Plastering with a cement mixture with your own hands. We plaster the walls with cement mortar

Cement wall plaster sand mortar carries important functions. Among the advantages of a plastered surface are:

  • Resistance to moisture, quick drying without loss of original characteristics;
  • Breathable surface provides room temperature regulation;
  • The materials used are environmentally friendly and safe for humans, meet all the necessary standards.
  • Finishing is carried out outside the premises in order to decorate and increase the service life, and inside it;
  • Affordable prices for materials allow everyone to fulfill quality repair... Do-it-yourself cement-sand plaster of walls clearly demonstrates the benefits.

In spite of positive sides, negative aspects should also be taken into account:

  • On the surface that has undergone plastering, cracks can eventually be found, which will be a consequence of the shrinkage of the building or non-compliance with the rules when preparing the solution;
  • Repair work cannot be performed at subzero temperatures;
  • Do-it-yourself cement-sand plaster of walls on some surfaces requires preliminary preparation... This can be netting, notching, priming;
  • Building codes only allow certain layers of material to be applied on a case-by-case basis.

The stages of plastering the walls with a cement-sand mixture, as well as the other, are not so difficult to perform. The main thing is attention, diligence and adherence to instructions. The service life of the coating will depend on this, its appearance.

The plastering technology consists of 3 steps:

  1. The solution is sprayed. The main purpose is to ensure good adhesion to the underlying surface. Finished product has the consistency of thick sour cream;
  2. Smoothing over the surface of the primer, which should be applied after the top layer has completely dried;
  3. The third and final stage is the cover. It is carried out with a thick sour cream-like solution, which includes fine sand. The main purpose of the procedure is to provide a perfectly flat surface. For good adhesion, it is better to slightly wet the primer before application.

I would like to note that plastering concrete walls with cement-sand mortar or any other material requires drying of each of the layers before applying a new one. At this moment Special attention should be addressed to beginners and strictly follow the instructions for preparing the product.

The mechanized cement-sand plaster of walls has a special advantage.

This is a procedure for leveling internal, external surfaces, as well as decorative application... Existing devices not only distribute the composition, but can also be engaged in mixing it.

The main advantages of the method include the speed of finishing work, where in about 1 hour you can process 60 m2. Consequently, the repair of an average apartment layout will last a maximum of 2 days.

The manual plastering process requires constant mixing and working with small batches of mortar. In a machine situation, you can immediately knead the right amount material, which you will agree, will significantly affect the time spent.

I would also like to note that during mechanized plastering, less mortar is used than with the usual surface treatment. This can be explained by its significant increase due to mixing in a special container. Therefore, a gap of 2 kilograms is formed between these methods.

If the plaster is carried out in 3 stages, then there is a saving of 6 kg per m2.

You can feel a significant benefit if a large area is processed. Therefore, to purchase such a device for repair an ordinary apartment, it will not be appropriate. If desired, the unit can be simply rented.

The plastering procedure is carried out using beacons that will help keep the process under control.

The applied layer is adjusted depending on which surface is being processed and what effect is to be achieved. After the end of the work, puttying and finishing leveling takes place.

Plastering walls with cement-sand mortar belongs to the classics of repair work. The main components here are sand, cement and lime. The modern market offers a huge number of mixtures where additives regulate plasticity, the setting process, the quality of adhesion, and more.

Often these products are sold dry, and their original state can be easily changed by adding liquid, and further stirring until smooth.

The rather high cost can be attributed to the disadvantages, so many builders prefer simple components, from which you can independently prepare working material.

On construction market cement mixtures with the addition of gypsum are very common, differing both in application and in the recommended place of application.

What does the technology of plastering walls with a cement-sand mortar boil down to? The mixture for performing work is a dry mass, which includes fine sand and cement with additives. It is necessary to take into account that the finer the sand is, the thinner the solution layer will be.

So how does the plaster work? brick walls cement-sand mortar:

  • In order to prepare the mixture yourself, it will be enough to pour half a bucket of water, and then gradually add the dry mixture, without stopping the stirring;
  • To make the mass elastic, without lumps, you can use a drill and a kneading attachment. Take sand, sift it well and mix with cement. Then add water until the solution has acquired a consistency. It will turn out cement-sand mixture for plastering walls, proportions 3: 1;
  • It is highly undesirable to regulate the composition in favor of increasing the cement, since you may not have time to distribute the material well due to its drying out;
  • To apply the solution to the surface, you need to arm yourself with a trowel and spatulas. The surface will be rubbed with a special float, and the composition can be leveled with a rail or a rule;
  • The traditional application of an experienced plasterer is considered to be spraying, when the particles seem to stick to the wall. To fully master this technique, you need to practice well, otherwise the result may not be very high-quality;
  • The cement included in the composition contributes to the fact that the solution quickly sets, therefore it is necessary to work on small plots... If you apply the material to large territory, then it will be problematic to align it.
  • When leveling and troweling, use a trowel, throwing excess parts back into the container for reapplication. Let each layer sit for at least 8 hours, and only then proceed to the next work.
  • It will be possible to form beautiful corners using a special rail, holding it or attaching it with self-tapping screws. When setting up the fixture, use the level.
  • The formation of the corner occurs in 2 times of the stage on both sides, as each dries. It is not recommended to take a long break between approaches, since then it will be difficult to work with the solution.

Plastering walls with cement-sand mortar on lighthouses can seem like a rather complicated process, especially for a beginner. In fact, everything is not so scary, and the whole process comes down to a series of step-by-step actions:

  • First, you need to prepare a tool that will be needed during the plastering work, including beacons. You can purchase metal fixtures at a hardware store. They will be especially useful for a novice craftsman, as they will help in creating an exemplary flat surface. It is also worth getting a rule, the length of which will be at least two meters, and a putty one to fix the beacons. Alabaster is not suitable for this because it hardens too quickly;
  • We start with the extreme lighthouses. Measure 20 centimeters from the corner, draw a vertical line, and stick the mortar on it. The distance between the cakes should be about 40 centimeters;
  • Take a lighthouse and cut it to the required length, which can vary depending on how far you have from floor to ceiling. Now press it against the applied cakes, and press with the rule. Be sure to check the vertical level special device;
  • After securely fixing the two extreme beacons, it is worth pulling a rope between them to install the next beacons. They will be attached in the same way at a distance of 1 meter. Since it should be convenient to plaster the walls with a cement-sand mortar, you should not place the landmarks too far from each other or too densely;
  • Work on the resulting gaps will begin only after a good fixation of the fixtures. A rule or rail in this case will be necessary to level the mortar. Having made an emphasis on the beacons, and performing movements from side to side and up, it will be necessary to remove the resulting masses, which are suitable for reuse... The result is a flat surface, which will depend on how correctly and accurately you install the beacons;
  • And now comes the final stage for those who did not know how to plaster the walls with cement-sand mortar using lighthouses. After the material has set, remove the metal helpers. The holes formed can be easily removed by performing plastering work or using the same material as for plaster.

We really hope that after reading this article, you will know how to plaster walls with cement-sand mortar, what is necessary for this, what you should pay attention to. Finally, I would like to give a few recommendations:

  • Use quality materials and tools;
  • Keep your tools clean between work;
  • Wet tools and work surface water;
  • Control the room temperature, avoid sudden changes. If the degree is high, dampen the walls with a sprayer to avoid quick drying and cracking.

Plastering is a laborious process that requires attention, patience, and the desire to constantly improve their skills. Despite the complexity of the finishing work, everyone can master it.

How to plaster walls with a cement-sand mortar with your own hands: video

If you have ever done repairs, then you definitely faced such a problem as leveling and plastering walls. These procedures are almost never necessary. Modern building materials help to cope with any problem. I would like to pay special attention to such a mixture as cement-sand plaster. Gradually, she fades into the background, but after all, we begin to forget that she possesses big amount benefits.


There are a large number of cement slurries. They are all good in their own way and have their own versatility. Of all, cement-sand plaster is the most popular. This solution has the following advantages:

  1. The mixture is universal. Suitable for damp areas such as bathrooms. It is ideal for balconies and even building facades.
  2. It differs from all other solutions in its special strength and durability.
  3. Suitable for plastering walls without heating.

Technical features

Cement-sand plaster has the following characteristics:

  • grey colour;
  • you can wipe the plastered wall in a day;
  • cement is an astringent product;
  • mixture consumption for 1 square meter about 18 kg (layer thickness 10 cm);
  • the frost resistance of the cement-sand wall is 50 degrees Fahrenheit;
  • the surface will become durable after about 30 days;
  • operating temperature from -50 to +70 degrees.


Surely, when buying, everyone thought about what the dry mixture is prepared from. Consider the composition of the cement-sand plaster and find out what secrets it hides. So, everything is pretty simple:

  1. The main component of the solution is cement. It can be of any brand from M150 to M500. For those who do not know, the number in the name of the cement indicates how much pressure in kilograms the finished solution can withstand by 1 cm 3. Low digit cement is recommended for finishing indoor spaces, but with the option with a large indicator, you can plaster the facades.
  2. Sand serves as a filler. It can be river or career. The strength and reliability of the plaster depends on the quality of the sand. A standard cement-sand mixture is prepared in a 1: 3 ratio. This ratio can vary depending on the strength of the solution needed.
  3. The sand that is used in the preparation of the ready-mixed mixture must be coarse.

These were the main components, without which it is impossible to obtain a cement-sand mixture. Also, some manufacturers add additional components to the composition, for example, a copolymer or redispersible powders. Supplements allow you to increase some quality characteristics, namely:

  • strength;
  • elasticity;
  • flexibility;
  • load resistance;
  • adhesion;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to wear.

Such a seemingly simple composition makes the plaster universal and irreplaceable.


Cement-sand plaster is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The solution is subdivided into several varieties. Let's consider them:

  1. A simple mixture. It is intended for interior decoration where smooth walls are not needed. Working with such a solution takes place in two stages: spraying and soil. Not necessary Mainly used for filling cracks and holes. With the help of such a solution, you can carry out hygienic processing of the walls.
  2. Improved blend. This type can be used for plastering indoor walls, as well as building facades. Working with the solution takes place in three stages: spraying, soil, coating. At correct work it is possible to get a flat surface with the correct angle.
  3. High quality mix. Use a solution for finishing any interior and any facades. The work is carried out in several stages: spraying, several layers of soil and covering, which must be ironed with cement. Beacons must be installed on the walls. In total, you should end up with at least 5 layers of plaster.

Having dealt with all types of plaster, you can move on to the next question.


You need to buy a universal mortar with which you can work comfortably, choose a mixture such as cement-sand plaster. Consumption is important factor that worries many. Calculating the correct amount is easy. Let's consider a few nuances:

  1. Before preparing the solution, carefully read the instructions on the package. Follow exactly all the manufacturer's directions and you will get a quality solution.
  2. If you are preparing a cement-sand mixture yourself, then you must decide on the thickness of the finish. Here's a rough calculation: if you need to get a thickness of 1 cm, then for 1 sq. m you need about 8.5 kg of dry solution.
  3. If you need to prepare a sand-cement mixture for the facade, then the optimal ratio of all components is 2: 8: 1 (cement, sand, water).
  4. It is necessary to take into account one more indicator, namely the level of surface deviation. It is measured in at least three locations. All indicators must be summed up, and then the total is divided by the number of all terms.
  5. Experts recommend adding 10% to the total volume of the solution for all kinds of

Easily prepared sand-cement plaster. The proportions can either be found on the packaging, or you can calculate it yourself.

External finishing

I would also like to talk about facade works Oh. For them, you need to carefully choose a solution that must withstand temperature changes, as well as be frost and moisture resistant. Outdoor cement-sand plaster is used for finishing the following surfaces:

  • aerated concrete;
  • concrete and reinforced concrete;
  • brick;
  • cement plaster;
  • wood (here you first need to fix the iron mesh).

It can be applied in two ways: manual and mechanized. After plastering, the following coating is possible:

  • ceramic tile;
  • decorative plaster;
  • finishing putty.

When working with such a solution, consider the following technical characteristics:

  • you can work with the mixture at temperatures from 5 to 30 degrees;
  • it is not recommended to apply a layer thicker than 40 mm in one go;
  • remember that when working with the solution outdoors, its pot life is up to 6 hours.

A tip for beginners! If you need to plaster the facade in frost, then choose a mixture that is adapted to work at negative temperatures.

Cement-sand should be of the M300 - M500 grade. You will have a reliable and durable surface.

Preparing the walls

Modern construction uses various materials... This should be taken into account when preparing the wall for plastering. Since the materials are different, the preparation will be appropriate. Let's take a look at some of the features:

  1. Brick. Wall lathing is required. After that, it is necessary to treat the surface with a layer of glue and fix the metal mesh over the entire surface.
  2. Wood. Installation of shingles or battens. But you can save money. To do this, treat the surface with a primer and apply a metal mesh.
  3. Concrete. There is nothing complicated here either. It is enough to treat the surface with a primer. Apply a thin layer of glue and install a metal plastering grid.
  4. Experimental materials. Be sure to prime the surface. Pre-plaster with a cement-sand mortar. We install the metal mesh and carry out topcoat solution.

Now you know how to conduct correct preparation walls. It is important to familiarize yourself with the tools for work.


To make your work a joy, prepare the following tools for your convenience:

  • plastering bucket;
  • trowel, spatula;
  • ironer;
  • grater;
  • level;
  • Master OK;
  • locksmith's hammer;
  • spray;
  • level;
  • rule.

The application of cement-sand plaster is carried out using a bucket. You may not be able to do it the first time, but over time you can learn everything. You can throw in the finished solution using a trowel. For quick and high-quality mixing of the solution, use construction mixer... It will help create a smooth, lump-free mixture.

The final stage

When the cement-sand plaster of the walls is applied according to all the rules, you can proceed to the finishing work. They are in the grout. The procedure is carried out when the entire solution is dry. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • we dilute a liquid solution from a dry mixture;
  • we apply it to the wall;
  • rub with a polisher.

The surface will be flat and smooth.

  1. If you are preparing the plaster yourself, then use PVA glue as a plasticizer.
  2. To spray, add tile adhesive to the mortar. It will increase adhesion to the surface.
  3. If you buy a ready-made dry mix, then carefully study the date of manufacture and packaging.
  4. Before preparing the solution, carefully read the instructions that are on each package.


Based on the foregoing, we can safely say that cement-sand plaster is considered the most versatile among all other representatives of its class of materials. Use it boldly for grouting interior and exterior walls. Plaster is especially good for covering walls in cellars, garages and sheds. And the cost of it will delight you.

More than one high-quality wall repair is impossible without plastering. The treated surface acts as a solid base for all subsequent finishing. Plastering is carried out both indoors and outdoors, regardless of the characteristics and purpose of buildings. The article will focus on the types of cement plaster and the rules for working with it.

The plaster layer plays a sanitary and aesthetic role, it is necessary for leveling the surface and to protect the walls from damage, and also performs thermal insulation and sound-absorbing functions.

Manufacturers of modern building materials offer a huge selection plaster mixes, but the most popular are still mineral dry plasters, the main component of which is cement.

Cement is made on the basis of finely ground gypsum and clinker - a substance obtained in the process of firing a mixture of limestone and calcium silicate clay. Gypsum in the composition is necessary for faster setting ready solution.

Types of cement mortars for wall plastering

Cement plaster for walls has two main subtypes:

  • cement-sand mixture;
  • cement-lime mixture.

As the name suggests, they differ from each other in composition. In one case, it is not reinforced with anything and consists of classic ingredients, and in the other, lime acts as an additional component.

Cement-sand plaster: composition and features

  • The most popular type of cement plasters is considered to be the traditional cement-sand mixture, which is particularly durable and durable, in addition, it is not exposed to moisture, which means it can be used for finishing facades, bathrooms, loggias and balconies, that is, in any rooms with high humidity or without heating.

  • The main element (binding agent) of the plaster is cement of various grades (M150-M500). The numbers in the marking indicate what pressure in kilograms a solution of 1 cm3 can withstand. As a rule, plasters marked M150 or M200 are used for interior decoration premises, and products marked M300 and higher are used for facade work.
  • As a filler, river or quarry sand, on the quality of which the strength and reliability of the finished solution depends. Manufacturers offer compositions with different ratios of components, as a rule, the proportions of 1 part of cement and 3 or 4 parts of sand are maintained. But depending on the characteristics of the ingredients and the required strength of the product, the ratio may vary.
  • To apply the main plaster layer, grains of sand should be of medium size, if fine sand is used in the composition, then there is a high probability that cracks may form on the surface after drying. Fine sand can only be used for covering ( last layer) to achieve a "specular" effect. When using coarse sand, it is impossible to obtain a perfectly smooth texture and such a mixture is used only for rough finishing of facades.
  • In addition to the main components, various additives that increase plasticity can be included in the composition. Factory-made products contain substances such as copolymers and redispersible polymer powders (the name sometimes indicates that the plaster is polymer-cement). Additives allow you to achieve an increase in characteristics such as:
    1. strength;
    2. elasticity;
    3. flexibility;
    4. hydrophobicity;
    5. adhesion;
    6. abrasion resistance;
    7. frost resistance.

Varieties of cement-sand plaster

There are several types of mixtures that differ in composition and application.

  • Simple- assumes application in two approaches (spray and soil), does not require beacon guides and a covering layer. Such products are most often used in rooms where there is no need for perfectly flat and smooth surfaces, for example, when cladding walls and ceilings in basements, cellars, sheds or attics. Its main purpose is to seal holes, cracks, chips and any other defects, as well as hygienic (antibacterial) treatment.
  • Improved- involves applying in three or more approaches (spraying, primer, covering), the last applied layer is leveled with a special float or trowel. It is considered one of the most popular types of mixtures, it is used for plastering walls indoors and finishing facades of residential and public buildings... As a result of application, an even, smooth surface is formed, with correct angles.

  • High quality- the installation of beacons and the application of at least five layers is required (spraying, 2-3 layers of soil and a cover). It is recommended to cover the coating with cement in order to increase the waterproofing and strength properties. finished surface... The solution is used for interior and facade renovation work that require maximum quality.

Cement-lime plaster: composition and features

  • The main disadvantage of cement plaster in its large weight, to reduce this parameter slaked lime began to be added to the composition.
  • When preparing it yourself, it is recommended to withstand lump lime after quenching for at least 1-2 weeks, so that when plastering, swelling does not appear on the surface, which, firstly, spoil the appearance, and, secondly, violate the integrity of the structure.
  • High-quality cement-lime mortar differs high degree strength and vapor permeability.

Factory prepared products include:

  • Portland cement;
  • hydrated lime (slaked with water);
  • quartz sand (fine and medium fraction);
  • water-retaining additives;
  • polypropylene fiber.

Recommended for indoor plastering, but can also be used for finishing outer walls buildings. Applied by hand or mechanized way... Manufacturers produce such plaster not only in the form of a dry mixture, but also as a ready-to-use solution. The dry mixture should be diluted with water clearly according to the instructions, because with an excess of liquid, a decrease in strength performance cannot be avoided.

The main advantages of cement-lime plaster:

  • it is used on most known surfaces (brick, concrete, wood, foam block);
  • good adhesion to the surface during application;
  • it has an antibacterial composition (lime prevents mold, fungi and bacteria from developing);
  • increased plasticity for a long time;
  • long "viability" of the solution after dilution;
  • creates a unique microclimate and maintains a comfortable level of humidity in the room;
  • forms a durable layer resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress.


  • slight decrease in compressive and tensile strength;
  • the price is slightly higher than that of a cement-sand mixture.

Technical parameters of cement plasters

Regardless of the manufacturer and composition, almost all cement plasters have the following characteristics.

  • The color of dry powder and ready-made solution is gray.

  • Compressive strength, that is, the value at which the integrity of the plaster layer is violated: 6-12 MPa.
  • Used cement grade: M100 - M500.
  • Peel adhesion, that is, the ability to adhere to the surface: 0.3-0.4 MPa.
  • Possible thickness applied in one pass: 5 mm - 4 cm.
  • Consumption of dry matter when applied to a surface of 1 m2 with a layer of 1 cm: 12-19 kg.
  • Water consumption per 1 kg of dry powder: 150-400 ml.
  • Pot life of the mixed mortar (that is, the time during which it is necessary to use the prepared plaster): 30 min. - 6 hours (depending on the composition, with the addition of lime, the solution has longer time for use).
  • Frost resistance: up to 50 freeze / thaw cycles.
  • Application temperature (indoors and on the surface itself): not less than +5 and not more than +30 degrees.
  • Puttying or painting the plastered surface: after 14 days.
  • Gluing tile: after 3 days.
  • Shelf life: 1 year.

To extend the shelf life of plaster products, they should not be poured out of their original packaging. At the right conditions storage up to 2 years is possible. It is important to protect the dry powder from moisture, including high humidity. If the plaster was sold in a paper bag, then it should be hermetically wrapped in polyethylene. It is advisable to use the unpacked product within six months.

Main manufacturers of cement plaster and prices

Manufacturer / Brand Description Packing / Price
Volma / Aquaplast

It is made on a cement basis with the addition of a light filler, chemical and polymer additives that improve adhesion. Used for manual alignment with internal and external works... It is used for the subsequent application of putty, paint and varnish or for gluing tiles. Resistant to cracking, permissible thickness in one pass: 1-3 cm. 25 kg / 200-206 rubles.
Volma / Aquaslay Based on Portland cement, filler, mineral and polymer additives. Used for manual alignment for interior and exterior work. The proportions of liquid and dry matter are: 300 ml / 1 kg. With a large amount of liquid, peeling from the surface can occur. The pot life of the solution is 2 hours. For facade work, it is necessary to protect the finished layer from precipitation, frost and drying out for 72 hours. 25 kg / 250-255 rubles.
Volma / Base Based on Portland cement and modified mineral additives. Applicable manual way application for external and internal works ah, can be used for plastering the foundation and basement of buildings. In the future, it is allowed to glue porcelain stoneware and tiles, as well as apply decorative cladding... To prepare the solution, the ratio of water to mixture is 200 ml / 1 kg. Drying of the plaster with heat guns or heaters is allowed. 25 kg / 235-244 rubles.
Hercules / Cement-sand

It is used for leveling brick, stone and concrete surfaces. Possesses increased moisture resistance, good strength and adhesion. Dry matter consumption up to 15 kg / m2, maximum thickness of one layer up to 2 cm. When plastering cellular concrete, it is recommended to apply at least 8 mm in one pass. 25 kg / 140-150 rubles.
Hercules / Lime-cement Cement and lime based. Designed for indoor wall cladding. The thickness of the layer is from 8 mm and no more than 2 cm. If there is a need for a greater thickness, then the solution is applied in several steps, drying the previous layer for at least 24 hours. Dry mix consumption - 12 kg / m2, pot life: up to 6 hours. 12 kg / 110-115 rubles.

25 kg / 200-210 rubles.

Osnovit / Bigwell T-22 leveling

Composition: cement, fractional sand and adhesion increasing additives. Application thickness varies from 5 mm to 2 cm. Water consumption: 150 ml of liquid for 1 kg of dry matter. The pot life of the solution is 2 hours. 25 kg / 205-210 rubles.
Osnovit / Startwell T-21 Composition: cement, lime and fractional sand (fraction no more than 0.6 mm). It is used to level the surface, has a high vapor permeability, moisture resistance, heat and sound insulation. For 25 kg of dry matter, add 4 liters of liquid. 25 kg / 192-200 rubles.
Osnovit / Slimwell T-23 Cement and fine sand plaster. It is used to seal small cracks, can be applied to foundations and plinths, as well as on surfaces in rooms at any humidity. Minimum thickness layer from 2 mm. The ratio of water and mixture is: 160 ml of water per 1 kg of dry matter. 25 kg / 215-220 rubles.
Osnovit / Flywell T-24 Based on cement, fractional sand and lightweight filler. Can be used on almost all surfaces. It has good sound and heat insulation. It is economically consumed - 10 kg of dry matter per 1 m2. When mixed with water, the proportions are maintained: 1 kg / 300 ml. Pot life: 3 hours. 20 kg / 190-195 rubles.
Prospectors / Cement-sand

Based on cement grade M-500 and fractional sand. Has high plasticity and economical consumption (12 kg / m2). For 1 kg of dry matter, add 250 ml of water. The pot life of the solution is 1.5 hours. It is recommended to apply on beacons. 25 kg / 170-175 rubles.
Prospectors / Cement-sand universal Composition: cement, sand and special fillers. It has elasticity, vapor permeability and frost resistance. The maximum application thickness in one pass is 3 cm. For mixing, the proportions are observed: 30 kg / 9 l of water. 30 kg / 235-245 rubles.
Prospectors / MIXTER Contains cement, gypsum, sand and special additives. It is used for high-quality leveling of indoor surfaces. The maximum layer thickness is up to 6 cm. Dilute with water in the ratio: 1 kg / 400 ml of liquid. The viability of the solution is no more than 40 minutes. To get a perfectly smooth surface, it is recommended to walk over the plaster with a sponge float and smooth it with a spatula half an hour after processing. 30 kg / 312-320 rubles.
Eunice / Silin Facade

Composition: cement, fractional sand and chemical additives. It is used both for facade work and inside unheated rooms with high humidity. It is applied without a reinforcing mesh in a layer of up to 3 cm. It is frost-resistant, weather-resistant and has good water-repellent qualities. 25 kg / 270-275 rubles.
Eunice / Silin for interior work Based on cement, fractional sand and additional additives. It is used for interior work, in rooms with high humidity, it is allowed to apply without a reinforcing mesh. Has no shrinkage, frost resistance. For 1 kg of dry matter add 200 ml of water. Viability: - 2 hours. 25 kg / 230-235 rubles.
Ceresit / CR 61

It is used for leveling stone and brickwork, as well as during the restoration of buildings and monuments. For preparation of 25 kg of dry powder, 6.70 liters of water are used. 25 kg / 1100-1150 rubles.
Ceresit / CT 29 Based on cement, microfiber and special additives. Can be used as a putty. The thickness of one layer is no more than 2 cm. It has good vapor permeability and resistance to various atmospheric phenomena. To prepare a solution in 5 liters of water, add 25 kg of dry matter. Subsequent facing works carried out 72 hours after the application of the last layer. 25 kg / 400-410 rubles.
Ceresit / CT24 for aerated concrete Composition: cement and binders. It is used on the surface of aerated concrete, it is characterized by high plasticity, vapor permeability and resistance to weathering. The composition does not include harmful chemical elements therefore it is considered environmentally friendly safe product... To prepare the solution, 5-6 liters of liquid are used per 25 kg of dry powder. The applied plaster should be protected from sun, wind, rain and temperature extremes during the drying process. 25 kg / 330-335 rubles.
Knauf / Adhesive

It contains cement, lime and quartz aggregate and various chemical additives. It is used for surface pretreatment, as a spray. Creates a rough texture and regulates water absorption, serves as an alternative to the reinforcing mesh. 25 kg / 230-240 rubles.
Knauf / Sokelputz Consists of cement, sand (grain size 1.25 mm) and adhesion enhancing additives. Can be used as base plaster. The thickness of one layer is up to 1.5 cm, the consumption of the mixture at a thickness of 1 cm is 16 kg / m². To prepare for 25 kg of dry matter, add 5 liters of liquid. 25 kg / 200-210 rubles.
Knauf / Grunband Plaster based on cement, expanded polystyrene aggregate, sand and hydrophobic additives. Increases thermal insulation properties premises, does not form cracks, vapor permeable. To prepare a solution for 25 kg of dry matter, add 6-7 liters of liquid. It is allowed to make a layer with a thickness of 1 to 3 cm. 25 kg / 200-210 rubles.
Knauf / Unterputz Consists of cement, fractional sand and special additives. It is used in rooms with high humidity. Reduces moisture absorption on porous surfaces. It is possible to apply a thin layer without fear of cracking. The maximum thickness applied at a time: up to 2 cm. For preparation, add 4-5 liters of water per 25 kg of dry matter. 25 kg / 215-225 rubles.
Weber Vetonit / TT

A dry mixture of cement, limestone and sand. It is used in rooms with high humidity. Waterproof, frost-resistant plaster, with a high degree of plasticity, the thickness of the applied layer is 2-10 mm. Water consumption: 25 kg / 5-6 liters. 25 kg / 340-350 rubles.
Weber Vetonit / TTT An environmentally friendly mixture containing cement, perlite, sand and limestone dispersion aggregate. The main purpose is to plaster surfaces in rooms with high humidity. Resistant to low temperatures, increased water resistance, economical consumption of dry matter, low density and high plasticity. Mixing ratio: 5 l / 20 kg. The pot life of the solution is 3 hours. 20 kg / 325-335 rubles.

Self-preparation of cement plaster

  • Any cement plaster consists of an aggregate and a binder. Sand is used as a filler, and cement, as well as lime or clay, act as a binder. To obtain a ready-made plaster from dry matter, it is necessary to mix the powder with water. The saturation of the solution depends on the amount of liquid added. So he can be normal, oily or skinny.

Tip: oily plaster requires a large amount of binder in the composition, such a mixture, after drying, can form cracks on the surface. A thin solution, where the aggregate is present in a minimum amount, does not differ in great durability during operation. It is optimal to use aggregate and binder in approximately equal proportions.

  • The most popular homemade composition is considered to be one in which the ratio of cement to sand is 1: 3. The proportions may vary depending on the type of cement used. So for the M-400 brand, 1 part of it requires 8 parts of sand, and for the M-100 brand, only 1-2 parts of sand. To increase the plasticity of the finished plaster, add PVA glue, with the calculation of 50-100 ml per 10 liters of the finished solution.

  • For the preparation of cement-lime plaster, lime paste should be added to the composition. You can also prepare it at home. But it is important to observe safety measures, since a large amount of heat is generated when slaking lime, therefore, if possible, it is best to carry out the procedure outdoors.
    • A metal container is placed lump lime and filled with water (proportions of 1 kg of lime to 2 liters of water). After the prepared mixture has cooled, it is filtered through a sieve with fine meshes and kept in closed form 10-14 days, until the lumps are completely dissolved. When the lime dough is ready, dry ingredients are added to it and mixed thoroughly, and, if necessary, diluted with water.

  • You should not prepare too much plaster solution at a time, since when it hardens it cannot be diluted again, this will lead to a decrease in performance characteristics applied layer.

Diy cement plaster of walls

  • For high-quality application plaster should carefully prepare the surface. To do this, the walls to be treated are cleaned of dirt, dust, existing cladding (wallpaper, lime, paint, etc.), as well as oil or grease stains. The presence of bulk materials and anything that could reduce adhesion is not allowed.

Advice: for better adhesion to the surface, it is recommended to treat the walls with a special primer or "Betonkontakt" compound. If the walls have not been previously primed, then before starting plastering, they should be abundantly moistened with water, so that moisture from the applied plaster is not absorbed. In addition, it is imperative to clear the floor next to the wall of debris and, if possible, cover it with something that does not absorb moisture.

Having processed the surface properly, proceed to the application of the mixture. For plastering the walls with a cement-sand mortar, you will need the following set of tools and accessories:

  • plastering ladle;
  • rule (trapezoidal and H-shaped);
  • trowel;
  • putty knife;
  • trowel;
  • grater;
  • half-scraper;
  • plaster falcon.

Stages of work

  • The plastering process consists of the application of three layers of the mixture: spray, primer and cover. To apply the first layer (spraying), the prepared solution is collected in a ladle and pounced on the wall, and then leveled with a trowel or a rule. On concrete walls, spraying is done up to 4-5 mm thick, on a brick base up to 7 mm, on a wooden surface up to 1 cm.

  • It should be borne in mind that cement plaster adheres very poorly to concrete surfaces, therefore, it is recommended to add tile adhesive or other components that increase adhesion to the composition. Also, a reinforcing mesh can be attached to the spray.

  • Spray is applied with medium consistency plaster. It is not recommended to apply too large a layer at a time, as this will lead to cracking of the surface after drying, and therefore to a decrease in performance.
  • The second layer to be applied is the primer, which is considered the main layer. Kneading for it is made somewhat thicker than for spraying. The mixture is drawn onto a plastering falcon and transferred to the wall surface using a trowel.

  • After plastering the entire wall, it is necessary to leave the surface for curing (about half an hour), after which, using a long rule, remove all the bulges and smooth out the irregularities. The resulting pits are filled with the mixture again and smoothed again with the rule. Alignment should be done especially carefully. The thickness in one pass should not exceed 5 mm.
  • The last layer is a cover, which has a more liquid consistency and an application thickness of no more than 4 mm. A well-leveled layer of soil is slightly moistened and the last layer of plaster is applied, which, after setting, is trowelled with a float. If the cover is dry, then it is moistened with water and only then rubbed in a circular motion.

Application of plaster on lighthouses

Lighthouses are special profiles that are installed on the base at a certain distance and allow you to level the plaster layer perfectly evenly. Guides are made of wood or metal. The evenness of the applied plaster depends on the quality aligned beacons. The distance between the beacons is 1.5-2 m, which corresponds to the length of the H-shaped rule.

  • The process of plastering on beacons is as follows. Having fixed the beacons in one plane, they begin to apply the plaster solution. The distance between two adjacent guides is filled with the mixture and then, by setting the rule on the edges of the beacons, the wall is leveled.

  • The plaster, removed from the rule, is filled in the resulting pits, resulting in a perfectly flat surface.
  • If it is assumed that the lighthouses will remain in the wall, then metal profiles should be treated with a corrosive compound, and wooden ones - with antifungal agents, as well as compounds that prevent decay.
  • After the layer has set a little, cover and grind to perfect smoothness. The most important thing in plastering on beacons is to set the guides as evenly as possible in one plane.

Plastering walls with cement mortar video

Despite the fact that cement plasters were invented in the distant past, nothing more economical and practical has yet been invented. But do not forget that the process of their application has many subtleties and nuances that need to be carefully studied before using the solution in practice. And only by observing all the necessary requirements can a perfectly flat and high-quality plastered surface be achieved.

Plastering walls and ceilings is an essential part of the renovation. The surface is prepared and leveled, most often with a cement-sand mortar. It perfectly hides wall defects. Has a reasonable cost.

Technology of plastering walls with cement-sand mortar

Plastering is an integral part of the renovation.

Cement-sand mortar is the most common, in addition, it has thermal insulation and fire resistance.

So, how to properly prepare the solution and what is the application technique?

When plastering walls and ceilings is done

Plastering of walls and ceilings is done to level the surface and protect it. Any finishing material such as paint, wallpaper, parquet or laminate flooring requires a flat wall or ceiling. Otherwise, they will not look, and some will not be installed at all on a curved surface. Therefore, plastering walls and ceilings is an important stage in the renovation.

The feasibility of using a cement-sand mortar

It is advisable to use this mixture in rooms with a high level of humidity, especially under further finishing tiles or paint. Plaster of this composition is resistant to moisture.

If it is necessary to level out strong surface defects: deflections, blockages and to close up seams, then a cement-sand mortar is perfect. In addition, if you cook it yourself, you can save money.


You can prepare and apply the composition to the surface yourself, without having specific skills, following the recommendations and general rules.

Stages of work:

  1. Initially, prepare the surface: you need to knock down all the protrusions, clean it from the previous coating (paint, whitewash, etc.).
  2. Remove dust and before starting to apply the composition, moisten the surface with water using a spray. This is necessary for better grip.

For wooden surfaces, concrete monolith and facing brick, before plastering, you need to install a crate or mesh to improve adhesion.

How to prepare CPR for wall plastering

To prepare the solution you need:

  • first sift the sand, clean it from lumps;
  • then prepare the cement mortar, following the instructions on the packaging from the manufacturer;
  • all components are placed in a container and mixed with a mixer;
  • water is gradually added, as a result, a thick composition should be obtained, like sour cream.

The cement in the composition is sometimes replaced with slaked lime, which can be prepared at home:

  1. Lime must be poured with warm water.
  2. When the reaction ends, strain and leave for a day. After you can use it, the proportions are the same as with cement.

How to plaster correctly

A mesh or lathing is installed on the surface, if necessary. If this is not the case, markings are made on the wall and in places of large defects, beacon guides are installed using dowels or self-tapping screws, they fix the profile along the edges, and in the middle it is installed on the mortar.

The finished surface is sprayed with water and a layer of plaster is applied between the beacons using a spatula or trowel. Edges are processed last. Next, the rule is to align the layer. Its sharp edge is applied to the edges of the profile perpendicularly and is aligned in zigzag movements up and down. The bubbles are filled with gaps with plaster. The procedure is verified if the surplus is again delighted.

If several layers are required, then you need to wait for the previous one to dry, then apply the next one.

When the solution hardens on the surface, process the edges.

Plastering door and window openings better overlap!

When the mortar sets, but not completely, grout is done in order to achieve a perfectly flat surface. The solution is again diluted, but not so thick, and applied with a metal ironing iron, achieving the desired effect.

When can you putty

It is possible to putty the surface, after the plaster has completely dried, not earlier than in a day.

Plastering is one of important milestones under repair. Follow the recommendations to properly finish the surface.

Useful video

How to plaster walls with a cement-sand mortar, today we will get acquainted in detail. You will learn the options for its preparation and methods of application. Instructions for performing this work will also be offered.

You can also hire craftsmen, but then the price will be much higher. So it is much more profitable to look at the photo, get acquainted with the preparation technology, and while plastering the walls with a cement-sand mixture will not be a problem for you.

The indisputable advantages of plaster

Before choosing plaster solutions, you should rely on their technical characteristics.

The advantages of plastered surfaces are:

  1. Surface water resistance and ability to dry quickly after getting wet without deterioration in basic technical characteristics.
  2. The ability of the surface to "breathe" which optimizes temperature regime indoors, making it comfortable for living.
  3. Plastered surfaces are environmentally friendly and correspond sanitary standards and hygiene standards.
  4. Such a surface allows you to change the decorative style of the finish.
  5. Compliance fire safety , which allows you to plaster both facade surfaces (see Plastering the facade of a house, as a way to decorate it and extend its service life), and indoor surfaces.
  6. Quite affordable prices and expenses for the organization of plastering work. The difference in costs is especially felt if the plastering work is done by hand.

Along with the above advantages, such surfaces have significant disadvantages:

  • During operation, cracks may appear on the plastered surfaces. This may be due to the shrinkage of the building or a violation of the preparation or application of the solution.
  • When plastering external surfaces, work can only be carried out at positive temperatures.
  • For application to certain types of surfaces, additional surface preparation is required, namely: application of additional notches, installation of a netting mesh, application of a layer of primer (see Facade primer - its types and applications).
  • Since plastering works are carried out manually, they are unproductive and have a high price.
  • The ability to apply only a certain layer of plaster, which is associated with building codes.

Application options

The instruction in this matter is not complicated. You just need to be careful and prepare the solution correctly. The adhesion of surfaces, and therefore the durability of the coating, depends on this.

Wet method: application technology

The plastering technology involves three independent stages:

  • Splashing- this is the first stage, the task of which is to ensure normal adhesion of the plaster to the main surface. For this, solutions are used that have the density of sour cream. Thickness of the applied layer for wooden surfaces, should not exceed 9 mm, for all others - no more than 5 mm.
  • Second phase- application of a primer layer, which serves as the basis for finishing. It is carried out with a thicker solution and leveled until a flat surface is obtained. This layer is applied after the first layer has completely hardened.
  • Nakryvka- this is the final stage of the plaster layer. For this layer, a solution is prepared with fine-grained sand, which can be obtained after careful sifting of the sand. In consistency, it resembles not very thick sour cream. With the help of the third stage, an absolutely smooth and even surface is achieved. Before overcoating, the primer should be slightly moistened for better adhesion.