Equipment for the production of mdf facades. Furniture facade manufacturing: a plan for starting a business

Manufacturing technology of MDF facades is increasingly viewed by furniture manufacturers as a promising, strategically significant, innovative direction for the development of an enterprise in a complex competitive environment. Furniture made of MDF in terms of its quality characteristics in many respects surpasses the same products made of laminated chipboard, metal, plastic or natural wood. And it's hard to argue with that.

The main materials used for the manufacture of MDF facades are directly MDF board, PVC film for vacuum pressing, glue and sometimes, for lining the back of the furniture facade, laminating paper is used.

MDF board for facades

MDF stands for "Medium Density Fiberboard", made by hot pressing of fine wood fibers treated with binders.

MDF board used in the manufacture of furniture has one of the most important qualities - ease of processing. This allows without undue effort to give the workpieces a varied shape and freely work with the surface relief using the usual set of sawing, milling and grinding tools available at almost every furniture manufacturer. In fact, the production of MDF facades is possible even in garage conditions, "on the knee".

PVC film for MDF facades

PVC film for cladding furniture facades MDF is made from a synthetic substance, solid polyvinyl chloride. When heated to a certain temperature, it becomes plastic, under the influence of vacuum it tightly fits the workpiece of the MDF facade, repeating its relief, and when it cools, it retains its adopted shape.

Due to the huge variety of colors, shades, patterns, embossing and textures, PVC film for MDF facades is able to imitate virtually any natural or artificial material, be it wood or stone, metal or fabric, leather or fantasy abstraction and other, other, other design ideas.

Besides , PVC foil, used for cladding facades made of MDF, has many other positive qualities:

  • Has a high degree of resistance to mechanical and chemical damage.
  • Does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Does not age, as it is based on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) polymer.
  • Easily cleaned with household products from stains and dirt.
  • As a rule, it has a low cost, especially PVC film from a Korean manufacturer.

Characteristics of MDF facades in PVC film

  • First of all, it should be noted the widest choice for the implementation of design ideas. The ability to give the facade of MDF any shape, create an intricate relief on its surface, and imitate a huge variety of materials, allows you to satisfy the most incredible requirements of a fastidious customer.
  • Along with high quality and excellent appearance, MDF facades have a relatively low cost production. On the one hand, this is due to the low cost of basic materials: MDF furniture board and PVC film. On the other hand, there is a possibility of partial or complete automation of production.
  • The manufacturing technology of MDF facades is so simple that even a start-up enterprise with limited opportunities for additional capital investments can master it. To start the production of MDF facades in PVC film, you only need to purchase membrane vacuum press... The rest of the necessary equipment is usually available from every furniture manufacturer.
  • Due to its fibrous structure, MDF holds furniture fittings better, does not dry out over time and does not lose its qualities.
  • The resistance of MDF to moisture makes it possible to manufacture MDF kitchen facades, as well as bathroom furniture.
  • Environmental Safety. The production technology of MDF facades does not provide for the use of materials hazardous to health. And the level of formaldehyde emission from MDF boards is comparable in safety to natural wood.

Of course, MDF facades in PVC film also have a number of disadvantages. First of all, it is worth noting the weak resistance to high temperatures. For example, on kitchen cabinets, the heat from the stove heats the facades, the adhesive layer softens, and the film begins to flake and curl.

Furniture facade manufacturing: a plan for starting a business

Most often this is caused by poor-quality glue or an incorrectly selected pressing mode in the manufacture of facades.

Another disadvantage of facades in the film, upon closer examination, is the presence of irregularities and shagreens on the surface. The fact is that when glue is applied to MDF, barely noticeable villi can rise. In the process of vacuum cladding, the PVC film copies the relief of the facade, including them.

Painting of MDF facades

Disadvantages of MDF facades in PVC film are absolutely not typical for painted facades. On the one hand, the paint layer is able to withstand much higher temperatures than the film. On the other hand, after painting, the facades undergo a grinding and polishing procedure, so they have an almost mirror-like surface. It is with these basic qualities that painted MDF facades have won the confidence of the consumer.

In order to diversify the range of furniture production with painted MDF facades, significant additional capital investments will not be required, since the equipment used to prepare MDF blanks for cladding in film and for painting is identical. Here it is worth highlighting one aspect of the technological process - labor intensity. But there are other pluses and gifts in this case. Painting, grinding and polishing MDF facades requires significant expenditures of skilled labor, which increases their cost by an order of magnitude.

However, the main advantage of film facades over "paint" is the ability to imitate a variety of natural and artificial materials. Thus, the use of MDF facades in PVC film in the manufacture of furniture for the kitchen, bedroom, hallway or study will always be profitable, beautiful and in demand... This means that the manufacturing technology MDF facades in the long term it should be mastered by every furniture manufacturer developing their enterprise.

The relevance of the production of MDF facades is justified by the regular demand for these products. Despite the high price compared to chipboard materials, medium-density furniture facades emit less toxic substances and are more durable, which makes them so popular in the market for high-quality construction products. In Russia, the demand for MDF is more than 200,000 cubic meters per year.

MDF facades is a medium-density building material for furnishing furniture and panels, which is made by cutting fiberboards, milling and applying film or painting.

From English MDF - Medium Density Fiberboard - medium density fiberboard.


  • by application (furniture, interior doors);
  • by type of coating (PVC film, painting, etc.);
  • by the type of milling (embossed, 3D);
  • by inserts (stained glass, lattice, glass);
  • in shape (bent, curved, flat).

In addition to facades, MDF is used to make:

  • floor coverings;
  • Wall panels;
  • dropped ceilings;
  • molded products;
  • decorative elements, etc.

Sales market

Organization of production

The production of MDF facades requires the work of 1-3 specialists.

Production of MDF furniture facades as a business

The required space is 100 sq.m. The pressing room must be free of dust and the temperature must be maintained at a level not lower than 15 degrees. The raw materials for the production are MDF boards, PVC film and glue.

Necessary equipment

Feasibility study

Capital expenditures

  • Equipment - 0.8 million rubles.
  • Additional equipment - 0.1 million rubles.
  • Delivery and installation - 0.2 million rubles.
  • Premises preparation - 0.2 million rubles.
  • Inventory for 2 months - 0.3 million rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 0.1 million rubles.

Total initial costs: 1 700 000 rubles.

Calculation of revenue when working 2 people

* The profitability of the business is indicated according to the expert opinion of the author of the article.

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This material appeared as a result of the development of the dry method for the production of fiberboard and the improvement of the technologies used for this. Medium Density Fiberboards have a well-developed wood grain surface and a shorter pressing cycle. Due to the participation of binders in interfiber interaction, MDF is highly durable. MDF facades, which are made by cutting fibreboard, milling and applying film or paint, are widely used for the production of furniture, flooring, and decoration of indoor wall panels.

Although chipboard materials are significantly cheaper than MDF, nevertheless, the latter are in higher demand due to certain advantages. First of all, medium-density fiber boards are moisture resistant, retain their shape well during temperature fluctuations and are resistant to mechanical stress. They are environmentally friendly material. Due to these qualities, MDF is ideal for the manufacture of furniture (primarily kitchen). It is widely believed that MDF boards are even superior to natural wood in terms of moisture resistance and their mechanical characteristics. In addition, unlike the latter material, they are resistant to various fungi and microorganisms, which means they are safe and hygienic. The cost of this material is also of great importance. Products from MDF turn out to be 60-70% cheaper than solid wood products of similar characteristics and almost twice as cheap as solid sawn timber. MDF boards can be processed in almost any way and veneered with MDF laminate, natural or synthetic veneer, resin film, PVC film. For all these reasons, they have become the most common and demanded facade material.

Types of MDF boards differ for different reasons: by use (furniture, floor coverings, interior doors, suspended ceilings, wall panels, etc.), by the type of coating (painting, PVC film, paper resin film, veneer, etc.), by the presence of inserts (lattice, glass, etc.), in shape (flat, bent, etc.).

So, to organize your own production of MDF facades, you will need a room with an area of ​​about 100 sq. meters. It must be clean (with a ventilation system) and heated (the temperature in it must not drop below 15 degrees Celsius). The raw materials for the manufacture of facades are MDF boards, facing material (PVC film is the most widespread) and adhesive composition.

The production process of MDF facades consists of several key stages. First, the slab for the facade is cut using a panel saw. The workpieces must be highly accurate, free from defects (chips, cracks, etc.). At the next stage, a given pattern and a volumetric profile are applied to the plane and ends of the blanks for the furniture facade, which is created on a milling table using a milling machine. Modern equipment allows you to make profiles of almost any complexity. Then the parts are sanded using a vibration sander. Waste products are removed with a vacuum cleaner, and a compressor is used to blow off the facades after grinding and before application. Before cladding, the surface of the facade must be thoroughly prepared and cleaned.

There are several of the most common cladding technologies in the production of furniture facades. Lamination is the process of lining MDF with paper-resin films under the influence of temperature and pressure. The porous surface of the paper contains melamine resin, which polymerizes and penetrates the MDF structure at the capillary level, resulting in a uniform surface layer that is strong, waterproof and resistant to high temperatures. Lamination is the process of lining MDF with fully cured paper-resin films with preliminary application of an adhesive composition to the base plate. In this case, the film is glued to the MDF, which simplifies the veneering process (in comparison, for example, with lamination). In the manufacture of facades, which must have the highest protective and wear-resistant properties, the post-forming technology is used, which is the process of facing chipboard with laminated laminates or high-pressure plastics.

Also, MDF facades are covered with plastic, film or enamel, veneered with natural veneer.

Most often, PVC film is used for facing facades, since it is simpler and allows you to significantly reduce the cost of the finished product. In this case, glue is also applied to the surface of the board - in two layers when exposed to high temperatures (up to 80 degrees Celsius), and the material is allowed to dry for 30 minutes. Then a PVC film is applied to it, which is preheated. After cladding, the facade is sent under the press, and then the excess is removed from it.

To organize the production of MDF facades, special equipment is required. It includes: a panel saw (depending on the model, its price can be 200-250 thousand rubles), a copy-milling table (30 thousand rubles), a milling machine (350 thousand rubles), a vibration grinder (1 , 5-2 thousand rubles), an industrial vacuum cleaner (10 thousand rubles), a piston compressor (5-7 thousand rubles), a spray gun (5 thousand rubles), a vacuum press (150-170 thousand rubles). The productivity of this equipment, which can be controlled by one specialist, will be about 20-25 sq. meters per shift and about 100 sq. meters of facades per week. The monthly output can be 400-450 sq. meters. With an increase in the number of production workers up to three people, productivity also increases significantly. Since the production process of MDF facades involves human participation, the quality of the finished product directly depends both on the quality of the materials used for its production and on the qualifications of the employee.

The number of facade industries in our country is increasing every year. But most of them cannot boast of high-quality products, since they use the cheapest MDF boards and low-grade films for the manufacture of facades. At the same time, trends in this market indicate that buyers prefer high-quality products and are ready to pay more for them. Therefore, experts advise to rely on the optimal ratio of price and quality and not seek to reduce the cost of production at any cost through the use of low-quality raw materials.

The total cost of opening the production of MDF facades is about 1.5 million rubles. This amount includes the purchase of main and additional equipment, its delivery and installation (in the amount of about 1 million rubles), rent and preparation of premises for production, purchase of a batch of raw materials for a month of work (200 thousand rubles), business registration, and other current expenses ...

The sales market for such products is very wide. This includes various construction and repair companies, furniture stores and even individuals who often order MDF facades directly from the manufacturer. The wholesale cost of one square MDF facade is about 1000 rubles. The profitability of such production reaches 28%. The project payback is estimated at 6-8 months.

Before deciding to create your own production of facades, you need to make yourself a clear idea not only of one-time investments in equipment, but also to understand what costs will be required for the production of the product itself.

This article provides only an approximate calculation of the cost of production of MDF film facades on the thermo-vacuum and milling equipment "Maxim". The authors did not claim the completeness and accuracy of the economic research. It is rather a pivotal synopsis that will help beginners quickly understand the specifics of the manufacture of furniture facades.
In your area, prices and wages may differ from those used in this calculation. In addition, it should be noted that the article was written back in 2011. Therefore, you can calculate the order of profitability and payback time yourself, based on your own current figures.
Do not forget about taxes, rent of industrial premises and interest on loans and leases. In addition, of course, there are consumables such as circular saws, end mills, grinding sponges, etc. slightly higher. Also, the presses for the manufacture of curved facades with a lifting table are structurally more complicated and more expensive than conventional presses. However, the retail cost of curved facades is many times higher than the prices of conventional facades, therefore, the financial attractiveness of their production is higher.

So, the main items of variable costs of the cost of MDF film facades are as follows:

  1. MDF sheet 16 mm laminated one-sided 2800x2070mm RUB 2100 (5.8 sq. M -10% waste = 5.2 sq. M)
    - 400 rubles. / sq. m The use of ordinary non-laminated MDF can significantly reduce the cost of facades, the reverse side of which is laminated (revetted with textured paper) using a Maxim DIP-2514 membrane vacuum press in the color of the PVC film on the front side of the facade. Both the most inexpensive finishing materials and more expensive materials impregnated with formaldehyde resins that do not require final finishing are used. In addition, film facades, the reverse side of which is covered with textured lamination to match the facade, is sold more expensive than conventional ones with a white back side:
    MDF sheet 16 mm 2440 * 1830 mm 795 rubles. (4.46 sq. M -10% waste = 4 sq. M) - 200 rubles / sq. m MDF sheet 10 mm 2440 * 1830 mm 550 rubles. (4.46 sq. M -10% waste = 4 sq. M) - 138 rubles / sq. m
  2. Decorative matte PVC film - 60-65 rubles / sq. m(in December 2014 it is already 140-225 rubles / sq.m)
    PVC film decorative gloss - 100-120 rubles / sq. m (in December 2014 this is already 260-390 rubles / sq. depending on the manufacturer and the effects of the film (3D effect, metallic, etc.), the price may be slightly higher, but the price of facades also increases commensurately)
    One tab in the press with a desktop size of 2500 * 1400 mm is 3.5 sq. m of PVC films. The real output in the product from one tab is usually 1.7-2.2 sq. m. That is, 1 sq. m of the finished product is spent from 1.6 to 2.0 sq. m of decorative film
    Thus, the consumption for PVC film:
    Matte: 104-140 rubles / sq. m
    Glossy: 160-240 rubles / sq. m
  3. Glue 20-35 rubles / sq. m
  4. Labor remuneration 70-100 (120) rubles / sq. m(formatting and milling MDF, applying glue, sanding, cladding with foil)
  5. Electricity consumed by Maxim presses for a full cycle of heating and evacuation in the structure of the cost of furniture facades MDF is actually not as significant as other factors - 0.1-0.6 kW / h * 3.00 rubles. = 0.30-1.80 rubles / sq. m

Total cost per square meter of finished product
cannot exceed ( in 2011 prices):

  • Matte facades: 594-695 rubles.
  • Glossy facades: 650-795 rubles. The production cost per square meter of MDF door linings is correspondingly lower, the actual output of finished products is higher, as well as the production speed.

The real productivity of the Maxim DIP-2514 thermo-vacuum press when laminating kitchen doors with a decorative film can be 60-100 sq. m of finished MDF facades per shift.

When laminating door linings with add-ons and cashing, the yield will be even greater. One door plate with preparation, laying is covered with a film literally in a matter of seconds. That is why in the manufacture of MDF film overlays on steel doors, double-table membrane vacuum presses show the greatest efficiency.

Average wholesale prices for facades in the European part of Russia:

  • Matte facades: 1300 rubles.
  • Glossy facades: 1750 rubles.

Thus, with a full load of the hot vacuum press per shift, you can get a profit (excluding overhead costs) not less than:

For one shift:

  • Matt fronts: from (1300 - 695) 60 sq. m = 36.300 rubles.
    up to (1300 - 594)
    100 sq. m = 70.600 rubles.
  • Glossy facades: from (1750 - 795) 60 sq. m = 57.300 rubles.
    up to (1750 - 650)
    100 sq. m = 111.000 rubles.

Per month (22 working days):

  • Matte facades: 798.600 - 1.553.200 rubles.
  • Glossy facades: 1.260.600 - 2.442.000 rubles.

The prices for decorative film, MDF, glue have, of course, increased significantly over the past years, however, the retail and wholesale cost of finished furniture facades coated with PVC film has also increased. Therefore, façade production remains an equally profitable and attractive activity.

To organize the production of MDF film facades, it is required to separate the area for applying glue, drying, grinding and pressing the facades from the area where the facades are formatted and milled, so as to completely eliminate the ingress of dust into the air. The quality of the facing surface of the facade depends on this. To speed up production, it is extremely important to organize fast and convenient feeding of workpieces from one zone to the next.

1. Formatting area of ​​workpieces (panel saw) - 7x4m (28 sq. M)
2. Milling area (copy-milling machine - 3x3m) + (stripping tables - 5x5m) = (25 sq. M)
3. Area of ​​glue application - 3x3m, preferably 4x4m (16 sq. M)
4. Drying area for workpieces - 2x2m, preferably 4x4m (16 sq. M)
5. Pressing zone - 7x3m, it is desirable to have two cutting tables in this zone (finishing, removing shagreen, blowing with compressed air) 7x4m (28 sq. M)

Production of furniture facades: how to organize it + types of furniture facades, their advantages and disadvantages + business registration + OKVED codes + video of the production process + equipment for plywood production + cost plan for starting a business.

Furniture facade production Is a type of business that combines engineering precision and design approach. Furniture modules are in high demand in the consumer market. And it certainly attracts the attention of entrepreneurs and investors.

In this article, we will introduce you to the main principles of organizing facade production.

2 types of furniture fronts - which one to produce?

High quality and able to decorate the room and become its highlight. A modern approach to space planning makes furniture facades an essential element of the interior.

Facades of two types are widely popular:

  • made of natural wood;
  • made of MDF.

Let's consider each type in more detail.

1. Facades made of wood.

Facades made of natural wood are more expensive, but customers are willing to pay more for quality, strength and durability.

From the point of view of production, such furniture requires more attention: wood processing, painting and polishing are carried out by hand. The main tree species for production are ash, oak, walnut, pine and alder. It is the kind of wood from which the facade is made that determines the properties of the finished product.

For example, furniture made of oak is the most resistant to mechanical damage. Therefore, this type of wood is considered the highest quality and, accordingly, expensive.

Pine furniture has a pleasant aroma, but its main drawback is excessive softness. This disadvantage is also characteristic of alder furniture facades. They are more prone to scratching the surface and therefore require delicate handling.

The most expensive option is walnut furniture. Moreover, the older the tree, the higher its price. Unlike oak, walnut lends itself easily to industrial manipulations such as processing and painting. This means that the consumer has a wider choice of colors and textures.

Advantages and disadvantages of facades made of natural wood:

Environmental safety of materials: natural wood does not emit harmful substances even when exposed to temperature, which is especially important in the kitchen.Limited color / texture palette of the furniture facade.
Long service life of the furniture facade with proper use and maintenance.Requires special care.
Resistance to temperature and mechanical stress.It is damaged when treated with aggressive detergents.
Possibility of repair and restoration.High price.
Refined and expensive type of furniture.Absorbs odors.

2. Facades from MDF.

A short reference introduction, for those who have not seen the term "MDF" before.

MDF is a material that consists of compressed small sawdust. MDF board differs from chipboard in smaller chip size. Sawdust is connected to each other using safe adhesives: lignin and paraffin (unlike chipboard, in which formaldehyde resins that are harmful to health are used for bonding).

Furniture facades made of MDF have gained immense popularity due to their environmental friendliness - both in European countries and in Russia. They can be painted, covered with foil, faced with plastic or veneer.

Let's consider each type, taking into account its advantages and disadvantages:

Facade typePeculiaritiesAdvantagesdisadvantages
Painted MDFIt is a slab, painted with several layers of furniture enamel and varnished. Thanks to painting, they get a rich and bright shade. The enamel creates a matte or glossy effect.

Painting MDF consists of several stages:
First, the surface of the plates is covered with an insulator.
Next, a primer is applied, painted and varnished.
In order for the slabs to have a glossy sheen, they are additionally sanded and polished after varnishing.

Nice appearance of the furniture facade.
Large selection of color palette.
The possibility of restoration.
The price is higher than that of the film coating.
Furniture loses color when exposed to direct sunlight.
The paint can be damaged by using abrasive or alkaline detergents.
Film MDFPlates, instead of painting, are covered with PVC (polyvinyl chloride) film. The film can be glossy, matte, patterned, etc.The price for furniture facades with a film is lower than for painted ones.
High resistance to moisture, sunlight, mechanical damage.
Easy to care for.
The film can peel off when exposed to high temperatures.
Easy to scratch.
MDF coated with plasticPlastic has a pleasant and modern appearance, and also allows you to simulate natural textures, such as wood, marble or metal.

The surface of the plastic can be either glossy or matte.

Modern appearance.
Large selection of colors and textures.
Resistant to moisture, sunlight, mechanical stress.
Easy to care for and clean from dirt.
There may be stains on glossy surfaces.
High price.
MDF faced with veneerVeneer is sheets of wood with a thickness of 0.1 to 10 mm, obtained from wood blocks.

Furniture facades covered with natural veneer look the closest to wood facades.

Due to chemical and temperature treatment, the veneer acquires high strength and moisture resistance.

View of an expensive wooden facade at a lower cost.
Resistant to mechanical stress.
The price is higher than for film and plastic facades.
Over time, the veneer can peel off the board.
When exposed to moisture and direct sunlight, it loses its original appearance.

Facades can be classic or radial (have curved shapes). Radial housings, as a rule, are made under an individual order, taking into account the wishes of the buyer.

Production of furniture facades - we disassemble step by step

Full cycle of our own production of painted facades.

How are painted facades made? Necessary equipment.

The main stages of organizing the production of furniture facades

The first question that arises for people who want to start is "Where to start?"

To launch your business, you will need a lot: a detailed plan for the development of an enterprise, registration of activities, search for investors, selection of premises, hiring personnel and much more.

The basis for starting your own business is a well thought out business plan. This document will allow you to competently organize expenses, attract investors or get a loan from a bank.

1. The structure of the business plan of the enterprise

1. Title page: company name, field of activity, planning period.
2. The content of the business plan.
3. Introduction.
4. Resume: name of the project, organizational and legal form, number of employees, contact details of the project manager.
5. Setting goals.
6. Business characteristics: description of services / goods, presentation of the assortment, functional purpose of each product, examples of use, plans for future development.
7. Assessment of the product sales market.
8. Assessment of the activities and sales of competitors.
9. Production plan: main stages, requirements for raw materials and equipment.
10. Employees: list of required personnel, working conditions, remuneration, structure and composition of departments, personnel training.
11. Organizational plan: the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, the diagram of the organizational structure of the enterprise.
12. Legal plan.
13. Financial plan: cost price, variable and fixed costs, business profitability, payback period.
14. Risk assessment and insurance.
15. Funding strategy.

To draw up a business plan, you need to have special knowledge and skills, so this process must be entrusted to a professional.

The prices for drawing up a business plan depend on the size of your business. On average, the initial cost of a plan for a small business is 18,000-20,000 rubles, for a medium-sized business - from 50,000 rubles, for a large one - from 100,000 rubles.

Do not forget that it is better to entrust the drafting of the plan to companies that have been on the market for a long time and have positive experience in project implementation. Cheap business plans without a guarantee are wasted money.

2. Registration of activities

Every entrepreneur is obliged to formalize his activities, otherwise he will face problems with the law.

Two common forms of introduction of small and medium-sized businesses: individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company).

How they differ, see the precast table:

Comparison criterionSPOOO
Creation procedureSimple: payment of the state fee, filing an application.More difficult: payment of the state fee, submission of a notarized application, minutes of the meeting of LLC participants / decision of the sole participant.
Constituent documentsNone.Charter (a complex legal document that requires special knowledge to draw up).
Constituent documentsSingle-handedly.If the LLC consists of more than one participant, then all decisions on the main areas of activity are made only at the general meeting of participants.
SealNot required.Required.
Authorized capitalAbsent.At least 10,000 rubles (in money or property).
Use of profitAt its sole discretion at any time.Only after the distribution of profits by the general meeting of participants.
A responsibilityFull property liability (even in the event of the liquidation of the enterprise). With large debts, the only way out may be bankruptcy.Liability is limited to the size of your share in the authorized capital.
Investment attraction opportunitiesLoan agreements, simple partnership agreements, bills of exchange.Loan agreements, simple partnership agreements, bills of exchange, bonds, sale of a part of a share in the authorized capital.
Possibility of joint businessThe union of several individual entrepreneurs occurs only on the basis of a simple partnership agreement or a joint activity agreement.One LLC can include up to 50 members.
AuthorityLow. The abbreviation "LLC" is more trusted than "IP".High.
Business expansion opportunityOnly by increasing sales.It is possible to open new branches, subsidiaries, merge with other companies.
Business sale opportunityOnly by selling a trademark or technology. If there are several trademarks, then re-registration must be carried out for each of them.In any way. For example, with just one notary transaction, you can sell a share in the authorized capital of a company that owns several trademarks.
Business closure (liquidation) procedureVery simple: paying the state fee, submitting an application and a certificate from the pension fund. The process takes 5 business days or more.Very difficult. Takes at least 4-6 months.
Documents required for registrationForm R21001 is a statement in which an individual provides the information necessary for registration (full name, address, passport data, OKVED codes).
A photocopy of all pages of the passport.
A receipt confirming payment of the state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.
Passports and ID numbers of all co-founders.
Application for registration of LLC (form Р11001).
The decision of the sole founder (if there is only one founder).
Minutes of the meeting of founders (if there are 2 or more founders).
Company foundation agreement (if there are 2 or more founders).
LLC Charter.
Receipt for payment of the state fee (4,000 rubles).
Letter of guarantee for the provision of a legal address.
The consent of the owner, certificate of ownership and consent of the tenants (some documents may not be required) - when registering at a home address.

For registration of entrepreneurial activity in the application, you must specify the OKVED codes. If this is your first time meeting this term, then it should be explained that these are short digital designations of the type of activity of the future enterprise.

A person interested in starting a business for the production of furniture facades should pay special attention to Clause 31 of Section C.

A small excerpt from the 31st point of OKVED:

You can find a complete list of OKVED codes that are relevant for 2018 on the website:

The production of products of various profiles is regulated by GOST standards.

The production of facades for furniture is regulated by the following GOSTs:

  • GOST 16371-93 (
  • GOST 6449.1-82 (
  • GOST 6449.5-82 (

3. Selection of premises for the production of facades

The premise, first of all, must correspond to the needs of production, that is, it must have a transport connection, a network for supplying electricity and water. For small-scale production, a space of 100-140 sq.m. is sufficient.

The most whimsical part of the space in the production of furniture facades is the pressing shop. It should not contain excessive dust, the temperature should be at least 15 degrees Celsius.

The approximate cost of renting a workshop for the production of facades (based on the Internet resource "CIAN", prices are indicated for September 2018):

LocationArea, m2DescriptionRental price per month, rub.

37 500
Moscow, metro station "Salaryevo"100 Ceiling height - 3.5 m, concrete floor.
There are all communications: sewerage, water supply, heating from its own boiler room, electricity with the possibility of increasing power.
Guarded territory around the clock.
Parking for cars and trucks.
50 000
Moscow, metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya"130
Ceiling height - 4.5 m.
Located on the third floor.
There are 3 freight elevators of 3.2 tons each (access to the elevator - from 8.00 to 20.00, extension on request).
Communications: electricity, heating, water supply, sewerage, bathrooms on the floor, internet, telephone, exhaust ventilation.
24-hour security, fenced area, access system.
57 200
Moscow, metro station "Botanichesky Sad"105,1 A legal address is provided (required for registration of an LLC).
Ceiling height - 3 m.
Communications: electricity, heating, water supply, sewerage, internet, telephone.
There are several parking lots on the territory.
A room with a burglar alarm.
60 748

4. Purchase of equipment for production

To effectively set up production, it is necessary to purchase and install equipment, hire personnel, and find channels for marketing products.

You will need 8-10 employees:

With regard to distribution channels, these can be furniture / decoration stores, repair or construction companies, private entrepreneurs.

You can also organize the work of your own online store in order to sell goods without intermediaries. However, this will require additional investments in the creation, design and development of the site.

List of equipment required for the production of furniture facades:

NamePictureDescriptionCost, rub.
Total amount: 1 603 506 rubles
1. Panel saw model E 45-2000Designed for cutting panel materials.
It has a 2,000 mm long aluminum roller carriage.
Dusty knot tilt up to 45 °.
The rotational speed of the main saw is 4,000-6,000 rpm.
204 051
2. Vacuum press Master MediumIt is used for processing surfaces of various profiles with a variety of facing materials, as well as for the production of curved facades.
The dimensions of the working surface are 2500x1250 mm.
Pressing time - 1.5-3 minutes.
990 000
3. CNC milling machine model LTT-K0609 Equipped with a numerical control system.
It is used for the treatment of surfaces, parts and workpieces made from solid wood of coniferous and deciduous species, plate and sheet materials based on it (MDF, chipboard, fiberboard), plastics.
264 385
4. Painting post with dry filtrationAs the main filter, a labyrinth inertial cardboard filter is used, which operates on the principle of a cyclone separator (captures up to 90% of paint aerosol).
Prefabricated galvanized steel body.
130 000
5. Vibration sander AEG FS280 419280Allows you to level and sand surfaces, remove layers of old paint.
Abrasive paper size - 115x280 mm.
7 300
6. Fubag G600 / 1.4 paint sprayer Designed for painting.
The spray gun tank is located on top and can hold 0.6 liters of paint.
1 280
7. Piston compressor Garage PK 24.F250 / 1.5Cast iron cylinders with wide fins for better cooling.
Durable stainless steel valve assemblies.
6 490

Furniture fronts from start to finish.

How to make facades yourself?

General cost table for starting the production of furniture facades

Cost categoryAmount of expenses, rub.
Total minimum cost: 2,445,000 rubles
1 Drawing up a business planFrom 18,000
2 Activity registrationFrom 7,000
3 Premises for rentFrom 50,000
4 Preparation of premises for production needsFrom 150,000
5 Purchase of equipmentFrom 1 600 000
6 Delivery and installation of equipmentFrom 200,000
7 Purchase of raw materialsFrom 250,000
8 Employee wagesFrom 30,000 rubles / person (minimum 2 employees)
9 Payment of utility billsFrom 30,000
10 Payment of utility billsFrom 80,000

The average payback period of an enterprise is 8-9 months.

It should be understood that the amounts of expenses indicated in the article are very approximate. They can vary depending on many factors: the region of the business launch, the form of registration (individual entrepreneur or LLC), the scale of production, the choice of suppliers, etc.

So, we discussed in detail the production of furniture facades: how to register your business, what steps to take first. Profitability of 25% and a relatively short payback period make the facade business profitable in the eyes of aspiring entrepreneurs across the country.

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