Organization of business for the production of cabinet furniture. Business idea - Production of furniture from natural wood Small enterprises for the production of chipboard

Nothing lasts forever, including furniture. People regularly update it in their apartment and spend a huge amount of money on it. Today we want to talk about how to open a furniture production. This is a rather interesting business that can bring very good profits in the future. We will tell you below what needs to be done to make a really good profit and to make the investment pay off.

About the market

Not many people know how to start a furniture production from scratch with minimal investment and quick payback. You need to draw up a business plan, carefully study the market and potential competitors, select premises, find experienced employees

Modern furniture production has the following main areas:

  • Manufacture of classic office furniture- Particular attention is paid to functionality, rigor. Partitions, cabinets, tables, and other structures are produced.
  • Kitchen production— it is in the kitchen that people spend the bulk of their time, so you need to take care of convenience and comfort. No wonder the demand for headsets is so high.
  • Creation of custom-made furniture— such furniture is manufactured at the request of clients, taking into account the specified parameters.

You can choose one of the indicated areas of activity or combine several types of activities.

It must be taken into account that in megacities one has to face high competition. It is profitable to launch such a business in small towns, offering customers interesting ideas. It is important to find out if there is a similar production workshop in the region. It is necessary to study the pricing policy of competitors, their main features. This will allow you to make sure you make interesting offers to your customers.

Business registration

You can open an IP furniture production or choose an LLC. The choice always depends on the scale of the project. If you plan to work with individuals, it is enough to register an IP. Cooperation with organizations and various institutions involves opening an LLC.

Choose OKVED codes related to the production of furniture, retail trade, wholesale.

To register a business, you need to provide certain information:

  • company name;
  • information about the director, accountant;
  • decision to start your own business
  • Bank details;
  • charter;
  • check for payment of duty to the treasury.

What kind of furniture to produce?

One of the most important questions that an entrepreneur must decide before starting production is what kind of furniture should he produce?

The following are the most popular categories that potential buyers are looking for online:

  • Soft
  • Hull
  • Kitchen
  • Office
  • Furniture transformer
  • Loft furniture

Regardless of whether you are drawing up a business plan for production kitchen furniture or some other, all its paragraphs will be approximately similar, except for the product sales paragraph.

Let's give a simple example: not everyone likes loft-style furniture. If you run targeted ads on VKontakte to everyone, the number of conversions will be much less than if you found a target audience who is interested in the loft style and ran ads specifically to them.

Cabinet furniture

There is a business plan for the production of cabinet furniture, and it will help a novice entrepreneur. It is necessary to study the intricacies of release and organizational issues. The production of cabinet furniture has the following features:

  • project development;
  • cutting materials, forming suitable parts;
  • drilling holes, places for fastening;
  • facing of cut edges;
  • assembly.

The technology is selected taking into account the features of the automated process. By introducing CNC it is possible to reduce the percentage of human labor involved. An experienced operator is required to enter parameters, and the machine does the main work. It's cutting edge and economical way manufacturing of cabinet furniture, which is often used in workshops.

It must be taken into account that the programs will have to be constantly reconfigured when working on individual orders. If you have to deal with such requests, it is better to refuse to use CNC machines. In large companies, you have to spend a lot of time on reprogramming, which is not profitable.

It is possible to organize semi-automatic lines using several machines. Human labor is partially involved here, which allows you to quickly and, most importantly, efficiently cope with the assigned tasks.

Need to purchase necessary tools, machines:

  • formatting and cutting equipment;
  • edge banding machines;
  • drilling and additive equipment;
  • grinding machine;
  • perforator;
  • screwdrivers, drills, cutters, knives.

You can produce up to 400 units of products per month. This list may include cabinets, cabinets, tables, and racks. Expenditure part consists of the purchase of materials, advertising, electricity costs, rent of premises, depreciation of equipment.

The approximate income from 400 products is up to 1660 thousand rubles, of which the profit is approximately 1060 thousand rubles.

Cushioned furniture

To quickly open production upholstered furniture, just look at examples of successful businessmen. This will be a good support when starting a business. Upholstered furniture occupies about a sixth of the entire furniture market, so this niche is considered quite attractive for entrepreneurs.

IN last years There is an increasing trend towards the production of custom-made armchairs and sofas. Many small businesses successfully compete with large companies. They are ready to produce small batches of sofas and armchairs. For this, there is no need to purchase expensive equipment. Almost all work is done by hand.

Small, medium-sized entrepreneurs can follow fashion trends and apply them to the creation of upholstered furniture. Large companies will not be able to quickly adapt to customer requirements.

A small company is ready to provide several variations of fittings, upholstery, material, which allows you to achieve exclusivity. The production of upholstered furniture requires the purchase of such machines:

  • milling;
  • combined,
  • grinding;
  • edged;
  • crosscut;
  • turning.

They will cost 160,000 rubles. We also need to purchase equipment designed for drying, Sewing machines, cutting tables. This still requires up to 40,000 rubles.

The technology for creating upholstered furniture will require 200,000 rubles. To this amount, you need to add the purchase of office equipment and additional furniture - 90,000 rubles. As a result, it will be possible to organize a business that will allow the production of up to 100 sofas monthly. Income - from 750,000 rubles, production costs - 580,000 rubles, profit - up to 290,000 rubles. The average payback is four months.


The proposed business plan for opening a furniture production workshop can be effective. It is necessary to successfully select a room that will meet certain requirements and have several departments. On its territory should be located:

All these premises must be located in the same building, but may be located in different parts cities. It is better to choose an office with product samples in the center, where there is sufficient foot traffic. It is better to locate the warehouse next to the production workshop to reduce transportation costs.


Starting a business begins with finding money to purchase equipment. You should not cooperate with other workshops for cutting materials, which will entail additional waste and increased costs. In this case competitive advantages come to naught. It’s worth finding out in advance how to open a furniture production shop and invest your money profitably.

To save on waste, you can purchase used equipment, which will cost 30-50% less. You will need to purchase the following machines:

  • Drying - if you plan to use natural wood in your work, which is pre-dried.
  • Band saw – performs precise cutting of wood, chipboard, MDF.
  • Machines for decorating, which helps to give the desired shape to wood and cut chamfers.
  • Devices that help you work with glass.
  • Machine tools for working with metallic materials.
  • Sewing machines.
  • Tools.

During the work, chipboard, fiberboard, MDF sheets, fittings, fasteners, varnishes, and paints will be used.


Visualization of the production process can be organized using computer programs. They will allow you to quickly model various objects in 3D format. Designers will always be able to demonstrate furniture to the customer. You can use the Pro100 program.


It is quite possible to organize furniture production, open a business and receive a stable profit. Success will largely depend on the employees themselves. To work you will need:

  • Manager- accepts orders, draws up contracts, accompanies projects;
  • Production line manager– control of all stages of production;
  • Workers– up to four people for small production, the number of employees increases with the volume of work;
  • Driver– delivery of furniture to a warehouse or a customer.

This is the minimum number of people that can work. The number of employees depends on the scale of organized production.

Attracting clients

You need a business plan for furniture production; you can view it from trusted sources. It is important to develop a marketing plan that will help sell the product profitably. It is important to properly organize events to search for potential customers.

To successfully sell finished products, you must:

Sales of products

An effective business plan for furniture production with calculations should include this item. It is important to think about distribution channels. Typically, a furniture shop produces goods for:

  • individuals;
  • customers of your own store;
  • furniture stores.

The production plan is developed taking into account demand. According to statistics, cabinet, office, kitchen, and upholstered furniture are popular. A well-designed advertising and marketing campaign will allow you to get the desired income.

Sales of office furniture

Business is not just a mechanical repetition of actions, but also the use creativity. You must think creatively about selling your products and come up with some unusual ways to sell the product.

Let's take an example. Do you have a production business plan? office furniture and you are racking your brains, who should you sell it to? Just driving around your city, you will find at least several office centers under construction. Just knock on their door and offer them your furniture at a competitive price!

With exactly the same approach, you should sell furniture for the kitchen, living rooms or bedrooms.

Expenses and income

The concept of “furniture production” is quite loose. One grandfather who assembles furniture at his dacha and makes money from it is already considered a full-fledged production. Therefore, it is impossible to determine exactly how much money you will need to open a business. You can start working alone, or you can hire several employees at once and then your monthly expenses will increase.

We will calculate the initial investment and monthly expenses for a small business in this niche.

Name Sum
Initial costs
Equipment 1.500.000rub
Room renovation RUB 300,000
Consumables RUB 300,000
Business registration 20.000rub
Advertising campaign RUR 50,000
other expenses RUR 50,000
Total: RUR 2,220,000
Monthly expenses
Staff salaries RUR 180,000
Renting premises 80.000rub
Public utilities 20.000rub
other expenses RUB 30,000
Total: RUR 310,000

The net profit of such a business should be approximately 100,000 rubles per month. This takes into account that the revenue will be 410,000 rubles, from which we will subtract monthly expenses in the amount of 310,000 rubles. The payback period will be 23 months.

Furniture production: analysis of 9 concepts + detailed business plan furniture production: 4 steps to building your own business.

Furniture manufacture profitable idea for business.

Expensive, difficult and a lot of competition? Yes, to start making furniture, you need to have a clear plan of action that will lead you to success.

“Why this particular idea? I can start making British beanies: there’s less competition and you can easily become a leader.”

Yes, one cannot but agree with this statement. The furniture business is a tough, competitive environment.

But this is what you get in return for the money spent and efforts in the organization own production for furniture:

    You can earn much more from furniture production than from fur hats.

    We are talking not only about the manufacture of goods: sales, assembly, dealer activities - all this brings real income.

    Regular customers.

    Wholesale purchases and long-term cooperation are the basis of the work of furniture factories.

    Sustainable profitability of production.

    Quality furniture always sells. The demand for the product is growing every year domestic production middle price category.

    Opportunity to expand your business.

    The percentage of Russian products on the market has grown to 55-70%. Demand creates supply.

    The formation of regional production divisions will make it possible to compete in the battle for a monopoly in the furniture market.

How to open your own furniture manufacturing company without huge investments? This is the main question of the article.

Is this real? Yes, undoubtedly, it is quite possible without large investments.

When you read this article to the end, you will have no doubt about the veracity of this statement.

First step: decide on the concept of furniture production

Why do you think the demand for furniture has remained stable over the years?

Diversity is the key to success in this industry. The versatility of the market allows each manufacturer to find its own “island” of responsibility.

Let's list the areas of everyday life where various modifications of the same furniture can be used:

  • educational institutions;
  • shops (hypermarkets, trading floors);
  • official representative offices;
  • business centers;
  • residential buildings;
  • apartments;
  • , cafes, public canteens;
  • entertainment centers.

Each of these establishments has a certain interior style, which means that the furniture must have a unique design. Diversity is the basis for special product offerings.

The market is divided into a dozen sections, each of which differs from the others in production materials, furniture design, and pricing policy.

Deciding on the concept of your product is the first step to production success.

Let's evaluate together the main sections of furniture production in Russia.

1) Production of wooden furniture.

The basic option for production is the most accurate characteristic of this direction. Wood is considered a so-called warm material.

Wooden furniture is used in residential premises, educational institutions, hotels, any service centers, where the emphasis is on the client.

What are the advantages of production? wooden furniture?

  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • ease of processing;
  • sufficient amount of raw materials for production + moderate cost;
  • variability of furniture design.

Also, we must not forget about the other important features of wood: it retains heat well + has a low density (the weight of the material is relatively small).

Is production worth it? wooden structures Or is it better to find analog materials?

Nothing better than wood not suitable for a beginner carpenter.

2) Production of metal furniture.

Production of metal furniture: what is it intended for?

  • Warehouses, requiring practical furniture, capable of withstanding heavy loads.
  • For storing medications and maintaining safety metal constructions fit better than others.

    Food industry.

    Working with some products (meat, fish, frozen products) requires the use of stable and easy-to-care structures.

    Banking industry.

    The main purpose of using metal furniture is maximum safety.

  • Chemical industry, metallurgy and other industries, involving the use of specific materials.

Working with metal is very different from cutting and shaping wood. Without special skills and abilities, you should not take on welding and metalworking machines.

3) Production of furniture from solid wood.

Readers may have a question: “What is the production of solid wood furniture?”

Solid wood is solid materials, i.e. boards, wooden panels that could not be processed in any way. The principle of solid wood extraction is cutting solid wood.

Solid wood products have unique look, and working with them requires special knowledge and many years of experience working with wood.

The cost of raw materials for such furniture is high, so you can use this expensive and fragile material only if you are completely confident in your skills.

Is this the best idea for a start-up business? Definitely not! Only the most experienced entrepreneurs risk taking on the production of luxury solid wood furniture.

There is too much of a chance to burn out, especially considering the fact that serious customers turn only to experienced market players who have managed to strengthen their reputation with work and time.

4) Production of upholstered furniture.

Upholstered furniture is an indispensable attribute of a cozy home interior apartments, private houses.

The trend of the 21st century is office equipment with all the amenities for workers, so the scope of use of this concept is only growing.

The design of upholstered furniture sometimes amazes with its functionality and thoughtfulness of details.

But, it is necessary to understand that the client’s demand is always focused on simple and understandable forms, comfort and low price.

What problems will you face if you choose to produce upholstered furniture?

    Need for hand upholstery.

    Automated upholstery equipment costs incredible amounts of money, so it will be cheaper to use the services of a professional upholsterer.

    Making the frame + upholstery of the cover takes up to several days.

    Failure to fully automate can have a negative impact on overall productivity.

    Cost of materials.

    The price of upholstery materials for furniture may exceed the cost of a frame assembled from fiberboard and chipboard.

Upholstered furniture is not a panacea for a novice entrepreneur. The cost and labor intensity of production require significant capital investment.

5) Production of cabinet furniture.

Simple cabinet furniture made from chipboard is used in all areas of human life. A bench for a classroom, a kitchen corner, a simple book table - all these are cabinet products.

The technological process of its production can be either 90% automated or manual, depending on the complexity of the design.

Why is cabinet furniture production a great idea for a small business?

    Simplicity of design.

    You don't need to use expensive designer services. Simplicity of design is the key to success in this sector of furniture production.

    Easy to assemble.

    The process can be automated, but furniture collection services can also be provided at home.

    This will serve as another marketing advantage for your business.

    High profitability.

    There will always be clients.

    With a little effort, you can establish contact with business centers or educational institutions.

    You need to choose a direction for constant cooperation; this will ensure stability of orders + uniformity of work.

6) Production of office furniture.

The production of office furniture is a narrow specialization of the “cabinet” direction. Often, the production of office cabinet furniture differs from the production of household furniture.

The most obvious sign is the rigor of the design + restrained shades.

The best format for selling your services is to place orders for complete arrangement office.

What are the design features in the production of office furniture?

  • The designer must develop a general concept for the room, i.e. Each piece of furniture in the office should correspond to the overall atmosphere.
  • Clear product outline: Yet the rigor of the work process must be reflected in every detail.
  • Materials: the use of the same type of materials for production allows you to invest minimal amounts on production.

Production of cabinet furniture for office? Yes, but only if you initially take the right position in the market.

Make furniture of a moderate price category, focusing on small offices. Then success among buyers is guaranteed.

7) Production of custom-made furniture.

The production of custom-made furniture is a separate sector of business. And also perfect suitable option for your own business.

The main goal of such entrepreneurship is to receive one order, complete it efficiently, and only then take on the second.

If you individual entrepreneur, which has a garage with minimum set equipment, this is your gold mine. Of course, you need to have experience working with wood and be a high-level specialist to organize such production.

Clients order the services of an individual master carpenter only if there is a need to produce exclusive furniture.

The professionalism of the entrepreneur and his team is of paramount importance in business development.

8) Production of children's furniture.

The production of furniture for children must be accompanied by constant monitoring. It is important to remember who you are creating the product for.

Basic quality standards that the production of children's furniture has:

    Environmental friendliness of materials.

    It is especially worth paying attention to the use of polymers.

    Any open contact of a child's skin with industrial chemicals can lead to irritation and other unpleasant consequences.

    Practical design.

    Furniture should be stable and practical, this will ensure the safety of the child.

    Interesting design.

    Young children perceive the world somewhat differently. For them, not only practicality is important, but also the visual component.

If you are just starting your entrepreneurial journey, leave the production of children's furniture to other market players.

Any slip in the production of an inexperienced businessman can put an end to all expectations.

9) Production of kitchen furniture.

Kitchen furniture, for the most part, is cabinet furniture, assembled from finished sections of fiberboard and chipboard.

An important indicator of quality is practicality. Work in the kitchen is associated with the constant use of each element of the interior.

Kitchen furniture should be simple and understandable even for a child: no extra shelves and decorative elements.

What are the advantages of manufacturing kitchen furniture for a novice entrepreneur?

    It is not necessary to have a furniture workshop or factory.

    It is enough to be a good designer to correctly describe the customer’s wishes.

    Those. you must assemble a design layout, and then simply order the necessary sections and assemble them together in the client’s home.

  • The simple design simplifies production and allows for greater automation of the process.
  • Cheap materials.

    If you disassemble 90% modern designs, inside you will see a mixture of fiberboard, chipboard, glue and varnish.

All financial transactions related to the acquisition of income of an individual entrepreneur must be carried out using a current account.

Decide on the accounting format.

Now everything is ready for the official start of the project. The only thing left to do is to think over the format of your production.

STEP 2: Determine the base for the supply of materials. Equipment for furniture production.

Think about the question: where to get the materials needed for production?

The best option is to approve an agreement with a woodworking shop on wholesale purchases of chipboard, fiberboard and other consumables.

The advantage of such cooperation is the ability to order cutting of the material according to the dimensions you specify. This eliminates the need for expensive wood cutting machines.

List of materials for the production of cabinet furniture

Material name
UnitPrice, rub.)
Chipboard 12 mmsq. m.95
Chipboard 16 mmsq. m.90
Fibreboard 3.2 mmsq. m.25
Edge materialp.m.2
Packaging (cardboard)sq. m.2
Cutting toolset7 800

Getting materials is not a problem. It is much more difficult to make a high-quality cut to the requirements of the design.

Do not want to pay for the services of a woodworking shop? Rent equipment for the production of furniture for a certain time.

To do this, you need to contact the administration of the nearest furniture factory and agree on the use of machines during non-working hours. The management of furniture production is interested in the constant operation of machines, because every minute of downtime costs them a lot of money.

Basic machines for furniture production

Slitting machine
Used for cutting fiberboard and chipboard panels.

It is fundamental in the work of a carpenter with cabinet furniture.

The cost starts from 100,000 rubles. Depending on the manufacturer and type of material supply, it can reach 300,000 rubles.

Edge banding machine
Allows you to close the edges of fiberboard and chipboard boards using high-temperature effects on the roll facing material.

Cost from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Drilling and filler machine
Used for drilling through and blind holes in chipboard and fiberboard panels.

Cost 100,000-150,000 rubles.

Renting machines will allow you to create the desired cutting shape yourself.

But if your level of professionalism does not allow for perfectly accurate work, trust the specialists of the woodworking shop.

STEP 3: “Where should I store finished furniture and how should I deliver it to the customer?”

There are no problems with storing materials, if you work with a woodworking industry - use the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir warehouse.

The rental cost will be minimal. You only need to have an area of ​​10-15 square meters. m., price 5,000-8,000 rub. per month.

Delivery of components to the customer will also not be a problem. If you do not have your own car, use the services of a transport company.

Cabinet furniture has a distinctive quality: it is divided into convenient sections, which simplifies transportation.

STEP 4: Installation of furniture and payment.

When you have delivered sections of the product to the customer's site, there is only one step left - assemble the structure and get your money.

To do this, you need to have the simplest tools with you: a screwdriver, a hammer drill and the necessary fasteners.

The greater the level of professionalism you show during the assembly process, the better feedback the client will leave about the work performed.

“How much will I earn from each completed project?” Here is the most important question, which worries the entrepreneur.

There is no single answer. Consider specific example and evaluate your earnings prospects yourself:

  • The cost of material for assembling a kitchen corner is 10,000 rubles.
  • The cost of a finished corner in a hypermarket is from 40,000 rubles.
  • Unique design solution at the request of the client + 2,000
  • The final price for executing your order is 37,000 rubles.

Conclusion: having spent 10,000-15,000 rubles on materials + sawing work, you receive a reward of 37,000 rubles.

This price is lower than the market average, which will allow you to win the competition + you personally receive from 20,000 rubles.

Profitable enough? The answer is an obvious yes.

Furniture manufacture great idea for an entrepreneur. If you do not have initial capital, but know how to work with your hands and head, welcome to business.

Determine your sector of the furniture business and carefully consider the basic principles of work.

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In the modern Russian market, the production of cabinet furniture occupies a quarter of all furniture production. Small and medium business They consider this industry profitable and profitable - the demand for quality products is stable. Let's consider how much investment it will take to organize your own furniture workshop, how difficult it is to lead the market and whether it is worth it for novice entrepreneurs to try themselves in this field.

The demand for cabinet furniture is currently very high. In general, it is always quite high, but the current increase in interest is due to the revival of the market for new housing construction.

At the time of buying new apartment or repairing an old one, purchasing new cabinet furniture is almost inevitable. This is the basis of any interior.

Cabinet furniture is all furniture made from solid modules installed and fastened horizontally and vertically. This type includes:

  • cabinets;
  • buffets;
  • headsets;
  • storage areas;
  • racks, “walls”, shelves, bedside tables;
  • dining and desk tables.

At the same time, in modern conditions one cannot complain about the lack of supply. Both small workshops and huge corporations actively sell their furniture. The furniture manufacturing business exists in a highly competitive environment- This is the main reason for the closure of most start-up businesses. Therefore, before trying to realize yourself in this area, it is worth drawing up a business plan, analyzing costs and taking into account all the pros and cons.

Cabinet furniture is all furniture made from solid modules.

What materials are cabinet furniture made from?

How to start a furniture business from scratch? First you need to find out what modern cabinet furniture is made from. The most common material is particle board (chipboard) or medium density wood panels (MDF). Solid wood furniture is less common: it costs significantly more, which is why the demand for it is lower.

Furniture made from chipboard is much cheaper, as it is essentially made from laminated wood chips. Modern methods decorations allow you to give it a more expensive and solid look, while maintaining a low cost.

If you are planning to start producing cabinet furniture from chipboard, you definitely need a reliable supplier of materials who will required deadlines provide you with the required amount of workpieces for work. It is better to enter into a supply contract with the chipboard manufacturer rather than purchasing materials on demand yourself.

As for related accessories and other materials, it is also necessary to conclude contracts for their supply with reliable contractors in order to avoid a situation where it is impossible to complete the order within the required time frame due to the lack of components.

How cabinet furniture is made

Before you start compiling a list of necessary equipment and other costs for your enterprise, it is important to get at least a general idea of technological process manufacturing of cabinet furniture. Simplified, it can be described by the following cycle:

  1. Preparing a product design, determining the shape and size of components
  2. Manufacturing of modules in accordance with the product design.
  3. Preparation mounting holes.
  4. Processing of cuts (film, veneer, laminated edge).
  5. Collection of the finished product.

Any furniture production workshop one way or another reproduces this technological cycle. Its minor changes depend on the equipment available at the enterprise, production optimization, and employee qualifications.

The speed and comfort of work depends on the quality of machines and other equipment.

What equipment will you need for your own furniture production?

Now let’s look at what equipment a start-up enterprise needs for furniture production. First of all, these are different types of machines for furniture production:

  1. Format-cutting. Using this machine, modules are created from chipboard blanks the right size and shapes. They allow you to cut panels horizontally and vertically, as well as at an angle, without chipping, with precise compliance required sizes. Such machines are divided into varieties depending on the technology for feeding the workpiece: manual, semi-automatic and fully automated.

    For small productions, manual ones are suitable - they allow you to service the required volume and at the same time are cheaper. When an enterprise enlarges and switches to mass production, it is reasonable to replace them with semi-automatic or automatic machines. The price for such machines starts from 200 thousand rubles.

  2. Edge banding. The name of this machine directly speaks of its function - processing the edges of the product. Several options for processing cuts are possible: gluing decorative film, melamine edge tape, installing veneer or wooden slats. For a new car like this you will have to spend at least 600 thousand rubles, for a used one - about 300 thousand.
  3. Drilling and filler. Required for installing hinges and mounting holes. The cost of such a machine starts from 300 thousand rubles.

In addition to machine tools, a modern furniture workshop should be equipped with:

  1. Grinding machine - for polishing workpieces or finished products. From 2 thousand rubles, but for production purposes it is better to consider options from 10 thousand rubles.
  2. Screwdrivers. There should be several of them, as each employee needs them. The purchase of screwdrivers will have to spend from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.
  3. Hammer. From 10 to 20 thousand rubles.
  4. Knives, drills and others cutting tools, about 20 thousand rubles.

Thus, you will have to spend at least 1,200,000 - 1,500,000 rubles on furniture manufacturing equipment and related tools alone. You can save money in several ways. For example, purchase used equipment or lease it first.

When purchasing machines, new or used, carefully consider all associated warranties. A good sign would be the availability of warranty service. Read customer reviews first. The speed and comfort of work, and therefore the quantity and quality of products, depend on the quality of machines and other equipment.

Where to open a furniture production

The production of cabinet furniture for business purposes requires quite a lot of space. Conventionally, the entire space can be divided into zones:

  • storage of workpieces;
  • installed machines/workstations;
  • collection and processing of finished products;
  • storage of finished cabinet furniture.

A small enterprise requires an area of ​​about 100 square meters. It is better to rent it in the industrial part of the city: it will cost much less. Make sure that the rented premises have convenient access roads for the delivery of materials and supplies, as well as loading of finished products. The cost of renting a room varies significantly depending on the region, but on average it will cost 100-200 thousand rubles.

For a small enterprise, an area of ​​about 100 square meters is required.

How cabinet furniture manufacturers work

The predominant part of furniture manufacturers, especially from the small business sector, prefer to manufacture and assemble products to order. This approach is beneficial to both parties: buyers receive furniture of the right size, color and configuration, and the manufacturer spends exactly as many resources as necessary and does not work at a loss.

With this approach, one sample is made, which is displayed in the store with an indication that the sample for sale will be made taking into account the wishes of the client. The main thing with this approach is to produce furniture quickly enough and offer customers the maximum number of options.

Who to hire

The core of the furniture enterprise will be workers, mainly carpenters, whose task is to directly produce samples and custom-made products. The number of workers depends on the volume of production; for a small workshop, 2-4 people are enough.

A sales manager is needed to find channels for selling products, interact with customers and collect orders. This specialist negotiates with furniture stores and looks for clients in real life or via the Internet. Can serve as a marketer and work on the company's sales strategies. The purchasing manager does the opposite work - looks for suppliers, ensures timely delivery of components for production.

It’s very good if you have the opportunity to hire a furniture and interior designer (albeit at half the rate), who will develop sample designs and recommend a variety of solutions to clients.

When a company assembles furniture according to the customer’s measurements, an employee is needed to take orders and, if necessary, go to the site and take measurements (for example, for the manufacture of cabinets, “walls,” kitchen units and shelving). This function can be taken on by a designer or sales manager.

Advantages and disadvantages of a cabinet furniture production business

How profitable will such a business be? Furniture is always in demand, but it is very difficult for start-up businesses to gain an upper hand over their competitors. Therefore, before investing money and effort into organizing your own furniture business, carefully evaluate all the pros and cons of this business.

Strengths: high demand and self-realization

  1. Cabinet furniture is always in demand, so the manufacturer quality products will always be able to earn money.
  2. Relatively small investment in the enterprise. Of course, the initial capital for a furniture company cannot be called minimal. But first, it is significantly lower than the capital required for most other industries. Secondly, investments can be significantly reduced by purchasing used equipment or leasing it.
  3. The opportunity for self-realization as a businessman or craftsman producing sought-after and high-quality products.

Furniture is always in demand, but it is very difficult for start-up businesses to gain an upper hand over their competitors.


The main disadvantage of the cabinet furniture production business is very high competition. Small private workshops and huge factories engage in such activities. Startups find it hard to compete, many close after a year and a half of work, having suffered losses.

What gives furniture manufacturers an advantage in the market

Why do some workshops successfully work in the cabinet furniture market for years, while others close after working for 12-16 months? The reasons may vary, but there are several characteristics that successful companies have in common:

  1. Good work with quality materials. When purchasing such furniture, buyers expect that it will serve them for at least 10-15 years and at the same time retain its “marketable” appearance. It is quite difficult to guarantee this when working with chipboard, so those companies that combine maximum quality with affordable prices remain on the market.
  2. Maximum attention to the wishes of clients, exact adherence to sizes, variability of colors and textures.
  3. Manufacturing furniture of different price categories - for greater coverage of potential buyers.
  4. Active advertising campaigns aimed at attracting new customers and loyalty programs for regular ones.


The cabinet furniture production business requires an initial capital of 1.2 million rubles and a set of specific knowledge. A small business needs 4-6 employees. Competition in this area is very high and is explained by strong demand among a wide variety of customer categories.

The average person prefers to change the kitchen, hallway, sofas, living room and other furniture as they become obsolete or physically worn out - every 8-10 years. The article will help a novice entrepreneur choose the direction to open a furniture business. Among other advantages, this direction is characterized by the ability to choose a format based on capital intensity and complexity of organizing activities:

  1. With small investments, they entrust the processing of materials to large furniture workshops and assemble products to order.
  2. Expenses in the range of 1.6 million rubles will allow you to create a furniture workshop in the garage and perform basic technological operations. Complex parts are bought on the side.
  3. An investment of 3–4 million rubles is the path to creating a full-fledged enterprise that produces tens and hundreds of products of any complexity per month.
  4. Add half a million rubles to the latter and you’ll open a furniture showroom. The workshop will supply him with goods at cost, and therefore the profit will be higher.

Relevance and vectors

The Russian market is overflowing with furniture from both local and foreign manufacturers. The stores offer intricate items of all shapes and colors to suit every budget.

Importers and domestic factories prefer to work with products that are produced in large batches: it is simply not profitable for them to spend time processing individual orders. But many private clients and small businesses want to buy furniture that will suit their apartments and offices in configuration, color, size and style.

And specialization on single and small-scale products will be a successful strategy for the owner of a small workshop, where there is a shift model range not a problem.

Decide on the direction of your furniture business:

  • Production of kitchen furniture. Serial models often do not correspond to apartment layouts.
  • Manufacturing of wardrobes. They are adjusted to the size of the rooms.
  • When competition is high, consider specialty furniture. Trade and advertising equipment is expensive, but can be easily assembled in a garage.
  • Furniture for schools and kindergartens. This niche is difficult to master, but the reward will be a virtual absence of competition and transparent participation through a tender.

Regardless of the direction, the furniture business has one significant advantage - the ability to scale. And when assembling products at home, an entrepreneur who pays attention to their quality and organization of sales will soon be able to purchase additional machines and equip a workshop, and in the future - a full-fledged factory.

Custom furniture assembly business

  1. The master discusses the product design with the client and creates a three-dimensional model of it in a special program. To do this, use software such as:
    • PRO100;
    • "Basis furniture maker";
    • "Astra Constructor";
  2. Afterwards, cutting plans are drawn up sheet materials for furniture body. To do this, use the programs:
    • Cutting 3;
    • “Open the Astra.”
  3. The client makes an advance payment. Part of the funds is used to purchase sheets of MDF, laminated chipboard and fiberboard, which the master takes to a large workshop for processing.
  4. In the workshop, materials are sawed on machines, and then the ends of the parts are covered with melamine or PVC edges.
  5. The remaining money is used to buy other components - ready-made facades, countertops, fittings and fasteners, mirror and glass inserts.

The entrepreneur receives the parts of the designer, and they can be connected to each other without difficulty. After control assembly, the product is disassembled and delivered to the client, where it is installed in the specified location.

How much profit will producing furniture at home bring? According to Russian manufacturers, the retail price for such a kitchen reaches 35,000 rubles. When selling 8 products per month, the entrepreneur will receive revenue of 280,000 rubles. Net profit will be 91,000 rubles, and - 52%.

To start a business in this format, you don’t need a large workshop: a room or garage with an area of ​​25–30 m² that is dry and warm is suitable for setting up a workshop: humidity and temperature changes will ruin the wooden parts.

Since all labor-intensive operations are performed by third-party contractors, one person is required for the job. hand tool. Transport is useful for delivering materials to the workshop and finished products to customers. The list of equipment includes:

  • power tools - drill, screwdriver, jigsaw, router, miter saw;
  • cutting tools - drills, crowns, milling cutters;
  • measuring - tape measures, rulers, corners;
  • hand tools - hammers, pliers, wrenches, screwdrivers;
  • laptop with design and cutting programs;
  • freight transport.

To organize a business from scratch, an entrepreneur needs an assistant: it is difficult to unload heavy laminated chipboard sheets or assemble a kitchen from them on your own.

Producing furniture at home from cut parts does not require major investments (not counting the purchase of transport). The entrepreneur will only have to stock up on tools and register an individual entrepreneur:

Start-up costs

If an entrepreneur specializes in kitchens, it is possible to assemble 8 sets 2.5 m long with purchased facades from MFD per month. Given that the cost of each product is around 14,500 rubles, it will be possible to estimate the current costs of the business:

Monthly expenses

Mini furniture production workshop in the garage

When you have figured out how to start a furniture business from home, consider expanding your small business. The purchase of a basic set of processing machines will allow the entrepreneur to:

  • reduce the time for transportation of materials;
  • avoid chips and scratches on parts during transportation;
  • reduce costs by 10-15% due to self-execution operations.

Do-it-yourself furniture assembly as a business requires a spacious room. The transition to independent cutting of materials is accompanied by the purchase of machines, each of which will require an area of ​​6–8 m². Therefore, an ordinary garage is not enough to equip a workshop; an entrepreneur needs to rent or buy a double box.

To implement a business plan for such production in a garage format, you will need both the listed hand tools and equipment - machines:

  • drilling;
  • format-cutting;
  • drilling and filler;
  • edgebanding.

It is unrealistic to serve them alone. To increase labor productivity, they hire assistants - a measurer, a driver and an auxiliary worker.

Setting up a furniture manufacturing workshop in a garage is a capital-intensive business than assembling products from pre-cut parts. And when buying used machines you will have to invest 1.7 million rubles in it:

Start-up costs

When using special equipment, a furniture assembly shop in a garage will produce more products. In a month, the entrepreneur and assistants will have time to assemble and ship 15 kitchens. The expenses will be:

Monthly expenses

Selling such a quantity of products is more difficult. Therefore, a businessman will have to attract furniture stores that provide them with wholesale discounts. For the kitchen you will receive 32,000 rubles, which will bring 480,000 revenue per month. Net profit will be 144,500, and profitability will be 46%.

Opening of a full-fledged furniture workshop

A full-fledged furniture workshop is an enterprise that performs all technological operations - from cutting laminated chipboard and before milling facades from MDF. The production business plan with calculations shows that doing business in this format allows you to:

  • reduce the cost due to the conveyor flow;
  • organize sales in retail chains.

How to set up a furniture shop

Rent and renovate a 350–400 m² space. It will house a production area, warehouses for materials and products, a rest room for employees and administration offices. Room requirements include:

  • distance to residential buildings 300 m;
  • heating and ventilation;
  • access to utility networks;
  • the presence of a fire extinguishing system.

Workshop equipment - complete technological line, which allows you to produce two or three cuisines per day. To complete furniture, the business plan provides for the purchase of such machines and equipment as:

  • drilling and filler;
  • crosscut;
  • milling and copying;
  • format-cutting;
  • edge facing;
  • thermal vacuum press;
  • sandblasting installation (for matting glass and mirrors);
  • hand tool;
  • office equipment and office furniture;
  • computers and software for design and cutting;
  • cargo minibus.

The workshop staff includes: machine operators, support staff - designer, driver, accountant and sales manager.

Furniture shop business plan

To draw up a business plan, you need to analyze all cost items, which includes: preparing the premises, purchasing equipment and creating a supply of materials for the first month of work.

Start-up costs

Enterprises of this scale assemble 50 kitchens per month. Taking into account the need to purchase raw materials, expenses for this period will be:

Monthly expenses

To organize sales, the help of wholesalers is needed. Therefore, the price of the kitchen will drop to 28,000 rubles. When producing 50 products per month, the business will bring in 1.4 million rubles in revenue. Net profit will reach 275,000, and profitability will be 25%.

Growth point: opening a store

The production of furniture is a small business, the weak point in it is the organization of sales. It is not difficult to produce 50–80 kitchen sets per month, but you will have to try hard to find buyers for them.

It is possible to increase the level of sales by showing the product to potential clients not only on the screen of a designer laptop, but also in the form of a sample. To do this you need your own furniture showroom.

How to organize a business selling furniture

Opening a company store is not organizing a furniture production business from scratch: the entrepreneur has a production workshop. But this does not mean that the issue of arrangement point of sale You can't approach it responsibly.

It is important to choose a good location for the salon. To sell premium furniture, you need a room in the city center, while budget furniture is in demand in residential areas and new building blocks. The area of ​​the hall must exceed 300–350 m², otherwise it will not fit even two dozen products.

Showcases, racks and other commercial equipment are not needed for a furniture showroom. The list of necessary equipment includes:

  • bright illuminated signboard;
  • cash register equipment;
  • furniture for workers' rest;
  • office equipment.

We'll have to start looking for sellers. These employees must understand furniture production technology and be able to captivate the client and convince them of the feasibility of the purchase. Fire passive and lazy workers.

In order for woodworking to be waste-free, it is opened for solid fuel boilers.

When you have it furniture production, it is possible to open a store with moderate investments: the owner does not need to invest money in stocking the goods. But when you create both enterprises, there will be expenses:

Start-up costs

Why is it profitable to open your own salon? With its help, sell products at the same retail price without discounts to wholesalers. Sales of 50 kitchen sets per month will bring 1.7 million rubles in revenue. The net profit of the salon at the workshop is 355 thousand, and the total profitability is 26%.

What kind of furniture is profitable to produce?

And in a small enterprise. when there is necessary equipment it is possible to produce any products - from soft ottomans to carved tables. But keep in mind that manufacturing exclusive products is an unstable income. Give preference to goods that are needed by mass buyers.

  • Cabinet furniture. Made from MDF, laminated chipboard or solid wood kitchens, living room sets, hallways, wardrobes, shelving.
  • Furniture for children's rooms, educational institutions. It is made from the same materials, but with constant safety monitoring. Products must be certified.
  • Cushioned furniture. In the manufacture of sofas, ottomans, armchairs and beds, frames made of metal or wood, synthetic fillings, leather, and fabrics are used.
  • Office furniture. Products for institutions do not require sophistication and bright design. But they must be durable, practical and ergonomic.
  • Trade furniture. This category includes products for shops, catering establishments, and pharmacies. The main requirements for it are strength and hygiene.
  • Country furniture. To withstand heat, cold and humidity. That’s why it is made from stabilized wood, metal, plastic, and rattan.

materials for furniture production

Materials for furniture production

Modern wall or kitchen set- these are high-tech products that combine metal, composite panels, polymers and glass. When planning to open a furniture manufacturing business, an entrepreneur must imagine what he will have to deal with:

  • MDF. A material with a dense fibrous structure that can withstand cutting, milling and carving. Covered with polymers or veneer.
  • Chipboard. Laminated boards are now used to make furniture. A durable film gives them their appearance and protects them from damage.
  • Fiberboard. The material is not durable, but it handles cutting well. Fiberboard sheets are used to sew up back walls cabinets and drawers.
  • Array. Glued board made of oak, beech or maple is an expensive, but strong and durable material. Premium furniture is made from it.
  • Glass. In production, glass and mirrors with a clean surface or sandblasted are used. Stained glass is found in expensive products;
  • Accessories. To reliably connect parts and increase the functionality of furniture, various components are used:
    • handles, gas lifts, hinges, drawer guides, adjustable supports;
    • screws, corners, ties, confirmations;
    • polymer films, PVC and melamine edges;
    • chrome and plastic accessories, roof rails;
    • lighting systems.

How to find clients for a manufacturer

Faced with the activity of competitors, a novice entrepreneur will inevitably think about how to promote a furniture business. It’s easier for experienced craftsmen: for them, the main source of orders is people’s recommendations. A beginner will have to try hard to find his target audience and organize the sale of products. Which sales channels are effective:

  • Advertising in the press. In glossy publications they offer luxury furniture, and in newspapers with free advertisements - budget.
  • Specialized hypermarkets. Large building profile stores allocate entire sections for household furniture and accept it for sale.
  • Corporate clients. Manufacturers of retail, pharmacy or office furniture will fit direct mailing of offers to potential customers.
  • Government clients. The official company has the right to furniture for schools, hospitals, administrative institutions.
  • Affiliate sales. When looking for buyers on the recommendation of interior designers and construction and repair teams.
  • Social media. Promotion of the enterprise group on Instagram and VKontakte brings two to three orders per week.
  • Notice boards. To sell furniture on Avito and similar resources, they take attractive product photos and come up with vivid descriptions for them.
  • Own website. Attracting traffic to the company's website in search engines and through contextual advertising will help.
  • Own store. To the issuer different types furniture, it is more profitable for the enterprise to sell products at retail prices through a branded salon.


Furniture production is a business that, with a responsible attitude to business, will allow every three to four years to switch to new level. Gradually, the entrepreneur will acquire both a client base and useful connections with designers, builders, repair teams, large municipal and corporate customers in his city and from neighboring regions. This will help in increasing productivity and expanding the range without worrying about marketing.

Solid wood furniture will never lose its relevance. Natural beauty products made of natural wood, refined style, noble lines, reliability and comfort in operation attract buyers. Every year the demand for elite wooden furniture is growing, which means that the organization of the production of solid wood products is a promising business.

How to start a solid wood furniture production

The main thing is to create a worthy offer for potential clients. Since natural wood furniture belongs to the goods of the highest price category, you should focus on high quality And original ideas. The main buyers are people with above-average incomes. They are not interested in product discounts or low shipping costs. The requirements of such consumers are compliance with the latest fashion trends, environmental friendliness and modern design furniture.

Business registration

The organizational and legal form of an enterprise can be individual entrepreneur or LLC. The choice of a certain form of doing business directly depends on the volume of production of solid wood furniture. At the initial stage of the organization of production, private entrepreneurship is suitable. But if you plan to run a large business, you need to register an LLC.

Raw materials for furniture production

For the manufacture of wooden furniture, solid wood is used. edged board and ready furniture panels. The most popular types of wood are oak, pine, hornbeam, beech, birch, alder, larch.

At the request of the customer, you can use domestically produced fittings or imported products. Buyers prefer functional fasteners made of bronze and stainless steel (alloyed with chromium).

Particular attention should be paid to the paintwork. Furniture paints and varnishes must comply with GOST 31093-2003.

Premises for the production of solid wood furniture

The size of the premises directly depends on the production capacity. If we are talking about a full production cycle, it is necessary to organize the following departments:

  • Manufacturing facility;
  • Raw materials warehouse;
  • Furniture assembly room;
  • Workshop for painting and varnish works;
  • Drying chamber;
  • Finished goods warehouse.

Basic requirements for the premises: the presence of a three-phase network, a ventilation system, uninterrupted water supply and heating, fire safety, platform for unloading raw materials/auxiliary materials.

Equipment for the production of solid wood furniture

To start the production of solid wood furniture you will need special equipment:

  • Edge banding machines. Designed for applying edges to the end, straight and curved sides of panels. They produce edge banding machines with manual and automatic type management.
  • Joining machines. They are used for one-sided straight planing of wood products in order to create a base surface/give a marketable appearance.
  • Thicknessing machines. They are used for flat milling of beams, boards and shields in size by thickness.
  • Milling machines. Designed for processing shaped and flat surfaces, bodies of revolution, metal blanks.
  • Grinding machines. They are used for the purpose of calibrating and grinding the planes of workpieces.
Solid wood furniture production technology

There are two options for manufacturing solid wood furniture - in a short or full production cycle.

Short production cycle
The raw materials for the manufacture of products are ready-made furniture panels, which are sawn to fit parts of a certain size, polished and varnished. A short production cycle is the optimal solution for small enterprises.

Full production cycle
Whole boards act as raw materials. At the initial stage of production, they are converted into shields and only then parts, blanks for furniture are made. Organization full cycle beneficial to enterprises with medium production volumes and large companies.