending, entwining around the net. Therefore, it is so common as a decorative element for creating a hedge.

Holly: photo of landing options

Holly loves shade and moisture. The leaves are sharp-toothed and the fruits are bright red. Propagated by seeds and used as a hedge or for single decoration in combination with other plants:

Balsam fir: description and photo

Belongs to the pine family. It is a coniferous permanently green plant that is frost-resistant and unpretentious. Under natural conditions, the tree reaches a height of 35 m, but in decorative versions it varies from 50 cm to 2 m in height.

It prefers dry soil, therefore, with high humidity, a drainage layer of 20 cm from medium-sized crushed stone or broken brick is poured into the trench before planting. The soil should be fertilized with a mixture of mineral fertilizers. A pit 50 by 50 cm in size is prepared for one plant.

The plant tolerates frost well and develops in the shade. Decorative pruning with the removal of dry branches is required. You should not place fir in areas with strong gusts of wind: the roots are too close to the top layer of the soil.

Photo of a hedge from garden ivy

Perennial climbing plant of variegated color with red veins or yellow blotches. There are leaves with a white border. Looks beautiful on any fence or hedge, can be braided. The inflorescences are collected in umbrellas, in total there are about 15 species.

The fast-growing variety includes the Colchis variety, where the shoots reach 30 m in length. Liana grows well in soils rich in lime, therefore, before planting, slaked lime with wood ash should be added to the pit, and a complex of fertilizers should be applied.

For abundant growth, the plant that loves moisture should be properly watered. And do not forget that it is worth working with cutting vines with gloves.

Boxwood: planting, care, reproduction

Boxwood is an evergreen plant that any gardener can plant and care for. It belongs to one of the most ancient types of ornamental shrubs, delighting with greenery and in winter cold.

There are about 30 types of boxwood, each of which has its own uniqueness. Most often, for planting as a hedge, an evergreen or ordinary option is used.

Transfer The plant is planted at the age of 3 years. There are no exact restrictions on the time of year, you can plant from spring to autumn, and it is better to plant younger shoots in late autumn. It is better to plant on a cloudy day, digging a small hole, slightly larger than the size of the root system.
The soil Not whimsical in the choice of soil, but a layer of compost of 10-15 cm should be laid at the bottom of the trench.
Reproduction Only with the help of cuttings that are planted in. About 80% of shrubs take root well in loose soil. It is better to cover new shoots with foil or jar first.
Care The plant tolerates frosts no higher than 20 ⁰, otherwise it should be wrapped or covered with burlap, and the horse system should be protected with a layer of fallen leaves.

Important! Do not cover the box with polyethylene: this leads to an excess of moisture and the plant dies.

Boxwood shrub options for decoration or creating a hedge:

Thuja hedge

Thuja is an evergreen plant that lends itself well to cutting and does not require special care. Most often, two types of tree are planted: Brabant and emerald.

Tuya Brabant: description, photo

Below is a photo of thuja Brabant, planting and caring for which is not a lot of hassle. This evergreen plant can withstand frosts down to -30⁰. The average height is 20 m, and during the year the tree grows by 30 - 80 cm. Propagated by cuttings or seeds.

When choosing a landing site, keep in mind that thuja loves light and warmth. The brightness of the color depends on the sun's rays. But overheating of the plant should not be allowed. So find a place for partial shade. It is worth planting seedlings at a distance of half a meter, since the tree has a wide crown.

Fertilize the soil at the time of planting. In the first year, 3 more times with an interval of 4 months. Then, you can reduce it up to 1 time - in the spring.

Thuja smaragd: planting and care

The choice of thuja for a hedge is not accidental. A unique and unpretentious plant that can be pruned several times a year and planted in partial shade. The variety of coniferous thuja smaragd has a pointed shape and needles that fit tightly to each other.

The color always remains emerald green, even in severe frosts. Not whimsical to the soil, but a drainage layer should be made in the pit. He loves partial shade and does without additional fertilizers and watering.

It is planted with seedlings, an adult plant grows up to 5 m in height. Perfect for creating a green fence.
