Ideas for winter business. Simple winter business ideas

Many people think that there is nothing to do in winter. Not at all! Seasonal business in winter can bring good profits. Why just waste time when you can spend it usefully? A new activity will drive away the blues and bring in money. It all depends on your desire.

There are two ways to earn money during this period. The first is everything related to the New Year holidays. Think about it, do you really not know how to do anything with your own hands? You can make it to order or simply sell handmade New Year toys, souvenirs, or sew costumes. To sell goods, you can rent a premises or promote an online store. Make sure that as many clients as possible know about your services. Remember that word of mouth is no worse than advertising! If someone's artistic talent is dormant, start working as Santa Claus (or Snow Maiden)! The demand for such “heroes” during the New Year holidays is enormous.

The second is no less extensive, because, despite the fact that the holidays end sooner or later, there is always work. You can open your own private business, or you can do what brings you pleasure and get paid for it.

We offer you the TOP 7 winter business ideas.

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TOP 7 business ideas. Part one

Clearing yards from snow. The simplest, but, of course, not the easiest way. Wherever you live: in a village or in a city, snow needs to be cleared everywhere. Often, residents of private houses (mostly!), in order to clear a passage or driveway, go out onto the street with huge shovels. Such physical education activities are not desirable for everyone, so special enthusiasm is rarely seen. So why don't you make money from it?

Offer your services for snow removal in yards! Now, by the way, not only housing office staff are involved in this. If you are looking for additional income, then you have free time. At first you can work alone, but over time, when there are more clients, hire cleaners who will do the work for you. Thus, your responsibilities will only be searching for clients and accepting orders. To open such a business, all you need is desire.

Destruction of icicles on the roofs of buildings. A very promising direction. What it will be depends on you. You can make it as a separate service, which is included in the first case, or as an independent one. Of course, the most difficult thing in this case will be to find people with the skills and climbing equipment who will willingly agree to climb the roofs.

Pay special attention to the health insurance of your employees if you work in a team, because opening such an enterprise is very risky! All equipment must be of high quality and tested for strength. You are responsible for what it will be like. If the house is not very high, then you can rent or buy a lift (it is usually used by electricians and firefighters). When you decide whether you will continue this business next season, then decide what is more profitable: rent it for the season or purchase your own. Such services are mainly offered by the housing office, so this is another reason to get into this business (often not everyone is happy with the work of utility workers).

Growing plants in greenhouses (flowers, herbs, vegetables, fruits). If you do not have deep knowledge in the field of gardening, then it is better to skip this point. And if the desire takes its toll, read at least specialized literature, and only then get down to business. Start by growing onions and gradually increase your assortment. In winter, fresh vegetables and fruits are very much appreciated. Of course, you will need start-up capital (in the first case it is not necessary) to purchase or build greenhouses. If you create all the necessary conditions, then almost all plants can be grown in it. People who understand gardening will also help you open such a business. They will tell you what the greenhouse should be like so that vegetables and fruits ripen well.

Window insulation service. Today, almost every second house has plastic double-glazed windows, and they don’t mind the cold. But what should the other half do, those houses or apartments in which such windows are not installed? And, believe me, there are enough of them. And no matter how you turn up the heating, there will be no heat in such apartments. Offer your services! No special physical labor is needed, just get the materials and desire. If you decide to start this business, then it will not cost you much. Decide right away what it will be like, because you can offer your own materials or insulate them with those that are provided to you.

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TOP 7 business ideas. Part two

Sale of sleds, skates, skis, snow scooters, etc. Of course, in the summer few people are interested in such goods, but in the winter the demand is crazy! And who doesn't want entertainment? When you buy all this “winter transport” yourself, pay attention to the quality, because there is a lot of Chinese consumer goods in stores. You can sell it in a rented room or on the street if you don’t mind the frost. You can also, of course, hire a salesperson, but keep in mind that this is an additional expense.

Sale of tea, coffee and hot cakes. Yes, it’s difficult to call this a purely winter business, but without advertising and special marketing, the demand for hot drinks increases precisely in cold weather. How and where to sell is up to you to decide. You can open a small kiosk, or you can just walk around with a cart. You can start with just drinks (coffee, tea, hot chocolate, etc.), or you can prepare an assortment of pies, hot dogs or whites. This idea once again confirms that winter business is never unprofitable.

The onset of cold weather poses an important question for businessmen - how to make money in winter. Many people mistakenly assume that the most profitable time of year is summer. However, in fact, business ideas for the winter period are no less diverse. You just need to decide on a free niche in your city and start acting. With the right approach, business will definitely go up in winter.

Business in winter: features

Business in winter is seriously different from summer, so when carefully studying it, you should pay attention to the following characteristic features:

  • climatic. In some regions of the country, it can rain even in the middle of winter;
  • social. In winter, a limited number go on vacation. Therefore, the main holiday is the New Year holidays. People prefer cozy home gatherings;
  • psychological and physiological characteristics of the population. With the onset of cold weather, sadness and sadness sets in. There is a loss of strength, and frequent ones spoil the mood. The reason for this is a deficiency of vitamins and a limited amount of sunlight.

Types of winter business

Taking exclusively the winter season as a basis for the idea, it is necessary to understand that such a business will be seasonal.

Ice rink

There are many possible options to develop in this direction. You can start with something global - organize a skating rink. Moreover, it is quite easy to maintain. A big plus will be the absence of such establishments in the city.

After all, then the competition will be minimal, and there will be plenty of people willing to while away the evening in the company of skates. In order for the establishment to attract visitors, you should carefully consider the design of the premises.

If finances do not allow you to act so globally, you can stop at a small eatery nearby. People will be quite pleased to enjoy hot pancakes or pies after a fun ride.

Today people cannot imagine their life without photographs, so this passion can also be used as a profitable idea. You should install snow figures next to the skating rink and charge a nominal fee for pictures.

This business in winter involves certain financial costs. However, they will be able to pay for themselves after a few months. After all, those who want to plunge into a fabulous atmosphere will always appear.

With the first warming, the relevance of the winter site will pass. However, you should not despair, because it can easily be used for other purposes. For example, open a children's corner with a trampoline or train dogs.

Today it is difficult to find a person who has never heard of the Husky dog ​​breed. These are incredibly smart, kind and beautiful animals with blue eyes. The relationship between man and these dogs appeared a long time ago, because they have long been used as a force for sleds. An experienced businessman can use dogs for his business.

To do this you need to buy about 10 puppies. Purchasing babies will allow you to raise trained dogs. Gradually, you can organize dog sled races. Moreover, the plot of the competition can always change. Excitement and fun will be guaranteed. As for the summer period, the concept will have to be transformed.

The main thing to remember is that pets do not like heat, which means they should not be tormented by being outdoors. They cannot be used only as a tool for making money. First of all, these are living beings in need of love, care and care.

Fishing in the ice hole

If there is a body of water nearby, the idea of ​​a business arises on its own. It is necessary to organize a fishing place. Moreover, the business will be popular all year round. In summer this is standard fishing, and in winter using holes.

It is important to approach the matter thoroughly and organize the acquisition of all the necessary gear. After which fishing rods, chairs, and holders will be rented out. Thanks to this, even those who do not have the necessary equipment can feel like a fisherman.

Particularly thoughtful ones will approach the organization of the biting area thoroughly - a field kitchen, selling pies or hot tea. The most important thing is to first introduce the fry into the pond. After all, the absence of a catch clearly will not be good advertising. With the onset of warmer weather, there is no need to re-equip anything, which means that stable profits will continue to flow.

Skiing and snowboarding lessons

Today, many young people would happily spend their leisure time skating or skiing. But only a few have the ability to ride. This means that this can be a good business in winter.


When wondering how to make money in winter, you should consider another interesting option for making money. Moreover, it does not require special financial costs.

There were times when the only sure way to travel was with three horses. Today, everyone has the opportunity to make temporary travel and ride like a breeze. Moreover, it can be used at any time of the year. Using this type of transport you can take a romantic walk through the most beautiful places in the city. Vivid emotions will definitely be guaranteed.

This is especially suitable for those who are engaged. All they have to do is buy a modern sled.

When thinking about how to make money in winter, we must not forget about the upcoming New Year holidays. This is a special time when people are ready to make incredible expenses. Therefore, you definitely cannot ignore the holidays.

With the right approach, revenue from the New Year holidays can exaggerate seasonal earnings. The reason for this is the high spirits, the desire of the population to relax and entertain their own and visiting relatives.

It's time to figure out how to make money in winter on the eve of the most magical holiday. - also an interesting topic.

Homemade Christmas trees

The New Year is incomplete without a Christmas tree. Therefore, every family strives to install a fluffy beauty in their home. Some people get by with an artificial Christmas tree, while others buy real ones.

It’s just especially sad to throw it away after the holiday, which means you should think about a unique alternative - creating a Christmas tree from scrap materials. You can use tinsel, fabric, wallpaper as a basis. For example, those with a sweet tooth will love a tree made from candies. Therefore, you just need to turn on your imagination and creativity.

Festive decoration of premises

The upcoming holidays lift your spirits and set you in the right mood. However, sometimes, in order to feel it in full force, you need to completely immerse yourself in this atmosphere. The best solution for this would be to decorate your home or office. But you often don’t have the time or desire to do this yourself, which means that the corresponding services will definitely be in demand. The list of works may include the following services:

  • installing the Christmas tree, decorating it;
  • decorating your home using tinsel, posters and decorations;
  • creating a coniferous garland;
  • decorations made of paper.

Sometimes when you think about how to make money in winter, the solution turns out to be incredibly simple.

Renting carnival costumes as a winter business

Every parent on the eve of the holidays faces a serious problem - who to dress their child in. Just a few years ago, adults made various costumes on their own. However, today there is no such need.

The stores offer a wide variety of outfits. But often such costs turn out to be too wasteful. After all, the baby puts on the outfit once, after which it gathers dust on the shelf or is passed on to the younger ones in the family. Therefore, the most correct solution would be to organize a rental. New models for sale may also be featured here. The main thing to remember is that the main clients are children and the sizes must match.

The salon also needs to buy several Snow Maiden and Santa Claus costumes. The need for these characters constantly appears. To achieve good prosperity of the business, it is necessary to constantly restore outfits and update their assortment.

To reduce costs, you should organize wholesale purchases of dresses and suits. And if you have imagination and knowledge of needlework, you can make your own outfits.

The onset of cold weather, ice and constant snowdrifts brings many problems to motorists. Therefore, it is worth minimizing their troubles and increasing your own income due to difficult winter conditions.

Warming cars

In particularly harsh regions of the country, frosts exceed permissible norms. Therefore, some cars begin to freeze from this. This means that the heating service may be in wide demand.

Moreover, due to minimal competition, the price for services can be any. However, the cost should not be too high. It is important to note the small initial costs, which usually do not exceed 20,000 rubles. You can use business cards as advertising.

Sale of anti-freeze

It is simply impossible to go even short distances in winter without a freezer. Therefore, you should find a wholesale base where you can purchase goods at an affordable price. After which it can be safely sold by adding value.

To achieve demand, you should choose an area where there are no auto stores nearby as a trading location. It is also worth taking care of the assortment. Products must be of different quality and price categories. You can store goods in your own garage, or if you make a large purchase, you can rent a special warehouse.

Vitamins in winter

Every person is interested in strengthening their own health. The best solution for this is proper nutrition and consumption of natural foods rich in vitamins. But with the onset of cold weather, buying fresh herbs, vegetables or fruit becomes expensive.

Therefore, healthy eating should be the basis of your business. You should start small - growing greens. After receiving the first good profit, you can think about expanding - growing vegetables in greenhouses.

Growing berries will be the most profitable. For example, strawberries cost a lot of money in the winter season. And here is the opportunity to enjoy homemade berries, juicy and ripe. Many people will not regret making such a purchase.

Before planting, you need to familiarize yourself with the parameters and characteristics of the plants. For example, dill and cilantro tolerate low temperatures well. However, you should understand that you cannot do without good lighting, watering and humidification systems.

Snow removal

The main problem of winter is snow. It needs to be cleaned constantly. But not everyone has the desire to swing a shovel. Therefore, the snow removal service will be happy to help.

To have a regular income, you must enter into an agreement with a company or home for daily cleaning. And no extra financial costs, complications or investments. However, it is worth understanding that the first thaw will put an end to even the most popular cleaning service.

One-time jobs in winter

A serious approach to the body requires corresponding financial costs. But not everyone can afford them. Therefore, if you want to earn extra money and lack start-up capital, you should consider one-time ways to earn extra money:

  1. On New Year's holidays, people want to actively relax and often cannot do without alcoholic drinks. Therefore, taxi services are especially common. You shouldn't miss this opportunity. The main thing is to remember the competition and set the most reasonable price.
  2. Renting an apartment for the holidays. The idea will especially appeal to students who dream of celebrating the New Year in their company. The announcement should be posted on social networks.

There are quite a lot of chances to make money in winter. All that remains is to choose the most suitable option and begin to implement it. An experienced entrepreneur must understand that there is no season for a successful business, because each season is good in its own way. You just need to be able to discern these positive qualities.

This article will look at what you can do in winter and what services may be in demand at this time of year. Winter provides many opportunities for enterprising people. More precisely This is the second best time of year for business after summer.. There are much fewer opportunities in the off-season. We will talk specifically about winter activities. First of all, let's look at the features of the season. This will give you the opportunity to navigate the demand for services and independently develop winter business ideas.

Characteristic features of the winter season

We will not describe the natural features of the season here, but only in relation to winter types of business. The following features can be highlighted:

  • Climatic. Temperature fluctuation. In recent years, winter has become unstable throughout almost the entire territory of our country. Frequent thaws with rain and freezing rain are followed by sudden severe frosts. This promotes icing. And during thaws, winter is more like an off-season;
  • Social. There are fewer vacations during the winter period. This means that a large number of people do not go anywhere, but stay at their place of residence. The longest holiday falls in winter - winter holidays. In our country, this holiday is considered one of the most significant, if not the most significant;
  • Psychological and physiological. In winter, as in the off-season, many people experience decreased strength, depression, and illness. This is due to lack of sunlight and vitamin deficiency. And sudden climate changes only contribute to this.

Based on the characteristics of the winter season, we can define a seasonal business in winter; the ideas are aimed primarily at small businesses. We will not give a description of business ideas. We will give a general description of several areas with examples of business ideas.

Vacation related business ideas

A huge layer of ideas related to entertainment in the winter season, travel, excursions, tourism, sports and more. The majority of fellow citizens are in their place of permanent residence and work. Winter holidays, weekends and time after work remain for relaxation. A rest and distraction in winter are no less in demand than in summer. The existing demand for leisure can be filled.

New Year holidays

Separately, it is worth highlighting the New Year holidays, preparation for them and the fading inertia of services in demand after their end. Although this period of time is very short, but revenue during the New Year holidays can be comparable to revenue from the entire winter season. This is due to long mass celebrations and less savings during the holiday. Examples of business ideas:

  • Sale of New Year trees, sale of New Year's toys, holiday fireworks, fireworks, etc. There are plenty of opportunities for flights of fancy. You can either make toys and Christmas trees yourself or sell them ready-made. Or even organize equipment rental;
  • Costume show. At home, for a corporate party, street performances, etc.;
  • Festive table setting, cooking to order;
  • Organization of outdoor events. Individual, family, corporate, etc.;
  • Taxi on New Year's holidays. Drunk driver service;
  • Renting out housing for holidays. The service may be in demand, since many people prefer short trips to another city or village during the holidays.

Winter provides a wealth of opportunities for entertainment. Winter types of entertainment are more democratic in terms of opportunities than summer ones. There is no need to fly anywhere, the snow in the Alps is the same as the local snow. Business in winter in a small town involving entertainment differs only on a smaller scale. Examples of business ideas:

  • Downhill skating, ice town. If you approach it creatively, you can add some “zest” to these traditional types of entertainment: a competition with prizes to see who can skate further, “sculpting” ice sculptures with a master class, etc.;
  • Rental of skis, skates, sleds, inflatable bagels. Traditional type of business, preferably organizing tracks and maintaining them in proper condition;
  • Organization of temporary ice platforms. In the courtyards or on the river with simultaneous rental of equipment;
  • Winter equipment rental. Snowmobiles, snow cannons, etc.;
  • Organization of winter ice fishing;
  • Organization of swimming in ice holes;
  • Bath business;
  • Training courses. Ice skating, skiing, snowboarding and more.

Summer travel is actively developing in our country. In winter, things are a little worse. But here too the potential is very large. Winter travel is more difficult, which is why it may be more attractive. At a minimum, the business, if properly worked out, will be profitable. Examples of business ideas:

  • Winter outdoor hunting. Hunting does not necessarily have to be for wild animals; it can also be limited to sport shooting;
  • Winter outdoor ice fishing on legendary reservoirs;
  • Organization of excursions to museums and memorable places in other localities. Especially weather changes are not conducive to some activities, but traveling and visiting museums can fill this time;
  • Organization of tourist, ecological, historical hikes. There are also many opportunities here. Hikes can be filled with excursion activities. The hikes themselves can also be very diverse: skiing, horseback riding, walking, combined. With overnight stays in tents or civilized hotels.

Profitable and in-demand business in winter will be business related to restoration and health maintenance. Including vitamin replenishment, replacement of missing sunlight, etc. Examples of business ideas:

  • Green business. Growing and selling various greens for the table;
  • Solariums, swimming pools, saunas, fitness rooms and more. The lack of sun and heat can be partially compensated by various procedures;
  • Cultivation, production, sale of medicinal and supportive drugs. Diseases characteristic of modern changeable winter weather: colds, diseases associated with blood vessels, bones, and the spine. Accordingly, the entire range of ointments and potions that help with these ailments will be in demand;
  • Sale or rental of hats, scarves and other things. During sudden weather changes, the service may be in great demand.

Changeable winter weather also brings surprises to car owners. In winter, one of the most popular services are services for car enthusiasts. Examples of business ideas:

  • Sale of antifreeze on the roads. With sudden warming, highways become dirty, and windshields instantly become covered with dirt. The demand for anti-freeze along roads is growing sharply;
  • Starting the car. In the opposite situation, a sudden cold snap, many motorists cannot start their car. The most common reason is a dead battery;
  • Removing a car from snow captivity. When there is a lot of precipitation, cars often end up skidding and stuck in snowdrifts;
  • Winter tires for Gazelle. Gazelle is one of the popular “workhorses” in our country. And as a result, wheels wear out faster and the demand for them is much higher than for tires from foreign manufacturers;

General winter business ideas

We have considered a small number of business ideas for winter. Most business ideas can be implemented from scratch. Even a quick glance is enough to see that many areas have not been considered. For example, related to housing and communal services (snow removal, icicle removal, preparation of firewood), savings (insulation of houses, installation of windows), etc. But there was no such task. To choose a suitable business idea, all you need is an understanding of trends and attitude.

Many entrepreneurs who are engaged in seasonal business during the warm season curtail their activities in winter. And in vain. After all, you can find an activity that will bring more profit than in the summer season. We will talk about what you can earn money on in winter in this article.

Insulation of balconies and loggias

Almost all apartments have loggias or balconies. This room is usually used to store various unnecessary things because it is too cold. Recently, many citizens have been insulating balconies in order to turn them into multifunctional living spaces, in which you can set up a work office, a room for meeting friends or a winter garden.

If you are interested in how you can make money in the winter, get into this highly profitable business. It does not require large financial investments. 50 thousand rubles are enough to purchase the necessary materials and tools. You can earn 100-150 thousand rubles a month by insulating balconies. It is enough to complete 2-3 orders to return the initial investment.

Scheme: balcony insulation

Fuel for fireplaces and stoves

Since energy prices are constantly rising, many owners of country houses use fireplaces or stoves to heat their homes. They run on solid fuel - coal, peat, firewood, briquettes, etc.

Are you looking for ways to make money in winter? Sell ​​fuel in country towns and villages. You can also use briquettes. In this case, your income will be much higher than from resale. Such a business brings good profits in winter.

Snow removal and removal of icicles from roofs

This type of work is usually performed by industrial climbers. If you have experience in this area and are looking for options on how you can make money in the winter, offer your services to residents of apartment buildings, as well as owners of shops, restaurants or cafes.

Removing snow from the roofs of buildings where there are large crowds of people is one of the main safety requirements, which is why this service is in great demand in winter. You can earn good money from this. In addition, to generate additional income, you can offer clients the removal of unwanted trees and branches.

Snow cleaning

Another great option for making money in the city in winter is snow removal. This specific seasonal business allows you to earn a good income. The most important thing is to organize the work correctly.

Your customers can be large companies, educational institutions, large industrial enterprises. A contract should be concluded with them for the entire season. After that, hire several helpers, buy equipment and rent a truck on which you will remove the snow. This is a very profitable line of business because it does not require large capital investments.

Organization of winter holidays

One of the most profitable business ideas for making money in winter is organizing various holidays and outdoor entertainment events. This line of activity has recently brought good profits. The organization of winter holidays is often ordered by various companies, enterprises, schools, preschool institutions, etc. In addition, you can rent fancy dress costumes, skis, sleds and other equipment for winter fun.

Now let's talk about... To start such an interesting business, you need to obtain all permits and register as a private entrepreneur. After that, rent a suitable room, make repairs there, and purchase equipment.

Pay special attention to personnel selection. The number of orders and, accordingly, future profits directly depend on the qualifications of personnel. In addition, pay due attention to advertising: post advertisements, post information about the provision of services on social networks, distribute advertising booklets on the street. Keep in mind that during the winter holidays you will have quite a lot of orders, but you can also organize events at other times of the year. Therefore, work primarily on your reputation. And over time, having become a reputable establishment, it will be possible to slightly raise prices and increase income.

Greenhouse farming

This challenging type of business is perfect for people who are interested in how they can make money in the village in winter. To grow vegetables or flowers in a greenhouse, you will need some knowledge, so it is best to start with growing greens, such as onions or lettuce. In addition, you need to build a greenhouse and purchase seed. Since fresh vegetables and herbs are expensive in winter, you will earn a good income. In spring and summer, vegetables can be grown in open ground. and growing vegetables will undoubtedly bring good income.

Selling hot cakes and tea

On cold days, hot drinks and pies sell out in an instant. If you know how to cook deliciously, try making money from it. Tea and pies can be sold at public transport stops, near educational institutions and at the market. But for this you will have to obtain a medical record and obtain a trade permit. This or the village will bring good profits. In large cities, this business can fail due to the high level of competition.

Sale of firewood

For those who are looking for how to make money in the village in the winter, such an activity as selling firewood is perfect. This type of fuel is in great demand, since many village residents heat their homes with stoves and fireplaces.

You can start selling firewood literally from scratch. To work you will need a truck and several workers. In addition, you need to agree with the wood processing enterprises where you will purchase waste. To prepare firewood yourself, you need to obtain the appropriate permission from the forestry department.

Production of knitted clothing

In winter, warm knitted items made from natural materials are very popular. If you know how to knit and don’t know how to make money in the winter in a private home, open a small workshop for the production of knitted items - socks, hats, scarves or sweaters. Offer consumers original fashionable models and over time you will have many regular customers who will bring a stable good income.

Advice. Children's items (knitted socks, hats, scarves, sweaters) are very popular. Therefore, give preference to this product. You can sell things on the local market, via the Internet or using social networks.

Growing strawberries

This is a fairly promising area of ​​activity, since the demand for strawberries in our country is constantly growing. Despite the fact that this berry is very expensive in winter, it is very popular.

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Such goods are purchased wholesale by restaurants, supermarkets, shops and other establishments. If you can’t find a way to make money from your summer cottage in winter, build a small greenhouse and try growing strawberries in it. Of course, you will have to invest a decent amount of start-up capital in your business, but thanks to the high profitability of this business, the initial investment will be returned in the shortest possible time.

Rabbit breeding

Can’t figure out how to make decent money in the winter at your dacha? Get busy. If you do this business seriously, it will bring good profits. Rabbit meat is a dietary product that is always in high demand.

This is a highly profitable and virtually waste-free production, since rabbit skins can also be sold for fur. The manure of these animals is the best fertilizer. The most important thing is to choose the right growing method and choose the right breed. This largely depends on your financial capabilities.