Bladder rocket furnace blueprints. Bubafonya and Raketa: do-it-yourself top-loading ovens

This stove is a simple and convenient heating device that surpasses many others in terms of economy and efficiency. The quality of the stove is very much determined by its firebox, therefore its spherical shape is very advantageous (the firebox must have at least two holes, therefore a narrow, not very long cylinder is the best option)

It is possible to make from a gas cylinder several types of ovens, including the "rocket". The rocket-type design has many advantages over the others.

First of all, it should be noted the very low costs of materials and labor. With their own hands, with the necessary drawings, anyone can build a "rocket" in 1 hour... Secondly, this heating structure, of a relatively small size, can heat large rooms... This is an advantage over an expensive, complex and cumbersome Russian stove. Thirdly, the "rocket" is not at all demanding on the natural draft of the chimney, and fuel can be added "on the fly".

However, despite all the attractiveness of the unit, there are also negative aspects. The jet-powered stove accepts only high quality firewood, when fired with damp wood of the desired temperature it will not work... Also, self-made structures are practically not suitable for a bath, since they give very little heat with infrared radiation, and it becomes practically impossible to heat the bath. For the heating facility you need constant care and control of its work.

If you decide to make " rocket»With your own hands, first of all, you need to choose a balloon, since it is the basis of the entire structure.

First of all, the material must be chosen not explosive and heat-resistant, and the size must also correspond to the size of the furnace. The best blank is a 50-liter all-metal propane cylinder, 300 millimeters in diameter and 850 millimeters high. This volume is quite suitable to burn any fuel, and its dimensions do not make it difficult to work. The purchase can be made at special gas stations for a relatively inexpensive price.

First of all, you need to have the necessary drawings and work on them. Also, it is advisable to consult with a specialist.

All cylinder furnaces consist of the following parts:

  • a blower (a channel in the lower part of the stove, through it the air necessary for combustion is supplied);
  • furnaces (chamber where fuel is burned);
  • chimney (pipe through which products combustion is removed from the furnace).

First, the gas cylinder is prepared. It consists in bleeding gas. To do this, open the valve for a while. Then, we need to create a horizontal or vertical stove-stove (we will consider the horizontal option, as it takes less time). First, you need to cut off the top and leave vent hole... Then, four legs need to be welded to the metal cylinder. A round hole should be made at the top, which will be the basis of the chimney, here you need to weld a "collar" (steel strip, 5 centimeters wide).

A self-made structure should be placed on a sheet of steel. measuring 100 by 150 centimeters... A space of approximately 60 centimeters should be cleared in front of the firebox.

The rocket stove deserves special attention among heating devices. It has an original structure, which implies the use of available materials and components. Virtually everyone can organize one. It is enough to understand how the drawings are read, as well as be able to use the basic construction tools and materials.

Do-it-yourself rocket stove option

Despite the simplicity of the design, the rocket furnace implies the use of two principles of operation at once:

  • free flow of wood gases through the channels;
  • pyrolysis - afterburning of gases that are released during combustion.

The simplest rocket stove uses only the first principle of operation, since there are not enough conditions for pyrolysis.

A neat DIY rocket stove

First, let's look at the options for jet ovens used for cooking. In such a device, a short pipe located horizontally is used as a firebox, and then it is directed upward. This is the simplest design.

The fuel is loaded into the rocket stove directly into the pipe, after which it is ignited. As a result, a stream of incandescent gases is formed, which is oriented outward, which means that it tends to a vertical section.

A container used for water or food is placed on the cut of the pipe. There is a gap between it and the pipe so that the combustion products can escape.

Many are interested in why such a furnace is called a rocket. The design has an upward-turned nozzle, from which, when the device is operating, a flame bursts out. Hence the name.

Flames bursting from the rocket stove

Of course, it will not work to warm up the room with such a unit. The rocket furnace must be supplemented with a heat exchanger, as well as channels for the removal of combustion products. To ensure a high temperature, the vertical part of the pipe is insulated with a refractory material.

The nozzle can be covered with a cap. This is necessary for high-quality heat extraction. A channel is created at the bottom of the horizontal section of the pipe for supplying secondary air.

The modern version implies a slightly different design. Such a reactive furnace implies the afterburning of pyrolysis gases, which is possible due to the supply of secondary air. In addition, combustion products collect under the top of the hood, which increases the pressure to excess. Over time, heat is transferred to the outside through the pipe walls, which forces the gases to cool and go down. Hot air awaits them there, so they have to go into the space between the walls of the hood and the pipe, going into the chimney.

Application of a rocket furnace with a hood on site

Due to pyrolysis processes, efficiency is significantly increased. And thanks to the overflow of gases, a self-regulating system is organized.

Productive heat dissipation

The gases that are directed to are at a high temperature. Therefore, it is clear that you should not get rid of them so easily. Otherwise, the effect of the device will be minimal. Therefore, for a rocket furnace, several solutions have been invented with their own hands:

  • a water circuit is installed on the rocket furnace;
  • gases are passed through channels equipped under the bed.

A rocket stove with water heating is made without a hood, the energy of combustion products is used in a metal heat exchanger. It is not necessary to use a coil with water, it is better to make a water jacket.

You can also make brick lined chimneys. They can sit on the floor, and a couch can be equipped on top. And in this case, the length of the channels must be accurately calculated, otherwise it will be necessary to organize natural traction.

The design of a brick rocket oven with a stove bench


To create a rocket furnace with your own hands - to get the following advantages:

  • fuel can be added during the process;
  • The efficiency is not a constant value, but with the correct selection of thermal energy from gases, it can be very high;
  • natural chimney draft is not a prerequisite;
  • availability of installation - to organize a rocket furnace with your own hands, a little experience in the furnace business is enough, a minimum of material costs.

Using a rocket oven in nature

Such advantages make the rocket stove a popular device.


Note: And although the rocket stove is characterized by simplicity and attractiveness, it also has disadvantages. For example, there are certain requirements for fuel quality. The firewood should not be wet, otherwise the pyrolysis effect will not be achieved. In addition, the structure needs constant supervision.

A do-it-yourself rocket stove made with your own hands is poorly suited for a bath, since it gives off a little heat, which is necessary for a steam room. The small surface area of ​​the oven excludes efficient heating of the bath.


There are several types of rocket stoves:

  1. Brick boilers. They differ from stoves - they are equipped with a built-in heat exchanger, from which the coolant is supplied to the heating system: tank, pipes, radiators.
  2. Heating. Demonstrate the efficiency of heating rooms using the convection principle of operation.
  3. Constructions with a hob, they are called heating and cooking.
  4. Fireplaces. Most often they are used to heat one room in which they are located.
  5. For a bath. They have an original design. The main task of the device is to increase the temperature of the stones, thereby warming up the air in the steam room. An important indicator of decisions is intensity.

Simple DIY Rocket Furnace Design

Of course, this is not all the species that exist.

From a balloon

This is a fairly popular option, which is successfully implemented by the hands of many craftsmen. Most often, a gas cylinder with a volume of 50 liters is used for manufacturing. It will function as a cap. To create a loading hopper and a firebox, you can use a pipe with a diameter of 15 cm.For the chimney, a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm is used, for the inner channel - 7 cm.

The use of a rocket stove from a gas cylinder at the site

It is necessary to cut off the products of the required length, at the cylinder - cut off the upper part. Further, using the drawing, you should weld the parts together with your own hands. Fill the gap between the pipes 7 and 15 cm with heat-insulating material. You can use sand, only it is recommended to ignite it in order to kill the organic environment. Otherwise, the heating process will be accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

When assembled, a rocket furnace from a gas cylinder weighs a little, so a special base is not required for it. The legs need to be welded to the device.


You can make a brick rocket oven with your own hands. In this case, you will have to work hard to get a high-quality design. The firing channels of the device are manufactured using. A barrel can be used as a cap.

What a brick rocket oven might look like

It is recommended to dig a small hole for the location of the structure, since it should be below the floor level. The bottom needs to be compacted, after which a concrete base 10 cm thick is poured. When it hardens, you can start laying. For this, a solution is used, which includes refractory clay. When the structure is built, the solution hardens, you can fill up the dug hole. A barrel is put on the channel, from which the bottom is cut out with your own hands. The space between the brick and it is filled with insulation.

The end of the device is coated with a solution, a large barrel is put on top, to the bottom of which the chimney is welded.

Summing up

Note: The rocket stove is an original solution that you can build yourself. It is enough to choose the appropriate design option, take into account the recommendations and requirements. You must first make a drawing. If you can't draw a diagram with your own hands, you can use ready-made options presented by specialists.

In this case, the main thing is not to rush, then the result will certainly meet the accepted standards, it will become an effective tool for heating.

A detailed description of the manufacture of a rocket furnace from steel elements.

Features of the design and use of a simple rocket furnace that you can take with you on a fishing trip or outdoor recreation.

Branded rocket stove. Description by a specialist.

Dear visitors of the site "" today we will consider detailed instructions for self-assembly of a camping rocket furnace with our own hands without the use of welding. The jet stove appeared relatively recently and was invented abroad, but in a short period of time it has gained people's love and respect in our country, especially among tourists, fishermen and hunters, and of course This stove is distinguished by its economy in the consumption of firewood and the maximum output of the maximum amount of heat due to the reactive thrust created by the very design of the furnace. With its help, you can cook food in a short time, boil a kettle, which is very important in a hike.

The design of a jet furnace is very simple - it is a vertically located pipe (it is also a body and a chimney) and an adjacent firebox, divided inside by a plate into two parts (the top for loading firewood, the bottom for air access to the combustion source), thus jet thrust is formed, from here and a loud name « «.

The presented stove is made with the expectation of compactness, since every gram of cargo and space in a backpack is very important during a hike. For its manufacture, a used helium cylinder was taken (you can use a fire extinguisher), its upper part was sawn off, and a technological hole was sawn off from the side for installing the firebox, the structure is completely collapsible and all parts are inside the body in the stowed position. We remind you that during its manufacture, a welding machine is not needed, which simplifies the process of creation to the maximum.

Let's take a look at all the stages of assembling a jet furnace.

Materials (edit)

  1. helium cylinder or used fire extinguisher
  2. square tube
  3. metal perforated plate
  4. bolts and nuts
  5. metal sheet 1-2 mm


  1. Bulgarian (angle grinder)
  2. drill
  3. pliers
  4. can of heat-resistant paint

Step-by-step instructions for creating a traveling rocket rocket furnace.

To begin with, let's look at the drawing of the domestic Robinson stove, which is also an excellent design, but welded, and the one presented below is much universal and is rightfully considered a traveling stove.

The first step is to find a used helium cylinder or an old fire extinguisher, bleed off the remaining contents, unscrew the valve and rinse with water, then cut off the upper part, and also make a technological hole in the lower part for installing the furnace from a square pipe.

We make a grate from a perforated plate.
Support legs for the firebox.
We collect all the details into a single whole.

A pointed metal pin is screwed into the lower part, it is necessary so that when the furnace is installed in the working position, it stands firmly on the ground, and this stake is buried in the ground. In the stowed position, it is twisted. Cut out a comfort plate from sheet metal 1-2 mm.

By the way, here is the pin in the stowed position.
Also, in addition to the components from the stove, you can put a small supply of dry firewood in the cylinder, which can be very helpful in wet and rainy weather. Just imagine .. you went on a hike and you were caught by heavy rain, everything is wet, damp and disgusting, and you calmly take out your camping rocket stove and make a fire, cook food, boil a kettle and everything is fine with you 😉
Additionally, a cable was pulled to fix the firebox.
This is such a wonderful oven, its advantage is that it is economical, compact, and collapsible.

This design is made without the use of welding, which maximally simplifies the assembly process for those people who do not have a welding machine or do not know how to use welding. We hope our material was useful to you. You can also watch a video of the oven in action. Happy viewing!

The rocket stove is widely known throughout as a long-burning solid fuel heating structure. To achieve maximum efficiency, I had to work hard. A liquid fuel stove is capable of giving up all its energy, but wood is more difficult to process. To reveal the full potential of wood, a chamber for post-combustion of gases was equipped in jet furnaces.

The Shirokov-Khramtsov rocket or jet furnace got its name not because of its connection with space. The point is in the shape of the device and the noise that is created during operation, reminiscent of the operation of a rocket. But this sound indicates that the oven is being used incorrectly.

Types of long burning rocket furnaces:

  • Portable (mobile);
  • Stationary (for heating).

The most popular rocket model is the Robinson. It is often used on hikes. Thanks to the small portable apparatus, you can understand the principle of operation of the jet furnaces. The shape of the oven resembles the letter "L".

If the oven makes too much noise and hums during operation, then such a mode is ineffective and expensive. Normally, there should be a quiet sound, a little rustling.

The reactive furnace has a receiving hopper. This is the horizontal part of the pipe. In the channel itself, there is a thrust, it is this that affects the intensity of combustion, which heats the body. That is why it is advised to limit the supply of oxygen. Otherwise, the wood will quickly burn out and all the heat will evaporate.

The furnace operates on a jet draft due to the natural flow of hot air. The higher the temperature of the furnace walls, the better the wood burns. This allows you to quickly heat water in a large container, which is indispensable for a road trip. If you equip the pipe with thermal insulation, then after warming up, you can burn thick logs.

Do-it-yourself rocket furnace: advantages, drawings, disadvantages

The conventional oven design can be improved if desired. So the potbelly stove loses a lot of heat, but equipping the device with a water circuit or brickwork, you can solve these problems. For all these manipulations, drawings are made.

Advantages of jet furnaces:

  1. Simple and budget-friendly design. You can use the materials at hand, without significant financial costs. All work can be done by hand, no special knowledge and skills are required.
  2. You can independently control the combustion by choosing the desired intensity.
  3. High efficiency. In general, it all depends on the quality of the installation. The main thing is to take the maximum energy from the flue gases.

But such a simple and convenient design also has significant drawbacks. So you need to select a special fuel for the stove. Do not use damp wood, otherwise pyrolysis will not occur. The firebox may start to smoke profusely, and all gases will go into the house. In addition, the rocket furnace requires increased safety requirements.

The most popular portable model is the Robinson rocket furnace. It was modified and a grate was added.

Homemade jet ovens are not used to heat the bath. They are ineffective in infrared light, which plays an important role in the steam room. Surface structures have a small heating area, so they cannot heat the bath.

Drawings of a jet furnace from a gas cylinder and other types

Long-burning stoves are divided into stationary and mobile. Mobile ovens are used in hikes, picnics, in nature for heating and cooking. Stationary ones are used to heat a house, outbuildings, greenhouses, and a garage. At the same time, 4 types of structures are distinguished.

Types of jet furnaces:

  • Homemade camping stove made of metal pipes, buckets, cans;
  • Reactive design from a gas cylinder;
  • Brick oven with a metal container;
  • Stove with a stove bench.

The portable structure is equipped with pipe sections. The only difference concerns the installed ash pan. For the lower part, a grate can be used.

A device from a gas cylinder is more difficult to build, but significantly increases the efficiency. For the installation of the structure, a barrel or gas cylinder is required. The firewood in the firebox burns out due to the oxygen inflow by loading through a special window.

Gases burn out in the pipe, which is located inside the structure, due to the supply of secondary air. The effect is enhanced by insulating the inner chamber. Hot air is placed in the hood, and then into the outer chamber. The combustion products are removed through the chimney.

To create a draft, the top of the chimney is placed 4 cm above the loading window.

The combined brick and metal model is a stationary structure. Due to its high heat capacity, the wood-burning stove stores and releases heat for several hours. That is why living quarters are heated with such a design.

The rocket unit with a couch is an improved device that is able to retain heat for longer. Since some of the heat comes out through the chimney, its length was increased. Due to the rapid excision of hot gases and a larger chimney, this problem was solved.

This is how massive stoves with a stove bench are obtained, which are similar to a sofa or bed. These are stationary devices made of brick or stone. Thanks to its unique design, the stove is able to retain heat throughout the night.

Diy drawings of the Ognivo stove and other models

It is best to make small portable structures with your own hands: the Ognivo and Robinson rocket. It is easy to perform the calculation, and the work will require trimming shaped pipes and metal welding skills. The dimensions may differ from the drawing, this is not a big deal. It is important to maintain proportions.

To increase the intensity of combustion, it is advised to add improvised nozzles to the structure. Secondary combustion air will be supplied there.

Stationary rocket ovens are made from a gas cylinder or metal barrel. These elements serve as a body. Inside, the stove is equipped with smaller pipes or fireclay bricks. From a cylinder, you can make both a stationary unit and a mobile one.

Continuous combustion furnace diagram:

  • Chimney;
  • Cap;
  • Insulation;
  • Loading hopper;
  • Combustion zone;
  • Afterburning zone.

It can be difficult to calculate a rocket furnace, because there is no exact method. Pay attention to verified finished drawings. It is necessary to determine the size of the heating equipment for a particular room.

Assembling a jet oven with your own hands for heating

The construction of the furnace begins with preparatory work. First you need to decide on the place of construction. It is chosen based on the requirements that relate to solid fuel structures: wood or coal.

When the place has been decided, it is necessary to properly prepare it for construction. The wooden floor under the stove is being dismantled. They dig a small pit and tamp the bottom.

In a small room, a jet oven is placed in the corner. The loading hopper occupies one side and the lounger the other.

The drum or cylinder must also be prepared for installation. To do this, cut off the lid and tap from them. Then the structure is cleaned. Next, a solution is prepared.

Stages of construction of a jet furnace with a stove bench:

  1. The bottom of the dug hole is laid out with fireclay bricks. Formwork is made along the contour of the recess. Reinforcement is performed.
  2. The base is laid out and poured with concrete. A day later, when the concrete hardens, further work begins.
  3. The base of the stove is laid out of fireclay bricks. Raise the side walls, make the lower channel.
  4. The combustion chamber is covered with bricks. There are two holes on the sides. One is for the firebox, the other is for the vertical pipe (riser).
  5. The metal case is equipped with a flange into which the horizontal channel of the stove will enter. All cables must be airtight and well sealed.
  6. A side outlet is attached to the horizontal pipe, which serves as an ash pan.
  7. A fire tube is made of bricks. As a rule, it is square.
  8. The flame tube is equipped with a casing. The gaps are covered with perlite.
  9. The assembly of the cap is done from the cut off part of the barrel or cylinder. It is equipped with a handle.
  10. Equip the furnace body with brick or stone.
  11. Equip the front of the oven. Lay out the required contour.
  12. A prepared barrel is placed on the base. The lower part must be sealed with clay.
  13. With the help of a corrugated pipe, a channel is formed that connects the firebox with the street.
  14. The heat exchanger pipes are connected to the lower pipe.
  15. Install a chimney. All elements must be sealed using asbestos cord and refractory coating.

Improved rocket furnace with water circuit

A long burning boiler can be obtained by equipping the stove with a water jacket. Heating water may not be effective enough. The fact is that the bulk of the warm air enters the room and containers on the hobs. To create a Rocket Cauldron, you need to give up the possibility of cooking on the stove.

Materials required for equipping a stove with a water circuit:

  1. Fireclay bricks and mortar;
  2. Steel pipe (diameter 7 cm);
  3. Barrel or cylinder;
  4. Insulation;
  5. Sheet steel and a barrel with a smaller diameter than for the hull to create a water jacket;
  6. Chimney (diameter 10 cm);
  7. Details for the heat accumulator (tank, pipes, connecting pipe).

A characteristic feature of rocket furnaces with a water circuit is the insulation of the vertical part ensures the combustion of pyrolysis gases. In this case, warm air is directed into a coil with a water circuit and gives off heat to the stove. Even when all the fuel has burned out, warm air will still be supplied to the heating circuit.

Do-it-yourself rocket furnace drawings (video)

Reactive stove stoves are widely known among the people. They were used even by Korea, China, England and the population of Japan. The Chinese stove differed from the others in its ability to heat the entire floor. But the Russian analogue is in no way inferior. Thanks to useful innovations, the stove is able to keep warm for a long time.

Examples of a rocket furnace (photo ideas)

The rocket or jet oven appeared as a result of a deviation from the tradition of manufacturing equipment for heating a room. It is considered an economical heat generator, the design of which is elementary. Therefore, many are thinking about building a jet furnace with their own hands.

Description, advantages and disadvantages of the rocket furnace

A heat generator for heating air in a room is called a rocket oven or a jet oven, since during operation, in the event of an excessive intake of air, it emits special sounds. This noise can be mistaken for the roar of a jet engine. In normal mode, the equipment operates with a barely audible rustling sound.

The rocket stove serves as a device for home heating and cooking. It takes about 6 hours to burn one batch of firewood in such equipment, more than in a standard metal stove. The reason for this is the creation of a heat generator based on an overhead combustion furnace.

The flame from the jet furnace may burst

The advantages of the rocket furnace include:

  • independence from fuel energy;
  • simplicity of design, consisting of available parts, connected in a matter of minutes;
  • the ability to provide a lot of heat, despite the quality of the loaded fuel.

The jet furnace also has some disadvantages:

  • manual control, which implies constant monitoring of equipment operation;
  • danger of getting burned, because the walls of the equipment become extremely hot;
  • inexpediency of using in a bath, since it will not be possible to warm it up.


The unit, which emits a rocket hum during operation, happens:

  • portable (a unit made of metal pipes, buckets or a gas cylinder);

    Portable rocket furnaces are mass-produced by the industry

  • stationary (made of fireclay bricks and metal containers);

    Such a unit is more difficult to build than a metal oven.

  • equipment for heating air with a couch.

    The bed is equipped behind the rear wall of the oven

Portable structures are made in large batches, because they are used for hiking. The basis of these heat generators is a pipe made up of several sections. True, such structures, in contrast to units based on fireclay bricks, are not reliable. The walls of the refractory blocks increase the heat transfer from the reactive furnace. If desired, you can add a couch or bed decorated with clay or sawdust to it.

Details and operation of a reactive heat generator

An elementary rocket furnace is a device of two pipe fragments connected by a 90-degree bend. The combustion chamber in this heat generator is usually a zone in the horizontal part of the structure. But sometimes the fuel is put into the vertical section of the apparatus, for which the rocket furnace is built from two pipes of different lengths, mounted vertically and connected by a common horizontal channel.

Primary and secondary air flows through the furnace

The operation of a jet furnace is based on two actions: the unimpeded passage of wood gases through the pipe and the afterburning of gases generated during the combustion of fuel. Chips and firewood are placed in the firebox of this heat generator after a highly flammable material like paper has ignited there. A container with water or other contents is placed on the open section of the pipe. At the same time, a small space is left between the structure and the installed container, which is necessary to create traction.

The processes taking place inside a stationary jet furnace resemble the work of pyrolysis heating units.

Calculation of parameters (tables)

The volume of the stove should be determined with knowledge of the matter, because it is he who affects the power and the amount of heat generated by the heating equipment. When calculating the dimensions of jet heating equipment, use the indicator of the inner diameter of the drum D, the value of which can fluctuate within 300-600 mm. You also need to know the cross-sectional area of ​​the drum. To determine this indicator of the rocket furnace, you should use the formula: S = 3.14 * D ^ 2/4.

The main dimensions of the jet furnace are shown in the table:

Parameter Meaning
Drum height H1.5D to 2D
The height of the heat-insulating coating of the drum2 / 3H
Drum insulation thickness1 / 3D
Cross-sectional area of ​​the primary chimneyFrom 0.045S to 0.065S (optimal - from 0.05S to 0.06S). The higher the primary chimney, the better.
Minimum clearance between the top edge of the primary flue and the drum cover70 mm. At a lower value, the aerodynamic resistance of the gap for gases passing through it will be excessively large.
Flame tube length and areaLength and area of ​​the primary chimney
Blower sectional areaHalf of the cross-sectional area of ​​the primary chimney
Cross-sectional area of ​​the external chimney1.5S to 2S
The thickness of the adobe cushion under the flue with a stove bench50–70 mm (if there are wooden planks under the bench - from 25 to 35 mm)
The height of the coating above the gas duct with a stove bench150 mm. It is not recommended to reduce it, otherwise the stove will accumulate less heat.
External chimney heightnot less than 4 m

Particular importance is attached to the length of the flue with the stove bench. The maximum permissible indicators are shown in the table:

The volume of the secondary ash chamber is also an important indicator, depending on the volume of the drum and the primary chimney.

D (diameter) Volume
300 mm0.1x (Vk - Vpd)Where Vk is the volume of the drum,
Vpd is the volume of the primary chimney.
600 mm0.05x (Vk - Vpd)

Construction raw materials for the construction of a custom kiln

The production of jet heating equipment will require:

  • barrels with a volume of 200 liters and a diameter of 0.6 meters, an empty bottle of liquefied gas or tin buckets to build a furnace drum;
  • square or round pipes made of steel with a thickness of 2-3 mm, which are needed to create a blower, combustion chamber and primary chimney;
  • fireclay crushed stone and kiln clay as heat-insulating materials;
  • adobe, which serves as an outer coating layer;
  • fireclay bricks;
  • sand from the bottom of the river;
  • cuts of zinc-coated steel or aluminum sheets for the manufacture of lids and doors;
  • asbestos or basalt cardboard, performing the tasks of a compactor.

Of the tools for the construction of a rocket furnace, you will need a welding machine. And if you plan to make heating equipment out of bricks, then you will have to take:

  • Master OK;
  • mortar blade;
  • hammer-pick;
  • jointing;
  • acute-angled sledgehammer;
  • level;
  • plumb line;
  • roulette.

Preparation for the assembly of heating equipment

When choosing a place for a rocket stove, they are guided by some rules:

  • reactive heating equipment is placed only in a room with an area of ​​at least 16 m²;
  • installation of equipment will be easier without floorboards under the oven;
  • it is forbidden to place wood beams over a structure that gives heat;
  • if it is assumed that the chimney will go through the ceiling, then the heating equipment is placed in the middle of the house;
  • the heat generator cannot be installed near the outer contour of the house, otherwise the room will lose heated air;
  • it is forbidden to place the jet device near the walls and partitions of their wooden materials.

To make it convenient to put fuel into the jet heating equipment, it is more reasonable to put it with its front side opposite the entrance. It is important to leave at least a meter of unoccupied area around the rocket furnace.

In a small house, builders are advised to set aside a place for the stove in the corner. In this case, the firebox should be directed in one direction, and the stove bench (if made) - in the other.

The oven stands on a special platform that protects the floor from high temperatures.

Having found a suitable site for a rocket furnace, they begin to prepare it for construction work. If boards are laid on the floor in the house, then in the place where the equipment will be installed, they will need to be removed. Under the opened floor, they dig a hole, the bottom of which is necessarily pressed.

A special solution should be mixed before construction work. It consists of sand and clay, combined in a 1: 1 ratio. So much water will be required for the construction raw materials to acquire the consistency of sour cream, that is, ¼ part of the amount of dry ingredients.

Step-by-step instructions for making your own hands

If it is planned to make a rocket furnace from a gas cylinder, then you can not be afraid of difficulties. The steps to create equipment from such construction materials are quite simple:

  1. from a cylinder with a volume of 50 liters, the upper part is cut off in order to build a kind of cap;

    The balloon is cut from the top and bottom

  2. focusing on the instructions in the drawing, all parts of the product are welded to each other, that is, a gas cylinder, a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm (future chimney), a pipe with a diameter of 7 cm (inner channel) and another pipe with a diameter of 15 cm (firebox);

    Dimensions are in mm

  3. the space between the two pipes is filled with a material that retains heat, for example, sand, which has been thoroughly calcined, that is, cleaned of organic matter;
  4. to give the structure stability, the legs are welded.

To build a rocket stove with a stove bench, which implies the use of bricks, you need to act differently:

  1. The zone for arranging the firebox is deepened by removing 10 cm of soil. The combustion chamber is formed from fireclay bricks. Formwork is created along the contour of the structure being manufactured. To make the base strong, it is recommended to lay reinforcing mesh or metal rods in it;

    The platform will harden in about two days

  2. The structure is poured with liquid concrete. Then they wait for the solution to solidify and finish the work. The bricks are laid in a solid line, creating a platform for the oven. After that, the walls of the structure are formed, exposing several rows of brick blocks;
  3. The lower channel of the structure is equipped, while one line of bricks is laid across to block the combustion chamber. The blocks are placed, leaving the vertical channel and the opening of the firebox open;

    The two sectors of the furnace at this stage of construction must be open

  4. They find a body from an old boiler and cut off the top and bottom covers on it. At the bottom of the resulting pipe, a flange is installed through which a horizontal heat exchanger will pass. Parts are required to be connected to each other with a continuous weld;

    Work requires accuracy

  5. An outlet pipe is inserted into the barrel, after which they take a brush for metal and scrape off rust from the walls of the container. The cleaned barrel is treated with a primer, and a little later - with a paint that is resistant to high temperatures;
  6. The horizontal chimney is welded to a side outlet - the future ash pan. To facilitate its cleaning, a sealed flange is mounted;
  7. The fire tube is laid out from refractory bricks. At the same time, a channel with a height and width of 18 cm is formed inside the structure. In doing this, they constantly use the building level, which allows you to control the verticality of the product;

    The height of the pipe is determined in advance

  8. The flame tube is covered with a protective casing, and the resulting gaps are sealed with perlite. The lower area of ​​the vertical channel is sealed with wet clay, the function of which is to prevent the insulation material from spilling onto the floor;
  9. A fuel tank is formed from the boiler, on which the top and bottom have been cut. A handle must be welded to it;
  10. To improve the look, the structure is treated with adobe putty, consisting of sawdust and raw clay. The first component of the composition serves in the same way as crushed stone in concrete, that is, it prevents cracking of the furnace walls. It is recommended to apply adobe putty over the perlite backfill;
  11. They create the facade of the stove, for which the stove contour is laid out of stone, bricks, adobe and sand. The seamy side of the structure is filled with crushed stone, and the front side is filled with adobe mixture, which makes the surface perfectly flat;
  12. A casing made of a metal barrel is placed on the previously created base. The lower branch pipe of the container is directed towards the bed. The bottom of the structure is treated with raw clay, which will ensure its tightness;
  13. A channel from a corrugated pipe is brought to the combustion chamber. It will serve as a link between the firebox and the outside atmosphere;

    At this stage, the oven looks almost finished.

  14. Carry out a test kindling of the furnace, watching how the gases are removed from the horizontal chimney. After that, the pipes of the heat exchanger are connected to the lower branch pipe installed on a red brick platform;
  15. The stove is supplemented with a smoke exhaust pipe. The junction of the chimney and the heat generator is sealed with a refractory coating and an asbestos cord;
  16. Using clay and adobe, the couch is given the desired shape. Only the horizontal section of the structure is left unsealed, which will then be used during cooking.

    The oven functions as a whole system

Improvement of the design

A couch with a gas flue inside is not the only option for modernizing the rocket furnace. The design can be improved by a water jacket connected to a heating system in which water is circulated. It is desirable to give this part of the structure the appearance of a coil created from a copper pipe twisting on a chimney.

This design gives even more warmth.

Another way to improve the reactive furnace is associated with the organization of the flow of heated secondary air into the fire tube. This will increase the efficiency of the heat generator, but will lead to the deposition of a large amount of soot in the primary chimney. Therefore, it is best to make sure that the drum cover can be removed if necessary.

Subtleties of operation of an unconventional furnace

The rocket furnace is heated by analogy with the upper combustion heat generator. It turns out that the kindling of equipment called a rocket should be carried out according to certain rules:

  • the main raw material for the furnace of the unit should be laid only after a good heating of the structure, for which, first, sawdust or paper is placed in the blowing sector and set on fire;
  • they must react to muffling the hum emanating from the furnace - they put a large batch of fuel into the combustion chamber, which will ignite on its own from the red-hot remnants of sawdust;
  • the process is closely monitored, that is, after laying the firewood, the damper is fully opened, and after a while, when the equipment makes a hum, it is covered to obtain a sound similar to rustling;
  • as necessary, the shutter is covered more and more, otherwise the firebox will fill with an excess volume of air, which will disrupt pyrolysis inside the flame tube and lead to the creation of a strong hum.

Since the jet furnace was originally designed for use in the field, its design is extremely simple. This allows an ordinary home craftsman to cope with the manufacture of the unit. But, despite the apparent lightness, the rocket furnace is supposed to be assembled, taking into account the correct ratio of parameters. Otherwise, the equipment will turn out to be unproductive.