Structural high-quality carbon steels GOST 1050 88. Long-rolled products, calibrated, with special surface finishing from high-quality carbon structural steel

Classification. By type of processing, rolled products are divided into: hot-rolled and forged; calibrated; with special surface finishing. -
Depending on the condition of the material, rolled products are produced: without heat treatment, heat treated - TO; cold-worked - NG (for calibrated rolled products and hard rolled products with special surface finishing).

Rolled products are produced in two surface quality groups:
2GP - mainly for hot pressure treatment; ,
ZGP - mainly for cold machining.

Steel grades: 08, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 58 (55pp), 60.
In the steel grade designation, the numbers indicate the average carbon content in hundredths of a percent.

The surface quality and requirements for cutting the ends of calibrated rolled products must comply with GOST 1051-73 groups B and C, with special surface finishing - GOST 14955-77 groups B, D and D.
The hardness (TB1) of long products without heat treatment should not exceed 255 HB; calibrated and with special surface finishing hardened - 269 NV.

Technical requirements. The mechanical properties and impact strength of rolled products are given in table. 3. Standards of Mechanical properties specified in table. 3, relate to rolled products with a diameter or thickness of up to 80 mm. For rolled products with a diameter or thickness over 80 mm, a reduction in the relative elongation by 2% and the relative contraction by 5% is allowed.
The macrostructure (MS) normalized in points is given in Table. 4.: The normalized mechanical properties (M2) of calibrated rolled products in the cold-worked or untreated state are given in table. 5.

3. Mechanical properties of rolled products in a normalized state (M1)

10 205 330 31 55 - 20 245 410 25 55 - 30 295 490 21 50 78 40 335 570 19 45 59 50 375 630 14 40 38 58 (55pp) 315 660 12 28 -
steel grade Yield strength s t,MPa Temporary resistance s in,MPa Relative extension d 5, % Relative narrowing Y% Impact strength * KCU, J/cm 2
no less
08 196 329 33 60 -
15 225 379 27 55 -
25 275 450 23 50 88
35 315 530 20 45 69
45 355 600 16 40 49
55 380 650 13 35 -
60 400 680 12 35 -

* Impact strength (IUV) of heat-treated (quenching + tempering) samples.

1. Standards of mechanical properties given in table. 3, refer to rolled products with a diameter or thickness of up to 80 mm. For rolled products with a diameter or thickness over 80 mm, a reduction in relative elongation by 2% (abs.) and relative contraction by 5% (abs.) is allowed. Standards of mechanical properties for workpieces forged from rods with a diameter or thickness of over 120 to 250 mm for rolled products with a diameter or thickness of 90 to 100 mm must correspond to those given in Table. 3.
2. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, for steel grades 25 - 60, a reduction in tensile strength by 20 MPa is allowed in comparison with the standards specified in Table. 3, while simultaneously increasing the elongation rates by 2% (abs.).

4 . Normalized macrostructure (RMS) of steel in points, no more

Central porosity Point heterogeneity Liquidation square General spot eradication General spot eradication Shrink liquidation for rolled size Subcortical vesicles Intercrystalline cracks
up to 70 mm St. 70 mm
3 3 3 2 1 1 2 Not allowed

Note. For rolled products with a size of 70 mm or more with a surface quality of the ZGP group, subcortical bubbles of point 2 are allowed to a depth of no more than 1/2 of the tolerance for diameter or thickness.

5. Standardized mechanical properties (M2) of calibrated rolled products

15 8 45 340 23 55 25 7 40 410 19 50 35 6 35 470 15 45 45 6 30 540 12 40
steel grade s in,MPa Relative extension d 5, % Relative extension d 5, % Tensile strength s in,MPa Relative extension d 5, % Relative extension d 5, %
Cold-hardened rolled products Chilled or high-low rolled products
No less
10 410 8 50 290 26 55
20 490 7 40 390 21 50
30 560 7 35 440 17 45
40 610 6 35 510 14 40
50 660 6 30 560 12 40

Rental range:
hot-rolled round grades 08-60 according to GOST 2590-88;
hot-rolled square - GOST 2591-88;
hot-rolled hexagonal - GOST 2879-88;
hot rolled strip -. GOST 103-76;
forged round and square - GOST 1133-71;
calibrated round - GOST 7417-75;
round with special surface finishing - GOST 14955-77.

Examples of symbols

Long-rolled products, round, of normal rolling accuracy (B), class II in curvature of unmeasured length (ND), with a diameter of 100 mm according to GOST 2590-88, made of steel grade. 30, with surface quality group 2GD. with mechanical properties according to (M1), with hardness according to (TV1), impact strength control according to (KUV), with deburring (US), with hot upset test (65), without heat treatment;


V - II - ND - 100 GOST 2590 - 88
30 - 2GP - M1 - TV1 - KUV - UZ - 66 GOST 1050 - 88

Rolled strip, normal rolling accuracy (B), sickle shape class 2, deviation from flatness class 2, multiple measured length (CD), thickness 3 mm, width 90 mm according to GOST 103-76, from steel grade 45, with surface quality of the ZGI group , with mechanical properties according to (M1)^ with hardness according to (TB1), with normalized hardening ability (HR), without heat treatment:

Calibrated rolled products, square, with a tolerance range of h11, a multiple of the measured length (CD), with a square side of 15 mm in accordance with GOST 8559-75, from steel grade 20, with surface quality of group B in accordance with GOST 1051-73, with mechanical properties in accordance with (MZ ), with hardness according to (TV2), ensuring weldability (GS), cold-worked (NG);

Examples of symbols that can be given in design documentation

Rolled products with special surface finishing: round, with tolerance range h11, unmeasured length (ND), diameter 8 mm, surface quality group B according to GOST 14955-77, made of grade 20 steel, with mechanical properties according to table. 5 (M2), about hardness according to, (TVZ), Cold-worked (NG):


h11 - ND - 8 GOST 14955 - 77
20 - V - M2 - TV3 - NG GOST 1050 - 88

5. Mechanical properties and hardness of hot-rolled and calibrated thermally untreated rolled carbon sulfur steel

25 550 - 700 19 35 315 500 - 650 21 35 - - - - 35 630 - 780 17 25 380 600 - 750 19 25 315 550 - 700 20 25 45 700 - 850 14 15 430 650 - 800 16 15 375 630 - 780 17 15 55 800 - 950 12 - 490 750 - 900 14 - 420 700 - 850 15 -
steel grade Mechanical properties of rolled products
up to 16 mm from 16 to 40 mm from 40 to 100 mm
Yield strength
s t,MPa
Relative extension d 5, % Impact work KS, J Yield strength
s t,MPa
Tensile strength s in, MPa Relative extension d 5, % Impact work KS, J Yield strength
s t,MPa
Tensile strength s in, MPa Relative extension d 5, % Impact work KS, J
no less no less no less no less
30 400 600 - 750 18 30 355 550 - 700 20 30 295 500 - 650 21 30
40 460 650 - 800 16 20 400 630 - 780 18 20 355 600 - 750 19 20
50 520 750 - 900 13 - 460 700 - 850 15 - 400 650 - 800 16 -
60 580 850 - 1000 11 - 520 800 - 950 13 - 450 750 - 900 14 -

1. Standards of mechanical properties before 01/01/92 are not rejected; determination is required.
2. The mechanical properties of steel 30 apply to rolled products up to 63 mm in size.
3. The values ​​of mechanical properties are given for rolled products with a round section.

6. Standardized hardness, HB, rolled products

10 - 187 143 20 - 207 163 30 - 229 179 50 207 255 217 60 229 269 229
steel grade Hot woven and forged rolled products Rolled products calibrated and with special surface finishing
without heat treatment after annealing or high tempering hard-worked annealed or high tempered
no more
08 131 - 179 131
15 149 - 197 149
25 170 - 217 170
35 207 - 229 187
40 217 187 241 197
45 220 197 241 207
55 255 217 269 229

Steel 20. Application in production.

The use of steel 20 in general engineering is widespread. Load-handling parts of cranes, various fingers, pipes, and replaceable elements of sliding bearings are made from this material. Pipeline fittings made from steel 20 are characterized by resistance to high operating pressure in pipelines.

We are interested in the “profile” use of steel 20. Some sources indicate that it is acceptable to manufacture worm gear elements from St 20, namely the worm. This is not an entirely true statement. In its “pure” form, this steel is not used in gearboxes. The manufacture of worms and gears for newly produced drive mechanisms from low-carbon steels, to which Steel 20 belongs, is allowed only if it contains alloying elements. The composition should contain chromium, manganese and molybdenum in larger proportions. If the part is produced for repair purposes, then it must undergo a carburization process, because steel 20, due to its original carbon content, does not hold hardening. But cementation requires expensive chemical-thermal equipment, which only specialized, highly specialized enterprises can afford.

In the mass production of drive mechanism parts, a strip of Steel 20 is used. Assembly units of drive roller chains, connecting and transition links are stamped from it. These products are small in size and do not require a large furnace chamber for carburizing.

Chemical composition of Steel 20.

For all carbon steels, the most significant is the percentage of carbon content in the total composition. This indicator is indicated on the brand in hundredths of a percent. The full chemical composition of Steel 20 will be as follows:

  • iron (Fe) - up to 98%;
  • carbon (C) - from 0.17 to 0.24%;
  • manganese (Mn) - from 0.35 to 0.65%;
  • nickel (Ni) - up to 0.25%;
  • sulfur (S) - up to 0.04%;
  • phosphorus (P) - up to 0.04%;
  • chromium (Cr) - up to 0.25%;
  • copper (Cu) - up to 0.25%;
  • arsenic (As) - 0.08%.

Steel 20 GOST.

The production of all the most important products from Steel 20 is regulated by the following standards (GOST):

  • long products, including shaped steel - GOST 1050-88, GOST 2590-2006, GOST 2591-2006, GOST 2879-2006, GOST 8509-93, GOST 8510-86, GOST 8240-97, GOST 8239-89;
  • calibrated rod - GOST 7417-75, GOST 8559-75, GOST 8560-78, GOST 10702-78;
  • polished rod and silver - GOST 14955-77;
  • thick sheet - GOST 1577-93, GOST 19903-74;
  • thin sheet - GOST 16523-97;
  • tape - GOST 6009-74, GOST 10234-77, GOST 103-2006, GOST 82-70;
  • wire - GOST 5663-79, GOST 17305-91;
  • forgings and forged blanks - GOST 8479-70;
  • pipes - GOST 10704-91, GOST 10705-80, GOST 8731-74, GOST 8732-78, GOST 8733-74, GOST 5654-76, GOST 550-75.

Steel 20. Mechanical properties.

Mechanical characteristics at elevated temperatures

Test temperature, °C σ0.2, MPa σВ, MPa δ5, % ψ, % KCU, J/cm2
20 280 430 34 67 218
200 230 405 28 67 186
300 170 415 29 64 188
400 150 340 39 81 100
500 140 245 40 86 88
700 130 39 94
800 89 51 96
900 75 55 100
1000 47 63 100
1100 30 59 100
1200 20 64 100

Mechanical properties of Steel 20 at a temperature of +20C.

Regulatory document Delivery status σВ (MPa) δ5 (%) ψ (%) HB (no more)
GOST 1050-74 Calibrated steel:
  • hot-rolled, forged and silver steel of the 2nd category after normalization
410 25 55
  • 5th category after hardening
490 7 40
  • 5th category after annealing or high tempering
390 21 50
GOST 10702-78 Steel calibrated and calibrated with special finishing:
  • after holiday or annealing
390-490 50 163
  • after spheroidizing annealing
340-440 50 163
  • cold-worked without heat treatment
490 7 40 207
GOST 1577-81 Normalized or hot-rolled strips 410 25 55
GOST 4041-71 Heat-treated sheet of category 1-2 340-490 28 127

Mechanical properties of forgings

Heat treatment KP Section, mm σ0.2, MPa σВ, MPa δ5, % ψ, % KCU, J/m 2 HB, no more
Normalization 175 less than 100 175 350 28 55 64 101-143
175 100-300 175 350 24 50 59 101-143
175 300-500 175 350 22 45 54 101-143
175 500-800 175 350 20 40 49 101-143
195 less than 100 195 390 26 55 59 111-156
195 100-300 195 390 23 50 54 111-156
215 less than 100 215 430 24 53 54 123-167
215 100-300 215 430 20 48 49 123-167
Hardening. Vacation 245 100-300 245 470 19 42 39 143-179

Mechanical properties of steel after chemical-thermal treatment.

Technological properties of Steel 20

Specific gravity 7.85 g/cm3
Material hardness Steel 20 after annealing, GOST 1050-88 HB 10 -1 = 163 MPa
Calibrated, cold-worked rod, GOST 1050-88 HB 10 -1 = 207 MPa
Heat-treated sheet. GOST 4041-71 HB 10 -1 = 127 MPa
Hot-deformed pipes, GOST 550-75 HB 10 -1 = 156 MPa
Pipes, GOST 8731-87 HB 10 -1 = 156 MPa
Thick annealed sheet, GOST 1577-93 HB 10 -1 = 156 MPa
Critical point temperature Ac 1 735
Ac 3 (Ac m) 850
Ar 3 (Arc m) 835
Ar 1 680
Forging temperature started 1280
end 750
cooling on air
Cutting machinability: in the hot-rolled state at HB 126-131 and δ B = 450-490 MPa To υ TV. spl =1.7 and K υ =1.6
Weldability of the material without restrictions, except for parts after chemical-thermal treatment
Welding methods RDS, ADS under flux and gas protection, KTS
Flock sensitivity not sensitive
Tendency to temper brittleness not inclined

Impact strength.

Impact strength KCU (J/cm3) at low temperatures °C

GOST Delivery status Section, mm KCU at +20 KCU at -40 KCU at -60
19281-73 Long and shaped rolled products from 5 to 10 64 39 34
from 10 to 20 incl. 59 34 29
from 20 to 100 incl. 59 34 -
19282-73 Sheets and strips from 5 to 10 64 39 34
from 10 to 60 incl. 59 34 29
Sheets after quenching, tempering (Transverse samples) from 10 to 60 incl. - 49 29

Endurance limit

σ -1, MPa J-1, MPa δ5, MPa σ 0.2,MPa Heat treatment, steel condition
206 500 320
245 520 310
225 490 280
205 127 Normalization 910 C, release 620 C.
193 420 280
255 451 Cementation 930 C, hardening 810 C, tempering 190 C.

Physical properties of steel 20

Test temperature, °C 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Modulus of normal elasticity, E, GPa 212 208 203 197 189 177 163 140
Modulus of elasticity under torsional shear G, GPa 78 77 76 73 69 66 59
Density, pn, kg/cm3 7859 7834 7803 7770 7736 7699 7659 7917 7624 7600
Thermal conductivity coefficient λ, W/(m °C) 51 49 44 43 39 36 32 26 26
Ud. electrical resistance, R, (p, NOm m) 219 292 381 487 601 758 925 1094 1135
Linear expansion coefficient, а, (10-6 1/°С) 12,3 13,1 13,8 14,3 14,8 15,1 15,2
Specific heat capacity, C, J/(kg °C) 486 498 514 533 555 584 636 703 703 695

Our catalog also contains descriptions and characteristics of other steel grades used in the production of drive chains and gearboxes.

Carbon structural quality steel gauged bars with special surface finish. General specifications

GOST 1050-88

OKP 09 5000, 11 4100, 11 5000

Date of introduction 01/01/91

This standard establishes general technical conditions for hot-rolled and forged long products from high-quality carbon structural steel grades 08, 10, 15, 20, 25,30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 58 (55pp) and 60 with a diameter or thickness of up to 250 mm, as well as rolled calibrated and with special surface finishing of all brands.

In terms of chemical composition standards, the standard applies to other types of rolled products, ingots, forgings, stampings made of steel grades listed above, as well as steel grades 05kp, 08kp, 08ps, 10kp, 10ps, 11kp, 15kp, 15ps, 18kp, 20kp and 20ps .


1.1. The grades and chemical composition of steel according to the ladle sample must correspond to those given in Table 1.

Table 1

Continuation of the table. 1


  1. According to the degree of deoxidation, steel is designated: boiling - kp. semi-calm - ps, calm - without index.
  2. Steel grade 05kp is not allowed for use in newly created and modernized equipment.
  3. The profile for oblique washers in accordance with GOST 5157 is made of steel grades 20 and 35.

1.1.1. The mass fraction of sulfur in steel should be no more than 0.040%, phosphorus - no more than 0.035%. For steel grades 11kp and 18kp used for cladding, the mass fraction of sulfur should be

no more than 0.035%, phosphorus - no more than 0.030%.

1.1.2. The residual mass fraction of nickel in steel of all grades should not exceed 0.30%, mediv of steel grades 11kp and 18kp - 0.20%, in steel of other grades - 0.30%.

1.1.3. In steel grades 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60, intended for the manufacture of patented wire, the mass fraction of manganese should be 0.30-0.60%, nickel - no more than 0.15%, chromium - no more than 0.15 %, copper - no more than 0.20%. The mass fraction of sulfur and phosphorus is in accordance with the requirements of the wire standards, but does not exceed the standards given in clause 1.1L.

1.1.4. In steel grades 08ps, 10ps, 15ps and 20ps, intended for the production of rolled sheets for cold stamping, a mass fraction of manganese up to 0.25% is allowed according to the lower limit.

1.1.5. In steel grades 08ps, 10ps, 15ps and 20ps, a mass fraction of silicon less than 0.05% is allowed, provided that deoxidizers other than silicon are used in the required quantities.

1.1.6. In steel, the mass fraction of arsenic is allowed to be no more than 0.08%.

1.1.7. The mass fraction of nitrogen in oxygen-converter steel should not exceed 0.006% for rolled sheets and strip and 0.008% for other types of rolled products.

1.1.8. According to the order in quiet steel, produced by scrap process and scrap

ore process, a residual mass fraction of nickel and chromium of no more than 0.40% each is allowed.

1.2. In rolled products, billets, forgings and further processing products, deviations in chemical composition from the standards given in Table 1 are allowed in accordance with Table 2.

1.3. The range of rolled products must meet the requirements:

GOST 2590 - for hot-rolled rounds;

GOST 2591 or other regulatory and technical documentation - for hot-rolled square;

GOST 1133 - for forged round and square;

GOST 2879 - for hot-rolled hexagonal;

GOST 103 - for hot-rolled strip;

GOST 4405 - for forged strip;

GOST 5157 - for profiles for oblique washers;

GOST 7417 - for calibrated round;

GOST 8559 - for calibrated square;

GOST 8560 - for calibrated hexagonal;

normative and technical documentation - for calibrated strip;

GOST 14955 - with special surface finishing.

Examples of symbols are given in Appendix 1.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

table 2


2.1. Characteristics of the basic version

2.1.1. Rolled products of unmeasured length (ND) with maximum deviations for normal dimensional accuracy, curvature, ovality and other requirements for shape, crescent shape and deviation from flatness, class 2 according to GOST 103 (for strip).

2.1.2. Rolled products of calibrated unmeasured length (ND) with maximum deviations for field tolerance - h11, ovality - no more than maximum deviations in diameter.

2.1.3. Rolled products with special surface finishing of unmeasured length (ND) with maximum deviations for the tolerance field - h11, ovality - no more than half of the maximum deviations for diameter.

2.1.4. Long-rolled products without heat treatment, calibrated and with a special surface finish, hard-worked - NG or heat-treated (annealed, highly tempered, normalized, normalized with tempering, hardened with tempering) - TO.

2.1.5. Long rolled products of two surface quality groups: 2GP and 3GP. Rolled products of surface quality group 2РП are intended mainly for hot forming, group 3ГП - mainly for cold machining.

2.1.6. On the surface of rolled products of surface quality group 2GP there should be no rolled bubbles, rolling films, sunsets, cracks, contamination, or stress cracks.

2.1.1—2.1.6. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). Defects on the surface must be removed by flat cutting or grinding, the width of which must be at least five times the depth.

The depth of cleaning defects, based on the actual size, should not exceed:

half the size tolerance - for rolled products with a size of less than 80 mm;

size tolerance - for rolled products with sizes from 80 to 140 mm;

5% of diameter or thickness - for rolled products with sizes from 140 to 200 mm;

6% of diameter or thickness - for rolled products larger than 200 mm.

In one section of rolled products with a size (diameter or thickness) of more than 140 mm, no more than two strippings of maximum depth are allowed. On the rolled surface, individual risks, dents and ripples with a depth within half the size tolerance, as well as rolled out bubbles and dirt (hairs) with a depth not exceeding the size tolerance, but not more than 0.20 mm, based on the actual size, are allowed without cleaning.

2.1.7. On the surface of rolled products with surface quality of group 3GP, local defects with a depth not exceeding the minus maximum deviation per size for rolled products with a size of less than 100 mm are allowed; size tolerance - for rolled products with a size of 100 mm or more.

The depth of defects is calculated from the nominal size.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.1.8. Rolled products must be cut.

Crumpled ends and burrs are acceptable.

The bevel of cutting long products up to 30 mm in size is not regulated; over 30 mm, it should not exceed 0.1 of the diameter or thickness. Rolled sections up to 40 mm in size of unmeasured length may be produced with uncut ends.

2.1.9. The surface quality and requirements for cutting the ends of calibrated rolled products must comply with GOST 1051 groups B and C, with special surface finishing - GOST 14955 groups B, D and D.

In rolled products with special surface finishing, decarburization is not allowed.

2.1.10. The hardness (TB1) of long products without heat treatment should not exceed 255 HB, calibrated and with a special surface finish of cold-worked steel - 269 HB.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.1.11. The mechanical properties of rolled products in a normalized state (M1) must comply with the standards given in Table 3.

Table 3


  1. The standards of mechanical properties given in Table 3 apply to rolled products with a diameter or thickness of up to 80 mm. For rolled products with a diameter or thickness over 80 mm, a reduction in relative elongation by 2% (abs.) and relative contraction by 5% (abs.) is allowed.
  2. Standards of mechanical properties for workpieces forged from bars with a diameter or thickness of over 120 to 250 mm for rolled products with a diameter or thickness of 90 to 100 mm must correspond to those given in Table 3.
  3. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, for steel grades 25–60, it is allowed to reduce the tensile strength by 20 N/mm 2 (2 kgf/mm 2) compared to the standards specified in Table 3, while simultaneously increasing the elongation standards by 2% (abs. .).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.1.12. The macrostructure of rolled products should not have shrinkage cavities, looseness, bubbles, delaminations, internal cracks, slag inclusions and flakes.

2.2. Customer specifications

2.2.1. Rolled steel grades 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 with a mass fraction of boron of 0.002-0.006%.

In this case, the letter P is placed at the end of the brand designation.

2.2.2. Rolled steel from mild steel with a mass fraction of silicon of 0.17-0.27%.

2.2.3. Rolled cut lengths (MD).

2.2.4. Rolled lengths that are a multiple of the measured length (KD).

2.2.5. Rolled products calibrated and with a special surface finish with a tolerance range of h12.

2.2.6. Long products in a heat-treated state (annealed, highly tempered, normalized, normalized with tempering) - TO.

2.2.7. Rolled products with surface quality of group 1GP - without rolled bubbles and contaminants (hairs) and tested for hot upsetting (65).

Rolled products are intended primarily for hot upsetting, heading and stamping. The manufacturer may not test rolled products over 80 mm in size.

2.2.8. Rolled steel grades 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 with impact strength control (ICH) at

heat-treated (quenching + tempering) samples.

Impact strength standards must correspond to those indicated in Table 4.

2.2.9. Rolled products calibrated in a cold-worked or heat-treated state with standardized mechanical properties (M2) in accordance with the requirements specified in table. 5.

Table 4

Table 5

2.2.10. Rolled products with a microstructure (MCS) normalized in points in accordance with the requirements specified in table. 6.

Table 6

Note. For rolled products with a size of 70 mm or more with a surface quality of group B, subcortical bubbles of point 2 are allowed to a depth of no more than 1/2 of the tolerance for diameter or thickness.

2.2.11. Rolled products with standardized hardness (TB2) in accordance with the requirements given in table. 7.

Table 7

2.2.12. Rolled products with ultrasonic testing (UT) of internal defects in accordance with GOST 21120.

2.2.13. Rolled products ensuring weldability (WS).

2.2.14. Rolled steel grades 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 58 (55pp), 60, intended for surface hardening with high frequency currents, with decarburization (ferrite + transition zone) no more than 1.5% of the diameter or thickness per side (1C ).

2.2.3—2.2.14. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.2.15. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

2.3. Characteristics established by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer

2.3.1. Rolled products with reduced carbon mass fraction limits compared to those given in Table 1, but not less than 0.05%.

2.3.2. Rolled products with reduced carbon mass fraction limits compared to those given in Table 1, but not less than 0.05%, without taking into account the permissible deviations in finished rolled products specified in Table 2.

2.3.3. Rolled products with a mass fraction of sulfur of 0.020–0.040%.

2.3.4. Rolled products with a mass fraction of sulfur not exceeding 0.025%.

2.3.5. Rolled products with a phosphorus mass fraction of no more than 0.030%.

2.3.6. Rolled products with a mass fraction of copper not exceeding 0.25%.

2.3.7. Long products with a diameter or thickness of over 30 to 140 mm with removal of burrs (UZ) and crumpled ends.

2.3.8. For rolled steel with increased hardness by 15 HB compared to those given in Table 7 (TB3).

2.3.9. Rolled products with standardized mechanical properties (M3), determined on samples cut from heat-treated blanks (hardening + tempering) of the size specified in the order, in accordance with the requirements of Table. 8.

Table 8


  1. Standards of mechanical properties before 01/01/92 are not rejected; determination is required.
  2. The mechanical properties of steel 30 apply to rolled products up to 63 mm in size.
  3. The values ​​of mechanical properties are given for rolled products with a round section. For rectangular sections, ranges of equivalent diameters are given in Appendix Rolled products with normalized hardenability (HR) in accordance with Appendices 3 and 4.

2.3.11. Rolled steel grades 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 58 (55pp), 60, intended for surface hardening with high frequency currents, with decarburization (ferrite + transition zone) no more than 0.5% of the diameter or thickness per side (2C ).

2.3.12. Rolled products in pickled condition (T).

2.3.6—2.3.12. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.3.13. Rolled products calibrated with tolerance range h10.

2.3.14. Hot-rolled bars with increased (B) and high (A) dimensional accuracy.

2.3.15. Rolled products with surface quality group 2GP with hot upsetting test (65).

The manufacturer may not test rolled products over 80 mm in size.

2.3.16. Rolled steel grades 45, 50, 50A with hardness control (TV4) on hardened samples in accordance with the requirements specified in Table 8a.

2.3.17. The mass fraction of nitrogen is not more than 0.008% in oxygen-converter steel for thin sheets.

2.3.13—2.3.17. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

2.4. It is allowed in the technical specifications for specific products to provide for additional or increased characteristics not provided for by this standard.

A list of additional characteristics is given in Appendix 5.

2.5. Marking and packaging of rolled products - in accordance with GOST 7566.

2.5.1. Packaging of calibrated rolled products is in accordance with GOST 1051, with special surface finishing - in accordance with GOST 14955.

2.5.2. The marking is applied directly to the product if the product is not subject to packaging, and on the label if the product is packaged in bundles, skeins and coils.

Table 8a


3.1. Rolled products are accepted in batches consisting of steel of one heat, one size and one heat treatment mode (when manufactured in a heat-treated state).

By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, batches are formed from steel of the same grade of several heats of the same size.

Each batch is accompanied by a quality document in accordance with GOST 7566.

When deoxidizing agents other than silicon are used for semi-quenched steel, a corresponding indication is made in the quality document.

For rentals accepted with characteristics established by the consumer in accordance with paragraphs. 2.2 and 2.3, the quality document indicates the test results for the ordered indicators.

3.2. The rolled products are subjected to acceptance tests.

3.3. To check the quality, the following are selected from a batch of rolled products:

  1. for chemical analysis - samples in accordance with GOST 7565. The manufacturer periodically controls residual copper, nickel, chromium, arsenic and nitrogen, at least once a quarter. When producing steel, taking into account the manganese equivalent, control of residual copper, nickel and chromium is carried out at each heat;
  2. to control surface quality and dimensions - all rods, strips and coils;
  3. to control the macrostructure by fracture or etching, to test for impact bending, to determine the depth of the decarbonized layer - two rods, strips or coils;
  4. to test hardness - 2% of rods, strips or coils, but not less than 3 pieces;
  5. for tensile testing - one rod, strip or coil for control in a normalized state, two rods, two strips or two coils for control in a cold-worked, annealed, high-tempered or tempered condition;
  6. to determine hardenability - one rod, strip or coil from a ladle melt of steel of all grades that do not contain boron, and two rods, two strips or two coils from a ladle melt of steel grades containing boron;
  7. to determine the grain size - one rod, strip or coil from a melting ladle;
  8. for slump testing - three rods, strips or coils;
  9. To determine hardness after hardening, use two longitudinal samples from the melt.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.4. If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one of the indicators, repeated tests are carried out in accordance with GOST 7566.

The results of repeated tests are applied to the entire batch.


4.1. Chemical analysis of steel is carried out according to GOST 22536.0—GOST 22536.9, GOST 27809, GOST 12359 or other methods that are not inferior in accuracy to standard ones. If disagreements arise, chemical analysis is carried out according to GOST 22536.0—GOST 22536.9, GOST 27809, GOST 12359.

4.2. The quality of the surface is checked by inspection of the rolled product without the use of magnifying devices. If necessary, the surface is brightened or etched, and for rolled products with a special surface finish with a diameter of up to 3 mm inclusive, the inspection is carried out at a magnification of up to 10 x. The depth of defects on the surface of the rolled product is determined by control cleaning or filing with a file.

4.3. Geometric dimensions and shape are determined using measuring instruments in accordance with GOST 26877, GOST 162, GOST 166, GOST 427, GOST 2216, GOST 3749, GOST 5378, GOST 6507, GOST 7502, or tools certified in accordance with GOST 8.001* or GOST 8.326*.

4.4. Sampling from coils for all types of tests is carried out at a distance of at least 1.5 turns from the end of the roll.

4.5. From each rod, strip or coil selected for inspection, the following is taken:

  • for tensile and upset testing, to determine the grain size, hardenability and depth of the decarbonized layer - from one sample;
  • for impact bending testing - one sample of each type;
  • to control the macrostructure - one template.

4.6. Sampling for slump testing is in accordance with GOST 7564.

4.7. Sampling for testing mechanical properties according to tables 3 and 5 is carried out according to GOST 7564 (option 1), according to tables 4 and 8 - according to GOST 7564 (option 2).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.7a. Selection of samples to determine hardness after hardening is carried out according to the scheme given in Appendix 8.

Samples for control can be cut from finished rolled products or final billets (in heat control).

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

The samples are heated to a forging temperature of 850–1000°C and upset by 65% ​​relative to the original height. There should be no open cracks or sunsets on the deposited samples.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.9. Brinell hardness is determined according to GOST 9012. The hardness of rolled products with a diameter or thickness of less than 5 mm is not determined.

4.9a. Rockwell hardness after quenching is determined according to GOST 9013 on a site located in the middle of the length of the sample. The surface of the site for hardness measurement is subjected to cleaning: in this case, the surface roughness Ra should be no more than 1.25 microns according to GOST 2789.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

4.10. The tensile test is carried out according to GOST 1497 on samples of five times the length with a diameter of 5 or 10 mm.

For rolled products with a diameter or thickness up to 25 mm inclusive, testing may be carried out on samples without mechanical treatment.

The impact strength test is carried out according to GOST 9454 on type 1 samples.

The direction of the sample axis is along the rolling direction.

4.11. Samples for tensile testing of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of Table 3 are cut from normalized blanks with a diameter or square side of 25 mm.

PR 50.2.009-94 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

For rods with a diameter of less than 25 mm, normalization is carried out in the finished section of the rod (without cutting the workpiece).

Note. For rods larger than 120 mm, sampling for mechanical tests can be carried out from forged or re-rolled blanks with a cross-section of 90-100 mm.

4.12. Samples for tensile testing of rolled products in accordance with the requirements of Table 8 are cut from heat-treated blanks of the size specified by the consumer.

4.13. The heat treatment modes of workpieces (specimens) for testing mechanical properties are given in Appendices 6 and 7, for hardness control after hardening - in Appendix 9.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.14. Inspection of the macrostructure for fractures or etched templates is carried out without the use of magnifying devices in accordance with GOST 10243.

It is allowed to use ultrasonic testing (UT) and other non-destructive testing methods, agreed upon in the prescribed manner.

4.15. The depth of the decarbonized layer is determined according to GOST 1763.

4.16. Hardenability is determined by the method of end hardening according to GOST 5657.

4.17. The grain size is determined according to GOST 5639.

4.18. On steel of one heat that has passed tests for macrostructure, hardenability and mechanical properties on large rolled sections, the manufacturer may not carry out the above tests when producing smaller rolled sections.

4.19. The manufacturer is allowed to use statistical and non-destructive testing methods according to a methodology agreed upon in the prescribed manner. In case of disagreement and during periodic checks of product quality, the control methods provided for in this standard are applied.


5.1. Transportation and storage - in accordance with GOST 7566 with the following addition.

5.1.1. Products are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules for the transportation of goods in force for this type of transport. By rail, transportation is carried out depending on the weight and overall dimensions in covered or open cars. The weight of the cargo package should not exceed 10,000 kg for mechanized loading in open vehicles, and 1,250 kg in covered vehicles. Packaging, means and methods for forming packages - in accordance with GOST 7566.

When sending two or more packages, the dimensions of which make it possible to arrange a transport package with overall dimensions in accordance with GOST 24597, the packages must be formed into transport packages. Fastening means - according to GOST 21650.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).





In the design documentation it is allowed to provide examples of symbols in accordance with Scheme 2.

Examples of symbols

Long-rolled products, round, normal rolling hardness (B), curvature class II, unmeasured length (ND), diameter 100 mm according to GOST 2590-88, made of grade 30 steel, surface quality group 2GP, with mechanical properties according to Table 3 (M1), with hardness according to clause 2.1.10 (TV1), with impact strength control according to Table 4 (KUV), with deburring (US), with hot upset test (65), without heat treatment:

Circle V-11-ND-100 GOST 2590-88/30-2GP-M1-TV1-KUV-UZ-66 GOST 1050-88

Long-rolled products, square, with increased rolling precision (B), class I in curvature, cut length (MD), with a square side of 25 mm in accordance with GOST 2591-88, from steel grade 35, with surface quality of group 1GP, with mechanical properties according to the table .8 (M3), with hardness according to table 7 (TB2), with macrostructure (KMS) normalized in points according to table 6, with decarburization according to clause 2.2.14 (1C), heat treated (HT):

Square B-1-MD-25 GOST 2591-88/35-1GP-M3-TV2-KMS-1S-TO GOST 1050-88

Rolled strip, normal rolling accuracy (B), sickle shape class 2, deviation from flatness class 2, multiple measured length (CD), thickness 36 mm, width 90 mm according to GOST 103-76, from steel grade 45, with surface quality group 3GP , with mechanical properties according to Table 3 (M1), with hardness item 2.1.10 (TV1), with normalized hardenability (HR), without heat treatment:

Strip V-2-2-KD-36x90 GOST 103-76/45-3GP-M1-TV1-PR GOST 1050-88

Hot-rolled profile for oblique washers, cut-to-length (MD), with dimensions 2ВхНхй = 32x5.8x4 mm according to GOST 5157-83, made of grade 35 steel, with surface quality group 3GP, with mechanical properties according to Table 3 (M1), with hardness according to clause 2.1.10 (TV1), without heat treatment:

Profile for oblique washers MD-32x5.8x4 GOST5157-83/35-3GP-M1-TV1

Calibrated rolled products, round, with a tolerance range according to L11, cut length (MD), with a diameter of 10 mm according to GOST 7417-75, made of grade 45 steel, with surface quality of group B according to GOST 1051-73, with mechanical properties according to Table 5 ( M2), with hardness according to clause 2.3.8 (TV3), with decarburization according to clause 2.3.11 (2C), cold-worked (NG):

Circle M1-MD-10 GOST 7417-75/45-V-M2-TV3-2S-NGGOST 1050-88

Calibrated, square rolled products, with a tolerance range of L1, a multiple of the measured length (CD), with a square side of 15 mm in accordance with GOST 8559-75, from steel grade 20, with surface quality of group B in accordance with GOST 1051-73, with mechanical properties according to Table 8 (M3), with hardness according to table. 7 (TV2), ensuring weldability (GS), cold-worked (NG):

Square M1-KD-15 GOST 8559-75/20-B-M3-TV2-GS-NGGOST 1050-88

Calibrated rolled products, hexagonal, with a tolerance range of h12, of unmeasured length (ND), with an inscribed circle diameter of 8 mm according to GOST 8560-78, made of grade 45 steel, with surface quality of group B according to GOST 1051-73, with mechanical properties according to Table 3 (M1), with hardness according to table. 8a (TV4), heat treated (TO):

Hexagon M2-ND-8 GOST 8560-78/45-V-M1-TV4-TO GOST 1050-88

Rolled products with special surface finishing, round, with tolerance range L11, of unmeasured length (ND), with a diameter of 8 mm, with surface quality of group B according to GOST 14955-77, made of grade 20 steel, with mechanical properties according to Table 5 (M2), with hardness according to table 7 (TV3) cold-worked (NG):

Circle M1-ND-8 GOST 14955- 77/20-V-M2-TV3-NG GOST 1050- 88

Examples of symbols that can be given in design documentation:

Rolled products with special surface finishing, round, with tolerance range L11, unmeasured length (ND), diameter 8 mm, surface quality group B according to GOST 14955-77, made of grade 20 steel, with mechanical properties according to Table 5 (M2), with hardness according to table 7 (TV3), cold-worked (NG):

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).








Steel grade 35


Steel grade 40


Steel grade 45





Table 9


1. Rolled products with a normalized mass fraction of nitrogen in electric steel.

2. Rolled products with a lower hourly fraction of manganese, reduced against the norms of the table. 1 per manganese equivalent equal to:

B M = 0.3(Cr%)+0.5 (Ni%) + 0.7 (Ci%),

where Cr, Ni, Cu is the residual actual mass fraction of chromium, nickel, copper in steel, not exceeding the standards specified in Table 1.

3. Rolled products calibrated from steel grades 08, 55 and 60 in a cold-worked or heat-treated state with control of mechanical properties.

4. Rolled products with normalized impact strength on type I samples at a temperature of minus 40°C.

5. Rolled products with normalized impact strength on type II samples at temperatures of plus 20°C and sub-zero temperatures.

6. Rolled without control of relative contraction.

7. Rolled products calibrated and with a special surface finish with normalized hardness, normalized with tempering and hardened with tempering.

8. Long-rolled products with standardized hardness in a normalized state.

9. Rolled products with standardized hardness within specified limits.

10. Rolled products without hardness control.

11. Rolled products with a standardized austenite grain size.

12. Rolled products with standardized purity for non-metallic inclusions.

13. Rolled products with standardized purity based on hair fibers identified on the surface of finished parts using the magnetic method or etching.

14. Rental of small-tonnage lots.

Heat treatment modes for workpieces to control the mechanical properties given in Tables 3 and 4

Table 10

  • when normalizing or hardening - 30 minutes; when tempering 200°C - 2 hours;
  • when tempering 600°C - 1 hour.
  • The cooling medium during quenching is water.

Heat treatment modes for workpieces to control the mechanical properties given in Table 8

Table 11




Modes of thermal treatment of samples to determine hardness after hardening, given in table. 8a

Table 12


  1. Holding time during hardening (after reaching the hardening temperature) 20 min.
  2. Oil temperature (65±10)°C.

APPENDICES 8, 9 (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated November 24, 1988 No. 3811

3. INSTEAD GOST 1050-74


5. The validity period was lifted according to Protocol No. 5-94 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-12-94)

6. REISSUE (April 1996) with Change No. 1, approved in December 1991 (IUS 4-92)

Substitutes for steel 20 are steel 15 and steel 25.

Designation of steels according to GOST 1050-88

When designating steel 20:

  • the word "steel" is written in full,
  • the number 20 is written separately (separated by a space),
  • there is no point.

For example, “steel 20” or exactly according to the standard “steel grade 20”. This is the difference between the designations of structural carbon quality steels and those according to GOST 380-2005. The number after the word “steel” indicates the nominal carbon content of the steel in hundredths of a percent. For steel 20, this is 0.20% carbon.

Unlike high-quality steels (steel 20, steel 25 and others), ordinary steels according to GOST 380-2005 are designated abbreviated, continuous and without a dot, for example, st3 or st4. If we really follow the letter of the standard, then “steel grade St3”.

Steel 20: chemical composition

The chemical composition of steel 20 is determined by GOST 1050-88:

  • carbon: 0.17-0.24%;
  • silicon: 0.17-0.37%;
  • manganese: 0.35-0.65%;
  • copper: no more than 0.25%;
  • nickel: no more than 0.25%;
  • arsenic: no more than 0.08%;
  • sulfur: no more than 0.4%;
  • phosphorus: no more than 0.035%.

Steel structure 20

Typical structure of steel 20 – . 20 it is possible to obtain a lath martensite structure. Thermally strengthened rolled steel 20 is used for the manufacture of hardware products (strength class 8.8).

Technological properties of steel 20

  • forging start temperature - 1280° C,
  • forging completion temperature - 750° C,
  • Forging cooling is air.

Not prone to flake formation.

Not prone to temper brittleness.

Weldability of steel 20:

  • no limits;
  • without preheating;
  • without subsequent heat treatment.

Application of steel 20

The following are made from steel 20:

  • lightly loaded parts (pins, axles, copiers, stops, gears);
  • cemented parts for long-term operation, including at temperatures up to 350° C;
  • crane hooks;
  • bearing shells and other parts for operation under pressure at temperatures from minus 40 to 450 °C.

Steel 20 after chemical-thermal treatment is used for parts with high surface strength (worms, worm pairs, gears). Steel 20 is widely used for the production of pipeline fittings, steam pipelines, seamless high-pressure pipes, welded rectangular and square profiles.

Types of steel supply 20

Types of steel supply 20:

  • long products;
  • calibrated rod;
  • ground rod;
  • silverfish;
  • thick sheet;
  • thin sheet thin;
  • ribbon;
  • band;
  • wire;
  • forgings and forged blanks;
  • pipes.