Installation of polypropylene pipes without soldering. Connection of plastic pipes without soldering

Polymer parts can be connected not only with heating elements. But what about soldering? it is not always used to connect them. The presence of other types of connection besides soldering is one of their characteristic features. The absence of the need to purchase welding equipment in one way or another makes this type of welding even more popular and affordable, since few know how to solder or how to weld pipes. Also hallmark is the ability to connect plastic pipes with your own hands without special equipment. How to connect plastic pipes without soldering?

There are two ways to join polypropylene, polyethylene and others polymer materials without the use of special welding equipment: welding of plastic pipes using compression fittings and cold welding.

In addition to the compression fittings for the first type of welding, the only thing you need is a special crimp wrench. They are usually sold together. For cold welding you only need a special glue. The latter type of connection without soldering is more often applicable only for cold water supply. The disadvantage of joining parts without soldering is that it takes more time. Further, each of the types will be considered in more detail and the answers to the questions of how to connect polypropylene pipes without soldering and how to solder polypropylene pipes on your own.

Connection with compression fittings

Solder plastic parts can be done using compression fittings. They are applicable not only for their respective type of pipes. In general, fittings of a material other than that of the elements to be connected cannot be used. However, a feature of such fittings is their versatility, since it is possible to connect different pipes: aluminum with copper, with PVC and so on. Therefore, not every part corresponds to a certain type of fitting. Another advantage of this type of connection is that the structure can be both assembled and disassembled. If you soldered two parts, you will not be able to separate them as it was.

The fitting design consists of the following elements: those that are installed at the end of the pipe (for example, plugs) and those that combine the elements to be connected into a single whole.

The modern market has many fittings. Here are the main ones:

  • Crimp (they are also compression)
  • Flanged
  • Welded
  • Threaded

The compression fitting is a UV-resistant body. This housing contains a press sleeve and a cover. The body material contains sealing ring, which facilitates a leak-tight connection, a clamping ring and a thrust ring (sometimes these two rings are combined in one). In case of disassembly / assembly of parts, the O-ring must be replaced with a new one. These fittings are used for polyethylene products low pressure(PE 100, PE 80, PE 40), and low density polyethylene. Compression fittings, in addition to UV resistance, are also characterized by resistance to chemicals aggressive impact. The scope of application of connections using compression fittings is typical for low-rise buildings, in street water supply systems in villages and towns, greenhouses. In this regard, it should be noted again the peculiarity of this type of connection, namely, the possibility of disassembling the pipeline in one place in order to transfer it to a new location.

When working with fittings, you must first read the instructions and follow strictly its provisions, as well as the rules set forth below in the text. Before work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the quality of the pipes, their dimensions and their compliance with the fittings. There are maximum allowable limits deviations from the norm when joining: the diameter cannot deviate from the nominal value by more than 1%, and the oval of the section cannot be more than 2%. If these limits are violated, then it is better to lay the pipeline in a horizontal position. Manually connect the pipeline if the diameter is less than 50 mm, if more, then a special key is needed. The connection of plastic pipes without soldering should be carried out in compliance with the requirements for thorough cleaning of parts from dirt and burrs, stripping so that the edges are smooth, without defects. Special scissors are used for trimming. Mark the required length of the insert on the product with a marker.

The connection speed is pretty fast. The nut is pushed onto one end of the pipe, the clamping ring is installed, and then the pipe is inserted into the fitting. The ring should reach the stop. In conclusion, depending on the diameter of the pipeline, tighten the nut by hand or using a key.

As a result, we get a ready-made connection of plastic pipes without soldering.

The main advantages of compression fittings are:

  • Structural strength
  • Durability of the structure
  • Simplicity and speed of assembly
  • No susceptibility to corrosion
  • Versatility
  • The ability to connect plastic pipes with your own hands without welding equipment

How to solder polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron using cold welding or glue joint

Cold welding of plastic pipes is the process of joining parts without heating them. Soldering plastic elements can be done by using a special glue that hardens quickly. The composition of the adhesive usually consists of epoxy resin and hardener. Cold welding is black or white. It is usually used for cold water supply. But some adhesives are also used for hot. This must be indicated separately on the packaging.

What is the glue mass:

  • Flowable mixtures (there should be two tubes in the package: one with a hardener, the other with an elastic substance; for example: if you are going to eliminate the hole in polymer product, then the contents of the tubes must be connected immediately before starting work (a kind of repair); be sure to use the mixture for no more than 20 minutes, otherwise it will become solid).
  • Plastic mass (represents a bar consisting of two layers: a hardener on top, and a plastic component inside; resembles plasticine).

Most professionals advise using the cold welding method for a specific bill of materials that is provided in the instructions.

That is most often used for this, the so-called cold welding. This technology involves the use adhesive composition special purpose and fittings.

Pros of using a pipe connection without hot soldering

If you are thinking about how to connect a polypropylene pipe with a polypropylene pipe, then you can use a method that involves the use of special fittings. This technique has many advantages, among them it is especially possible to highlight an increase in the efficiency of installation of drainage and water supply systems, a decrease in the possibility of leaks that can occur during butt welding or chemical compound... Among other things, the described technology is less labor-intensive, and also involves less energy consumption. Among other things, it is associated with less material consumption. are quite cheap. With the help of fittings and glue, pipes of all possible diameters can be connected, which vary from 6 to 400 millimeters.

Comparison of cold brazing with mechanical and welded joints

Before joining PP to PP pipe, you should consider all the benefits of cold soldering. Thus, this technique, with insignificant material consumption, speed and quality of the work carried out, is not inferior to traditional welding. This gluing technology does not provide for the use of special equipment, which greatly simplifies the manipulation. You do not have to use a special machine designed for welding, which consumes quite an impressive amount of electricity during operation. Due to this, it is possible to reduce the cost installation works... If you are faced with the task of how to connect a polypropylene pipe with a polypropylene one, then it is worth comparing with the help of fittings and mechanical coupling of elements. The latest technology is not so energy-consuming, but more material-intensive. This is due to the need to purchase additional fittings, which leads to an increase in the cost of work.

Features of the connection using fittings and glue

If you do not know how to connect a polypropylene pipe with a polypropylene pipe, then it is important to familiarize yourself with the technology. For this, you will have to use glue, which is designed to connect pipes with parts by the type of fittings. The latter are most often made of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride. After application, the glue begins to dissolve the surfaces of parts by 1/3 of the thickness. This allows diffusion cold welding to be realized. On this process the temperature and humidity of the air affects. Before connecting polypropylene pipes using cold welding and fittings, you must make sure that the temperature the environment ranges from 5 to 35 degrees. If there is a need for installation work at temperatures below zero, then you should purchase frost-resistant glue, which can be applied until the thermometer mark drops to -18 degrees. If the work is carried out in hot weather, then gluing must be done in a much shorter time, which will exclude the possibility of the composition drying out before the manipulation is completed. Before joining polypropylene pipes using the described technology, you must make sure that the glue has a uniform consistency, sufficient fluidity and does not have foreign inclusions.

In between work, the container with the adhesive must be closed as tightly as possible, which will exclude the evaporation of volatile active components.

Pipe connection technology using fittings and glue

If you decide to use the cold join method, then you need to use the technology described below. At the first stage, you need to cut off a part of the pipe so that you can get an element of the required length. For which it is recommended to use a pipe cutter, special scissors or a hacksaw for metal, the latter of which has rather small teeth.

If you are thinking about the question of how to properly connect polypropylene pipes, then at the next stage, a chamfer is removed at the end of the product, while it is important to observe an angle of 15 degrees. In the process of carrying out these manipulations, a chamfer is used, it is important to exclude the formation of burrs. The next step is to thoroughly clean the socket of the fitting, as well as the pipe from dust, dirt and moisture.

In order to achieve effective cleaning of the connected elements, it is necessary to use cleaners designed for pipes made of CPVC. With the help of this composition, it will be possible to prepare the surfaces well enough for further gluing.

Nuances of work

If you are faced with the task of how to connect polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron, then at the next stage you can apply glue. In this case, you need to use a brush, carefully distributing the composition over the surface of the socket and pipe. Elements are inserted into each other, for uniform distribution composition, you need to turn the fitting 90 degrees relative to the pipe. Parts are fixed for 30 seconds, during which no repeated turning should be carried out. It is important to complete the entire process within 1 minute. If you are thinking about how to connect polypropylene pipes without soldering, then after the end of gluing, you need to check for the presence of a bead, which is a uniform adhesive layer located around the circumference. You may need to dispose of excess glue using a soft cloth.

Why use the cold method of connecting plastic pipes

Before connecting polypropylene pipes with fittings, you need to weigh all the positive negative sides other technologies. If it comes about the glue joint, which was described above, it is worth highlighting the advantages, which consist in the possibility of high-quality installation of pipes even in those places, access to which is especially difficult. The master does not have to use additional expensive equipment that can consume a large amount of electricity during operation. The whole process can be carried out independently, without resorting to the help of professional companies. In the process of gluing parts, the formation of a structure occurs monolithic type, which ensures the tightness of the joint. If you decide to use cold glue welding, then, unlike the usual one, no sagging will form on the inner surface of the product, which can narrow the gap and contribute to the settling of solid particles.


If you observe the connection of polypropylene pipes to each other, observing the above simple rules and recommendations, then leaks and sagging of the pipeline will be excluded. The service life of a pipeline installed using a similar technique can reach 50 years.

Soldering polypropylene pipes is an operation that sometimes has to be done in own home do it yourself. It is not at all advisable to buy a welding machine specially for this. Therefore, many are trying to find such instructions, such methods that would save them from expensive acquisition. Today we intend to offer a method that is quite applicable at home and does not require any special equipment at all.

You can get as much information about polypropylene pipes and how to weld them.

Do-it-yourself soldering of small diameter propylene pipes

We are talking about such pipes that are most often used for wiring inside the house, i.e. about pipes with a diameter of 20 mm. Let's say we need to weld a pipe and an adjacent corner fitting.

Soldering of propylene pipes of this diameter can be easily done if there is some kind of safe source of fire at hand, such as, for example, such a miniature gas burner.

According to existing regulations and to ensure required quality connection, the pipe should go into the fitting by 14 mm. In order not to violate this standard, it is advisable to measure this distance from the edge of the pipe in advance and put a mark with a pencil.

Having done this, you can proceed to deep heating of the elements to be soldered. The fitting, of course, must be warmed up from the inside.

The pipe end is heated from the outside.

When both parts are well warmed up, they can be inserted into each other.

When inserting the pipe, you should be guided by the previously applied pencil mark, which should be exactly along the edge of the fitting.

After that, the connection made should be cooled without exposing it to any external influences. The cooled joint will be very strong and in no way inferior in strength to those joints that are usually made using special welding machines. This can be verified by cutting the newly made solder joint.

As you can see in the above photo, the junction of the pipe and the fitting is completely monolithic, and such a pipe can be safely included in the home water supply system.

So, if you need to solder polypropylene pipes, you can easily do this work on your own, without purchasing any special tools... To do this, you just need to take note of the recommendation we have given.

To independently install a water supply system from plastic pipes, you do not need a lot of knowledge and experience, since this process is not difficult. However, in order to improve the quality of the work performed, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technology and some of the nuances of connecting pipe elements of this type. It is also important to learn a few lessons describing how to connect different types plastic pipe and the highlights of the process.

Methods for connecting plastic pipes

Firstly, it is worth noting that plastic pipes include products made of the following materials:

Each material has certain properties, therefore, the connection of products is performed different ways, including soldering polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron (read also: “How to join polypropylene pipes - an overview of proven joining methods”). For greater awareness, it is worth learning the connection methods water pipes from the named materials.

Polypropylene products

Polypropylene pipe is the most popular material for plumbing. This is due to the presence of some advantageous points: acceptable price, high strength and long service life. Therefore, the study of methods for connecting all types of plastic pipes should start with this particular type.

Polypropylene pipes are connected by welding with the obligatory use of couplings, angles, tees and other fitting elements. When connecting polypropylene pipes for water supply, you need to purchase pipes and fittings from the same manufacturer. Otherwise, even strict adherence to welding technology cannot guarantee complete tightness and quality.

To connect polypropylene water pipes with your own hands, you need to have the following tools at hand:

  • Special soldering iron. This is a simple name for a welding device with a set of special nozzles that allow you to connect pipes of different cross-sections. In this case, the nozzle is selected individually for each pipe in accordance with its section.
  • Stripping. With this tool, the reinforcing layer at the ends of the pipes is cut off. Stripping is used only for multilayer reinforced pipe products.
  • Pipe cutter. By the name, you can determine that the device helps to cut polypropylene pipes.
  • A tape measure, pencil or marker may also be needed when joining PP tubing.

Installation of a plumbing system made of polypropylene pipes is carried out as follows:

  1. Turn on and warm up the welding machine. The device must go through three phases: heating to a certain temperature, shutdown, reheating. The operating mode can be monitored by the light indicator (read also: “Types of PVC pipe welding, advantages and disadvantages of methods”).
  2. During the heating of the soldering iron, the reinforcing layer is cleaned in the place where the fitting will be welded.
  3. From the surface of the connected elements, dust and dirt are cleaned and damp places are well wiped. Please be aware that failure to follow these steps may result in a loose connection.
  4. The end of one pipe and the connecting piece are inserted into the heating nozzle and held for a certain period of time. The heating time must be strictly controlled, since long retention leads to deformation of the elements, and insufficient heating reduces the strength of the connection of plastic water pipes. Therefore, each welding machine is accompanied by a special table, which indicates the heating time of parts with a certain diameter.
  5. The heated elements are pulled out of the attachments and quickly connected. The strength of the connection also depends on the speed of action at this stage, so the process must be performed quickly, but accurately. The pipe is inserted into the fitting until it stops, but at the same time it should not deform. The connected parts should be held until the plastic has cooled completely.
  6. In a similar way, all the elements of the water supply are connected. To avoid damage to the material, you need to perform actions on unnecessary pipe scraps. The process of welding polypropylene pipes is quite complicated, but after a few trial steps, you can start working on your own.

Docking of pipes made of metal-plastic

Compound metal-plastic pipes products can also be done by hand using one of three methods:

  1. Connection with compression fittings involves the following steps: the end of the pipe is put on the collet, secured with a compression ring and squeezed with a clamping nut.
  2. Compression fitting involves pressing the ring at the end of the fitting using a special press.
  3. Push fitting is a new joining method that does not require any tools. This method can be the answer to the question of how to connect plastic pipes without soldering.

Regardless of the chosen method of connecting metal-plastic pipes, tools are still worth preparing. In particular, you will need a pipe cutter, which can be replaced with an ordinary mounting knife, and a calibrator, which can be any cylindrical object of a certain diameter.

The most popular is the connection of metal-plastic pipes using compression fittings, which implies the following:

  • First, the pipes are cut with a knife or pipe cutter, ensuring a right angle of the cut line.
  • Before joining the pipes, the cut ends are processed, that is, the diameter is calibrated and chamfered, using a calibrator in both cases.
  • The nut is removed from the fitting and put on the end of the pipe, followed by a compression ring.
  • Now the collet is inserted into the end of the pipe, after checking the presence of the rubber O-rings.
  • The clamping ring is pushed onto the collet and the nut is tightened on the fitting. In this case, do not allow the nut to be tightly tightened, as this leads to damage rubber seals(read also: “What and how to connect PVC pipesoptimal ways connections ”).

The connection of all elements of the water supply system is performed in a similar way. This installation has one advantage: minimal set tools for work, which is at hand at any owner. In addition, this is the only option that allows you to obtain a plug connection, which is necessary in some situations.

Compression fittings for water pipes

Compression fittings are connected in the same order, except that the compression ring and nut are replaced with a ferrule. A manual or electric press is used to squeeze it.

Push fittings make it possible to get a connection of metal-plastic pipes much faster than previous methods. To complete the work, it is enough to insert the prepared end of the pipe into the connecting piece, and all actions are performed without much effort.

When water is supplied to the assembled system, the wedge of the fitting is pushed and clamped, which prevents water leakage. This method does not require special tools or keys, and the installation itself is performed several times faster. See also: “How to install plastic pipes - basic installation rules”.

Push fittings can be used to connect reinforced plastic and XLPE pipes.

The connection by any of the listed methods is hermetically sealed and reliable, so you need to choose depending on the available tools and financial capabilities.

Polyethylene pipe connection

Polyethylene pipes can be connected using one of the following options:

  • With compression fittings.
  • Electrofusion welding.

Connection with compression fittings is performed by analogy with metal-plastic pipes, but in a certain sequence:

  • The pipe is cut and chamfered.
  • A clamping nut is put on the pipe.
  • It is followed by a collet.
  • Next, in turn, put on the thrust and sealing ring.
  • The pipe is inserted into the fitting body, all parts are shifted to the edge and the nut is tightened.

This method is most often used when assembling household irrigation systems in country houses or at their summer cottage.

The connection of metal-plastic pipes in domestic water supply systems is carried out by welding with an electric coupling. Therefore, to carry out the work, you need to have a special welding device and an electric coupling having a diameter in accordance with the section of the elements to be connected.

The welding procedure involves the following actions:

  • Surface preparation of the elements to be joined. To do this, remove with a special scraper upper layer pipe products and degrease the cleaned place.
  • The ends of the elements to be connected are inserted into the electrofusion coupling, while the joint must be located exactly in its middle.
  • The electrical coupling is connected to the welding machine and the spirals inside it begin to heat up. As a result, the polyethylene begins to melt and the edges of the pipe elements are welded.

The device for this type of welding has a very high price, therefore, if its further use is not expected, it is better to rent the device for several days than to spend large amount for its one-time use.

How to connect PVC pipes

PVC tubular products are connected using a special adhesive. However, it is very difficult to call it glue, since when processing the surfaces to be joined with this substance, the plastic melts, and the edges are welded, not glued together. In other words, pipes are brazed without a soldering iron.

The process of connecting pipes of their polyvinyl chloride is as follows:

  • First, the edges of the pipes to be connected are cleaned of dust and dirt and dried well.
  • Then the chamfer is removed from the ends. This action must be performed without fail so that the adhesive does not scrape off when connecting the elements.
  • then one end of the pipe is inserted into the fitting to measure its depth. A corresponding mark is made on the pipe with a pencil or marker.
  • The end of the pipe is treated with adhesive up to the mark using a brush. At the same time, one should not forget that the glue should not be left on the surface for more than 25 seconds.
  • The elements are connected and slightly rotated, which evenly distributes the composition over the entire surface. The adhesive should dry naturally without any external influences... The drying time of the adhesive can be affected by air temperature and other factors.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that in most cases, the connection of plastic pipes can be done by hand, without having any special devices at hand and without having special knowledge and skills. The main condition is strict adherence to technology. It is also important to heed the advice of professionals. This will help to complete the installation of a water supply system without unnecessary material costs.

Connection of plastic water pipes: how to connect by soldering, without soldering and a soldering iron, options

Connection of plastic water pipes: how to connect by soldering, without soldering and a soldering iron, options

Connecting plastic pipes without using a soldering machine

When arranging communication systems, it is necessary to dock individual elements however, this process can be done in very different ways. Special attention should be paid to the connection of plastic pipes without soldering, because in this case it is possible to do without the use of a special apparatus, the price of which is quite high.

The photo shows plastic products for communication systems.

Docking with fittings

With this option, a set of shaped parts is used that allow combining not only two, but also more elements. Every developer who does not have a soldering machine at his disposal wants to learn how to connect plastic pipes in this way.

Advantages of the method

  • The low cost of fittings allows you to reduce the cost of supplying communications.
  • Ease of installation makes it possible to dock even for non-professionals.
  • The ability to use parts in pressurized systems expands the range of applications.

This is how the connection fittings look.

Note! It should be borne in mind that this way it is applicable for elements with a small diameter, and in other situations, it is more often used for joining with thermal action.

Carrying out works

It's time to understand how plastic pipes are connected directly with crimp fittings. From the tools you will need: a sharp knife for cutting elements, a calibrator, as well as manual or automatic pliers for performing the clamping operation.

First of all, cutting is performed component parts communication system, if required in a particular case. The incision should be made strictly perpendicularly so that bevels and other flaws do not form. After that, using a calibrator, ovality is eliminated at the junction.

Next, a special coupling is thrown, and the fitting itself with O-rings is inserted into the pipe. Crimping with prepared pliers is carried out from above. Thus, it is possible to dock the plastic elements.

An illustrative example of a compression fitting installation.

However, in some cases, you need to know how to connect a plastic pipe to a cast iron one. For this, a special adapter is used, the diameter of the sides of which corresponds to the dimensions of the pipes used. In the process of joining, it must be remembered that the coefficients of linear expansion of plastic and cast iron are noticeably different.

Bonding of individual elements

In addition to the above option, there are other ways to connect plastic pipes. One of these is the bonding process, when the ends of the component parts are joined using a special chemical composition... In the course of work, it is possible to ensure sufficient tightness.

The principle of the composition

Adhesive designed for plastic products, usually contains polyvinyl chloride, which dissolves in methyl ethyl ketone, tetrahydrofuran and cyclohesanone. Special adhesion additives are also added to two-component formulations.

Widely used compound.

Advantages of the glue method

  • Quality grip chemical agent with the surfaces of the elements allows you to obtain high tightness.
  • Availability the main material makes it possible to apply it to a wide range of consumers.
  • The invisibility of the joint has a positive effect on the aesthetic perception of the components of the communication system.

Attention! The adhesive used must be kept at a sufficient distance from open flame, as it can easily catch fire. In addition, during work it is necessary to protect the skin from the ingress of the substance.

Application of the composition

You can do the gluing with your own hands. Work should be carried out at temperatures from +5 to +35 degrees. In advance, you need to prepare a brush with natural bristles. In most cases, it comes directly with an adhesive.

Before starting the main steps, it is advisable to assemble the structure without the use of a chemical agent in order to perform a preliminary fitting. Before applying the substance, the surface must be degreased using solvents.

The process of applying glue is demonstrated.

A thin layer of glue is applied to the prepared surfaces. The plastic product is inserted into the hole until it stops, while rotation or other manipulations must be avoided. The components are held for 15-20 seconds so that the adhesive has time to dry.


The presented method is applicable mainly for sewerage systems, since no pressure is generated in them. At the ends of the elements used, there are special connections for plastic pipes - sockets. With their help, the fixation itself is made.

Positive aspects of technology

  • The relatively high assembly speed ensures that assembly is carried out in the shortest possible time.
  • The absence of the need to purchase additional components allows you to reduce costs.
  • Possibility of implementation self assembly allows you to opt out of professional help.

Docking principle: 1 - socket, 2 - seal.

Important! For non-pressure systems, this option can be considered sufficiently tight, because when installed, a rubber gasket is inserted inside, which at the same time makes it possible to compensate for the mismatch of the parts to be connected.

Description of the assembly process

After making sure before installation that there is a rubber ring in the socket, you need to clean it from various contaminants, then it will be possible to achieve good adhesion. A lubricant should be applied to the smooth pipe edge to improve the seal. After that, docking is carried out.

To do this, the smooth end of the element is wound into the socket until it stops. The place of contact with the edge is marked with a marker to make it easier to determine the distance of the docking. Further, the product is pulled back about 10 mm directly from the line.

The gap made is needed to compensate for linear expansion, which usually occurs during temperature fluctuations. In this regard, it will be possible to avoid the appearance of internal stresses in the communication network.

Highlights with a socket joint.

System components are cut strictly perpendicularly to eliminate the possibility of bending in the piping. After cutting, the chamfer is removed from the end using a conventional file. This reduces the likelihood of damage to the gasket.

Final part

After considering this topic, almost every beginner should qualitatively carry out the connection of plastic pipes without outside help... Additionally, a visual instruction is attached that will help you understand the difficult points associated with the installation work.

Connecting plastic pipes without soldering: do-it-yourself video instructions for installation, how to connect with cast iron, methods, photos and price

Connecting plastic pipes without soldering: do-it-yourself video instructions for installation, how to connect with cast iron, methods, photos and price

How to connect polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron?

It is necessary to slightly alter the water supply system in the new building, add a piece of pipe - lengthen it. All materials are available except for the soldering iron, is it possible to make a high-quality connection, for example, on glue? Or can such pipes be connected only with a soldering iron?

For high-quality bonding, it is advisable to solder polypropylene pipes only with a special soldering iron. But if it does not exist, not everyone has it, then the pipes are connected to each other with other materials and tools, for example, gas burner... This method is suitable for brazing large diameter pipes. Measure and cut off the required pipe section, be sure to add

2-2.5 centimeters. Heat the pipe and the fitting with the burner at the same time. Connect them and hold them for a while, wait until they cool down.

Polypropylene is a difficult-to-glue material and for joining polypropylene pipes you need to choose a very high-quality glue designed for this material.

Prepares a pipe section and a fitting for it. To reliably glue polypropylene pipes, it is necessary to clean and degrease the surfaces. Then apply the glue in a thin even layer on the pipes and connect the parts with a fitting, withstand the time according to the instructions, at least 2-3 minutes. Do not use the pipes for several hours until they are fully set.

Pipes intended for a soldering iron are of high quality (I would like to emphasize the word “high quality”), they cannot be glued.

In general, you can glue it together.

I need to get this glue

For money, it will turn out to be several times more expensive than renting a soldering iron, or paying the foreman to lengthen the pipe you are writing about (the foreman will come with his soldering iron).

We clean the pipe with a shaver (practice somewhere on a piece of pipe, adjust the shaver knife to remove a small layer).

We have to clean the pipe because the diameter of the pipe is larger than the diameter of the fittings (with the total diameter of both pipes and fittings).

After we have cleaned it up, we work on the cleaning with fine sandpaper.

We try to bring the pipe into the fitting, the entry should be tight.

Now we remove dust, degrease, dry.

We insert the pipe into the fitting and hold it for a while (30 seconds).

Remove excess glue immediately.

In the end, I would like to give advice:

After we did not correctly connect the pipes under heating with a soldering iron, glue, be sure to attach above the peephole front door sticker with the words “turn off the main taps”.

And overlap every time you leave the house.

How to connect polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron?

For high-quality bonding, it is advisable to solder polypropylene pipes only with a special soldering iron. But if it does not exist, not everyone has it, then the pipes are interconnected with other materials and ...

Connection of plastic pipes without soldering. Fittings and cold welding

Polymer parts can be connected not only with heating elements. But how to connect polypropylene pipes without soldering? Soldering of polypropylene pipes for their connection is not always used. The presence of other types of connection besides soldering is one of their characteristic features. The absence of the need to purchase welding equipment in one way or another makes this type of welding even more popular and affordable, since few know how to solder or how to weld pipes. Also, a distinctive feature is the ability to connect plastic pipes with your own hands without special equipment. How to connect plastic pipes without soldering?

There are two ways to join polypropylene, polyethylene and other polymeric materials without the use of special welding equipment: welding plastic pipes using compression fittings and cold welding.

In addition to the compression fittings for the first type of welding, the only thing you need is a special crimp wrench. They are usually sold together. For cold welding, only special glue is needed. The latter type of connection without soldering is more often applicable only for cold water supply. The disadvantage of joining parts without soldering is that it takes more time. Further, each of the types will be considered in more detail and the answers to the questions of how to connect polypropylene pipes without soldering and how to solder polypropylene pipes on our own will be presented.

Connection with compression fittings

Solder plastic parts using compression fittings. They are applicable not only for their respective type of pipes. In general, fittings of a material other than that of the elements to be connected cannot be used. However, a feature of such fittings is their versatility, since different pipes can be connected: aluminum with copper, low-pressure polyethylene with PVC, and so on. Therefore, not every part corresponds to a certain type of fitting. Another advantage of this type of connection is that the structure can be both assembled and disassembled. If you soldered two parts, you will not be able to separate them as it was.

The fitting design consists of the following elements: those that are installed at the end of the pipe (for example, plugs) and those that combine the elements to be connected into a single whole.

The modern market has many fittings. Here are the main ones:

The compression fitting is a UV-resistant body. This housing contains a press sleeve and a cover. The body material contains an o-ring that facilitates a leak-tight connection, a clamping ring and a thrust ring (sometimes these two rings are combined in one). In case of disassembly / assembly of parts, the O-ring must be replaced with a new one. These fittings are used for low density polyethylene products (PE 100, PE 80, PE 40), and low density polyethylene. Compression fittings, in addition to UV resistance, are also characterized by resistance to aggressive chemicals. The scope of application of connections using compression fittings is typical for low-rise buildings, in street water supply systems in villages and towns, greenhouses. In this regard, it should be noted again the peculiarity of this type of connection, namely, the possibility of disassembling the pipeline in one place in order to transfer it to a new location.

When working with fittings, you must first read the instructions and follow strictly its provisions, as well as the rules set forth below in the text. Before work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the quality of the pipes, their dimensions and their compliance with the fittings. There are maximum permissible limits for deviations from the norm when joining: the diameter cannot be deviated from the nominal value by more than 1%, and the oval of the section cannot be more than 2%. If these limits are violated, then it is better to lay the pipeline in a horizontal position. Manually connect the pipeline if the diameter is less than 50 mm, if more, then a special key is needed. The connection of plastic pipes without soldering should be carried out in compliance with the requirements for thorough cleaning of parts from dirt and burrs, stripping so that the edges are smooth, without defects. Special scissors are used for trimming. Mark the required length of the insert on the product with a marker.

The connection speed is pretty fast. The nut is pushed onto one end of the pipe, the clamping ring is installed, and then the pipe is inserted into the fitting. The ring should reach the stop. In conclusion, depending on the diameter of the pipeline, tighten the nut manually or using a wrench.

As a result, we get a ready-made connection of plastic pipes without soldering.

The main advantages of compression fittings are:

  • Structural strength
  • Durability of the structure
  • Simplicity and speed of assembly
  • No susceptibility to corrosion
  • Versatility
  • The ability to connect plastic pipes with your own hands without welding equipment

How to solder polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron using cold welding or glue joint

Cold welding of plastic pipes is the process of joining parts without heating them. Soldering plastic elements can be done by using a special glue that hardens quickly. The adhesive is usually composed of epoxy resin and hardener. Cold welding is black or white. It is usually used for cold water supply. But some adhesives are also used for hot. This must be indicated separately on the packaging.

What is the glue mass:

  • Flowable mixtures (there should be two tubes in the package: one with a hardener, the second with an elastic substance; for example: if you are going to eliminate a hole in a polymer product, then the contents of the tubes must be connected immediately before starting work (a kind of repair); it is imperative to use a mixture for no more than 20 minutes, otherwise it will become hard).
  • Plastic mass (represents a bar consisting of two layers: a hardener on top, and a plastic component inside; resembles plasticine).

Most professionals advise using the cold welding method for a specific bill of materials that is provided in the instructions.

Also, the package indicates the maximum allowable temperature for a particular mixture (usually about 260 degrees). If you strictly follow the rules of operation, then the seam will be durable, strong and airtight. There is glue for high temperatures water (about 1300 degrees).

Thus, brazing of polypropylene pipes is not the only way to join polymers. It is possible to connect plastic pipes with your own hands without using welding machine... DIY polypropylene pipes can be connected by cold welding or using compression fittings. The connection of polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron using fittings has features, among which the most important is the ability to assemble and disassemble structures.

How to join plastic pipes without soldering: fittings and cold welding

How to connect a pipe using compression fittings; how to connect plastic pipes using cold welding, without soldering.

The ability to assemble pipelines yourself is a definite plus polypropylene products... Using convenient and light material, you can build a sewage system with your own hands, repair and modernize a water supply system.

The main thing is to understand the specifics of connecting prefabricated elements to each other. Agree, this is an important part of the work, which is responsible for the tightness of the line and its trouble-free operation.

We offer you detailed information on how to solder polypropylene pipes, what equipment is used in the work, and also list the most common mistakes novice welders make.

The information we offer will help you build trouble-free communications. For visual perception, the article has been supplemented with graphical applications and a video tutorial.

The soldering process is carried out due to the pronounced thermoplastic properties of the material. Polypropylene softens when heated - it acquires a state similar to plasticine.

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This looks like a soldering iron ("iron") for polypropylene pipes. Uncomplicated electrical device, semi-automatic, thanks to which the plastic is soldered

For butt welding, the designs of soldering machines are of increased complexity. Usually, such equipment includes not only a heating element, but also a system for centering the parts to be welded.

As a rule, direct welding equipment, like the technology itself, is rarely used in the domestic sphere. The priority of use is industry.

A more complex device with the help of which accurate centering of the parts to be welded is performed with further process heating and soldering. Used with direct welding technology

In addition to soldering irons, the master will also need:

  • scissors - ;
  • construction tape;
  • locksmith's square;
  • shaver for pipes with reinforcement;
  • marker or pencil;
  • surface degreaser.

Since the work is carried out on high-temperature equipment, it is imperative to wear heavy work gloves.

Polypropylene welding procedure

Important warning! Welding work on polymeric materials should be carried out in conditions of good ventilation of the room. When heated and melted, polymers release toxic substances, which in a certain concentration have a serious impact on human health.

The procedure for welding polypropylene is simple, but it requires precision and accuracy in work. You should also avoid commonplace mistakes such as insufficient or excessive heating.

The first step is to prepare for work:

  1. Install blanks of the required diameter on the heater plate.
  2. Set the regulator to 260 ° C.
  3. Prepare mating parts - mark, chamfer, degrease.
  4. Switch on the soldering station.
  5. Wait for the set working temperature- turning on the green indicator.

Attach the mating parts (pipe - coupling) to the blanks at the same time soldering station... In this case, the polypropylene pipe is pushed into the inner area of ​​one ingot, and the sleeve (or socket of the shaped part) onto the outer surface of another ingot.

Usually, the ends of the pipe are inserted along the border of the previously marked line, and the sleeve is pushed on until it stops. Withstanding polypropylene parts on heated discs, you should remember about important nuance technology - exposure time.

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Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Professionals always have a lot to learn. How to work with polypropylene can be seen in the following video:

Installing polymer pipelines by hot soldering is a convenient and popular technique. It is successfully used in the installation of communications, including at the household level.

This welding method can be used by people without experience. The main thing is to correctly understand the technology and ensure its exact implementation. A technological equipment can be bought or rented.

Do you have experience in soldering polypropylene pipes? Please share information with our readers. You can leave comments and ask questions on the topic in the form below.