How to make a summer water supply at your dacha with your own hands. How to make a water supply system at your dacha with your own hands: rules for laying, installation and arrangement

Today it is difficult to see a person lifting water from a well by hand. Many site owners are trying to create a plumbing system. The same applies to the dacha. Here, on a plot that is intended for growing vegetables and garden trees, water is the most necessary resource. That is why many people are interested in how to install plumbing in a dacha with their own hands. This will be discussed in this article.

Stages of creation

Before you begin installing a water supply system at your dacha, you need to carry out some preparatory work. First, decide on the source of water. Secondly, draw up a diagram of the location of all elements of the water supply system.

Note! It is worth considering for what period you will need water. Winter and summer water supply will differ both in the materials used and in their design.

And of course, don’t forget about the pipes used. In this regard, modern manufacturers can offer two proven options:

  • metal pipes;
  • plastic products.

More recently, except steel pipes, there was nothing to use. But such material is not durable. The metal corrodes and the plumbing system quickly fails. In addition, installing such communications is quite difficult. Another thing - plastic pipes. They are lightweight, inexpensive and do not corrode. All this has made plastic products very popular.

If you will use the water supply only in summer period and only for watering the garden, then hoses can be used instead of pipes. In this case, both a regular garden option and fire hoses are suitable. Only similar system can hardly be called running water.

Where to get water from

First of all, before planning your water supply at your summer cottage, it is important to decide on the source of water. Several options can be used for these purposes. For example, take water from:

  • well;
  • open source;
  • central water supply systems.

Each option has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the last one - the central water supply. In this case, you do not need to worry about buying a pump (of course, if the pressure in the system is sufficient). In addition, the central water supply already contains purified water, which means there is no need to install filters.

But this option is not always acceptable. Firstly, not all holiday villages have a central water supply. Secondly, you have to pay to use such a system. The more water you use for irrigation or personal needs, the higher your costs.

Note! It is not always possible to use water from an open source. Not every site has rivers or lakes. In addition, you must obtain permission to use them. Another disadvantage is the purity of the water. Of course, such a “liquid” is quite suitable for watering, but as a drinking water It's better not to use it.

A well is the simplest option. The water here is quite clean (but you still need to install filters to use it for drinking or cooking), and it’s easier to get. The downside is the well itself. It cannot be dug up everywhere. For example, in areas where the underground aquifer is located too deep (20 meters or more), digging a well will be difficult, and most likely impossible.

The most optimal source of water can be considered an artesian well. True, you will have to spend money on its creation. Firstly, it is necessary to invite specialists who will determine where the water layer lies. Secondly, you need to buy pipes and pay drillers for the well itself. But as a result, you will have your own uninterrupted source clean water. It will be enough for you for watering, drinking and cooking, and for technical and household needs. Plus, your operating costs will only consist of electricity bills.

Which is better, a pump or a pumping station?

If you have figured out the source of water, then you should think about how to get it from there. In order for the water supply in the country to work as it should, it is necessary to use optional equipment. So, to pump water out of a well you can use:

The first option is considered the most common. Deep well pumps are placed directly into the well. Such units are capable of pumping water from depths of 10 to 150 meters.

To install a deep-well pump, the pipe in the well must correspond to the cross-section of the unit itself. This requires higher drilling costs than when using, for example, a pumping station. Before lowering the pump into the well, it is connected to electrical cable, a pipe for water (most often made from polymer materials) and a cable on which the device itself will be held. The unit is then lowered into the pipe to the groundwater level.

Surface pumps are installed if the water depth is no more than 10 meters. Such units for a country water supply system are often used if the water source is an open reservoir. It is enough to install the pump on the bank of a river or lake, lower the suction hose with a mesh into the reservoir, and turn it on.

Note! Unlike deep-well pumps, surface pumps can operate not only on electricity, but also on liquid fuel. But diesel and gasoline units are used mainly during irrigation. For permanent work plumbing system such devices are of little use due to the need to constantly add fuel to the tank.

Not long ago pumping stations appeared on the market. In addition to the pump, the kit of such a device includes a water container, a suction hose and various automation.

Pumping stations differ in the presence and location of the ejector:

  • built-in Such units are considered the most powerful. A station with a built-in ejector is capable of pumping water from a well up to 40 meters deep. The only drawback of such a device is its high noise level;
  • external In this case, the ejector is located on the suction hose and is lowered directly into the well. Such devices can also pump water from a depth of 40 meters and, moreover, they operate quietly. The disadvantage of pumping stations with an external ejector is their sensitivity to small solid particles that can enter the water from the well;

Without ejector. Such pumping stations are the cheapest. They can only pump water from a depth of up to 10 meters. But they are economical and silent.

Note! Advantages of pumping stations compared to simple pumps is that they work autonomously. In addition, thanks to the presence of a container (hydraulic accumulator), water can be used for some time after a power outage. That is why many people choose pumping stations if water supply at their dacha is needed not only for irrigation, but also for domestic needs.

The difference between summer and winter water supply

Plumbing in a dacha is needed to achieve two goals. First of all, it is necessary to supply water to the house for domestic needs and drinking. But, besides this, many summer residents grow vegetables, root crops and garden plants. And all living organisms need water, and in large quantities.

If your dacha is used only for growing plants, then there is no point in installing winter water supply. Summer option much cheaper. It will require less effort from you during installation. How to make summer plumbing will depend on its varieties. Here you can try to mount two options:

  • temporary;
  • stationary.

In the first case, you just need to install the pump, connect the hoses to it, and your water supply is ready. After the end of the irrigation season, all elements of the system are simply removed to a warm room or garage.

If you don’t want to bother with stretching and moving hoses from place to place every time, then you can make a stationary water supply for watering your plants. In this case, it is enough to lay several pipes along all plantings and equip them with shut-off valves.

If watering is necessary, you turn on the pump and open the required valve. Water flows to the beds and irrigates them. After the end of the season, it is enough to simply remove the pump to a warm room and remove the remaining water from the pipes.

If the water supply system must work in winter period, then it is necessary to make great efforts to create it. This is due to the fact that all elements require insulation.

As a rule, to prevent pipes from freezing in winter cold, they are laid to a depth below the freezing level of the soil. But in some regions this figure can be one and a half or even two meters. Not everyone can dig such deep trenches in their dacha.

There is another, more easy way. In this case, the depth of laying the pipes will be no more than half a meter. But you can’t just dig a trench, the communications will definitely freeze. To prevent this from happening, you should use insulation. As such it can be applied;

  • slag;
  • expanded clay;
  • foam chips, etc.

The insulation you choose must have certain characteristics. Firstly, he should not be afraid of dampness and aggressive environments. Secondly, the material must be “disliked” by various rodents and other small animals. In addition, the insulation must not be suitable for mold growth.

Today, special casings (shells) for water supply systems have appeared on sale. They can be different diameters and carefully put on the pipes. This insulation is made from various polymers, has a small thickness and a low thermal conductivity coefficient. The use of such casings greatly facilitates the installation of water supply systems in the country. Indeed, in this case it is enough to deepen the pipes into the ground only 20–30 cm.

But not only communications need insulation. Your well and pump (or pumping station) also need to be protected from freezing. For these purposes, a caisson is most often used. This design is a container located above a well with a pump. The caisson is also insulated using thermal insulation materials.


An overview of the country water supply system is shown in the video:

Watering is not an easy task, and running around the dacha with a bucket back and forth is tiring. That is why the best solution this question on personal plot there will be construction of a water pipeline for the summer, and the best material– plastic pipes.

There are two types of country water supply:

  • collapsible;
  • stationary.

Construction of a collapsible pipeline and its advantages

Summer irrigation water supply is a system of polypropylene pipes that supplies water from a source to the required places on the site.

The dismountable pipeline runs on the surface of the earth.

With its help, you can deliver water to garden beds, summer showers, bathhouses and for other purposes. When cold weather sets in, the pipeline is washed and disassembled into its component parts before the onset of warm weather. This is necessary in order to avoid rupture of the elements when water freezes in them.

A collapsible pipeline has a number of advantages. It can be quickly assembled and disassembled. If there is a leak, it is easy to detect and the affected area can be replaced. If necessary, the pipe wire can be lengthened or shortened. In addition, such a system has a low cost.

Collapsible water supply system is connected to each other polypropylene pipes, connected in series to a source on the surface of the earth. However, this method there are disadvantages. Pipes lying on the surface interfere with free movement on the site. You need to constantly watch your step, and a soft hose is easily damaged by accidentally hitting it with a shovel or other sharp tool. There are cases of theft of water supply sections during the absence of the owners. However, all these disadvantages are covered by the low cost and simplicity of the design.

Currently, the construction of a collapsible summer water supply system does not present any difficulties. There are special kits in stores that include sets of connecting elements, a hose and polypropylene pipes. To assemble such a water supply system you do not need to be a great specialist. This will take no more than half an hour. It is fixed to the ground with special pegs that hold it in one position.

Installation of stationary water supply and its advantages

Stationary water supply for irrigation involves underground pipe laying. Only the target water points remain above ground. The depth of installation varies depending on the location.

So, under the lawn the pipe is buried no more than 20 centimeters from the surface of the earth. At the same time, under the beds the line is laid at a depth of at least 40 centimeters.

When cold weather sets in, it is necessary to completely drain the water from the pipeline. Otherwise, the water in the pipes will freeze and burst.

To drain water yourself without special devices, the pipes must be installed at an angle.

A drain valve must be installed at the lowest point of the water supply.

An independent water supply system will allow you to forget about the main inconvenience country life– about the absence or lack of water. But it is quite simple to install a water supply system at a dacha from a well, especially since a water intake for one plot of land does not need to have a large flow rate. After all, you would like to get water on your own property, right?

After reviewing the information presented for consideration, you will be able to make your own autonomous water supply. It will reliably supply water to places convenient for use. Those who want to increase the level of dacha comfort with our help will cope with the arrangement of the system without any problems.

We described in detail the equipment required for assembly and installation, analyzed the operating principle and purpose of each device. The article we presented describes in detail the technology of carrying out work with step-by-step detailing. Valuable information and recommendations are supplemented with photo collections, diagrams and video reviews.

The well is a circular opening, drilled without human access to the face. The diameter of such a mine is always much smaller than its depth. Two types of wells are used for water intake.

Filter or “sand wells”

The depth of such workings does not exceed 35 m. Filter for a nearby aquifer, which is located in sandy soils.

Such a well is a casing assembled from pipes with a diameter of 127 to 133 mm. It is usually equipped with a wire mesh filter, but there may be other options. Filter wells have a small flow rate, most often it does not exceed one cubic meter of water per hour.

Artesian or “limestone wells”

Deep structures that are drilled into an aquiferous area common in fractured limestone. It is about 20-130 m deep. Unlike sand wells, artesian wells have a higher flow rate. It can reach up to 100 cubic meters of water per hour.

Drilling wells on limestone is quite difficult, and the casing string is quite long. The drilling procedure lasts four or more days.

The figure shows a diagram of an artesian well, which is characterized by a large water flow and a long service life

Accordingly, the cost of work and materials is significantly higher. The advantage of artesian wells is their long service life. They do not require a filter because the host rock does not contain fine clay and sand particles.

In this way, the well does not become silted, so it can last much longer than a filter well, five decades or even more.

Selecting a pump for pumping water

The pump is a kind of “heart” of the system. The uninterrupted operation of the future water supply system depends on its correct selection. You can find several types of submersible and surface pumps on sale.

Deep and surface units

The latter are called so because the pump itself is removed from the pumped liquid. The body of the unit is located on land, and water is drawn through a hose lowered into the well.

Experts identify several criteria that must be taken into account when choosing a mechanism.

The total depth of the excavation and the water level in it

Key characteristics when choosing a pump. The technical documentation must indicate the optimal depth at which the device is intended to operate.

If this requirement is not observed, the device will not operate efficiently and may quickly fail. The well's passport must indicate both its depth and water level. They can only be compared with the characteristics of the pump.

If such data is not available, you can use very in a simple way to measure the depth of a structure. We take a long dry rope, tie a weight to its end and lower it into the hole. We lower the rope down until the weight touches the bottom. We remove the cable. We measure the dry part - this will be the distance from the top to the water level. The wet part is the height of the water column.

Approximate debit of the water intake source

This is the name of the mass of water that can be obtained from a well in a certain period of time. Drillers indicate this value in their passport, but if not, we make approximate calculations.

We completely pump out the water from the well and measure the time during which we did this. Then we measure the time it takes for the well to fill with water. We divide the second result by the first and get an approximate debit, which will be enough to select a pump.

The video will demonstrate how to determine the flow rate of a well and choose a pump:

Estimated water requirement

Different pumps can supply water at speeds from 20 to 200 liters per minute. In order not to overpay for a more powerful model, it is important to correctly calculate your own water needs.

On average, it is believed that one person needs about 200 liters of water per day, so for a family of three to four people, a pump with a capacity of 30 to 50 liters per minute is needed.

Some people prefer to take a device with a “reserve” of power, which will inevitably affect its cost. If it is planned that the pump will work not only to serve household needs, but also for irrigation, the increase in its power should be calculated.

It will depend on the size of the plot, but on average about 2000 liters per day should be enough. Thus, it is necessary to increase the water demand by 40-50 l/min.

Pumps have different capacities; to choose the right model, it is important to correctly determine the daily water requirement

Pressure required for operation of devices

The pump passport must indicate the pressure. To calculate the required pressure, we add another 30 to the depth of our well expressed in meters. This way we get the height of the water column.

We increase the result obtained by another 10% and obtain the desired value. Comparing it with the pump data, we select a model. If there is no exact match, we “move” in the direction of increase.

The diameter of the pump must exactly match the diameter of the drilled well, otherwise problems with the installation and operation of the device cannot be avoided

Diameter of drilled well

Another important quantity that determines the power of the pump. Like others, you can take it from the well’s passport or measure it yourself. It should be taken into account that the diameter of the well must be expressed in inches, where an inch is equal to 2.54 cm.

The vast majority of pumps are designed to work in 4-inch wells. For 3-inch ones, you will most likely have to order a pump from a catalog.

Equipment for autonomous water supply

Now you can carefully lower the pump into the well. We do this carefully, without jerking, and do not forget to fasten the electric cable feeding the pump to the water pipe every meter and a half.

The wire should lie freely, without tension. After the pump touches the bottom, raise it to a height of one to three meters and secure it. Now we install the upper part of the head in place.

We connect all the equipment located in the caisson to the water supply and electrical cable: water purification system, shut-off valves, automation, etc. During the work, we strictly follow all the recommendations of the device manufacturer. After connecting, we once again check the reliability and tightness of the connections of the water supply pipeline and the electrical safety of the newly assembled system.

Header for casing pipe designed to seal the structure and protect it from dirt, debris, and foreign objects getting into it

Stage #4: installation and connection of the hydraulic accumulator

The volume of the hydraulic accumulator can be very different: from 10 to 200 liters. Depending on it, the location where the equipment will be installed is selected. This can be either a caisson or the basement of a house.

When choosing an installation location, it is necessary to take into account that it is necessary to ensure free access to the device for subsequent maintenance, repair or possible replacement failed container.

During installation of the hydraulic accumulator, it is necessary to install check valve, preventing the flow of water from the plumbing system into the tank. It is placed in the direction of fluid movement. A drain valve is also installed for emergency drainage of water from the tank. To reduce the level of vibration from a working device, we mount it using a special rubber seal.

Filters – required element arrangement of water supply. They make well water suitable for domestic use and drinking

We connect the water supply pipe to the hydraulic accumulator. We assemble a starter that will supply electricity pump equipment. We connect a sensor to the hydraulic accumulator, which will monitor the pressure in the compartments of the tank, and through it we power the starter. We connect the hydraulic accumulator to internal system water supply, directly or through a collector.

Step #5: Perform a test run of the system

After installation and connection of all elements of the system have been carried out, you can begin its test run. First, we activate the pump and, if necessary, debug its operation.

Then fill with water storage tank and check the accuracy of the automatic pump start and shutdown systems. Then we carefully inspect the entire pipeline.

We need to identify possible leaky areas. If there are any, we carry out renovation work. In addition, we check the operation of all plumbing fixtures connected to the water supply.

We also pay attention to the performance of the system: the water pressure should be normal even with all taps open. If the test run was successful and the system works without failures, we dig a trench to supply water supply from the well to the house.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Practice-tested options for constructing an autonomous water supply are presented in the video:

Assembling a water supply system from a well yourself is a rather difficult task. It is important to choose the right equipment that matches the type of well, install it correctly and connect it.

If you have no experience in such work, you should entrust it to specialists who will quickly and correctly set up the system. The owner will only have to enjoy the comfort of his home, equipped autonomous system water supply.

We are waiting for your stories about your own installation of water supply at your summer cottage. You can leave them or comments in the block below. Please comment, ask questions, share information and knowledge.

Having your own well at your dacha is good, but sooner or later you will get tired of carrying several dozen buckets of water per day. Therefore, we suggest that you think about building a water supply system. If the cost of such a project stops you, then we hasten to reassure you: today you can build a cheap and reliable water supply system from plastic pipes, to which a mixer from can then be connected. Such a plastic water supply system at the dacha will help you solve the problem of delivering water to the house, to the garden beds using irrigation systems, etc.

Water main

When developing a water main project, keep in mind that it must consist of two parts: internal and external. The last line delivers water to the house; the internal one helps distribute water inside the home.

To arrange the internal pipeline, you will need to stock up on pipes, water intake fittings and fittings that will help connect the pipes into a full-fledged water supply system. For the outside, you will also need a pump, filters and a water source. A more complex installation of a plastic water supply system with your own hands at the dacha also involves installing a battery that will help control water intake, protect your pump from overloads, and you will also need automation that will regulate the process of water intake, shut-off valves, etc.

Even at the time of developing the water supply project, it will be necessary to take into account that access to the system must be easy so that timely maintenance or repair of the water supply can be carried out.

Water source for plumbing

An important point is the source of water. Summer residents have several options to provide their plot with water.

The simplest of them is connecting to the central highway. It is important here that the pressure in such a water supply system is sufficient to provide your home with water. It will be simple to build such a water supply: you will need to dig trenches in the area for laying pipes, lay them and connect them. But, unfortunately, connecting to central highways is not always possible for various reasons.

Another source of water for a do-it-yourself plastic water supply in the country is a mine well. To do this, you will need to dig the well itself. Remember that the main condition here is the depth of the water, it should not be more than 10 meters. This option is also considered one of the most optimal; you will be able to independently maintain the entire system when you need it, and you will regulate the water intake and supply yourself. Maintaining a mine well is easy. Among the disadvantages of such water supply is limited water intake. In addition, for such a water supply it is necessary to install a pump; a simple surface model will do.

The third option is to dig a well. This option is suitable for areas where groundwater deepened by more than 10 meters. The big disadvantage of this option is that digging a well is not a cheap pleasure; you cannot do it yourself; you will need to rent special equipment. On the other hand, a well will allow you to provide your home with sufficient quantities of clean water.

In addition to drilling a well, you will also have to spend money on a good submersible or borehole pump.

Types of water pipelines

One of the most simple options water supply is a summer plastic water supply in the country. His main drawback– use only in the warm season. But for the dacha this is not critical, because we usually come here only at this time.

Such a water supply system can be made either stationary or collapsible. For the collapsible version, hoses and a pump are used to organize the water supply to the house, and a plastic water supply is laid throughout the house. Stationary option requires the installation of pipes underground. Plastic pipes are laid at a depth of about a meter. It is important to completely pump out the water from the pipes before the start of winter so that the water supply does not freeze.

The second option is a winter water supply; it is needed if you plan to visit your dacha during the winter season. Plastic pipes for winter water supply at the dacha can be taken of two types - polypropylene or polyethylene. Polypropylene ones are slightly more expensive, and in addition, a special soldering iron is required for their installation. The second option will be cheaper and will not require the use of special equipment. On the other hand, for such a water supply you will need to buy expensive components.

The installation and planning of winter water supply needs to be approached more thoroughly and seriously.

Installation of winter water supply

For the winter water supply, you will need to develop a detailed layout plan for its placement. Keep in mind that the pipes for such a water supply system are laid at a slope to the water source.

Winter water supply pipes are placed below the freezing level of the ground, and a trench is dug at least 20 centimeters deeper than this level. If it is not possible to dig such deep trenches, then you need to make additional insulation for the pipes so that the water in them does not freeze in winter. The insulation is usually cylindrical polyethylene.

Insulation will be required not only for the pipes, but also for the water source itself. Also, if you install a surface pump, you will need to additionally install a caisson. You will also need to think about the insulation of the sewerage system.

The construction of a water supply system in a dacha occurs in several stages:

  1. First, they draw a diagram, indicating on the plan the points of water intake, the location of fittings and other points. Perform according to the finished scheme detailed drawing, where all components and dimensions of the pipeline are noted.
  2. Prepare everything you need: purchase pipes, fittings, a pump and other equipment provided for in the drawing of your plumbing.
  3. Next, trenches are dug from the water source to the house for laying pipes.
  4. A deep pump is lowered into a well or well. The surface one is placed near the well, equipped with a caisson.
  5. Next, connect the pipe: on one side to the pump, on the other to the five-pin fitting.
  6. Next, you can install a pressure gauge, pressure switch, and battery. They are attached to the fitting.
  7. A pipe is attached to the last outlet of the fitting and installation of the external water supply line begins. An armored electrical cable is laid in the same trench, which will provide power to the pump and battery. Don't forget to ground the outlet.
  8. A shut-off valve is installed before the water supply enters the house.
  9. Before filling the trench, check the operation of the external part of the water supply, make sure that all connections are tight.
  10. Next, the internal piping is done. Install a cleaning system; filters are used for these purposes. Lay out pipes around the house based on the needs of the residents. Country water supply is no different from apartment water supply, so you can use your home wiring as a basis.
  11. If you need hot water at the dacha, you will need to install a boiler to heat water.

Let us dwell in detail on a country water supply system made by ourselves, which can operate uninterruptedly both in winter and in summer. Before installing a water supply system, you need to select a source of drinking water. The simplest and cheap way fresh water supply - construction of a conventional well.

The depth of the well depends on how deep the groundwater is in the area.

But the well mainly supplies water in small volumes - 100-200 liters per hour, and well water may have various impurities: heavy metals, nitrates, bacteria.

It is best suited, or with the help of specialists, to a depth of up to 30-40 meters. From such a well you can pump out about 1.5 m 3 of water per hour, which for a small country house and the area is quite enough.

A sand well is drilled using an auger method, that is, the rock is brought to the surface. Drilling a well can take 3-7 days and will require the installation of special filtration equipment to filter the water. The life of a well can be fifty years or more.

The term winter plumbing does not mean that its use is limited only to winter. This means that the water supply is intended for constant off-season operation, and its operation is permitted in both winter and summer.

To get water from a well, . Do-it-yourself installation of winter water supply at your dacha involves connecting a pump to constant source power supply, therefore it is allowed to combine the laying of cable and water supply in one casing. Typically, plastic sewer pipes are used for this.

Pipes protect communications from mechanical damage, and from freezing.

For installation, you can connect plastic pipes by soldering or plastic fittings. For soldering pipes, a special electric soldering iron. You don’t have to buy such a soldering iron, but rent it.

Connections on fittings do not require any special tools except for wrenches. For winter water supply, you can use plastic pipes Ø20 mm or Ø25 mm.

Pipe fittings

To install a water supply system with your own hands, you can use or. Installation of the water supply system should be carried out at a depth below the freezing depth of the soil in the area. The simplest solution to avoid determining the freezing depth:

  1. A plastic pipe, which is laid to a depth of 60 centimeters, is covered with a layer of insulation made from foam chips, coal slag or expanded clay 20-30 cm thick. The main condition for backfilling is that the insulation must absorb moisture poorly and be strong enough not to compact under soil pressure.
  2. The water supply system is insulated with special thermal insulation and a corrugated polyethylene casing. Using such an insulation system, the trench can be made no more than 30 cm deep.
  3. , which will allow pipes to be laid directly on the ground. But this method is too financially expensive.

The trench for the water supply should approach the house at an angle of 90°, since digging up the foundation should not cause it to shrink.

To connect the pump, a pit at least a meter deep is made near the well. The dimensions of the pit are 70x70 cm. The walls need to be strengthened - lined with bricks or boards soaked in antiseptic. The bottom of the pit is filled with concrete or covered with crushed stone.

Out into the pit water pipe with a latch for fastening the hose and electrical cable. The pit is needed in order to quickly and conveniently disconnect the pump in case of repair. The pit needs to be insulated so that the water in the hose does not freeze in winter.

The pump is connected via a waterproof socket. You can also use a sealed contact connector.

Water taps

If you plan to use the water supply in a greenhouse, then you can install cast iron or bronze valves and taps with axle boxes. It is not recommended to use ball valves, as they quickly fail under conditions of prolonged non-use.

The water distribution unit is the most complex device in the water supply system. It is placed in an unheated room or even outside. Increased demands are placed on it due to harsh operating conditions in winter.

You can also use a standpipe, but it has two significant drawbacks - complex installation and the high cost of the device.

Simple scheme

The lower part of the water supply is equipped with a drain hole of small diameter - about 1 mm. If the tap is closed, then the water slowly flows through this small hole into the pit, so it does not freeze in winter.

If the tap is open, then a small portion of water also flows into the pit and is absorbed into the ground, but due to the small diameter of the hole, the entire flow of water enters the water supply and passes to the tap.

Such a simplified do-it-yourself water supply scheme for a dacha is not without several drawbacks. The main ones are:

  • constant humidity in the pit
  • slight loss of water.

But its simplicity and reliability made this design very popular in summer cottages and vegetable gardens.

Installation tools

To install a winter or summer water supply, you will need the following tools:

  1. Pipe cutter.
  2. Adjustable wrench, gas wrench and spanners No. 17, 19, 22 and 24.
  3. Sanding paper.
  4. Knife, pencil, tape measure.

To tighten the fittings, you can use either a suitable wrench, or gas key No. 2.

To dig a shallow trench, a shovel and a crowbar are enough. But first of all, it is necessary to mark the water supply route on the site, take all measurements and calculate the number of taps, valves and fittings.

Do-it-yourself summer plumbing

The summer water supply at the dacha is used for watering plants, for organizing summer shower, and other household needs. In winter, such a water supply system cannot be used.

It can be made permanent or removable.

How is a summer water supply system designed that will only be used in the summer?

The most common design is pipes or hoses that are laid directly on the ground. You can create such a simple water supply using silicone or rubber hoses, which are connected by adapters.

Adapters can be bought, or they can be made from plastic or metal pipes. In summer water supply, you can also use latches that have “ruffs” for putting on the hose on one side and a connector on the other. The latches connect in one motion and provide a secure connection.

It is better to buy a rubber hose with thick walls reinforced with nylon threads. Plastic water pipe at the dacha it is very cheap, but rubber hoses will last longer.

To lay a permanent summer water supply at your dacha with your own hands, the pipes are laid in the ground, and only water points with taps are brought to the surface. This is done for ease of movement around the site.

The main disadvantage is that you need to maintain a slope to the connection point. A drain valve is installed at the lowest point of the water supply system so that the water can be drained in the fall, otherwise frozen water will simply burst the pipes.

Watch two videos about laying pipes and connecting a pumping station.