The best bath designs. Bath interior decoration: photos, stages of installation work and choice of materials

The most common style for decorating a bath is the rustic eco-style. However, the popularity of other stylistic solutions is gradually growing. If you want to experiment, then refer to new and unusual elements for a Russian bath. Great interior ideas can be found in the tradition of a Finnish sauna or Turkish hamam. The main thing at the initial stage will be determined with the style and design of the bath, so the overall picture will be holistic and harmonious. A well-thought-out interior is beauty, comfort and coziness for a relaxing holiday and spending time with family or friends. First of all, take a look at the decoration inside the bath photo.

The main element of a traditional Russian bath is a stove, in a modern embodiment - a fireplace. It gives the interior style and personality. Usually, a fireplace or open stove is installed in the dressing room, if there are no other additional outbuildings. The wall into which it will be built can be finished with artificial or natural stone, this will emphasize it favorably and become an additional decoration.

Lighting will be the finishing touch to the integrity of the bath design. It is very important to choose it correctly, it will determine how comfortable your stay will be. It is better to choose soft, dim lighting in the bathhouse, it gives a kind of soulfulness to the atmosphere. It is best to avoid bright light that hits your eyes. It is worth recalling that all electrical appliances and elements that conduct electricity must be well insulated from moisture.

Interior decoration inside the bath - photo of the rest room.

A rest room can be organized on the basis of a dressing room. This is a multifunctional space that also serves as a dressing room. You can fantasize about the design of the dressing room and play with the styles as you like. Unlike a steam room and a shower room, which have special requirements for decoration, a relaxation room can become the most daring embodiment of your ideas. Comfortable atmosphere and extraordinary design will delight your family and friends.

As a beautiful and functional finish inside the bath, photos show that it is better to use coniferous wood (for example, Scandinavian spruce), natural or artificial stone, brick or more budget clinker and plastic panels.

Designers offer such topical directions:

- East style;

- European classics;

- country style;

- modern eco-style.

To bring these ideas to life will help to decorate the inside of the bath with photos, paintings painted in a certain style, fabrics, furniture, mirror installations and numerous accessories.

If the dressing room will function as a guest room, it is necessary to equip the room, for example, with a soft sliding leather sofa. It will make the room stylish and at the same time save free space. An ergonomic storage system should also be taken care of - bathrobes, towels, flip-flops, hats and sleeping accessories can be folded into it.

A visit to the bathhouse with children can be a fascinating wellness procedure. So that children do not suffer from idleness in between visits to the steam room, organize a children's corner for them. Fill it with your favorite toys, prepare children's songs. And everyone will be happy!

Designer decoration inside the bath - steam room photo.

The interior design of the steam room must be developed taking into account the high humidity and temperature in this room. Safety measures dictate the choice of wood species such as aspen, larch, linden and other hardwoods. Connoisseurs of individuality and exoticism can choose the African Abasha tree for decorating the walls of the steam room. It looks personable and stylish.

Designers offer interior decoration of the photo bath in the style of minimalism. This room does not need rich decoration at all. The wood, with which all the walls are finished, is itself a bright and textured accent. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to the traditional set of things: sun loungers, shelves, water barrels, ladles and, of course, brooms. When building a log house, a small window can be foreseen in the steam room in advance. It will be both an active decorative element and, of course, functional - the steam room can be ventilated if necessary.

Finishing inside the bath - shower room photo.

You can be creative in decorating a shower room and show your individuality. Dilute traditional tiles with mosaics or stained glass inserts. Any equipment can also be installed: a shower cabin, a jacuzzi, a mini-pool, etc. A shower room in an oriental style looks very unusual and interesting. You can add elements of a traditional Turkish hamam, such as mosaics and fonts, or even small fountains.

Whatever interior style you choose for the interior decoration of the bath, the main thing is to enjoy your vacation!

During the construction and interior arrangement of the bath, the customer often pays more attention to the equipment capacity and the layout of the premises. But as practice shows, finishing a bath requires a detailed study of the design, the correct selection of finishing materials and, as a rule, is much more difficult than more fundamental points. To make the dressing room, steam room, washing room as comfortable and as cozy as possible, you should make the right choice from a wide variety of finishing materials and design options. The choice of facing stone, tiles or wood for decorating a bath is dictated not only by the aesthetic tastes of the customer, but also by the elementary requirements of efficiency and practicality.

Finishing inside the bath - photos of the premises.

The most popular option for finishing a bath is, of course, a lining made of various types of wood.

But you should not give this material the entire internal area of ​​the bathhouse. By combining various types of cladding, you can profitably transform the interior, make it interesting and quite practical. In addition, each of the rooms can be decorated in its own style, thus diversifying the overall picture.
The dressing room gives the greatest freedom for the flight of design ideas. This room can be decorated with both decorative stone and wood with equal relevance. One has only to take into account the fact that limited spaces can be visually expanded through the use of tiles or finishing stone in light colors. Ceramics allows you to give the dressing room a feeling of spaciousness and even with a sufficiently large number of items, such as tables and chairs, you can feel comfortable and free in the room. Themed decor elements will create a special mood.

The steam room, on the other hand, requires compliance with a number of mandatory rules when creating a high-quality interior. The classic decoration inside the bath, the photo of which can be seen most often, is a room decorated with wood facing materials. Wood is preferred primarily for its natural ability to regulate humidity inside the steam room. Easily absorbing and releasing moisture, wood of all species, without exception, is ideal for conditions of constant fluctuations in humidity and temperatures. And of course, the environmental friendliness of this material is a big advantage.

The washing room, unlike the dressing room and the steam room, has a slightly more practical purpose, so its interior should be designed with this feature in mind. The best option for this room would be to combine several finishing materials. If the walls of the washing room can be revetted by combining wood and decorative stone, then for the floor, taking into account effective waterproofing, it is worth using tiles. However, there is also some freedom of choice here. If the area of ​​the room is large enough, the floor design can be done with a combination of natural notes of wood, and in those places where it is really necessary, use tiles.

Original decoration inside the bath - photo.

To create a truly original bath design, you must use a variety of finishes. You can combine several types of wood, as well as several options for the texture of decorative stone. The interiors of the baths, decorated with the use of a lining imitating a log, look quite interesting. Such material naturally gives a characteristic Russian flavor to the setting, and in addition to more modern facing elements such as stone and tiles, it looks truly stylish and intriguing. The original decoration inside the bath, the photo of which is presented in this article, will help you make your own interior truly interesting.

The traditional Russian bath has a long history. While in enlightened Europe, the royal courts invented perfumes to mask the smell of unwashed bodies and were dying of lice, our man performed a washing ritual weekly. Whole families went to the bathhouse without fail on Saturdays. This day was not chosen by chance. On Sunday, it was necessary to attend church in its pure form, and on weekdays, a Russian person worked in the sweat of his brow from dawn to dawn and waited for the Day of Bath.

From the history

Initially, the wooden building was primitive and it was heated "in a black way". The stove did not have a chimney, so a thick layer of soot covered the walls from the inside. The interior of the bathhouse of those times left much to be desired, there was no question of any aesthetics, only functionality was important. It was not very convenient to take a steam bath in such a room, but there was no alternative at that time. Over time, the buildings became more and more monumental. Stoves began to be equipped with chimneys, and the ritual of ablution became more complex and overgrown with traditions. For example, in each bathhouse, according to legends, there lived a special "brownie": an eternally dirty lover of dirty tricks on those who did not butter him up with a present in time.

Despite the main purpose of the building - to cleanse the body, people associated it with dirt. Icons were never hung here and fortune-telling was carried out, which was considered an unclean thing. The bathhouse was placed on the outskirts, as far from home as possible: in vegetable gardens and "hollow places". Fire safety requirements? Not at all, like a dirty building, the bathhouse was not supposed to come into contact with the house. Utensils from it were never brought into living quarters.

Steam rooms became popular in ancient Rome, whose citizens carefully monitored their appearance. On the ruins of the once great empire, the remains of these complexes have been preserved, which speak of the high culture of their creators. In Rome, baths were used not only for washing, but also for conducting debates and lively conversations on political and philosophical topics. Now the baths have a modern look, and they work on their design no less than on the interior of the house. The building will become a real decoration of the suburban area. A country house is not complete without this addition, pleasant in every sense. The bathhouse is usually built behind the yard not far from the recreation area: a gazebo, a summer kitchen, a barbecue and a garden. Unfortunately, combining this building with other structures into a single complex is prohibited by the regulations that govern the minimum distance between buildings in private ownership. A typical bath is supposed to have three rooms:

  • Steam rooms;
  • Rest rooms or dressing rooms;
  • Washing room.

In various designs, the number of rooms can be reduced or supplemented. For example, if there is a direct access to a pond or pool, then there is no need for a shower (washing). In summer, you can plunge into the cool water, and in winter, organize an ice plunge pool. In some luxury options, there may be entire pool complexes inside. In this way, owners provide an alternative to hot bathing. On a site, a bathhouse can be not only a separate building, in some cases (a small site), in order to save space, the owners equip a sauna in their basement, in the attic or on the basement. Before proceeding with the construction, the project of the building is prepared in advance. Since it is classified as a fire hazard, it would be useful to consult with professionals. Sometimes complex two-story structures are erected with a miniature fence, a veranda, a porch, a toilet, a billiard room and a courtyard. For the construction of such complexes, it is better to contact a professional designer-architect. He will prepare an individual project. With their own hands, they are starting a construction site for simpler structures. So, let's try to sort out the types of baths on the shelves, the features of their construction and common mistakes that beginner decorators make.

Bath area

Its operational characteristics depend on the size of the bath. If the area of ​​the room is calculated incorrectly, then a too large steam room will have to be heated for a long time, and the heat will quickly evaporate. When calculating the size of the building, first of all, they are guided by the steam room. This is the most important room, the rest are just an addition. It should be taken into account:

  • The number of people who will visit the bathhouse at the same time.
  • Dimensions and features of the location of the oven (outside or inside).
  • Fuel type. The best option for uniform heating of the room is still considered to be a stove and firewood. However, some use gas and electric heaters, the performance of which should be comparable to the size of a bath.
  • The number of seats, shelves: follows from the first paragraph.

Also, the area depends on the size of the site. If the building is too dense, then the bathhouse will turn out to be small, since it should be located at a certain distance from other buildings. The most important nuance is the financial capabilities of the owners and the construction budget. After all, the larger the bath, the more the purchase of materials for it will drain the wallet.

The optimal size for an average family is 5x5 (25 sq.m.). In such a building there is a place for a medium-sized steam room, a fairly spacious dressing room and even a shower room for one person.

Bath capacity

The capacity of the bath is perhaps its main characteristic, which must be taken into account even at the design stage when preparing the drawing. Layout, location of window and door openings, communications - all this will be calculated later. The smallest barrel sauna can accommodate two or three people at the same time. Its dimensions on average vary from 2X2 to 3X3 and 3x4 meters. So that a family of four or an equally small company can have a rest in the bathhouse at the same time, a 4x4 meter building is enough. 16 sq.m. are referred to the optimal sizes, which represent the "golden mean": construction is not very expensive, and the premises do not resemble cramped storage rooms. For a large number of visitors, spacious bathhouses of 6x4 or 5x5 m are equipped. The buildings can have a square or rectangular shape. The steam room usually takes the farthest place, and in front of it there is a relaxation room, a dressing room and showers.

Types of baths

Almost every country has its own bathing traditions. For an unaccustomed person, many of them may seem exotic. Each type of bath creates its own unique microclimate. In some you can spend at least a whole day, while others recommend visiting not more often than once a week due to excessively aggressive conditions that can negate the entire health-improving effect. The main types include:

  • Russian bath (steam sauna). Usually these are wooden structures, either from a bar or decorated with a rounded board. Modern Russian baths, apart from their design and characteristic “decorations,” are not much like their ancestors. Traditionally, their hot "heart" is a heater, but recently more and more simple-to-use electric furnaces and gas heaters are being used. The air in the Russian bath is hot, but humid. The human body tolerates such an environment with greater difficulty than dry steam in a Finnish sauna. First, the stones are heated, with which the stove is lined, and then water is poured onto them, which evaporates instantly. Traditionally, in Russian bathhouses, the process of steaming is accompanied by “cooling” the body with birch brooms. For a greater effect, bundles of medicinal herbs are soaked in water: nettle, thyme, chamomile, celandine. In winter, the procedure is interrupted for "bathing" in snowdrifts or pouring ice water. It is recommended to heat a wood-burning stove with birch or alder chocks.
  • Finnish bathhouse (sauna with dry air). This type has gained popularity in the west. The average room temperature can reach 100 degrees, and the humidity level does not exceed 20-30%. Thus, vaping occurs due to dry air. You can spend a lot of time in a Finnish sauna, but brooms cannot be used, as you can get severe burns. By size, this type of baths are classified into mini-versions and "family" buildings. The first ones can even be installed in your apartment. Ready-made mini-baths are purchased in specialized stores.
  • Roman version. Their standard "set" includes two rooms: a tepidarium and a laconium. In one it is just warm, while in the other the temperature reaches 70-90 degrees, and you can sweat properly. Usually their visits are alternated.
  • Hamam (dry air). In this oriental type of bath, you can sit for at least a whole day. The air is hot and dry, but the temperature is not increased above 50 degrees.
  • Ofuro (water bath). Steaming in barrels of heated water is actively practiced in Japan. In fact, this is just a very hot bath of an unusual shape.

In addition to the above options, more exotic buildings are much less often installed: Egyptian sand baths (vertical and horizontal), Czech "beer", Japanese sento (the same ofuro, but for the whole family), Swedish bastu, Indian temaskali, English hot stones, Moroccan and Indian (oldest) steam rooms.

The type of bath is selected based on the permissible dimensions. A barrel bath will fit in a small corner of the site, and a Roman bathing complex will require a large square.

Interior styles

The style solution is a combination of external design (exterior) and interior decoration (interior). In contrast to the design of an apartment or house, a minimum of furniture is used in a simple bath. In the recreation room, chairs and sofas are replaced with spacious benches that are installed around the table. In the steam room, decor is used even less. The most common option is the rustic style. This interior solution recognizes only simplicity bordering on primitivism. Untreated surfaces and the most "wild" type of building - this is the hallmark of the rustic style. For decoration, carvings are used that adorn the exterior of the house. Baths, designed according to the principles of French Provence, have a more elegant look. The decoration and surfaces are imitation of antiquity. In such a room, the furniture is painted white, and the porch is decorated with a bench with a blanket and pillows in a cheerful flower. The antique style belongs to the "ancient" directions: it managed to preserve its characteristics, having passed the test of time. For interior decoration, tiles are used, and the room is decorated with fountains and decorative columns that support the domed vault. Old amphoras and figurines can be used as a highlight of the interior. Country style is characterized by a touch of recklessness. In the interior and exterior, brickwork or its imitation (prohibited in the steam room), metal elements and untreated wood are used. Austere loft breathes unobtrusive luxury. The dressing room and the rest room are decorated with chic: expensive carpets on the floor, pillows on benches, multi-level lighting, perhaps even a bar counter. The chalet style comes down to us from the alpine slopes: it is simple but elegant. The decor is dominated by rough wood and wide windows, which creates an almost homeliness.

Finishing materials

In Russian baths, steam had a special healing effect due to contact with the interior decoration made of logs. Wood has "breathing" pores, which exude a unique aroma in high humidity. For this reason, baths are not built from conifers, as they emit resin. For interior decoration, it is not recommended to use artificial materials that, when heated, can emit toxins: PVC panels and tiles, artificial stone, brick, MDF, and chipboard. The latter seem harmless, since woodworking waste is used for their base, but the adhesive that holds the sawdust together can release harmful substances when heated. Cladding of the outer walls is done with clapboard. The inner ones are finished with boards made of thermolipa (special material for baths) or a block house. The floor is laid with plank or tiled, and the ceiling is faced with clapboard. In order for the required temperature regime to remain in the building for a long time, it is necessary to insulate it with high quality. For these purposes, three layers of different materials are used:

  • Vapor barrier. Foil insulation is used.
  • Mineral wool. Lightweight and non-combustible material.
  • Waterproofing film.

The resulting layered insulation "cake" is covered with finishing materials that perform a decorative function.


When organizing lighting in a bath, it is necessary to take into account two main features of the building's microclimate:

  • High humidity;
  • Elevated temperatures.

Moisture is considered a more dangerous "enemy" of the wiring, as it can provoke a short circuit in the network, which often causes a fire. Bulbs, switches, wiring and distribution boards are selected from specific options. In baths, the entire lighting system must be qualitatively protected from the aggressive effects of the internal environment of the building. In the washing and dressing room, you can use ordinary bulbs, and for the steam room you will have to purchase special sealed ones that will reliably protect the "insides" of the device. The plafond and the case of the parting must be waterproof. The lighting in the steam room should not be too bright, as this will not contribute to relaxation.

Steam room

Steam room - the central room of the bath. The main health-improving process takes place in it, and interior design usually begins with it. The atmosphere in the steam room is modest. The main piece of furniture is benches. In primitive versions, they are placed around the perimeter of the steam room. In more complex interiors, multi-tiered compositions are performed, which allow the whole family to freely settle down. The central position in the steam room is occupied by a stove, which is decorated to match the overall finish.

The dressing room can be called a "waiting room". A couple of benches, a wardrobe or a separately fenced-off locker room are installed here. Its main task is to prevent cold air from entering the steam room. It serves as a kind of intermediate zone between the street and the main room. In the dressing room, people, as a rule, rest in anticipation of heating the room or their turn to visit. In more modest options with a lack of space, it is combined with a recreation room.

The bath room is not just a room for relaxation, but also a space that can really cleanse, renew, restore body and soul. Therefore, the competent decoration of the interior of the bathhouse and the rest room, the choice of practical finishes, and the optimal layout play an important role. Only the conscientious implementation of each of these points can guarantee the creation of a cozy and comfortable corner for real relaxation and healing water procedures.

Key Features

Decorating and decorating each individual room in the house takes a lot of time and effort, but arranging a bath is an even more scrupulous and difficult task, which should be approached with maximum responsibility. To do this, you need to think carefully about the general style of the interior, select high-quality building materials and determine the possibility of zoning the space (if necessary). There are also a number of simple tips to help you create a functional and aesthetic bathroom:

1. It is necessary to draw up a plan of the approximate consumption of materials for each bath zone: steam room, dressing room, rest room. This can save you a lot of time and be confident in the end result.

2. Finishing materials should not only be pleasant in appearance, but also fully comply with safety regulations. This is due to the extreme temperature differences in the room.

3. It is worth giving up parts with angular and sharp surfaces.

4. The floor surface must not be slippery. This is a very important point, the observance of which will save you from injury.

5. Light shades of the walls will visually make the space a little wider.

6. An excellent decor can be quite practical and necessary things: hats, brooms, utensils.

7. It is unacceptable to use metal or plastic. Under the influence of high temperatures, they begin to poison the air with poisonous vapor.

8. Bulky furniture can disturb the general atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Better to take a closer look at simple, no-frills models.

9. Availability of high-quality wood will increase the healthfulness of procedures in the bath complex. The best options are aspen, birch and linden.

Restroom arrangement

The design of the bath should also include the detailed arrangement of one of its most important corners - the rest room. It is this space that is responsible for the desired effect of home coziness and comfort.

The main mistake when creating an interior is that the style directions of two zones of the same room can be very different. It is not right! One room should complement the other, and not be its complete contrast. Therefore, you need to remember the harmonious combination of every detail in the overall design.

Another important point is the choice of windows for the rest room. They must be small, because the abundance of direct sunlight and drafts will cause many unnecessary problems. Durable roller blinds or blinds made of natural ingredients will help to give the space a special coziness.

Lighting should be chosen soft, dim, giving preference to spotlights instead of bright lamps. Furniture needs to be modeled taking into account the overall style and scale of the room. For practicality and comfort, a few wooden cabinets will suffice, where you can store aromatic oils, massage brushes and other accessories. If there is not much space, then wall shelves will be an excellent alternative to high shelving.

Fans of chic and luxury should take into account that leather goods and animal skins are not the best option for decorating the interior of a bath, because high humidity will ruin these things very soon. With a fairly free layout and a wide area of ​​the room, you can install a billiard or football table. Some prefer to install a TV, others prefer to create an elegant library, and some prefer a minibar. The choice should be based on personal leisure preferences.

Interior styles

The issue of design decisions requires special consideration. We decided to tell you about the most stylish options for decorating a bath, which will not leave you indifferent.

Bathhouse in the old Russian style

The traditional version, which in its appearance resembles the design of a cozy hut. Natural logs, rough benches, wooden utensils, an antique (or decoratively aged) stove, lack of flashy accessories and bright contrasts. Light shades prevail. Finishing most often does not require cladding with additional materials. An interesting decor option in such an interior can be handmade furniture with carvings.

Country style bath

This is one of the most ideal combinations. Rustic country motifs can fill any bathhouse with calmness and simplicity. The best finish would be a light wood with a smooth relief. The main features of this design are ceramic tiles, colorful utensils, walls with exposed beams, linen textiles and pottery on the shelves of the seating area. This type of design can definitely be called cozy.

Bathhouse in ethnic style

The appearance may slightly resemble the direction of the country, but there are special distinctive features. This is an ecological finish, a combination of old and new materials and, at the same time, incongruous contrasts. The ethnic-style bathhouse will truly delight connoisseurs of bright aesthetics, a mystical atmosphere and seekers of creative inspiration.

Bath in the Scandinavian style

Nordic motives will not tolerate an abundance of accessories and dark tones. The minimum amount of furniture, decor details and maximum freedom of space are the main concepts of the Scandinavian style. A bathroom designed in this direction will be spacious and functional.

Sauna in the Art Nouveau style

This is exactly the rare case when bright multifunctional lighting in a bath will be very appropriate. Modern loves small accessories, colored mosaics and a special mirror film on the windows (it becomes a protective barrier from prying eyes). Such a modern approach to design will leave no one indifferent.

Bath and sauna interior design - photo

Our selection of photographs of baths in a variety of styles will take you to this atmospheric place and inspire you to create a beautiful interior. Happy viewing!

The presence of a bath or a sauna in a private house is no longer surprising. But thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to install a sauna cabin even within a city apartment. Saunas have an important and often decisive advantage over the Russian bath - they are versatile, it is easier to build them from scratch or install in a ready-made room. It all depends on the amount of space available, the choice of sauna capacity and the financial capabilities of the homeowner.

If you have decided on the area for a home sauna, you need to decide how many people the steam room should accommodate at the same time. For one or two people, you can get by with a sauna booth; for a family vacation, you need a large area; for receiving guests, it is absolutely necessary to take care of a relaxation room, in addition to the steam room in the sauna itself.

Sauna cabins for one or two people

Currently, you can purchase both a ready-made sauna booth and assemble it from separate panels, it all depends on how individual appearance, functionality and design you would like to receive.

A small sauna booth can be installed directly in the bathroom, the only condition for installing the finished structure is a few centimeters of stock between the ceiling of the room and the upper part of the booth. The height of such booths usually does not exceed 2 m, which is caused by the requirements for the normal operation of ventilation.

Even in a small corner of the bathroom, you can place a booth, which looks more like a steam room for one person. The advantage of ready-made structures is that they already assume the correct placement of the oven and ventilation.

Ready-made sauna booths are available in various sizes, made from different types of wood, but mainly from aspen, linden and some conifers.

Doors to mini saunas are usually all glass or have a wooden frame with large transparent glass. This choice is due to the psychological component, which must be taken into account in small confined spaces.

If there is a window in one of the walls, even a small one, this opportunity must be used. This will allow not only to defuse the psychological tension of a small space, but also to provide it with additional lighting.

An individual order of a cubicle presupposes, first of all, a unique design, which can become both a harmonious addition to an already finished bathroom project, and also act as a "highlight of the program", riveting all eyes.

You can even install a sauna booth in the attic or within the attic space. These are premises that are often empty or used as a storage room for things that are rarely used. Establishing a useful and practical relaxation area with a sauna is the rational embodiment of the dreams of many homeowners of private houses with an attic.

Sauna design with pool

If the area of ​​a private household allows, then arranging a pool within the framework of a home sauna takes the project to a completely different level. Plunging into the cool waters of the pool after a hot steam room is not only a pleasure, but also an excellent hardening for the whole body.

As a rule, the interior of the steam room and the room for the pool is connected only by the floor covering. Most often, all surfaces of the steam room are faced with natural wood, which is not treated with varnish or any other substances. For a pool room, there is nothing better than using tiles, mosaics, or stone to decorate the surfaces.

The type of wood that will be used for finishing the steam room can be selected based on the color palette chosen for the rest of the surfaces of the pool and relaxation room.

This semicircular swimming pool steam room adjoins a modern wine cellar. Autonomous heating and cooling systems make it possible to place such utilitarian structures with different characteristics and functionality within the same room.

Natural stone in sauna design

The design of one of the walls, not only of the sauna room, but also of the steam room itself, allows you to add variety to the total wood decoration, without compromising practicality. Natural stone is able to withstand high temperatures, it is moisture resistant and durable. But, of course, natural material increases the cost of a sauna project and makes it more time-consuming and labor-intensive.

The harmonious combination of stone and wood helps the design of the sauna to acquire personality and charm.

Dark stone tiles provide an excellent contrast to the warm, reddish tones of wood.

The use of several types of stone coverings of different textures and shades within one room creates a stunning effect. In such a company, even marble-styled porcelain stoneware will look chic and natural.

The raw stone effect brings a natural element to the sauna room. A bit of rusticity has benefited this contemporary space with an expressive ambiance.

Using pebbles instead of stone or ceramic tiles for flooring is an interesting design move that makes the room unique and original. Not to mention the benefits of foot massage while walking on textured floor.

Just one stone wall transforms the entire sauna environment, providing contrast and variety.

The use of lighting systems in sauna design

Recently, in the design projects of saunas, it is increasingly common to use not just built-in lamps or lamps, but a whole ensemble of lights of various shapes and shades.

Despite the glass doors and the presence of lighting in the sauna room, the steam room is a rather dark place and additional lighting will not interfere with it.

Wooden platforms, sun loungers and seating are often illuminated.

With the help of LEDs, you can illuminate not only places for bath attendants, but also entire surfaces and individual structural elements.

The backlight can be of any color, everything is limited only by the preferences of the homeowners and their personal choice.

And finally - some interesting images of saunas located in rooms with an original design.

These luxurious steam room saunas look attractive without losing their practicality and fulfill all the required functionality.

A bathhouse for a Russian person is more than a room for taking hygienic procedures. This is a kind of philosophy. Every trip to the bathhouse is a holiday. Here you can meet friends, spend time with the benefit of physical and psychological well-being. The bath cures all diseases - this is what our ancestors believed. And now they go to the bathhouse for cleansing the body, bringing pressure back to normal, for relaxation and relaxation. Therefore, the bath room should not only be functional, but also beautifully designed.

Beautiful steam room Source

Choosing a bath design

The bathhouse today is not a modest dressing room and steam room, but quite a spacious room with a relaxation room, a steam room and a shower. If there is room for a font, great. Some do not stop there and build two-story baths with a bedroom on the second floor - the room can be used as a guest house.

Steam room decorated in a minimalist design Source

When choosing a bath design, preference should be given to a single style - this way the premises will look organic and holistic. In addition to an attractive appearance, the interior of the bath must be safe and comfortable. Traditionally, the premises of the bathhouse are sheathed from the inside with natural wood - clapboard. At the same time, those rocks are chosen that, when heated, do not emit tar and do not overheat. The surface of the finishing material on the floor and the wall should not be slippery.

Mirror in the steam room Source

The functionality of the premises depends on well-organized storage of bath paraphernalia and hygiene products, which also create a special atmosphere in the interior of the bath. Brooms, hats, slippers, soap, aromatherapy oils and other things should be at hand, and at the same time not create chaos.

Bath accessories Source

Proper lighting is essential. In the steam room, choose a dim, dim light - this allows you to create a relaxing atmosphere. You can use recessed spotlights on a false ceiling or LED lighting. The light spectrum should be soft yellow. It should be noted that special requirements are imposed on the lamps in the bath - the shades must be made of heat-resistant and moisture-resistant material. In the recreation room, sconces can be placed on the walls.

Firebox-gabion Source

Styles and photos of the best solutions

The design of the bath should not be bright and pretentious, the emphasis is on a calm and even peaceful atmosphere. First of all, to create comfort, the psychological aspect is taken into account: the room of the steam room, and the baths in general, does not differ in a large area, therefore it can have an emotionally overwhelming effect. To prevent this from happening, the design of the premises should be as simple and neutral as possible.

Steam room with natural light Source

A little brightness can be added to the interior of a modern bath with the help of well-organized lighting and functional decor:

  • Hours.
  • Thermometer on the wall.
  • Pictures.
  • Mirrors.
  • Venikov.
  • Buckets and ladles.
  • Textiles.

The design of the sauna and bathhouse differs from the design of living quarters. It doesn't matter what style of design is chosen, the main thing is to ensure functionality and safety. Excessive decor and furnishings are useless here.

Lounge with guests Source

Here are some design options:

  • The traditional Russian style involves the use of natural wood finishes. The steam room is equipped with a stove, and in the dressing room they use carved decor and colorful rugs on the floor. In the rest room, the table will be decorated with a tablecloth and a samovar, wicker baskets and boxes. The furniture is the simplest - a table and benches with embroidered rugs. It is important that the color of the wood furniture, walls and floor does not match.

Bath design in Russian style Source

Beautiful rest room Source

  • The chalet style is more discreet. If the country and Russian style allow carved decor, then here the emphasis is on the female or male energy of the interior. In the first case, edged weapons on the walls, guns, a trophy, forged decor are used as a decor for the rest room, as if hinting that this bath belongs to a hunter. If the hostess is a woman, then the interior is decorated with paintings depicting landscapes, a ceramic tea set, embroidered tablecloths and napkins, wreaths of fragrant herbs and bunches of dried flowers.
  • The modern style sauna looks simple and elegant. The wood for its finishing should have a smooth surface without an accent on the natural pattern. The equipment is modern. A multifunctional booth can be installed in the shower room. The decorative emphasis is on lighting and lighting. Minimum decor and maximum functionality is the motto of a modern design style.

Antique Russian bath decoration Source

We offer a photo gallery of original solutions for a bath.

Modern steam room Source

High-tech style steam room Source

Wall Cladding Stone Source

Shelf lighting Source

Modern sauna solution Source

Special lamps for the bath Source

Marble Wall Source

Bright, warm lighting in yellow tones Source

Wooden panels Source

How to arrange a dressing room

The dressing room in the bathhouse is the same as the hallway in the house. The room should be conducive to a pleasant pastime from the doorway and charge you with a positive mood. It is often combined with a recreation room. As in other areas of the bath, high humidity is present here, so the room should be warm and comfortable. It depends on the correctly chosen finishing material.

The transition between the dressing room and the guest room Source

The wood must heat up quickly and release heat slowly. When lining the walls with clapboard (and conifers can also be used in the dressing room), you can inhale an amazing and incomparable woody aroma. It not only disinfects indoor air, but also has a beneficial effect on human health.

Male type of decoration of the guest room in the bath Source

Wood paneling will be appropriate not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling. With the help of the lining, you can arrange a suspended or false ceiling. The advantage of the material is the ability to install a built-in backlight.

If you want to finish in the Russian style, you can use decorative panels that imitate a rounded log. The block house creates an original relief on the surface of the wall and the feeling of a real wooden frame.

Restroom decoration Source

To decorate the walls in the dressing room, you can use other types of wood sheathing - imitation of timber or planken. With their help, you can create a more modern look of the room. And in order for the finish to last as long as possible, it is covered with special protective compounds - oil, wax.

Female type of bath design Source

The floor in the dressing room, as in the rest of the sauna rooms, should not slip. A rug will be appropriate in the wardrobe area (hangers). Equip the changing area with a spacious hanger, bench and mirror.

Materials in the interior of the bath

A variant of the beautiful design of the steam room Source

In addition to natural wood, you can use in the decoration of the bath:

  • Ceramic tiles.
  • A natural stone.
  • Glass.
  • Brick.

In the steam room, part of the wall can be laid out with salt blocks - this is not only beautiful, but also very useful. When heated, minerals release a huge amount of nutrients.

Black with beige in the bath Source

The most popular for wall and ceiling cladding is lining. Suitable material class "Extra" and "Premium" - such lamellas are distinguished by clear geometric parameters, correct drying, absence of defects and a smooth surface.

Woodpiles as a decorative attribute Source

Note! The wood that is used in the steam room does not undergo additional processing, otherwise it will lose its healing properties and natural aroma.

Ceramic tiles are also used in the bath. This material looks cold, so it is best suited for decorating a small shower space. You can choose warm shades or wood imitation. You can make the room elegant with the help of mosaics in the shower and pool area. To make the floor near the pool non-slip, it can be made of natural decking - boards with a special anti-slip effect on the front surface.

Interior in beige tones with lighting Source

Woodpiles embedded in the wall Source

The furniture in the steam room is a separate topic of conversation. It should be made of high quality material - the tree should easily withstand repeated wetting and drying without losing shape stability. The seat of the shelves should not overheat - their surface should always be comfortable for the skin. Abash wood has proven itself excellently for these purposes.

Lighting under the shelves Source

Modern design of the relaxation room in the bath


Therefore, when choosing a bath design, you should not focus only on the beauty of the premises. It is important to consider the safety of the material, the quality of lighting and the functionality of each room in the bath.