Snip 2.04 01 85 external sewerage. Internal cold and hot water supply systems

SNiP 2.04.01-85*




Date of introduction 1986-07-01

DEVELOPED BY GPI Santekhproekt of the State Construction Committee of the USSR (Yu.N. Sargin), TsNIIEP of engineering equipment of the State Civil Engineering Committee (Candidate of Technical Sciences L.A. Shopensky), MNIITEP GlavAPU of the Moscow City Executive Committee (Candidate of Technical Sciences N.N. Chistyakov; I.B. Pokrovskaya ), Donetsk Industrial Construction Project of the USSR State Construction Committee (E.M. Zaitseva), SKTB Rostrubplast of the Roskolkhozstroyobedinenie (Candidate of Technical Sciences A.Ya. Dobromyslov), Mosstroy Research Institute (Candidate of Technical Sciences Ya.B. Alesker), NPO | Stroypolymer" (prof. V.S. Romeiko, V.A. Ustyugov), MGSU (prof. V.N. Isaev), Mosvodokanalproekt (A.S. Verbitsky).

INTRODUCED GPI Santekhproekt of the USSR State Construction Committee.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL BY Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroi USSR (Ministry of Construction of Russia) - B.V. Tambovtsev, V.A. Glukharev.

APPROVED by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated October 4, 1985 No. 189.

AGREED BY THE USSR Ministry of Health, GUPO USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

INSTEAD SNiP II-30-76 and SNiP II-34-76.

SNiP 2.04.01-85* is a reissue of SNiP 2.04.01-85 with amendment No. 1, approved by Resolution of the USSR State Construction Committee of November 28, 1991 No. 20, and amendment No. 2, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of July 11, 1996 No. 18 -46.

Items and tables to which changes have been made are marked in these building codes and regulations with an asterisk.


1.1. These standards apply to the design of internal cold and hot water supply, sewerage and drainage systems under construction and reconstruction.

1.2. When designing systems for internal cold and hot water supply, sewerage and drains, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of other regulatory documents approved or agreed upon by the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

1.3. These standards do not apply to the design of:

fire-fighting water supply systems of enterprises producing or storing explosive, flammable and combustible substances, as well as other facilities, the requirements for the internal fire-fighting water supply of which are established by the relevant regulatory documents;

automatic fire extinguishing systems;

heating points;

hot water treatment plants;

hot water supply systems that supply water for the technological needs of industrial enterprises (including medical procedures) and water supply systems within technological equipment;

special industrial water supply systems (deionized water, deep cooling, etc.).

1.4. Internal water supply is a system of pipelines and devices that provides water supply to sanitary fixtures, fire hydrants and technological equipment, serving one building or group of buildings and structures and having a common water-measuring device from the water supply network of a settlement or industrial enterprise.

In the case of supplying water from the system for external fire extinguishing, the design of pipelines laid outside buildings must be carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.04.02-84*.

Internal sewerage - a system of pipelines and devices in a volume limited by the outer surfaces of enclosing structures and outlets up to the first inspection well, ensuring the removal of wastewater from sanitary fixtures and technological equipment and, if necessary, local treatment facilities, as well as rain and melt water into the sewerage network appropriate purpose of a settlement or industrial enterprise.

Notes: 1. Hot water preparation should be provided for

installations in accordance with the thermal design guidelines

points and heating units.

2. Local wastewater treatment plants should be designed in accordance with

in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85 and departmental building standards.

1.5. In all types of buildings erected in sewer areas, internal water supply and sewerage systems should be provided.

In non-sewered areas of populated areas, internal water supply and sewerage systems with the installation of local sewage treatment facilities must be provided in residential buildings over two floors high, hotels, nursing homes (in rural areas), hospitals, maternity hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, dispensaries, sanitary and epidemiological stations, sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding houses, pioneer camps, nurseries, boarding schools, educational institutions, secondary schools, cinemas, clubs, catering establishments, sports facilities, bathhouses and laundries.

Notes: 1. In production and auxiliary buildings

internal water supply and sewerage systems are not allowed

provide in cases where the enterprise does not have

centralized water supply and the number of employees is no more

25 people per shift.

2. In buildings equipped with internal drinking water or

industrial water supply, it is necessary to provide a system

internal sewerage.

1.6. In non-sewered areas of settlements, it is allowed to equip the following buildings (structures) with backlash closets or cesspools (without installing water supply inlets):

production and auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises with up to 25 employees. per shift;

residential buildings 1-2 floors high;

dormitories with a height of 1-2 floors for no more than 50 people;

pioneer camps with no more than 240 places, used only in the summer;

Type I clubs;

open planar sports facilities;

catering establishments with no more than 25 seats.

Note. Backlash closets may be provided when

designing buildings for climatic regions I-III.

1.7. The need to install internal drains is established by the architectural and construction part of the project.

1.8. Pipes, fittings, equipment and materials used in the installation of internal systems of cold and hot water supply, sewerage and drains must comply with the requirements of these norms, state standards, norms and technical specifications approved in the prescribed manner.

When transporting and storing drinking water, you should use pipes, materials and anti-corrosion coatings approved by the Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority of Russia for use in domestic drinking water supply practice.

1.9. The main technical decisions taken in projects and the order of their implementation must be justified by comparing the indicators of possible options. Technical and economic calculations should be performed for those options whose advantages (disadvantages) cannot be established without calculation.

The optimal calculation option is determined by the lowest value of the reduced costs, taking into account the reduction in the consumption of material resources, labor costs, electricity and fuel.

1.10. When designing, it is necessary to provide for the use of progressive technical solutions and work methods: mechanization of labor-intensive work, automation of technological processes and maximum industrialization of construction and installation work through the use of prefabricated structures, standard and standard products and parts manufactured in factories and procurement workshops.

1.11. The main letter designations adopted in these standards are given in the mandatory Appendix 1.



2.1. The quality of cold and hot water supplied for domestic and drinking needs must comply with GOST 2874-82*. The quality of water supplied for production needs is determined by technological requirements.

2.2. The temperature of hot water at water intake points should be provided:

a) not lower than 60°C - for centralized hot water supply systems connected to open heat supply systems;

b) not lower than 50°C - for centralized hot water supply systems connected to closed heat supply systems;

c) not higher than 75°C - for all systems specified in subparagraphs | a" and | b".

2.3. In the premises of preschool institutions, the temperature of hot water supplied to the water fittings of showers and washbasins should not exceed 37°C.

2.4. At catering establishments and for other water consumers who need hot water at a temperature higher than that specified in clause 2.2, local water heaters should be provided for reheating the water.

2.5. The temperature of hot water supplied by water heaters to the distribution pipelines of centralized hot water supply systems must comply with the recommendations of the manual for the design of heating points.

2.6. In settlements and enterprises where sources of drinking water supply do not meet all the needs of consumers, with a feasibility study and in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities, it is allowed to supply non-potable quality water to urinals and toilet flush tanks.





3.1. Cold, hot water supply and sewerage systems must provide water supply and wastewater disposal (flow) corresponding to the estimated number of water consumers or installed sanitary fixtures.

assigned to one device, the following should be determined:

a separate device - in accordance with mandatory Appendix 2;

various devices serving the same water consumers in the dead-end network section - in accordance with mandatory Appendix 3;

different devices serving different water consumers - according to the formula

Probability of action of sanitary fixtures determined for

each group of water consumers according to clause 3.4;

Secondary water consumption (total, hot, cold), l/s, draw-off

fittings (device), accepted in accordance with mandatory Appendix 3,

for each group of water consumers.

should be determined for the network as a whole and accepted the same for all


2. In residential and public buildings and structures for which

there is no information on water consumption and technical characteristics

l/s, should be determined by the formula

Secondary water flow, the value of which should be determined

according to clause 3.2;

4 depending on the total number of devices N in the design area

networks and the probability of their action P, calculated according to clause 3.4. At

be guided by P > 0.1 and N<= 200; при других значениях Р и N


applications 4.

With known calculated values ​​of P, N and values ​​of q(0) = 0.1; 0.14; 0.2; 0.3 l/s To calculate the maximum second water flow rate, it is allowed to use nomograms 1-4 of the recommended Appendix 4.

Notes: 1. Water flow at the end sections of the network should be

accepted according to calculation, but not less than the maximum second flow rate

water using one of the installed sanitary fixtures.

2. Water consumption for technological needs of industrial enterprises

should be determined as the sum of water consumption by process

equipment, provided that the operation of the equipment coincides in time.

3. For auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises, the value of q

may be determined as the amount of water consumption for domestic needs according to

formula (2) and shower needs - according to the number of installed shower nets according to

mandatory appendix 2.

b) with different groups of water consumers in a building (buildings) or structure (structures) for various purposes

Notes: 1. In the absence of data on the number of sanitary facilities

devices in buildings or structures, the P value can be determined

according to formulas (3) and (4), taking N = 0.

2. For several groups of water consumers, for which periods

the highest water consumption will not coincide by time of day,

the probability of the devices operating for the system as a whole is acceptable

calculated using formulas (3) and (4) taking into account reduction factors,

determined during the operation of similar systems.

and hot water supply serving a group of devices, according to the formula

a) with identical water consumers in the building (buildings) or structure (structures) in accordance with mandatory Appendix 3;

b) with different water consumers in the building (buildings) or structure (structures) - according to the formula

Note. In residential and public buildings (structures), according to

which lack information about the number and technical characteristics

sanitary appliances, it is allowed to accept:

in general should be determined by the formula

according to the formula

depending on the total number of devices N served by the designed

system, and the likelihood of their use

Calculated according to clause 3.7.

> 0.1 and N<=200, при других значениях

and N coefficient

Note. For auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises

use of showers and household and drinking needs, taken according to

mandatory Appendix 3 on the number of water consumers in the most

numerous shifts.

3.10. When designing direct water collection from the pipelines of a heating network for the needs of hot water supply, the average temperature of hot water in the water collection risers should be maintained at 65°C, and the hot water consumption rates should be taken in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 3 with a coefficient of 0.85, while the total amount of water consumed should not be changed .

3.11. The maximum hourly wastewater flow rate should be taken equal to the calculated flow rate determined in accordance with clause 3.8.

3.12. Daily water consumption should be determined by summing the water consumption of all consumers, taking into account the water consumption for irrigation. The daily flow of wastewater must be taken equal to water consumption without taking into account the water consumption for irrigation.

a) within an hour



4.1. Internal water supply systems (drinking, industrial, fire) include: inputs to buildings, water metering units, distribution network, risers, connections to sanitary fixtures and technological installations, water supply, mixing, shut-off and control valves. Depending on local conditions and production technology, the internal water supply system should include pumping units and spare and control tanks connected to the internal water supply system.

4.2. The choice of internal water supply system should be made depending on the technical and economic feasibility, sanitary, hygienic and fire safety requirements, as well as taking into account the adopted external water supply system and the requirements of production technology.

Connecting household drinking water supply networks with water supply networks supplying non-potable water is not permitted.

4.3. For groups of buildings that differ in height by 10 m or more, measures should be taken to ensure the required water pressure in the water supply systems of these buildings.

4.4. Industrial water supply systems must meet technological requirements and not cause corrosion of equipment and pipelines, salt deposits and biological fouling of pipes and devices.

4.5. In buildings (structures), depending on their purpose, the following internal water supply systems should be provided:

household and drinking;

fire protection;

production (one or more).

The fire-fighting water supply system in buildings (structures) that have drinking or industrial water supply systems should, as a rule, be combined with one of them.

4.6. In production and auxiliary buildings, depending on the requirements of production technology and in accordance with the instructions for the construction design of enterprises, buildings and structures of various industries, in order to reduce water consumption, systems of circulating water supply and water reuse should be provided.

Note. When justifying circulating systems, it is not allowed


4.7. If technically possible, recycling water supply systems for cooling process solutions, products and equipment should be designed, as a rule, without breaking the stream with water supplied to the coolers using the residual pressure.

4.8. When designing water supply systems, it is necessary to take measures to reduce unproductive water consumption and reduce noise.


5.1. Depending on the mode and volume of hot water consumption for domestic and drinking needs of buildings and structures for various purposes, centralized water supply systems or local water heaters should be provided.

Note. If it is necessary to supply hot drinking water

quality for technological needs, it is allowed to provide for the supply

hot water simultaneously for domestic and drinking water and technological

5.2. It is not allowed to connect the pipelines of the hot water supply system with pipelines supplying hot water of non-potable quality for technological needs, as well as direct contact with technological equipment and installations of hot water supplied to the consumer with a possible change in its quality.

5.3. The choice of heating and water treatment scheme for centralized hot water supply systems should be made in accordance with SNiP 2.04.07-86* and | Guidelines for the design of heating points."

5.4. In centralized hot water supply systems, it is necessary to provide for the placement of water heating points, as a rule, in the center of the hot water consumption area.

5.5. It is permitted not to provide for the circulation of hot water in centralized hot water supply systems with time-regulated consumption of hot water, if its temperature at the water supply points does not drop below that established in Section. 2 of these standards.

5.6.* In buildings and premises of medical institutions, preschool and residential buildings, in bathrooms and showers it is necessary to install heated towel rails connected to hot water supply systems, as a rule, according to a scheme that ensures constant heating with hot water.

Notes: 1. When supplying hot water by centralized systems

hot water supply connected to heating networks with

direct water supply, it is allowed to connect

heated towel rails for independent heating systems

year-round use of bathrooms and showers.

2. Shut-off valves should be provided on heated towel rails

to turn them off in the summer.

5.7. In residential and public buildings over 4 floors high, groups of water risers should be combined with ring jumpers into sectional units with each sectional unit connected by one circulation pipeline to the combined circulation pipeline of the system. From three to seven water risers should be combined into sectional units. Ring jumpers should be laid in a warm attic, in a cold attic under a layer of thermal insulation, under the ceiling of the upper floor when supplying water to the water risers from below, or in the basement when supplying water to the water risers from above.

Note. It is allowed not to loop water risers when

the length of the ring jumper exceeding the total

length of circulation risers.

5.8. In buildings up to 4 floors high, as well as in buildings in which there is no possibility of laying ring jumpers, it is allowed to install heated towel rails:

on the circulation risers of the hot water supply system;

on a year-round bathroom heating system, while water risers and distribution pipelines should be laid together with heating pipelines in general insulation.

5.9. Connecting water taps to circulation risers and circulation pipelines is not permitted.

5.10. For rural populated areas and towns, the choice of the type of hot water supply system is determined by a technical and economic calculation.

5.11. The installation of storage tanks in a centralized hot water supply system should be provided in accordance with Section. 13.

5.12.* The pressure in the hot water supply system at sanitary appliances should be no more than 0.45 MPa (4.5 kgf/


6.1.* For residential and public buildings, as well as administrative buildings of industrial enterprises, the need to install an internal fire-fighting water supply system, as well as the minimum water consumption for fire extinguishing, should be determined in accordance with Table. 1*, and for industrial and warehouse buildings - in accordance with table. 2.

The water consumption for fire extinguishing, depending on the height of the compact part of the jet and the diameter of the spray, should be clarified according to the table. 3.

The need to install automatic fire extinguishing systems must be taken in accordance with the requirements of the relevant estimated norms and rules and lists of buildings and premises to be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing equipment, approved by the ministries. In this case, the simultaneous operation of fire hydrants and sprinkler or deluge installations should be taken into account.

Table 1*

Residential, public

and administrative

buildings and premises

Minimum water consumption for internal fire extinguishing, l/s, per jet

1. Residential buildings:

with the number of floors from 12 to 16

the same, with a total corridor length of over 10 m

with the number of floors St. 16 to 25

the same, with the total length of the corridor of St. 10 m

2. Office buildings:

height from 6 to 10 floors and volume up to

the same, volume of St. 25000 cubic meters

3. Clubs with a stage, theaters, cinemas, assembly and conference halls equipped with film equipment

According to SNiP 2.08.02-89*

4. Dormitories and public buildings not listed in pos. 2:

with the number of floors up to 10 and volume from

5000 to 25000 cubic meters

the same, volume of St. 25000 cubic meters

with the number of floors St. 10 and volume up to

the same, volume of St. 25000 cubic meters

5. Administrative buildings

industrial enterprises volume, cubic meters:

from 5000 to 25000

Notes: 1. The minimum water flow rate for residential buildings can be taken equal to 1.5 l/s in the presence of fire nozzles, hoses and other equipment with a diameter of 38 mm.

2*. The volume of the building is taken to be the construction volume determined in accordance with SNiP 2.08.02-89*.

table 2

Degree of fire

instability of buildings

on fire danger

Number of jets and minimum water consumption, l/s, per jet,

for internal fire extinguishing in industrial and

warehouse buildings up to 50 m high and volume, thousand cubic meters

St. 50 to 200

St. 200 to 400

St. 400 to 800

Notes: 1. For laundry factories, fire extinguishing should be provided in the dry laundry processing and storage areas.

2. Water consumption for internal fire extinguishing in buildings or premises with a volume exceeding the values ​​​​specified in table. 2, should be agreed upon in each specific case with the territorial fire authorities.

3. The number of jets and water consumption of one jet for buildings of fire resistance class: IIIb - buildings of predominantly frame construction. Frame elements made of solid or laminated wood and other combustible materials of enclosing structures (mainly wood) subjected to fire retardant treatment; IIIa - buildings predominantly with an unprotected metal frame and enclosing structures made of fireproof sheet materials with low-flammable insulation; IVa - predominantly one-story buildings with a metal unprotected frame and enclosing structures made of sheet fireproof materials with combustible insulation are accepted according to the specified table depending on the location of categories of production in them, both for buildings of II and IV fire resistance degrees, taking into account the requirements of paragraph 6.3* (equating fire resistance degrees IIIa to II, IIIb and IVa to IV).

Table 3

Height of the compact part of the jet or



fire department

jets, l/s

Pressure, m, y

hot tap

with sleeves

length, m



fire department

jets, l/s

Pressure, m, y

hot tap

with sleeves

length, m



fire department

jets, l/s

Pressure, m, y

hot tap

with sleeves

length, m


Fire nozzle tip spray diameter, mm

Fire hydrants d = 50 mm

Fire hydrants d = 65 mm

SNiP 2.04.01-85*

Building regulations

Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.

Internal cold and hot water supply systems

1. General Provisions

1.1. These standards apply to the design of internal cold and hot water supply, sewerage and drainage systems under construction and reconstruction.

1.2. When designing systems for internal cold and hot water supply, sewerage and drains, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of other regulatory documents approved or agreed upon by the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

1.3. These standards do not apply to the design of:

fire-fighting water supply systems of enterprises producing or storing explosive, flammable and combustible substances, as well as other facilities, the requirements for the internal fire-fighting water supply of which are established by the relevant regulatory documents;

automatic fire extinguishing systems;

heating points;

hot water treatment plants;

hot water supply systems that supply water for the technological needs of industrial enterprises (including medical procedures) and water supply systems within technological equipment;

special industrial water supply systems (deionized water, deep cooling, etc.).

1.4. Internal water supply is a system of pipelines and devices that provides water supply to sanitary fixtures, fire hydrants and technological equipment, serving one building or group of buildings and structures and having a common water-measuring device from the water supply network of a settlement or industrial enterprise.

In the case of supplying water from the system for external fire extinguishing, the design of pipelines laid outside buildings must be carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.04.02-84*.

Internal sewerage - a system of pipelines and devices in a volume limited by the outer surfaces of enclosing structures and outlets up to the first inspection well, ensuring the removal of wastewater from sanitary fixtures and technological equipment and, if necessary, local treatment facilities, as well as rain and melt water into the sewerage network appropriate purpose of a settlement or industrial enterprise.


1. The preparation of hot water should be provided at installations in accordance with the instructions for the design of heating points and heating units.

2. Local wastewater treatment plants should be designed in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85 and departmental building codes.

1.5. In all types of buildings erected in sewer areas, internal water supply and sewerage systems should be provided.

In non-sewered areas of populated areas, internal water supply and sewerage systems with the installation of local sewage treatment facilities must be provided in residential buildings over two floors high, hotels, nursing homes (in rural areas), hospitals, maternity hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, dispensaries, sanitary and epidemiological stations, sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding houses, pioneer camps, nurseries, boarding schools, educational institutions, secondary schools, cinemas, clubs, catering establishments, sports facilities, bathhouses and laundries.


1. In production and auxiliary buildings, internal water supply and sewerage systems may not be provided in cases where the enterprise does not have a centralized water supply and the number of employees is no more than 25 people. per shift.

2. In buildings equipped with internal drinking or industrial water supply, it is necessary to provide an internal sewage system.

1.6. In non-sewered areas of settlements, it is allowed to equip the following buildings (structures) with backlash closets or cesspools (without installing water supply inlets):

production and auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises with up to 25 employees. per shift;

residential buildings 1-2 floors high;

dormitories with a height of 1-2 floors for no more than 50 people;

pioneer camps with no more than 240 places, used only in the summer;

Type I clubs;

open planar sports facilities;

catering establishments with no more than 25 seats.

Note. Backlash closets may be provided when designing buildings for climatic regions I-III. .

1.7. The need to install internal drains is established by the architectural and construction part of the project.

1.8. Pipes, fittings, equipment and materials used in the installation of internal systems of cold and hot water supply, sewerage and drains must comply with the requirements of these norms, state standards, norms and technical specifications approved in the prescribed manner.

When transporting and storing drinking water, you should use pipes, materials and anti-corrosion coatings approved by the Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority of Russia for use in domestic drinking water supply practice.

1.9. The main technical decisions taken in projects and the order of their implementation must be justified by comparing the indicators of possible options. Technical and economic calculations should be performed for those options whose advantages (disadvantages) cannot be established without calculation.

The optimal calculation option is determined by the lowest value of the reduced costs, taking into account the reduction in the consumption of material resources, labor costs, electricity and fuel.

1.10. When designing, it is necessary to provide for the use of progressive technical solutions and work methods: mechanization of labor-intensive work, automation of technological processes and maximum industrialization of construction and installation work through the use of prefabricated structures, standard and standard products and parts manufactured in factories and procurement workshops.

1.11. The main letter designations adopted in these standards are given in the mandatory

Unofficial edition

SNiP 2.04.01-85*




Date of introduction 1986-07-01

DEVELOPED BY GPI Santekhproekt of the State Construction Committee of the USSR (Yu.N. Sargin), TsNIIEP of engineering equipment of the State Civil Engineering Committee (Candidate of Technical Sciences L.A. Shopensky), MNIITEP GlavAPU of the Moscow City Executive Committee (Candidate of Technical Sciences N.N. Chistyakov; I.B. Pokrovskaya ), Donetsk Industrial Construction Project of the State Construction Committee of the USSR (E.M. Zaitseva), SKTB Rostrubplast of the Roskolkhozstroyobedinenie (Candidate of Technical Sciences A.Ya. Dobromyslov), Research Institute Mosstroy (Candidate of Technical Sciences Ya.B. Alesker), NPO |Stroypolymer" ( Prof. V.S. Romeiko, V.A. Ustyugov), MGSU (Prof. V.N. Isaev), Mosvodokanalproekt (A.S. Verbitsky).

INTRODUCED GPI Santekhproekt of the USSR State Construction Committee.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL BY Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroi USSR (Ministry of Construction of Russia) - B.V. Tambovtsev, V.A. Glukharev.

APPROVED by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated October 4, 1985 No. 189.

AGREED BY THE USSR Ministry of Health, GUPO USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

INSTEAD SNiP II-30-76 and SNiP II-34-76.

SNiP 2.04.01-85* is a reissue of SNiP 2.04.01-85 with amendment No. 1, approved by Resolution of the USSR State Construction Committee of November 28, 1991 No. 20, and amendment No. 2, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of July 11, 1996 No. 18 -46.

Items and tables to which changes have been made are marked in these building codes and regulations with an asterisk.


1.1. These standards apply to the design of internal cold and hot water supply, sewerage and drainage systems under construction and reconstruction.

1.2. When designing systems for internal cold and hot water supply, sewerage and drains, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of other regulatory documents approved or agreed upon by the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

1.3. These standards do not apply to the design of:

fire-fighting water supply systems of enterprises producing or storing explosive, flammable and combustible substances, as well as other facilities, the requirements for the internal fire-fighting water supply of which are established by the relevant regulatory documents;

automatic fire extinguishing systems;

heating points;

hot water treatment plants;

hot water supply systems that supply water for the technological needs of industrial enterprises (including medical procedures) and water supply systems within technological equipment;

special industrial water supply systems (deionized water, deep cooling, etc.).

1.4. Internal water supply is a system of pipelines and devices that provides water supply to sanitary fixtures, fire hydrants and technological equipment, serving one building or group of buildings and structures and having a common water-measuring device from the water supply network of a settlement or industrial enterprise.

In the case of supplying water from the system for external fire extinguishing, the design of pipelines laid outside buildings must be carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.04.02-84*.

Internal sewerage - a system of pipelines and devices in a volume limited by the outer surfaces of enclosing structures and outlets up to the first inspection well, ensuring the removal of wastewater from sanitary fixtures and technological equipment and, if necessary, local treatment facilities, as well as rain and melt water into the sewerage network appropriate purpose of a settlement or industrial enterprise.

Notes: 1. Hot water preparation should be provided for

installations in accordance with the thermal design guidelines

points and heating units.

2. Local wastewater treatment plants should be designed in accordance with

in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85 and departmental building standards.

1.5. In all types of buildings erected in sewer areas, internal water supply and sewerage systems should be provided.

In non-sewered areas of populated areas, internal water supply and sewerage systems with the installation of local sewage treatment facilities must be provided in residential buildings over two floors high, hotels, nursing homes (in rural areas), hospitals, maternity hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, dispensaries, sanitary and epidemiological stations, sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding houses, pioneer camps, nurseries, boarding schools, educational institutions, secondary schools, cinemas, clubs, catering establishments, sports facilities, bathhouses and laundries.

Notes: 1. In production and auxiliary buildings

internal water supply and sewerage systems are not allowed

provide in cases where the enterprise does not have

centralized water supply and the number of employees is no more

25 people per shift.

2. In buildings equipped with internal drinking water or

industrial water supply, it is necessary to provide a system

internal sewerage.

1.6. In non-sewered areas of settlements, it is allowed to equip the following buildings (structures) with backlash closets or cesspools (without installing water supply inlets):

production and auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises with up to 25 employees. per shift;

residential buildings 1-2 floors high;

dormitories with a height of 1-2 floors for no more than 50 people;

pioneer camps with no more than 240 places, used only in the summer;

Type I clubs;

open planar sports facilities;

catering establishments with no more than 25 seats.

Note. Backlash closets may be provided when

designing buildings for climatic regions I-III.

1.7. The need to install internal drains is established by the architectural and construction part of the project.

1.8. Pipes, fittings, equipment and materials used in the installation of internal systems of cold and hot water supply, sewerage and drains must comply with the requirements of these norms, state standards, norms and technical specifications approved in the prescribed manner.

When transporting and storing drinking water, you should use pipes, materials and anti-corrosion coatings approved by the Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority of Russia for use in domestic drinking water supply practice.

1.9. The main technical decisions taken in projects and the order of their implementation must be justified by comparing the indicators of possible options. Technical and economic calculations should be performed for those options whose advantages (disadvantages) cannot be established without calculation.

The optimal calculation option is determined by the lowest value of the reduced costs, taking into account the reduction in the consumption of material resources, labor costs, electricity and fuel.

1.10. When designing, it is necessary to provide for the use of progressive technical solutions and work methods: mechanization of labor-intensive work, automation of technological processes and maximum industrialization of construction and installation work through the use of prefabricated structures, standard and standard products and parts manufactured in factories and procurement workshops.

1.11. The main letter designations adopted in these standards are given in the mandatory Appendix 1.



2.1. The quality of cold and hot water supplied for domestic and drinking needs must comply with GOST 2874-82*. The quality of water supplied for production needs is determined by technological requirements.

2.2. The temperature of hot water at water intake points should be provided:

a) not lower than 60°C - for centralized hot water supply systems connected to open heat supply systems;

b) not lower than 50°C - for centralized hot water supply systems connected to closed heat supply systems;

c) not higher than 75°C - for all systems specified in subparagraphs |a" and |b".

2.3. In the premises of preschool institutions, the temperature of hot water supplied to the water fittings of showers and washbasins should not exceed 37°C.

2.4. At catering establishments and for other water consumers who need hot water at a temperature higher than that specified in clause 2.2, local water heaters should be provided for reheating the water.

2.5. The temperature of hot water supplied by water heaters to the distribution pipelines of centralized hot water supply systems must comply with the recommendations of the manual for the design of heating points.

2.6. In settlements and enterprises where sources of drinking water supply do not meet all the needs of consumers, with a feasibility study and in agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological service authorities, it is allowed to supply non-potable quality water to urinals and toilet flush tanks.





3.1. Cold, hot water supply and sewerage systems must provide water supply and wastewater disposal (flow) corresponding to the estimated number of water consumers or installed sanitary fixtures.

assigned to one device, the following should be determined:

a separate device - in accordance with mandatory Appendix 2;

various devices serving the same water consumers in the dead-end network section - in accordance with mandatory Appendix 3;

different devices serving different water consumers - according to the formula

should be determined for the network as a whole and accepted the same for all


2. In residential and public buildings and structures for which

there is no information on water consumption and technical characteristics

sanitary appliances, it is allowed to accept:

l/s, should be determined by the formula

Where - second water consumption, the value of which should be determined

according to clause 3.2;

- coefficient determined according to the recommended application

4 depending on the total number of devices N in the design area

networks and the probability of their action P, calculated according to clause 3.4. At

be guided by P > 0.1 and N<= 200; при других значениях Р и N

coefficient should be taken according to the table. 2 recommended
applications 4.

With known calculated values ​​of P, N and values ​​of q(0) = 0.1; 0.14; 0.2; 0.3 l/s To calculate the maximum second water flow rate, it is allowed to use nomograms 1-4 of the recommended Appendix 4.

Notes: 1. Water flow at the end sections of the network should be

accepted according to calculation, but not less than the maximum second flow rate

water using one of the installed sanitary fixtures.

2. Water consumption for technological needs of industrial enterprises

should be determined as the sum of water consumption by process

equipment, provided that the operation of the equipment coincides in time.

3. For auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises, the value of q

may be determined as the amount of water consumption for domestic needs according to

formula (2) and shower needs - according to the number of installed shower nets according to

mandatory appendix 2.

b) with different groups of water consumers in a building (buildings) or structure (structures) for various purposes


Notes: 1. In the absence of data on the number of sanitary facilities

devices in buildings or structures, the P value can be determined

according to formulas (3) and (4), taking N = 0.

2. For several groups of water consumers, for which periods

the highest water consumption will not coincide by time of day,

the probability of the devices operating for the system as a whole is acceptable

calculated using formulas (3) and (4) taking into account reduction factors,

determined during the operation of similar systems.

and hot water supply serving a group of devices, according to the formula

a) with identical water consumers in the building (buildings) or structure (structures) in accordance with mandatory Appendix 3;

b) with different water consumers in the building (buildings) or structure (structures) - according to the formula

in general should be determined by the formula

according to the formula

Where - coefficient determined according to recommended Appendix 4 in

depending on the total number of devices N served by the designed

system, and the likelihood of their use , calculated according to clause 3.7.
At the same time, table 1 recommended application 4 should be followed
at > 0.1 and N<=200, при других значениях and N coefficient
should be taken according to the table. 2 recommended apps 4.

Note. For auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises

use of showers and household and drinking needs, taken according to

mandatory Appendix 3 on the number of water consumers in the most

numerous shifts.

3.10. When designing direct water collection from the pipelines of a heating network for the needs of hot water supply, the average temperature of hot water in the water collection risers should be maintained at 65°C, and the hot water consumption rates should be taken in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 3 with a coefficient of 0.85, while the total amount of water consumed should not be changed .

3.11. The maximum hourly wastewater flow rate should be taken equal to the calculated flow rate determined in accordance with clause 3.8.

3.12. Daily water consumption should be determined by summing the water consumption of all consumers, taking into account the water consumption for irrigation. The daily flow of wastewater must be taken equal to water consumption without taking into account the water consumption for irrigation.

a) within an hour



4.1. Internal water supply systems (drinking, industrial, fire) include: inputs to buildings, water metering units, distribution network, risers, connections to sanitary fixtures and technological installations, water supply, mixing, shut-off and control valves. Depending on local conditions and production technology, the internal water supply system should include pumping units and spare and control tanks connected to the internal water supply system.

4.2. The choice of internal water supply system should be made depending on the technical and economic feasibility, sanitary, hygienic and fire safety requirements, as well as taking into account the adopted external water supply system and the requirements of production technology.

Connecting household drinking water supply networks with water supply networks supplying non-potable water is not permitted.

4.3. For groups of buildings that differ in height by 10 m or more, measures should be taken to ensure the required water pressure in the water supply systems of these buildings.

4.4. Industrial water supply systems must meet technological requirements and not cause corrosion of equipment and pipelines, salt deposits and biological fouling of pipes and devices.

4.5. In buildings (structures), depending on their purpose, the following internal water supply systems should be provided:

household and drinking;

fire protection;

production (one or more).

The fire-fighting water supply system in buildings (structures) that have drinking or industrial water supply systems should, as a rule, be combined with one of them.

4.6. In production and auxiliary buildings, depending on the requirements of production technology and in accordance with the instructions for the construction design of enterprises, buildings and structures of various industries, in order to reduce water consumption, systems of circulating water supply and water reuse should be provided.

Note. When justifying circulating systems, it is not allowed


4.7. If technically possible, recycling water supply systems for cooling process solutions, products and equipment should be designed, as a rule, without breaking the stream with water supplied to the coolers using the residual pressure.

4.8. When designing water supply systems, it is necessary to take measures to reduce unproductive water consumption and reduce noise.


5.1. Depending on the mode and volume of hot water consumption for domestic and drinking needs of buildings and structures for various purposes, centralized water supply systems or local water heaters should be provided.

Note. If it is necessary to supply hot drinking water

quality for technological needs, it is allowed to provide for the supply

hot water simultaneously for domestic and drinking water and technological

5.2. It is not allowed to connect the pipelines of the hot water supply system with pipelines supplying hot water of non-potable quality for technological needs, as well as direct contact with technological equipment and installations of hot water supplied to the consumer with a possible change in its quality.

5.3. The choice of heating and water treatment scheme for centralized hot water supply systems should be made in accordance with SNiP 2.04.07-86 * and | Guidelines for the design of heating points.

5.4. In centralized hot water supply systems, it is necessary to provide for the placement of water heating points, as a rule, in the center of the hot water consumption area.

5.5. It is permitted not to provide for the circulation of hot water in centralized hot water supply systems with time-regulated consumption of hot water, if its temperature at the water supply points does not drop below that established in Section. 2 of these standards.

5.6.* In buildings and premises of medical institutions, preschool and residential buildings, in bathrooms and showers it is necessary to install heated towel rails connected to hot water supply systems, as a rule, according to a scheme that ensures constant heating with hot water.

Notes: 1. When supplying hot water by centralized systems

hot water supply connected to heating networks with

direct water supply, it is allowed to connect

heated towel rails for independent heating systems

year-round use of bathrooms and showers.

2. Shut-off valves should be provided on heated towel rails

to turn them off in the summer.

5.7. In residential and public buildings over 4 floors high, groups of water risers should be combined with ring jumpers into sectional units with each sectional unit connected by one circulation pipeline to the combined circulation pipeline of the system. From three to seven water risers should be combined into sectional units. Ring jumpers should be laid in a warm attic, in a cold attic under a layer of thermal insulation, under the ceiling of the upper floor when supplying water to the water risers from below, or in the basement when supplying water to the water risers from above.

Note. It is allowed not to loop water risers when

the length of the ring jumper exceeding the total

length of circulation risers.

5.8. In buildings up to 4 floors high, as well as in buildings in which there is no possibility of laying ring jumpers, it is allowed to install heated towel rails:

on the circulation risers of the hot water supply system;

on a year-round bathroom heating system, while water risers and distribution pipelines should be laid together with heating pipelines in general insulation.

5.9. Connecting water taps to circulation risers and circulation pipelines is not permitted.

5.10. For rural populated areas and towns, the choice of the type of hot water supply system is determined by a technical and economic calculation.

5.11. The installation of storage tanks in a centralized hot water supply system should be provided in accordance with Section. 13.

5.12.* The pressure in the hot water supply system at sanitary appliances should be no more than 0.45 MPa (4.5 kgf/


6.1.* For residential and public buildings, as well as administrative buildings of industrial enterprises, the need to install an internal fire-fighting water supply system, as well as the minimum water consumption for fire extinguishing, should be determined in accordance with Table. 1*, and for industrial and warehouse buildings - in accordance with table. 2.

The water consumption for fire extinguishing, depending on the height of the compact part of the jet and the diameter of the spray, should be clarified according to the table. 3.

The need to install automatic fire extinguishing systems must be taken in accordance with the requirements of the relevant estimated norms and rules and lists of buildings and premises to be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing equipment, approved by the ministries. In this case, the simultaneous operation of fire hydrants and sprinkler or deluge installations should be taken into account.

Table 1*

Residential, public

and administrative

buildings and premises

Number Minimum water consumption for internal fire extinguishing, l/s, per jet

1. Residential buildings:

with the number of floors from 12 to 16 1 2,5
the same, with a total corridor length of over 10 m 2 2,5
with the number of floors St. 16 to 25 2 2,5
the same, with the total length of the corridor of St. 10 m 3 2,5
2. Office buildings:
height from 6 to 10 floors and volume up to 1 2,5
2 2,5
2 2,5
the same, volume of St. 25000 cubic meters 3 2,5
3. Clubs with a stage, theaters, cinemas, assembly and conference halls equipped with film equipment According to SNiP 2.08.02-89*
4. Dormitories and public buildings not listed in pos. 2:
with the number of floors up to 10 and volume from

5000 to 25000 cubic meters

1 2,5
the same, volume of St. 25000 cubic meters 2 2,5
with the number of floors St. 10 and volume up to 2 2,5
the same, volume of St. 25000 cubic meters 3 2,5
5. Administrative buildings

industrial enterprises volume, cubic meters:

from 5000 to 25000 1 2,5
St. 25000 2 2,5
Notes: 1. The minimum water flow rate for residential buildings can be taken equal to 1.5 l/s in the presence of fire nozzles, hoses and other equipment with a diameter of 38 mm.

2*. The volume of the building is taken to be the construction volume determined in accordance with SNiP 2.08.02-89*.

table 2

Degree of fire Number of jets and minimum water consumption, l/s, per jet,

for internal fire extinguishing in industrial and

warehouse buildings up to 50 m high and volume, thousand cubic meters

from 0.5 to 5 St. 5 to 50 St. 50 to 200 St. 200 to 400 St. 400 to 800
III IN 2 2.5 2·5 2·5 - -
III G, D - 2 2.5 2 2.5 - -
IV and V IN 2 2.5 2·5 - - -
IV and V G, D - 2 2.5 - - -
Notes: 1. For laundry factories, fire extinguishing should be provided in the dry laundry processing and storage areas.

2. Water consumption for internal fire extinguishing in buildings or premises with a volume exceeding the values ​​​​specified in table. 2, should be agreed upon in each specific case with the territorial fire authorities.

3. The number of jets and water consumption of one jet for buildings of fire resistance class: IIIb - buildings of predominantly frame construction. Frame elements made of solid or laminated wood and other combustible materials of enclosing structures (mainly wood) subjected to fire retardant treatment; IIIa - buildings predominantly with an unprotected metal frame and enclosing structures made of fireproof sheet materials with low-flammable insulation; IVa - predominantly one-story buildings with a metal unprotected frame and enclosing structures made of sheet fireproof materials with combustible insulation are accepted according to the specified table depending on the location of categories of production in them, both for buildings of II and IV fire resistance degrees, taking into account the requirements of paragraph 6.3* (equating fire resistance degrees IIIa to II, IIIb and IVa to IV).

Table 3

Height of the compact part of the jet or Produce


fire department

jets, l/s

Pressure, m, y

hot tap

with sleeves

length, m



fire department

jets, l/s

Pressure, m, y

hot tap

with sleeves

length, m



fire department

jets, l/s

Pressure, m, y

hot tap

with sleeves

length, m

premises, 10 15 20 10 15 20 10 15 20
m Fire nozzle tip spray diameter, mm
13 16 19

Fire hydrants d = 50 mm

6 - - - - 2,6 9,2 9,6 10 3,4 8,8 9,6 10,4
8 - - - - 2,9 12 12,5 13 4,1 12,9 13,8 14,8
10 - - - - 3,3 15,1 15,7 16,4 4,6 16 17,3 18,5
12 2,6 20,2 20,6 21 3,7 19,2 19,6 21 5,2 20,6 22,3 24
14 2,8 23,6 24,1 24,5 4,2 24,8 25,5 26,3 - - - -
16 3,2 31,6 32,2 32,8 4,6 29,3 30 31,8 - - - -
18 3,6 39 39,8 40,6 5,1 36 38 40 - - - -

Fire hydrants d = 65 mm

6 - - - - 2,6 8,8 8,9 9 3,4 7,8 8 8,3
8 - - - - 2,9 11 11,2 11,4 4,1 11,4 11,7 12,1
10 - - - - 3,3 14 14,3 14,6 4,6 14,3 14,7 15,1
12 2,6 19,8 19,9 20,1 3,7 18 18,3 18,6 5,2 18,2 19 19,9
14 2,8 23 23,1 23,3 4,2 23 23,3 23,5 5,7 21,8 22,4 23
16 3,2 31 31,3 31,5 4,6 27,6 28 28,4 6,3 26,6 27,3 28
18 3,6 38 38,3 38,5 5,1 33,8 34,2 34,6 7 32,9 33,8 34,8
20 4 46,4 46,7 47 5,6 41,2 41,8 42,4 7,5 37,2 38,5 39,7

Page 1 of 35

SNiP 2.04.01-85



SNiP 2.04.01-85*



DEVELOPED BY GPI Santekhproekt of the USSR State Construction Committee ( YU. N. Sargin), TsNIIEP of engineering equipment of Gosgrazhdanstroy (candidate of technical sciences) L. A. Chopinsky), MNIITEP GlavAPU of the Moscow City Executive Committee (candidate of technical sciences) N. N. Chistyakov; I. B. Pokrovskaya), Donetsk Industrial Construction Project of the USSR State Construction Committee ( E. M. Zaitseva), SKTB Rostrubplast Roskolkhozstroyobedinenie (candidate of technical sciences) A. Ya. Dobromyslov), Research Institute Mosstroy (candidate of technical sciences) Ya. B. Alesker).

INTRODUCED GPI Santekhproekt of the USSR State Construction Committee.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL BY Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroy USSR ( B. V. Tambovtsev).

With the introduction of SNiP 2.04.01-85 “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings”, SNiP II-30-76 “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings” and SNiP II-34-76 “Hot water supply” are lost.

AGREED BY THE USSR Ministry of Health, GUPO USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When using a regulatory document, you should take into account the approved changes to building codes and regulations and state standards published in the magazineConstruction Equipment Bulletin",Collection of amendments to building codes and regulations" of the USSR State Construction Committee and information indexState standards of the USSR" Gosstandart.

Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee

No. - 20 from 11.28.91

Putting the change into effect

Developer: SantekhNIIproekt

Gosstroy USSR

CHANGE # - 1

SNiP 2.04.01-85


Clause 6.1. In the first paragraph, replace the words: “auxiliary buildings” with the words: “administrative buildings”.

Table 1. In the heading of the first column, replace the words: “auxiliary buildings” with the words: “administrative buildings”;

in position 3 of the table, columns 2 and 3 should be stated in a new edition: “according to SNiP 2.08.02-89”;

in position 5 of the table in column one, replace the words: “auxiliary buildings” with the words: “administrative buildings”;

Note 2 to the table should be stated in a new edition:

"2. The volume of the building is taken to be the construction volume determined in accordance with SNiP 2.08.02-89."

Clause 6.3 shall be stated in a new edition:

"6.3. In industrial and warehouse buildings, for which, in accordance with Table 2, the need to install an internal fire water supply system has been established, the minimum water consumption for internal fire extinguishing, determined according to Table 2, should be increased:

when using frame elements made of unprotected steel structures in buildings of III and IVa degrees of fire resistance, as well as from solid or laminated wood (including those subjected to fire-retardant treatment) - by 5 l/sec (one jet);

when using insulation from combustible materials in the enclosing structures of buildings of fire resistance class IVa - by 5 l/sec (one jet) for buildings with a volume of up to 10 thousand m 3; with a volume of more than 10 thousand m 3 an additional 5 l/sec (one jet) for every subsequent full or incomplete 100 thousand m 3 of volume.

The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to buildings for which, in accordance with Table. 2 internal fire water supply is not required."

Clause 6.5. In the first paragraph, the words: “should not” be replaced with the words: “not required”;

in subparagraph b) after the words: “general education schools,” add the text with the words: “except for boarding schools,”;

in subparagraph e) delete the words: “from fireproof materials”;

in subparagraph e) the words: “auxiliary buildings” are replaced with the words: “administrative buildings”;

subparagraph g) shall be stated in a new wording:

“g) in buildings storing roughage, pesticides and mineral fertilizers”;

subparagraph h) be deleted;

in the note to the paragraph, delete the words: “from fireproof materials.”

Clause 6.6. Paragraphs five, six and the note to the paragraph should be deleted.




Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings SNiP 2.04.01-85*

DEVELOPED BY GPI Santekhproekt of the State Construction Committee of the USSR (Yu. N. Sargin), TsNIIEP of engineering equipment of the State Civil Engineering Committee (Candidate of Technical Sciences L. A. Shopensky), MNIITEP GlavAPU of the Moscow City Executive Committee (Candidate of Technical Sciences N. N. Chistyakov; I. B. Pokrovskaya ), Donetsk Industrial Construction Project of the State Construction Committee of the USSR (E. M. Zaitseva), SKTB Rostrubplast of the Roskolkhozstroyobedinenie (Candidate of Technical Sciences A. Ya. Dobromyslov), Research Institute Mosstroy (Candidate of Technical Sciences Ya. B. Alesker), NPO "Stroypolymer" ( Prof. V.S. Romeiko, V.A. Ustyugov), MGSU (Prof. V.N. Isaev), Mosvodokanalproekt (A.S. Verbitsky).

INTRODUCED GPI Santekhproekt of the USSR State Construction Committee.

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL BY Glavtekhnormirovanie Gosstroy USSR (Gosstroy USSR) - B.V. Tambovtsev, V.A. Glukharev.

AGREED BY THE USSR Ministry of Health, GUPO USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

SNiP 2.04.01-85* is a reissue of SNiP 2.04.01-85 with amendments No. 1, 2, approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee of November 28, 1991 No. 20, dated July 11, 1996 No. 18-46 and amendments introduced by letter State Construction Committee of the USSR dated May 6, 1987 No. ACh-2358-8.

Items and tables to which changes have been made are marked in these building codes and regulations with an asterisk.

When using a regulatory document, you should take into account the approved changes to building codes and regulations and state standards published in the journal “Bulletin of Construction Technology” and the information index “State Standards”.

1. General Provisions

1.1 .These standards apply to the design of internal cold and hot water supply, sewerage and drainage systems under construction and reconstruction. .

1.2. When designing systems for internal cold and hot water supply, sewerage and drains, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of other regulatory documents approved or agreed upon by the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

1 . 3. These standards do not apply to the design of:

fire-fighting water supply systems of enterprises producing or storing explosive, flammable and combustible substances, as well as other facilities, the requirements for the internal fire-fighting water supply of which are established by the relevant regulatory documents;

automatic fire extinguishing systems;

heating points;

hot water treatment plants;

hot water supply systems that supply water for the technological needs of industrial enterprises (including medical procedures) and water supply systems within technological equipment;

special industrial water supply systems (deionized water, deep cooling, etc.).

1.4. Internal water supply is a system of pipelines and devices that provides water supply to sanitary fixtures, fire hydrants and technological equipment, serving one building or a group of buildings and structures and having a common water measuring device from the water supply network of a settlement or industrial enterprise.

In the case of supplying water from the system for external fire extinguishing, the design of pipelines laid outside buildings must be carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.04.02-84*.

Internal sewerage - a system of pipelines and devices in a volume limited by the outer surfaces of enclosing structures and outlets up to the first inspection well, ensuring the removal of wastewater from sanitary fixtures and technological equipment and, if necessary, local treatment facilities, as well as rain and melt water into the sewerage network appropriate purpose of a settlement or industrial enterprise.

Notes: 1. Hot water preparation should be provided at installations in accordance with the instructions for the design of heating points and heating units.

2. Local wastewater treatment plants should be designed in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85 and departmental building codes.

1.5. In all types of buildings erected in sewer areas, internal water supply and sewerage systems should be provided.

In non-sewered areas of populated areas, internal water supply and sewerage systems with the installation of local sewerage treatment facilities must be provided in residential buildings over two floors high, and hotels. nursing homes (in rural areas), hospitals, maternity hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, dispensaries, sanitary and epidemiological stations, sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding houses, pioneer camps, nurseries, boarding schools, educational institutions, secondary schools, cinemas, clubs , catering establishments, sports facilities, bathhouses and laundries.

Notes: 1.In production and auxiliary buildings, internal water supply and sewerage systems may not be provided in cases where the enterprise does not have a centralized water supply and the number of employees is no more than 25 people. per shift.

2. In buildings equipped with internal drinking or industrial water supply, it is necessary to provide an internal sewerage system.

1.6. In non-sewered areas of settlements, it is allowed to equip the following buildings (structures) with backlash closets or cesspools (without installing water supply inlets):

production and auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises with up to 25 employees. per shift;

residential buildings 1-2 floors high;

dormitories with a height of 1-2 floors for no more than 50 people;

pioneer camps with no more than 240 seats, used only in the summer;

Type I clubs;

open planar sports facilities;

catering establishments with no more than 25 seats.

Note. Backlash closets may be provided when designing buildings for climatic regions I-III.

1.7 . The need to install internal drains is established by the architectural and construction part of the project.

1.8. Pipes, fittings, equipment and materials used in the installation of internal systems of cold and hot water supply, sewerage and drains must comply with the requirements of these norms, state standards, norms and technical specifications approved in the prescribed manner.

When transporting and storing drinking water, you should use pipes, materials and anti-corrosion coatings approved by the Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority of Russia for use in domestic drinking water supply practice.

1.9. The main technical decisions taken in projects and the order of their implementation must be justified by comparing the indicators of possible options. Technical and economic calculations should be performed for those options whose advantages (disadvantages) cannot be established without calculation.

The optimal calculation option is determined by the lowest value of the reduced costs, taking into account the reduction in the consumption of material resources, labor costs, electricity and fuel.

1.10. When designing, it is necessary to provide for the use of progressive technical solutions and work methods: mechanization of labor-intensive work, automation of technological processes and maximum industrialization of construction and installation work through the use of prefabricated structures, standard and standard products and parts manufactured in factories and procurement workshops.

1.11. The main letter designations adopted in these standards are given in the mandatory Appendix 1.