Simple winter business ideas. Winter business - cold calculation of hot ideas

“Pinocchio visited Papa Carlo only when it was warm.

In winter I was afraid because there was often not enough firewood.”

If you think that winter is coming and everything freezes, you are mistaken! It's a wonderful time of year. The presence of ice under your feet, frost and snow falling from the sky can make you a monopolist in your industry, bring good profits and allow you to spend the winter months wonderfully and interestingly. What business ideas exist in winter? In our article we will not consider options that require huge investments, extensive experience and connections. All our developments are applicable for use by the average person.

Business ideas in winter. Episode 1. “What is the New Year - it’s a friendly round dance...”

If we talk about opening a business in winter, then, of course, we should start with the country’s biggest holiday. First, a few numbers - the average family spends about seven and a half thousand rubles on New Year's Eve. This includes the cost of gifts, a festive table, and attendance at leisure events. Let's look at each of these points separately, since you can build your own business on any of them.

How to make money on gifts?

Even if your golden hands do not grow entirely from there, and as a manufacturer of “HAND-MADE” products and their packer, you are no good, do not think that this will not allow you to open your own business in this area. You can always organize and unite several craftsmen, from among those who express their soul in embroidery, quilling, decoupage, carving, fabric painting, wood carving and even macrame. Then direct their efforts towards the New Year theme, and sell the resulting products through a New Year's fair held by someone else or organized by you personally.

Festive table: this is a source of additional income!

Of course, if on New Year’s it came down to the cake, then the holiday was a failure. In my life I have never reached it on a holiday night, and I used this product exclusively on January 1st in the afternoon. The fact, however, is that a holiday cake is present on the table of any family these days, and during the holidays, at least three such examples of confectionery skill go away. I won’t pretend that I know everything about making custom cakes, but even among my friends there are such needlewomen whose products would not be a shame to decorate even the most exquisite table. The level of pleasantness of a themed cake with a Christmas tree in the center and the symbol of the New Year is, of course, immeasurably higher than an ordinary product purchased from the nearest confectionery factory.

We entertain people and make a profit!

Do you know how much it costs to rent a small plot in the nearest city park? Find out for fun, and you will understand that you can easily afford this amount. It is not necessarily a handy man with a beard, suspenders and a plaid shirt who can build an ice town for children on these rented square meters. In addition to the rental agreement with the park administration, you will need a few friends, some snow, ice and water, warm clothes, spare mittens and a large thermos of mulled wine.

Now attention! All of the business ideas just listed for winter are not devoid of rational grain and are quite profitable. But by combining them together, you can get a really serious business, the costs of which will pay off within a few days of the New Year holidays. Moreover, even a few poor students will be able to organize this, since the threshold for entering the business is extremely low.

So, the whole picture will look like this: Before the New Year holidays, you rent a small plot in the nearest city park. With the help of your friends (believe me, they themselves will be interested in participating, especially if there is mulled wine) build an ice town there with slides, ladders, turrets and flags. Place several benches nearby to take care of the parents. Display shelves with souvenirs, confectionery and hot drinks. You collect profit for selling goods and sending children to your town.

If you suddenly find a site next to you with competitors who have the same site, do not rush to be sad. Take a good look, if they are weaker than you - their town is smaller, their baked goods are so-so, and their souvenirs are worth nothing at all - such proximity will only benefit you and will distinguish you favorably. If the forces are equal, try to unite with them by connecting the towns with tunnels - a huge snowy city will attract people even more. It would also be a good idea to rent or purchase a generator and speaker system. Cheerful loud music will attract visitors.

Episode 2. “A cool hand on the pulse of housing and communal services!”

If you don’t like playing snowballs with your kids and building snow castles, rejoice, in most regions of our country, snow is not removed from the streets, driveways and roofs very well. You may well compete with public utilities, especially in the private sector of cities, in the courtyards of apartment buildings and car parks, where heavy equipment rarely enters. Renting a small but powerful manual snow blower in the middle zone of our country for a day will cost you 1000 rubles. Even a child can handle it. All that is required for this business is a personal vehicle with a trailer that can accommodate snow removal equipment. An old UAZ is quite suitable for this. By the way, many craftsmen mount a bucket for snow removal and even rotating brushes on it - the presence of all-wheel drive and a reduction gear will allow you to compete on an equal footing with municipal snow removal equipment).

Removing snow and icicles from roofs is quite a dangerous task; you may need a license as an industrial climber. Although... I remember one moment in my life when on the roof of the office where I used to climb the career ladder, an icicle the size of a person grew, and just above the entrance for visitors. The director began to quickly write double letters to local utility workers in order to remove the threat hanging over possible clients. But before these letters reached their recipients, the icicle was shot down with a well-aimed shot from an air gun by a young programmer from our organization. For which he was immediately given a good bonus. In no way do I encourage you to walk around organizations with a machine gun and shoot dangerous icicles with short bursts of tracer bullets. However, in combination with other services, something similar can take place; it will give you good advertising and set you apart from your competitors.

The opportunities listed above are open to absolutely everyone; almost no investment or experience is required to enter this business. For people with broader capabilities, I will give examples of prices for small-format snow removal equipment suitable for clearing courtyard areas of residential buildings and car parks

  1. A manual snow blower for paths and parking lots occupied by cars (for example, the plastic SunGarden) will cost from 4,000 rubles with the performance of a shovel; up to 250,000 rubles will have to be paid for a tracked Husqvarna, which sounds similar to a bomber from the Second World War.
  2. A snow blower for open areas and large areas will cost from 300,000 rubles. (The average garden tractor costs 250,000 rubles and a snow plow for it costs 50,000 rubles) but I won’t name the upper limit, it is not limited by anything.

As you can see, the prices are quite affordable. By taking over several apartment buildings, or several streets in the private sector, a parking lot in front of a hypermarket and the territory of some base for your service, you can easily recoup the costs of purchasing equipment.

Episode 3. “Personal Courchevel.”

A healthy lifestyle is becoming more popular every year. Money invested in sports and active recreation has every chance of returning to you in the near future and bringing reinforcements with it.

The entry threshold here is also very low, no one is stopping you from renting a slide in a vacant lot within the city limits, leveling it a little, improving it and making money by renting tubing, ice skates and sleds. Plus put up a tent nearby with hot pies, tea, coffee and kebabs.

You can go the other way - literally before my eyes, a ski park opened and is developing in the province, founded by enthusiastic guys. Its visitors are mostly residents of the capital. Many of them are wealthy enough to afford to ski at least on the Alpine slopes, but they do not have enough time. But spending a day off in nature and returning home in the evening is quite possible. This whole business developed under my supervision: the guys rented a plot of land with a good long slope. I don’t know which museum of technology they had to take their first ski lift from; it gave rise to associations with the movie “Mad Max”. These guys also brought, apparently, fallen from the Caucasian peaks, alpine skis and snowboards. The price for renting equipment and using the lift was set very low, and in order to get to them in the first year, you had to arrive as early as possible, otherwise there might not be enough equipment. The main clients at first were residents of the nearest town and rural settlements. The next season there was a newer lift and better equipment. And then another ski lift, another bigger slide, an equipment rental building, a parking lot and a cafe. All! Now this is a very respectable business, and it brings considerable income to its founders! In the summer, as far as I know, mountain biking, downhill, paintball competitions are held there, discos and family sports games are held.

Please note that this trend will only develop over the years; leading an active lifestyle has finally become fashionable. Not necessarily alpine skiing - any winter sport can be brought to the masses. I'm willing to bet that curling rinks, hockey courts, and even entry-level bobsled tracks will be in high demand.

Episode 4 "Looking forward to summer"

The time has come to say goodbye, dear friends. I hope you found the material interesting for yourself and realized that business ideas in winter are no worse than at any other time of the year. We deliberately did not analyze the banal options here, with trying on the role of Santa Claus or reselling Christmas trees, garlands and decorations. Any of the episodes we propose can easily be adapted to the coming summer, sooner or later. The snow town will be transformed into a children's playground with trampolines, snow removal will be transformed into landscaping and landscaping, and the ski hill will become a mountain bike trail. Be far-sighted and prudent, don't stop in the middle. Anatomy of Business wishes you great success!

The most difficult period for making money for almost every entrepreneur is winter. It is quite difficult to choose a reasonable, optimal option for successful implementation. How to make money in winter, so as not to spend all your remaining savings on materials, but, on the contrary, to replenish your budget by a couple of “0s” after the main number, you will definitely find out at NYiGDE?. In the business section we are ready to offer you a variety of options: from small to large, from “cheap” to “expensive”. Just a minute of attention and you will light up with new ideas.

How to make money in winter:

Business idea from NYiGDE? 1. Sale of hot drinks.

This is perhaps one of the easiest ideas for making money in cold weather. Of course, you won’t be able to buy a car or square meters in the city from simple street sales of coffee and tea, but it’s enough for bread and butter and sausage. If you want to earn more reliable money, then you will have to spend money.

In order to attract more consumers to your product, lure them with a wide range, beautiful presentation and creative packaging. Firstly: you need to make a beautiful sales center: a wooden carriage, a house, maybe a pumpkin or any other option, preferably mobile, so that at any time you can set up your business in the most crowded place. Secondly: if you serve a latte, cappuccino, or glace with a small cookie, marshmallow and decorate it with at least a simple design of chocolate, cinnamon on foam, people will be much more interested in buying hot drinks at your kiosk, and not at the next one, even if your product is 1 -2 UAH expensive. Always and everywhere, the presentation is assessed first, and then everything else. Third: the aroma and taste must be really good.

If you have a clean, neat, polite seller, your drinks are beautifully decorated and also have a delicious aroma and taste - the success of your business is guaranteed! Buy good grains, tea with pieces of dried fruit, brew aromatic mulled wine (expensive wine is not necessary) and the queue at your kiosk will be two rows long.

Method 2. Food preparation and delivery.

It is profitable to engage in the food business in any conditions, since people want to eat always and everywhere. It is part of every person's vitality. If you can refuse coffee/tea when your pocket is whistling, then you always need a snack.

If your starting budget is limited and paying taxes and rent is expensive for you, cook food to order. Nowadays, many organizations need such services. Ukraine goes to Europe, and office workers abroad are paid for lunch. Create a menu and price list. Take your experience to companies and offer your services. If you don’t want to go, submit an ad, place your small start-up business on the Internet, on the NYiGDE marketplace? They will see you, become interested and will definitely seek your services. Take advantage of old connections, tell your friends what you do, you know, word of mouth works well. True, there is a flaw in such a business: delivery, timely delivery of food is important. You need to carefully calculate the number of servings, purchase fresh products every day, but the main thing is hot delivery! All food you bring to customers must be hot; people have paid money and should not receive a cold meal. Moreover, not all offices are equipped with kitchen appliances, and if you bring a slightly warm snack, they will not be able to warm it up. It's not their problem, first of all, it's your reputation. You won't be able to retain customers by delivering cold food. Think about it.

3. Snow removal.

Considering the weather forecasts in Ukraine and the amount of snow in recent years, it will not be possible to make money in such a business for a long time. This is not just a seasonal business, it is more like a “couple of weeks” or even “several days”. Of course, not all of Ukraine gets a little snow in winter, but alas, most residents see snow instead of 3 months, at most a dozen days a year. There is no need to give up this idea either, since there are quite a few such services and you will be able to earn money. To avoid spending a lot of money on special equipment, purchase simple equipment. If you are young and full of energy, you can also save on workers; you can fulfill orders yourself or reduce the number of hired workers.

4. Wood cutting.

You need to engage in such a business in the fall, or even in the summer. There are many people who are unable to cope with this work: some do not have time, others lack strength and health. Put advertisements in newspapers and post them on poles in rural areas. People often need help, so the chance to earn money is not small.

Winter business idea No. 5.Sale of warm goods.

In summer you need to sell cold, and in winter you need to sell heat, and more. Sell ​​children's and adult hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, and warm socks. Simply purchasing goods from wholesale suppliers is an option, not so interesting and attractive for the consumer, but economical in both time and money. It is much more attractive if you, your grandmother or mother know how to knit. There are a lot of creative knitting lessons on the Internet, an excessive number of ideas, sketches of finished works, and so on. Create a page on the Internet, upload photos of possible works and knit to order. Lure customers with discounts and promotions. Handmade work is always expensive both to sell and to buy, so don’t bury your talents, don’t waste time on meaningless things, but do what you love, which will bring seasonal income.

Dear beginning businessmen and experienced Entrepreneurs, remember: everything that people do not need in the summer is in demand in the winter. The world is full of new ideas and the business environment is no exception. Give free rein to your fantasies, believe in yourself and your creations will bear fruit!

A banal but very profitable business idea for the winter. Organization costs are small:

Costumes - about 15,000 rubles. You can rent, but it's better to have your own.
- Advertising – about 10,000 rubles. With a creative approach you can get by with minimal costs.

The cost of New Year's greetings largely depends on the city in which you live. Country averages:

House call – from 1,000 rubles.
- Corporate event – ​​from 5,000 rubles.
- Children's party - from 5,000 rubles.

It is important to come up with several scenarios for different categories of clients, find innovative ideas, and use funny jokes. Be creative in advertising your services. All types are effective - advertisements in public places, the Internet, word of mouth and many others.

Use new technologies. Appeals to children recorded on video, letters or congratulations via Skype work great.

Rental of skis and other types of equipment for winter activities

Rental can be arranged both near the ski resort and in the city. The first option involves great benefits, but you will have to withstand great competition. You can purchase a Gazelle cargo truck and organize a mobile ski rental with delivery of sports equipment. Away from resorts, profits are lower, but with proper organization, income can be quite good. We are talking about rental of skis, snowboards and equipment for those who go on vacation to the mountains or to a location near a park, a forested area in the suburbs or a recreation area. Cross-country skiing is more appropriate here. A good idea is to organize a skating rink and rent skates.

To start this business, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and purchase:

At least 10 pairs of skis of various sizes;
- at least 5 snowboards;
- helmets, gloves, ski boots and other types of equipment.

The minimum start-up costs for organizing a small rental are about 500,000 rubles. Most of the amount will be spent on purchasing skis; providing the widest possible selection of equipment is critical for success. If you manage to organize the process correctly, the costs will pay off within one season.

Snow removal

Many residents of Russia face the problem of snow-covered roads every winter, because heavy snowfalls are typical for our climate. Often, utility services are simply unable to cope with the snowdrifts, and a huge field of activity opens up for entrepreneurs that will bring significant profit and benefit to the residents of your city.

To create a business you need to purchase:

- a snow removal vehicle;
- a trailer for the same purpose.

This equipment can be bought for 150,000-170,000 rubles. Consider options for purchasing used cars or leasing them. In both cases, start-up costs are lower.

Form an individual entrepreneur, place advertisements in various sources and wait for snowfalls. When the first snowdrifts form, there will be no end to customers - this is an extremely popular service. Your customers will be managers of large enterprises, trading companies, and parking lots. Utilities often subcontract snow removal services to private companies.

The average cost of clearing 1,000 m² of snow is 4,000-5,000 rubles. Depending on the region and size of the city, significant adjustments are made to the prices. But even with the most optimistic forecasts, start-up costs pay off within 3-4 months.

This business has additional areas that are also worth covering to increase the profitability of the company:

Cleaning roofs from icicles and snow. You need a shovel and special safety equipment. 1 hour of work is estimated at around 2,000 rubles.
- Winter industrial mountaineering. This service consists of removing snow and ice in hard-to-reach places and is in great demand. It is necessary to hire a highly qualified specialist and purchase special equipment. 1 hour of work is estimated at no less than 9,000 rubles. All costs pay off very quickly.
- Additional income can be obtained from the removal of snow removed by snow removal machines of city utilities and even private customers.

Sale of decorations and souvenirs for the New Year holidays

This idea is seasonal and can only be implemented before the New Year holidays, but it will bring impressive profits, despite high competition. Your goal is to find a supplier with the lowest prices for Christmas decorations and choose new items that have appeared this season. Traditional toys and garlands are also in great demand.

If you have the time and ability to create crafts, you can make some unique toys and souvenirs. Such products sell out instantly and are highly valued.

Toys and decorations with symbols of the coming year are in particular demand. Use not only numbers, but also animal figures that will become a symbol of this year. When forming an assortment of these products, it should be taken into account that next year no one will need them.

You can offer spruce trees made from artificial materials. They are in increasing demand every year. Offer customers a selection of gifts for New Year and Christmas, fireworks, and shopping packaging services. The wider the assortment of your store, the faster the goods will sell out. In the pre-holiday bustle, customers prefer to buy as many products as possible in one place, because time is sorely lacking during this period.

The costs of purchasing goods and renting a retail space in a shopping center or on a busy street are impressive. But with a well-formed assortment, you can literally get a good profit in a month. It is not necessary to curtail trade with the end of the New Year holidays, because Valentine’s Day, March 8, is ahead. You can update your assortment with souvenirs and other goods that will be relevant on the eve of these holidays.

Snow fortress

Do you know children who are indifferent to various figures and structures made of snow? That's right, there are no such children. Build a majestic medieval snow fortress in a park or city center and create a holiday for local children.

To implement this idea, permission must be obtained from the local authorities. Sign a contract with a sculptor who will create a design for a fortress, figurines of fairy-tale characters and animals, an ice slide and a skating rink. To implement the project, it is necessary to hire workers. Construction material - snow and water. According to the rules, the fortress is built from large ice blocks. They are made using special molds. The finished fortress is watered and at sub-zero temperatures it acquires impressive strength.

The professionalism of the builders and competent organization of work make it possible to build a fortress in a few days. No advertising needed. Hundreds and thousands of children will eagerly await the completion of the construction of such an unusual facility.

By setting a reasonable fee for entering the fortress, you will break even in just 1-2 months. But this is not the only source of income - you can offer traders of toys and sweets the opportunity to work near your fortress on a sublease basis.

This idea is especially relevant for regions with harsh and long winters.


This is a new entertainment for residents of our country, but in Europe snow tubing is incredibly popular. A snow tube is something like an inflatable sled made of very durable fabric. Driving this type of vehicle down a hill is a lot of fun. To organize a business, it is important to build a good slide, purchase several snow tubes and ensure customer safety. The ideal location for organizing an attraction would be a snow-covered river slope.

The costs of setting up a business consist of purchasing snow tubes - one costs about 2,000 rubles. You must have at least 10 European sleds. All permits must be completed.

In Russia, snow tubing is just beginning to appear at large ski resorts or in large entertainment centers. This niche is practically empty. Snow tubing is a lot of fun. You will have clients, children and adults, instantly. Organizing an advertising campaign on the Internet is very simple and costs almost nothing. Very quickly, word of the fun attractions will spread throughout the city, and you will be able to buy new snotubes, because everyone who wants them will simply not have enough of them.

Growing and selling herbs and vegetables

The lion's share of the winter vitamin assortment comes to Russia from abroad. This is associated with the high cost of fruits and fresh vegetables. And it is naive to expect environmental cleanliness in this case - without treatment with chemicals, long-term transportation is impossible. The niche in the domestic market for growing herbs, vegetables and berries in greenhouses has not yet been occupied, and ample opportunities are open for enterprising farmers.

Organizing such a business is quite simple. The procedure is as follows:

Construction of a greenhouse.
Purchase and installation of heating and additional lighting equipment.
Installation of an irrigation system.
Purchase of seeds.
A small greenhouse can be operated by two people. To work in several greenhouses, it is necessary to hire employees. The profitability of this business in the winter, especially during the New Year holidays, is very high.

But greenhouses can also be used with the onset of spring. Grow seedlings of summer crops or ornamental plants for landscaping for sale.

Many people think that there is nothing to do in winter. Not at all! Seasonal business in winter can bring good profits. Why just waste time when you can spend it usefully? A new activity will drive away the blues and bring in money. It all depends on your desire.

There are two ways to earn money during this period. The first is everything related to the New Year holidays. Think about it, do you really not know how to do anything with your own hands? You can make it to order or simply sell handmade New Year toys, souvenirs, or sew costumes. To sell goods, you can rent a room or launch an online store. Make sure that as many clients as possible know about your services. Remember that word of mouth is no worse than advertising! If someone's artistic talent is dormant, start working as Santa Claus (or Snow Maiden)! The demand for such “heroes” during the New Year holidays is enormous.

The second is no less extensive, because, despite the fact that the holidays end sooner or later, there is always work. You can open your own private business, or you can do what brings you pleasure and get paid for it.

We offer you the TOP 7 winter business ideas.

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TOP 7 business ideas. Part one

Clearing yards from snow. The simplest, but, of course, not the easiest way. Wherever you live: in a village or in a city, snow needs to be cleared everywhere. Often, residents of private houses (mostly!), in order to clear a passage or driveway, go out onto the street with huge shovels. Such physical education activities are not desirable for everyone, so special enthusiasm is rarely seen. So why don't you make money from it?

Offer your services for snow removal in yards! Now, by the way, not only housing office staff are involved in this. If you are looking for additional income, then you have free time. At first you can work alone, but over time, when there are more clients, hire cleaners who will do the work for you. Thus, your responsibilities will only be searching for clients and accepting orders. To open such a business, all you need is desire.

Destruction of icicles on the roofs of buildings. A very promising direction. What it will be depends on you. You can make it as a separate service, which is included in the first case, or as an independent one. Of course, the most difficult thing in this case will be to find people with the skills and climbing equipment who will willingly agree to climb the roofs.

Pay special attention to the health insurance of your employees if you work in a team, because opening such an enterprise is very risky! All equipment must be of high quality and tested for strength. You are responsible for what it will be like. If the house is not very high, then you can rent or buy a lift (it is usually used by electricians and firefighters). When you decide whether you will continue this business next season, then decide what is more profitable: rent it for the season or purchase your own. Such services are mainly offered by the housing office, so this is another reason to get into this business (often not everyone is happy with the work of utility workers).

Growing plants in greenhouses (flowers, herbs, vegetables, fruits). If you do not have deep knowledge in the field of gardening, then it is better to skip this point. And if the desire takes its toll, read at least specialized literature, and only then get down to business. Start by growing onions and gradually increase your assortment. In winter, fresh vegetables and fruits are very much appreciated. Of course, you will need start-up capital (in the first case it is not necessary) to purchase or build greenhouses. If you create all the necessary conditions, then almost all plants can be grown in it. People who understand gardening will also help you open such a business. They will tell you what the greenhouse should be like so that vegetables and fruits ripen well.

Window insulation service. Today, almost every second house has plastic double-glazed windows, and they don’t mind the cold. But what should the other half do, those houses or apartments in which such windows are not installed? And, believe me, there are enough of them. And no matter how you turn up the heating, there will be no heat in such apartments. Offer your services! No special physical labor is needed, just get the materials and desire. If you decide to start this business, then it will not cost you much. Decide right away what it will be like, because you can offer your own materials or insulate them with those that are provided to you.

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TOP 7 business ideas. Part two

Sale of sleds, skates, skis, snow scooters, etc. Of course, in the summer few people are interested in such goods, but in the winter the demand is crazy! And who doesn't want entertainment? When you buy all this “winter transport” yourself, pay attention to the quality, because there is a lot of Chinese consumer goods in stores. You can sell it in a rented room or on the street if you don’t mind the frost. You can also, of course, hire a salesperson, but keep in mind that this is an additional expense.

Sale of tea, coffee and hot cakes. Yes, it’s difficult to call this a purely winter business, but without advertising and special marketing, the demand for hot drinks increases precisely in cold weather. How and where to sell is up to you to decide. You can open a small kiosk, or you can just walk around with a cart. You can start with just drinks (coffee, tea, hot chocolate, etc.), or you can prepare an assortment of pies, hot dogs or whites. This idea once again confirms that winter business is never unprofitable.

Many entrepreneurs who are engaged in seasonal business during the warm season curtail their activities in winter. And in vain. After all, you can find an activity that will bring more profit than in the summer season. We will talk about what you can earn money on in winter in this article.

Insulation of balconies and loggias

Almost all apartments have loggias or balconies. This room is usually used to store various unnecessary things because it is too cold. Recently, many citizens have been insulating balconies in order to turn them into multifunctional living spaces, in which you can set up a work office, a room for meeting friends or a winter garden.

If you are interested in how you can make money in the winter, get into this highly profitable business. It does not require large financial investments. 50 thousand rubles are enough to purchase the necessary materials and tools. You can earn 100-150 thousand rubles a month by insulating balconies. It is enough to complete 2-3 orders to return the initial investment.

Scheme: balcony insulation

Fuel for fireplaces and stoves

Since energy prices are constantly rising, many owners of country houses use fireplaces or stoves to heat their homes. They run on solid fuel - coal, peat, firewood, briquettes, etc.

Are you looking for ways to make money in winter? Sell ​​fuel in country towns and villages. You can also use briquettes. In this case, your income will be much higher than from resale. Such a business brings good profits in winter.

Snow removal and removal of icicles from roofs

This type of work is usually performed by industrial climbers. If you have experience in this area and are looking for options on how you can make money in the winter, offer your services to residents of apartment buildings, as well as owners of shops, restaurants or cafes.

Removing snow from the roofs of buildings where there are large crowds of people is one of the main safety requirements, which is why this service is in great demand in winter. You can earn good money from this. In addition, to generate additional income, you can offer clients the removal of unwanted trees and branches.

Snow cleaning

Another great option for making money in the city in winter is snow removal. This specific seasonal business allows you to earn a good income. The most important thing is to organize the work correctly.

Your customers can be large companies, educational institutions, large industrial enterprises. A contract should be concluded with them for the entire season. After that, hire several helpers, buy equipment and rent a truck on which you will remove the snow. This is a very profitable line of business because it does not require large capital investments.

Organization of winter holidays

One of the most profitable business ideas for making money in winter is organizing various holidays and outdoor entertainment events. This line of activity has recently brought good profits. The organization of winter holidays is often ordered by various companies, enterprises, schools, preschool institutions, etc. In addition, you can rent fancy dress costumes, skis, sleds and other equipment for winter fun.

Now let's talk about... To start such an interesting business, you need to obtain all permits and register as a private entrepreneur. After that, rent a suitable room, make repairs there, and purchase equipment.

Pay special attention to personnel selection. The number of orders and, accordingly, future profits directly depend on the qualifications of personnel. In addition, pay due attention to advertising: post advertisements, post information about the provision of services on social networks, distribute advertising booklets on the street. Keep in mind that during the winter holidays you will have quite a lot of orders, but you can also organize events at other times of the year. Therefore, work primarily on your reputation. And over time, having become a reputable establishment, it will be possible to slightly raise prices and increase income.

Greenhouse farming

This challenging type of business is perfect for people who are interested in how they can make money in the village in winter. To grow vegetables or flowers in a greenhouse, you will need some knowledge, so it is best to start with growing greens, such as onions or lettuce. In addition, you need to build a greenhouse and purchase seed. Since fresh vegetables and herbs are expensive in winter, you will earn a good income. In spring and summer, vegetables can be grown in open ground. and growing vegetables will undoubtedly bring good income.

Selling hot cakes and tea

On cold days, hot drinks and pies sell out in an instant. If you know how to cook deliciously, try making money from it. Tea and pies can be sold at public transport stops, near educational institutions and at the market. But for this you will have to obtain a medical record and obtain a trade permit. This or the village will bring good profits. In large cities, this business can fail due to the high level of competition.

Sale of firewood

For those who are looking for how to make money in the village in the winter, such an activity as selling firewood is perfect. This type of fuel is in great demand, since many village residents heat their homes with stoves and fireplaces.

You can start selling firewood literally from scratch. To work you will need a truck and several workers. In addition, you need to agree with the wood processing enterprises where you will purchase waste. To prepare firewood yourself, you need to obtain the appropriate permission from the forestry department.

Production of knitted clothing

In winter, warm knitted items made from natural materials are very popular. If you know how to knit and don’t know how to make money in the winter in a private home, open a small workshop for the production of knitted items - socks, hats, scarves or sweaters. Offer consumers original fashionable models and over time you will have many regular customers who will bring a stable good income.

Advice. Children's items (knitted socks, hats, scarves, sweaters) are very popular. Therefore, give preference to this product. You can sell things on the local market, via the Internet or using social networks.

Growing strawberries

This is a fairly promising area of ​​activity, since the demand for strawberries in our country is constantly growing. Despite the fact that this berry is very expensive in winter, it is very popular.

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Such goods are purchased wholesale by restaurants, supermarkets, shops and other establishments. If you can’t find a way to make money from your summer cottage in winter, build a small greenhouse and try growing strawberries in it. Of course, you will have to invest a decent amount of start-up capital in your business, but thanks to the high profitability of this business, the initial investment will be returned in the shortest possible time.

Rabbit breeding

Can’t figure out how to make decent money in the winter at your dacha? Get busy. If you do this business seriously, it will bring good profits. Rabbit meat is a dietary product that is always in high demand.

This is a highly profitable and virtually waste-free production, since rabbit skins can also be sold for fur. The manure of these animals is the best fertilizer. The most important thing is to choose the right growing method and choose the right breed. This largely depends on your financial capabilities.