Simple winter business ideas.

Winter is a wonderful time of year, but people have different associations with this season. Some people love winter for its holidays, others for its beauty. This time of year is usually considered a period of hibernation, when even the flora and fauna rest.

Entrepreneurs in most cases try to sit out the winter, considering it unseasonal. They already imagine themselves sitting by a warm fireplace, drinking hot chocolate, making plans for the next spring (summer season). But truly enterprising citizens cannot afford such inactivity.

After all, winter is not only a time for fun and relaxation. A well-organized winter business will allow you to make a very significant profit.

Therefore, retiring during the winter season would be an unaffordable luxury.

When looking for something to do for the winter, there will be no problems, because today there are many business ideas. The main question is whether how to organize a business in such a way that the idea makes a profit.

Statistics show that entrepreneurs engaged in “winter” businesses receive much more profit than fans of “summer” trends.

How not to make a mistake with your choice?

The cold season adds its own specifics to running a small business. Therefore, when choosing a profitable idea, you must proceed from the following criteria:

  • Simplicity. The chosen activity should be accessible to implementation even for a beginner who has limited resources.
  • Taking into account the specifics of the season. In winter it is very cold, there are strong winds, snowfalls and severe frosts. All these can be limiting factors, but you need to look at the situation on the positive side. After all, you can use all this as an idea for making money.
  • Benefit for the client. Your idea must provide tangible benefits to its consumers. The more you are able to make people’s lives easier and more beautiful, the more and more willingly they will agree to pay you.

When organizing a business in winter, you need to proceed from a certain range of principles that will help you correctly implement your idea and increase your chances of making a profit.

Market and competitor analysis

Walk around the city and see what other entrepreneurs are doing. Are there any analogs on the market for the idea you want to implement?

  • How quality are the services provided?
  • Does this hit your wallet hard?
  • How relevant is the product offered to you?

Studying foreign experience

Another source of inspiration for an entrepreneur is foreign markets. There you can find many interesting ideas that may not yet be introduced into the Russian market.

Then, you won’t have to reinvent the wheel, and you will just need to adopt someone else’s experience.

Once you have decided what you want to do and have gone through the previous steps, you need to create a preliminary plan for the implementation of the project. Without a business plan, you will have to go in blind. Drawing up a plan of any level of complexity will save a lot of time, energy and resources.

How to make money on new business ideas in winter, watch the video:

Overview of options

Today, many areas of activity during the winter season are already known. We will look at the most common and profitable of them.

Briefly, they can be divided into several groups:

  • Holiday themed ideas.
  • Entertainment and relaxation.
  • Services to the population.

Making money on New Year's holidays

The best example of ideas for the winter is business during the New Year holidays. The population is constantly preparing for them and statistics show that at this time the maximum levels of purchasing power of citizens are observed.

We present to your attention the following business ideas from this category:

  • Production of souvenirs. If you have a penchant for creativity and an ability for applied labor, then you can start making various New Year-themed souvenirs.

    You can embroider hats for Santa Claus, make various carnival masks, or make New Year's toys. Ideas are limited only by your imagination and budget. New Year is a warm family holiday. At this time, gifts made with soul and with your own hands are very much appreciated.

  • Sale of souvenirs. If you don’t have any special talents, then you can engage in the banal purchase and sale of New Year’s souvenirs.

    Sales of goods can begin 2-3 weeks before the holidays. Moreover, for this it is not even necessary to rent a separate outlet, but to buy New Year’s paraphernalia in wholesale quantities and sell it to retail outlets and kiosks.

    You can sell the following goods: firecrackers and firecrackers, Christmas tree decorations, magnets, sparklers, masks for masquerade, personal accessories made under the New Year theme, New Year costumes and much more.

  • Rental of costumes and paraphernalia. The idea deserves attention due to its simplicity and relevance. Not every family can afford to book a visit from actors. However, parents can arrange a fun holiday for their children themselves. The only thing you will need for this is costumes that can be rented.

    An entrepreneur can order tailoring of suits in any studio. You shouldn’t limit yourself only to the robes of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. You can also rent out costumes of various fairy-tale characters for matinees and carnival evenings.

  • Sale of artificial (natural) Christmas trees. It is also a very profitable idea. However, in this case you will need a large initial capital.

    It is best to rent a spot in one of the Christmas tree markets. Entrepreneurs claim that no matter how many Christmas trees they take, there are practically no leftovers after the holidays.

To start a Christmas tree business, you need special permission from the city administration. It is better to purchase natural fir trees and pines in advance from forestries and farms in the country.

Deserves more detailed consideration organization of costume performances. Not a single New Year's holiday passes without Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Moreover, wealthy families very often order a visit from Santa Claus to their home. You can also make very good money from this.

There are two options for running this business:

  • If you have the makings of an actor and a partner, you can put on a show on your own: rent costumes, prepare an interesting program for the matinee, place an ad in the media and on the Internet.

    Today, many people do this, but there is little competition, because there are many more orders than the existing “Santa Clauses” can serve.

  • Open your own acting agency. You will have to recruit several good actors, sew costumes and prepare a program for a “professional” matinee.

    The amount of work is large, but the profit increases many times. This way you will have the opportunity to serve more matinees and New Year’s “corporate parties.”

Entertainment and active recreation

Winter is characterized by very long New Year holidays and weekends, which citizens want to take full advantage of. Every year the number of winter activities expands.

Big for today The following “winter” ideas have become widespread:

  • Equipment rental. Among the new products we can offer the rental of winter bicycles. Their design allows you to ride not only on snow, but also on icy surfaces.

    Although the idea is not particularly unusual, it has already gained great popularity among the population.

  • Ski and skate rental. An old but true opportunity that has enriched more than one generation of entrepreneurs. Organizing this business is accompanied by many difficulties: it is necessary to rent a suitable site, buy inventory and equipment, and install lighting.

    The business is unlikely to pay for itself in the first season, but the idea is great for long-term investing and receiving constant profits in the long term.

  • Snowmobile rental. It is also not an easy, but very profitable business.

    There are restrictions on the age of clients. In addition, those wishing to ride a snowmobile need a category A license.

  • Snowtubing. An analogue of Russian sleds, which came from abroad. The idea is that inflatable sleds are used instead of regular ones.

    The process of sliding down the slides turns into an unforgettable attraction, accompanied by indescribable sensations.

  • Ice and snow towns. An ice town is being created with a children's playground, labyrinths, castles and sculptures of fairy-tale animals.

    This town will be a great place for family outings. There is an entrance fee, but children who come with their parents are usually not charged.

Setting up such a town will take about a month of work and require approximately 100 specialists. In order to recoup the investment and make a good profit, you need to carry out a number of marketing activities.

Additional profit can be obtained by renting out space for stalls and kiosks.

Services to the population

Along with the pleasures, the winter holiday season often comes with a number of inconveniences. Enterprising citizens can earn quite a bit of money from this.

Here list of areas in which you can organize your business:

  • Towing cars that are stuck in the snow. To implement this idea you will need a car with a powerful engine.

    You can also offer clients on-site services to change tires, open jammed locks, etc.

  • Delivery of goods to your home.
  • Rent of game consoles and board games.
  • Cleaning rooms and offices after parties.
  • Garbage removal and subsequent recycling.

How to do business in a small town?

Unlike megacities business in a small town has a number of features, which you should definitely consider before starting your business:

  • Fewer consumers and lower living standards.
  • The competition is tougher. It is better to engage in a business that has no analogues yet.
  • Everybody knows each other. This is good - people will immediately start talking about you. However, you should be scrupulous about every little detail, because any mistake can be fatal.
  • Renting premises will be much cheaper.
  • To start a business you need less start-up capital.

The peculiarities of business in a small town bring their own disadvantages and advantages to future activities, which should be taken into account when creating a project.

Among profitable ideas to do in a small town, it is worth noting the following:

  • Insulation of windows, doors and loggias.
  • Sale of fuel for fireplaces and stoves. Cleaning fireplaces from ash.
  • Removing icicles and ice from facades.
  • Cleaning and removing snow from the site.
  • Fair of New Year's gifts and attributes.

Alesia 4 years ago

Yuliya nikolaenko2 4 years ago

Hello! You have already been recommended for snowmobile rental and animator services as a business, which is very interesting and profitable. But if you want to work seriously and purposefully on a project, I would suggest starting with a type of business that can be easily adapted to the changing seasons to be profitable all year round.

What could it be?

The first thing that comes to mind is the organization of a street fast food (or drink outlet) that will offer hot and warm drinks in winter and cool drinks in summer. Very interesting in this context. Moreover, I advise you to consider devices that have the ability to not only warm, but also cool drinks. Here is a very beautiful holiday idea:

Secondly, you can build on winter sports, which are relevant at any time of the year: in winter you can work in your region, in spring and summer you can focus your activity on the Internet and work with the foreign segment. Pay attention to .

If you disconnect from winter on the street, then remember that it is in winter that the audience of shopping and entertainment centers increases significantly - that’s where the goldmine is! can be different: you can organize a whole court, or you can simply install one device (for example, like this) and make money on it.

Also a profitable business is the sale of seasonal accessories - scarves, leg warmers (and there are a lot of interesting solutions, such as, for example, a glove for a couple holding hands).

Olga_1975 4 years ago

In winter, you can engage in such types of business that will be relevant during this season, and can be quickly reoriented to other times of the year. The choice of type of activity will depend on the size of the available start-up capital, location (metropolis, small town, village), existing experience and consumer demand. After the business niche has been determined, it is necessary to study the interests and characteristics of the target audience and competitors in this and related industries; calculate the main indicators of cost and profitability, register as an individual entrepreneur.

“Winter” types of business are determined by the basic needs that are relevant for this time of year.

The sale of hot drinks will be relevant in winter and other seasons of the year. In summer, you can add soft drinks to the assortment. Features of the business - the need to purchase and re-equip a car, purchase equipment and components for preparing drinks. Such a coffee car can be placed in places with large crowds of people - at public transport stops, near markets,

train stations, near shopping centers. Advantages - the ability to vary the range of drinks and small sweets, depending on the wishes of the target audience.

Disadvantages - work outside in any weather.

2. Growing greens at home.

This type of business will be relevant for those who live in the private sector. Growing greens - dill,

parsley, onions, and some types of vegetables will be relevant both in winter and in other seasons. The main stages will be the search for sales channels, selection of suppliers of seeds and fertilizers, and arrangement of the greenhouse. The advantages of the business are low capital investments, high profitability. Disadvantages - short shelf life of the goods, the need for close locations of sales points.

3. Sale and installation of heating equipment and climate control equipment.

The main concept of the business is the organization of an online store or retail outlet for the sale of heating equipment: radiators, convectors, equipment running on gas, solid fuel, electrics, etc. Such activities can be reoriented in the summer to the sale and installation of air conditioners and other climate control systems. technology. Important stages will be the search for reliable suppliers and a team of builders who will carry out high-quality installation. Advantages - demand, opportunity to work with different regions. Disadvantages - the presence of a fairly large start-up capital.

The most difficult period for making money for almost every entrepreneur is winter. It is quite difficult to choose a reasonable, optimal option for successful implementation. How to make money in winter, so as not to spend all your remaining savings on materials, but, on the contrary, to replenish your budget by a couple of “0s” after the main number, you will definitely find out at NYiGDE?. In the business section we are ready to offer you a variety of options: from small to large, from “cheap” to “expensive”. Just a minute of attention and you will light up with new ideas.

How to make money in winter:

Business idea from NYiGDE? 1. Sale of hot drinks.

This is perhaps one of the easiest ideas for making money in cold weather. Of course, you won’t be able to buy a car or square meters in the city from simple street sales of coffee and tea, but it’s enough for bread and butter and sausage. If you want to earn more reliable money, then you will have to spend money.

In order to attract more consumers to your product, lure them with a wide range, beautiful presentation and creative packaging. Firstly: you need to make a beautiful sales center: a wooden carriage, a house, maybe a pumpkin or any other option, preferably mobile, so that at any time you can set up your business in the most crowded place. Secondly: if you serve a latte, cappuccino, or glace with a small cookie, marshmallow and decorate it with at least a simple design of chocolate, cinnamon on foam, people will be much more interested in buying hot drinks at your kiosk, and not at the next one, even if your product is 1 -2 UAH expensive. Always and everywhere, the presentation is assessed first, and then everything else. Third: the aroma and taste must be really good.

If you have a clean, neat, polite seller, your drinks are beautifully decorated and also have a delicious aroma and taste - the success of your business is guaranteed! Buy good grains, tea with pieces of dried fruit, brew aromatic mulled wine (expensive wine is not necessary) and the queue at your kiosk will be two rows long.

Method 2. Food preparation and delivery.

It is profitable to engage in the food business in any conditions, since people want to eat always and everywhere. It is part of every person's vitality. If you can refuse coffee/tea when your pocket is whistling, then you always need a snack.

If your starting budget is limited and paying taxes and rent is expensive for you, cook food to order. Nowadays, many organizations need such services. Ukraine goes to Europe, and office workers abroad are paid for lunch. Create a menu and price list. Take your experience to companies and offer your services. If you don’t want to go, submit an ad, place your small start-up business on the Internet, on the NYiGDE marketplace? They will see you, become interested and will definitely seek your services. Take advantage of old connections, tell your friends what you do, you know, word of mouth works well. True, there is a flaw in such a business: delivery, timely delivery of food is important. You need to carefully calculate the number of servings, purchase fresh products every day, but the main thing is hot delivery! All food you bring to customers must be hot; people have paid money and should not receive a cold meal. Moreover, not all offices are equipped with kitchen appliances, and if you bring a slightly warm snack, they will not be able to warm it up. It's not their problem, first of all, it's your reputation. You won't be able to retain customers by delivering cold food. Think about it.

3. Snow removal.

Considering the weather forecasts in Ukraine and the amount of snow in recent years, it will not be possible to make money in such a business for a long time. This is not just a seasonal business, it is more like a “couple of weeks” or even “several days”. Of course, not all of Ukraine gets a little snow in winter, but alas, most residents see snow instead of 3 months, at most a dozen days a year. There is no need to give up this idea either, since there are quite a few such services and you will be able to earn money. To avoid spending a lot of money on special equipment, purchase simple equipment. If you are young and full of energy, you can also save on workers; you can fulfill orders yourself or reduce the number of hired workers.

4. Wood cutting.

You need to engage in such a business in the fall, or even in the summer. There are many people who are unable to cope with this work: some do not have time, others lack strength and health. Put advertisements in newspapers and post them on poles in rural areas. People often need help, so the chance to earn money is not small.

Winter business idea No. 5.Sale of warm goods.

In summer you need to sell cold, and in winter you need to sell heat, and more. Sell ​​children's and adult hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, and warm socks. Simply purchasing goods from wholesale suppliers is an option, not so interesting and attractive for the consumer, but economical in both time and money. It is much more attractive if you, your grandmother or mother know how to knit. There are a lot of creative knitting lessons on the Internet, an excessive number of ideas, sketches of finished works, and so on. Create a page on the Internet, upload photos of possible works and knit to order. Lure customers with discounts and promotions. Handmade work is always expensive both to sell and to buy, so don’t bury your talents, don’t waste time on meaningless things, but do what you love, which will bring seasonal income.

Dear beginning businessmen and experienced Entrepreneurs, remember: everything that people do not need in the summer is in demand in the winter. The world is full of new ideas and the business environment is no exception. Give free rein to your fantasies, believe in yourself and your creations will bear fruit!

Enterprising people do not think about what they can trade in winter. They understand that people's interests in the winter season are aimed at entertainment and active recreation. And they offer the population to realize their desires by opening such enterprises as trade in pyrotechnics, rental of skates and skis, snow removal on the streets, sale of Christmas tree decorations and garlands, holiday cards and others.

Winter range of goods and services

Insulation materials, underfloor heating systems, carpet, and heaters will be well sold in construction and finishing materials stores. A retail outlet offering household goods will make a good profit from the sale of blankets, rugs, pillows, and snow removal equipment. A sporting goods store should have an assortment of sleds, skis, skates, and ice skates.
You can build a winter town with paid entrance. Organize a small skating rink in the yard, with illumination and music. You can earn money not only from paid admission, but also from renting out skates and selling hot drinks.
There are also many options for trading in the market in winter. An incomplete list of products in demand during the cold season looks like this: souvenirs, mittens, hats, socks, felt boots, toys, candies, tangerines and Christmas trees.
Here what is profitable to trade in winter- fir trees and pine trees. If an entrepreneur is not afraid of the costs of a seasonal business, then the procurement and sale of fir trees and pine trees will bring him a good income. It should be remembered that you need to prepare for this from November.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Christmas tree business

Organizers of the Christmas tree trade know that the right approach to business will bring them more than 150 thousand rubles within two weeks. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage of business. Because for a successful start in mid-December, it is necessary to agree with suppliers in November, who can be found in various media. And one more minus: what is not sold before December 31st will remain unsold. Fir trees and pine trees are supplied by regional forestries and nurseries, farmers and forestry enterprises.

What can become an additional source of income in winter?

While some are racking their brains over the question of what is the best way to trade in winter, others are opening mini-cafes and hot food outlets near bus stops and institutions at this time. Frozen people will be happy to drink a cup of aromatic tea or coffee while waiting for transport. A very accessible form of additional income during the cold season is heated baked goods, hot tea and coffee. Owners of kiosks and stalls only need to purchase a microwave oven and a thermos kettle.
You just need to remember that some types of goods and services require special permission, which it is advisable to take care of in advance.

Winter will not stop time. Work in winter is in full swing in almost all areas. Somewhere more active, somewhere more passive. Watch and find out how you can make money in winter.

You can earn good money in the village in winter

  1. Make a greenhouse. Grow dill, cilantro, parsley, rosemary, basil and other herbs in it.
  2. Open a tire shop. Residents won't have to travel far to change or repair their tires. And you will contribute very little money to the state treasury.
  3. If you know how and love to sew or knit, then start doing it right now! Sewing and repairing clothes is a very profitable craft that can be practiced by both men and women.
  4. Felt felt boots for adults and children. Experienced craftsmen claim that they can be felted in literally two days.
  5. Try to make money from fortune telling if you know a lot about it. Demand for this service will increase by the end of December, gaining popularity on New Year's Eve and Christmas.
  6. Make crafts for kindergarten using available and natural materials. What will be useful? Gouache, glue, acorns, chestnuts, rowan berries, boxes, cardboard, pens, brushes, colored paper, dry leaves, jars, boxes, toothpicks, brushes…. The names of the necessary items can be listed endlessly! It's easier to look around and understand what items you have in your home.

How to make money in the city in winter

  1. Buy Snow Maiden and Father Frost costumes. Take your partner (partner) and go from house to house, congratulating the kids. This income is, of course, excellent. However, not everyone will agree to give up the New Year's holiday.
  2. Try yourself as a ski instructor. The entire burden will fall on weekends, when families want to go outdoors.
  3. Breed hamsters, decorative rabbits, chinchillas, guinea pigs, and Chilean squirrels. Many people say that such a business is much more profitable than raising chickens, geese and ducks.
  4. Open an online store for Christmas and New Year's goods. Attract customers not only with discounts, promotions and competitions, but also with a wide range of products.
  5. Start collaborating with large grocery stores. Take orders from city residents over the phone and deliver them to the floor. Renting a car for these purposes will not be superfluous.
  6. Rent computers, laptops, consoles, board games. The majority of the urban population prefers to spend their winter leisure time at home, in the warmth.

In the village they also earn money in winter

  1. Clean up the old barn. Equip it with a carpentry shop in which you can make various wooden products: tables, stools, chairs, kitchen cabinets, benches. Sell ​​furniture at a reasonable price so that you have repeat customers.
  2. Organize an ice fishing trip. Find a safe place for these purposes. Set up an army tent nearby, which should have all the necessary things: warm clothes, food, tea, fishing gear.
  3. Build a good bathhouse on your site that can comfortably accommodate five or six people. Buy bath accessories: brooms, towels, basins, hats. Look for people who like to go to an “extreme” sauna in the winter season. They will be willing to pay any money to enjoy their useful hobby.
  4. Sell ​​potatoes. Deliver it door to door to make it more convenient for customers to make a purchase.

Living in a private house you can earn money in winter

  1. Learn how to make mulled wine and warm everyone with it. You can store this drink in an ordinary thermos. In it, mulled wine will not lose its taste.
  2. Since ancient times, candles have had some kind of magical effect on people. Carefully read any instructions for making them and get to work!
  3. In winter there is much less housekeeping work in the village. Therefore, you will have time to create toys and souvenirs from plastic, wood, stone, metal and leather.
  4. Turn your home into a gym. Both women and men will want to get in shape and regain a beautiful figure for Women's Day.
  5. Install a Jacuzzi in a large room and rent it out to romantic couples. This is easier to do in a country house than in a city apartment.

How can a teenager make money in winter?

The following are the ways to earn money:

  1. Pushing cars out of snowdrifts. Car owners will pay a good amount for such a service. Especially in the morning, when they are in a hurry to take their jobs.
  2. Reselling your own things. Internet, acquaintances, newspapers, friends, distant relatives... All these people will help teenagers earn a small amount of money.
  3. Repair of computers, tablets and laptops. Many teenagers, by the way, are even more familiar with this technology than at the level of repair and assembly. They reinstall the system, clean the cooler and keyboard, and install the necessary programs and drivers. In general, entertainment can also make money.
  4. Cleaning of the apartment. Elderly people are not able to pay a lot for such a service, but the amount earned will certainly be enough to top up their mobile phone account.

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How to make money in winter in the city and countryside: Business ideas

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are looking for a type of business that allows them to make good money during the warm season. In winter, they curtail their activities and wait for the next season. And in vain. If you organize your business correctly, you can earn a decent income all year round. There are many ways to make money in winter. We will talk about some of them in this article.

Ski instructor

If you are confident in skiing and are thinking about how to make money in the winter, try working as a ski instructor. People who want to go to a ski resort, but do not have skiing skills, will be happy to use your services. Another option is ice skating. In all major cities there are skating rinks where you can find potential clients. Such services are not cheap, so you can earn a decent amount during the season.

Hot food and tea

In summer, cold drinks and ice cream are in great demand, but in winter, people prefer to buy hot tea and warm pastries. Such products can be sold from a tray in crowded places. This is one of the easiest ways to make money in the city in winter. When it gets warmer outside, change the assortment and continue working.

The only thing is that you must register your type of activity.

Ice castles

There are many creative options for things to do in the winter to make money. For example, you can build ice fortresses or castles in the courtyards of multi-story buildings. In order to be paid good money for such work, you need to learn how to do it with quality and taste. A beautiful palace built from ice blocks will lift your spirits and decorate any yard. If you advertise for yourself, you can earn good money from this.


Are you interested in how to make money in the winter in the countryside? Build a good Russian bathhouse or sauna on your garden plot, in which 5-6 people can relax. Purchase all the necessary supplies and get to work. In any case, there will be people who want to relax in the steam room. Many are willing to pay any money to get such pleasure.

DIY souvenirs

Another affordable option on how you can make money in the village in winter is the production of souvenirs and toys from different materials with your own hands. Since rural residents have practically no work in winter, this business can be done by the whole family. Sell ​​finished products online or sell them in bulk to gift shops.

Organization of holidays

Holidays are the best time for those who are interested in how to make money in the city in winter. For example, open an agency for organizing New Year's holidays. It can serve both private clients and large companies that order corporate parties.

To implement such an idea for a winter business, you need to hire actors, as well as purchase the necessary equipment and props. It is also advisable to create a portfolio with photographs of corporate events of your previous clients. At the same time, you can offer clients the rental of New Year's costumes, without which not a single New Year's party can do.

Help for motorists

Many people want to find an additional source of income, but are afraid of going broke with their business. They have many questions that are difficult to find answers to. How can you make money in winter? There are many different options. One of them is assistance to motorists. This could include towing services, tire fitting, delivery of fuel and hot drinks to the driver. To work you will need a phone, an SUV and some knowledge. In addition, you can dig cars out of snowdrifts, open frozen locks and remove snow from parking lots.

Vegetables from the greenhouse

Many rural residents are interested in how they can make money in the village in winter. The easiest option is to grow vegetables, herbs or flowers in a greenhouse. This is one of the most profitable areas of village business. Any novice plant grower can do this. Finished products can be sold on the market or taken to stores. Fresh vegetables are always in great demand, so there should not be any problems with their sale.

In parallel with the greenhouse business, you can start growing oyster mushrooms. This line of business is highly profitable. It will bring you excellent additional income. Growing mushrooms can be done by those people who are looking for ways to make money at their dacha in winter. For these purposes, you can use any insulated utility room - basement, cellar, barn, etc. In rural areas you can easily find a suitable option.

Horseback riding

Horses harnessed to sleighs with bells cause real delight in many people. Nowadays, such entertainment is considered exotic, so the demand for horse riding is constantly growing.

Horses for walking can be found in any village. Enter into a pet rental agreement with their owner. It is unlikely that he will refuse to receive a certain percentage of the profits.

In this matter, you need to provide a creative approach. To make the team attract the attention of potential clients and look elegant, paint the sleigh, and also decorate the horses with bells and multi-colored ribbons. Over time, you can expand your business and offer several sleigh teams, for example, for servicing weddings.

Trade in New Year's decorations

Before the New Year holidays, you can make good money selling Christmas tree decorations, fireworks and various tinsel. If you are thinking about what to sell at the market in winter, buy New Year's goods and rent several retail outlets at the market. After the holidays, you can change your assortment and start selling warm clothes, gloves, hats, socks or sweaters. This product is in great demand during the cold season, so your business will generate good income.

Snow removal

This is the simplest and, at the same time, the most labor-intensive option for making money in winter - clearing snow near houses, garages and offices. This type of work is suitable for physically strong people who are not afraid to work with their hands. This business can be organized literally from scratch without investment. It will not bring you much profit, since income largely depends on weather conditions and the region in which you live.

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Cottage for daily rent

If you have a warm country house with all the conditions, you can rent it out in winter to people who like to relax in nature at any time of the year. This service is especially popular during the New Year holidays. At this time, you can raise prices and earn a decent amount.

How to make money in winter? How can you make money in the village in winter?

Clean up the dacha, prepare clean bedding and take care of the firewood if the house is heated by a stove. After this, you can advertise in the media or on the Internet. Money for renting a dacha should be taken in advance so as not to become a victim of deception.


Winter provides budding entrepreneurs with enormous scope for creativity. The most important thing is to learn how to benefit from it. Find new ideas, research the market and listen to the opinions of experts. This will help you properly organize your winter business and bring it to a high level.

How can you earn money in the village in winter?

In winter you won’t be able to do much construction; you’ll be exhausted from fighting off the snow. Therefore, in the winter, I sometimes earn extra money by working inside existing premises. For example, this winter, together with Nikolai, we are renovating a house in a rural village.

The house was built in 1952 from logs with a diameter of 18-22 cm. In the 90s it was renovated and the inside of the house was plastered on a metal mesh. The subfloor is 60-80 centimeters high from the finished floor level. From central communications there are: electricity, water supply with rust visible to the naked eye and sewerage. The area of ​​the house is 100 square meters and a summer veranda is 40 square meters. meters. Our task is to transform this house in four months, without touching the walls, floors and ceilings, into a “fairy-tale urban-type mansion”: with a completely “urban” bathroom and toilet, a sinkless mirrored ceiling, new wiring of all communications and a heating system. In general, all that is called a good cosmetic renovation in the "Euro" style. And although this is completely contrary to my understanding of rural, wooden culture, I have to engage in such projects for the sake of earning money. On the other hand, modern man also includes his idea of ​​comfort and necessary amenities in the house, and therefore the functionality of the house becomes similar to apartments. Whatever happened in this case, the following compromise was radically found: the bathroom is clean - “euro”. the rest of the rooms and the kitchen are "Baltic half-timbered" made of natural aged wood.

One of the rooms before renovation.

There will be a place for water supply, filters, an extractor hood and a toilet.

And here is the perfect place for a new bath.

It took a lot of time to install the supporting concrete and larch pillars (without dismantling the floors), lay out the hot and cold water supply in the underground, and install the sewerage system.

Today, a little less than two months have passed, minus the holidays, and at the end we have this:


Winter is not only a cold season, but also a period of long New Year holidays. And you can make great money organizing leisure activities. At the beginning of the year, most of the working citizens who work in accordance with the Labor Code take rest. Also at this time, schoolchildren and students traditionally have holidays. It would be a sin not to take advantage of this and organize the next entertainment if you have the money for it.

Let's consider several options for starting a winter business.

Organization of rental of skis, snowboards, skates

You can organize a rental base directly at the vacation spot or far from it. There are companies that simply rent out inventory on a daily basis. Of course, the rental price will be lower.

Price of services (from expensive to cheap):

  • ski or snowboard rental on the mountain;
  • rental of skis or snowboards in the village;
  • skate rental at the skating rink;
  • Skate rental outside the skating rink.

The last three points can be organized with minimal investment and expense. The first will require the purchase or rental of the slope, maintenance of the track, lifts, lighting costs, parking arrangements, etc.

The cost of renting cross-country skis and skates is lower, but the costs are also lower. With skates, things are easiest, especially if there are free skating rinks in the locality. It is better to organize rentals near such places.

To open your own location, you need a place (it’s best to rent, since the business is seasonal) and the equipment itself. You will have to purchase skis and skates with your own money. You can buy it used; it won’t be difficult to find such offers on the bulletin board.

New Year's performance for children

This business can be started with minimal investment, it all depends on how large the children's party will be. There are several options here:

  • home performance;
  • organizing an event in a children's institution;
  • holding a New Year's tree in the cultural center.

Home presentation is the easiest option.

How to make money in winter: business ideas

The bottom line: parents want to throw a holiday for their child and invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Fairy-tale characters come home, entertain children, organize competitions, give prizes for narrated poems, and at the end present a gift (parents buy it). The duration of one performance is from 20 minutes to 1 hour. To organize, you need 2 people and a car with a driver (maybe Santa Claus himself is driving). You can earn money from this during the period from December 25 to January 3.

When organizing holidays, children's institutions most often manage on their own. The employees themselves dress up as fairy-tale characters. Sometimes schools and kindergartens resort to professional help. Children's holidays begin around December 25 and last until December 29-30, then everyone goes on vacation.

Holding a New Year's Eve party in a recreation center can be considered if there is free space in the institution itself at that time. Here, earnings come from the sale of tickets to the event; it is better that the program lasts several days.

Christmas market

Selling Christmas trees, toys and other New Year's paraphernalia is also an interesting direction. At the same time, you can display souvenirs on the counter. You can trade at the market, in a store, in a boutique in a shopping center. Christmas tree markets often take place right on the street.

Despite the advantages, this winter idea has several disadvantages:

  • Everything needs to be sold before the first days of January;
  • natural Christmas trees crumble quickly and should be handled with care;
  • if you sell on the street, you will have to constantly stand in the cold; it is more difficult to find sellers for such work.

Christmas tree markets start working in mid-December and close on January 1st. Some entrepreneurs hope to sell the goods in the first days of the new year, but demand drops sharply and the price has to be reduced to a minimum.

Food service in the amusement park and on the street

Selling hot drinks in winter is a classic of the genre. When it's cold outside, warming up with hot tea is an idea that often comes to mind. You can place such a point anywhere: on the street, in the park, near the skating rink. The point can also be mobile. This winter business idea requires approval from Rospotrebnadzor. But it is relevant not only in winter, but also in summer.

Fresh ideas

In winter, you can do not only traditional things, but also find interesting ways to earn money.

Winter bike racing

This event will be of more interest to young people. You don't need a license to ride a winter bike; the route can be built anywhere. The main thing is a lot of snow (both natural and artificial). The more interesting the route, the more positive reviews there will be. In a small town, word of mouth can work. But advertising costs need to be included in the budget.

Winter cafe

In Sweden there is a hotel made of ice, Icehotel. It is rebuilt every year. You can adopt the idea and open an ice cafe or ice bar. It is good to build such an establishment out of ice, but the presence of a warm room will be an additional advantage. The choice of food and drinks is limited. Clients won't be able to sit in the cold for long. You can organize a winter veranda next to an existing catering establishment (similar to a summer cafe).

A winter cafe can be opened in a recreation park or at a ski lodge. People come here to relax, in winter they dress warmly and will be happy to look into an interesting establishment.

Winter business has a number of specific features. If this is trade and organization of leisure, then you have to work outside, in any frost. If the idea is related to the New Year holidays, then you have several days to implement it and implement it. Winter is a great opportunity to test yourself, to try in a new direction. Among the ideas there are many low-budget options that do not require large expenses.